Travel Access Pass System

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Tribhuvan University

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

“Travel Access Pass System”


Submitted to

BCA Department

Danfe College

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor in Computer Applications

Submitted by:

Bishal Shrestha


Under Supervision of

Deepak Thakur

September 2022
Tribhuwan University

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Danfe College


I hereby recommend that this project prepared under my supervision by Bishal Shrestha entitled
“TRAVEL ACCESS PASS SYSTEM” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
of Bachelor of Computer Application is recommended for the final evaluation.



Mr. Deepak Thakur


Faculty Member

Department of Computer Application

Danfe College, Sinamangal, Kathmandu

Tribhuvan University

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Danfe College


This is to certify that this project prepared by Bishal Shrestha entitled “TRAVEL
ACCESS PASS SYSTEM” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor in Computer Application has been evaluated. In our opinion it is satisfactory in
the scope and quality as a project for the required degree.

SIGNATURE of Supervisor SIGNATURE of HOD/ Coordinator

Mr. Deepak Thakur Mr. Bijay Mishra
Faculty Member Program Coordinator
Department of Computer Application Department of Computer Application
Danfe College, Sinamangal, Kathmandu Danfe College, Sinamangal, Kathmandu

SIGNATURE of Internal Examiner SIGNATURE of External Examiner

Travel Access Pass System is a web based application for users to get travel pass online.
This system was intended to develop an application that perform functionalities like
getting travel pass online without having to pay and stay in queue. This system helps
make public transport travel easier and smooth. It creates a fare transportation system.
Before this application implemented the manual process is used to do the process of fare
collection and recognizing user credentials and identity cards. The manual process
requires man power and is more time consuming and tiring. To avoid such difficulties we
implemented this system.

Keywords: Travel Access Pass, Queue, Public Transport, Identity Cards, Online

With immense I am presenting “Travel Access Pass System” Project report as part of
curriculum of “Bachelor of Computer Applications”. On the very outset of this report, I
would like to extend our sincere and heartfelt obligation towards all the personages who
have helped us in the endeavor. Without their actions, guidance, help, cooperation and
encouragement, I would not have made headway in the project.

I am ineffably indebted to Mr. Deepak Thakur for conscientious guidance and

encouragement to accomplish this assignment. I am extremely thankful and pay my
gratitude to my faculty Mr. Bijay Mishra for his valuable guidance and support on
completion of this project in its presently.

I express my gratitude to Danfe College for giving me an opportunity to be a part of such

kind of learning experience, which will surely enhance our knowledge and skills.

I also acknowledge with a deep sense of reverence, my parents who have supported me

Also my gratitude goes to all my friends who directly or indirectly helped me to complete
this project report.

The project has been a great experience, the learning and the exposure, I got through this
project was immense and will surely help me in my future pursuits.

Yours sincerely,
Bishal Shrestha

Table of Contents
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................ I

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................ II

LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... V

LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................... VI

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 1

1.1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1

1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT ........................................................................................... 2
1.3 OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................ 2
1.4 SCOPE AND LIMITATION ......................................................................................... 2
1.5 DEVELOPMENT METHODOLOGY ............................................................................. 3
1.6 REPORT ORGANIZATION ......................................................................................... 3


2.1 BACKGROUND STUDY ............................................................................................ 4

2.2 LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................. 4

CHAPTER 3: SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ..................................................... 5

3.1 SYSTEM ANALYSIS ................................................................................................. 5

3.1.1 REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS....................................................................................... 5
I. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS..................................................................................... 6
3.1.2 Feasibility Analysis ........................................................................................... 7
3.1.3 Data Modelling: ER Diagram ............................................................................ 9
3.1.4 Process Modelling: DFD ................................................................................. 10
3.2 SYSTEM DESIGN ................................................................................................... 12
3.2.1 Architectural Design ........................................................................................ 12
3.2.2 Database Schema Design................................................................................. 13
3.2.3 Interface Design: UI/UX ................................................................................. 14
3.2.4 Physical DFD ................................................................................................... 19
3.3 ALGORITHMS ....................................................................................................... 19

CHAPTER 4: IMPLEMENTATION AND TESTING ................................................ 21

4.1 IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................................................ 21

4.1.1 Tools used ........................................................................................................ 21
4.1.2 Implementation details of modules.................................................................. 22
4.2 TESTING ............................................................................................................... 25
4.2.1 Unit Testing ..................................................................................................... 25
4.2.2 Test cases for System Testing ......................................................................... 27


5.1 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................ 28

5.2 LESSON LEARNT................................................................................................... 28
5.3 FUTURE RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................................... 28

REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 29

APPENDICES .................................................................................................................. 30

List of Figures
Figure 3.1: Use Case Diagram of Travel Access Pass System ............................................ 6
Figure 3.2: Entity Relation Diagram of Travel Access Pass System ................................... 9
Figure 3.3: Context Diagram of Travel Access Pass System ............................................ 10
Figure 3.4: Level 1 Data Flow Diagram of Travel Access Pass System ........................... 11
Figure 3.5: Architectural Design of Travel Access Pass System....................................... 12
Figure 3.6: Database Schema Design of Travel Access Pass System ............................... 13
Figure 3.7: UI of Home Page of Travel Access Pass System ............................................ 14
Figure 3.8: UI of Register Page of Travel Access Pass System ........................................ 15
Figure 3.9: UI of Login Page of Travel Access Pass System ............................................ 16
Figure 3.10: UI of User Dashboard of Travel Access Pass System .................................. 17
Figure 3.11: UI of Admin Scan Page of Travel Access Pass System ................................ 18
Figure 3.12: Physical Data Flow Diagram of Travel Access Pass System ........................ 19

List of Tables
Table 4.1: Test Case for Login .......................................................................................... 25
Table 4.2: Test Case for Recharging Account ................................................................... 25
Table 4.3:Test Case for the System ................................................................................... 27

1.1 Introduction
The title of this project is „Travel Access Pass System‟. As the title suggests it is a system
of access pass used for automated fare collection on public transport services. The TAP is
a credit-card-sized card which consists of a Quick Response (QR) code that holds the
user‟s information. These passes are generated according to user‟s information which
holds user‟s TAP account information. These cards can be recharged using the TAP
website payment portal supported by the system. This system is designed to reduce the
number of cash collection as fare on public transport inside Kathmandu valley. This helps
to create a cashless fare collection system on public transport where the fares are
transparent and no one can be cheated or have to hassle with the bus operator or the
conductor for fare change or excessive fare. As the system automatically deduces your
fare by recording your boarding and departure destination and calculating the fare as per
the data stored in the system which corresponds with fare collection system of the
Transport Ministry.
All together the Transit Access Pass is a web-based application which will make the
public transport cashless and more efficient. This system can be used in all kinds of
public transport. For this system to work the public transport vehicles need to be
registered to the system and need to have the system for operators installed in them. The
operators need to have the system installed and internet access to operate it and link to the
database for fare calculation and collection. The operator‟s system will have a GPS
system to record the location of the vehicle live and store the passenger‟s location also.
The passengers will have a different system with them through which they can recharge
their accounts and generate their QR card after their account is activated. Finally, for this
system to work properly there needs to be proper cooperation between the vehicle
operators and the passengers about the use of the system.
[1]Transit Access Pass system is a system used to perform basic function for providing
passes without the need to wait in any queue. The project allows users to register on the
website and interact online to manage their account and pass related transactions. The
manual cash transaction system sometimes causes error and some passengers may travel
without proper change of cash. The passenger pass should be validated while entering the
departure station and when leaving the exit station. None of the passenger can travel
without paying fare thus increasing the revenue. And if somebody does not validate

properly while leaving the vehicle after getting on the passengers will have to pay much
more as they pay using the bus GPS system to keep record of the location of where they
have travelled.
[2]This project is created to provide “safe, reliable, saving, efficient and affordable”
services for user. This idea would help the user in a better way. The project allows users
to register on the website and interact online to manage their account and pass related
1.2 Problem Statement
Manual travelling system always create problem as every work has to be done by
humans. Some problems that can be observed commonly are unfair collection of fare by
the vehicle operators. Usually this problem arises when the customer has little to no
information about the rate of the transport fare from the places they board to the places
they want to get off on. The process of having exchange or change for traveling in public
vehicle is a hassle as passengers always need to carry bulky amount of change units.
Another problem of the manual system is old aged passengers are not able to remember
where they got on the bus from and cannot remember the fare rate. It is not always the
passengers that face problems, bus operators also face some issues with the old manual
system. Travellers fraud the vehicle operators by forging duplicate identity cards or the
vehicle operators may not recognize the original identity card.
1.3 Objectives
The main objective of this system is:
 To make transport cashless
 To create a modernized transport system
 To create fair collection system
 To make accurate and efficient calculations
1.4 Scope and Limitation
1.4.1 Scope
 Users can register and they can view and change their profile details.
 Users can recharge through the options available after their account has been
 Users can view their transaction history as to when they recharged.
 Anyone can view the website and read about the system and create a new
account for them.

 Admin can modify the status of the user.
 Admin can see the number of new users and users corresponding to status.
1.4.2 Limitation
 As with all other online platform, there may be some loss of data in the database
due to some error.
 Users can only change some of their details like username, email, address and
mobile number among other details.
 Since time is limited, the completion of this project might be affected.
 The quality of the project might be slightly compromised.
1.5 Development Methodology
Waterfall Model is used to this system. In waterfall method, each phase must be complete
before moving on to the next phase. This means output of the previous phase works as the
input for the next phase. The Travel Access Pass System is developed using waterfall
model. The reason for choosing this approach is its simplicity. Likewise, we were
accustomed with the objectives and intended course of action that should be followed
while developing this project. Hence, waterfall model seemed to be the best method to
implement this project.

1.6 Report Organization

Chapter 1 includes introduction of the TAP system with its problem statement, objective
and its scope and limitation.
Chapter 2 includes the background study of travel access pass system and some literature
review of other travel access pass system.
Chapter 3 includes the functional and non-functional requirements along with feasibility
study and architectural design of the TAPS.
Chapter 4 includes information about the tools used in this system and testing that are
Chapter 5 includes the outcome of this system as well as the future recommendations for
the TAPS.

2.1 Background Study
Travel Access Pass System is an automated payment system that makes public transport
travelling easier to do and keep track of. The smart payment system has been introduced
in 10 Sajha buses plying along the Lagankhel-New Buspark route inside the Valley.
According to Sajha Yatayat, the smart travel card system has been installed on both doors
of the buses and passengers can pay the fare by swiping their cards while entering and
exiting the vehicle. The fare amount will be deducted from the rechargeable card account
as per the travelled distance. Likewise, Sajha further informed that they will be expanding
the smart payment service, which is currently operational in one route, to all routes within
the Valley. [3]

2.2 Literature Review

Automatic ticketing system is based on the identification of passengers via contactless
smart RF card in which memory stored data indicates the type of ticket and subscribed
driving for specific city and suburban relations and which enables a simple and quick
identification of all participants within the system, both passengers and employees
(drivers, controllers, administrations and other employees).

The contactless card is the most appropriate media for identifying the persons as it
increases the passenger passage at the entrance of vehicle since it is enough to stick the
contactless card to the recorder (even with the card in the wallet). Based on the data from
the card, validator either accepts the passage of passenger or refuses to accept the card.
The system allows issuing of single paper tickets or multiple contacless cards so that
BusCARD supports pre-paid cards that are limited in a given time period (such as a
replacement for a monthly demonstration tickets), tickets limited by a cash amount or
number of driving in a particular zone or combination of previous types of the cards. A
special type of card is created for employees who use the card for the purpose of
registering working time or access control to certain areas. [4]

3.1 System Analysis
For the system analysis of this project we conducted requirement analysis and feasibility
analysis of the project. System analysis overviewed the functional and non-function
requirements of the system along with technical, operational and economic feasibility
analysis of the system.

3.1.1 Requirement Analysis

In requirement analysis we have two sections among which we have use case diagram of
the Travel Access Pass system for the functional requirement of the system and its
analysis on availability, security, performance and reliability for the non-functional

i. Functional requirements

Figure 3.1: Use Case Diagram of Travel Access Pass System

Figure 3.1 shows the use case diagram of the Travel Access Pass system. It is clearly
exhibited that the system consists of two actors: user and admin. The admin has all the
administrative privileges and controls. Admin can approve user‟s registration, reject it or
suspend them and delete them completely. Along with these admin can also scan the
user‟s QR code and deduct travel cost after their data. Whereas, the users can register and
login to the system and update their profile, change their profile picture and recharge their

ii. Non-functional requirements

 Availability: This project is a web-based application meaning any browsers can
support it and can operate it. As for availability of the project is it available to
everyone as soon as they connect to system through the internet as it is operational
24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
 Security: The system is divided into the role of admin and passenger. Here only
the admin can access the database, where also some of the data are encrypted such
as passwords and payment details so that security and privacy can be maintained.
Access to the system is protected by admin login system with email and password
generated by the super admin who can oversee all the details.
 Performance: The system is designed to be lightweight using free and open-
source resources so that it does not affect the overall performance of the system.
Overall the performance will depend on the user‟s devices also and response by
the system will not take more than few seconds.
 Reliability: The system is very easy to use as it is written using HTML as the
front end design so the user can interact with the system easily. As well as the UI
of the system is also user-friendly making it secure and reliable to use.

3.1.2 Feasibility Analysis

For the feasibility analysis of the project we looked into some of the common approaches
like is it technical, can it be operational and how economical can the project be. The
details of the analysis done are as following:

i. Technical

The Travel Access Pass system is a technically feasible project as it uses open-source,
free and readily available components and programming languages that does not require

complex resources to run. It is built using HTML, Bootstrap and JavaScript for frontend
view of the system and Laravel framework and MySQL and Apache through XAMPP
Control Panel sfor backend activity and support of the system.

ii. Operational

Travel Access Pass system is developed using open-source software whose database is
hosted and managed by MySQL and Apache through XAMPP Control Panel. It is a web
based application which just needs internet connectivity to operate and not much
hardware is required as only a device with camera is required for its operation for the

iii. Economical

In order to create Travel Access Pass, the most important part is economic feasibility as it
determines the overall flow of the project. How the budget is utilized, where it is being
utilized and when it is being utilized; these are all the important things to be considered.
So, from economic point of view almost all the resources required for this system are free
to use legally and open-source. The system budget is used for testing of the system for
scanning the system QR code.

3.1.3 Data Modelling: ER Diagram

Figure 3.2: Entity Relation Diagram of Travel Access Pass System

Figure 3.2 shows the Entity-Relationship diagram of Travel Access Pass System. The
TAP system consists of four entities: User, Admin, Payment and Account. The attributes
of user are: id, email, password, name, email, phone, address, is_admin, image and status.
The admin has attributes like: admin_id, status, email, password and is_admin. Likewise,
the payment entity has id, payment_id, payer_id, payer_email, currency, amount and
payment_status. Finally, the account entity has id, user_id, balance and status as

3.1.4 Process Modelling: DFD

Figure 3.3: Context Diagram of Travel Access Pass System

Figure 3.3 shows the context diagram of Travel Access Pass system. In this system we
have two entities: admin and user. The admin can login, approve new user, change user
status, scan user‟s QR code and deduct balance from user account. User can login to their
account or register new account. They can view their profile, view their QR pass, update
their profile, recharge their account and view balance.

Figure 3.4: Level 1 Data Flow Diagram of Travel Access Pass System

Figure 3.4 shows the level 1 data flow diagram of Travel Access Pass System. In this
figure we can see the registration process, login process, profile update process and
balance management process at work. They are also connected to database tables. They
are: D1-Users, D2-Account and D3-Payments. The admin approves user in registration
process to create new users. The admin and user login to the system through the login
process. The user can view and update their profile through the profile update process.
The admin can deduct travel cost from balance management process whereas the user can
provide recharge and view their balance through it.

3.2 System Design
3.2.1 Architectural Design

Figure 3.5: Architectural Design of Travel Access Pass System

Figure 3.5 shows the architectural design of the system. Here we can clearly see that the
entity user has connections with two tables: users and payment. The user can register,

login and update profile through the user table. They can view and recharge their account
through the payment table. Whereas, the admin also has connections with those two table.
The admin can login, scan QR code of user and manage the user from users table. They
can also manage the payments table and logout of the system.

3.2.2 Database Schema Design

Figure 3.6: Database Schema Design of Travel Access Pass System

Figure 3.6 shows the database schema design of Travel Access Pass system. In this
system there are four tables like users, admin, payments and accounts. Every table has

their own primary key id denoted by PK. Some tables have foreign key to retrieve data
from other tables denoted by FK.

3.2.3 Interface Design: UI/UX

Figure 3.7: UI of Home Page of Travel Access Pass System

Figure 3.7 is the user interface of Travel Access Pass system. It is the first page that opens
in the screen when the user visits the website. From there users can register new account
or login to their existing accounts. They can also view the address, email and phone at the

page along with different social icon links and the copyright information.

Figure 3.8: UI of Register Page of Travel Access Pass System

Figure 3.8 is the register page through which users can register new accounts. In this page
we have a form with fields: name, address, and phone, email, password and confirm
password to create new accounts.

Figure 3.9: UI of Login Page of Travel Access Pass System

Figure 3.9 is the login page of the system. By clicking on the login button the users and
admin can login to their account. To login to their account they must first give their
correct credentials that is stored in the database that is email and password.

Figure 3.10: UI of User Dashboard of Travel Access Pass System

Figure 3.10 is the UI of user dashboard where the user reached after logging into the
system. From here the user can view a welcome message, click to view their pass, see
their account status, balance, click to go to the recharge page and go to the profile section.

Figure 3.11: UI of Admin Scan Page of Travel Access Pass System

Figure 3.11 is the UI of admin‟s scan page. The admin can reach here after logging to
their account and go the scan page through the sidebar in the left. The admin can go to
dashboard or user list page through here. They can also scan user‟s QR code and deduct
cost of travel here.

3.2.4 Physical DFD

Figure 3.12: Physical Data Flow Diagram of Travel Access Pass System

Figure 3.12 is the physical data flow diagram of the Travel Access Pass system. It shows
more detail of the system as to where the data are going and what they are doing in that
process and database table.

3.3 Algorithms
The Travel Access Pass system utilizes two types of algorithm: QR generation algorithm
and QR Scanner algorithm. These algorithms are used to generate travel pass for the user
and scanner for admin to scan the travel pass and deduct the travel cost.

Steps in the QR generation algorithm are:

i. Choose the text to encode that is the user‟s id.
ii. Choose the error correction level
iii. Encode the text into a sequence of zero or more segments
iv. Concentrate the segments and add a terminator
v. Set the size of the QR code. Reinterpret the bit stream as a sequence of bytes, then
divide it into blocks
vi. Draw the function patterns onto the appropriate modules. Draw the sequence of
code words onto the QR code symbol
vii. Choose the format in which we want the QR code to be presented

Steps in the QR Scanner algorithm are:

i. Scan the QR code through the camera of the device

ii. Reinterpret the bit stream of sequence of bytes from the blocks of function
iii. Decode the text from the sequence of zero or more segments
iv. Apply the error correction level to the decoded text
v. Display the decoded text

4.1 Implementation
Implementation is the stage where we implemented the system using different tools and
implementation modules. After implementing them we did some tests to ensure the
system is working as it was expected to work.

4.1.1 Tools used

1. is used in the construction of UML diagrams, entity relationship diagrams and
plenty more for the preparation of this project. Using this we were able to draft the overall
design of the system.

2. MySql:

MySql is a free to use database management software. So, it is used to test our system on
what it does at the backend and host our own test server to run this project.

3. Visual Studio Code:

Visual Studio Code is a lightweight source code editor. So, it is used to write all the codes
of this project as it supports all of the programming and mark-up languages used in this

4. Laravel

Laravel is the php framework used for the construction of this project. This framework
allowed the project to operate properly because of its easy to use structure for backend
development of the project.

5. JavaScript

JavaScript is used in this project to handle some of the Ajax requests made when the QR
scanner is used. Using JavaScript the system is able to response to the admin‟s request
without reloading the current page and provides the user‟s details.

6. HTML and CSS

HTML is used as a mark-up language used to build the structure of project. CSS is used
alongside it to design and manage to how the content generated by HTML looks.

4.1.2 Implementation details of modules

i. Registration Module:

Registration module is dedicated to register new user in the system. Users need to provide
their information to register and they can continue to use the system.

protected function create(array $data)

return User::create([
'name' => $data['name'],
'address' => $data['address'],
'phone' => $data['phone'],
'email' => $data['email'],
'password' => Hash::make($data['password']),
ii. Login Module:

Login module verifies the user‟s login credentials and logs them to the system if they
provide correct details. This module works like this:

public function login(Request $request)

$input = $request->all();
$this->validate($request, [
'email' => 'required|email',
'password' => 'required',
if(auth()->attempt(array('email' => $input['email'], 'password' =>
if (auth()->user()->is_admin == 1) {

return redirect()->route('admin.home');
} else {
return redirect()->route('login')->withSuccess('You are not an admin');
return redirect()->route('login')->withSuccess('Email or Password is invalid');
iii. Recharge Module:

Recharge module verifies the details given by user and recharges the amount to their

public function success(Request $request) {

if($request->has('PayerID')) {
$transaction = $this->gateway->completePurchase(array(
'payer_id' => $request->input('PayerID'),
'transactionReference' => $request->input('paymentId')

$response = $transaction->send();

if($response->isSuccessful()) {
$arr = $response->getData();
$payment = new Payment();
$payment->payment_id = $arr['id'];
$payment->payer_id = $arr['payer']['payer_info']['payer_id'];
$payment->payer_email = $arr['payer']['payer_info']['email'];
$payment->amount = $arr['transactions'][0]['amount']['total'];
$payment->currency = env('PAYPAL_CURRENCY');
$payment->payment_status = $arr['state'];


DB::table('accounts')->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->increment('balance',

return redirect()->route('home')->withSuccess('Payment has been successfully

} else {
return $response->getMessage();
} else {
return redirect()->route('home')->with('error', 'Payment failed');
iv. QR Generation Module:

This module generated the QR code used by user as travel pass.

<div class="col-md-5" style="padding:5px;">

{{ QRCode::text("{$user->id}")

4.2 Testing
4.2.1 Unit Testing
Table 4.0.1: Test Case for Login

Pre-conditions: User is already registered in the system.

S.N. Input Expected Output Remarks
1 Navigate to Login page As expected, user User was able to
login page should open was able to navigate navigate the login
to login page page of BPMS
2 Correct email User must login User logged into the User was able to
and password successfully system access the services
provided by the
3 Incorrect email User must not User was not logged User was not able to
but correct login into the system access the services
password provided by the
4 Correct email User must not User was not logged User was not able to
but incorrect login into the system access the services
password provided by the
Post-condition: User is validated with database and successfully login to BPMS system.

Result: PASS

Table 4.2: Test Case for Recharging Account

Pre-conditions: User should login to.

User has to click on the recharge button and provide all the necessary details
S.N. Test Cases Input Expected Outcome Output

1 Navigate to Recharge button As Expected, user was
dashboard should be visible and able to navigate page
active and the button was
2 Recharging User should be As expected, user was
User clicks the
user account redirected to the redirected to the
recharge button
payment gateway payment gateway login
login page page

3 Deny to login Provide incorrect The user should not As expected, the user
to the login details and able to login to the was not able to login
payment login to the payment gateway
module payment gateway page
4 Login to Provide correct The user should able As expected, the user
payment login details and to login to the was able to login to
module login to the gateway the gateway page
payment gateway
5 Payment User provides The user should not As expected, the user
Denied wrong payment able to recharge their was redirected to
details account and should be dashboard page and
redirected to the payment was not
dashboard page successful
6 Payment User provide The user should be As expected, the user
Successful correct payment able to recharge and was able to recharge
details should be redirected and was redirected to
to dashboard with dashboard with
updated balance info updated balance info

Result: PASS

4.2.2 Test cases for System Testing
Table 4.3:Test Case for the System

S.N. Test Case Input Expected Output

1 Check with Login As expected, the
incorrect Password: 098%$#@ denied login was denied
login detials

2 Check with Email: Login As expected, the

correct login Password: super123 Successful page redirected to
details admin dashboard

3 Check with If required fields are Successful Inserted data into

User Register filledwith defined data database in user
entry of new
type table
4 Check with Click on the respective Must be Updating user
activate, suspend, buttons to perform activates, status was
reject and delete actions suspended, successful
user rejected and
4 Check with Scan QR code properly Successful Data was
QR scanner with supported device Scan successfully
scanned and
5 Check with Travel cost Payment The payment
travel cost successful was successful
payment and user but user
balance balance
should deduct deducted

Result: PASS

5.1 Conclusion
After finishing the Travel Access Pass system, we can gladly say we have received a
tremendous amount of understanding about how the project is accomplished in real life
and how it should be operated. The project could not be started because of lack of
information on some areas regarding this project but it started slowly and successfully.
Finally, the was completed and even though the project we made is not ideal in every
aspects and completely finished as it can be further improved we were able to learn very
valuable experience as a team.

5.2 Lesson Learnt

While working on this project, we have learned many valuable things that are being
implemented on real-world projects. Through the research done to start this project we
learnt the various types of travel system being implemented around us. Although this
project was supposed to be an academic fulfilment, with the help and guidance of our
teachers and seniors we learned many more about software management, project
planning, testing, database management, rules to be followed while creating a project or
software, time management, team work and most importantly to be patient.

Although the project has turned out be exactly what we has expected it to be , there are
many more functions that can be added to the system and improved making the system
even more feasible and operational.

5.3 Future Recommendations

The possible improvements that can be made for this system are:

i. Adding a GPS system to automatically know the position where the user got on
and off the vehicle to automatically deduct the travel cost.
ii. Calculating travel cost using database records of distance travelled.

[1] Sangharshi Sunil Patil, Sarang Krushna Pujari, Pravin Raju Chougale, Prof. R. J.
Kodulkar Raviraj Vardhaman Shete. (2022, May) iJRASET-International Journal For
Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology. [Online].

[2] [Online]. https://college-bus-pass-management-system-

[3] (2017, March) The Kathmandu Post. [Online].

[4] (2022, May) BusCard. [Online].


1. Home Page

2. Register Page

3. Login Page

4. Admin Dashboard Page

5. Admin Scan Page

6. User Dashboard Page

7. User Profile Page


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