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(2nd Semester Project)

Partner’s Phone Number________________________

You will work with a partner on a presentation that will be given to the class. The presentation should be at
least 6 minutes long. You will practice / review your presentation in class for three days and, if needed, use after
school time to further review it. This will be worth 15% of your semester grade. Your grade will be determined
based on the following criteria:

30 Points Class Discussion. Are all aspects about your topic covered? Is the information
complete? Do you get involved in the discussions of other topics?

20 Points Creativity (Skit, Interview, Demonstration, etc.)

10 Points Summary of main points at end of presentation.

10 Points Length (at least 6 minutes, longer is O.K.)

10 Points Equal workload between partners

10 points Relating your topic to something you experienced or to a real life incident.

10 Points Audio / Visual Aids (posters, drawings, music CDs, Google slides etc.)

Other ways your grade will be affected:

+10 Points Props/Costumes (fake weapons, dishes, etc.). Must be used in a skit/presentation

-40 Points only reading from paper you copied out of a book. Best you will do is 60%.
1. Bullying 10. The parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) /
Story of women caught in adultery (John 8:1-11)

2. Teenage Drinking 11. Matthew Chapter 5 (Beginning of Sermon on the Mount)

3. Smoking / Vaping 12. Matthew Chapter 6 (middle of Sermon on the Mount)

4. Drug Addiction (marijuana, etc.) 13. Matthew Chapter 7 (end of Sermon on the Mount)

5. Racism / Diversity 14. Sportsmanship / Being on a team

6. Abortion 15. Intellect, Free Will, and Conscience, what are

they and why we have them

7. Euthanasia 16. The Greatest Commandments (pg. 180)

8. Technology/Social Media – Cell phones and 17. Homework / Doing well in school / Organization
computers - how they change / affect our lives.

9. Terrorism - How it affects you / your family 18. You pick the topic!!! (O.K.’d by Coach Klutch)

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