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3 - The Shadow in Man We might recall an earlier quote from

Chapter 92 of the Book of Coming Forth to Day
Were God to punish people for their deeds which is entitled “Chapter of Opening the Tomb
immediately, not one creature would have for the Soul and the Shadow”. Following the
survived on earth. However, He has given them a earlier quoted piece which spoke of liberation
respite for an appointed time and when their term from “the place of bondage”, there is a mention
comes to an end, let it be known that God watches to the shadow being taken along:
over His servants.
(Quran 35:45) My soul seeth the great God,
Within the boat of Ra on the day of
2.3.1 – The Path of Mercy souls.
My soul is in the front,
Carl Gustav Jung, the most brilliant of 20th Among those who tell the years.
century psychoanalysts, used the term “shadow”
to describe the archetypal image of evil in our Come; the eye of Horus:
unconscious psyche. It is very likely that he chose Which establishes glories upon the brow
the Egyptian science of the shadow in order to of Ra
name this aspect of ourselves, for the khaibit or And rays of light upon the faces
“shadow” in Ancient Egyptian psychology was one Of those who are with the limbs of
of those 9 elements which composed our Osiris,
composite or incarnate being.1 It has delivered my soul.
In mentioning this psychological
“shadow”, Jung says: O shut not in my soul!
Fetter not my shadow!
“One who goes towards oneself May it behold the great God within the
runs the risk of finding oneself. The shrine,
mirror does not take sides; it shows a On the day of the judgment of souls,
faithful image of what is observed, it May it repeat the words of Osiris.3
makes visible that face we never show to
the world, because we hide it with the The brow of Ra symbolizes enlightenment
persona, the mask of the actor. But the or the opening of the Ajna Chakra in Hindu Tantra
mirror is behind the mask and reveals which is at the forehead between one’s brows.
the real face. That is the first stage of Horus, or the spiritual identity of Man has
courage in the inner path; a test that is regained its vision and thus the illusion of a fear of
enough to scare anyone, because the material death is overcome. It is judgment in the
encounter of oneself is one of the most Cosmic Law or Ma’at which now becomes the
unpleasant experiences and man avoids concern.
it as long as he can project all that is Most noticeable in this text is the petition
negative on the surrounding world. that the shade or shadow be allowed to “see the
If one is in the position of seeing Great God”, which is Ra, the archetypal or
one’s shadow and endure the knowledge primordial Light. To bring the shadow into the
of having it, only one small part of the light means to make it conscious, to make it
work: at least the personal unconscious assimilated by the light of consciousness. There is
has been transcended.”2 a petition that the shadow “repeat the words of
Osiris”, meaning by this that there is a wish that
the shadow does not accuse one before Osiris and
1 thus become an enemy of the soul in the
The idea of the shadow as a part of being is
also found in Shamanic traditions, as with the Koryaks
Judgment by Cosmic Law (Ma’at).
of Kamachatka Krai, Russia. It is usually part of the The shadow within is the natural aspect of
descent into Hell motif of archaic myth. Man which creates the animal impulse of craving
Carl Jung - Archetypes and Collective
Unconscious p.26. Chapter XCII, Egyptian Book of the Dead after
Wallis Budge.
for sensorial gratification. It is the psychological teaches: Atman (Self). There is a “Great Mystery”
“instinct”, and it is a “serpent in the Earth” in the or Wakan Tanka as the Lakota Oglala Indians say.
archaic mentality: a lower energy which attracts Before God, however, are the “gods” and
to the Earth.4 This aspect is not annihilated, but it “spirits”: a bundle of woven archetypes which
is at times “cursed” or “damned”: spells are make up the universe of mental and psychic
written for the protection against these titanic reality. From the Supreme God shines a Light, and
powers, but the true teaching is to assimilate or in this Inner Light the psyche creates shadows and
control it. The control or power over the forms: thoughts, imaginations, feelings,
“darkness” of oneself is considered an element at memories, dreams, nightmares, etc. The psychic
play in the achievement of Moderation or life of Man, as complex as it may appear, is
Temperance as a virtue. ultimately ruled by archetypes and is entirely
The idea that our shadow or dark nature empowered by a “tension” between two polar
is able to accuse the soul in the cosmic judgment opposites or reciprocals. These reciprocals, which
is referring to a reality of the Cosmic Law. The must be brought into a harmony or cosmic order
path of enlightenment does not include a (Ma’at) is symbolized by the powers of Horus and
rejection or repression of the shadow, and yet it Seth in Pharaonic tradition.
does not avow its tyrannical grasp over the soul In the psychic universe of Man the divine
and spiritual nature either. The initiate is pointed and celestial powers many times clash with the
towards the idea of a dynamic balance between terrestrial and titanic ones. Spiritual success is
two opposing forces of the universe, because it is never an annihilation of the titanic powers but a
this Equanimity (Samadhi as the Hindu philosophy reconciliation of these dark forces with the
teaches) that brings forth the actual equilibrium celestial powers above. However, it is not a static
and reconciliation with Cosmic Law. Its equilibrium that would mean the extermination of
psychological effect is peace of heart and mind: both Horus and Seth: the human experience of a
satisfaction or Hotep in the Egyptian doctrine. dynamic and living equilibrium demands at once
The world exists in a basic bi-polar an awareness of difference and sameness: a
structure, by an integration of at least two coordination or cooperation of both hemispheres.
elements, so peace cannot be obtained by The key to the psychological effort of
battling on one side or the other with the intent reconciliation is very well explained by the
or bringing an annihilation of an opposite or Christian idea of repentance and redemption: a
reciprocal. Reciprocals find reconciliation by what notion which is also very clearly explained in the
they have in common, and what they have in Holy Quran. The will to repent from sins is the first
common is a Unity which is the same in all. The symptom of a psyche evolving from the
idea of “God” is essential in this religious unconscious slumber of gross sensorial
experience of consciousness. awareness. The heart of Man is directed to accept
The sentiment of war and strife leading to an adequate submission to a Higher “Will of God”
suffering comes from the intolerance of that is nothing other than the Cosmic Order or
difference which is “discrimination” understood Law of Truth itself. It is a submission to a Supreme
as a social phenomenon. Tolerance with Goodness that orders and brings beauty to
difference is the basic requirement for a peaceful existence in every way, but this beauty and order
society, but on a more philosophical level of is brought about from a chaotic and non-
thought it is the basis of individual existence or harmonic state.
personal and differentiated consciousness. In no other literature have we found a
Enlightenment is only possible when there more sincere and human description of this truth
is reconciliation between polar opposites, and about the struggle with our human nature than in
understanding the functions of these polarities is the Epistle to the Romans of St. Paul:
crucial to their reunion. However, as Jung says, it
takes courage to face oneself and know oneself For we know that the law is
because Man is a universe, and in the center of spiritual, but I am of the flesh, sold
oneself there is “God”, or as the Upanishad under sin. For I do not understand my
own actions. For I do not do what I want,
but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do
We will again speak of this lower aspect in what I do not want, I agree with the law,
section 2.4.2.
that it is good. So now it is no longer I so Man will sin even with the knowledge of the
who do it, but sin that dwells within me. Law. This lesson is among the first one of Genesis:
For I know that nothing good dwells in God gives to Man advice, and Man does not take
me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the it.
desire to do what is right, but not the Here we are then confronted with the
ability to carry it out. For I do not do Christian revelation that the way is through
the good I want, but the evil I do not sincere repentance; that is, by the “circumcision
want is what I keep on doing. Now if I of the heart”:
do what I do not want, it is no longer I
who do it, but sin that dwells within me. So then it depends not on
So I find it to be a law that when human will or exertion, but on God,
I want to do right, evil lies close at hand. who has mercy.6
For I delight in the law of God, in my
inner being, but I see in my members For God has consigned all to
another law waging war against the law disobedience, that he may have mercy
of my mind and making me captive to on all.7
the law of sin that dwells in my
members. Wretched man that I am! The spiritual path is not a competition or a
Who will deliver me from this body of race for Nirvana. The knowledge from the Tree of
death?5 Life which delivers Man into the resurrection in
the Spirit of Christ requires forgiveness from sin
Here is a very human problem, and it is or redemption, and no strict observation of the
not absent from those who know the Cosmic Law. Law by the imposition of austerities or moral
The key is a reconciliation of opposites, and the codes will provide this crucial freedom or release
human experience is reconciliation between from Evil and the fruits of our actions or “karma”.
Man’s Olympian and titanic forces: the archaic The Islamic and Christian teaching on
myth of the Bird catching the Serpent: Zeus’ redemption is very clear and transparent: God, all
victory over Typhoon, the Devas over the Asuras, powerful and omniscient is Merciful: there is
Marduk over Tiamat, Baal over Mot, etc. forgiveness in the Supreme Love of God. As we
In the Book of Genesis it is said that the have seen in the earlier section in regards to the
fruit of the Tree of Good and Evil brings death. terrible aspect of God, that aspect is present in
This Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is the universe as a form of maintaining the Dharma
the symbol of the knowledge of the Law: a Cosmic or Cosmic Order and this Angel of Destruction
Law based on the consciousness of Good and Evil. appears before Man as an adversary (shatan)
But it is not enough to be conscious of Good and when Man decides to violate the Law. Now,
Evil, because this only makes us conscious of our however, Man is conscious of his sinful nature, his
moral duty with God and our sinful nature. In “shadow” or satan and this nature drags the heart
other words, this knowledge makes us aware of around into sin. Man not only realizes his own
our shadow and that of humans in general, but imperfection but becomes aware that the powers
this is not the finality of the teaching. It is the Tree at work are more powerful than him: the taming
of Life that brings the resurrection, and thus there of the shadow or its friendship cannot be
is another higher knowledge than this judgment obtained by any human will power or
of Good and Evil. determination, and it cannot be solved by any
What is then the solution for Man’s evil? reasoning. It is only the Mercy of God that allows
Man incarnate finds his psyche under the deliverance from sin because it is necessarily a
possession of an impulse to sin and disobey the form of forgiveness from a transgression.
Law of God in favor of his personal and egotistical The Holy Quran is exceptionally effective
gratification. This is instinctive in Man, part of the in making Man remember this fact: all but one of
way in which God made Man, “out of clay” in so its 114 chapters or Suras begins with the phrase:
many mythologies including the Abrahamic. “In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the
Man’s shadow works its deeds from an Most Merciful.” Mercy or Clemency is a divine
unconscious realm that cannot be subdued, and
Romans 9:16
5 7
Romans 7:14-24 Romans 11:32
gift, a religious virtue given to Man for the fact to acknowledge and know about the shadow in
that he does two things: firstly, that he believes in Man.
the Unique and Supreme God, and second that he It is for this reason that the Gospel also
practices goodness. Both of these are reciprocal says that we must forgive one another’s sins so
exchanges with God in a religious consciousness. that our Father in Heaven will forgive our own.10
The great Mercy of God is also established Once again there is a statement about a reciprocal
in the Bhagavad Gita of India wherein Krishna relationship between Man and God through a
speaks of redeeming even the greatest of sinners. reciprocal vision of the “other” and “myself”.
It is only bhakti or devotion that gains the loving
friendship of God. "That which is hateful to you, do
not do to your fellow. That is the whole
Even if the most sinful of people Torah; the rest is the explanation; go
was to worship Me in devotion and no and learn."11
one else, even that person shall be
considered just (sadhu), because his
resolution is correct.
Very soon that one becomes a
virtuous soul and acquires a constant
state of Peace, O son of Kunti! Know
very well that a devotee of Me shall
never be destroyed!8

Now, very quickly, we have revealed the

secret of redemption from sin: through the
devotion of the Supreme God one finds the
highest Love: the “power” through which
forgiveness, compassion, and mercy is found.
Without the devotion of God there is no salvation
from sin: Man will inevitably sin, but the strife and
“battle” against Evil must be fought within oneself
anyways with a determined heart for the Good.
The religious aspect of this dilemma, however -
which is the solution to it– exposes that without a
conscious relationship with God there is no
possible solution to “karma” understood as a
cyclical (and even mechanical) retribution for
moral or immoral action.
In this devotion, however, there also
comes a divine knowledge to Man which discloses
mysteries related to the self. The mystery of
psychic and spiritual phenomena which is so far
removed from the mechanical and materialistic
science does indeed exist and it persists in its
archetypal manifestations through the psyche of
Man. The rules of this inner awakening are
exposed by Jesus in the Gospel when we are
taught the golden rule: that we are to treat the
other as we would like the other to treat
ourselves.9 This divine teaching also implies that
we know ourselves and the other, and this means

8 10
Bhagavad Gita 9:30-31. Luke 11:4; Matthew 6:12.
9 11
Matthew 7:12; Luke 6:31. Talmud, Shabbat 31a.

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