Media Languages

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Media Languages


Symbolic Codes – Symbolic codes in media refer to

the use of symbols, signs and elements that carry
specific meanings connotations within particular
culture or context. These symbols are used by media
creators to convey ideas, emotions, themes, or
messages to the audience. Symbolic codes are a
fundamental component of visual and written
communication and play a significant role in various
forms of media. EX:
Acting, Setting,
Visual, colour,

Technical Codes – refer to the techniques, methods,

and conventions used by media creators to produce
and convey their messages effectively. These codes
are essential for the technical aspects of media
production, including audiovisual elements,
cinematography, sound design, editing and more.
Lightning, Camera work, Sound,

Written Codes - refer to the specific conventions,

rules, and practices governing the use of written or
textual elements in various forms of media. These
codes encompass everything related to the written
or printed words, including language, grammar,
typography, and textual structure. Printed spoken,
EX: dialogue, song lyrics

Media Languages - Media language is the way in which

the meaning of a media text is conveyed to the audience.
Each medium has its own language or grammar that works to
convey meaning in a unique way. Language in this sense means
the technical and symbolic ingredients or codes and conventions
that media and information professionals may select and use
in an effort to communicate ideas, information and
knowledge. Signs and symbols in media texts are having
more than one meaning; having multiple meaning

EX: Visual, Written, Verbal,

Convention are repeated ways of constructing media
works, using codes that, overtime, have become
accepted by audiences. And there are 3 types of
convention these are:

GENRE CONVENTION – Refer to the established

norms, expectations, and recurring elements that
define a particular genre of literature, film, music, or
other forms of art and entertainment.

FORM CONVENTION – Form convention refer to the

standard structures, formats, and elements that are
commonly used in various types of written
documents, such as reports, essays, letters and
academic papers.

STORY CONVENTION – Are common narrative

structures and understandings that are common in
story telling media products. Example of story
convention, include narrative structure, cause and
effect, character construction, and point of view.

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