Assignment #3

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1. What are the components of a strategy?

Vision and Misson- this articulate the long-term purpose and the aspirational future of
a organization or company.

Goals and Objectives- they provide clear view to asses progress of a organization or

Action Plan- this breaks down the strategy into actionable steps, outlining who is
responsible for each task, what needs to be done, when it needs to be completed and
how it will be accomplished.

Strategic Priorities- this are areas where an entity will focus its efforts to achieve its

Adaptabilit and Flexibility- strategies should be adaptable and flexible to

accommodate changes and unexpected development.

Budget and Financial Plan- strategies often have financial implications, so its
important to develop a budget and financial plan that alighs with the stratefic priorities
and resource allocation.

Risk Assessment and Mitigation- identify potential risks and develop strategies to
mitigate risk. It includes both internal and external risks.

Monitoring and Review- this allows for adjustments and refinements based on
changing circumstances or new information.

2. Interrelate or differentiate enterprise readiness and solution scope.

- Enterprise readiness refers to an organization’s preparedness and
ability to adopt and successfully integrate a new technology, ability to
adopt and successfully integrate a new technology, system or solution
into existing operations and processess.
- Solution scope refers to the specific boundaries and functionality of the
technology or system that is being implemented as part of a project or
Enterprise readiness focuses on the organizational aspects, including people,
processes, culture and infrastrature that are necessary for the successful deployment of
a solution. While solution scopre primarily focuses on the technical and functional
requirements of the system.

Enterprise readiness extends beyond the technical aspects of a solution. It
encompasses the broader organizational context and aims to ensure that the entire
organization is ready to embrace the changes brought about by the solution. While
solution scope is typically narrower and more technical in nature. It is concerned with
the specifics of what the solution will deliver, such as software modules, hardware
components, interfaces and data integration.

The primary purpose of enterprise readiness is to maximize resistance to change,
ensure smooth adoption and maximize the benefits of the solution. It is aligning the
organization with new technology or system.
The primary purpose of solution scope is to provide clarity on what the project or
program will deliver. It serves as a blueprint for the development or acquisition of the
technology or system.

3. Supply chain management relating to Strategic Business Analysis

- Supply chain management is the management of the flow of goods and
services and includes all processes that transform raw materials into final
product. It plays a crucial role in the strategic business analysis of an
organization that involves planning, design, control and improvement of
the flow of goods, services, information and finances across the entire
supply chain.

4. Strategic Value Analysis

- It is the process used by organizations to evaluate and assess the
strategic value of various elements within their business. It involves a
systematic examination of the value provided by different components,
such as products, services, processes, technologies, assets and
partnerships to determin the allignment with the organizations strategic
objectives and goals. Its goal is to identify opportunities for
improvement, optimization and alignment with the overall strategic
direction of the company.
- It is a dynamic and iterative process that helps the organization align
their resources and efforts with their strategic objectives.
- It provides a structured framework for making informed decisions about
where to invest resources, where to make improvements and where to
divest or reevaluate certain elements of the business to maximize
strategic value.

5. Strategic business analysis

a. Objectives and Elements
- Allignment with strategy
- Identification of opportunities
- Risk assessment
- Performance improvement
- Resource allocation
- Informed decision making
- Change management

- Strategic position
- Strategic choices
- Strategic into action

b. Future and present value

a. Present value are the sum of money that must be invested in order to
achieve a specific future goal. Future value is the dollar amount that will
accrue over time when that sum is invested.

c. Contingencies

- It refers to unexpected events or circumstances that can have an impact

on the analysis process, findings and recommendations. It is important to
ensure that the analysis remains flexible and adaptable in the face of
Market volatility
Regulatory changes
Technological disruptions
Natural disasters
Financial crises
Competitive moves
Leadership changes
Supplier or Partner issues
Customer behavior shifts
Health and safety concerns
Political instability
Supply chain disruptions
Crisis communication
Scenario planning

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