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2023 年坤成中学下学年 统一考试时间表

Kuen Cheng High School Year-end Examination Time Table

日期 Date 时间 Time 作答时间 Jr2 考试格式 / FORMAT 考试范围 / SCOPE
KERTAS 1 Karangan : Syarahan, Surat kiriman rasmi, Surat kiriman tidak
- Bahagian A: Karangan (5 Soalan; Pilih 1 sahaja) rasmi, gambaran, perbincangan.
- Bahagian B: Rumusan
8.25-10.10 1hr45min BM Penulisan - Bahagian C: Kefahaman (Petikan 1, Petikan 2)

1. This paper consists of three sections: As informed by subject teachers

Section A: Composition (20%)
12-Oct Section B: Summary Writing (10%)
THU 随堂考 Section C: Cloze Test (10%)
2. Complete the paper within the 1 hour 45
minutes allocated.
10.45-12.30 1hr45min Eng Writing 3. Your composition will be assessed on its
content, organization, style, vocabulary, grammar,
spelling, and format.
4. All answers should be written on the foolscap
5. Arrange the answer scripts in sectional order.

13-Oct 一、甲组作文 30% 甲组: 记叙文、半命题作文、说明文、议论文、话题作文

8.25-9.55 1hr30min 华文写作 二、应用文10% 乙组:通告
FRI 随堂考

30-Oct 选择题40% 15.14 ~ 19.7 (16.8~16.10不考)

8.25-9.55 1hr30min Bio 简答题60% 英:30% 中:70%
MON 随堂考

甲组:语文知识 15% 甲组:语文知识

1 选择题5% a修辞【比喻、比拟、设问、反问、顶真、回文】
2简答题10% b成语、生词、拼音、错别字【课本下册范围】
乙组:现代文阅读2 篇 30% c短语、
丙组:文言文阅读15%, d词的感情色彩
8.25-9.55 1hr30min 华文 2 课内文言文8% 乙组:现代文阅读
课外文言文7% 记叙文一篇、说明文一篇

Objektif 20 soalan: 20 markah BAB 6: KESULTANAN JOHOR RIAU

Isi tempat kosong: 10 markah 6.1 - Pengasasan Kesultanan Johor Riau
11.00-12.00 1hr Sej Stuktur dan KBAT: 10 markah 6.2 - Kegemilangan Kesultanan Johor Riau

Objective Questions 40% Chapter 3: Chemical Formulae of Compounds

Subjective Questions 60% Chapter 4: Chemical Reactions and Chemical Equations
8.25-9.40 1hr15min Chem Chapter 5: Metal and Non-metals
Chapter 7: Gases (7.1 to 7.4 only)
WED KERTAS 2 - 50 Soalan Objektif (Pemahaman & KOMSAS : BAIK BUDI INDAH BAHASA
Tatabahasa) 1.Pantun Alam Remaja
11.00-12.15 1hr15min BM 2 2.Pada sekuntum mawar
3.Talia dan Raksasa Qadqad
4.Pelanduk Mengajar Memerang

2/11 - 14/11 统考期间停课,学生居家备考

15-Nov 甲。选择题50%, 第7章大地的衣裳(二)至第10章全球的自然景观

9.00-10.30 1hr30min 地理 乙。问答题50%

选择题:30% PG71-PG167
填充题:20% 单元(2)帝国主义威胁下的亚洲国家:
配对题:5% 新文化运动~南亚及东南亚各国成为西方国家殖民地
8.25-9.55 1hr30min 历史 问答题:30% 单元(3)英国势力入侵马来半岛

Section A: 15 Objective Questions (30%) Chapter 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32
11.00-1.00 2hr Maths Section B: 7 Sunjective Questions (70%) and Section 29.7 Distance between two points

8.25-9.25 1hr Phy Module 3: Work, Power, Energy, Heat;

Module 4: Electricity

2023 年坤成中学下学年 统一考试时间表
Kuen Cheng High School Year-end Examination Time Table
日期 Date 时间 Time 作答时间 Jr2 考试格式 / FORMAT 考试范围 / SCOPE

Generally from Unit 6-9

Section A: Reading Comprehension & Vocabulary (35 marks)
There are four parts in this section:
Part 1: Reading (15 marks) -MCQ + structured
17-Nov Part 2: Vocabulary (10 marks) -MCQ
FRI Part 3: Vocabulary Cloze (05 marks) -MCQ
11.00-12.20 1hr20min Eng 2 Part 4: Graphic Stimuli (05 marks) -MCQ

Section B: Language Use (25 marks)

There are three parts in this section:
Part 1: Error Correction (10 marks) -structured
Part 2: Rational Cloze (10 marks) -MCQ
Part 3: Sentence Synthesis (05 marks) -structured

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