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2 – The Number of the Beast impression in the minds of early Christians, and
we do not say this in reference to the author of
The idea of reconciliation between the biblical apocalypse, but rather because of the
reciprocal forces in our being is also encrypted in way in which he uses the symbols in his days
Christian texts, and it is found in a most where Enochian literature had already had the
interesting manner that is worth revealing here. effect of imposing the mythological notion of
The ideas and common notions of Christ and Satan as “a fallen angel”.
Antichrist have a very different perspective once Most Christians adherent to the orthodox
the initiate is aware that the path is one of dogma believe in their hearts that "the devil" or
reconciliation of opposites instead of one where "Satan" is the Beast of the Apocalypse and
we should build an intolerant attitude to human consider this figure to be the "antichrist" in the
deficiency and sin, either within or in the other. sense of it being a metaphysical being who defied
In the Book of Revelations 9:11 we God and was punished, but somehow (and quite
encounter a "Destroyer" figure with the name of inexplicably) has power over humans without the
Apollyon (Ἀπολλύων).1 It is described as an "angel approval of God’s Will. It is expected in this vulgar
of the Abyss" in this case, who is said to be the interpretation of scripture that some time in the
"king" of the terrible locusts which plague the near future, our sensorial world will express the
world once the 5th trumpet is made to sound. The symbolic occurrences of John’s Apocalypse quite
common idea behind the mysterious descriptions literally… Such ideas always come from among
in the Apocalypse of John or Book of Revelations those who do not possess the Key of Wisdom
is that it is describing future events of this world which unlocks the mystery revealed in the Book of
where two opposite forces clash in battle: one Revelations when it speaks of the Beast. The key
commanded by the Christ, and another by the to unlocking the mystery is found in the fact that
Antichrist or Beast of the apocalypse. The idea is John speaks of a Number of the Beast, a number
also found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, especially in that must be permutated for letters according to
the War Scroll and the account of the War of the the Kabbalah of Gematria in order to arrive at a
Messiah. name which will reveal its true significance.
The Christian Gnostics who wrote the It is commonly thought that the Number
New Testament and the apocryphal literature of of the Beast is 666, but it is not. The author of the
Nag Hammadi were very well aware that the path Book of Revelations does not say the number is
of enlightenment is one of reconciliation between 666 but rather leaves a riddle to be solved by "he
what is divine and animal in our human who hath understanding". The text reads as
composite, but as all mysteries, they are follows:
concealed in images and symbols, and the last
book of the Bible is a great example of how This calls for wisdom: let the one
wisdom is concealed in symbols which are often who has understanding calculate the
misinterpreted by those who do not read them in number of the beast, for it is the number
the Holy Spirit. of a man, and his number is 666.3
Once the 5th trumpet of the apocalypse is
made to sound,2 we hear about "a star fall from Now, it has been somewhat obvious for
heaven unto the earth" to which it is given the the many readers of this passage over the last
keys of the Abyss. It is quite clear that by this 2000 years that this riddle is based on a play in
time, the Enochian literature had already made its the old manner of ascribing numbers to letters in
the Greek alphabet. This technique of
permutation between numbers and letters is
The similarity between Apollo and apollyon called gematria,4 and it is based on the fact that in
(destroyer) are commented by Socrates in Plato, Greek –as in Latin and Hebrew– there are no
Cratylus 404e – 405b where he says: “… as I say, many specific symbols for numbers in themselves as we
people are afraid because of the name of the god,
encounter in English or most modern languages.
thinking that it has some terrible meaning. Have you
not noticed that? (…)But really the name is admirably
Rather, in these ancient languages each letter of
appropriate to the power of the god. (…)But this is the the alphabet was given a numerical value, and
god who purifies and washes away (apolouon) and
delivers (apolyo) from such evils, is he not?” Revelations 13:18.
2 4
Revelations 9:1. In Greek it is known as Ipsopsephy.
numbers would be written with according letters. needs to be included in the total figure of the
An easy example we know in the west is the phrase. It is the first four terms in this phrase (καὶ
Roman Numeral system which uses the I, the V, ὁ ἀριθμὸς αὐτοῦ) which need to be computed
the X, the C, M, etc., to represent numerical and then added to the numerical value of 666
values. (ἑξακόσιοι ἑξήκοντα). 6
The New Testament is written in Koine The gematria provides the sum by
Greek, and it still bears the code of gematria of numerical notation as 31+70+430+1171 + 666
more ancient times recorded in its words. which equals 2368: a most significant number to
anyone acquainted with the gematria of the New
Testament, as it is the number for the name Jesus
Christ (Ιηςους Χριςτος).
So the name of the Beast is “Jesus
Christ”?! How is that? It is, indeed, somethingthat
requires wisdom, because that which comes as a
shock for those that do not have wisdom is that
the Number of the Beast encoded in gematria is
actually the same as the number for the name
Now, John does not give away the ‘Jesus Christ’, yet when we look at the context of
number of the Beast, and to take the usual the passage we may become more familiar with
mistaken path of trying to ascribe this number to the actual wisdom behind this dilemma of fusing
a Pope is only a delusion brought forth by the the notions of Christ and Antichrist. This is a
demonization of Catholic authority. This is a teaching intended to aid Man in a spiritual
deviation from the original message John evolution, not to invoke a fantastic delusion about
intended to communicate a revelation about the the end of the material world in the near future at
Beast of the apocalypse. the hands of a particular tyrant incarnating the
What John says is that one who has power of “the antichrist”.
wisdom must count this number, and if the Although we might accord in seeing this
number were already given as 666, there would aspect of our human nature in a dictator like
be no reason to count anything ,for it would Hitler, we will not accord so easily in seeing this
already be given. Most “solutions” were aspect within oneself. The projection of the
mistakenly trying to make a match between the shadow on an external figure is a dangerous
value 666 and the name of a man, because it is fantasy that is quite departed from the original
John who says we should find the name of a man, meaning of apocalypse as a religious revelation.
but he never says the number is 666. What he Here we are speaking of discovering the inner
says is that we need to compute or count the shadow in Man, our own antichrist as Christians.
Number of the Beast. But how so? Chapter 13 of Revelations is concerned
The Number of the Beast must be counted with the Beast and the False Prophet: the former
using gematria upon the words of the author in of which persuades mankind to make an image
that phrase, but not only on the value of 666. The (idol) in honor of the Beast:
actual value that must be counted is in the entire
phrase "and his number is 666". The phrase in the ... and by the signs that it is
original Greek is: allowed to work in the presence of the
beast it deceives those who dwell on
καὶ ὁ ἀριθμὸς αὐτοῦ ἑξακόσιοι earth, telling them to make an image
ἑξήκοντα. for the beast that was wounded by the

Now, since the two last words in the 6

The gematria of the whole phrase: καὶ ὁ
phrase signify the numerical value of 666, they ἀριθμὸς αὐτοῦ ἑξακόσιοι ἑξήκοντα, when it is taken as
need not be translated by gematria, but this value letter for number without using 666, but instead
making the gematria of ἑξακόσιοι ἑξήκοντα, gives the
figure of 2622 and relates only to the word χωριζετω
Koine Greek is the “international” Greek found in Matthew 19:6. This reference expands on the
which develops after Alexander’s conquests of the Old idea presented ahead about "dividing what God has
World around 300 BC. united" mentioned in the verses of Matthew 19:6.
sword and yet lived. And it was allowed access to mysterious psychic powers.10 These
to give breath to the image of the beast, “psychic” Christians are saved by their faith in
so that the image of the beast might Jesus Christ, but surely because of a lack of gnosis,
even speak and might cause those who they become fresh prey to the evil spirits
would not worship the image of the entangling the soul with the love of the temporal
beast to be slain. Also it causes all, both and mortal world. This is clearly not the Christian
small and great, both rich and poor, Way that reaches the contemplation of treasures
both free and slave, to be marked on in the Kingdom of Heaven.
the right hand or the forehead, so that John says that an image is made of the
no one can buy or sell unless he has the beast which was wounded by the sword and yet
mark, that is, the name of the beast or lived. This may be a reference to the false belief
the number of its name.7 among Christians about the resurrection: namely,
that it is taken as a historical occurrence, of a man
This text has a high significance because it having been made to find Eternal Life in carnal
is speaking about a very common form of idolatry flesh: as a beast: that is, as a mortal being. It is a
among humans: namely, the worship of an image misconception which naturally comes from
or idol: that is, a love for a particular image of externalizing the concept of Christ (and of course
God, instead of God as the Supreme Unity in all antichrist). The psychological and spiritual
beings. In this case, the rejection of John for purpose of the
idolatry is obviously linked to the statue of the The vulgar reading of Christian mythology
dead Jesus Christ on the cross (the material- takes scripture literally as if the Gospels were
historical-body) which early Christians were historical documents. They are not. They are
already adoring as soon as the cult for the religious texts which conceal the mystery of
historical Messiah (the human Jesus) became building a relation with the Personality of God as a
popular and widespread in the Mediterranean disciple with his Master. Christian mythology is
world. There always has been, however, an occult highly symbolic and can only be understood
or apocryphal story of the Christ or Messiah, a when the Living Jesus is known as a
mystic science about Man discovering himself.8 manifestation of God within Man. It is only by
The text of the apocalypse says that the the Spirit of God and the Logos itself that Man
beast performs "signs" (σημεῖα): the exact same knows (and lives) the interpretation of the Gospel
word that John uses in his gospel in reference to of Christ. This is the message of Iohannine
the miracles performed by Jesus Christ.9 This is Christianity, and its revelation.
another reference to Jesus’ own teachings which When the religious aspect is taken from
criticize those who need signs or miracles in order the Gospel of Christ, there is inevitably a gross
to believe in God. It is a message repeated to the misinterpretation of the Good Message. There is
multitude or mass which is curious about religion the idea, for example, of a religion based on a
and God from a merely “superstitious” or agnostic mortal-historical existence of Jesus Christ when
point of view that does not go beyond the this is the only the popular and vulgar experience
possibility of gaining personal favor through of Christianity, in every sense, the “petrian”
Revelations 13:14-17. There is the reality of a misinterpretation
This issue of the true identity of Jesus is in of the Gospel which leads to the idolatry or
itself is enough to write a whole book. Here we are worship for the historical figure “Jesus” as God.
suggesting to the reader that Jesus as a Christian Instead of a direct relationship between Man and
concept cannot be encased in the figure of a historical God (i.e. the original religion), there is another
individual because the living Jesus which is the Logos or thing which is adoration for a historical figure: an
Word transcends space and time. “Jesus” is something
much greater and universal than a historical individual,
because Paul and in Jewish Kabbalah it is understood This deformity of the original religion is
as a power of YHWH. This is the fundamental problem observable in Mircea Eliade’s work on Shamanism as
of the apocalypse of John concerning the question of well. The deformation of shamanism as an ecstatic
false prophecy in chapter 13. communion with the Supreme God into a form of
See, for example, The Gospel of John 2:11; sorcery-medicine and witchcraft is quite compliant
2:23; 3:2; 4:48; 6:2; 6:26; 7:31; 9:16; 11:47; 12:37; with the attitude of expecting earthly “powers” or
20:30. “favors” from religion. It is an archaic issue.
adoration of the dead Man on the cross. Clearly But there is a Gnostic teaching about the
there is missing the first and most important necessity for fusion between reciprocals in order
commandment which is to love God (the Father) to experience the Unity of God in Christ, and this
with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength; and knowledge is that of the Tree of Life.
second there is the deficiency of not
understanding that scripture is speaking to Man
about himself: his own psyche and spirit in
relation to God.
The author of Revelations warns about
this idolatry for the historical Jesus and notices
that it leads to a form of sin which is symbolized
by the Mark of the Beast on the right hand and
the forehead. This symbolism is quite obvious: it is
a mark which is imposed upon action and
thought under this very limited view of the figure
of Jesus and what “Christ” means in the religion
that goes by that name.
Although the intention of the popular cult
to the historical Christ is good because it comes
from a desire to reverence God through a
historical manifestation, and besides the most
important fact that even this leads to salvation,
the externalization of Christ also implies an
Gothic Painting of Christ Pantokrator from
externalization of the “antichrist”: the archetype
St. Catherine's Monastery, Egypt.
of evil. The consequences of this psychological
effect of projecting the shadow is real, and in fact
Christian mythology clearly exposes this problem
in the passio or suffering itself to which the
illumined one is exposed.
Now, the number of gematria 2368 which
belongs to the man "Jesus Christ" is different than
that of 3168 which belongs to the Lord Jesus
Christ (Κυριος Ιηςους Χριςτος). It is not only a
difference in terminology and number, but a most
significant conceptual difference about Lord Jesus
Christ as the description of the true Messiah: the
eternal "mediator between God and men”.11 This
“living Jesus” knows no historical moment but is
the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the
end: the Logos that transcends all cultural barriers
and historical epochs because it is God
communicating with Man in the form of a Master
and His disciples: Lord Jesus Christ.
A rearrangement of the image showing the
The revelation of the Number of the Beast
symmetrical opposites of the faces of Christ.
does not concern a form of idolatry alone, but
ultimately addresses the question of the duality of
mind by which mankind will perceive and
experience God in a dualistic state of
consciousness. This is the Tree of the Knowledge
of Good and Evil.

1 Timothy 2:5. καὶ μεσίτης Θεοῦ καὶ
ἀνθρώπων (mediator between God and man), also
with a gematria value of 3168.

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