Auditoria de Calidad Vs Inspeccion

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Feature By Lee A.


Quality Auditing vs. Inspection

A look at the changing role of CWIs

The role of a Certified Welding In-

spector (CWI) is cut and dry. After an
inspection is completed, they must de-
termine if the work is compliant, and
if it’s not, they must determine what
needs to be done to get the part or
workpiece into compliance. As CWIs,
this may be the majority of what they
do. Enter the Quality Management
System (QMS).
CWIs, as quality professionals, may
be asked to perform or assist the inter-
nal audit of their companies’ QMS or a
second-party supplier audit. They may
be taken outside their comfort zone and
asked to look into areas that are inde-
pendent of their normal functions. Just Fig. 1 — What are the key things to review? What are the criteria used to measure against?
like a welding operator not doing a final
inspection of their work, so it is for the
internal auditor.
An internal auditor should be inde-
pendent of the function they are au-
diting. Typically, the findings of quali-
ty control inspectors do not lead to
writing a corrective action request on
processes involving executive manage-
ment. Auditors, on the other hand,
will write corrective action requests if
an audit finding requires it.
Companies that use ISO 9001,
Quality Management Systems —
Requirements, or American Institute of
Steel Construction, AISC 207-16, Cer-
tification Standard for Steel Fabrication
and Erection, and Manufacturing of Met-
al Components for certification, for ex- Fig. 2 — Inspect, review, collect information, and obtain evidence. (Photo courtesy of Acero
ample, list particular procedures re- Estrella.)
quired for each certification. It must
be considered that processes in manu-
facturing and fabrication start well be- party audits for a registrar, or perhaps auditors are, and if someone in the
fore they ever hit the average Quality audits for a certification body — Fig. 1. group is a subject-matter expert — they
Control Inspector (QCI). The first step could be the same person. Are the right
in the operations is estimating, and Audit Planning and people assigned to the areas that need
to be audited? The lead auditor should
shipping a fabricated member or prod- Strategy be experienced in auditing and help
uct from the company is the final step.
CWIs must know their client and Planning an internal, second-party, guide the other internal auditors (see
their criteria first, whether they are con- supplier, or third-party audit is the first the links in the sidebar). In some com-
ducting second-party, supplier, or third- step. It should be determined who the panies, the lead is not involved with the

26 Inspection Trends / August 2020

Definition of Inspection
• As defined by the most re-
cent ISO 9000:2015, Quality
Management Systems — Funda-
mentals and Vocabulary, inspec-
tion is “Determination of
conformity to specified re-
• Inspection is associated
with inspecting a product or a
service to make sure it is
• Weld visual examination
(VT) or other nondestructive
examination (NDE) methods
are an excellent example of in- Fig. 3 — Analyze and exercise professional judgment. (Photo courtesy of Acero Estrella.)
spection. Does the specific
weldment conform?

Definition of Audit
• As defined by the most re-
cent ISO 9000:2015 standard,
an audit is a “systematic, inde-
pendent and documented
process for obtaining objective
evidence and evaluating it ob-
jectively to determine the ex-
tent to which audit criteria are
• Auditing is associated with
a higher-level review of the
system that is designed to Fig. 4 — Evaluate and assess the impact of evidence. What is the root cause? (Photo
produce and inspect the prod- courtesy of Acero Estrella.)
uct or service.
• An audit reviews a manu- actual audit but is an individual who re- Although it may be easy to jump to
facturing process from start views the audit process. Many audits, a conclusion, an auditor must take the
to finish. such as AISC’s, have included confor- time to understand the potential find-
mance to normative documents like ings before deciding on an action.
Useful Links those of the American Welding Society
(AWS), the Research Council on Struc-
These are the expectations of a quality
professional — Fig. 2.
tural Connections, the Society for Pro-
What Is Root Cause Analysis tective Coatings (SSPC), and others. Audit Techniques
(RCA)? Fieldwork is critical. As auditors, CWIs must fully grasp the subject being Some of the techniques CWIs can
cause-analysis audited or have a subject-matter expert apply to aid them in the auditing
available to help them understand, as process are as follows:
false findings in an audit are not benefi- • Taking accurate notes — It is stan-
Audit Versus Inspection? — cial. Inspectors should take the time to dard practice to review the findings of
Ask the Standards Experts understand clearly the point the auditee an internal audit during a company's is trying to communicate. There is time annual quality review.
/02/audit-versus-inspection/ to review the details and measure them • Explaining the findings to execu-
against the criteria at the end of the au- tive management — The language used
dit — this is not a product inspection. should be clear to a wide range of

August 2020 / Inspection Trends 27

readers. Assumed knowledge can make guideline? Who hired them, and what • When findings are not okay, they
the document unclear. For example, were the minimum criteria to be em- must be reported.
most of the readers of this article would ployed for that position? Auditors are • Most audit reports contain only the
believe AWS was the American Welding looking at the root cause to write their facts that support a nonconformity or
Society, but the person on the street findings — Fig. 4. The auditee is look- noncompliance.
might think about Amazon World Serv- ing at the root cause to help find an ac- • If one of the audit objectives is to
ices. The CWI will not be there to elabo- tion to prevent reoccurrence, typically, identify opportunities for improve-
rate or justify the finding. in a Corrective Action Request (CAR). ment, the findings might include ob-
• Determining Root Cause — A quick analysis may lead the CWI servations of inefficiency.
Throughout the audit process, the CWI to a more profound reason for the • Auditors should review findings
should consider the root cause of the nonconforming process during the in- and any other information relevant to
findings. Root cause analysis (RCA) or ternal audit. In some cases, the CWI the audit objectives.
the root cause is discovered in many dif- may go to an area that was not in the • Reviewing findings and other rele-
ferent ways. Asking the five whys is what original plan. It is considered the audit vant information brings the audit full-
I find to be the easiest to start with. List path and is quite reasonable in the au- circle when outputs are compared to
the problem and ask why did it happen? dit process, even though it is outside input requirements.
Then, why did that happen? If there is a of the original scope of the audit.
why that is out of the CWI’s control, go
back to the one before — the reason why
is never because of a person — Fig. 3. Reporting the Findings ( is
president of Pioneer Steel Services Inc.,
We must also focus on the process. Missoula, Mont. He is a Certified Quality
Were they adequately trained? Was the Some of the steps CWIs can take to Auditor (CQA), Certified Welding
report the findings of and audit are as Inspectior (CWI), and Certified Welding
trainer qualified to do the training? Educator (CWE).
Did the company have a training follows:

28 Inspection Trends / August 2020

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