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Review of Integers

Adding & Subtracting Integers!

One fall morning, the temperature was -2°C. During the day, the
temperature rose by 9°C. What was the high temperature of the day?

To solve this problem…we must add integers

We are going to use a number line to help us answer this problem:

For every positive integer, there is a negative integer located the same
distance from zero on the opposite side of the number line. These pairs
of integers are called opposites.

For example, the opposite of +3 is _____. The opposite of -8 is _____.


Add the following integers. Use a number line to help you if wish.




State the integer that represents each situation:
a) The water level rose by 2cm: _________

b) The temperature fell by 5°C: _________

c) Leslie lost $30: _________

d) Kendra made $15 babysitting: _________

State the result in each case:

a) An increase of 9°C followed by an increase of 16°C: _________

b) A decrease of 12°C followed by an increase of 22°C: _________

c) An increase of 6°C followed by a decrease of 14°C: _________

d) A decrease of 3°C followed by a decrease of 11°C: _________

Add the following integers:

a) b)

c) d)


Subtract the following integers: (Remember: “Two negatives make a positive”)

a) b)

c) d)


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