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ESAB Feature FEB 2021.

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Advances in Filler Metals for

LNG Tank Welding
Experts share challenges and solutions BY NEIL FARROW

rom extraction, to processing, to house gas emission. LNG does not draw on it to meet spikes in electricity
transportation to points of use, emit sulphur oxides or particulate demand during periods of extreme
natural gas and liquefied natural matter, and it releases about 90% less heat or cold.
gas (LNG) seem inexorably linked to nitrogen oxides and 30 to 50% less Converting natural gas to LNG re-
welding. This trend is set to continue CO2 compared to conventional fuels quires removing almost all other ele-
as the global demand for cleaner ener- such as diesel. Even better, LNG offers ments so that the gas is almost pure
gy drives the preference for natural a lower energy cost per ton because it methane. Then, by applying extreme
gas. Composed of 85 to 95% methane contains 20% more energy for a given refrigeration technology (cryogenics),
— the cleanest burning fossil fuel — mass compared to fuel oil. Today, the the gas is cooled to approximately
natural gas feeds the energy needs of U.S. has several LNG bunkering (stor- –162°C (–270°F), at which point it be-
more than 1900 U.S. power plants, age and transfer) facilities to provide comes a liquid that weighs about half
about 195,000 industrial facilities, and LNG fuel for ships. as much as the same volume of water.
more than 60 million U.S. homes. In North America, there are 15 to Most importantly, liquifying natural
Worldwide, LNG is now replacing 20 large projects that have been ap- gas reduces its volume 600 times com-
heavy fuel oil in marine propulsion proved or recently completed, includ- pared to its volume at ambient tem-
systems because the International ing several peak shaving operations. perature, making it convenient to
Maritime Organization (IMO) de- One of the most common uses for store and transport.
creased the permissible sulphur con- LNG, peak shaving, is when power For cryogenic applications, most
tent in marine fuels to curb green- plants store LNG so that they can engineers around the world choose

Fig. 1 — Tank fabricators use a combination of the SAW, FCAW, and SMAW processes.


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All-Weld Deposit C Mn Si P S Cr Ni Mo Nb Fe Ti

NiCrMo3-T1 0.02 0.20 0.35 0.005 0.003 21.0 Bal. 8.5 3.3 0.3 0.1

ESAB AWS A5.34 0.10 0.50 0.50 0.02 0.015 20.0 58.0 8.0 3.15 5.0 0.40
ENiCrMo3T1-4 max max max max max 23.0 min 10.0 4.15 max max

Fig. 2 — Enhanced metallurgy for this ENiCrMo3T1-4 electrode improves performance in LNG tank applications.

9% nickel (Ni9) steel (ASTM A553/ customers around the globe, share Frank Lake, a senior product devel-
A553M-17e1, Standard Specification for some of the solutions developed to opment engineer with ESAB since
Pressure Vessel Plates) for LNG tank solve LNG tank welding challenges. 1972, said, “A wider gap [opening] pro-
construction because of its mechanical vides better joint access for automated
properties. Ni9 steel has a relatively New FCAW Formulation welding and makes it easier to create a
higher strength and allowable stress flatter bead profile with reduced risk
than austenitic stainless steels and ex- Some of the FCAW on LNG tanks of stress concentration and slag inclu-
hibits excellent fracture toughness at remains semiautomatic, where opera- sions. However, because tank joints
low temperatures. It also has a high tors backgouge the weld before com- are highly restrained, the welds are
melting point and retention of pleting it. However, in the U.S., much particularly prone to hot cracking.”
strength at elevated temperatures, of the industry has moved to automat- A traditional LNG FCAW filler met-
which provide fire-safe integrity. It has ic uphill (3G) FCAW using a ceramic al choice is either AWS A5.34/A5.34M
relatively low thermal expansion, low backing bar and no backgouging. With ENiCrMo3T1-1/4 or ENiCrMo3T1,
thermal conductivity, and good corro- this move, the industry has shifted both commonly called a “625-type”
sion resistance as well. It is, however, from a 3- to a 4-mm root opening (1⁄8 electrode because INCONEL® 625 is
very susceptible to magnetization, vs. 5⁄32 in.) between tank plates. One classified as ENiCrMo-3. Some formu-
which can create additional challenges millimeter might not seem like much, lations of this FCAW electrode make
during welding. but the difference increases the chal- welds that can sag in the middle, and
Processes used for welding LNG lenge for welding vertical seams on the weld pool can be very sluggish.
tanks can include mechanized sub- Ni9 steel. “If the melting point of the slag
merged arc welding (SAW) tractors for
the tank bottoms; automatic girth
welding systems with single- or
double-sided SAW for the horizontal
joints; and flux-cored arc welding
(FCAW) or shielded metal arc welding
(SMAW) for the vertical seams and
stiffener and knuckle joints — Fig. 1.
In this article, experts from ESAB’s
LNG segment division, who work with


20 mm (3⁄4 in.)
27 mm (1.06 in.)

.6 T
5 Land:
1.6 mm
A353 (1⁄6 in.)

Gap: 4 mm (5⁄32 in.) A353

Fig. 3 — Typical welding procedure

specification for automatic FCAW in Fig. 4 — Bead profile of an enhanced ENiCrMo-4T1-1/-4 in the 3G position with auto-
the 3G position. mated welding.


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Fig. 6 — DSAW carriage and flux support sys-

Fig. 5 — Setting up the final ring of a LNG tank for DSAW. tem.

isn’t high enough, the slag will fall perage fluctuations beyond nominal.” Travel speed must be synchronized
away from the weld pool and will not The 1.2-mm (0.045-in.) electrode between the two welding carriages so
support the weld metal, which then deposited 2.38 kg/h (5.25 lb/h) during that the leading electrode and trailing
sags,” Lake explained. “On the other testing in the 3G position. electrode maintain a distance of about
extreme, if the slag melting point is 70 mm (2.75 in.) between each other.
too high, the slag will freeze too quick- Torch angle, travel speed, welding pa-
ly, causing problems for the welder.
Double-Sided SAW rameters, and wire diameter selection
Because these are weave welds, if the Success (typically 2.4 mm/3⁄32 in. diameter) all
arc travels back over the solidified play critical roles.
slag, which is nonconductive, it results Double-sided submerged arc weld- DSAW is complex and requires
in arc instability [and] poor control ing (DSAW) offers the highest level of highly skilled and experienced welding
and can lead to slag entrapment.” productivity for on-site LNG tank personnel to execute the process in a
To better meet the needs of both welding. The plates are prepared with highly productive manner. One such
semiautomatic and automatic wide- a double-V bevel so that a self- company is Paresa S.p.A. of Cesena,
weave applications, Lake and other propelled carriage can make a horizon- Italy. Founded in 1978, this multi-
filler metal experts at ESAB’s Bowling tal (2G) weld on both sides of the tank discipline, single-source contractor is a
Green, Ky., facility have developed an at the same time. leading fabricator and installer of stor-
enhanced ENiCrMo3T1-4 electrode The carriage, which has matching age facilities used by refineries, termi-
through critical control of the compo- cabins on either side of the tank, trav- nals, depots, and power plants
sition — Fig. 2. This electrode has els on the top edge of the plate. As an- throughout Europe, Africa, and South
been qualified for use on four recent other option, the carriage can travel America. In 2018, the company invited
LNG projects. The tank fabricators on a separate rail and the operator can ESAB to help improve DSAW results
have confirmed that the electrode sig- walk along with it on a catwalk — Fig. for tanks made from Ni9 nickel steel.
nificantly reduced hot cracking suscep- 5. The cabin adjusts up and down on a Paresa wanted to have a greater
tibility with wider root opening pass telescoping frame to accommodate dif- margin of safety for meeting mechani-
welding on thick plate (see Fig. 3), ferent plate heights; a cage provides cal properties while reducing concerns
while delivering mechanical properties operator safety, and curtains provide related to hot cracking and moisture
above customer requirements. The weather protection. absorption in filler metals.
tensile strength is > 100 ksi (690 MPa) The system consists of SAW power To start, ESAB SAW technical ex-
and Charpy impact toughness source with a suitable output (a 1000 perts Paolo Torchiana, global product
at –196°C (–320°F) is > 52 ft lb (70 J). A alternating current [AC]/direct cur- line manager for stainless steel and
“Through improved wire chemistry rent system is common), a process nickel alloy SAW and ESW; and
and slag systems, the next generation controller that allows the operator to Gabriele Gallazzi, product manager,
of all-position nickel alloy electrodes set welding variables and control trav- worked with Paresa to develop new
can have a weldability that is close to el speed, a welding carriage with man- welding procedure qualification
that of a mild steel electrode; they pro- ually adjustable torch mount, a flux records (WPQR) that have been certi-
vide an extremely flat bead profile,” hopper, and an endless rubber belt to fied by Bureau Veritas. For the 26-mm
Lake said — Fig. 4. “Radiography shows support the flux in the welding posi- wall thickness at the bottom ring, the
no indications, while weld parameter tion (Fig. 6) and allow it to be recov- WPQR for the outside of the joint re-
monitoring showed no voltage or am- ered and recirculated. quires seven welding passes and the


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ESAB Solution (As Welded) Minimum Requirements

Tensile strength 720 MPa 680 MPa

Yield strength 480 MPa 430 MPa
Elongation 42% 35%
Charpy V-notch energy 100 J @ -196°C 56 J @ -196°C
Charpy V-notch lateral expansion 0.8 mm @ -196°C 0.38 mm @ -196°C (ductile fracture > 0.3 mm)

Fig. 7 — Properties of an enhanced AWS A5.9/A5.9M ERNiCrMo-4 electrode with neutral flux for AC current.

Ni9 LNG Tank Conventional ENiCrMo-6 Advanced ENiCrMo-6

4.0 mm dia. × 350 mm length 4.0 mm dia. × 350 mm length

Customer electrodes 39,000 kg 35,537 kg

consumed per year
Deposition efficiency 61% 67%
Deposition rate 1.73 kg/h 1.90 kg/h
Welding speed 285 mm/min 313 mm/min
Total weld joint length 19,621 m 19,621 m
Total working hours 64,031 h 57,067 h
Savings — hours 6964 h saved
Savings — filler metal 3463 kg less filler metal used

Fig. 8 — When more of an electrode can be consumed, the savings add up to thousands of hours.

inside requires eight. it production efficiencies and a com- 15% more of an expensive electrode. In
The industry standard prior to the petitive advantage,” Torchiana said. addition, excess heat poses the risk of
1980s had been to use an ERNiCrMo-3 degrading metallurgical composition
SAW electrode. While it produces SMAW Advances and mechanical properties.”
strong welds, its niobium and lower Gu noted conventional Ni-alloy
molybdenum content make it more China will soon become the world’s electrodes are separated by three types
susceptible to hot cracking. ERNiCr- largest importer of LNG, and current depending on welding position usage:
Mo-4 SAW electrodes became the in- LNG demand could almost double to one type optimized for 1, 2, and 3G
dustry standard, with niobium elimi- 550 billion m3 by 2030. Although LNG positions, another type for the 4G po-
nated and with higher molybdenum. terminal and cargo tank contractors in sition, and a third certified for use in
Further development by ESAB refining China want to erect tanks at a rapid all four positions.
the ERNiCrMo-4 composition range pace, they face several challenges. “If contractors can use one elec-
has made it less crack susceptible. Fur- Jack Gu, director of segment sales trode type instead of two, they can re-
ther, because impurities exploit stress- at ESAB Shanghai, recently worked duce the risk of mixing up the types on
es that occur as the weld pool solidi- with a pressure vessel fabricator to ad- the jobsite, as well as lower stock keep-
fies, the electrode’s metallurgical com- dress these issues for fabricating four ing unit costs,” Gu said.
position and consistency is tightly 6500 m3 LNG cargo tanks. He recom-
controlled by working with the mill mended SMAW electrodes meeting the Conclusion
supplying the metal. AWS ENiCrMo-6 classification. While
Of course, proper electrode selec- several electrodes meet the need, dif- LNG tanks require tens of thou-
tion is only half the story with DSAW. ferences between the coating formula- sands of kilos of filler metals that can
In conjunction with the new electrode, tion and electrode wire metallurgy be- cost more tha $50 per kg (nearly
ESAB developed a new flux specifically tween providers can produce different $23/lb). As has been shown in this ar-
to weld Ni9 alloys using AC current results — Fig. 8. By comparing elec- ticle, even well-established companies
(AC current eliminates magnetic arc trodes, the tank fabricator reduced can benefit by starting a dialogue with
blow, an effect to which Ni9 is sensi- filler metal consumption by 3463 kg experts who combine filler metal,
tive). The neutral flux has a high basic- (7635 lb). process, and LNG tank application
ity that provides good mechanical “Scrapping of expensive Ni-alloy expertise. The process of customers
properties with better impact tough- electrodes is an easily identifiable sharing their challenges is the genesis
ness values (Fig. 7) while delivering a point of waste that impacts welding of innovation, whether that is some-
stable arc and good weldability in the costs for tank construction,” Gu thing as simple as designing packaging
2G position. The flux is shipped in a shared. “Electrodes with a higher cur- for better moisture resistance or the
25-kg (55-lb) steel drum to prevent rent carrying capacity address this is- years of R&D that lead to formulation
moisture absorption until use and pro- sue. Operators can weld with almost advancements. WJ
vide easier handling and storage dur- the entire length of such electrodes.
ing field erection. Conversely, if a nickel alloy core wire
“While Paresa needed to learn to electrode gets too hot toward the end NEIL FARROW ( is
global product manager, cored wires, ESAB,
walk before running, the company of consumption, operators must dis- London, England.
now welds at a marathon pace, giving card a longer stub. This can waste up to


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