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Test Bank for Animal Physiology: From Genes to Organisms, 2nd Edition, Lauralee Sherwood, Hi

Test Bank for Animal Physiology: From Genes to

Organisms, 2nd Edition, Lauralee Sherwood, Hillar
Klandorf Paul Yancey

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Nervous Systems

A. Multiple Choice

Page No.

b 1. As a general rule, the nervous system coordinates ________ while the endocrine
148 system regulates ________.
a. nervous activity, endometrial activity
b. rapid responses, long lasting activities
c. nail-biting, immune responses
d. feeding behavior, digestion

a 2. Which of the following is NOT an advantage conferred by centralization of the

148 nervous system?
a. The delay between sensory stimulus input and motor response allows an
individual to weigh the merits of its options.
b. The output neuron can receive inputs from multiple sources, including
"higher" centers like the brain.
c. The "higher" centers can suppress reflex responses.
d. The "higher" centers can alter sensitivity of the motor neuron to its other
e. The "higher" centers can activate motor neurons in an anticipatory

e 3. Nerve nets
150 a. are the simplest type of nervous system.
b. are simple.
c. are found in cnidarians.
d. are not primitive.
e. All of these.

e 4. Ganglia are
152 a. clusters of neuronal cell bodies.
b. precursors to evolution of a brain.
c. are an evolutionary step between nerve nets and true brains.
d. evolved as animal behaviors became more complex.
e. all of these.

b 5. The evolution of a true brain (superganglion) occurred in
154 a. animals with radial symmetry.
b. animals with bilateral symmetry
c. cnidarians.
d. echinoderms.
e. all animals having symmetry.

b 6. Among the invertebrates, ________ have the most complex brains.

154 a. insects
b. cephalopods
c. annelids
d. primates
e. echinoderms

a 7. Which of the following statements about brain size is true?

155 a. Elephants have a larger number of neurons in their brain than humans
b. Octopods have a larger number of neurons in their brains than humans
c. The neurons in human brains are larger than the neurons in other
primates' brains.
d. The brains of leaf-eating primates are larger than the brains of fruit-eating
e. The ratio of brain size to body size is larger in baleen whales than in

e 8. The expensive tissue hypothesis includes the argument that

156 a. evolution occurs in the face of cost-benefits trade-offs.
b. maintaining the membrane potential consumes much energy.
c. there is a corresponding decrease in the size of the digestive tract that
parallels the increase in brain size.
d. large brain sizes require high quality diets to support them, and high
quality diets yield nutrients easily and adequately to smaller digestive
e. all of these.

d 9. Which of the following is NOT considered to be a trend in brain development?

155 a. Many birds and mammals have a similar brain to body size as sharks.
b. Nonmigratory birds tend to have larger brains than migratory birds.
c. Within primates, dolphins have the second largest brain size.
d. none of these.
e. all of these

d 10. Efferent neurons
158 a. have their cell bodies outside the central nervous system.
b. carry information from the periphery to the central nervous system.
c. exist entirely within the central nervous system.
d. carry information from the central nervous system to the periphery.
e. exist entirely outside the central nervous system.

a 11. The sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system
159 a. generally exert opposite effects on visceral organs.
b. are sensory and motor, respectively.
c. are central and peripheral, respectively.
d. are autonomic and automatic, respectively.
e. are generally excitatory and inhibitory, respectively.

c 12. The main advantage of antagonistic control of visceral organs by the sympathetic
161 and parasympathetic nervous systems is it
a. saves energy.
b. economizes on volume requirements since organs can constrict when
they're not being used.
c. allows precise regulation of the activity of the organs so innervated.
d. all of these.
e. none of these.

c 13. Post-ganglionic parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers release

162 a. acetylcholine.
b. norepinephrine.
c. acetylcholine and norepinephrine, respectively.
d. norepinephrine and acetylcholine, respectively.
e. norepinephrine and noreadrenaline, respectively.

a 14. Found on the cell bodies of neurons in both parasympathetic and sympathetic
164 ganglia, _______________ are examples of _______________.
a. nicotinic receptors; ligand-gated ion channels
b. nicotinic receptors; G-protein coupled receptors
c. muscarinic receptors; ligand-gated ion channels
d. muscarinic receptors; G-protein coupled receptors
e. adrenergic receptors; G-protein coupled receptors

c 15. Brain centers for controlling cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive activity via
165 the autonomic system are located in the
a. cerebrum.
b. hypothalamus.
c. medulla.
d. sympathetic chain ganglia.
e. spinal cord.

c 16. Which of the following is NOT a type of glial cell found in the central nervous
167 system?
a. oligodendrocytes
b. astrocytes
c. Schwann cells
d. ependymal cells
e. microglia

d 17. Which of the following types of glial cells is most closely associated with the
169 production of cerebrospinal fluid?
a. oligodendrocytes
b. astrocytes
c. Schwann cells
d. ependymal cells
e. microglia

b 18. The layer of the meninges which lies closest to the bony cranium is the
169 a. arachnoid mater.
b. dura mater.
c. pia mater.

e 19. The blood-brain barrier

169, a. consists of both anatomical and physiological factors.
170 b. regulates to some extent the passage of substances from the blood to the
interstitial fluid of the brain.
c. is anatomically related to the formation of tight junctions between
adjacent capillary endothelial cells.
d. is induced by the astrocytes.
e. all of these.

a 20. Changes in the interconnections among neurons that occur in response to

171 experience are examples of
a. synaptic plasticity.
b. the amazing regenerating capacity of the brain.
c. mutation.
d. growth.
e. none of these.

a 21. In evolutionary terms, the most ancient part of the brain is the
174 a. brain stem.
b. cerebellum.
c. diencephalons.
d. cerebrum.
e. basal nuclei.

a 22. The term gray matter refers to
177 a. the part of the cerebral cortex which contains neuronal cell bodies and
b. the nerve connection between the two hemispheres of the brain.
c. part of the brain affected by Alzheimer's disease and showing signs of
d. fiber tracts carrying information between the spinal cord and the brain.
e. none of these.

b 23 The somatosensory cortex is located in the lobe of the cerebrum.

192 a. frontal
b. parietal
c. temporal
d. occipital

a 24. The primary motor cortex is located in the lobe of the cerebrum.
192 a. frontal
b. parietal
c. temporal
d. occipital

e 25. Which of the following areas of the brain are involved in developing motor
194 programs?
a. supplementary motor cortex
b. premotor cortex
c. posterior parietal cortex
d. cerebellum
e. All of these.

d 26. Functions of the basal ganglia include

186, a. inhibiting muscle tone throughout the body.
b. selecting and maintaining purposeful motor activity while suppressing
useless or unwanted patterns of movement.
c. helping monitor and coordinate slow, sustained contractions.
d. all of these.
e. none of these.

b 27. Which brain area and function are NOT correctly paired?
177, a. cerebellum: skilled voluntary activity
187 b. brain stem: sense of fear
c. thalamic region: crude awareness of sensation
d. cerebral cortex: personality traits
e. amygdala: emotional memories

b 28. The limbic system of the brain is involved in
188 a. the control of movements involving the extremities, such as arm gestures.
b. the control of innate behaviors.
c. the response to hunger.
d. the response to fatigue.
e. none of these.

c 29. Which of the following is NOT a neurotransmitter that has been primarily
189 associated with emotional and behavioral pathways?
a. norepinephrine
b. dopamine
c. acetylcholine
d. serotonin
e. none of these.

d 30. Which of the following is NOT a part of the cerebellum?

184 a. cerebrocerebellum
b. spinocerebellum
c. vestibulocerebellum
d. thalamocerebellum
e. none of these.

e 31. Which of the following is NOT a function of the brain stem?

183, a. reflex control of the heart
184 b. control of cortical alertness
c. modulating one's sense of pain
d. regulating postural reflexes.
e. none of these.

b 32. Which statement about nervous systems is NOT true?

158 a. The arthropod nervous system has ganglia that lie within the central
nervous system.
b. Arthropods have a solid and dorsal nerve cord
c. The nerve cord of vertebrates has a segmental branching pattern.
d. In vertebrates, interneurons are only found in the central nervous
e. In vertebrates only two neurotransmitters control the effector organ
responses regulated by efferent neuronal terminals.

a 33. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
177 a. The ventral corticospinal tract of the spinal cord carries ascending
information to the brain from the stretch receptors in muscles.
b. A bundle of peripheral axons, a nerve, may contain both afferent and
efferent axons.
c. A spinal nerve is a collection of peripheral axons collected within a
connective tissue sheath and continuous with either the dorsal or ventral
root of a spinal segment.
d. The ventral horn of the spinal cord gray matter houses cell bodies of
efferent motor neurons supplying the skeletal muscles.

e 34. The spinal withdrawal reflex

181 a. is associated with responding to a painful stimulus.
b. involves sensory and motor neurons on the same side of the spinal cord.
c. connects with interneurons traveling to the brain.
d. involves blocking a response by the antagonistic muscle group.
e. all of these.

d 35. The stretch reflex differs from the withdrawal reflex in that
182 a. activation of the afferent results only in excitatory reflex responses in the
former case, but in both excitatory and inhibitory responses in the latter
b. the former is monosynaptic and the latter is polysynaptic.
c. the motor neurons associated with the former directly stimulate muscle
stretching while those associated with the latter cause muscle contraction.
d. two of these.
e. all of these.

b 36. Which statement about fixed action patterns is NOT true?

182 a. They occur in both vertebrates and invertebrates.
b. They are not considered to be reflexes.
c. They use command fibers located in the central nervous system.
d. They are generated in response to a specific stimulus.
e. A species of animals will carry out the behavior in the same manner.

a 37. The ability to type questions without looking at the keyboard is a manifestation of
197 ____________ memory.
a. procedural
b. explicit
c. short term
d. imprinting-type
e. random access

d 38. Individuals who have had a night of heavy drinking often have trouble
200 remembering exactly what happened. This lapse in memory is the primary result
of ethanol
a. initiating inhibitory cAMP pathways involved in memory storage.
b. slowing the transfer of short term memory events into long term memory
c. slowing the release of calcium in presynaptic neurons.
d. blocking binding to NMDA receptors.
e. blocking LTP pathways.

d 39. The part of the brain most closely associated with declarative memories is the
196 a. hypothalamus.
b. hypophysis.
c. amygdala.
d. hippocampus.
e. cerebellum.

e 40. The part of the brain most closely associated with procedural memories is the
197 a. hypothalamus.
b. hypophysis.
c. amygdala.
d. hippocampus.
e. cerebellum.

B. True or False

True 1. A centralized brain can be detrimental to some kinds of neural regulation.


False 2. A division of the central nervous system, the enteric nervous system, innervates the
157 kidneys and intestinal tract.

False 3. The adrenal medulla is one example of where sympathetic and parasympathetic
161 innvervation of an endocrine gland affects hormone release.

True 4. All adrenergic receptors are coupled to G proteins.


True 5. Norepinephrine is release both as a neurotransmitter from the sympathetic

165 postganglionic fibers and as a hormone from the adrenal medulla.

False 6. Glial cells make up over 80% of the human brain in both number of total cells and
167 volume occupied by the nervous system.

True 7. Neurogenesis is an example of plasticity in the human central nervous system.


False 8. The somatosensory cortex is located in the posterior region of the frontal lobe in a region
192 called the precentral gyrus.

False 9. Episodic memories are memories related to facts.


True 10. Outside of vertebrates, the octopus has the largest brain to body ratio.

C. Matching (correct answers are aligned with each number; e.g., #1 matches with letter a)

1. Short-term memory a. Sensitization

2. Habituation b. Calcium channel inactivation
3. Long-term potentiation c. Days
4. Astrocytes d. Synaptic formation
5. Adrenal medulla e. Modified ganglion
6. Nitrous oxide f. Retrograde signal
7. Sympathetic nervous system g. Fight-or-flight
8. Complex memories h. Neuronal networks
9. Cnidarians’ nervous system i. Nerve nets
10. Parasympathetic nervous system j. Rest-and-digest

D. Essay

Page No.

162 1. Sympathetic stimulation of the muscular walls of arterioles and veins causes
vasoconstriction. Considering that the circulatory system in vertebrates is a closed system
(i.e. normally all blood is contained in blood vessels), explain why animals can get by
with having arterioles and veins innervated by the sympathetic nervous system without
antagonistic innervation by the parasympathetic nervous system.

155 2. Compare and contrast brain size and body size in three different pairs of animals.
Include an explanation as to why you think each pair evolved different brain to body

194 3. Based on your apprehension of what they do, would you expect physiologists to be more
right-brained or left-brained, or would you expect them to be ambihemispheric? Justify
your answer.

197-99 4. Compare and contrast the mechanisms of habituation and sensitization. Include a
statement on the major difference in meaning between the two.

Test Bank for Animal Physiology: From Genes to Organisms, 2nd Edition, Lauralee Sherwood, Hi

188 5. Assume it is possible to selectively knock out the vertebrate limbic system. Describe two
differences you would notice in the pre-knockout and post-knockout conditions of the


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