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Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Electrical Machines

Paper ID 1145

Theoretical and Experimental Forces for a New Linear Switched Reluctance Traction Motor
D.S.B. Fonseca, C.P. Cabrita, MR.A. Calado Electromechanical Eng. Dept. and CASE-Unit Research on Electrical Drives and Systems University of Beira Interior, Edifcio 1 das Engenharias, Calada Fonte do Lameiro, 6201-001 Covilh, Portugal, tel: (+351) 275 329 945; fax: (+351) 275 329 972 e-mail:
Abstract- The purpose of this paper consists in the characterization of the traction force for a new Linear Switched Reluctance Machine (LSRM) for low speed light electric traction applications. In this work the machine is tested, for each position, at standstill. The experimental methodology allows the determination of the magnetization characteristics as well as the static mechanical resistant force.
TABLE I SOME OF THE LSRM ELECTROMECHANICAL DATA. m Nr Nbr N2 g [mm] 4 bs [mm] 4 P [mm] 1 S [mm] 6 w [mm] 3 hp [mm] 18 hs [mm] 18 Ne 132 lb [mm] 48 hb [mm] 33 Dcu [mm] 50 Imax [A] 42 R [] 1680 24 50 0.5 0.68 27.6



bp [mm]

One of the electrical drive applications with greater contribution for a more sustained and structured development of modern societies, is the electric traction, namely in the railway systems, which represents an industry in constant development. As well known, the rotating drives are the most effective solution in the majority of the electric traction applications. However, there are circumstances where the linear drives can successfully replace the rotating drives, particularly when, due to space limitations, such as in underground motor rolling stock, it is important to reduce the wheel diameters. Regarding linear drives, they are usually based either on induction or permanent magnet synchronous motors. However, the switched reluctance motor represents a good alternative, especially in urban traction. Linear Switched Reluctance Machines (LSRMs) have been explored before in the literature, although none of them with this topology and designed to light railway electric traction applications [1,2]. Fig. 1 shows the topology of the machine used in this work, and Table I presents its dimensions.

As can be seen, the LSRM has a cheap secondary and modular primary construction. In addition, this topology increases significantly the electric, magnetic, thermal and physical independency between phases. In fact the mutual inductances between phases may be neglected with no loss of accuracy concerning machine analysis [1,2]. The geometric data exposed in Table 1 are related to the LSRM drawing of Fig. 1, except the following: m phase number, N number of turns per primary phase, N2 secondary pole number, Nr number of parallel paths of each primary phase, Nbr number of coils per winding parallel path, number of turns per primary coil, Ne R coil resistance. II. TEST METHODOLOGY

Fig. 1. New 4-phase 8/6 Linear Switched Reluctance Machine geometry, and envelope dimensions defining electromagnetic volume.

The experimental electromagnetic characterization was carried out by positioning and blocking the primary for different relative positions concerning the secondary. For each position, a square wave voltage was applied to the phase terminals. Note that each phase consists of two series connected coils, in view to ensure that all turns are carried out by the same current. Once guaranteed the phase full demagnetization at the beginning of each transient phenomenon, based on the analysis of all transient phenomena it became possible not only to get the magnetization curves, but also to relate the current values and relative position with the useful traction force, developed by each phase. The mechanical adjustment of the primary position was achieved through a precision screw, connected to the load cell, as can be seen in Fig.2.

978-1-4244-1736-0/08/$25.00 2008 IEEE

Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Electrical Machines Considering the time t=0s for which both voltage and current are null, and the iron is fully demagnetized, one can calculate the phase linkage flux, at time t1, by using the following expression [3,4]:

(t1 ) = (u (t ) R i(t ))t




Fig. 2. Prototype under tests.

Taking into account the electromagnetic symmetry of the machine, it was decided to test only positions where the machine develops a compression force on the load cell. On the other hand, the electromagnetic topology of the machine, unlike the classic design of concentrated windings, the four phases are completely independent from the magnetic point of view, with no end effects that weaken the magnetic field and consequently the traction force developed by both end phases. In order to validate this fact two distinct phases were tested, that is one central phase and one end phase. Fig.3 shows the electrical scheme used for each phase test. Because all phase turns are series connected it is possible to increase the input voltage without reaching a dangerous current rms value. The electric circuit switches are power IGBTs, being both controlled by a PWM signal with a duty cycle, , about 20% and a very low switching frequency f (1Hz) in order to assure a complete restart of phase for each cycle, because this setup allows to increase the input voltage, then the current range is also increased maintaining its rms value below its rated value. Thus, the time /f must be sufficiently high in order to assure that the phase current reaches a high steady state value. III. THEORETICAL BASIS

In stead of measure the phase resistance by means an ohmmeter, and in order to take into account the resistance variation with the winding temperature, it was considered for the phase resistance the only value able to ensure the null value of the linkage flux after demagnetization. Thus, considering the same conditions for t=0s one obtains:

(u (t ) R i(t ))t = 0


where T is the PWM signal period. Consequently one can calculate the phase resistance by means of the following relationship:


u (t )t
0 T

i(t )t




As seen, the test methodology is based on the analysis of a set of transient phenomena. Thus, As well know, by application of the 2nd Kirchhoffs law one obtains the following time-dependent equation for an excited phase circuit:

Firstly it should be reminded that only the positions between X=0mm (non-alignment) and X=24mm (alignment) were tested. The useful force was measured through a load cell, the effort being applied at compression. Fig. 4 to Fig. 9 shows some experimental results obtained. Note that the useful force measured by means the load cell corresponds to the electromagnetic force generated by the machine minus the inertia and friction opposite force.

u (t ) = R i (t ) +

(t ) t


Fig. 3. Electric scheme per phase.

Fig. 4. End phase waveforms for X=6mm.

Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Electrical Machines It should be also noted that, in Fig. 5 to Fig. 9, the waveforms correspond always to the same quantities, expressed in the squared meaning legend of Fig. 4.

Fig. 9. Central phase waveforms for X=18mm.

Fig. 5. End phase waveforms for X=12mm.

Fig. 10 to Fig. 12 show the obtained results concerning linkage flux namely its dependence on the position and phase current. The linkage flux of both phases can be also compared by means of Fig. 12. Fig. 13 to Fig. 15 show the obtained results concerning the useful force. Note that the inertia and friction opposite force was experimentally evaluated, being approximately 40N.

Fig. 6. End phase waveforms for X=18mm.

Fig. 10. End phase linkage flux [Wb] versus relative position and current.

Fig. 7. Central phase waveforms for X=6mm.

Fig. 8. Central phase waveforms for X=12mm.

Fig. 11. Central phase linkage flux [Wb] versus relative position and current.

Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Electrical Machines

Fig. 12. Linkage flux difference between phases [Wb] versus relative position and current.

Fig. 15. Useful force difference between phases [N] versus relative position and current.

Fig. 13. End phase useful force [N] versus relative position and current.

By analysing the experimental results, one can conclude the following: The voltage, current, useful traction force and linkage flux waveforms for both tested phases present the expected theoretical shapes, as can be concluded from Fig. 4 to Fig. 9. It should be noted that the control mode used for both rotating and linear switched reluctance machines is similar, the difference being the position coordinate, i.e. respectively the angular and the linear displacement. As can be seen in Fig. 10 and Fig. 11, the linkage flux for both tested phases present also the expected theoretical tendency. Based on the abacus of Fig.12, one can conclude that the difference between the fluxes linked to both phases is minimum when compared with the respective obtained absolute values. Moreover, this difference shows positive and negative values leading to the conclusion that this small difference has random causes. The difference between developed forces associated to both phases is also minimum, taking as reference the measured absolute values, as can be observed in Fig. 13 to Fig. 15. As for the flux, that difference shows randomly positive and negative values, that is, in the practice the forces developed by both phases are similar. Based on the comparison between phases, concerning both the linkage flux and traction force, shown respectively in Fig. 12 and Fig. 16, one can observe that the machine performance is the same for all phases, then there are not magnetic longitudinal end effects. V. CONCLUSIONS

Fig. 14. Central phase useful force [N] versus relative position and current.

Concerning the proposed methodology used in the LSRM experimental characterization, by combining the use of a low value for the supply voltage, a low switching frequency, and a

Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Electrical Machines low value for the duty cycle, one can achieve the following objectives: To obtain a high value for the peak current. To reduce the rms value of the phase current. To increase sufficiently the powering period in order to allows that the current can reach its steady state. To obtain a higher number of points for a better definition of the magnetization curve. By considering the power supply circuit topology, taking into account that both switches are turned off at the time T, by applying a reverse supply voltage to the phase a complete demagnetization is performed between T and the current extinction. This work corroborates the design methodology proposed by the authors in previous works [2,5]. Finally, according to the authors opinion, the linear switched reluctance machines will represent, in a near future, an enormous success in the field of electromechanical drives for railway electric traction applications, because of their excellent performance characteristics allied to low production costs, and high reliability and robustness. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors gratefully acknowledge the University of Beira Interior and the Centro de Accionamentos e Sistemas Elctricos da Fundao para a Cincia e a Tecnologia of Portugal. REFERENCES
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[3] [4]


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