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Group 3 :

9. Josua Albert Butar-Butar

10. M. Iqbal Aldriansyah

11. Nur Fajri Eko Yulianto

12. Refinnanda Samonde Dwi Cahyo

Class : Nautical VII-A

Subject : Maritime English

Topik : Charter Party ( Definition and type of Charter Party

1. A document of contract by which a shipowner agrees to lease, and the charterer agrees to hire, a
vessel or all the cargo space, or a part of it. The meaning of ....

A. Charter Party

B. The Charterer

C. Bill of Lading

D. Document of Compliance

Answer : A

2. There are the types of charters, except...

A. Demise charter

B. Bareboat charter

C. Berth charter

D. Voyage charter

Answer : C
3. the charterer hires the vessel for a single voyage, but the shipowner provides the master, crew,
bunkering and supplies, the meaning of....

A. Time Charter

B. Voyage Charter

C. Vessel Charter

D. Contract Charter

Answer : B

4. whereas the shipowner in a voyage charter takes responsibility for the ship, in a time charter the
shipowner may need to be indemnified against losses or liabilities proximately caused by the charterer,
the meaning of

A. Cargo loss

B. Dunnage

C. Demurrage

D. Indemnity

Asnwer : D

List of crew and responsibilities

5. New crew onboard must be familiarized with their duties and important information about the ship,
this is to ensure that the new people onboard ship understand their responsibilities thoroughly before
commencing their duties. Who is responsible for the familirization?

A. Captain

B. Chief officer

C. Second officer

D. Chief engineer
Answer : c. Second officer

6. The following is the responsibilities of 3rd officer, except ;

A. 0800/1200-2000/2400 navigational watch

B. maintenance, stowage and labeling of all flags, signaling apparatus and shapes

C. Maintaining fire fighting and safety equipment

D. maintenance of cargo gears and cargo carried on board ship

Answer : d. maintenance of cargo gears and cargo carried on board ship

7. What is the main duty of deck cadet onboard ship?

A. assisting the engineering department in maintaining mechanical equipment.B. Learns and performs
all deck and navigational duties aboard ship

C. responsible for ensuring that the ship safely and successfully carries out its functions

D. maintenance of charts and nautical publication.

Answer : b. Learns and performs all deck and navigational duties aboard ship

8. The following are rank of the engine department, except ;

A. Chief engineer

B. wiper

C. fitter

D. messman

Answer : d. messman


9. What is radio communication that is used as preface in VHF radio transmissions only in situations in
which there is an immediate danger of loss of life or the vessel itself when a boat is sinking, there's a fire
in the engine room, or someone on board is unconscious or experiencing a serious injury or illness?

a. Distress call(Mayday)
b. Urgent call(Pan Pan)

c. Safety call(Sécurité)

d. Routine call

Answer : a

10. What is radio communication that used as a preface to a VHF transmission when the safety of a
person or the boat is in serious jeopardy but no immediate danger exists such in situations in which the
boat has a slow leak or the engines are disabled and the boat is drifting toward a rocky shore?

a. Safety call(Sécurité)

b. Urgent call(Pan Pan)

c. Distress call(Mayday)

d. Routine call

Answer : b

11. What is radio Communication that used as a preface to announce a navigation safety message. This
may be an approaching storm(bad weather), a navigation light failure, a submerged log in a harbor
entrance or military gunnery practice in the area?

a. Safety call(Sécurité)

b. Routine call(Pan Pan)

c. Distress call(Mayday)

d. Urgent call(Pan Pan)

Answer : a

12. What VHF channel/frequency that used for distress and emergency calls as well as for informational
broadcasts from the Coast Guard and announce our ship condition to other ship when our ship is in a
emergency situation?

a.Channel 24

b.Channel 16

c.Channel 10

d.Channel 07

Answer : b
TOPIC : STCW 2010 (Resolution,The CODE, The content,and Definition)

13. a crew member who is the highest leader on the ship and has certain authority and responsibility in
accordance with the provisions of the legislation ?

a. Master

b. Chief Officer

c. Chief Engginer

d. First Engginer

Answer : a

14. ships built and used to transport petroleum and petroleum products in bulk ?

a. Chemical Tanker

b. Liquefied Gas Tanker

c. Oil Tanker

d. Passenger ship

Answer : c

15. presidential regulation number 24 of 2010 concerning the position, duties and functions of echelon 1
of state ministries, as amended several times, the latest with presidential regulation number ?

a. 38 of 2012

b. 38 of 2013

c. 38 of 2014

d. 38 of 2015

Answer : b
16. skilled seafarers deck (able seafaer deck) is a rating that has qualifications in accordance with the
provisions of the 1978 STCW convention and the amendments are ?\

a. Rule II/2

b. Rule II/3

c. Rule II/4

d. Rule II/5

Answer : d

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