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Lectu re Notes

in Economics and
Mathematical Systems
Managing Editors: M. Beckmann and W. Krelle


R. L. Basmann D.J. Siottje

K. Hayes J. D. Johnson
D. J. Molina

The Generalized
Fechner.:rhurstone Direct
Utility Functian and Same
of its Uses

Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

Editorial Board

H. Albach M. Beckmann (Managing Editor) P. Dhrymes

G. Fandei G. Feichtinger J. Green W. Hildenbrand W. Krelie (Managing Editor)
H.P. Künzi K. Ritter R. Sato U. Schittko P. Schönleid R. Selten

Managing Editors
Prol. Or. M. Beckmann
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912, USA

Prof. Or. W. Krelle

Institut für Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften
der Universität Bonn
Adenauerallee 24-42, 0-5300 Bonn, FRG


R. L. Basmann D. J. Siottje
Department of Economics Department of Economics
SUNY Binghamton Southern Methodist Universily
Binghamton, NY 13901, USA Dallas. TX 75275, USA

K. Hayes J. D. Johnson
Department 01 Economics Department 01 Economics
Southern Methodist University University 01 Mississippi
Dalias, TX 75275, USA Universlty, MS 38677, USA

D.J. Molina
Department 01 Economics
Universlty of North Texas
Denton, TX 76201, USA

ISBN 978-0-387-96853-7 ISBN 978-1-4684-9401-3 (eBook)


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© Springer Seienee+Business Media New York 1988

Originally published by Springer-Verlag NewYork, Ine., in 1988.


J. Nicholas Slottje

David Francis Slottje Jr.

Spencer Slottje

Kimberly Kanani Hayes

Lauren Makena Johnson

with love.

This book sterns from research that Basmann, Molina and Slottje be-
gan together in 1980. Basmann had explored many of the concepts we will
discuss below twenty five years earlier, but had put the work aside to con-
centrate on econometric statistics and didn't return to the subject of this
book until 1980. The subject matter of this monograph has elicited some
controversy and as we hope to show as the reader progresses, most of it
is unnecessary. The material in Chapter Two follows closely from a paper
we published in the Journal 01 Institutional and Theoretical Economics
and we are grateful to the publisher for permission to use the material
again. The second chapter also includes several new sections which have
never been published before. The same is true of Chapter Five where
we thank the American Statistical Association for permission to reprint
some of our earlier results and again we have added sections never pub-
lished. Chapter Six is based on a forthcoming article in Economica and
the subsequent chapters will all be submitted to journals at the time this
monograph goes to press, which is one of the aims of Springer-Verlag's
series in mathematical economics.
Many individuals have provided helpful comments on this research over
the past few years without being implicated for any errors in anyway. They
includej Bill Barnett, Ray Battalio, Mike Baye, Dan Black, Frank Cowell,
Charles Diamond, Erwin Diewert, Chris Fawson, James Foster, Frank
Gollop, Terence Gorman, Joe Hadar, Joe Hirschberg, Arthur Lewbel, Dale
Jorgenson, Essie Maasoumi, Mike Nieswiadomy, Dan SIesnick, Tom Stoker
and Hans Theil. Finally, we wish to thank Sherry Jackson, Janet Thoele
and Pontip Vattakavanich for much patience and expert typing.

Preface v

1 Introduction 1

2 The GFT Utility Function 9

2.1 Background and History . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2 Least Restricted Direct Utility Function 16
2.3 Nonvacuous Preference Changers 19
2.4 Demand Functions . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.5 Is the GFT a "Flexible Form" ? . . . 26
2.6 Aggregation of the Utility Function . 27

3 Estimating the GFT Form 33

3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . 33
3.2 The Maintained Hypothesis 41
3.3 Econometric Specification . 47
3.3.1 Serial Correlation Hypothesis 47
3.3.2 Likelihood Support for Hypotheses 50
3.4 Tests of Fixed Preference Hypotheses . . . 53
3.5 Elasticities of Marginal Rates of Substitution' . 57
3.6 Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

4 The GFT and Alternative Forms 65

4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
4.2 Fechner and Thurstone Revisited 66
4.3 Empirical Results . 68
4.4 Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . 70

5 The True Cost-of-Living Concept 77

5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . 77
5.2 Approach and Notation . . . . . 85
5.3 Derivation of the TCLI's . . . . . 89
5.3.1 Computation of TC LI(O) 90
5.4 The Sensitivity of the Cost of Living 91
5.5 Statistical Methods used in the Chapter .100
5.6 The Empirical Results · 103
5.7 Chapter Summary . . . . . .110

6 Cross Country Comparisons 113

6.1 Introduction . . . . .113
6.2 The Model .113
6.3 Empirical Results . .116
6.4 Chapter Summary · 125

'T Testing for Habit Persistence 127

7.1 Introduction . . . . · 127
7.2 The Model . . . . · 128
7.3 Empirical Results . · 131
7.4 Chapter Summary · 133

8 Concluding Remarks 137

Bibliography 139

A The Five Commodity Groups 155

B The Eleven Commodity Groups 157

C hapter 1


Whenever a neoelassical direct utility function is in elose (even perfect)

agreement with consumer behavior data, there is always an alternative
direct utility function that agrees at least as elosely with the same data.
By 'agreement' we mean that areal sampIe S of consumer data assigns
significant likelihooo ratio support to the parameters of utility function
in question when the latter is tested as a null hypothesis nested within
a broader elass of utility functions. 1 Existence of this equally weil (if
not better) fitting alternative to such a neoelassical direct utility function
has considerable significance for the rational conduct of potential problem
analysis in the policy-making arena. [We shall give important examples
later in this book.]
However the nonuniqueness of any neoelassical utility function on em-
pirical data is rarely mentioned in the literature of economic theory. The
inherent impossibility of any neoelassical utility functions to acquire the
greater observational support in a fair likelihood ratio test against non-
neoclassical alternatives appears to be little understood among economists
generally. There is some recognition that a successful "fit" of the CES form
cannot possibly warrant the conelusion that tastes remained constant in
a time-series, cf. Landsburg, 1981, p. 103. Generality of nonuniqueness
was too cryptically demonstrated in Basmann et al. , 1983, p.412.

1Striet neoclassical direct utility functions (Basmann et al. , 1985b, pp. 75-76) that
are popular among microtheorists have fared very badly as null hypotheses, however.
This is especially the case with the CES (constant elasticity of substitution form) used
by Landsburg, 1981 and its limiting forms, "Cobb-Douglas" and Leontief.

This introduction presents a short proof and explanation of this nonunique-

ness of empirically realistic neoclassical direct utility functions.
Let S be a batch of observed vectors of price, total expenditure, and
quantities consumed by a group of one of more individual consumers. 2
Let V(X; t/J) be a direct utility function 3 that is strictly neoclassical. 4

Theorem 1 (N onuniqueness) If a strictly neoclassical direct utility func-

tion V (X; t/J) rationalizes the data batch S, then V (X; t/J) cannot be unique.

Proof of Theorem 1 follows directly from the following theorem:

Theorem 2 (Existence of a Direct Utility Function) If X, p, and

M satisfy the linear budget constraint (1.1), then there is a direct utility
function, U(X;O), having the form illustrated below that is maximized by
the consumer group 's choice 01 x.

The direct utility function may be unique for some data batches S.
However notice that the second theorem implies the nonuniqueness of
every other direct utility function W(X; t/J) whether or not the taste-
descriptive parameter t/J is strictly independent of budget constraint prices
and total expenditure.
Now let S be an arbitrarily large sampIe of observed vectors (X, p, M)
from an exactly repeatable, absolutely fiawless revealed preference exper-
iment. The subject of the experiment is an individual consumer, p is an
n-vector of positive prices and M is the total expenditure the consumer
is allowed to make during any specified session of the experiment. Vec-
tor (p, M) is under experimental contral and is changed from session to
session. X is the consumer response; it is an n-vector of nonnegative
2 X ia an n-vector of nonnegative quantitiea. p is an n-vector of positive prices. M is
total expenditure on X at prices p.
3For the present discussion assume that all utility functions denoted in this article
possess continuous second-order derivatives with respect to components of X. This as-
sumption causes no loss of generality that is essential. A general analysis would add
not hing to the main point of this article cf Samuelson and Sato 1984, p. 589.
4I.e., the taste-descriptive parameter-vector .p is strictly independent of changes in
total expenditure M and budget constraint price vector p. In case .p is differentiable with
respect to p and M, strict neoclassical assumptions imply that all partial derivatives are
exactly zero for every (p, M).

quantities chosen by the consumer subject to the budget constraint deter-

mined by (p, M). Let us assume that the consumer allocates all of M to
the expenditure on commodities i = 1, ... , n, viz,
LPiXi = M (1.1)
for all observations (X, P, M) that come in question. A necessary conse-
quence is that the consumer's response (demand) results in maximization
of a direct utility function that has the Generalized Fechner- Thurstone
(GFT) form.
Seo (1973) demonstrated 5 that Arrow's (1961) claim that any system of
demand functions satisfying the linear budget constraint above can always
be written as:

Xi=M[ gi(P1, ... ,Pn,M) ] .

Pi2:k'=1g k (P1, ... ,Pn,M) , l=I,2, ... ,n. (1.2)

needed to be extended to:

gi (pr, . .. , Pn, M) [ n ]
Xi (1.3)
Pi 2:7=1 gj (pr, ... , P,., M) M - L IkPk + li,
i 1,2, ... , n.


g;(P1,'" ,Pn, M) > 0 Vi, [M - E IkPk] > O.

so as to include the case where the li's are not equal to zero.
Since any system of demand functions can be expressed in the form of
(1.3) above finding a utility function that yields (1.3), when maximized
subject to a linear budget constraint, will assure generality. One such
5This holds for any system of demand functions whose domain is:

(Pi, ... ,p,., M) I [M - t

1kPk] > O.

for a rigorous proof the interested reader is referred to Seo (1973)


function as is shown by Basmann, Molina and Slottje (1983, 1984b), 1S

the Generalized Fechner-Thurstone (GFT) direct utility function:
U(X; 0) = TI (Xi - li)8., (1.4)


Xi > max{O,li}, (1.5)

0i = O;(p,M;W)e u , > 0, i = 1,2, ... ,n,

o = LOi

The n-tuple 0 of positive valued functions Oi(P, M; w) for i = 1,2, ... , n,

represents the parameter of U(X; 0).6 The traditional distinction between
parameters and arguments is assumed. 7 The vector u = (ut, U2, ••• , u n ) is
a latent random vector with zero mean vector and finite positive definite
variance matrix Ac, and represents stochastic changes of tastes. Serial
covariance matrices A", , k = 1,2, ... , K, may represent persistence of
those stochastic changes. The vector W = ('lj;1, 'lj;2, ... , 'lj;r) of observable
non-stochastic variables, other than current p and M, represents other
systematic taste changers.
It is easy to show that maximization of (1.4) subject to (1.1) above
yields the following demand function:

x; = (Ji(p,M;W) [ n ]
i=1,2, ... ,n (1.6)
(}(p, M; W)Pi M - {; I"P" + li
6In actual econornetric applications the exponent functions (J. are assurned to depend
also on a randorn variable Uj in accordance with a general theory of stochastic changes
of consurner taste (Basmann, 1985). The theorems presented in this note are unaffected
by the presence or absence of the randorn variables in the exponent functions (Jj. In
other words, the theorems are true even in microtheory contexts, where interest in the
likelihood of hypotheses is absent.
7Basrnann and Slottje (1987) write: The vector X 0/ quantities is the only argument 0/
the GFT direct utility /unction (1.4), p, M, Wand Uj are parameters 0/ (1.4). '" In terms
0/ economic behavior, the argument X is under the consumer groups' control, whereas
the parameters are not. We assume here that the consumer group does not choose prices
and its total expenditure is exogenous.

which is in the form of (1.3) above, implying that every system of demand
functions necessarily results in the maximization of a direct utility function
of the GFT form. 8 In fact the GFT form is the least restricted algebraic
form of direct utility function satisfying the necessary and sufficient con-
ditions for describing the utility maximizing behavior of a consumer (or
a group of consumers)9. Since the existence of a direct utility function
of the GFT form is always implied it can never be rejected as a viable
alternative hypothesis on empirical grounds.
In other words, if revealed preference observations satisfy (1), then
consumer behavior necessarily results in maximization of the GFT direct
utility function. This establishes Theorem 2.
The GFT direct utility function is designed for intertemporal compar-
isons of consumer equilibria. Time periods are sufficiently long to allow
budget constraints, i. e., prices and total expenditure to change signifi-
cantly. The fundamental assumption is that periods sufficiently long for
such changes to occur are also sufficiently long for significant changes of
taste to occur as weIl. As elsewhere in science, this kind of correlation
does not entail that budget constraint changes "cause" or produce the
accompanying taste changes.
The GFT direct utility function, however, does not imply that the in-
tratemporal indifference maps are of the Cobb-Douglas form. Basmann,
Molina, and Slottje (1983) stressed the point with an important counterex-
ample. Nor, of course, does the GFT direct utility function imply that
intratemporal indifference maps are homothetic. On the other hand, the
GFT direct utility function does not exclude the possibility that intratem-
poral or static indifference maps are homothetic, or even Cobb-Douglas in
form. Being applied to data that cannot in principle test such hypothe-
ses as the latter, GFT theory makes no assertion about forms of static
indifference maps or preferences.
It is emphasized that satisfaction of the strong or weak axioms of re-
vealed preference is not necessary for the above results to hold. Suppose
however that it is possible to infer from S a strictly neoclassical direct
utility function V (X; 1/J) that rationalizes S in the sense that to each ob-
servation in S it assigns the demand elasticities Eij(p, M) i,j = 1, ... ,n.

8S eo (1973) showed the GFT would generalize consumer behavior even when all of
the traditional properties of the demand functions do not hold.
9See Basmann, Molina and Slottje (1983, 1984b)

The criterion of closeness of fit to the revealed preference data in 8

is embedded in the algorithm, of course. Under that criterion, the GFT
direct utility function and some neoclassical direct utility function V (X j t/J)
just described are equally well-supported by the empirical data. 10
One use of the notion of a strictly neoclassical direct utility function
is to define the mathematical characteristics, we should expect a system
of demand functions to possess in case variations of the budget constraint
have absolutely no effect on consumer tastes. Probably that is the most
widespread use of utility functions, but it is not potentially the most im-
portant use. A number of policy-relevant concepts and measurements
necessarily presuppose specification of a direct utility function.
The empirical rationale for calculating the optimality of a policy -
relevant measurement or program based on a given utility function (say)
V (Xj t/J) is that V (Xj t/J) rationalizes relevant historical data batches like
8. 11
However, the optimality, of a policy-relevant measurement or program
rationalized by V{Xj t/J) is not unique on the relevant data. The data will
always afford at least equal rationale for basing the policy-relevant mea-
surement or program on the GFT form. The following examples, chosen
for their timeliness, suffice to illustrate the point: TCLIs, or "true" -cost-
of-living indexes (Konyus, 1924j 1936j Fisher and Shell, 1968, pp. 97-
101), are defined in terms of a presupposed direct utility function. You
cannot calculate a Konyus-Fisher-Shell TCLI without specifying a form
of direct utility function. 12 A COLA (cost-of-living adjustment) schedule
for increasing salaries and pensions of (say) federal employees might be
prescribed in terms of increasing salaries and pensions of (say) federal em-
ployees might be prescribed in terms of a TCLI based on a direct utility
function V (Xj t/J). For sake of illustration, suppose that a Leontief form of
V (Xj t/J) is supported by "real-world" historical data on federal employ-
ees' revealed tastes. Then the modified Laspeyres forms of price-indexes

10 A method of determining the exponents (Ji in (2a-b) in terms of V (X; 1/1) is described
by (Basmann et al. , 1983, p. 412); see also (Basmann et al., 1985a, pp. 17-20).
llTo a specified degree of approximation, of course.
12 A computer algorithm may chose a form for you without revealing the chosen form
to you, however. Nor would it be a simple matter for you to recover the implicit form
chosen by the algorithm. As a result, analysis of the sensitivity of the algorithmic TeLl to
changes in (say) prices, income, and other economic factors would become impracticable.

currently in official use can validly be regarded as (approximate) TCLIs.

However, there would necessarily be at least two other TCLIs equally as
weII-supported as the CPI (Consumer Price Index) formula by the same
historical data, and equally entitled to consideration as a basis for COLAs.
If the alternative TCLI based on the GFT direct utility function were to be
adopted, the stream of COLA payments would differ in timing and amount
from that rationalized by the TCLI based on V(X; tJi)Y Examining all
TCLIs equally weIl-supported by empirical data is needed. 14 Examination
of observationally equivalent alternatives can throw considerable light on
some questions already raised in the policy process, e.g., such as whether
(say) COLAs tied to the CPI under-compensate Social Security recipients
and overcompensate (say) federal employees and pensioners. We discuss
these problems fuIly in chapter four.
Where it is recognized, the nontestability of a strictly neodassical di-
rect utility function against the GFT form, even with fiawless revealed
preference data, is not a serious problem for economic analysis and econo-
metrics. To begin with, it is not a technical problem or puzzle for either
pure economic theory or econometrics. Given the sampIe data S, esti-
mation of the GFT form puts the smallest premium on assurning greater
knowledge than one actually has. The GFT direct utility function will
afford the dosest fit to S. That does not mean that it is the "best" choice
on which to base a policy, but it is asound reason for not ruling it out
in advance. If a strictly neoclassical V (X; tJi) - for instance, a direct
implicit addilog form (Barnett, 1981, pp. 262-267) - fits a sampIe S al-
most as weIl as the G FT, 15 the different policies that would be optimal
under V(X; tJi} and under the GFT form respectively can be described,
analyzed, and disseminated to participants in the policy process to the
extent resources allow. Where practical policy measures are to be based
on the choice of direct utility function, that choice is inherently political,

13The authors' forecast of the 1984 TC LI based on (2) below is about 8% lower than
the projected CPI- U.
l40nee an ageney such as the Bureau of Labor Statisties has eolleeted and prepared the
data for eomputation of CPI-U or CPI-W, the additional eost of eomputing alternative
TCLIs based on (2a-b) is negligible (relatively).
151t is possible that the neoclassical direet utility function might fit equaIly as weIl
as (2a-b) - (3a-e). Easily arranged in a simulation (not Monte Carlo!) experiment
(Basmann et al. 1985aj 1985b), the aetual oeeurrence of such an event appears unlikely
with "real-world" time-series and cross-section data.

not scientific, as a consequence of the empirical nontestability described

The problem is chiefly one of exerting professional responsibility to-
wards participants in the policy process. The illustration above, involving
the alternative COLA programs that would be optimal under the GFT
form and some alternative V (X; t/J), respectively, suffices to emphasize the
point. Other illustrations from applied economics will be discussed in this
book. No sampie S of data can afford an objective basis for choosing (say)
measures of consumer surplus, compensating variation, or equivalent vari-
ation based on (say) V(X; t/J) rather than the GFT form, or conversely.
Mainstream tradition has treated nontestability of "seemingly alterna-
tive" economic hypotheses as matters for philosophers' concern rather
than economists'. A consequence is that even major works on welfare
economics fai! to mention the empirical nonuniqueness of the most basic
concept of that field, e.g., Harberger, 1971, p. 788; McKenzie, 1983, p. 3.
In chapter three, we furt her define the GFT and its properties and discuss
its ability to indicate Veblen effects in relation to fixed preference forms
that can't. Chapter four presents an example of the GFT's relevance for
true cost-of-living indices and chapter five presents cross country compar-
isons of preference variation. Chapter six discusses a new model of habit
persistance and chapter seven concludes the book.
Chapter 2

The GFT Utility Function

2.1 Background and History

Samuelson, in his Foundations of Economic Analysis (1947), credits Wal-
ras with having shown many years before that it is possible to modify
utility analysis so as to take account of the peculiar properties of money;
(Samuelson, 1947b, p. 118).The first part of this chapter is adapted in
part from Basmann, Molina and Slottje (1987). The latter exposition fol-
lows Basmann, Molina and Slottje (1984a). In response to Walras' critics
who feared "that there was something viciously circular in assuming the
existence of prices and of a 'value for money' in the midst of the process by
wh ich that value was to be determined" Samuelson sought to clear up such
misconceptions, by deriving the consumer's demand function for holding
of money from a utility function subject to a linear budget constraint in
which the price of "gold" 1 and the rate of interest, as weIl as commodity
prices and total expenditure appear as parameters; (Samuelson, 1947b, pp.
119-121). Samuelson introduced commodity prices and the price of "gold"
into the consumer's ordinal direct utility function U(X;p) as parameters. 2

1 "Of course no reader will think that I attach any particular importance to gold or any
other metal; any conventional unit which serves as money will do." (Samuelson, 1947b,
p. 119).
2 X designates the vector (Xl,"" X n ) and is confined to the positive n-orthant, Xi
designates quantity of the i th commodity, P is the vector (pl,"" Pn) of positive com-
modity prices. The sem i-colon is used to separate the argument of a function from its
parameters. M designates total expenditure.

Apart from the usual restrictions on fixed-preference utility functions, only

homogeneity of degree zero in all prices was imposed. Even without an
explicit form of a direct utility function that restrietion is sufficient to
imply the meaningful, refutable hypothesis that the demand for (holding)
money has unitary own-price elasticitYj (Samuelson, 1947b, p. 121).
Thus in small compass Samuelson laid out the schematic framework
for the theory of price-dependent direct utility functions, which - as he
mentioned - had much broader theoretical and empirical scope than ra-
tionalization of consumer demand for holding money. In that connection,
Samuelson mentioned the need to introduce prices into indifference loci in
the case of commodities that are valued for their exclusiveness so that pref-
erences are altered by changes in their relative pricesj3 (Samuelson, 1947b,
p. 119). Another kind of case (not mentioned by Samuelson) calling for the
introduction of market prices, or some other kind of preference-changing
parameters,4 into direct utility functions occurs in connection with the
3 E.g., precious stones, gold (possibly) have been considered as "conspicuous consump-
tion" goods, the purchase of which acquire greater or less snob appeal accordingly as their
prices increase or decrease. Thorstein Veblen (1899) is usually cited in this connection.
Veblen (1899) put forward an explanatory theory of the utility of commodities that
attempts to account for the formation and change of consumer preferences over time.
Actually, the utility of commodities is viewed as a resultant of two kinds of utility,
which compete with each other in affecting the consumers' responses to changes in prices
consumers must pay and to the consumers' abilities to pay, i.e., the total expenditure
of which a consumer is capable (Veblen, 1899, pp. 97-99). In the present connection
it must be emphasized that Veblen considered this secondary utility of commodities to
be pervasive rat her than confined to a few unusual commodities (Veblen, 1899, p. 101).
According to Veblen, consumption goods, even productive goods, generally possess and
exhibit a mixture of primary and secondary utility. Later in the chapter "Pecuniary
Cannons of Taste", Veblen suggests that there are no goods supplied in any trade which
do not have secondary utility in greater or less degree (Veblen, 1899, p. 157). According
to Veblen's theory, conspicuous consumption, or the consumption of goods and services
that is motivated predominantly by secondary utility, is not confined to the leisure dass
but prevails over all the social and income dasses from richest to poorest (Veblen, 1899,
pp. 88-85, p. 103). This brief review of Veblen's theory of the utility of commodities
makes dear the practical motive for assuming that prices and total expenditures have
some inliuence on the parameters of a direct utility function that is supposed to be
mathematical description of the resultant effects of primary and secondary utility in
Veblen's sense.
4In empirical demand analysis and predetermined variable, apart from prices p and
total expenditure M as arguments, is ipsa facta hypothesized to be a preference-changing
parameter in relation to the underlying preference structure, e.g, time as a trend variable,

wide use and robustness of double logarithmic demand and expenditure-

share functions in empirical demand analysis. For sound reasons, the
double logarithrnic form has been popular with empirical demand analy-
sis, chiefly because it is linear in the elasticity coefficients that are to be
estimated, and the attendant certainty about the statistical properties of
least squares elasticity estimators under the stochastic assumptions usu-
ally made. On the other hand, it has long been known that interpretation
of the raw elasticities of such a complete system of "demand functions" as
the price and total expenditure elasticities of demand is inconsistent with
the theory of utility-maximizing consumer; (Schultz, 1938; pp. 628-633;
Battalio, et. al., 1973, esp. p. 366). Of course, for some specified, definite
form of the underlying direct utility function, the known forms of derived
demand functions or expenditure-share functions might happen to imply

1. they possess logarithmic Taylor expansions at some point (ln pO,

In MO) of interest

2. that the derived demand functions or expenditure-share functions

can be computed from their Taylor expansions, and

3. that the remainder R 2 after the linear terms is sufficiently small.

Condition (2) does not necessarily follow from condition (1) so it really
isn't sound practice merely to assurne that the double logarithmic "de-
mand" functions or expenditure-share functions afford local approxima-
tions to the derived demand functions or derived expenditure-share func-
tions when the theoretical forms of the latter are unknown. The Taylor
approximation has to be rationalized by the known form of the function
it is to approximate. 5 However, specification of definite, explicit forms
of direct utility functions that are dependent on market prices, or on
other preference- changing variables such as total expenditure, can yield
meaningful alternative rationalizations of systems of double-Iogarithmic

or "dummy variables" to change intercepts (Basmann, 1956, p. 48).

5For instance consider fiX) = exp( -1/ X2) at x cl 0, f(O) = O. The function
possesses continuous derivatives of all orders; consequently, the Taylor expansion exists.
No matter to how many terms the Taylor expansion is carried, the remainder Rn is equal
to the value of fiX) itself. cf. Franklin (1940), p. 150.

demand function approximations and expenditure-share function approx-

imations. Fixed-preference utility function cannot explain why empirical
double logarithmic demand functions and expenditure-share functions do
as weIl as they often do in practice.
Samuelson's brief note on the demand for money attracted little re-
sponse at the time. Economists concerned with analysis of variable pref-
erences and causes of changes in taste tended to put greater emphasis on
sodal and technologie al factors, habit persistence (Duesenberry, 1949), ad-
vertising and other forms of selling effort, income and parameters of the
income distribution (Johnson, 1952), than on changes in market prices.
Ichimura (1951) and Tintner (1952) defined changes in preferences as
changes in the form of the ordinal utility function or indifference map
and derived the corresponding shifts in demand as linear combinations of
Slutsky-Hicks terms (Basmann, 1954, 1955). Tintner (1960, p. 109) was
concerned with interdependence of consumer's utility functions; he con-
sidered the case of direct utility functions that incorporate as parameters
the incomes of aIl individuals in society, including the consumer's own,
Le. the utility function is dependent on the empirical income distribution.
In the same paper, Tintner also considered the case of direct utility func-
tions that include the quantities of all commodities consumed by all other
individual consumers (Tintner, 1960, pp. 110-112).
Subsequent writers on price-dependent utility functions sei dom men-
tion Samuelson's contribution specifically. Kaiman (1968), Dusansky and
KaIman (1972; 1974), Clower and Riley (1976), Wichers (1976), were con-
cerned primarily with demand functions that are not homogeneous of de-
gree zero in all prices and money income, i.e., with the presence of "money
illusion" .
The question of whether the absence of zero degree homogeneity in
the above demand functions alone can exhaust the meaning of "money
illusion" is still open and interesting, especially in reference to the repre-
sentative consumer in statistical demand analysis (Schultz, 1938, esp. p.
630)6 but it need not detain us here. There are other motivations, both

6The fact that empirical per capita demand functions show "money illusion", in this
sense does not imply that any of the individual consumer demand functions are not
homogeneous of degree zero in average market prices and per capita total expenditure.
Per capita money illusion may be accounted for as a property of the distribution of prices
paid and of total expenditure.

traditional and recent for extending Samuelson's schematic framework for

a theory of price-dependent preferences. KaIman (1968, p. 497) mentions
the Veblen effect, or snob appeal and the Scitovsky hypothesis that con-
sumers often consider commodity prices and commodity price changes as
indicators of quality and quality changes (Scitovsky, 1945, p. 100).
R. A. Pollak (1977) has provided some additional important and em-
pirically meaningful interpretations of price dependent preferences. This
book is concerned with Pollak's interpretations and with further empir-
ically meaningful interpretations of our own. In Sec. III of his article
Pollak (1977) offers two alternative interpretations of price- dependent
preferences and discusses the implications of price-dependent preferences
for welfare economics. He distinguishes two models of price- dependent

1. in which the objects of choice are commodity bundles and the order-
ing is dependent on prices

2. in which the objects of choice are "quantity-price situations". (Pol-

lak, 1977, p. 65, p. 74)

In Pollak's notation, n-vector pN and pM designate "normal prices"

and market prices respectively. Pollak considers two types of demand

1. market price (MP) demand functions Q = h(pM,Ji.; pN) are found

by maximizing the price dependent utility function under the usual
budget constraint with pM Q = Ji., where Ji. denotes total expendi-

2. the normal price (NP) demand functions show the consumption pat-
tern implied by the MP demand functions when pN = pM, i.e.
Q = h(pM,Ji.;pN). cf. Pollak (1977, p. 66).

Pollak's NP demand functions are identical with what we shall call (sim-
ply) individual consumer's market demand functions; the latter constitute
the subject matter intersection between his article and the present book.
Although economists have long been receptive to the not ion that con-
sumer preferences vary systematically in response to past consumption,

advertising effort, and product innovation,7 there has been considerable

reluctance to consider changes in income and market prices as potentially
important preference-changing variables. This may be, as Scitovsky (1945,
p. 100) put it, because of "fearing the havoc it may wreak with the whole
theory of choice." Pollak (1978) distinguishes two very different motiva-
tions for economists' reluctance to formulate and test hypotheses about
preference formation and preference variation. In a nutshell, the first of
the motivations is that preference- and taste-formation are none of the
economists' business. 8 The second is a widely held, but rather vaguely ex-
pressed, notion that "if you let preferences vary, then you can make your
system of demand functions fit any empirical data whatsoever." It seems
to be believed that the introduction of the hypothesis that individual con-
sumer's preferences vary with respect to official or market prices somehow
constitutes an unwarranted rescue of utility analysis from empirical refuta-
tionj Pollak cites Stigler and Becker (1977, esp. pp. 78-79) as representing
an extreme position on the formulation and testing of variable preference
hypotheses (Pollak, 1978, p. 375). However, Stigler and Becker (1977) ap-
pear to be rescuing fixed preference theory and interpersonal uniformity
of preferences from empirical refutation by using household production
theory as a catch-all.
Fear that price-dependent preferences will wreak havoc with the theory
of choice, with traditional or "new" welfare economics, or with household
production theory is real, to be sure, but it is unfounded. This is most
clearly demonstrated in the case where consumer demand functions
1. possess the Slutsky property,9

2. are rationalized by adefinite, explicit price-dependent direct utility

7 cf. Report of Kiel Meeting, Econometrica, Vol. 24, pp. 327-328.
sOn this, see Pollak's (1978) quotation from Friedman's textbook Friedman (1962).
gA system of demand functions X(p, M) is said to possess the Slutsky property if and
only if the Slutsky derivatives Kr,. satisfy the following conditions:

Ki~· Kji
Kti < 0

L,P,.Ki~· 0

and the matrix [Kt,.] is p.s.d., where Kr,. is defined in terms of demand functions

function U(X;p)

3. are also rationalized by an equally definite, expIicitly stated fixed

preference direct utility function V(X).

Where U(X;p) and V(X) are explicitly stated, they are empirically mean-
ingful alternative hypotheses in Samuelson's sense (Samuelson, 1947, p.
In his article, Robert Pollak (1977, pp. 65, 69, 73) argues correctly
that a system of Slutsky-Hicks demand functions derived from aprice-
dependent preference ordering can sometimes also be derived from another
preference ordering that is independent of prices. Pollak instantiates his
argument by describing a Klein-Rubin direct utility function in which the
lower terminal parameters depend on prices in an expIicit form; he ar-
gues that the implied Slutsky-Hicks demand functions can also be derived
from an alternative preference ordering that does not depend on prices,
namely, a preference ordering that corresponds to the indirect utility func-
tion TjJ(P, 11; p N ); Pollak (1977, p. 70) demonstrated coexistence of two
distinct direct utility functions yielding the same Slutsky-Hicks demand
functions poses an exceptionally important interpretative problem for the
theory of individual consumer behavior. (Here we suppose, of course,
that the demand functions in quest ion agree closely with, or fit, some
individual consumer's quantity-price-total expenditure data.) To beg in
with the formal distinction between the underlying price-dependent util-
ity function U(X;p), on the one hand, and the simultaneously underlying
price-independent utility function V (X) on the other, if the latter exists,
it is empirically detectable, therefore meaningful. Moreover, the differ-
ence is feasibly detectable in practice by current techniques of behavioral
economics when used in conjunction with revealed preference techniques,
but not by revealed preferences alone.

Xi, j = 1,2, ... , n by

K~. = aXt X~ aXt

'] api + ] aM

2.2 Least Restricted Direct Utility Function

Given that every system X(M,p) of demand functions whatsoever that
satisfy the budget constraint (1.1) can be expressed in the form (1.3) (as
noted in chapter one), the following question naturally arises: What is
the most robust, or least restricted, form of direct utility function that
can rationalize demand functions (1.3)? The question is an extremely im-
portant one because its answer defines the natural scientific boundaries
of a theory of the utility-maximizing consumer. Special, restricted forms
(or algorithms) for direct utility functions imply "straightjackets on the
facts," to borrow a term from Samuelson (1947, p. 88) which permit such
restricted forms to be disconfirmed in principle, at least, by empirical data.
Their potential empirical disconfirmation makes such restricted direct util-
ity functions unsuitable for use in defining boundaries of a theory of the
utility-maximizing consumer, especially where the theory is expected to
have policy relevance, e.g., in the construction of cost-of- living indexes.
It turns out that the direct utility function characterized by (2.1), be-
low, rationalizes every system of demand functions that satisfy the budget
constraint (1.1). The GFT form of direct utility function with argument
X is defined by

U(Xj B) II (Xi - /,;)8;(cr) (2.1)

X; 2': max(O,/,;).The n-tuple B of positive valued functions Bi(o:), for

i = 1,2, . .. , n, is (said to bel the parameter of U(Xj 8). The notational
device of separating the argument parameter of a function by a semicolon
will be used throughout this study whenever it is essential to distinguish
between them. The GFT direct utility function (2.1) looks superficially
like the Stone-Geary and Cobb-Douglas direct utility function, the latter
being, from the formal point of view at least, highly restricted special cases
of (2.1). First- and second-order partial derivatives of (2.1) with respect to
elements of X will be designated by Ui(Xj 8) and Uij(Xj B), respectively,
or, as is usually done, by Ui and Uij . The marginal rate of substitution
of commodity k for commodity i at a point X of the domain in (2.1) is

defined by
R~kl(X; a) =dJ (2.2)
Uk(X; 0)
O,(a) (Xk -,k)
Ok(a) (X, -,,)
The preference field, or system of indifference surfaces determined by
(2.1), remains invariant against the replacement of (2.1) by any monoton-
ically increasing function of U(X; 0) (see Hieks, 1946, pp. 306-307).
In aggregating individual consumer's utility functions we find it very
convenient to use the following replacement of U(X; 0) by another GFT
direct utility function U(X; tJ):
O(a) =dJ LO,(a). (2.4)
The new parameter tJ is required to satisfy the condition

L tJ,(a) = tJ. (2.5)

where the numerical value of tJ is specified. This requirement is satisfied
by the definition
U(X; tJ) [U(X; tJ)]s (2.6)
TI (X, _,;)6;(<>l.
From (2.1) and (2.6-2.7) it follows that

tJ,( a) = O,(;)tJ, i = 1,2, ... , n. (2.8)

Consequently, for every X in the domain (2.1), R~kl the marginal rate 0/
substitution 0/ commodity k tor commodity i, remains invariant:
U,(X; tJ)
R;kl(X;tJ) =dJ (2.9)
Uk(X; tJ)
R;k l (X; tJ) (2.10)

at every point X of the domain (2.1).

In view of this invariance of preference maps defined by GFT direct
utility functions we are able validly to specify that for every pair of distinct
individual consumers J.L and 1/, the parameters 11(1') and 11(") satisfy the
n n
L11(I')(a) = L11(v)(a). (2.11)
i=1 i=1

This respecification does not involve any interpersonal comparison of util-

ity or levels of satisfaction.
In the next section the theory of the utility-maximizing consumer will
be linked up with a theoretical representation of the personal multivariate
distribution of expenditures on commodities and components of income
and wealth. This linkage will be found to destroy the ordinal character
of utility as far as the combined theory is concerned. It will remain true,
of course, that preference fields will be invariant against replacement of
(2.6-2.7) by a monotonically increasing function of itself. However, such
areplacement of (2.6-2.7) will imply empirically testable changes in mea-
sures of inequality in the personal distributions of expenditures on com-
modities and components of income and wealth. The parameter 11, which
is a parameter of every individual consumer's direct utility function, turns
out to be an inequality parameter of the personal distribution of income.
A ceteris paribus increase of 11 causes an increase in, e.g., the Gini measure
of income inequality. Consequently the values of the parameters 11i , for
i = 1,2, ... , n, in (2.7) cannot be changed arbitrarily as they can with
purely ordinal utility functions.
The direct utility function (2.1) is a straightforward generalization of
an experimentally interpreted direct utility function first introduced by
the experimental psychologist L. L. Thurstone in his well-known article
"The Indifference Function" (1931). What economists call a direct util-
ity function is some monotonically increasing function or other of what
Thurstone referred to as a satisfaction curve. In order to write an equa-
tion for this satisfaction curve, Thurstone (1931, pp. 141-42) laid down
five psychologie al assumptions. The fifth assumption was that motivation,
i.e., the slope of the satisfaction curve in the direction of increasing Xi, is
inversely proportional to the amount Xi already possessed,lO which is G.
10Thurstone (1931, p.141) states that motivation is equivalent to the economists

T. Fechner's proffered psychophysical law, or universalization, of a well-

known empirical regularity discovered by E. H. Weber: The increase of a
stimulus to produce a given increase of sensatJ"on bears a constant ratio to
the total stimulus (see James, 1890, reprint 1950, pp. 539-548). According
to Thurstone, the psychological hypothesis that led hirn to use the Fechner
"law" fit the experimental data bett er than other hypotheses that were
triedY Consequently he proffered the special case of the form (2.1) with
the parameters 0i fixed. 12 Aware of the arbitrariness of the choice of the
origin of the domain 1,13 Thurstone used 1 = 0. 14

2.3 N onvacuous Preference Changers

The components of a, are called nonvacuous preference changers. These
are classified under two main heads:
1. preference changers that are systematic and observable, and

2. preference changers that are stochastic and unobservable.

In order to define the term "nonvacuous" we consider some elementary
geometry of the preference field defined by the Fechner- Thurstone direct
utility function (2.1).
In order to define nonvacuous preference changers the cofactors of ele-
ments of the bordered Hessian of partial derivatives of direct utility func-
tions must first be derived. Let IUI be the bordered Hessian for (2.6-2.7).
We have
IUI = (_l)n [U(X;OW+l m~=1 Ok) (l:~=1 Ok) (2.12)
n~=1 (Xk - Ik)2
The magnitude of the cofactor of Uii in IUI at the point X is determined
IUiil -(0 - Oi)(X, -1;)2
TUT Oif) [U(X; f))]
"marginal utility."
llSee Thurstone, 1931, pp. 142-143)
12ibid. (p.147)
13ibid. (p.142)
14ibid. (p.141)

The magnitude of the cofactor of Uij, for i t- j, in IUI at the point X is

determined by (2.12) and

lUiil _ (Xi -l'i)(Xi -I'i)

IUI - fJ[U(XjfJ)]
Finally, the magnitude of the cofactor of Ui in IUI at the point X is
determined by

lUiol (Xi - I'i)

[Uf = fJ[U(XjfJ)]
Let XO designate any given point ofthe domain (2.1). Let S(XO,O) be
the set of points satisfying

U(Xj fJ) = U(XOj 0). (2.16)

Here S (XO j 0) is the indifference hypersurface passing through XO. Let

qO - L

~ cos 4>.1: = 0, °~ 4>.1: < 2' ~

be the equation of the hyperplane tangent to S(XOj 0) at XO. Finally let

the real number >..0 be defined at the point XO by

>..0 = 0 [U(XOjO)] [qO -- E 1

1'.1: cos 4>.l:r , (2.18)

We define Sii, Sii' and SiO at XO in domain (2.1) by

Sii >.. °lUiil (2.19)

_ -(0 - Oi)(X? -1';)2 [qO - L:~=1 1'.1: cos 4>.l:r 1•
- ~ , (2.20)

>..0 lUiil (2.21 )
(X? -l'i)(xJ -I'i) [ qO - L 1'.1: cos 4>k ]-1
j (2.22)


BiO >.°lUiol (2.23)

(X"? - li) [qO - t
11< cos tPl<]-l (2.24)

The functions Bi;' for 1,J 1,2, ... , n, form a symmetrie negative
semidefinite matrixj and
L Bi; cos tP; 0, (2.25)
L Bi; COS tPi O. (2.26)
The functions Bi; look like Blutsky-Hicks substitution terms. 15 However,
Eq. (2.17) describes any tangent hyperplane, not necessarily a budget
hyperplane. In the special case of a budget hyperplane the expressions
Bi; do, indeed, reduce to the ordinary Slutsky-Hicks substitution terms
defined in terms of direct utility functionsj BiO reduces to the ordinary
income term defined in terms of direct utility functions. 16 We shall refer
to BiO as the substitution term proper (to the direct utility function) and
to BiO as the expansion term proper (to the direct utility function). We are
now in position to define the concept of a nonvacuous preference chan ger .
A component (Xh of (X is (said to bel a nonvacuous preference changer
with respect to the direct utility function U(Xj 0) if, and only if, for at
least one point XO of the domain (2.1) a change in (Xh causes a change in
at least one of the expansion terms proper, BiO, for i,j = 1,2, ... ,n, at
XO. Notiee that this concept of a nonvacuous preference changer is always
defined relative to a specified direct utility function.
Alternatively, and equivalently, a component (Xh of (X is (said to bel a
nonvacuous preference changer with respect to U(Xj 0) if, and only if, for
at least one point X Oof the domain (2.1) a change in (Xh causes a change in
at least one marginal rate of substitution R}I<) (Xj 0) at XOj illustrated in
(2.9-2.10) (cf. Ichimura, 1951j also Tintner, 1952j Basmann, 1955, 1956).
15See Hicks, 1946, pp. 309-310
16See Hicks, 1946, p. 309

The concept of nonvacuous preference changer (as defined above) will

be exemplified many times in the sections that follow.

2.4 Demand Functions

In this section, let p be interpreted as a vector of budget constraint
prices while M is the total expenditure on commodities Xi where i =
1,2, . .. , n. The consumer is assumed to select adefinite equilibrium n-
tuple (X;, ... , X~) such that the direct utility function (2.6-2.7) is max-
imized subject to the budget constraint (1.1). Equation (2.1) is said to
be a constraint because (as is usually assumed in the theory of consumer
demand for one reason or other) the consumer does not treat M and p as
choice variables in this optimization process.
As was shown in Chapter 1, the derived demand functions are ex-
pressed by

X .• -_
2: k=lO",(a)
- E
+ I;, i=I,2, ... ,n. (2.27)

Which has the form (1.3) as was previously shown. Since every system
of demand functions can be represented in the form (1.3), it follows that
every system of demand functions can be derived from the GFT direct
utility function (2.1). This assures us that, in accord with the principle
of Occam's razor, the GFT form of direct utility function does not em-
body any excessively restrictive assumptions about maximizing behavior
of consumers.
The consumer demand depends on, and only on, the parameters of
the specified Fechner-Thurstone direct utility function U(X; 0) and the
parameters of the budget constraint (1.1).
The economic theorists' concern with the Giffen paradox of Hicks
(1946, p.35), with the possible existence of inferior goods and nonlinearity
of Engel curves, the interrelatedness of goods in consumption, Le., their
substitutability and complementarity (Hicks, 1946, Chap. III), and with
shifts in demand (lchimura, 1951; Tintner, 1952; Basmann, 1954-55,1956),
make those topics matters of concern to the econometrician involved in
estimating (and testing hypot.heses about) the parameters of systems of
demand functions. Definitions of the above concepts are usually stated

in terms of partial derivatives of demand functions. Since the derived de-

mand functions (2.27) allow for the possibility of total expenditure M and
budget constraint prices being systematic preference changers, definitions
of "inferior good," "Giffen good," "substitut ability," and "complementar-
ity" need restatement in order to avoid an otherwise unsuspected change
of their usual meanings in use.
Let y be any real variable. The partial derivative of Xt with respect
to y is formally expressed by

ay nBi(a) ~ [P
Lk=l Bk(a) ay i-
l [M - t

+ pi l [ n
?; e aya (Bi)]
M- {; IkPk ][n(Bk)2 Bk '
i 1,2, ... ,no (2.28)

In order that the expression (2.28) be nonzero it is necessary that one or

more of M, the budget constraint prices p, or one or more elements of a
be (specified as) dependent on y.
Stochastic variables are assumed to affect demand functions (2.28)
soIely by way of the parameters (a). Random variables will not be
"tacked on" to demand functions, as is traditionally done, in this study.
Partial derivatives of Xt with respect to M and the budget constraint
prices P necessarily satisfy the customary neoclassical restrictions

det[Kijl =0
K ij=-a axi . .
+Xj - - , t,J,=1,2, ... ,n.
Pj aM
Using Ktj to describe the aforementioned when the functions differentiated
are (2.27), we find that the K;'j are related to substitution terms proper
of U(X; B) at X· by the equations

K;"j Sij + pi l [ M - .L IkPk ]n(Bk)2(a


.L e apo + X .a)()i
aM Bk' 1

t, J 1,2, ... ,no (2.29)


We shall refer to K;j as apparent substitution terms. The apparent ineome

term, or partial derivative of the demand function with respect to M,
is designated by Kto and is related to 8;0, the expansion term proper to
U(Xj 0) at X·, by the equations

K;~ = 8;0 + pi 1 [ M - E E(01e)2

] n 8
Oie '
i 1,2, ... ,no (2.30)

Concepts of inlerior good, Giffen good, substitutability, and eomple-

mentarityas usually defined tacitly presuppose that the consumers' pref-
eren ces are not dependent on total expenditure M and/or budget con-
straint prices, p. This tacit presupposition is an untested assumption
about empirical "facts." It is testable in principle but not feasible to test
in practice-nor is such testing probably socially desirable even were it to
become feasible to do so.17 Accordingly, we restate all of those definitions
with an explicit, much weaker antecedent condition for their use which
does not imply that consumers' preferences are independent of the budget
constraint parameters:

Conditional Definition 1 11 at a speeified point QO = (MO, pO, aO) 01 the

domain 01 demand lunctions (2.27), the matrix [K;j] defined by (2.29) is
symmetrie and negative semidefinite, then:

1. eommodity i is an inferior good at QO iff Kto < 0 at QO;

2. eommodity i is a Giffen good at QO iff ~ > 0 at QO;
3. eommodity j is a substitute lor eommodity i at QO iff j =I- i and
.0 >0·
K~ - ,

4. commodity j is a complement 01 eommodity i at QO iff j =I- i and

K;j < o.
17rt seems amusing that economists since, at the very least, the time of Smiths' infa-
mous invisible hand, have been receptive to the notion of the price vector as a market
signal yet any readjustment of individual utility extraction technology over time has
been a tradition al !aux pas. It is as if the organ which secretes the preferences has been
amputated yet somehow still exists a grin without a cat. Maybe this is out of the fear
of the "havoc it may wreak with the whole theory of choice,' as Scitovsky (1945, p.100)

The conditional definition includes as a special case the neoclassical con-

cepts as they are defined under the tacit presupposition that consumers'
preferences are independent of total expenditure M and budget constraint
prices p. By relaxing the tacit, highly restrictive neoclassical antecedent
condition to include a nonempty subclass of demand function systems de-
rived from direct utility functions with parameters that are dependent
on total expenditure M andjor budget constraint prices p, we have ex-
tended the scope of concepts of an inferior good, a Giffen good, substi-
tutability, and complementarity somewhat. The particular extension of
these neoclassical concepts does seem more or less natural in the case
of systems of demand functions (2.27) such as Leser-Houthakker addi-
tive logarithmic demand functions (see Houthakker, 1960, p. 263), i.e.,
w h ere O•· -
- .ß·M"'O Pi-(1+"'0) , 10r
t" ,• -
- . , Wl·th ß·• > 0 ,
1 , 2 , ... , n, .ln (228)
ßl + .. .+ß,. = 1. Moreover, Arrow (1961, p. 177) has already extended im-
plicitly the neoclassical concepts of "substitutability" and "complementar-
ity" to the Kif derived from the additive logarithmic demand functions. 18
However, to extend the scope of those neoclassical terms beyond the class
of systems of demand functions characterized by the antecedent condition
we set forth would dissolve their neoclassical meaning, lead to no greater
understanding of empirical consumer behavior, and (probably) stand in
the way of forming more fruitful theoretical concepts out of accumulated
experience with systems of empirical demand functions (2.27) derived from
the less restricted forms of the GFT direct utility function (2.1).
If ah is an element of a other than current total expenditure M or
a current budget constraint price p, then the derivative of any demand
function (2.27) is a pure Ichimura- Tintner shlft in demand:

8 x~,
__ pi l [
M -n ] [n"L (~0 )
"LikPk 2 -8 o· ) 1
8ah k=1 k=1 () 8ah ()k

8(). 8R(k)
L -'
n n
-Pk"L ~Ski (2.31 )
;=1 m=18ah 80 j

(see Basmann, 1956, p. 51). Notice that the pure shifts in demand are
directly related to the substitution terms Sij proper to the direct utility
18 Arrow (1961, p.177) noted the emptiness of the definition of complementarity:
"There is no room for specialized relations of complementarity or substitution among
particular pairs of commodities.»

function (2.1). Interpretation of pure shifts in demand remains the same

as in neoclassical theory.

2.5 Is the GFT a "Flexible Form" ?

Given any system of demand functions that satisfies the ordinary lin-
ear budget constraint, the derivation of a direct utility function having
the GFT form is straightforward. Basmann et al. (1983, p. 412) de-
scribed how, but the description is short enough to be repeated here. Let
X(p, M; 0) be any system of parametric demand functions that satisfy the
ordinary linear budget constraint. There is no other restriction on the
choice of demand function system. It may be one of the flexible forms
as defined by Diewert,19 such as the translog (Christensen et al., 1975),
the generalized Leon tief (Caves and Christensen 1980), the Fourier flexi-
ble form (Gallant, 1981), or the minflex Laurent (Barnett, 1983; Barnett,
1985; Barnett et al., 1985). Another rather simple specification that works
well with aggregate data expresses the ratios 0;/0" in constant elasticity
form, that is, specifies their logarithms as linear functions of logarithms of
prices, M and logarithms of other variables assumed to influence the ra-
tios. This specification implies that the logarithmic derivatives w};l, wI;l,
or elasticities of marginal rates of substitution with respect to M, p, or
other taste-changing variables (at fixed X) are constant. We shall refer to
this specification of X(p, M; 0) as the constant elasticity of marginal rate
of substitution (CEMRS) form.
Regardless of the parametric form of X(p, Mi 0) , a GFT direct utility
function that rationalizes this system of demand functions can be con-
structed as folIows: Let K(p, M) be any positive-valued function that has
partial derivatives at least up to the order of partial derivatives of the de-
mand functions in (2.27) above. Let X;(p, M; 0) be the demand function
for commodity i. Finally, define the GFT exponent function 0; by
0; = K(p,M)p;X;(p,M;O), i= 1,2, ... ,n. (2.32)
The GFT direct utility function with exponents defined by (2.32) neces-
sarily rationalizes the system of demand functions X(p, M; 0) we started
19Diewert (1974) provides the generally accepted definition of a flexible functional form:
a linearly homogeneous function is flexible if it can provide a second order approximation
to an arbitrary twice continuously differentiable linearly homogeneous function.

out with.

2.6 Aggregation of the Utility Function

As its heading indicates, this section is concerned with the representa-
tion of per capita (per consumer unit) market demands as magnitudes of
consumer demand functions that are derived by constrained maximiza-
tion of a direct utility function that is a definite aggregation of individual
consumer's direct utility functions. Maximization of this aggregate direct
utility function is subject to aper capita budget constraint, which itself
is an arithmetic average of the individual consumer's budget constraints.
In this section attention is confined to the matter of aggregation over a
population of individual consumers.
This section emphasizes two practical motives for aggregating indi-
vidual consumer's GFT direct utility functions into an aggregate direct
utility function. The first of these has to do with formulating a specific
theoretical connection between individual consumers' preferences, on the
one hand, and the personal marginal multivariate distribution of com-
ponents of received income and components of wealth, on the other. A
second practical motive for construction of an aggregate direct utility func-
tion is its use in the construction of cost-of-living indexes that can retain
meaningfulness even when extended to a population of utility-maximizing
individual consumers whose preferences are nonvacuously dependent on
total expenditure or one or more budget constraint prices. In particular
the aggregate direct utility function is constructed in order to extend the
Klein-Rubin approach to constructing a "true cost-of-living" index based
on statistical estimates of per capita demand functions (Klein and Rubin,
1947, p. 78).
The need for an extension of the concept of cost of living has been made
clear by the record of a half-century of demand analysis. Furthermore, the
insufficiency of traditional empirical systems of demand functions to es-
tablish that individual consumers' preferences are independent of budget
constraint prices and total expenditure severely handicaps the use of in-
direct utility functions in the construction of cost-of-living indexes in all
cases save that originally presented by Klein and Rubin (1947).
From Schultz (1938, pp. 628-633) to Muellbauer (1975), theoretical

demand analysts have stressed that "there is, in general, no reason why
aggregated market data should obey the same rules as the micro data
of any individual, even when, as econometricians usually assurne, every-
one has the same tastes. Thus the symmetry restrictions do not hold in
the aggregate, even if they hold at the micro level" (Muellbauer, 1975,
p. 525). An important line of pure theoretical investigation has been
concerned with deriving the mathematical consequences (for aggregate
demand functions) of the assumption that individual consumers' direct
utility functions have preference parameters that are independent of the
budget constraint parameters (e.g., see Sonnenschein, 1972, 1973). Other
theorists have formulated additional theoretical constraints on individual
consumers' direct utility functions that are sufficient to imply deductively
that aggregate demand functions satisfy the following conditions:
1. homogeneity of degree zero in prices and income,

2. symmetry of the Kif defined previously and

3. negative semidefiniteness of the matrix [Kif].

Gorman (1963), Berndt et al. (1977), Deaton and Muellbauer (1980a,b),
and Jorgenson et al. (1982) are representative of that approach. All start
from the assumption that, in addition to the assumption that the indi-
vidual consumers' system of demand functions fall under the assumptions
above, the direct utility function actually underlying the demand func-
tions has its parameters independent of total expenditure M and budget
constraints prices p. This assumption is, in principle, at least, testable ex-
perimentally against the ever-present alternative GFT direct utility func-
tion that also rationalizes each individual consumer's system of demand
functions. The potential empirical disconfirmation of the fixed preference
assumption (embodied in a specified fixed preference direct utility func-
tion) affords the fixed preference assumption and the concept of "cost of
living" (as equivalent to the "cost of level of utility") their empirical mean-
ingfulness. The alternative GFT direct utility function and the concept of
"cost of living" that emerges from it acquire their meaningfulness in pre-
cisely the same way: If an incentive-compatible experiment were actually
performed, the GFT form U(Xj 0) of direct utility function might weIl be
disconfirmed in favor of a specified fixed preference direct utility function

The aggregation of individual consumer's GFT direct utility functions

involves no "aggregation problem" at all. That is to say, it offers no hope
or challenge to prove oneself an expert "puzzle solver" (see Kuhn, 1962,
pp. 36-37).
Let ~ be a specified population of individual consumers l/, where
l/ = 1,2, ... ,N. Let X(v)(M(v),p;o:) be a system of n commodity de-
mand functions ascribed to individual consumer l/. The individual con-
sumer's demand function may satisfy the above three conditions or it may
not; it makes no difference. Here M(v) is the total money expenditure on
commodities by l/ in a specified time period; M is the per capita total
expenditure of ~; p is a vector of n market prices for that time period;
and 0: is a vector of personal and population characteristics. The sys-
tem of demand functions can be rationalized by a direct utility function
U(v)(X; O(v)) having the GFT form (2.1) with its vector 0(11) of preference
parameters dependent on budget constraint prices p, M(II), and 0:. That
is, the system of demand functions X(II) (M(II), p; 0:) can always be derived
from the ordinal direct utility function:

U(II) (X; OH) = II (Xi _/;)8;

n (v)
, (2.33)


Xi > max{O, li}' (2.34)

o = Loi")(M(v),p;o:)

for every l/ = 1,2, ... , N; here 0, is a positive but otherwise arbitrarily

valued function of p, 0:, and all individual consumers' expenditures. The
positive-valued utility function parameters oi") (M(II), p; 0:)20 are dependent
on the characteristics 0:, on one or more of the prices p, and on total
expenditure, M(II), that appear in the consumer's budget constraint
LPiXi = M(II) (2.35)

20Hereafter we shall use eJ") as an abbreviation of eJv)(M(v),p;a).


We define the aggregate GFT direct utility /unction 21 as a weighted

geometrie mean of the individual consumers' direct utility functions, as

U(X; 8) =df [U(II)r (2.36)



,,(11) > 0 (2.37)

L ,,(11) 1

If the weights ,,(11) are made proportional to the individual consumer's

positive "supernumerary" expenditure, i.e., where

L I;P;,
,,(11) = M(II) - (2.38)

then the equilibrium demands X;", that is, the magnitudes of demand
functions derived from the aggregate direct utility function (2.36-2.37)
subject to the arithmetic mean of budget constraints (2.35), are identieal
with the per capita demands over the population of individual consumers.
We assume that all consumers face the same budget constraint prices.
With much gain of simplicity of expression and without loss of essential
generality, we present the mathematieal derivat ions only for the case in
which each of the arbitrary parameters I; is zero. From (2.36-2.37) and
(2.39) we obtain

U(X; 8) TIN TI X~7=1 8l~)

v=1 ;=1 I

TI X~-; I , (2.40)

21The authors do not interpret (2.36-2.37) a.s affording a community preference field,
although it may serve some functio!l for which community preference fields are intended
(cf. Gorman, 1963).

Ö; =L l\:(v)O~v), i = 1,2, ... ,n. (2.41 )
Let M be the arithmetic me an of individual consumers' total expenditures
M(v), for LI = 1,2, ... , N. Demand functions derived by maximizing (2.40)
subject to the per capita budget constraint are, (keep in mind that li was
assumed to be 0)

_. L~=11\:(v)0~V)
L IkPk
-1 [ _ n ] .
Xi -n N v (v) Pi M - + I' (2.42)
j=1 L v =11\:( )Oi k=1

~ (t I\:(V)O;V)) pi
o v=1
1 t IkPk] + li
[M - k=1 (2.43)

i 1,2, ... ,n.

From (2.40) it is apparent that the aggregate direct utility function has
the same form in its arguments and parameters as has each individual
consumer's GFT direct utility function (2.36); from (2.41) it is readily
apparent the per capita demand functions derived from the aggregate
direct utility function have the same form in its arguments and parameters
as those derived from the individual consumer's direct utility function.
Using the relation
O(V) piX}V)(M(V),p: a)
• i = 1,2, ... , n, (2.44)
o M(v)
we get

N I\:(v) X(v) (M(v), P; a) , i = 1,2, ... , n.

X;' = ~,
L.- M(v) (2.45)
In the special case where weights are specified by
I\:(v)= M(v)
L1=1,2, ... ,N, (2.46)
we obtain
X-·i -- ~
N ~X(v)(Ll(v)
L.J i 1~ ) i = 1,2, ... ,n.
, P, a , (2.4 7)

In other words, under specification (2.44) the magnitude of the aggregate

demand function (2.41) derived from the aggregate direct utility function
(2.40) is the arithmetic mean of magnitudes of individual consumer de-
mand functions derived from (2.36).
Chapter 3

Estimating the GFT Form

3.1 Introduction
Empirical tests of the Slutsky property of demand functions tend to dis-
confirm fixed preference utility theory. In particular we refer to the tests
of the Slutsky property by Christensen, Jorgenson and Lau (1975); Barten
and Geyskens (1975); Theil (1975); Berndt, Darrough and Diewert (1977a,
1977b, 1977c); Rosen (1978); Lau, Lin and Totopoulous (1978); Conrad
and Jorgenson (1979a, 1979b) and Deaton and MueIIbauer (1980b). By
'fixed preference utility theory' we mean theory based on the assump-
tion that, apart from random disturbances, consumers' preferences are
constant and, in particular, they do not depend on prices Pi paid for com-
modities or on total expenditure, M, (i. e. there is no preference-changing
variable such that (1.4) is not equal to zero). Systems of demand func-
tions derived from fixed preference utility theory always possess the Slutsky
propertyas outlined in Chapter II and depend solelyon current prices paid
and total expenditure. If a system of demand functions contains a sys-
tematic variable other than prices and total expenditure, or if it does not
possess the Slutsky property, then the underlying direct utility function
cannot be a fixed preference utility function, cf. Basmann and Slottje
(1985, 1987).
Possession of the Slutsky property does not imply that the system of
demand functions can be rationalized by a fixed preference utility func-
tion, however, cf. [PoIIak (1977, p. 70) and Basmann, Molina and Slottje
(1983)]. In each of the tests on fixed preference utility theory discussed

above, the selected level of significance (usually Q: = 0.05) is very "risk

averse" to Type I Error. The tests tolerate only a very low theoretical
prob ability of incorrectly "rejecting" the Slutsky property when it holdsj
they accept a very low power of correctly "rejecting" the Slutsky prop-
erty when it does not hold. This is not a criticismj any choice of level of
significance can be validly defended on a variety of grounds. In some con-
text the consequences of "accepting" fixed preference consumer demand
theory when it is false may appear very minor in comparison with con-
sequences of "rejecting" fixed preference consumer demand theory when
it holds. Still the fact that the 5 percent level of significance used in
these tests is so very generous to the null hypotheses tends to diminish
the cogency of those tests that are reported to be favorable to the Slutsky
property [Barten and Geyskens (1975), Theil (1975), Conrad and Jorgen-
son (1979a)], and it enhances the cogency of the unfavorable outcomes
reportedj[Christensen (1975), Berndt, Darrow and Diewert (1977b-
cl, Rosen (1978), Conrad and Jorgenson (1979bW
There is another asymmetry that diminishes cogency of empirical tests
favoring the Slutsky property regardless of the choice of level of signifi-

lThe authors mentioned in this section used expenditure and price data from various
countries and different commodity groups. Christensen, Jorgenson, and Lau (1975) used
U.S. data as did Rosen (1978). Blanciforti and Green (1984) also worked with U.S.
data. Deaton and Muellbauer(1980b) used British data in their study while Lau, Line,
and Totopoulous(1978) did Barten and Geyskens (1975) in their study. Theil (1975)
used Dutch data and Barten and Geyskens did part of their study with Dutch data too.
Finally, Berndt, Darrough, and Diewert (1977) used Canadian data.
Christensen, Jorgenson, and Lau (1975, p. 380) using the translog functional form,
ßatly reject homogeneity and symmetry. Berndt, Darrough, and Diewert (1977) exam-
ined three functional forms; the translog indirect utility function (TL), the generalized
Leontief indirect utility functional form (GL), and the generalized Cobb-Douglas indirect
utility functional form (GCD). They reject symmetry for (GCD) and (GL)[Berndt,,
1977, p 663) and reject homogeneity for all three forms[Berndt,, p. 664). Rosen
(1978) used the Stone-Geary utility function and rejected symmetry [po 5129). Conrad
and Jorgenson (1979) used the translog direct and indireet utility functions and they
rejected homogeneity in the indirect form [Conrad, p. 163]. They reject symmetry
in the direct functional form [Conrad, p. 164]. Lau, Lin and Totopoulous (1975)
used a linear logarithmic expenditure system. They accepted symmetry and homogene-
ity [Lau,, p. 865). They also used a .05 level of significance [Lau,, p. 855].
Barten and Geyskens as weil as Theil, used a .05 level of significance [see Barten (1977),
p.46] for these figures. The study by Barten and Geyskens passed symmetry, negativity,
and homogeneity at 0.05 level, while Theil passed only symmetry at 0.05.

cance. Possession of the Slutsky property does not imply that the underly-
ing direct utility function is independent of prices paid or income receivedj
[Pollak (1977), Basmann, Molina and Slottje (1983)].
In this chapter we report some new empirical tests of direct utility func-
tions that rationalize systems of demand functions wh ich have the Slutsky
property. Three direct utility functions are tested. One is independent of
prices and total expenditure. In the second direct utility function tested
here, the parameters depend on prices and total expenditure, but the
derived demand functions have the Slutsky property; furthermore, that
system of demand functions is also derivable from another direct utility
function (to be displayed) whose parameters are not dependent on prices
or total expenditure. The third direct utility function to be tested, like
the second, has parameters that are dependent on prices and total ex-
penditures, yields demand functions that have the Slutsky property, and
which are widely reputed to be derivable from a direct utility function
(still unknown to us) whose parameters are independent of prices and
total expenditure.
All three systems to be tested as null hypotheses here are known to be
consistent with the hypothesis that consumers maximize a direct utility
function subject only to the traditional budget constraint. The maintained
hypothesis for the tests is presented in Sec. 3.2. The three null hypothe-
ses are presented in Sec. 3.4 along with the outcomes of their tests. The
precise maintained hypothesis, against which those three null hypotheses
are tested, is that consumers maximize a direct utility function having a
generalized Fechner-Thurstone form - see (1.4) - subject only to the
ordinary budget constraint. In this chapter we shall not consider any al-
ternative hypotheses that imply that consumers do not maximize a direct
utility function at all. This chapter is concerned solely with the ques-
tion whether those generalized Fechner-Thurstone direct utility functions
that are compatible with fixed preferences (in the sense indicated above)
are able to compete effectively with the alternatives, price-dependent and
expenditure-dependent, in the face of empirical data. The data include 5
general commodity groups:

1. Food,

2. Clothing,

3. Housing,

4. Durables and

5. Medical care.

We have included alcohol, tobacco and food consumed at home and away
in the first commodity group. The clothing group includes shoes and other
outer-wear. All shelter expenditures including maintenance are included
in the housing commodity group. Transportation costs have been aggre-
gated into the durables commodity group. The medical group includes
all medical costs as weIl as entertainment, recreation and education ex-
penditures. The data sources for this study are documented in the data
appendix A.
Outcomes of the tests of all three null hypotheses severely discredit
the assumption that preferences are independent of prices and total ex-
penditure. That is, if one assumes any one of the three systems of Slut-
sky demand functions to hold, then (in order to reason consistently) one
must accept the deductive consequence that the sampIe of price, quantity
and total expenditure data constitutes an occurrence of an exceedingly
improbable event. Fortunately, the maximum Iikelihood estimation and
testing of the selected form of direct utility function does not require the
use of Taylor approximations. Nor does it involve the uncertainties of an
appeal to large sampIe distribution theory in evaluating the outcome of
the Iikelihood ratio test; the exact small sampIe distribution of the likeli-
hood ratio statistic yields exact probabilities of test outcomes in our case.
Under any of the three null hypotheses, each to the effect that consumers
maximize direct utility functions that are independent of prices and total
expenditure, the exact prob ability of the empirical sampIe is essentially
Outcomes of our tests of fixed preference consumer demand theory
add cogency to negative outcomes of tests reported by Christensen, Jor-
genson and Lau (1975), Rosen (1978) and other tests already mentioned.
The stringency of the unfavorable outcomes of the tests we report here,
indicates a need for a more thorough theoretical and empirical examina-
tion of consumer demand functions that can be derived from direct utility
functions in which prices, total expenditure and possible other economic
magnitudes appear as explicit parameters.

Let U(X; 8) be a direct utility function with continuous second par-

tial derivatives with respect to Xi, i = 1,2, ... , n, where 8 designates
the vector of n adjustable parameters 8i of U(X;8). Let RJk) (X; 8), i =
1,2, ... ,n, i =1= k, designate the marginal rate of substitution of X/c for
Xi at the point X of the budget domain. Let the adjustable parameters
8i be real-valued functions 8i (Z) of m real-valued magnitudes Zl, ... , Zm..
Finally, let the marginal rates of substitution RJ/c) (X; 8(Z)) V i, k be dif-
ferentiable with respect to Z1, ... , Zm. at every point X of the budget do-
main. Let X(O) be any such point, and let X(O) be fixed for the following
differentiation of the Rfk)(X;8(Z)) with respect to Zq, q = 1,2, ... ,m.
If 8RJk) j8Zq =1= 0, then a change in Zq produced a change in the slopes
and curvatures of the indifference surface of U(X; 8) at X(O). Following
Ichimura (1951) and Tintner (1952), we consider Zq to be a preference-
changing variable for U(X; 8) at X(O) if, and only if, a variation of Zq
produced a change in the slopes and curvatures of the indifference surface
U(X; 8) is constant at X(O).
It is convenient to express effects of a change of arguments of a function
on its value in terms of mathematical elasticity, or logarithmic derivatives,
and we have continued that practice with respect to the marginal rates of
substitution Rfk) cf. Basmann (1956) and Basmann, Molina and Slottje,
Finally, primarily as a policy of research economy, we have currently
elected to restrict hypothesis testing to the subclass of direct utility func-
tions U(X; 8) for which elasticities of marginal rates of substitution RJk) (X; 8)
are constant over the budget domain (of X). Adoption of this research
policy leads directly to the following form of U(X; 8)

U(Xj B)
IIX 9i ,
. (3.1)

rr Z;ik,
Bi ßi
ßi > 0,
l:ßk l.

We refer to (3.2) together with the demand functions derived from it as

the constant MRS-elasticity theory of variable consumer preferences. Re-

striction of our current hypo thesis testing to this special theory of variable
consumer preferences should not be construed as a claim to know (or even
to believe) that it is in better agreement with reality than alternative
theories of variable preferences. 2
In this chapter the only potential preference-changing variables to be
considered are prices, Pi> and total expenditure, M. This does not imply
a belief that other preference-changing variables are unimportant. 3 Our
reasons are as folIows: As preference-changers, however, prices and total

2Basmann (1977) has used Department of Commerce data like those in Appendix A
to test fixed preferences against the following alternative specification of parameters Oi
in the direct utility function

Ci •O Ci • l .
Oi = ai + -M + -M , + Ui l = 1,2, ... , n.

L Ci .• = 0 s = 0, 1

L Ui = 0,

and U = (Ui,"" u n ) is a random vector with zero mean vector and finite covariance
matrix. Elasticities of marginal rates of substitution with respect to current and lagged
total expenditure M and M t - l are not constant under this specification. This specifica-
tion of an elementary variable preference hypothesis fits the eleven commodity grouping
of Department of Commerce data used in (1977) equally closely as the maintained hy-
po thesis H m described in sec. 3.2 below. In a later study we propose to examine them
as competing hypotheses in the face of the eleven commodity grouping of Department of
Commerce data provided by Blanciforti and Green (1981).
In his doctoral dissertation, Edwin Stecher estimated the expenditure functions de-
rived from (3.1) with the specifications above using the eighty commodity grouping of
Department of Commerce data. (Stecher, 1978, pp. 62-63.)
3Basmann (1955, 1956) studied advertisement as a preference changing parameter in
the demand for tobacco. We have done a preliminary study in which the eleven commodi-
ties (see Appendix A) have been aggregated into three: (1) durables, (2) nondurables,
and (3) services. The advertising level was constructed by dividing the advertising ex-
penditure on the ith commodity by the overall price level. (Source: U.S. Department of
Commerce) Hence, the maintained hypothe3is (3.2) included total expenditure, the price
for each one of the commodities, and Zl and Z2 are the real expenditures on advertising
by the seilers for durable and nondurable commodities respectively. Our preliminary re-
sults indicated that the null hypothesis, that M, PI, and P3 have no elfect on preferences,
could be rejected at .001 level of significance.

expenditure call for special study, in that they exert two different effects
on derived demand functions one being due to their presence in the util-
ity function parameters and the other effect due to their presence in the
budget constraint, i.e., the substitution effect and the income effect, [Bas-
mann, Molina and Slottje (1983)]. Other preference-changers exert effect
only via parameters of the direct utility function. Another reason for
confining attention to prices and total expenditure as preference-changers
is the special role they play in Veblen's theory of economic growth and
Veblen (1899) put forward an explanatory theory of the utility of com-
modities that attempts to account for the formation and change of con-
sumer preferences over time:' Briefiy, utility is a property of the acts of
purchasing, owning or controlling, and consuming commodities. Actually,
the utility of commodities is viewed as a resultant of two kinds of util-
ity, which compete with each other in affecting the consumers' responses
to changes in prices consumers must pay and to the consumer's abilities
to pay, i.e., the total expenditure of which a consumer is capable. Pri-
mary utility arises from the direct service of consumption to enhance life
and well-being on the whole (Veblen, 1899, p. 99); the purchase, owner-
ship and consumption of commodities is invested with secondary utility as
evidence or social confirrnation of the consumer's relative ability to pay.
Goods are produced and consumed as a means to the fuller unfolding of
human life and their utility consists, in the first instance, in their efficiency
as a me ans to this end. Eut the human proclivity to emulation has seized
upon the consumption 0/ goods as a means to an invidious comparison, and
has thereby invested consumable goods with a secondary utility as evidence
0/ relative ability to pay, cf. Veblen, 1899, pp. 154-55. Expenditure that
is motivated chiefly by anticipated secondary utility and which does not
serve human life or well-being in obvious ways Veblen called conspicuous
consumption or "waste" , an admittedly unfortunate term (Veblen, 1899,
4Veblen did not propose a mathematical form for a utility function. His remarks
about utility as a property of the act of purchasing, owning, controlling, and consuming
commodities are open to a variety of reasonable interpretations when it comes to describ-
ing substantive utility in the mathematical form of a utility function or index. Veblen's
concepts are transparently consistent with attribution of maximizing behavior to real
consumel'S (Veblen, 1899, p. 158). Veblen was very critical of the classical school and the
marginal-utility school- Jevons and the Austrians - for their uncritical acceptance of the
hedonistic calculus. (Veblen, 1908, 1909, pp. 181-182; also Veblen, 1909, pp. 232-235)

p. 97), since such expenditure is not recognized as conspicuous consump-

tion or waste in the vulgar sense by the consumer who makes it (Veblen,
1899, p. 99).
In the present connection it must be emphasized that Veblen consid-
ered this secondary utility of commodities to be pervasive rather than
confined to a few unusual commodities. According to Veblen, consump-
tion goods, and even productive goods, generally possess and exhibit a
mixture of primary and secondary utility:

It would be hazardous to assert that a useful purpose is ever

absent from the utility of any article or of any service, however,
obviously its prime purpose and chief element is conspicuous
waste; and it would be only less hazardous to assert of any
primarily useful product that the element of waste is in no
way concerned in its value, immediately, or remotely. (Veblen,
1899, p. 101).

Later, in the chapter "Pecuniary Canons 01 Taste," Veblen suggests that

there are no goods supplied in any trade which do not have secondary
utility in greater or less degree. (Veblen, 1899, p. 157)
According to Veblen's theory, conspicuous consumption, or the con-
sumption of goods and services that is motivated predominantly by sec-
ondary utility, is not confined to the leisure class but prevails over all the
social and income classes from richest to poorest. The less affiuent classes
emulate the consumption patterns and thereby learn and internalize the
taste of the more affiuent so far as ability to pay will permit. (Veblen,
1899, pp. 83-85, p. 103) Finally, secondary utility is not weak relative
to primary utility and has far-reaching consequences for economic growth
and change. According to Veblen, next to the instinct for self-preservation
"the propensity lor emulation is probably the strongest and most alert 01
the economic motives proper. . .. The need 01 conspicuous waste, there-
lore, stands ready to absorb any increase in the community's industrial
efficiency or output 01 goods, alter the most elementary physical wants
have been provided lor." (Veblen, 1899, pp. 110-111).
This brief review of Veblen's theory of the utility of commodities makes
clear the practical motive for assuming that prices and total expenditure
have some influence on the parameters of a direct utility function that is

supposed to be a mathematical description of the resultant effects of pri-

mary and secondary utility in Veblen's sense. Price changes and changes
in ability to pay affect consumer demand in two distinct ways:

1. a change in the budget constraint on utility maximization and

2. at each point of the commodity space a change in the marginal

rates of substitution between commodities via effect on the relative
secondary utilities of commodities.

Furthermore, the review of Veblen's substantive theory of utility helps to

make dear why we have specified a direct utility function that is explicit
in the form of its dependence on quantities of commodities and explicit in
the form of its parameters' dependence on prices and total expenditure.
Without such an explicit form of direct utility function confronting the
data, we could not separately estimate and test the empirical effects of
secondary utility (Veblen effects) of price and total expenditure changes
from their ordinary substitution and income effects on consumer demand.
Statistical estimates of utility function parameters are a useful by-
product of the conduct of the tests of the fixed preference hypotheses. In
Sec. 3.4 we present estimates of the effects of price-changes and total ex-
penditure changes on the parameters of the utility function, and interpret
them in terms of Veblen's concepts.

3.2 The Maintained Hypothesis

For this study the maintained hypothesis H m is the dass of all direct
utility functions discussed in chapter one,

U(X ;p, M ,U ) == II Xi
(oni=lPjU;j) Ui


ßi > 0 (3.3)

'L-ßi 1.

where u is a n-vector of lognormallatent random variables with mean vec-

tor (0,0, ... ,0) and finite variance matrix r o. [The remaining stochastic
properties attributed to u will be described in the next section.] As we
saw in chapter 1, at each point X, the marginal rate of substitution of
commodity k for commodity i is the ratio of first partial derivatives of
U(Xjp,M,u) with respect to Xi and X n .

R(n) = Ui i --I- n (3.4)

, UIc-r
X Ic ~ MW;o(n) II Pi
n w(~) ui
Xi ßn j=1

,0 aiO - ano (3.5)
aij - anj·

In keeping with a half-century tradition of consumer demand theory (Hicks

and Allen, 1934) we require the direct utility function (3.4) to be ordinal
only, and replaceable everywhere in use by any function fj>(U) such that
fj>/(U) > 0 for all points X in quest ion (cf. Hicks and Allen, 1934, p.55,
p.60j Hicks, 1956, pp. 16-19,308-309). Obviously, the magnitudes of the
logarithmic derivatives aiO and aij (elasticities) of marginal utilities are
arbitrary, although the magnitudes of the differences between them are
not. (cl. Basmann, 1954j 1956, p. 51; Basmann, Molina, and Slottje,
1983). Notice that:

ßR(n) M
ßM R(n)'
. (3.6)

w(n) ßR!n) Pj
'1 = ßPj R(n)'

The parameters w~;) and w~;) are elasticities of the marginal rate of substi-
tution R!Ic) of commodity k for i; w~~) is the elasticity of R!Ic) with respect
to total expenditure M, and w!:)
is the elasticity of RY) with respect to
price Pj. We shall refer to the wJ~) as MRS-elasticities with respect to (wrt)

total expenditure, and to the parameters wr;) as MRS-elasticities wrt to

Pj. We shall refer to the parameters wLIc) as own-price MRS-elasticities
and to the w~) j =f k, as cross-price MRS-elasticities. MRS-elasticities of
the marginal rate of substitution R~Ie) with respect to the latent random
variables u. and Ulc are +1 and -1 respectively. The random variables
u. and U n are latent random preference changers in this sense for all i, n.
Total expenditure, M, is an observable systematic preference-changer if,
and only if, w~;) =f 0 for at least one i, k. A price Pj is an observable
systematic preference changer if, and only if, wJ;)
=f 0 for some i, n.
From (3.4) it is apparent that, although the total number of wr~) is n 2 ,
there are only (n - 1) independent MRS-elasticities wrt to total expendi-
ture, M. Notice (for later reference in this section) that H m implies the

+ wno(1)

o~ W(i+l)
,0 o i = 1,2, ... ,n (3.7)
-- 0,

Furthermore, there are n 3 MRS-elasticities w~) wrt prices. However, there

are only (n + l)(n - 1) independent elasticities w~). Notice that H m
deductively implies the following restrictions:
~ (,+1) (1) _ . _
0W'j +w nj -0 J -1,2, ... ,n (3.8)
Wie; = 0,
V J,. k

The restrictions (3.7) and (3.8) implied by the direct utility function
(3.2) will be imposed on the maximum likelihood estimators under H m
and the null hypotheses to be described at the beginning of Sec. 3.4. This
is done for two closely related practical reasons:
1. Imposition of those restrietions on maximum likelihood estimators
under H m ensures that tests of the null hypotheses that imply or are
consistent with fixed preference utility theory are fair to the latter.

2. Impositions of those restrietions on the maximum likelihood estima-

tors enables us to use a minimally sufficient statistic for the parame-
ters of (3.2), i.e., to ensure that the parameter estimates incorporate

aB relevant empirical information that is available in the expenditure

data. (Graybill, 1976, pp. 69-71,75-76)

Some additional restrictions on the MRS-elasticities are mentioned now

for later reference in this and subsequent sections:
wkO (k)
-w iO \.J.
v l,
k (3.9)
wiO W (i) _ w U)
iO kO

W\~) (m) (m) \.J. • k (3.10)

wij - Wkj v l,),
" (k) (i)
w\~) Wjj - W jj
"(i) (k)
W -wij

Restrictions (3.9) and (3.10) will be found useful chiefly in facilitating the
discussion of statistical estimates of MRS-elasticities in Sec. 3.4 in the
light of Veblen's theory.
Demand functions are derived by maximizing the direct utility function
(3.2) with respect to Xi subject to the ordinary budget constraint
LPiXi = M. (3.11)

The demand functions are

Jli. MCl iO
( Djn=1 Pj°ij(n») ..!!i..
Un M
ßn __
X~ (3.12)
K(p,M) Pi

K(p,M) =
n-1 ß
L ~MCI!;) (nII p;i(n») uU + 1 j i
h=1 ßn j=1 n
In general the demand functions (3.12) do not possess the Slutsky prop-
The equations used to confront the price and expenditure data di-
rectly in the general linear hypothesis form are expressions for logarithms

of the commodity expenditure ratios Md M.., where M, = px;" i, k

1,2, ... , n, k -=f i, derived from (3.2) or equivalently (3.12):

M, _ I ß,
In M (n) ~ (n) I (n)
- n ß- + w,o In M + ~ W,j n Pj + 17, (3.13)
n n j=1

where the random variable 17;n) is defined by

17,(n) -- In u, - InUn·

Under the maintained hypothesis H m it follows that the random distur-

bances in (3.13) are normally distributed with zero means and finite vari-
ances and covariances. The remaining stochastic properties H m attributes
to the 1J;n) will be described at the end of this section. Since each of the
expressions (3.13) is linear in its unknown intercept and unknown coeffi-
cient of In M and In Pi> it is more efficient to use (3.13) to confront the
empirical data directly than to use (say) Taylor expansions of express ions
for budget shares M,/M or their logarithms.
Although there are n(n - 1) behavioral relations (3.13) they are not
independent. The rank ofthe whole system is (n-1). However, a suitably
chosen subsystem containing n-behavioral equations, having rank (n -1),
can serve as a basis for the remaining equations. For instance, select a
system, S, of n-behavioral equations from (3.13) as follows: Let k = i + 1
for i = 1,2, ... ,n - 1 and let k = 1 for i = n. Since
n-l M, Mn
I : l n - - +In- = 0, (3.14)
,=1 M'+1 MI
~ TI,(1+1) + TIn(1) 0
it follows from (3.7) and (3.8) that the rank of the n equations is (n -1).
Furthermore, from the MRS-elasticities w;~+l) i = 1,2, ... , n -1, and w~~
appearing in the system S, the remaining (n 2 - l)w;;) in (3.7) can be
determined by means of equations (3.9). In like manner from the MRS-
... W,j(1+1).t -- 1, 2, ..• , n - 1, w(1) ' J. -- 1, 2, ... , n In
e1astlcItles . t h e system

S the remaining wf;) can be determined by means of equations (3.10).

Finally, from the n intercepts in the system S, the parameters ß1' ... , ßn
can be determined from equation (3.13).

Consider the latent random preference changers ,,1i+1) , i = 1,2, ... ,n-
. .m t he system S . L et (11.0
1, appearmg ,(S) ,11.1
,(S) , ••• , 11.
,(S) , ••• , ) represent suc-
cessive serial covariance matrices of those random preference-changers.
ALS) l/ = 0,1,2, ... is (n x n) but of rank (n - 1); cf. (3.14). For ev-
ery l/ = 0,1,2, ... the serial covariance matrix Av of all latent random
preference-changers appearing in (3.13) is determined by (3.13) and ALS).
Let any hypothetical serial covariance scheme (A~S), A~S), ... ,ALS), ... ) be
specified. As a consequence of (3.14) the ordinary Gauss-Aitken esti-
mators (Aitken, 1935; Wold, 1953, pp. 208-209) of the intercepts and
MRS-elasticities w};) , w~;) appearing in (3.13) satisfy all of the theoretical
restrictions (3.7) - (3.10) on ß1,'" ,ßn and MRS-elasticities with respect
to total expenditure M and price Pi that are implied by the direct utility
function (3.2). Consequently, generalized least squares estimation tech-
niques were used in this study, we will say more on this below.
In concluding this description of the maintained hypothesis we turn to
the latent random preference-changers U; appearing in the direct utility
function (3.2), and - consequently - in marginal rates of substitution
(3.4), in the demand function (3.12), and the behavioral equations (3.13).
Since it is only in the form of logarithms ,,;n)
of ratios u;juk that the la-
tent random variables enter our estimators and test statistics, we describe
the stochastic aspects of the maintained hypothesis H m in terms of the
. k -
"; , J, -1, 2 , ... ,n,. k r--I- J.•
Rationale for the hypothesis that the non-observable random prefer-
ence changers are normally distributed is the classical Laplacean ratio-
nale: We consider ,,~n) to be the sum of many different latent elementary
preference-changers each of which is smaller in absolute value than a fixed
number L that is in turn very small relative to the standard deviation
of their sum; from these assumptions it follows that the ,,}n) will be ap-
proximately normally distributed. The criticisms are the traditional ones,
too, being chiefly that no one knows that the number of elementary latent
preference changers is sufficiently large for the normal approximation to
be accurate enough for the application at hand, etc., cf. Uspensky, 1937,
pp. 296-297.
The significance tests reported in Sec. 3.4 are based on the maintained
hypothesis that the latent random preference-changers ,,~n) are serially cor-
related over time. In other words, the maintained hypothesis, Hm. and each

of the null hypotheses to be tested, incorporates the hypothesis that all

serial covariance matrices are not null, i.e., that A~S) -::f 0 for every basis
system S for (3.13) and for every v ~ 1. Of course, by specifying some
definite alternative serial covariance matrices then (it is to be expected)
the test statistics based on the alternative specification would be numeri-
cally different from, and significant at different Type I error probabilities
from those if A~S) = o. A sensitivity analysis was performed and first order
autocorrelation was adjusted for (Basmann (1985)).
The Fisherian reference dass for all tests of significance used in this
chapter is the hypothetical infinite population of random sampIes (Fisher,
1922, pp. 311-312; Fisher, 1956, p. 33, p. 77) of commodity group ex-
penditures MI, ... , M 5 , total expenditure M and commodity group prices
PI, ... , P5 being fixed and identical with those described in Appendix A.
Consequently, the latent random preference-changers, 77;n) i = 1,2, ... ,5, n-::f
i are distributed independently of logarithms of total expenditure, M, and
prices, Pj, in the behavioral equations (3.13).

3.3 Econometric Specification

3.3.1 Serial Correlation Hypothesis
The theory underlying the specification of the serial correlation hypothesis
on the stochastic taste changers ryJ"l, is given by Basmann (1985).
The theory of serial correlation of the stochastic taste-changers Uti in
the utility function (3.2) rests on two chief assumptions, Basmann (1985,
p. 199).

Assumption 1 If every stochastic taste-changer Uti increases or decreases

by the same increment in period t, then each 0/ the marginal rates 0/ substi-
tution Rfk) i, k = 1, ... , n, remains invariant (at every point 01 the domain
01 X /or all subsequent periods, t + 1, t + 2, ... ).

Assumption 2 11 there is a ceteris paribus increase in the stochastic taste

changer Utk, then

1. all 0/ the marginal rates 0/ substitution 01 k lor i, i -::f k change zn

equal proportion.

2. all other marginal rates oJ substitution j ), where i t- k, j t- k, i,j =
1, ... ,n, remains invariant (at every point oJ the domain oJ X Jor all
subsequent periods, t + 1, t + 2, ... ).

Notice that Assumption 1 and Assumption 2 necessarily hold for

period t, Basmann (1985, p. 198).
This theory of serial correlation of stochastic taste changers is not
limited in application to GFT direct utility functions. In the present
application, the Assumptions 1 and 2 imply that all of the stochastic
disturbances 7{\:) share the same serial correlogram or - equivalent -
spectral density function.
Notice that Assumptions 1 and 2 are part of the maintained hypoth-
esis here. Consequently they are not tested empirically in this chapter.
Each of the random elements 71flt} given in the previous equations
(which were set up to test serial correlation hypotheses) satisfies:
(It) A. (It) A. (It) .
71i,t+2 - 'f'i,171i,t+l + 'f'i,271i,t = €i,t+2 V t, /C. (3.15)

where E [€tl = 0, E [€t€.] = 0 for t t- s, and E [€;] = a;. To guarantee a

stationary process the roots of the polynomial should lie within the unit-
circle of the complex plane which is assured if the Routhian conditions
for stability are satisfied. A simple check is made by applying the for-
ward operator C to (3.15) above wh ich yields the associated homogenous
c2 - rPi,lC + rPi,2 = 0 (3.16)
which implies the following Routhian conditions: 5

1 - rPi,l + rPi,2 > 0 (3.17)

1 + rPi,l + rPi,2 > 0 (3.18)

1- rPi,2 >0 (3.19)

The elements of the autocovariance matrix:

E HIt)71i'] = Z = a;. ~ (3.20)

5 see Kenkle (1974) for an excellent discussion on the conditions for stability

are easily derived from the variance:

2 (1 + cPi,2) 0;; (3.21)

0,.,; = (1 - cPi,2) [(1 + cPi,2 )2 - 'l'i,1
... 2 ]

and the autocorrelation coefficients:

Pi,l = 1 + '1',,2
.... (3.22)

cP;,1 _ cPi,2 (3.23)

Pi,2 = 1 + cPi,2
Pi,. = cPi,IPi,.-1 - cPi,2Pi,.-2, S>2 (3.24)
The inverse of ~i, (~il) is given by:
1 -cPi,1 cPi,2 o o o
-cPi,1 1 + cP; 1 -cPi,1 - cPi,1cPi,2 cPi,2 o o
cPi,2 -cPi,1 - cPi,1cPi,2 1 + N,I + cP;,2 -cPi,1 - cPi,l cPi,2 o o
o cPi,2 -cPi,1 - cPi,l cPi,2 1 + N,I + cP;,2 o o

o 0 0 0 1 + cP;,1 -cPi,1
o 0 0 0 -cPi,1 1
From (3.25) above a matrix Ai can be formed such that A/ Ai = ~il
which is given by:
0./0,., 0 0 0 0 0
-PI/I - cP ,,2 /1 - cP;,2 0 0 0 0
cPi,2 -cPi,1 1 0 0 0
Ai =I 0 cPi,2 -cPi,1 1 0 0 (3.26)

0 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 -cPi,1 1

where: r

0•./0,., = ,I (1 - cPi,2) [(1 + cPi,2)2 - cP;,I]

. , 1 + cPi,2

As seen in (3.26) above Pi,1 is given in terms of 4>i,1 and 4>i,2' Consequently
if 4>i,1 and 4>i,2 are known the Generalized Least Squares (GLS) estimators
are given by:
~ (, -1 )-1 , -1
ßi = Xi~i Xi Xi~i Yi (3.28)
Since the models used above assurne Xi = Xj for i,j = 1,2, ... , n 3.28
may be obtained by applying the transformation Ai to the original data
and utilizing Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) to obtain efficient estimators.
For some restricted models 6 , the Seemingly Unrelated Regressions (SUR)
estimation procedure 7 is employed to obtain efficient parameter estimates
for the system. 8

3.3.2 Likelihood Support for Hypotheses

Since a multiple equation system is used likelihood support for various hy-
pothesis is assessed by finding and analyzing a system variance covariance
matrix in order to facilitate the following. Let:

Yi = AiYi (3.29)

Y = (Y1 , Y2 , ... , Yn ) (3.30)

x = AiXi = Ajxj i,j = 1,2, ... , n (3.31)

B=(ßl! ß2, ... , ßn) (3.32)

u = Y - XB = ((11 (2, ... , (n, ) (3.33)

~ 1,
E = -uu (3.34 )
Making the additional assumption that (i,j ~ N(O, a;,), their joint
density function is easily determined, and from their density function we
6S pecifically those involving cross equation restrictions and some zero restrictions.
7S ee Zellner (1962).
sIn this book it has been assumed that rPi.l and rPi.2 were the same for each equation
in the system refer to the results section for further discussion on this point.

can determine the density function of the observed values of the y's9 wh ich
is the likelihood function we need. lO Therefore:

f aEi I f (Ei,l' Ei,2,' .. ,fi,k) ,

(Y;,l! Y;,2" .. , Y;,k) = Iay; (3.35)

where laf;! ay; I is the absolute value of the determinant:

aE'I, day.'l
" .,
aE' daYo" 2 af' day., k
1, I,

aE' 2/ay., 1 aEi,2/8Y;,2 aE'2/8y',/r.

laE;jaY;1 = I ": I,
". I, I i = 1,2, ... , k

8E'k/ 8 Y.'1
" "
" s, .,
aE'k/8Yo" /r.
which is the Jacobian ofthe transformation from Ui,b Ui,2,"" Ui,/r. to Y;,b Y;,2"'" Y;,k'
Using <p- 1 above, it can be shown:

Ei,l (a,)a r,.) Y;,1 - ß (a,)a,.,,.) Xl (3.37)

E;,2 (V1 - 4>i,2 Y;,2 - Pi,l VI - 4>i,2 Y;,1)
-ß (Vl- 4>i,2 X 2 - P;,lVl- 4>i,2 Xl)
Ei,3 (Y;,3 - 4>i,l Y;,2 + 4>;,2 Y;,d - ß (X3 - 4>i,l X 2 + 4>;,2 Xl)

Ei," = (Y'i," - 4>;,1 Y'i,"-1 + 4>;,2 Y'i,"-2) - ß (Xk - 4>;,1 X"-l + 4>;,2 X/r.-2)
it is assumed that:

4>;,1 4>;,1 = 4>1

4>;,2 4>;,2 = 4>2 (3.38)

from (3.37)-(3.39) it follows that

(a•.! a,.,,.) (3.39)

VI - 4>~ (3.40)

9See Theorem 11 p, 200 Mood, Graybill, and Boes (1974),

10This discussion paralleis Judge d al, (1985) and Kmenta (1986) but extends it to
the multivariate case

af.' t
-'-' 1 t= 3,4, ... ,k
af.' t
-'-' 0 ti- s
0 ii-i i = I,2, ... ,n (3.41)

Therefore laf.;jaY'i1 can be written as

a./af'/ o 0 o
o VI - 4>~ 0 o
laf.;jaY'i1 = laf.i/aYil = I 0 o 1 o (3.42)

o o o 1

laf.;/aY'i1 = V[(1- 4>2)2 [(1 + 4>2)2 - 4>i]] i = I,2, ... ,n (3.43)

The log likelihood function for the system is given by:l1

L = 21 In laul2 T
ay -"2 ~
In IE I (3.44)

) 0 0
(Eü )
I 0 0
1:;1 = I

0 0 ( ~)
From (3.42) and (3.45)

1:;1 2 = [(1-4>2)2 [(1+4>2)2-4>i]r (3.46)

A grid search method is employed in this book where fifty pairs of

autocorrelation parameters 4>1 and 4>2 are selected and the data, which is
setup to conform with each model, is transformed using equation (3.26)
above. Likelihood support is then assessed for each of the alternative pairs
by comparison of their respective generalized variances.
llConstant terms have been left off for notational simplicity.

3.4 Tests of Fixed Preference Hypotheses

Within the class H m of direct utiIity functions (3.2) there is one obvious
subclass H~I) (to be described) for wh ich preferences are independent of
prices and total expenditure. However, there is another subclass H~2)
(to be described) of direct utiIity functions (3.2) that generate consumer
demand functions (3.12) wh ich are also derivable from a known explicit
fixed preference direct utility function to be given presently. FinaIly, there
is a third subclass H~3) (to be described) of direct utility functions (3.2)
that generate consumer demand functions that are widely considered to be
derivable from a (as yet unknown) fixed preference direct utility function.
We shall refer to H~2) and H~3) as classes of fixed-preference compatible
direct utility functions. In this seetion we show that the expenditure and
price data discredit these three hypothetical fixed-preference compatible
direct utility functions.
The most restrictive null hypothesis we have tested is specified by the
following restrictions on MRS-elasticities:
WiQ 0, V i, k, i::j: k (3.47)
0, V i,j,k, i::j: k.

We call this null hypothesis H~I). H~I) implies that the direct utility func-
tion (3.2) is a weighted geometrie mean of quantities Xi, i = 1,2, ... , n,

II xt

U(X; u) = ui (3.48)

Apart from the presence of the latent random preference-changers Ui,

(3.48) is the form first proposed for indifferenee maps by Thurstone (1931,
p.142, p. 147), now caIIed the Cobb-Douglas utility function [Deaton and
MueIIbauer (1980 , pp. 103, 201, 253)] after Cobb and Douglas (1928)
who used the weighted geometrie average form for production functions.
It is also eaIIed the Stone-Geary utility function [e.g. Layard and Walters
(1978, pp. 162-163)] after Geary and Stone (see Stone (1954)).
H~l) is the only null hypothesis in H m that unambiguously implies
that consumer preferences are independent of priees and total expendi-
ture. H~I) implies that variations in preferenees, j.e., changes in marginal

LikeJihood Ratio Test of Fixed Preference
Utility Functions Against Price/Expenditure
Dependent Utility Function
H6 3 )
Mt wii(k) = 0 V·I,). wio = 0 Wii(n) -- 1 - O"iO ,. i- k
w};) = 0 Wii = 0 wJ:} = -(1- O"kO) i i- k
(i, k) W~k} = 0 j i- k
1,2 8.6782 9.4428 8.1431
2,3 58.8835 27.2399 23.773
3,4 16.5029 14.0803 21.1831
4,5 22.4645 14.9826 17.1362
5,1 173.8342 20.4247 7.9462
( .0002)

rates of transformation (3.4) are caused solely by variations in the non-

observable random preference changers Ui, i = 1,2, ... , n. The demand
functions (3.12) under HJl} have the Klein-Rubin form (Klein and Rubin,
1947) and possess the Slutsky property. The behavioral relations (3.13)
take the simple form:

Mi ßi
In - = In -
Mir. ßIr.
+ Tli(k) i = 1,2, ... , n and i i- k. (3.49)

Refer to Table 3.1, co!. 1. Null hypothesis H~1112 implies that each of
the maximum likelihood statistics whose sampie values Fi are shown in co!.
1, is distributed as a central F variate with 6 and 28 degrees of freedom.
The number in parentheses shows the maximum probability ("predicted"
by HJl}) with which the test statistic r;
exceeds the number shown in
co!. 1.13 Each of the Fi in Table 3.1 is extremely improbable under the
hypothesis HJl} namely, that changes in prices Pi and total expenditure M

12We emphasize again that only H~l) unambiguously implies that consumer preferences
are independent of prices and total expenditure.
13If no number appears in parenthesis this implies the prob ability is .0001 or sm aller.

do not affect consumer preferences via the marginal rates of substitution

Null hypothesis H~2) is characterized by the following restrictions:

W(~) o j i= i, i i= k (3.50)
U = W V i i= k.
Under H~2) the price-dependent utility function (3.2) becomes

TI X;iP"/Ui
U(X; p) = (3.51 )
Marginal rates of transformation Rl
k ) are affected systematically only by

the relative price ratio (pd Pk); moreover the proportionate effect of a
change in Pi/ Pk on n ) is the same for all i. Under H~2) demand functions
(3.12) become

Xi ßip';'Ui M .
= "n ß tU - ,= 1,2, ... , n. (3.52)
L...k=l kPk Uk Pi
The demand functions (3.52) possess the Slutsky property (Basmann,
1968, pp. 159-163).
The chief reason for testing null hypothesis H~2) arises from the fact
that the demand functions (3.52) are also deducible from the following
fixed preference direct utility function
V(X) = L(ßiui)1~Xt~l-t. (3.53)
cf. Basmann, Molina and Slottje (1983). Apart from the presence of
one non-observable random preference-changer Ui , the utility function
V(X) is Bergson's (Bergson, 1936; Sato, 1972, p. 109). The direct utility
functions (3.51) and (3.53) are feasibly testable against each other in an
incentive-compatible barter experiment (Basmann, Molina and Slottje,
1983). Prices and total expenditures of the experimental subject must be
held constant, of course.
Under H~2) the behavior relations (3.13) take the form
Mi ßi (k) (k)
ln-- In ßk +W ii Inpi+7Ji (3.54)
w·· W i i= k

Refer to Table 3.1 co!. 2. HJ2) implies that the maximum likelihood test
statistics whose sampie values Fi are shown in co!. 2 are distributed as a
central F variate with 5 and 28 degrees offreedom. For each i, the proba-
bility that a central F 5 ,28 exceeds the number i'; shown in co!.2 is smaller
than one in ten thousand (0.0001); in many instances, much smaller. Con-
sequently, if preferences are independent of prices and expenditure in ac-
cordance with the direct utility function (3.53) or depend on prices Pi in
accordance with (3.51), then each of the values of the test statistics shown
in co!. 2 describes the occurrence of an extremely improbable event.
Null hypothesis HJ3) is specified by the following restrictions on (3.2):

O'ij = 0 j =f. i (3.55)

O'ii + O'iO = 1 i = 1,2, ... ,n
Under HJ3) the direct utility function (3.2) becomes

U(X; p, M) = TI Xf;M<>;OP;'
n 1-(1'0
k =f. i (3.56)

(See Basmann, Molina and Slottje, 1983). HJ3) implies that the demand
functions have the additive logarithmic form (Leser, 1941; Houthakker,
1960, p. 253; Arrow, 1961; Seo, 1973, pp. 26-32).

ß ·Mu;op~-u;o M
X i• = " 1 - . = 1 , 2 , ... , n.
~ (3.57)
I1 k=l ßkMukOPk -UkO Pi
The demand functions (3.57) possess the Slutsky property, hut existence
of a displayable explicit direct utility function V(X) that is independent
of prices and total expenditure and from which (3.57) can be derived is
problematical (Houthakker, 1960, p. 252n; 1965, p. 801). H~3) implies
the following restrictions on MRS-elasticities
W ii 1- O'iO, i =f. k
W ik -(1 - O'kO), i =f. k
w ij 0, j=f.k (3.58)

From (3.58) it follows that


+ w(k)
+ W(kk)

= 0 (3.59)

Consequently under Ha 3) the behavioral equations (3.13) take the form

In M I
k = n
ßk + WiQ(k) In M + Wii(n) In Pi + Wik(k) In Pk + Tli(k) 'r
. .../. k
. (

Ha implies that (3.60) is homogeneous of degree zero in

3) M,
Pi and Pk.
Refer to Table 3.1, col. 3. Ha
3 ) implies that the maximum likelihood

statistics whose sam pie values F; are shown in col. 3 are distributed as
a central F variate with 3 and 28 degrees of freedom. For each i, the
prob ability that a central F3 ,28 exceeds the number Fi shown in col. 3
is given in parentheses immediately below Fi. The probabilities are very
small. Suppose that consumer preferences are dependent on prices and
total expenditure in accordance with (3.56), or - alternatively - suppose
that consumer preferences are independent of prices and total expenditure
in accordance with a still unknown direct utility function V(X) that yields
additive logarithmic demand funäions (3.57). Then (it folIows) that each
of the values of the test statistics shown in col. 3 describes the occurrence
of an extremely improbable event.
From the outcomes of the foregoing tests of significance we condude
that the stringent fixed preference hypothesis HaI),
and both of the fixed
preference compatible hypotheses 2 Ha
) and 3 Ha
) are discredited because
their deductive implications are widely at variance with ascertained em-
pirical fact.

3.5 Elasticities of Marginal Rates of Sub-

Rejection (Fisher, 1956, p. 35) of null hypotheses HaI), Ha 2) and Ha 3)

leaves a still very broad dass H;'

H;" = Hm - [HaI) u Ha 2) u Ha 3 )] (3.61)

of alternative direct utility functions (3.2) that may be incorporated in

the core of economic theory and used in the formation of related explana-
tory economic hypotheses. Acceptance of H;' as a paradigm of hypothesis
formation calls attention to the special role of MRS-elasticities as funda-
mental determinants of the more familiar demand elasticities with respect

to prices Pi and total expenditure M. Also, the central role played by

the MRS-elasticities tends to focus attention on the matter of possible
quantitative "laws" relating those elasticities to each other. Proffering
such quantitative "laws" and testing them empirically is anormal science
activity (Kuhn, 1962, p. 28) on which many hands need to be employed.
It is beyond the scope of this book to describe such proffered quantitative
"laws" . However, the test of one time-honored hypothesis will be reported
in this section.
KaIman (1968); Dusansky and KaIman (1972, 1974); Wichers, Dusan-
sky, and KaIman (1976); Hayakawa (1976); and Liebhafsky (1980) have
been concerned with general mathematical necessary and sufficient condi-
tions for zero homogeneity of demand functions derived from utility func-
tions whose parameters are dependent on prices and total expenditure.
Accordingly we shall briefly examine the evidence in Table 3.1 that can
be brought to bear on the quest ion of zero homogeneity of marginal rates
of substitution RJIc:) , i =1= k.
Under the maintained hypothesis H m , marginal rates of substitution
R!Ic:) are homogeneous functions of prices Pi and total expenditure, M; see
equation (3.4). Let 8,(Ic:) designate the degree of homogeneity of RJIc:) prices
and total expenditure, Le.,
= w(olc:) + "w(lc:)
, ~ 11
i =1= k. (3.62)

Table 3.2 displays maximum likelihood estimates S?) of the degree 8i(lc:) of
homogeneity of the marginal rates of substitution RY). H m implies that
the 8,(Ic:) satisfy the restrietions

8(;) -8?) V i, k i =1= k (3.63)

8(1c:) -8(;) - 8(;)
• • Ic:,

and the estimates S?) are forced to satisfy (3.63). Consequently, in view
of (3.63) only 10 of the 20 S,(Ic:) are shown in Table 3.2; and there are only
4 independent estimates S,tlc).
For each S?), i =1= k, the corresponding F statistics is computed; under
H m and the hypothesis 8?) = 0, the test statistic is distributed as a

Maximum Likelihood Estimates of the Degree of
Homogeneity of MRS (See equation (3.7))
8~l) 8.(2) 8(3) 8(-4) 8(5)
• • • • •
1 -
2 -2.247863 -
( .0020)
3 1.813996 4.06185 -
(.1052) (.0001)
4 -8.33443 -6.086571 -10.148429 -
(.0001) (.0001) (.0001)
5 -0.396068 1.851795 -2.210064 7.938365 -
(.6372) (.0267) (.0147) (.0003)

eentral F variate with 1 and 28 degrees of freedom. The number shown

in parentheses is the exact probability with which - given 8i(k) = 0 - a
eentral F l28 statistie exeeeds the eomputed F statistie eorresponding to
A(k) •
8i .
Null hypothesis H~4) is eharacterized by the following restrictions on
MRS-elastieities wrt total expenditure M and priees P{
wiO + '"' (k)
L wij =0 W

k , l-r-
. -/.. k (3.64)

H~(4) implies that marginal rates of substitution (3.4) are homogeneous of

degree zero in total expenditure M and priees Pj, i.e., 8,(k) = O. It follows
too, from (3.64) that demand functions (3.12) and the behavior equations
(3.13) are homogeneous of degree zero in priees and total expenditure.
Testing 8P;) = 0 one-by-one at (say) a level of signifieanee eommonly
used, a = 0.05, we ean reject homogeneity of degree zero in nineteen
eases. However, in view of the restrietions (3.63) not all of these eases
are independent. A more balaneed and preeise appraisal of the relevant
empirie al evidenee is obtained by eonfining attention to the basis S af-
forded by the 8,(H1) i = 1,2, ... ,4, 8i
k ) appearing in the superdiag0-

nal of Table 3.2. Every 8Y) in Table 3.2 is a definite linear function of
8Ji+l) i = 1,2, ... ,4, 8?) in whieh the eoeffieients take on one of the

magnitudes -1,0,1 and no others. At the 0: = 0.05 level of significance

usually chosen only two homogeneity subhypotheses 8~1) = and 8Jl) = °
are not rejected; at the 0: = 0.50 level of significance, only one of the
homogeneity subhypotheses is not rejected.
Accept the estimates S~2l = 4.061 and SJl l = -2.225 for the time being.
According to the first estimate if all prices and total expenditure increase
e~uallY by (say) the proportion J,L, then the marginal rate of substitution
R/ l of dothing for hOtJ.sing does not remain constant but increases by
the proportion 4.061. According to the second estimate, under the same
equal proportionate increase of prices and total expenditure, the marginal
rate of substitution R~ll of food for clothing decreases by the proportion
-2.225, or, equivalently, the marginal rate of substitution of clothing for
housing increases by the proportion 0.518. On Veblen's interpretation 14
it appears that an equal proportionate increase in all prices and total ex-
penditure tends to enhance the secondary utility of (the act of consuming)
housing relative to the secondary utility of (the act of consuming) cloth-
ing; also that a general uniform rise in prices and ability to pay tends
to enhance the secondary utility of (the act of consuming) clothing rel-
ative to the secondary utility of (the act of consuming) food. Possibly
an increase in pecuniary means (quite apart from concurrent changes of
prices) is accepted by consumers as a signal to review their tastes and
preferences. An alternative explanation traceable to the beginnings of
classical utility theory and the heyday of the hedonistic calculus is that
consumers are deluded (in some unspecified way) into so regarding changes
in their pecuniary means as a signal to review tastes and preferences, and
that the supposed change in preferences consumers subsequently act upon
is merely a phantasm; an appearance of a change that in reality never
existed; a me re "money illusion." The hypotheses that the change of pref-
erences is real is strongly resisted for a variety of methodological reasons,
discussion of which is beyond the scope of this chapter; cf. Green (1978),
p. 52; Friedman (1976), p. 207; Hansen (1970), pp 56-57, pp. 88-89; also
Patinkin (1965), pp. 22-23.
Other quantitative "laws" relating MRS-elasticities can be conjectured
of course, but such conjectures are likely to be the result of a systematic
search of the elasticity estimates WiO and Wi; for empirical regularities, a

14This is reviewed in Basmann, Molina and Slottje (1988)


normal science activity and a legitimate one if the same data are not em-
ployed to "test" the regularities discovered. To us it seems potentially
more fruitful to search for empirical regularities in the MRS-elasticity es-
timates (and their anomalies) and, having found them, seek to explain the
empirical regularities independently in terms of the physical properties of
the commodities, consumer psychology, and interaction of consumer and
commodity. For the sake of completeness, we present a basic set of max-
imum likelihood estimates of the MRS-elasticities under the maintained
hypothesis H m •
Table 3.3 displays maximum likelihood estimates w};) of MRS-elasticities
w};) i,j = 1,2, ... ,5, wrt total expenditure, M, under the maintained hy-
pothesis H m , (3.13). Since the estimates satisfy the skew symmetry con-
dition (3.9) implied by Hm , we show only the w};) for i > k, although all
w};) i i- k were independently computed. For each w~;) i i- k the corre-
sponding t-statistic was computed; under H m and the hypotheses w~;) = 0,
the t-statistic ~;), is distributed exactly as Students-t with 28 degrees of
freedom. In Table 3.3 the number in parenthesis is the exact probability
that It I exceeds I~;) I calculated from the sampie if w~;) = o.
Notice that only four of the ten estimates w};) in Table 3.3 are inde-
pendent since they satisfy the condition (3.9).
A(k) A(j) A(i)
wiQ = wiQ - wkQ • (3.65)

In consequence of (3.65) it follows that the ranking of MRS-elasticities wrt

total expenditure, w};) i = 1,2, ... , n, in order of descending magnitude
is invariant against change of numeraire, k. Für the commodity groups
used in this study, the MRS-elasticity for durables (i = 4) wi~) is greatest
für every numeraire k i- 4; the MRS-elasticity für medical services (i = 5)
is least for every numeraire k i- 5. The invariance of these rankings
is not significant empirical information, of course; but the fact that the
durables composite is first and the medical services composite is last in
the rank order is empirical information of some considerable significance
in the light of some generalizations of Veblen's concerning the relative
abilities of different kinds of cümmodities to serve the needs of conspicuous
In a general way, at least, the MRS-elasticities wrt M for those com-
modities whose ownership or consumption is highly visible to the com-

Maximum Likelihood Estimates of MRS-Elasticities
wrt M (See equation (3.7)
w;~J w;;J
w~~J wl~J w;;J
1 -
2 0.492221 -
3 0.101492 0.390729 -
(.16883) (.1159)
4 2.135456 1.643235 2.033964 -
(.0001) (.0001) (.0001)
5 0.369397 -0.122824 0.267905 -1.766059 -
(.0371) ( .4527) (.1773) (.0001)

munity tend to be large cf. Veblen, 1899, p. 112. On the other hand,
commodities whose consumption is usually screened from public view (Ve-
bien, 1899, pp. 113-115) or whose consumption represents an archaie or
obsolescent form of conspicuous was te or demonstration of one's leisure
class status e.g., the consumption of medical services tend to have MRS-
elasticities wrt total expenditure that are in the lower ranks in Table 3.3.
Table 3.4 displays maximum-likelihood estimates wJ~l of own price
MRS-elasticities w;;l j, k = 1,2, ... ,5, wrt prices P; under the maintained
hypothesis H m , (3.1O). Since the estimates w~l satisfy the constraints
(3.1O), estimates of the cross-price MRS elasticities can be computed from
Table 3.4 by me ans of the formula
A(k)_A(k) A(i) '-/.'
wi; - w;; - w;; t I J (3.66)

For each w;;) , j =I- k, the corresponding t-statistic, 0~), was computed.
Under H m and the hypothesis w;;)
= 0, the t-statistic is distributed as
Student's t with 28 degrees of freedom. In each cell of Table 3.4 the
number in parentheses is the exact probability that Itl > 10~) I under the
hypothesis w;~) = O.
If hypotheses to the effect that own-price MRS elasticities w;;)
= 0 are
tested one-by-one at a level of significance that is extremely risk averse to
"rejecting" 'w;~) = 0' when that hypothesis holds, then the significant own-
price MRS-elasticity estimates w};l are substantial in number and all are

Maximum Likelihood Estimates of Own MRS- Elasticities
(See equation (3.10))
(numer.) W)~J w;~) w;:J w;~J w;!)
1 - 0.516504 0.518711 1.413514 0.671852
(.0028) ( .1027) (.0001) (.0031)
, 2 0.297755 - 1.298856 1.04004 0.536844
(.1733) (.0030) ( .0206) (.0548)
3 0.674098 0.718585 - -0.345741 0.932903
(.0911 ) (.0626) (.3990) (.0040)
4 -0.09188 0.99467 1.010196 - -0.072769
(.7904) (.7707) (.9768) (.8293)
5 1.024408 1.200592 -0.00808456 2.386577 -

positive with the exception of four which are all statistically insignificant.
For instance, if the level of significance selected is a = 0.01, then 8 of the
20 own-price MRS-elasticity estimates are significant and all of them are
positive. If the level of significance is the more usual but still risk averse
a = 0.05, then 10 of the 20 own-price MRS-elasticity estimates w;~) are
significant. Clearly then, by using dynamic preference formation (wh ich
is dependent on commodity prices and total expenditure) as a maintained
hypothesis, the neo-cIassical theory of the consumer is in excellent agree-
ment with post-second world war commodity group price and expenditure
data for the United States. We now summarize the chapter.

3.6 Chapter Summary

This chapter presented empirical tests of direct utility funetions that ratio-
nalized systems of demand functions that have the Slutsky property. The
maintained hypothesis analyzed here was that consumers maximize a di-
reet utility function having a generalized Fechner-Thurstone form subject
only to the ordinary budget constraint. The outcomes of the tests per-
formed indicated that generalized Fechner-Thurstone direet utility func-
tions that are compatible with fixed preferences were strongly rejected
against the alternatives. The rejection of the three forms tested still left
a very broad cIass of alternative direct utility functions of the generalized

Fechner-Thurstone form that are dependent on prices and total expendi-

ture. As section four of the chapter demonstrated, if Thorstein Veblen's
explanatory theory of utility and dynamic preference formation is adopted
as a maintained hypothesis, the new-classical theory is in excellent agree-
ment with post-second world war commodity expenditure data for the
United States.
Chapter 4

The GFT and Alternative


4.1 Introduction
In the last chapter we showed explicitly how the GFT-direct utility func-
tion yields empirically testable hypotheses. Since Cournot, Dupuit and
Gossen first laid out what evolved into the modern theory of consumer
demand (predicated on the concept of individual utility maximization) a
hundred and fifty years ago, virtually hundreds of articles have been writ-
ten attempting to explicate and measure the theory cf. Stigler (1954).
Among the modern contributors, Stone (1954), Houthakker (1960), Theil
(1967), Christensen, Jorgenson and Lau (1975), Deaton and Muellbauer
(1980a) and Basmann, Molina and Slottje (1983) have all introduced ex-
plicit demand functions to test the theory. Some have based their demand
systems on explicit utility functions, so me have not.
The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate that observationally
equivalent images of all of these functional forms are nested within the
GFT form and that we can evaluate each of these observationally equiva-
lent images against the GFT by analyzing the likelihood support of each
model. The GFT form has been defined previously in chapter one and
again in section 2.4 but section 4.2 below will remind the reader of its'
important attributes. We demonstrate its relation to the other forms and
we present the empirical results in section 4.3 and conclude the study in
section 4.4.

4.2 Fechner and Thurstone Revisited

In this book we have focussed on the Generalized Fechner Thurstone direct
Utility Function. The names Fechner and Thurstone were chosen for this
utility function since L. L. Thurstone was probably the first to study
indifference maps experimentally and G. Fechner's famous logarithmic law
suggested a weighted geometrie mean of quantities of commodities as a
useful form of direct utility function. We have noted that to write the
GFT utility function, let P = (PI, ... ,Pn) be a vector of positive prices and
assume that consumers allocate nominal income, M, to the purchase of
commodities X = (Xl, ... , X n ) in accordance with the usuallinear budget

LP"X" = M (4.1)
This allocative behavior necessarily results in maximization of a direct
utility function having the form (cf., chapter one)
U(X; (}) = II (X, _,,)8;, (4.2)

X, > max{O, ,,}, (4.3)

0, = O;(p,M;'lt)e U; > 0, i = 1,2, ... ,n,
o L(},
At first glance the GFT form looks like a Cobb-Douglas form of produc-
tion function, but the differences are important as noted by Samuelson and
Sato (1984). The first difference is that the exponents 0, are, in general,
dependent on P and M and in our model we include an additional variable,
'lt, with 0: as the equilibrium vallle of 0,. The Cobb-Douglas utility func-
tion specifies the exponents of the utility function to be constants and not
functions of p, M, 'lt, or u. Actually it was Thurstone (1931) who first used
the constant weight form of utility function with Cobb and Douglas work-
ing with production functions. The reason why the Fechner-Thurstone

utility function is prefixed "generalized" is to alert the reader that the

exponents are dependent on other variables. A similar !ine of research is
developed by Pollak (1977) where it is shown that a fixed coefficient price
dependent preference ordering can rationalize any demand system that
does not contain inferior goods. The GFT direct utility function contains
no restriction on the normality or inferiority of goods and rationa!izes aB
the same demand systems rationalized by the fixed coefficient price depen-
dent model. In empirical applications of the GFT function, IV is a vector
of specified observable nonstochastic variables on wh ich consumers' indif-
ference maps depend. In many cases, I represents a vector of subsistence
levels of the commodities Xi, but I = 0 is assumed with no loss in gener-
a!ity. The latent random vector u = (Ul, ... , u n ) has a zero mean vector
and finite positive definite matrix Wo and represents stochastic changes
in tastes. Variations of the stochastic taste changer U produce changes
in marginal rates of substitution between commodities, in the curvature
of indifference curves, and higher derivatives. However, stochastic taste
changers do not destroy the convexity of indifference curves. The chief the-
oretical properties of U are discussed in Basmann (1985) and the actual
estimation of sedal correlation hypotheses has been outlined in sections
3.3.1 and 3.3.2.
The statement, "if consumers allocate their income in accordance with
the linear budget constraint, then they must maximize the GFT utility
function" will seem peculiar to some readers. The sense in wh ich the
above holds is that, given any system of demand functions rationalized by
a "standard" utility function, the parameters of the GFT weights (0;) can
be uniquely determined such that the resulting GFT utility function yields
exactly the same system of demand functions as the "standard" utility
functions. In other words, the GFT is more general than the "standard"
utility forms since a GFT utility function can rationalize any system of
demand functions derived from any of the standard utility forms. For
the details of constructing the exponent functions from any price and
expenditure data, see Basmann et al. (1983, 1984b, esp. Sect. II). Notice,
too, that it is not asserted that consumers intend to maximize the GFT
utility function which is unimportant anyway and discussed by Samuelson
(1947, p. 23) who pointed out that the principle of maximizing behavior
does not entail the assumption that the maximizing behavior is purposive,
or that the consumers are aware they are maximizing any function.

It is emphasized here that only the commodities Xi are arguments

of the GFT direct utility function. The exponents Oi of commodities Xi
are not specified to be constants and each depends in part on a random
magnitude Ui. In some applications the exponents 0i are functions of the
vector p of n budget constraint prices, total expenditure M, and other
systematic magnitudes, Wi, •.• , Wq , as weil as of Ui. Thus, U, W, p and M
may be arguments of the exponent functions Oi but they are not arguments
of the GFT utility function. With the theoretical basis described, we
return now to comparing this form of direct utility function to alternative

4.3 Empirical Results

As noted above, the likelihood support for modeling aggregate consumer
behavior in the context of alternative neo-dassical model specifications
which have images within the GFT-CEMRS dass are investigated. Min-
imal sufficient statistics for each empirical model are estimated using the
General Linear Model (G LM). The theory underlying specification of se-
rial correlation hypotheses on random preference changers is given in the
artide by Basmann (1985). The dependent variable vector and the ma-
trix of independent variables are transformed according to a given serial
correlation hypotheses. The GLS estimators are obtained by applying the
method of least squares to the transformed model as is outlined in section
Alternative models referenced in this chapter will be noted as folIows:

1. GFT-CEMRS Unrestricted.

Mi In ßi + w(n) InM + L
~ w(n).Inp' + T}(n)
'o (4.4)
Mn ßn ]].

i=1, ... ,4 n=5

2. Cobb-Douglas: (GFT-CEMRS dass)

In Mi
..~. I ßi + (n) (4.5)
Mn n ßn TJi
i = 1, ... ,4 n = 5

3. Leontief: (GFT-CEMRS dass)

Mi ßi
In ßn (n) I (n) I (n)
In-- + wii npi + w in npn + TJi (4.6)
i,j=1, ... ,4 i#n
with restrietions
+ w(;»
= 0

.. = 1

4. Relaxed CES: (GFT-CEMRS dass)

Mi I ßi (n) I (n) I (n)

In ~-- n +w ii npi+win npn+TJi (4.7)
Mn ßn

i,j=1, ... ,4 i#n

with restrictions
W(n) = w(n)
an 1"

5. CES: (GFT-CEMRS dass)

Mi In ßi (n) I (n) I (n)

In-- ßn +W jj npi+Win npn+TJi (4.8)
i,j=1, ... ,4 i#n
with restrictions
+ w(n) In
= 0

6. Leser - Houthakker: (GFT-CEMRS dass)

In --- In -ßi + (n) In M + W(n) Inpi + (n) Inpn + TJi(n)
w iO ii w in
Mn ßn
i,j=1, ... ,4 i#n (4.9)
with restrietions
W(n) = w'.nl
sn )n

W(on l
+ w~;» + w(n)
U In
= 0

<1 w(n)
> -1

For each i = 1, ... , (n-l) the random element, 77f n ) in each estimation
equation satisfies the serial correlation hypotheses outlined in section 3.3.1
As was mentioned in section 3.3.2 above a grid search method was
utilized to evaluate the likelihood support for fifty pairs of autocorrelation
parameters <Pl and <P2 which were specified to line within the unit cirele
of the complex plan so as to satisfy the routhian conditions for stability
as outlined in section 3.3.1. Likelihood ratios were evaluated for each
AR(2) specification relative to the AR(2) specification which generated
the largest likelihood value as folIows:
\ _ L(B, E; XI<Pl = <Pl(O), <P2 = <P2(Ol)
"4>1.4>2 - ~ ~ (4.10)
Lma:r:(B, 2::; XI<Pl = <Pl(Ol' <P2 = <P2(Ol)
Likelihood support evaluated over the AR(I) stability grid for model
1 are presented in Tables 4.1 and 4.2.
Hypothesis tests between restricted and unrestricted models within
a specified GFT elass were performed using a likelihood ratio test as a
procedure as outlined in section 3.3.1 along with Mood, Graybill, and
Boes (1974), and Graybill (1976). The likelihood ratio test statistic is
defined as folIows:
, _ L(restricted l<Pl = <Pl(Ol' <P2 = <P2(O)) ()
"4>1.4>2 - ( . I ) 4.11
L unrestncted <Pl = <Pl(Ol' <P2 = <P2(O)
The test statistic -21n >"h4>, is distributed as chi-square with r degrees of
Mode12through model 7 are tested within the GFT-CEMRS elass
specified by modell. Tables 4.1-4.5 contain the values for the computed
likelihood ratio test statistic - 2ln >"4>1.4>" evaluated for each AR(2) hy-
pothesis along with the approximate chi-square value associated with each
test. In addition the a p-value associated with the chi-square distribution
for each test is ineluded, where a small value suggests rejection of the
restricted model.

4.4 Chapter Summary

As can be seen by examining Tables 4.1-4.5, the likelihood support for
any of the alternative forms against the GFT-Class is very elose to zero

(0.00 * 10- 25 )
or more. Our results (which are discussed in subsequent
chapters) indicate that the GFT-direct Utility Function and its implied
model of aggregate consumer behavior is in excellent agreement with post-
world war II data. For the class of utility functions whose GFT -equivalents
were discussed above, we can unfortunately not make the same claim. l

1 An expanded version of this chapter including other classes of functional forms is

currently being written (Basmann, Johnson and Slottje (1988b), see also Fawson and
Johnson (1988)).

Likelihood Ratio Test of Cobb Douglas against
GFT·CEMRS alternative

It( unreltrict.) I It(reatrictod) I -T In IIl{r ... ric •• d)l

~l ~l E 1&n1'e.t,ict.
-1.5 0.75 2.9995E-18 2.0803E-09 590.362 0
·1.25 0.75 7.7072E-19 8.6867E-10 604.4 . . 0
-1 0.75 2.2218E-19 3.3645E-10 613.008 0
-0.75 0.75 8.5125E-20 1.1954E-10 610.821 0
-0.5 0.75 4.9728E-20 3.8499E-ll 593.553 0
-0.25 0.75 4.6600E-20 1.1121E-ll 559.426 0
0 0.75 6.1796E-20 2.8677E-12 511.936 0
0.25 0.75 9.4085E-20 6.6688E-13 457.444 0
0.5 0.75 1.3660E-19 1.4519E-13 402.42 0
0.75 0.75 1.7224E-19 3.1732E-14 351.595 0
1 0.75 1.8815E-19 7,4813E-15 307.13 0
1.25 0.75 1.9587E-19 1.7973E-15 264.606 0
1.5 0.75 1.5626E-19 2.8478E-16 217.731 0
-1.25 0.5 1.2214E-18 4.8540E-10 574.215 0
-1 0.5 3.4724E-19 1.7799E-1O 581.594 0
-0.75 0.5 1.2418E-19 5.9284E-ll 579.532 0
-0.5 0.5 6.3720E-20 1.7690E-ll 563.812 0
-0.25 0.5 4.8767E-20 4.6708E-12 532.948 0
0 0.5 5.2123E-20 1.0855E-12 488.699 0
0.25 0.5 6.6365E-20 2.2509E-13 436.068 0
0.5 0.5 8.5643E-20 4.3727E-H 381.l56 0
0.75 0.5 1.0396E-19 8.6680E-15 328.604 0
1 0.5 l.2194E-19 1.8177E-15 278.677 0
1.25 0.5 1.2906E-19 3.0970E-16 225.709 0
-1 0.25 6.3891E-19 9.4574E-ll 545.574 0
-0.75 0.25 2.2114E-19 2.9654E-ll 542.708 0
-0.5 0.25 1.0201E-19 8.2560E-12 528.064 0
-0.25 0.25 6.6384E-20 2.0161E-12 499.641 0
0 0.25 5.8608E-20 4.3079E-13 458.498 0
0.25 0.25 6.3261E-20 8.2239E-14 408.258 0
0.5 0.25 7.5022E-20 1.4857E-14 353.689 0
0.75 0.25 9.3214E-20 2.7008E-15 297.951 0
1 0.25 1.1516E-19 4.4526E-16 239.543 0
-0.75 0 4.2550E-19 1.5090E-ll 504.137 0
-0.5 0 1.8236E-19 3.9614E-12 489.923 0
·0.25 0 1.0415E-19 9.0988E-13 463.506 0
0 0 7.9820E-20 1.8330E-13 424.759 0
0.25 0 7.7654E-20 3.3209E-14 376.016 0
0.5 0 8.9364E-20 5.6338E-15 320.496 0
0.75 0 1.1299E-19 8.7402E-16 259.654 0
-0.5 -0.25 3.5166E-19 1.9698E-12 450.618 0
-0.25 -0.25 1.8645E-19 4.3227E-13 425.036 0
0 -0.25 1.30S8E-19 8.3426E-14 387.657 0
0.25 -0.25 1.1922E-19 1.4357E-H 339.265 0
0.5 -0.25 1.3341E-19 2.1947E-15 281.536 0
-0.25 -0.5 3.7376E-19 2.1412E-13 384.495 0
0 -0.5 2.5081E-19 3.9433E-H 346.997 0
0.25 -0.5 2.1853E-19 6.3033E-15 297.821 0
0 -0.75 5.3842E-19 1.8825E-14 303.399 0

Likelihood Ratio Test of Leontief against
GFT-CEMRS alternative

1ft tinr •• tMct.) I If(r •• trict.d) I -T In 1?~r~.trict~dH

tPl tP2 E 1I.nre.trict.
-1.5 0.75 2.9995E-18 7.6906E-09 628.279 0
-1.25 0.75 7.7072E-19 3.1904E-09 642.171 0
-1 0.75 2.2218E-19 1.2676E-09 651.475 0
-0.75 0.75 8.5125E-20 4.8623E-1O 651.509 0
-0.5 0.75 4.9728E-20 1.8177E-1O 638.563 0
-0.25 0.75 4.6600E-20 6.6621E-11 611.34 0
0 0.75 6.1796E-20 2.3912E-11 573.441 0
0.25 0.75 9.4085E-20 8.3693E-12 530.806 0
0.5 0.75 1.3660E-19 2.8521E-12 488.775 0
0.75 0.75 1. 7224E-19 9.3101E-13 449.585 0
1 0.75 1.8815E-19 2.7054E-13 411.183 0
1.25 0.75 1.9587E-19 6.0572E-14 366.615 0
1.5 0.75 1.5626E-19 8.1743E-15 315.085 0
-1.25 0.5 1.2214E-18 1.9174E-09 614.053 0
-1 0.5 3.4724E-19 7.1367E-1O 621.866 0
-0.75 0.5 1.2418E-19 2.5278E-1O 621.587 0
-0.5 0.5 6.3720E-20 8.5999E-11 609.67 0
-0.25 0.5 4.8767E-20 2.8332E-11 585.226 0
0 0.5 5.2123E-20 9.0537E-12 550.212 0
0.25 0.5 6.6365E-20 2.7956E-12 509.128 0
0.5 0.5 8.5643E-20 8.2655E-13 466.395 0
0.75 0.5 1.0396E-19 2.2480E-13 423.016 0
1 0.5 1.2194E-19 5.0684E-14 375.19 0
1.25 0.5 1.2906E-19 7.9570E-15 319.849 0
-1 0.25 6.3891E-19 4.2059E-1O 588.85 0
-0.75 0.25 2.2114E-19 1.3897E-10 587.503 0
-0.5 0.25 1.0201E-19 4.3409E-ll 576.196 0
-0.25 0.25 6.6384E-20 1.2924E-ll 553.52 0
0 0.25 5.8608E-20 3.6780E-12 520.688 0
0.25 0.25 6.3261E-20 9.9313E-13 480.504 0
0.5 0.25 7.5022E-20 2.4789E-13 435.31 0
0.75 0.25 9.3214E-20 5.3765E-14 384.692 0
1 0.25 1.1516E-19 9.1960E-15 327.351 0
-0.75 0 4.2550E-19 8.0607E-ll 552.728 0
-0.5 0 1.8236E-19 2.3383E-11 541.409 0
-0.25 0 1.0415E-19 6.3391E-12 519.8 0
0 0 7.9820E-20 1.6042E-12 487.668 0
0.25 0 7.7654E-20 3.7285E-13 446.149 0
0.5 0 8.9364E-20 7.6739E-14 396.233 0
0.75 0 1.1299E-19 1.3419E-14 338.862 0
-0.5 -0.25 3.5166E-19 1.3184E-ll 505.749 0
-0.25 -0.25 1.8645E-19 3.2657E-12 483.679 0
0 -0.25 1.3058E-19 7.3159E-13 450.624 0
0.25 -0.25 1.1922E-19 1.4551E-13 406.43 0
0.5 -0.25 1.3341E-19 2.5426E-14 352.578 0
-0.25 -0.5 3.7376E-19 1.7150E-12 444.834 0
0 -0.5 2.5081E-19 3.4266E-13 409.699 0
0.25 -0.5 2.1853E-19 6.0667E-14 363.486 0
0 -0.75 5.3842E-19 1.6884E-13 367.019 0

Likelihood Ratio Test of Relaxed CES against
GFT-CEMRS alternative

If:( unr .. lri cl.) I If:( r<.lrictod) I -T In IE{re.tricted~1

1/11 1/11 D 1I.nre.t,ict.)!
-1.5 0.75 2.9995E-18 1.5124E-08 647.891 0
-1.25 0.75 7.7072E-19 6.9815E-09 664.882 0
-1 0.75 2.2218E-19 2.9962E-09 676.421 0
-0.75 0.75 8.5125E-20 1.1507E-09 676.491 0
-0.5 0.75 4.9728E-20 3.8472E-10 660.307 0
-0.25 0.75 4.6600E-20 1.1621E-10 627.475 0
0 0.75 6.1796E-20 3.2529E-ll 582.365 0
0.25 0.75 9.4085E-20 8.0707E-12 529.752 0
0.5 0.75 l.3660E-19 l.8498E-12 476.219 0
0.75 0.75 l.7224E-19 4.1711E-13 426.3 0
1 0.75 l.8815E-19 8.0527E-14 376.04 0
1.25 0.75 l.9587E-19 7.5339E-15 306.167 0
l.5 0.75 l.5626E-19 l.0523E-16 188.86 0
-1.25 0.5 l.2214E-18 3.5158E-09 63l.636 0
-1 0.5 3.4724E-19 l.4130E-09 64l.675 0
-0.75 0.5 l.2418E-19 5.0519E-1O 64l.667 0
-0.5 0.5 6.3720E-20 1.5651E-10 627.034 0
-0.25 0.5 4.8767E-20 4.2358E-ll 596.888 0
0 0.5 5.2123E-20 l.0040E-ll 553.21 0
0.25 0.5 6.6365E-20 2.0798E-12 500.551 0
0.5 0.5 8.5643E-20 3.9865E-13 445.249 0
0.75 0.5 l.0396E-19 6.9334E-14 388.904 0
1 0.5 l.2194E-19 7.4819E-15 319.71 0
1.25 0.5 l.2906E-19 l.8146E-16 210.207 0
-1 0.25 6.3891E-19 6.3988E-1O 60l.019 0
-0.75 0.25 2.2114E-19 2.1247E-1O 599.815 0
-0.5 0.25 l.0201E-19 6.0282E-ll 585.718 0
-0.25 0.25 6.6384E-20 l.4323E-ll 556.5 0
0 0.25 5.8608E-20 2.8540E-12 513.332 0
0.25 0.25 6.3261E-20 4.9231E-13 460.153 0
0.5 0.25 7.5022E-20 7.4960E-14 400.626 0
0.75 0.25 9.3214E-20 8.2122E-15 330.201 0
1 0.25 l.1516E-19 3.0499E-16 228.57 0
-0.75 0 4.2550E-19 8.3667E-ll 553.808 0
-0.5 0 l.8236E-19 2.1458E-ll 538.918 0
-0.25 0 l.0415E-19 4.4849E-12 509.765 0 I
0 0 7.9820E-20 7.6347E-13 466.135 0
0.25 0 7.7654E-20 l.0793E-13 410.198 0
0.5 0 8.9364E-20 l.1475E-14 34l.125 0
0.75 0 1.1299E-19 5.5705E-16 246.591 0
-0.5 -0.25 3.5166E-19 7.0950E-12 487.78 0
-0.25 -0.25 l.8645E-19 l.3153E-12 457.305 0
0 -0.25 l.3058E-19 l.9218E-13 41l.857 0
0.25 -0.25 1.1922E-19 2.0686E-14 349.857 0
0.5 -0.25 l.3341E-19 1.1950E-15 263.907 0
-0.25 -0.5 3.7376E-19 3.6636E-13 400.07 0
0 -0.5 2.5081E-19 4.3106E-14 349.58 0
0.25 -0.5 2 1853E-19 2.9263E-15 275.568 0
0 -0.75 5.3842E-19 7.4441E-15 276.495 0

Likelihood Ratio Test of CES against
GFT-CEMRS alternative

IE( unr ..trict·)1 IE( re.trict.d) I -T In I~~,.u'rictedll probX~oq

,pi ,p2 IE uRre.trict.
-1.5 0.75 2.9995E-18 2.4647E-08 662.054 0
-1.25 0.75 7.7072E-19 1.1389E-08 679.073 0
-1 0.75 2.2218E-19 5.0930E-09 691.806 0
-0.75 0.75 8.5125E-20 2.1271E-09 694.308 0
-0.5 0.75 4.9728E-20 7. 5718E-1O 679.942 0
-0.25 0.75 4.6600E-20 2.2501E-10 646.637 0
0 0.75 6.1796E-20 5.9049E-ll 599.656 0
0.25 0.75 9.4085E-20 1.3268E-ll 544.168 0
0.5 0.75 1.3660E-19 2.5604E-12 485.645 0
0.75 0.75 1. 7224E-19 4.4907E-13 428.441 0
1 0.75 1.8815E-19 7. 2714E-14 373.08 0
1.25 0.75 1.9587E-19 7.7908E-15 307.139 0
1.5 0.75 1.5626E-19 2.3424E-16 212.065 0
-1.25 0.5 1.2214E-18 6.4955E-09 649.438 0
-1 0.5 3.4724E-19 2.6802E-09 660.239 0
-0.75 0.5 1.2418E-19 1.0012E-09 661.504 0
-0.5 0.5 6.3720E-20 3.2211E-1O 647.966 0
-0.25 0.5 4.8767E-20 8.6991E-ll 617.759 0
0 0.5 5.2123E-20 1.9640E-ll 572.669 0
0.25 0.5 6.6365E-20 3.6578E-12 516.924 0
0.5 0.5 8.5643E-20 5.7924E-13 456.084 0
0.75 0.5 1.0396E-19 8.0571E-14 393.26 0
1 0.5 1.2194E-19 8.3739E-15 322.976 0
1.25 0.5 1.2906E-19 3.2937E-16 227.495 0
-1 0.25 6.3891E-19 1.3256E-09 622.142 0
-0.75 0.25 2.2114E-19 4.5357E-1O 621.807 0
-0.5 0.25 1.0201E-19 1.3145E-10 608.327 0
-0.25 0.25 6.6384E-20 3.1238E-ll 579.114 0
0 0.25 5.8608E-20 6.0157E-12 534.956 0
0.25 0.25 6.3261E-20 9.4035E-13 478.92 0
0.5 0.25 7.5022E-20 1.2072E-13 414.444 0
0.75 0.25 9.3214E-20 1.1628E-14 340.286 0
1 0.25 1.1516E-19 5.4941E-16 245.638 0
-0.75 0 4.2550E-19 1.8578E-1O 576.943 0
-0.5 0 1.8236E-19 4.8626E-ll 562.642 0
-0.25 0 1.0415E-19 1.0243E-ll 533.715 0
0 0 7.9820E-20 l.7067E-12 489.464 0
0.25 0 7.7654E-20 2.2225E-13 431.144 0
0.5 0 8.9364E-20 2.1010E-14 358.666 0
0.75 0 1.1299E-19 1.1274E-15 267.037 0
-0.5 -0.25 3.5166E-19 1.6171E-ll 511.67 0
-0.25 -0.25 1.8645E-19 3.0413E-12 481.614 0
0 -0.25 1.3058E-19 4.3926E-13 435.83 0
0.25 -0.25 1.1922E-19 4.5213E-14 372.533 0
0.5 -0.25 1.3341E-19 2.839lE-15 289.001 0
-0.25 -0.5 3.7376E-19 8.4234E-13 424.214 0
0 -0.5 2.508lE-19 1.0224E-13 374.627 0
0.25 -0.5 2.1853E-19 7.951OE-15 304.555 0
0 -0.75 5.3842E-19 2.2117E-14 308.073 0

Likelihood Ratio Test of Leser Houthakker against
GFT-CEMRS alternative

~l ~, IE( unr ..trict.) I IE(re.tricted) I -T In IE~re.tricted}1

E "nre.trict.
-1.5 0.75 2.9995E-18 8.6375E-11 498.097 0
-1.25 0.75 7.7072E-19 4. 1970E-11 516.574 0
-I 0.75 2.2218E-19 1.7020E-11 526.47 0
-0.75 0.75 8.5125E-20 5.5676E-12 521.887 0
-0.5 0.75 4.9728E-20 1.5314E-12 500.0H 0
-0.25 0.75 4.6600E-20 4.7040E-13 467.697 0
0 0.75 6.1796E-20 1.9687E-13 434.252 0
0.25 0.75 9.4085E-20 8.0698E-14 396.199 0
0.5 0.75 1.3660E-19 2.8672E-14 355.378 0
0.75 0.75 1.7224E-19 7.9785E-15 311.558 0
1 0.75 1.8815E-19 1.7935E-15 265.711 0
1.25 0.75 1.9587E-19 3.8527E-16 219.944 0
1.5 0.75 1.5626E-19 7.7766E-17 180.088 0
-1.25 0.5 1.2214E-18 1.641OE-11 475.99 0
-I 0.5 3.4724E-19 6.0402E-12 483.479 0
-0.75 0.5 1.2418E-19 1.8459E-12 478.921 0
-0.5 0.5 6.3720E-20 5.3740E-13 462.485 0
-0.25 0.5 4.8767E-20 1.8949E-13 HO.01 0
0 0.5 5.2123E-20 7.7187E-14 412.036 0
0.25 0.5 6.6365E-20 2.9529E-14 377.165 0
0.5 0.5 8.5643E-20 9.2850E-15 336.218 0
0.75 0.5 1.0396E-19 2.2604E-15 289.625 0
1 0.5 1.2194E-19 4.6711E-16 239.273 0
1.25 0.5 1.2906E-19 8.8638E-17 189.429 0
-1 0.25 6.3891E-19 2.7473E-12 442.95 0
-0.75 0.25 2.2114E-19 8.4553E-13 439.544 0
-0.5 0.25 1.0201E-19 2.6562E-13 428.401 0
-0.25 0.25 6.6384E-20 9.4493E-14 410.889 0
0 0.25 5.8608E-20 3.5400E-14 386.029 0
0.25 0.25 6.3261E-20 1.2058E-14 352.581 0
0.5 0.25 7.5022E-20 3.3514E-15 310.506 0
0.75 0.25 9.3214E-20 7.5239E-16 260.887 0
1 0.25 1.1516E-19 1.4110E-16 206.216 0
-0.75 0 4.2550E-19 5.6291E-13 408.765 0
-0.5 0 1.8236E-19 1.7707E-13 399.797 0
-0.25 0 1.0415E-19 5.8068E-14 383.707 0
0 0 7.9820E-20 1.9000E-14 359.024 0
0.25 0 7.76S4E-20 5.6563E-15 324.685 0
0.5 0 8.9364E-20 1.4238E-15 280.607 0
0.75 0 1.1299E-19 2.8408E-16 227.063 0
-0.5 -0.25 3.5166E-19 1.3293E-13 372.436 0
-0.25 -0.25 1.8645E-19 4.0043E-14 356.042 0
0 -0.25 1.3058E-19 1.1671E-14 330.619 0
0.25 -0.25 1.1922E-19 3.1156E-15 294.959 0
0.5 -0.25 1.3341E-19 6.7641E-16 247.403 0
-0.25 -0.5 3.7376E-19 2.9614E-14 327.124 0
0 -0.5 2.5081E-19 7.9903E-15 300.702 0
0.25 -0.5 2.1853E-19 1.8328E-15 261.999 0
0 -0.75 5.3842E-19 5.3180E-15 266.741 0
C hapter 5

The True C ost-of-Living

C oncept

5.1 Introduction
This chapter examines the sensitivity of the cost of living to some as-
pects of price changes and income changes that cannot be detected by
Laspeyres indexes such as the CPI-U and CPI-W. Although its content
is confined to positive economic analysis, the article does cast light on nor-
mative choices in welfare policy. Formation of practical strategies in the
negotiation of escalator clauses in private sector wage contracts involves
consideration of both normative values and positive descriptions of the real
environment. The same is true of policy choices in the political arena, for
instance in the determination of cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) in
pensions and transfer payments. The price and income sensitivities of the
cast of living, expressed as elasticities, are used to determine the size of
COLAs required to keep real incomes of recipients constant.
The sensitivity analysis is applied to a true cost-of-living index (TCLl)
that is based on a minimal set of theoretical assumptions; they are just
sufficient for its definition to be valid. This use of minimal theory is a
safeguard against implicit normative choices that masquerade as positive
empirical conclusions.
Private and governmental agencies that prepare and publish cost-of-
living indexes have to deal with two distinct kinds of not ions of what the
term 'true cost-of-living' means:

1. The scientific concept of 'true cost-of-living' as defined by Konyus

(1924) and refined by Fisher and Shell (1968). This concept, without
extra assumptions, is used to define TCLIs in this chapter.

2. An extra-scientific intuitive conception of 'true cost-of-living' that

means something that:

(a) has an existence in reality independently of the Konyus defini-

tion and
(b) about wh ich the above-mentioned scientific definitions could be
empirically "incomplete".1

Extra restrictions on (1) are not neutral in their distributional impli-

cations. For instance, a TCLl derived on the assumption that consumers'
indifference maps are approximately "Leontief", suggests that losses of
real income - by (say) a professional couple in Federal employment with
GS-15 salaries - since 1972 amounted to about 38%. On the other hand,
the minimal assumption TCLl defined in this chapter suggests that the
real income loss for GS-15's was only about 8% by 1980. The "Leon-
tief" TCLl, or Laspeyres index, makes a seemingly more persuasive case
for raising statutory Federal pay-scales, at upper levels at least, than the
minimal assumption TCLl. These percentages are from a research study
in progress and are not to be taken as hard and fast (see Basmann, Di-
amond and Siottje (1988 a,b)). They merely illustrate what we mean by
saying that the extra restrictions are not neutral.
TCLIs based on price-dependent preferences (PDP) models involve
extra restrictions and lack neutrality, too. Commencing with Samuelson
(1948, pp. 119-121), PDP models have arbitrarily ruled out income or
total expenditure 2 as affecting cost of living via effects on tastes. The most
recent revival of interest in PDP modelling has continued to limit attention
lUsually because the concept (1) does not impose more than the absolute minimum
set of assumptions. For instance, the empirical possibility that the true-cost-of-living be
homogeneous of degree one in prices is often conceived to be a necessary condition.
2Samuelson introduces a monetary asset, M, into the formal direct utility function,
and total expenditure, I, in the budget constraint. Notation in this paper is different.
Here in Section 5.2, quantities of monetary assets as weil as of goods are denoted by Xi,
M denotes total expenditures on goods and monetary assets, and the letter' l' will be
used to denote a index.

to demand systems that arbitrarily exclude some important situations,

e.g., Pollak, 1977.
Common sense suggests searching for an index that satisfies the sci-
entific definition (1) of the term 'true cost-of-living' with the absolute
minimum of arbitrary assumptions about how consumers' levels of satis-
faction depend on the amounts of goods and services they purchase and
consume. This minimal set of assumptions is reached by the nonparamet-
ric true cost-of-living indexes (TCLIs) based on the generalized Fechner-
Thurstone (GFT) form of utility function. The GFT form of direct utility
function does not rule out apriori any direct utility function (including
any strictly fixed preference direct utility function) that happens to fit em-
pirical data closely, cf. Basmann et al. (1985a, pp. 75-76). In other words,
if the PDP restrictions, or the "Leontief' indifference map hypotheses are
approximately true, then this will show up in their likelihood ratio tests
nested in the GFT hypothesis. 3
The sensitivity analysis in this chapter focuses on the positive aspects
of questions like the following:

1. Suppose that increases in spendable income alter consumers' tastes,

and that this affiuence-induced change of taste raises the cost-of-
living to consumers. Under wh at circumstances should this kind of
cost-of-living increase be compensated by a COLA?

2. Suppose that commodity price changes and taste changes do take

place simultaneously and their combined effect on a cost-of-living
index is caIculated. It might be an accepted value judgment that
the part of the increase in cost of living that is caused solely by the
ceteris paribus change of taste should not be compensated by a cost-
of-living adjustment (COLA). However, wh at if at the same time it
might be accepted that the part of the increase that is caused solely
by the price increases should be fully compensated?
A framework of positive theoretical and empirical analysis is required to
separate the former and the latter components of the increase in the cost
of living.
Suppose that consumer tastes are affected slightly by price changes.
An increase in a cost-of-living index between two periods is the sum of
30utcomes of likelihood ratio tests are described in Section 5.5.

three components. The part caused by price increases has two subcom-
ponents. Assuming the value judgment in the preceding paragraph, we
have a new normative question to consider. Should the increase in cost
of living attributable to the change of tastes induced by the price changes
be compensated by a COLA, or not? Once more a framework of positive
theoretical and empirical analysis is needed to separate this indirect price
effect from the direct substitution effect of price changes on the cost of
In this chapter we apply GFT sensitivity analysis to nonparamet-
rie TCLIs computed from annual price and expenditure time-series data
(1947-1981) provided by Laura Blanciforti of the U.S. Department of
Labor. 4 We have aggregated the expenditures and price-indexes for eleven
commodity groups into five groups in this chapter. The five groups are:

1. food, beverages and tobaccoj

2. clothes, shoes and miscellaneous commoditiesj

3. housing, energy and utiIitiesj

4. consumer durables and transportationj and

5. medical care, education, recreation, and travel. 5 We shall use 1972

as the base year for the nonparametrie TCLIs in this chapter (see
Table 5.1).

Section 5.4 describes the minimal set of assumptions about direct util-
ity functions needed to produce numerical measures of the relative cost of
living. It also presents the necessary relations subsisting between the price
and income elasticities of demand functions and the exponent functions
in the GFT direct utility index. Empirical va lues of the nonparamet-
rie TCLIs computed from the Department of Commerce time-series are
presented in Table 5.1. All of the theorems and formulas in Section 5.4
are independent of parametrie specifications. They are considerably more
general than the conditional theorems of PDP models. However, they do
not exclude the latter.
4The price and expenditure data used in this chapter will be sent to readers on request.
51972 is the base year for the index prices for the commodity groups.

Section 5.5 reintroduces a parametric specification of the GFT direct

utility function. This particular parametric specification is only one of
many that can be made and tested. Nested within it is a null hypoth-
esis that is observationally equivalent to the CES dass of direct utility
functions. As a scientific hypothesis about aggregate consumer behavior,
the CES class of direct utility functions does not enjoy much empirical
support relative to competitors. However, one of the limiting forms of the
CES is the Leontief direct utility function. The latter, if it were approxi-
mately true, would rationalize the use of a Laspeyres price index, such as
the CPI-U or CP1-W, as a true-cost-of-living index. One argument gov-
ernment economists use to support use of the C P 1's to schedule COLAs
has been that those indexes are "good approximations" to the true-cost-
of-living. This widely used claim on behalf of the C P Is is one reason
for selecting a GFT parametric specification whose likelihood ratio can
be unambiguously appraised relative to that which underlies the reigning
C P 1's for the CES class.

Table 5.1
I Estimates of the
I True-Cost-of Living Index TCLI(l)
Year TCLI(l) Year TCLI(l)
1947 0.540 1964 0.761
1948 0.571 1965 0.774
1949 0.566 1966 0.795
1950 0.577 1967 0.814
1951 0.616 1968 0.847
1952 0.627 1969 0.884
1953 0.638 1970 0.925
1954 0.642 1971 0.964
1955 0.647 1972 1.000
1956 0.660 1973 1.050
1957 0.681 1974 1.160
1958 0.695 1975 1.250
1959 0.710 1976 1.320
1960 0.722 1977 1.400
1961 0.729 1978 1.500
1962 0.740 1979 1.650
1963 0.751 1980 1.840
1981 2.010

TeLI(l) = TI P~ ~
i=l Pi

Data utilized here is from the Dept. of Commerce's Bureau of Economic Analysis. Based
on the eleven groups used by Blanciforti (1982), we aggregated into live commodity
groups. See Data Appendix.


Table 5.2
Index Elasticities for First Order Process (p = 0.7)
Year Pl/- InI Pl /- InI P3ä}.lnI P4f- InI P5~. InI Ps ~. InI
(F~~d) (C{dth.) (Housing) (J:j~r.) (Med.) (Expend.)
1947 0.3331 0.2598 0.1372 0.1687 0.0699 0.0133
1948 0.3185 0.2550 0.H61 0.1763 0.0703 0.0157
1949 0.2942 0.2327 0.1647 0.1891 0.0719 0.0290
1950 0.2730 0.2163 0.1782 0.2071 0.0638 0.0410
1951 0.2908 0.2303 0.1728 0.1924 0.0649 0.0293
1952 0.2951 0.2260 0.1768 0.1853 0.0284 0.0224
1953 0.2766 0.2093 0.1888 0.1947 0.0859 0.0295
1954 0.2780 0.2020 0.1954 0.1891 0.1030 0.0208
1955 0.2598 0.1913 0.1987 0.2054 0.1042 0.0283
1956 0.2573 0.1912 0.2018 0.1971 0.1117 0.0291
1957 0.2555 0.1857 0.2050 0.1964 0.1118 0.0332
1958 0.2630 0.1869 0.2065 0.1844 0.1239 0.0249
1959 0.2459 0.1808 0.2113 0.1933 0.1163 0.0392
1960 0.2427 0.1796 0.2118 0.1913 0.1270 0.0360
1961 0.2434 0.1799 0.2153 0.1823 0.1353 0.0329
1962 0.2337 0.1802 0.2160 0.1886 0.1361 0.0346
1963 0.2285 0.1798 0.2143 0.1932 0.1410 0.0330
1964 0.2262 0.1826 0.2100 0.1954 0.1444 0.0315
1965 0.2263 0.1826 0.2056 0.2014 0.1457 0.0291
1966 0.2309 0.1909 0.1955 0.2018 0.1523 0.0212
1967 0.2247 0.1939 0.1941 0.1998 0.1599 0.0207
1968 0.2230 C.1969 0.1859 0.2065 0.1628 0.0192
1969 0.2247 0.1989 0.1797 0.2060 0.1726 0.0135
1970 0.2330 0.1975 0.1774 0.1987 0.1820 0.0080
1971 0.2220 0.1918 0.1805 0.2078 0.1854 0.0093
1972 0.2229 0.1933 0.1749 0.2078 0.1953 -0.0000
1973 0.2372 0.1977 0.1677 0.2134 0.2011 -0.0158
1974 0.2446 0.1973 0.1741 0.2049 0.1925 -0.0136
1975 0.2445 0.1949 0.1738 0.2026 0.1979 -0.0138
1976 0.2332 0.1861 0.1785 0.2122 0.1992 -0.0091
1977 0.2243 0.1796 0.1817 0.2179 0.2052 -0.0079
1978 0.2272 0.1814 0.1778 0.2179 0.2171 -0.0170
1979 0.2244 0.1739 0.1864 0.2158 0.2098 -0.0090
1980 0.2083 0.1605 0.2090 0.2095 0.1926 0.0153
1981 0.2048 0.1560 0.2112 0.2064 0.2030 0.0142

Table 5.3
Standard Deviations for the Index Elasticities

Year Food Clothing Housing Durables Medical Tot. Expend.

1947 0.111 0.102 0.057 0.096 0.026 0.010
1948 0.110 0.103 0.060 0.099 0.027 0.011
1949 0.109 0.100 0.065 0.104 0.032 0.018 i
1950 0.110 0.099 0.067 0.112 0.038 0.024 I
1951 0.110 0.099 0.068 0.106 0.032 0.018 I
1952 0.107 0.096 0.070 0.101 0.031 0.016
1953 0.106 0.094 0.073 0.105 0.035 0.019 I
1954 0.103 0.091 0.077 0.102 0.034 0.015
1955 0.102 0.090 0.078 0.110 0.038 0.018 I
1956 0.101 0.090 0.079 0.106 0.038 0.018
1957 0.100 0.087 0.078 0.104 0.040 0.019
1958 0.098 0.085 0.079 0.098 0.038 0.016
1959 0.098 0.085 0.078 0.101 0.043 0.022
1960 0.096 0.084 0.078 0.100 0.043 0.020
1961 0.095 0.084 0.080 0.096 0.042 0.019
1962 0.094 0.084 0.080 0.099 0.044 0.020 I
1963 0.092 0.084 0.080 0.101 0.044 0.018
1964 0.092 0.084 0.080 0.103 0.044 0.018
1965 0.092 0.084 0.079 0.106 0.044 0.016
1966 0.091 0.084 0.078 0.105 0.041 0.013
1967 0.089 0.085 0.078 0.105 0.042 0.011
1968 0.088 0.085 0.076 0.108 0.042 0.010 I
1969 0.086 0.084 0.075 0.107 0.041 0.007
1970 0.086 0.082 0.075 0.103 0.040 0.004
1971 0.085 0.082 0.077 0.108 0.041 0.004
1972 0.083 0.082 0.078 0.111 0.040 0.000
1973 0.085 0.080 0.079 0.111 0.038 0.006
1974 0.086 0.079 0.079 0.106 0.038 0.004
1975 0.086 0.078 0.079 0.105 0.039 0.005
1976 0.085 0.078 0.081 0.110 0.040 0.003
1977 0.084 o.on 0.083 0.114 0.041 0.002
1978 0.083 0.076 0.084 0.113 0.041 0.006
1979 0.085 0.075 0.084 0.112 0.043 0.002
1980 0.086 0.074 0.084 0.110 0.049 0.012
1981 0.085 0.073 0.085 0.108 0.050 0.012

The standard deviation is the square root of the variance. The calculation is discussed in chapter
live above.

Section 5.5 also briefly explains a special point about the statistical
inference procedures leading up to the maximum likelihood estimates of
the price and income elasticities of the nonparametric cost-of-living index.
Table 5.2 contains the price and income elasticities of the nonparamet-
ric TCLIs for each year from 1947 to 1981. Although stochastic taste-
changers are important, and we give Taylor expansions for TCLI elastic-
ities with respect to stochastic taste-changers - (5.20) - we postpone
the publication of numerical values to a later paper.
Table 5.3 presents point estimates of "large-sample" standard devia-
tions of the TCLI elasticity estimates. We do not present the confidence
intervals here but give the standard deviations used to construct them.
Table 5.4 presents the maximum likelihood estimates of the sensitivity
of marginal rates of substitution to changes in budget constraint param-
eters. These are inputs to the computation of TCLl elasticities. Table
5.5 gives ranges of the price and income elasticities of the derived demand
Section 5.7 concludes the chapter with a discussion of the significance
of the results and some promising lines of future research.
Responding to a suggestion by a colleague, we digress from time to time
to contrast the minimal assumptions (GFT) hypotheses with the more
restrictive models of price-dependent preferences (PDP). The brevity of
our remarks here is due solely to the fact that the mathematical analysis
and empirical results in this chapter do not use any results existing in
the otherwise highly valuable PDP literature. As mentioned in previous
chapters, previous articles have cited the contributions of a number of
earlier writers on PDPs, such as Veblen, Scitovsky, Hicks, Samuelson,
KaIman, Dusansky, Howitt and Patinkin, Gabor and Granger, and Pollak
extensively; cf. Basmann et al. 1984, 1985a, 1985b.

5.2 Approach and Notation

There are several equally valid procedures for constructing Konus-type
TCLI's when preferences between the base and current periods are dis-
similar. Each validly constructed index captures a disparate array of
taste-change attributes and consequently distinct policy prescription are

implied. 6
While not intended to connote dismay with the remaining alternative
procedures the discussion at hand will confine itself to merely two, namely
the TCLI(O) and TCLI(l), wh ich are defined below. The approach used
in the measure of these indices has been termed the Modified Standard
Market Basket (MSB),7 wh ich employs the notion of cost-of-living as the
minimum expenditure that is required to reach the indifference surface, of
some direct utility function V(X; T), that passes through a specified mar-
ket basket say XO at some specified point in time. Definitional components
of the MSB approach include:

1. a unique form V(X, T) of direct utility function

2. two distinct values of the parameter vector T, T O and Tl

3. and finally a pair of separate price vectors pO and pl.

Since consumer behavior that is constrained by the usual linear budget

constraint necessarily results in the maximization of a GFT utility func-
tion there will be no loss of generality for the purposes of this section by
V(X, T) = U(X; (}) (5.1)
The superscripts 0 and 1 used above denote the distinct parameter and
price vectors respectively. Therefore the equation:

U(X; (}O) = U(X l ; (}O) (5.2)

implies that the commodity bundle Xl is contained on the indifference
surface when the parameter vector (}O is in effect. Similarly the equation:

U(XO;OO) = U(XO;Ol) (5.3)

which denotes equality of the utility levels of the indifference surface with
parameter 0° containing XO with the one containing XO with parameter 01 .
Figure 5.1 further illustrates this MSB approach: The dashed indifference
surface in Figure 5.1 is denoted as U(XO; (}O) which implies the level of
6See Basmannet al. (1985a), Fisher and Shell (1968, pp.97-101) Samuelson and
Swamy (1974, pp. 585-586)
7See Diamond (1984 p. 25) and Frentrup (1984 p.16)
- ~
~------------ ~
~ (3
'"rj ...... ...... G
cjq' ---- ~
~ ..s
~ ...-..
c;n ~
...... 0
'---' ~
~ 0
~ ~
s:::: ~ 1-3
~.... 0

i -----
/52 Q:)
'~ '---'
~ co
'-' -.J

utility which contains the commodity bundle ~ with parameter vector

0°. 8 The solid indifference surface denoted as U (~j Ol), on the other hand,
represents the level of utility which contains the same commodity bundle
~ yet has a different parameter vector, namely Ol. An explanation of the
notation in Figure 5.1 folIows:
1. XO, ... , X 3 represent various commodity bundles,

2. M(O,O) represents the minimum expenditure required to reach the

indifference surface U (XOj ( 0) given the price vector pO,

3. M(O, 1) represents the minimum expenditure required to reach the

indifference surface U (XOj 0°) given the price vector pl,

4. M(l,O) represents the minimum expenditure required to reach the

indifference surface U (XO; Ol) given the price vector pO,
5. M(l,l) represents the minimum expenditure required to reach the
indifference surface U (XO; Ol) given the price vector pl.
Under the MSB framework the TCLI's are expressed as ratios of the min-
imum expenditures given in items 2-5 above. As was mentioned the dis-
cussion in this section is limited to the TCLI(O) and TCLI(l), whose
definitions follow.
TC LI(O) is the compensating variation required to maintain the orig-
inallevel of utility given the base period parameter vector 0° as the price
vector changes from the base period (pO) to the current period (Pl). In
other words it is the ratio of the minimum expenditure required to reach
the indifference surface U(X o; 0°) given the current price vector pl to the
minimum expenditure required to reach the identical surface given the
base year price vector pO.
Analogously TCLI(l) is the compensating variation required to main-
tain the original level of utility given the current parameter vector Ol as
the price vector changes from the base period (pO) to the current period
(Pl). In other words it is the ratio of the minimum expenditure required
to reach the indifference surface U(~j Ol) given the current price vector
pl to the minimum expenditure required to reach the identical surface
given the base year price vector pO.
8 the parameter vector oa rationalizes the preferences of the individual or group of
individuals, when oa '" Ob a change of tastes is implied

5.3 Derivation of the TCLl's

Seo (1973) demonstrated that if I is constant then there will be no loss in
generality by assuming that I = 0 which will be done here. However,one
would not always assurne that the vector I is constant. 9
Substituting the demand equation derived from (1.4) back into itself
and taking the Oth root of both sides of the equation while factoring out
the M one obtains the following:

[U (Xj O)]l j 8= II (O)8;f8(1)8-!8

~ ~. M (S.4)
i=1 0 P,
the empirical estimation procedure of OijO has been demonstrated pre-
viously. In equilibrium however we know:

X" !!iM (s.s)

Pi o
Pi X; °ioM
which implies that:
X.. Mi 0i
- (S.6)
Pi X; Mi 0i
which means that in equilibrium 0dO can be found by expanding (S.6)
as folIows:

O· = [nL~o.r 1 (S.7)
i=1 0i
() (:J (~)
Therefore the TCLI's in this study can either be determined by speci-
fying a functional form or nonparametrically as explained above
9Notice that this chapter has nothing to do with a test of the Pollak hypothesis that
"the snob appeal" effect of prices is confined to the I', i = 1, ... , n, in (5.13) under
the additional assumption that every random disturbance u.
is identically zero, and I'
remain constant from observation to observation, cf. Pollak (1977, p. 70).

5.3.1 Computation of TCLI(O)

Recall that TCLI(O) = M(O, 1)/ M(O, 0) which can alternatively be thought
of as the minimum cost of obtaining Xl relative to the minimum cost of
obtaining XV. lO The demand equations at XV and Xl appear as:

XV = ( 00) 1
O~ p;oM(O,O) (5.8)

Xl = (O?) ~M(O 1)
0° P/ '
From (5.6) in light of (5.8) it folIows:

[U(XOjOO)f /90 = rI(x?)(9?19 0) (5.9)


(O?) (9?;90) (9?190)

n n 1
00 II pO M(O,O)

rI (Xl) (9?190)
.=1 ;=1 ;

[U (X 1 jOO)f /9 0


P (O?)
(97 ;eo)
P pI1 (97/ °) M(O,l)

.=1 •

noting that
[U(XOjOO)f I80 = [U(X 1 jOO)f /90
it follows that:

n ( O?) (971 9°) n ~ (8?; 0° ) _ n ( O? ) (9?; 0° ) n ~ (O? f9" )

II 00 II po M(O, 0) - II 00 II pI M(O,l)
;=1 ;=1 • ;=1 ;=1 •
Using (5.12) and the definition of TC LI(O) from above one may obtain
the following:

TCLI(O) = M(0,1) _
,rIo , 0) -
II (Pl)

(071 0°) (5.11)
;=1 PiO

lOrefer to Figure 5.11 above


Recall that TCLI(l) = M(l,l)/M(l,O) which can alternatively be

thought of as the minimum cost of obtaining X 2 relative to the minimum
cost of obtaining X 3 Y It is easy to show that

= M(l, 1) =
;rr (P/)
TCLI(l) n (stl )
M(l,O) .=1

5.4 The Sensitivity of the Cost of Living

This section describes the dependencies between sensitivities of nonpara-
metric TCLIs based on the GFT form, and the elasticities of market de-
mand function systems in general. It sets the stage for the specification
of statistical hypotheses in Section 5.5. However, the present section is
concerned solely with those interdependencies that

1. are true regardless of the parametric specification of demand systems

or the direct utility function, and

2. are actually used in the subsequent sections.

The center of interest is the pair of equations (5.17) and (5.18) that relate
price and total expenditure elasticities of the cost-of-living to the familiar
market price and income elasticities of empirical demand analysis.
The formal principle, or "law" of diminishing marginal rate of substi-
tution between commodities asserts

1. that indifference surfaces are convex, (or, at least, nonconcave) to-

wards the origin of the commodity space, and

2. that the indifference surfaces remain fixed in position over the time
period during which the consumer plans and purchases equilibrium
quantities of commodities, or obtains them by direct exchange.

For brevity, we call this period a transaction period. Independently of

assurning the principle of diminishing marginal rate of substitution, we
shall also assume that the consumer selects an equilibrium basket of com-
modities, X, subject to a linear budget constraint in total expenditure M
llsee Figure 5.1 above

Table 5.4
Coefficient Estimates of the Elasticities of Marginal
Rates of Substitution for Five Commodity Groups
N umeraire = 5

Group W(5J wg J wl~J w(5J w);J w};J

Food: 0.71393 0.22090 0.20415 0.03324 -0.9761 -0.39580

• • •
Clothing: 0.21191 0.48245 0.18126 -0.15033 -1.1857 0.11366
• •
Housing: 0.12729 -0.72948 0.93676 -0.09344 0.0163 -0.27120
• *
Durables: -0.79468 -0.48543 1.34277 -0.08594 -2.4474 1.80299
• * * *
Medical: 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000

Note: The asterisks indicate that coefficient estimates were statistically significant at
0.10 level of significance.

and prices p that remains fixed during the transaction period in question.
Let MO and pO denote base period equilibrium demand quantities for this
base period. Let pI denote the vector of prices in some current period
under study. The "law" of diminishing marginal rate of substitution be-
tween commodities does not imply that the indifference map in the current
period is identicaI to the indifference map of the base period.
When the indifference maps differ between the base period and the cur-
rent period, there are severaI equally valid ways of constructing Konyus-
type true-cost-of-living indexes (Fisher and Shell, 1968, pp. 97-101; Samuel-
son and Swamy, 1974, pp. 585-586; Basmann et al., 1985a, Sec. 2, pas-
sim). Eaeh of these validly eonstructed TCLIs captures effects of a dif-
ferent group of aspects of taste-change. Each of these true-eost-of-living
indexes has different poliey implications (say) for indexing tax braekets or
determining COLAs in pension benefits.
In this ehapter, we shall confine our remarks to just two of these valid
Konyus type true-cost-of-living index construetions (given in (5.15)-(5.16)
below). TCLI(O) is the Konyus index eomputed from pO and pI and the

base period indifference surface through XO. TCLI(l) is the Konyus in-
dex computed from pO and pI and the current period indifference surface
through XO. For sake of perspective we mention a Konyus true-cost-of-
living index proposed by Fisher and Shell. TCLI(F S) is the Konyus index
computed from pO and pI and the current period equilibrium bundle XO
(Basmann et a/., 1985b, formula (2.9) p. 30). No special form of direct util-
ity function is presupposed by these definitions. For some assumed forms
of underlying direct utility unction, TCLI(l) and TCLI(FS) can differ
in numerical magnitude. However, under minimal assumptions about the
GFT form of direct utility function, the numerical magnitudes of TCLI(l)
and TC LI( F S) are identical.
For the time being, we assurne only that the consumer (or group of
consumers) chooses a market basket subject to the usuallinear budget con-
straint in p and M. Consumer behavior that is constrained by the usual
linear budget constraint necessarily results in maximization of a direct
utility function having the GFT form. 12 Since the principle of diminishing
marginal rate of substitution does not imply that the indifference surfaces
are independent of the budget constraint, we shall not make the assump-
tion that they are. The GFT form of direct utility function is recalled

U(X; 0) = II (Xi -
li)O;, (5.13)
X > max{O'li}'
Oi = O;(p,M, Z)e > 0,U
; i = 1, ... , n,

o = LO •.
u = (UI, ... , u n ) is a latent random vector with zero mean vector and finite
positive definitive variance matrix r 0. It represents stochastic changes of
taste. Serial covariance matrices r., s = 1,2, ... may represent persistence
of effects of stochastic taste changes, as was discussed in section 5.3.
In empirical applications of the G FT direct utility function z = (ZI,' .. , zr)
is a vector of observable nonstochastic variables, other than current pe-
riod p and M, on wh ich consumers' indifference maps may be specified to
12There are several, more or less, trivial proofs in previous articles: Basmann et al.
(1983, p. 412); Basmann et al. (1985b, p. 20).

Table 5.5
Summary Statistics of the Price Elasticities of Demand
Food Clothiog Housing Durables Medical Income

E ll < 0 E21 > 0 E31 ~g :X=~~ E41 < 0 ES1 < 0 ElD > 0
( •. 45) ; (-.34) (.05):. (.16) (.03) - (.07) ( •. 05):. (-.84) ( •. 16):. (·.05) (.43) ; (.35)

EI2 > 0 E22 < 0 E 32 < 0 E,,~ < 0 ES2 ~g !~='~ E20 > 0
(.20) ; (.33) ( •. 54) :. ( •. 41) ( •. 75):. (-.61) (-.50):. (-.37) (-.03).: (.IO~ (.03) - (.86)

E 13 < 0 E 23 < 0 E 33 < 0 E 43 > 0 E S3 < 0 E ao > 0

(-.25) - (-.32) (-.27) ; (·.35) (·.52) :. ( •. 60) (.88) ; (.81) ( •. 45) ; (-.53) (.54) ; (.48)

. >
EU> 0 EH< 0 EH< 0 E . . <0 Es. > 0 E"O 0
(.086) - (.087) (-.007) • ( •. 005) (-.04) • (-.038) (-1.033) • (.1.031) (.052) • (.055) (2.6) • (2.5)

E >0 "7-53 E >0 "8-58

E25 < 0 E35 > 0 E,S < 0 E50 > 0
ni)°_ t-~öN (-.15) ; ( •. 28) (1.05) • (.03) (.1.21):. (-1.33)
55 <0 t8-~1
(.03) -. ·.00 (.82) ; (.75)

* indicates no linear time trend is present but values of E 's did decrease slightly
over time.
** indicates the same thing as * except the values of E 's increase slightly over time.
• The number in parentheses are the values of E •.'s in 1947 and 1981 respectively.
• E •.'s < 0 indicates values of E•.'s for 1947-1981 are all negative.
• The elasticities are computed from the following relation:

Ei. = Si. - 5i • 5i • 1. = s

5•• = 0 i i' s
= w(n)
_ ..f-.
~ 8w
O/c (n)
k" '

where n is the numeraire.


depend. Elements of z may be demographie variables, such as family sizei

they may be lagged values of M or p.
The indifference surfaces of (5.13) satisfy the "law" of diminishing
marginal rate of substitution (MRS) at all points X of the commodity
space. p, M, and z affect marginal rates of substitution and curvatures of
indifference surfaces at every X, but they do not cause violations of the
"law" of diminishing MRS. The traditional distinction between arguments
and parameters is essential. The vector X of quantities of commodities
is the only argument of the GFT direct utility function (5.13). p, M, z,
and u are parameters of (5.13). Prices are "in the utility function" only
in the above sense of that expression. In terms of economic behavior, the
argument X is under the consumer group's control, whereas the param-
eters are not. We assurne he re that the consumer group does not choose
prices and its total expenditure is exogenous. GFT utility functions with
several monetary aggregates have been tested and estimated by Johnson
(1987, 1988), Pandey (1986) and Opiela (1986).
Every parameter form of system of demand functions X(p, Mi z) can
be rationalized by a readily constructed parametric case of the GFT direct
utility function (Basmann et al., 1983, 1984, 1985a, 1985b). Existence of
points p, M, z for which some goods are "inferior" is not ruled out by the
form (5.13). In the present artiele, it is convenient to make use of the elose
relation between sensitivity of TCLIs and the more familiar concepts of
elasticities of demand. [The convenience becomes more apparent in Sec.
5.5.] We do this by showing how to construct the nonrandom parts of
(5.13) in terms of demand elasticities directlyY
Consider any algorithm for assigning to each sampie (p, M, z) in a
sampie set S logarithmic derivatives of the demand quantities Xi, i =
1, ... , n with respect to total expenditure M and budget constraint prices,
Pj, j = 1, ... , n, and the elements of z. Require the algorithm to produce
derivatives that are consistent with the usual budget constraint. 14 These
are the only necessary restrictions on the choice of algorithm. In particular
there is no reason to force income elasticities to be positive, as in PDP
models (Pollak, 1977). Of course, numerical values of the derivatives will
depend on the choice of logarithm. However, the relations (5.13) and all
13This direct approach is often (not always) convenient in constructing (5.13) from
previously estimated demand systems such as the translog system.
14derivations of the elasticities are given in Basmann and Slottje (1987)

that follow remain valid in spite of differences in the numerical values

obtained by different algorithms.
The logarithmic derivatives are elasticities, of course. Let Eio(p, M, z)
be demand elasticities with respect to M, and Eii(p, M, z), i,j = 1, ... , n,
be the numerical price elasticities of demand assigned to the observed vec-
tor (p, M, z). It is to be expected that these elasticities vary from obser-
vation to observation just as they actually do in "real world" per capita
time-series data. The positive-valued, nonrandom parts of exponent func-
tions in (5.13), O;(p,M,z), are then specified by using Eio(p,M,z) etc.

0; = (P;jM)(ßiMEiO fr pri)(rrq=1 z:izq)K(.)

ßi > 0, (5.14)

2:.ßi 1. i = 1, ... ,no


where n r
K(·) = (II p?)(II z;zq)MCO
j=1 q=1
The exponents Co, Cj, etc. in K(·) are functions of the demand elasticities,
EiQ, Ei;' etc., and commodity expenditure shares (Mi/M), i = 1, ... , n.
They are not necessarily constant. Since K(.) appears as a common factor
in (5.14) for each i = 1, ... ,n, its value does not affect the demand func-
tions. Dropping K(.) from (5.13) has the effect of a monotonic increasing
transformation of the utility function cf. Hicks (1946, pp. 306-307). This
does not affect the validity of (5.14).
The GFT direct utility function generates nonparametric true-cost-of-
living indexes, thus avoiding the major uncertainties that beset parametrie
estimation of other forms [for an excellent discussion of these problems
see Barnett (1980, 1983) and Barnett and Lee (1985)]. Using (5.13) and
(5.14) along with (5.9) above the true-cost-of-living indexes TCLI(O) and
TCLI(l) are expressed by the following formulas:
n 1 MO
GFT-TCLI(O) = II (p~)M'ö, (5.15)
i=1 Pi
1 M'
II (p~)M'r,
GFT-TCLI(l) = (5.16)
i=1 Pi

M denotes expenditure on the i-th commodity. Superscripts indicate the

period in which the expenditure is made.
A very brief remark about (5.15)-(5.16) may be helpful. In deriving
(5.15)-(5.16), the expression 8d8 - with appropriate superscripts - is
first encountered where the ratio MdM appears in (5.15)-(5.16). The ra-
tio 8i /8 is the proportionate marginal utility of income expended on the
i-th commodity. At equilibrium the proportionate marginal utility of in-
come expended on the i-th commodity necessarily equals the equilibrium
expenditure share MdM as was shown in (5.9) above. This is true regard-
less of the form of direct utility function. Consequently, it is not necessary
to estimate the ratio 8d8 where it is assumed that sampie expenditures
are equilibrium magnitudes, since - apart from errors of measurement in
the data themselves - 8d 8 is known exactly.
Table 5.1 presents the values of TCLI(l), i.e., (5.16) for the years
1947-81 in the Uni ted States.
Let Ei.(p, Mj z) be the elasticity of demand for the i-th commodity
with respect to the budget constraint price P.. [Let us abbreviate this
function by Ei •. ] The GFT form of direct utility function expresses the
sensitivity of the cost of living to price changes in terms of the demand
elasticities Ei; in a straightforward way (recall 5.13). The elasticity of the
nonparametric GFT-TCLI(l) with respect to the price P. is expressed by
the formula

In 1= !---"O
i [ (Pi)] + 0"8
Ei.ln ~
[ (Po)]
1 + In 0
' (5.17)

s = 1,2, ... ,n.

The superscript "1" has been droppedj the superscript "0" has been kept
in order to indicate that P is a constant for the differentiation of (5.16).
Derivation of (5.18) is given in Basmann and Siottje (1987).
The elasticity (5.17) is nonparametric. That is to say, its numerical
magnitude does not depend on the parametric forms of the proportionate
marginal utilities of expenditure 8d8. Notice that the demand elastici-
ties in (5.17) do not presuppose any special parametric form of demand
function system.
The part of the proportional increase in cost of living that is at-
tributable to a specified price-induced change of taste is essentially a
weighted average of price elasticities of demand. This is one practical

convenience in constructing (5.13) in terms of demand function elastic-

ities directly. If (for instance) it is a normative consensus that cost of
living increases caused by changes of taste should not be compensated by
COLAs, then it is an advantage that every concept involved in measuring
the not-to-be-compensated part is already weil understood.
The income elasticity of the GFT form of TC Ll(l) is expressed by the
following formula:

(M aM )lnl=L O'[Ei .-1]ln
n O. (p.)
i, (5.18)
,=1 p,
Derivation of (5.18) is given in Basmann and Slottje (1987).
The sensitivities of TC Ll(l) with respect to other systematic taste
changers in z are expressed by formulas similar to (5.18). However, no
systematic taste changers other than p and M will be used in the appli-
cation to follow, so we omit express ions for their elasticities.
The sensitivity ofTCL1(1) with respect to the stochastic taste changer
u; is expressed by

u;~ Inl Uj L
n [ pt] ~~i,
In 0
a (5.19)
uU J i=1 p. uU J

j = 1, ... ,n,
where the derivative of~. is expressed by its Taylor expansion 15
a O~ (6·· - --.L0') + [r"'"' (
O' J' O· :::2 Dm-l ) (6·· -
(m - I)! J'
>..) >..
J '

+, Dr )' (r + TD) (6;. - >'i) >.;] (5.20)

r + 1 . w=o
where D is the linear differential operator a~. and

>.. _ O;(Pi, M, Z)e Wi

J - L:~=l 0k(P, M, z)e Wk

Ai = A(p, M, z, W + TU). (5.22)

I5S- is the random disturbance in the jth expenditure share, M i / M. The derivation of
(5.19) is given in the article by Basmann et al. (1985a), pp. 73-75).

It is by no me ans certain just how many terms of the Taylor expansion

(5.19) are required to get a prescribed closeness of approximation, e > 0,
or how small e should be in this kind of application. We face the same
problem here as with the Taylor expansions of (5.17) and (5.18) used
in computing the "I arge sampie" standard deviations in Table 5.3. In
the latter computations discarding all but the linear terms, as described
in Kmenta (1971, p. 444; see also Zellner et al., 1965) is not unusual in
practice. However, it is easy to be misled since reliability of that approach
is far from uniform over the range of its applications.
The chief practical use of the index elasticities (5.17) and (5.18) is
in determining the increase of nominal expenditure, M, just required to
compensate the loss of real income due to a given increase in the price
P of some commodity s. The economic concept of real expenditure is
dependent on the form of indifference map and involves using the TeLl
derived from that form as a defiator of nominal total expenditure. For
instance, use of the C P 1- U as a defiator presupposes that the indifference
map is approximately of the "Leontief" form. The GFT-real expenditure,
denoted here by U', is total expenditure M defiated by GFT-TC Ll(l):

U' = M'(l) , (5.23)

n 0 '!i
TIi=l (pd Pi) q

Setting the total derivative of (5.23) equal to zero and solving, one obtains
P. aM P. ßP. In 1
M ap. 1 - M --.!L
In 1
This is the proportionate change of nominal expenditure M required to
compensate a one percent increase in the price P. to hold real expenditure
In the next section two additional relations are used in the specifi-
cation of a maintained statistical hypothesis. These relate elasticities of
marginal rates of substitution to elasticities of demand functions. We use
w};l, wf;l s = 1, ... ,n, to denote the elasticity of the MRS of commodity
n for commodity i with respect to total expenditure, M, and p., respec-
tively. The choice of numeraire, commodity n, is arbitrary. For i = n, the
elasticities denoted above are identically o.

Elasticities of demand with respect to price and with respect to total

expenditure are related to MRS elasticities by the following equations:

Ei. WJ:) - t 0; wt) -

bi., (5.25)

E iO -- (n) ~ Ok (n) ._
W iO - ~ (jw kO + 1 ',S - 1, ... , n.

where bii = 1; if S #- i, then bi. = o. Inverse relations are found in

Basmann and Slottje (1987).
The validity of (5.21) is independent of the parametrie specifications
of (5.13).

5.5 Statistical Methods used in the Chap-

In this chapter the statistical estimates of price and income elasticities
of the GFT-TCLI(l) presented in Table 5.2 are obtained by substituting
observed prices p, expenditure shares, !!fj, i = 1, ... , n, and maximum
likelihood estimates wI;) ,w~) into the following formulas:
a ~ f!i [ (n) _ ~ 8k (n)] I Pi + 8.
p·alnI ~ 8 w.. ~ 8 wk. n 0 8 (5.26)
P. .=1 k=1 p.
S = 1, ... ,n;
a ~ f!i [ (nJ _ ~ Ok (nJ] I Pi (5.27)
M 8M InI ~ 0 W iQ ~ W kO n o·
i=1 k=1 8 Pi

We indude complete derivat ions of (5.26) and (5.27) in the Appendix to

Basmann and Siottje (1987).
Maximum likelihood methods necessitate the complete specification of
a parent population sampie density function. Even if (5.13) is augmented
by the hypothesis that the random vector u is normally distributed, it is
not practicable to treat the whole dass of parent populations as a grand
maintained hypothesis. Our practice has been to tackle subdasses of the
whole GFT dass sequentially. Initially our study has focused on the two
maintained hypotheses that permit likelihood ratio tests of the more pop-
ular forms of strict neodassical utility functions:

1. the CES (eonstant elastieity of substitution) direct utility funetion,


2. the CRES (constant ratio of elasticities of substitution) direct utility

funetion. 16
In this ehapter the sole purpose 17 for likelihood ratio tests of strict
neoclassical direct utility functions as null hypotheses is to guard against
implieit normative judgments; see re marks in Sec. 5.1. If a sampie of data
gives strong likelihood ratio support (Edwards, 1972, eh. 3 esp. pp. 30-
32) to a strictly neoclassical direct utility funetion, then it gives essentially
equal support to at least two distinct TCLIs; cf. Basmann et al. (1985a,
1985b). To ignore (say) the TCLI based on the strictly neoclassical direet
utility funetion, and confine attention to the nonparametric TC LI would
be to make a normative choice by default. Different TCLIs eall for different
timing and amounts of COLAs and, eonsequently, different redistributions
of welfare.
The GFT-CEMRS (constant elasticity of marginal rates of substitu-
tion) is the maintained hypothesis within wh ich the CES direet utility
function and its popular limiting forms, "Cobb-Douglas" and "Leontief",
ean be subjected to likelihood ratio evaluation. The statistical estimates
of the index elasticities in Table 5.2 are based on uneonstrained ML es-
timates of the eonstant MRS elastieities wi;), w~) that appear in (5.26).
The GFT-CEMRS maintained hypothesis is speeified in the multivariate
general linear hypothesis form
In ~~-~
In ß- + WiO(n) In M + ~ (n) I (n)
~ Wij n Pj + Tli , (5.28)
n j=1
1]i U, - Uni i = 1,2, ... , n - 1.
16The formal properties of the CRES form have been studied by Mukerji (1963, p. 233),
Gorman (1965), Hanoch (1971, pp. 708-711; 1975, pp. 416-418) and Barnett (1981), pp.
265-266). The CES form is a special case of CRES. For the GFT direct utility function
yielding the Leser-Houthakker "addilog" demand function systems, see Basmann et al.
(1985a, pp. 51-52).
l7In this study, the GFT utility function (5.13) is applied to the percapita expenditure
and demand system for a group of consumers. There is no theoretical basis for expecting
its derived demand systems to possess the properties of zero homogeneity, symmetry and
negative semi-definiteness of substitution terms; cf. Schultz (1938, pp. 628-633). Testing
whether the percapita demands are those of an "ideal" consumer is not relevant here.

ML estimators of coefficients and variance matrix Q(n) are obtained by

grid search over a family of autoregressive models of the random distur-
bances in (5.28), a distinct estimate being obtained for each specification
in that family. The behavioral theory of random taste-changers underlying
the specification of serial correlation hypotheses is given in arecent artide
(Basmann, 1985). Only two of the assumptions of that theory (Basmann,
1985, pp. 199-202) were used in obtaining the estimates shown in Ta-
bles 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5 here. They imply that the random disturbances
f7;n) i = 1, ... , n - 1. follow the same first-order autoregressive process.
Consequently, the grid search for ML test statistics and estimators is over
the interval -1 < P < 1.
Iterative SUR (seemingIy unrelated regression) methods (Zellner, 1962)
are used where null hypotheses, such as CES and its limiting forms, and
"addilog" direct utility functions, impIy cross-equation restrictions 18 on
The overriding reason for calculating the index elasticities (5.26) from
unconstrained ML coefficient estimates in (5.27) is that the Department of
Commerce price and expenditure data (1947-81) afford the popular strict
neodassical utility functions almost no support in likelihood ratio tests.
We mention some typical cases from chapter 5. The CES direct utility
function, its limiting "Cobb-Douglas" and "Leontief" forms, and the Leser-
Houthakker "addilog" form, when tested as null hypotheses within the
CEMRS dass, yield very large test criteria 19 with negligible probabilities of
occurrence under the null hypothesis; these probabilities are = O.OOle- 20.
The CRES direct utility function cannot be tested within the GFT-
CEMRS dass because it impIies that the MRS eIasticities in (5.28) are not
constant, but vary linearly with the demand eIasticities Ei. and E iO , and
in strongIy restricted form. Department of Commerce time-series used in
this study give almost no support to the CRES direct utility function. In
arecent test, the most favorable 20 test criterion -2 In A, with 15 degrees
of freedom, was 44.9, and the associated probability is 0.00011 under the
CRES hypothesis.
Outcomes of likelihood ratio tests of GFT direct utility functions that

18Including zero coefficient specifications.

19 [.e., -21n \ where ). is the maximum ratio of the likelihood of null hypothesis to
likelihood of maintained hypothesis obtained over the p grid.
20 [. e., over the p grid.

rationalize flexible demand system forms, such as the translog (Chris-

tensen et al., 1975), the Fourier flexible form (Gallant, 1981), or the min-
flex Laurent (Barnett, 1983; Barnett, 1985; Barnett et al., 1985) might
turn out to be favorable. However, we have not made such tests thus far.
The larger number of parameters to be estimated relative to the sam pie
size (n = 33) would require use of auxiliary restrictions, at least if the
present five-commodity aggregation were to be retained.

5.6 The Empirical Results

Table 5.2 is the focal point of this section. It contains the maximum likeli-
hood estimates of GFT-TCLI(l) elasticities with respect to market prices
and per capita total expenditure on commodities. However, these elastic-
ities can be most effectively analyzed only in the context of their neces-
sary relations with the MRS elasticities of the GFT direct utility function
(5.13) and the price and income elasticities Eij, EiD, of per capita mar-
ket demand functions. Demand analysts have accumulated considerable
experience with empirical elasticities of market demand functions. The
existence of "expert" intuitions about plausible magnitudes for market
demand elasticities provides the chief motive for writing the nonrandom
part of the GFT direct utility function exponents, (5.13), in terms of the
familiar market demand elasticities.
Plausible value-ranges for market demand elasticities readily produce
corresponding plausible value-ranges for the MRS elasticities. Relations
found in Basmann and Slottje (1987) Appendix B, show that MRS elastici-
tieswJ;l andwJ;l are (essentiaIly) the differences between demand function
From a formal point of view, it is immaterial where we start the dis-
cussion of results. The index elasticities defined in (5.17), (5.18), and
(5.26) make that dear. However, it is convenient here to start with es-
timates of the MRS elasticities, chiefly because the latter are constants
in the CEMRS dass of GFT utility functions specified as the maintained
statistical hypothesis in Sec. 5.5. From those estimates we can compute
estimates of the demand function elasticities, EiQ, Ei; and examine them
for possible anomalous values. This is important because likelihood ra-
tio tests of the constancy of the MRS elasticities cannot be performed

within the CEMRS class itself. Demand elasticity estimates greatly out
of line with those in other empirical demand studies would signal a need
for special caution.
Maximum likelihood estimates of the MRS elasticities are given in
Table 5.4. A suitable of MRS elasticity estimates is given for each of the
five ways of specifying the numeraire, n. The five matrices of elasticities
are functionally dependent: given any one them, the remaining four can
be obtained by a simple transformation of the matrix initially specified.
The transformation is
(Ie) (n) (n)
W iO W iO - WleO , (5.29)
w~le) = w(~) - w[~) i,j,k=l, ... ,n.
'} '} "'} ,
The statistical estimates in Table 5.4 are data of the kind out of which
opinions based on "expert" intuitions concerning plausible values of mar-
ket demand elasticities can be sharpened. For that reason chiefly 21 we
present the MRS elasticity estimate~ for each numeraire specification. The
point estimates are augmented by their interval estimates (1 - a = 0.9).
Own-price MRS elasticities that are significantly greater than +1 are es-
pecially interesting because their existence is a necessary condition (not
sufficient, however) for occurrence of positive own-price elasticities of de-
mand functions. Such exceptions to the Law of Demand reverse the nor-
mal own-price effect on the cost-of-living, which is negative, as shown by
The CEMRS specification does not result in anomalous estimates of
demand function elasticities. Ranges of the latter are shown in Table
5.6. [However, the coincidence of a positive own-price elasticity E ss and
positive income elasticity E so (medical care, etc., 1948-58 is seemingly
anomalous only from a strictly neoclassical, microtheoretical extrapola-
(5.13) implies that a necessary and sufficient condition for a positive
own-price elasticity of demand is that the expenditure-share weighted av-
erage of own-price MRS elasticities (over all numeraire specifications) be
greater than + 1. This happened in the case of commodity 5, the medical
21 Formulas (5.21) and (5.26) do make dear that onIy one numeraire specification is
required for the computation of maximum likeIihood estimates of demand function elas-
ticities and index elasticities.

care group, for the years 1948-58. The medical care group was the only
commodity having any own-price MRS elasticity that was significantly
greater than +1; see Table 5.4, numeraire specifications 2 (clothing and
miscellaneous) and 4 (durables). For numeraire specification 3 (housing
services) the medical care own-price MRS elasticity is zero. Downward
trends in the expenditure shares for durables, clothing, food, and the up-
ward trend in the expenditure share on housing, account for the return of
negative own-price elasticity of medical care since 1958.
Table 5.5 shows that with only two exceptions all price elasticities
of demand were less than 1 in absolute value for every year 1947-1981.
Demand for durables (commodity group 4) appears to be just elastic,
with EH never much smaller than -1. This is the only own-price demand
elasticity whose maximum likelihood estimates, while negative, are not
considerably larger than -1.
With one exception per capita demand functions are inelastic with
respect to total expenditure. The exception is the demand for durables
(commodity 4). The maximum likelihood estimates of E 40 are considerably
larger than + 1. This is easily traceable to the magnitudes of the MRS
elasticities of durables with respect to per capita total expenditure. These
are shown in the right-most column of Table 5.4.
We turn to the results summarized in Table 5.2. The point estimates
of TCLl-elasticities are direct functions of the maximum likelihood point
estimates of MRS-elasticities in Table 5.4. The latter are normally dis-
tributed and validity of the use of Student's t-statistics in construction of
interval estimates is not problematical. However, in the case of the TCLl
elasticities (5.26), the normally distributed estimates of MRS elasticities
are multiplied by products of ratios of linear functions of lognormal vari-
ables. Little is known about their statistical distribution functions, and
there is no expert knowledge about how large a sample must be in order
to warrant their "large sample" approximation by a normal distribution.
Still it will be useful to provide some tentative "large sample" standard
deviations along with the point estimates of TCLl elasticities.
The assessment of contributions of income-induced and price-induced
taste changes to changes in GFT-TCLI(1) which follows is intern al to
the GFT direct utility function. Comparisons of corresponding elastici-
ties of two or more TCLI's based on different utility functions would be
superfluous or irrelevant to likelihood testing of one against the others.

For instance the Leontief form of utility function was rejected against the
CEMRS with a significance probability < 0.0001 (cf. chapter four); how-
ever, the price-elasticities of the corresponding TCLI's are very nearly
the same for some commodity groups. TCLI elasticities with respect to
durable-services price and medical services price were considerably differ-
ent. The irrelevance to statistical testing of alternative utility functions
and TCLIs does not mean that such comparisons would be uninteresting
(Edwards, 1972, pp. 30-31).
Analysis of the cost-of-living index elasticities in Table 5.2 indicates
that the contribution of price-induced taste changes is substantial, at least
for the prices of several commodity groups. By 'substantial' we mean that
if the index were to be "corrected" in the legislation of COLA payment
schedules, then the resulting effects on timing and size of COLAs, and
their cumulated effects over time, would create a significant redistribution
of welfare, transfers, etc. 22 The part of a GFT-TCLI(1) elasticity with
respect to P. that is due to price-induced changes of tastes 23 is expressed by
the first right-hand term (summation) in (5.26). We review some typical
cases computed from Table 5.2.
The share of a TCLI(1) elasticity contributed by such taste changes
is not constant and may be quite large. We start by examining the first
and last years in our time-series. In 1947 the taste change contributions
to TCLI(1) elasticities were

1. +2.5% for food;

2. +4.9% for clothing;

3. + 12.78% for housing;

4. -2.4% for durables; and

5. -95.45% for medical care, etc.

In 1981, price-induced changes of taste contributed

1. -3.7% for food;

22In other words, the resulting distribution would be significantly different from the
distribution of welfare under the "uncorrected" COLA schedule.
23 [.e., changes in marginal rates of substitution that are induced by the change in P•.

2. -9.7% for clothingj

3. +7.8% for housingj

4. +.4% for durablesj and

5. -6.1% for medical care, etc.

Larger taste change contributions to TC L1(1) price elasticities occur in

other years. For instance, in 1950 price-induced taste change contributed
about -114.6% of the cost-of-living elasticity with respect to the price of
medical carej and it contributed +22.9% to the cost-of-living elasticity
with respect to the price of housing. Medical care price-induced taste
changes counteract increases in the cost-of-living index, typical contribu-
tions being -39.7% (1955), -29.9% (1960). -21.1% (1965), declining -
in absolute magnitude - more or less steadily to -6.1% in 1981. Taste
changes induced by variations of the price of housing augment increases in
the TCL1(1), typical contributions being +18.6% (1955), +17.3% (1960),
+ 13.82% (1965), etc.
Taste changes induced by variations in the price of durables gener-
ally counteract increases in the TCL1(1), but the contributions are small.
Price-induced taste change contributed about -8.6% to the TCL1(1) elas-
ticity with respect to the price of food in 1960; in 1965 the contribution
was about -7.5%.
In chapter 4, we presented likelihood ratio tests of the two extreme
limiting forms of the CES direct utility function, i.e. Leontief, and "Cobb-
Douglas". Since those forms were more or less decisively rejected against
the GFT-CEMRS form of (5.13), there was no expectation that the TC L1(1)
would be exactly homogeneous of degree 1 in prices. However, the sum
of the TCL1(1) price elasticities tends to be very near to 1, varying from
about 0.97 to 1.02.
TCL1(1) elasticities with respect to per capita total expenditure ap-
pear in the right-most column of Table 5.2. Formula (5.26) shows that the
GFT direct utility function (5.13) attributes the whole elasticity to total
expenditure induced changes of taste ('M-induced' for short). The cost-
of-living is readily seen to have been inelastic with respect to M (given

the time-series of annual average prices). 24 The significantly small magni-

tudes of the TC LI(l) elasticities with respect to M were to be expected
from the outcome of the likelihood ratio tests mentioned in Section 5.5.
Although (5.13) includes a subclass of homothetic utility functions, the
likelihood ratio test rejected homotheticity more or less decisively.
Since the likelihood ratio tests decisively rejected all strictly neoclassi-
cal utility functions nested in the GFT-CEMRS maintained hypothesis, it
was not expected that the cost-of-living would be homogeneous of degree
zero in prices and expenditure, i. e., that the sum of TC LI(l) elasticities
would be approximately zero.
Table 5.3 presents "Iarge sampie" standard deviations of the estimated
elasticities of TCLI(l). The procedure is described in Kmenta (1971, p.
44). One considers (5.26) as a function of the MRS-elasticities, forms
the Taylor-Maclaurin expansion around the parameter point, drops all
second- and higher-order terms of the expression, takes expectations of the
squared linear terms, and substitutes parameter estimates in the resulting
variance expression. Lower and upper terminals of the corresponding 90%
confidence intervals are given in Basmann and Slottje (1987).
If the assumptions on which these 90% confidence intervals are not too
inaccurate, then the directions of the income-induced taste change effects
on TCLI(l), indicated by the point estimates, are made somewhat less
uncertain. These confidence intervals make interesting the comparison of
the TCLI(l) with the corresponding CPI, chiefly because the income-
elasticity of the C Plis forced to zero apriori. If the GFT direct utility
function underlying the TC LI(l) were near (in parameter space) to its
limiting Leontief form, which rationalizes the CP I, then the failure of
90% confidence intervals to include zero would be surprising. On the
other hand, the actual result is a "surprise" to the claim that the C P I
price indexes are good approximations to the true-cost-of-living.
In Table 5.2 each of the 165 point estimates of TC LI(l) elasticities
with respect to price is accompanied by a "I arge sampie" estimate of its
standard deviation in Table 5.3. The latter is obtained from (5.26) by the
procedure outlined in the preceding paragraph. The ten "Iarge sampie"
covariances that correspond to each of the point estimates of TCLI(l)
elasticities in Table 5.2 are necessary in the construction of "I arge sampie"
24These elasticities are significant. only near the base year (1972) where that is to be
expected on analytic grounds.

confidence regions. The "I arge sampie" covariances are obtained in the
same manner as the "large sampie" variances. Inversion of the "large
sampie" variance submatrix corresponding to prices determines the axes
of the 5-dimensional ellipsoid forming the "Iarge sampie" confidence region
for price-induced taste-changes affecting TC LI(I). We take for granted
the reader's knowledge and experience with the use of confidence region
tests of simple hypotheses, such as the null hypothesis that the price-
induced taste change components of TC LI(I) price elasticities are all equal
to zero, and with the chief !imitations of such tests.
Of course, the CEMRS subclass of GFT direct utility functions spec-
ified by (5.28) does not exclude the hypothesis that price-induced taste
change components of TCLI(I) price elasticities (5.26) are small relative
to the effects of the stochastic taste changers. Consequently, the simple
hypothesis just described is an important one. Suppose that the outcome
of the confidence region test is favorable 25 to the hypo thesis that price-
induced taste change effects on (5.26) are zero. Then the natural next step
is to inquire more deeply into the theory of serially correlated stochastic
taste changers (Basmann, 1985, esp. 196-203). Broadly speaking, this is
a theory of stochastic habit persistence and habit extinction.
Naturally there are other motivations, some which may not occur to
us, but to the readers. The GFT approach to the analysis of demand by
aggregates of consumers affords another motivation for testing the hypoth-
esisjust mentioned. Basmann et al (1985a, pp. 17-18) describes some "ad
hoc theory" relevant to the interpretation of confidence intervals for the
price-elasticities of the TCLI(I) based on the GFT direct utility function.
The GFT explanation for the rarity of exceptions to the "law of demand"
is that operative budget constraint prices exert smalI, but not universally
negligible effects on consumers' indifference maps. This leads to the ex-
pectation that taste-change effects on TC LI(I) may require several years'
accumulation in a single direction to become significant.
The negative TCLI(I) elasticity with respect to the price of medi-
cal care is accounted for in part by results in Table 5.3 (numeraire 5).
The elasticities of marginal rate of substitution of medical care for food,
c1othing, and durables services are all significantly negative and elastic.
The elasticity of marginal rate of substitution of medical care for hous-

25 At a prescribed level of significance for the decision in question.


ing, though positive, is very small. Moreover, the exact finite sampIe test
statistics, t, is 0.0676, df = 28. On the hypothesis that wW = 0, the
significance probability of the outcome is 0.947.
The estimated marginal rate of substitution of medical care for durables
is very negative-elastic, the next-to-largest in Table 5.4. The marginal rate
of substitution of housing for durables is not significantly larger, however.
Table 5.4 shows that the marginal rates of substitution of durables services
for any numeraire is statistically significantly negative and elastic. This
leads to the conjecture that -in the aggregate- a ceteris paribus increase in
the price of medical care tends to reduce consumers' valuation of durables
services relative to the other commodities. With price changes sufficiently
larger, the reduced consumption of durable services is sufficient to offset
the effect of the increase in price on the TCLI(l).

5.7 Chapter Summary

Effects of price- and income-induced changes in consumer tastes on the
cost ofliving in the Uni ted States from 1947-1981 have been estimated and
found to be generally substantial. Up to the mid-1970s income-induced
changes of taste tended to increase the cost of living ceteris paribus, fail-
ing to offset the inflationary effects of a steady and general increase of
prices. After that the effect of income-induced changes of taste has been
to decrease the cost of living.
Likelihood ratio tests and maximum likelihood estimation of param-
eters composed the methods of statistical inference used in the study.
Section 5.1 showed how these and similar estimates can ass ist in the mak-
ing of normative, welfare policy choices, and how such use calls for the
use of TCLIs based on a minimal set of assumptions about consumers'
maximizing behavior.
There are several directions in which further research is promising.
The estimation of effects of price- and income-induced taste changes on
cost of living can be applied to a variety of different data sets, groupings of
commodities into composite commodities, the price and expenditure data
from different countries.
Estimation of effects of price- and income-induced changes in consumer
tastes on the cost of living with variable MRS elasticities and demand

elasticities linearly dependent 26 will serve as alternative estimates about

equally well-supported as the CEMRS based estimates presented in Table
5.2. Plans also have been made for using the trans log subclass of (5.13) as
a maintained hypothesis for the estimation of price- and income-induced
effects on cost of living. 27

26Mentioned in Sec. 5.5. This is the GFT dass within which the CRES direct utility
function was tested.
27See Johnson (1987,1988)
C hapter 6

Cross Country Comparisons

6.1 Introduction
In arecent paper, Hayes, Molina and Slottje (1988) examined the ques-
tion of preference variation across North America. As the economy of the
United States becomes a more open economy and less immune to fluc-
tu at ions in international markets, the impact of relative price changes of
foreign commodities on domestic economic well-being will be of increas-
ing interest. Earlier studies have focused on the welfare impact of foreign
price changes (cf. Thursby (1981)). In this chapter, potential secondary
utility effects of foreign prices are examined, the chapter follows Hayes,
Molina and Slottje (1988).

6.2 The Model

The general form of the Fechner-Thurstone direct utility function (Thur-
stone, 1931, p. 142, p. 147; also Schultz, 1938, p. 15) we utilize is:

U(X ', PM)

, , € = TI (Xi -
I;) fj·MUiO
. nn Uik
k=1 Pk
l=1 ZtUit ' i (6.1)

where ß > 0 and Xi ~ max(O'li)' The Z vector represents additional

preference changing parameters (besides prices and income).l Here Z is
1 The nation of price-dependent preferences is used here but any parameter that affects
preferences within and between countries could be discussed in this general framework

defined as the ratio of a foreign price index (defiated by the exchange rate)
to the domestic price index. The elasticities of the M.R.S., with respect
to a change in ai in (6.1) are in general:

W(k) _ ai BR(k) ai BUi _ ai BUk

',"i - R(k) ~ (6.2)
, a] U i Bai U k Bai

as we noted in chapter three.

For this chapter we focus on three variables which may have an impact
on the MRS and thereby indicate Veblen effects. The first variable is
relative prices. If a change in the price of the ith good has an effect on the
marginal rate of substitution between any two goods, the elasticity of the
MRS with respect to that price will not be zero. This would tell us that
the price change caused a change in preferences. In this case, ak = Pi and
(6.2) becomes, as we have seen before,

W(k) = (j .. - (jk. (6.3)

',Pi '] ]

Secondly, we are concerned with the impact of a change in M on the MRS.

If a change in total expenditures causes a change in the MRS, then we can
conclude that a change in M changes the preference structure. In terms
of (6.2), ak = M and

wi,M = (jiO - (jkD (6.4)

Finally, we also focus on foreign price effects. If the MRS changes as

a result of a change in relative foreign prices, this indicates a shift in
preferences in response to the foreign price change. In this case, ak = Ze
(k) _ - -
wi,Zt - (jil - (jkl (6.5)

The unknown (ji,Pi 's are assumed to be independent of market prices

Pk, k f:. j, total expenditure, M, and Zl' The (jiD are assumed to be
independent of market prices Pk and Zl' Each of the (jil are assumed to be
independent of the market prices Pk, total expenditures M and Zt, j f:. L

as weil.
6.2. THE MODEL 115

By Ietting li = 0 i = 1,2, ... , n with no Ioss in generality, the general

form of the demand functions 2 derived from (6.1) satisfy

PiXi = t
ßI<Mako (fI p~lk) (fI
1<=1 l-1
Z;il) EI< ~

Defining expenditure shares as

Mi = PiXi (6.7)
it follows immediately that

M· ß,·
--' = - M a;o-a1o
Za;l-a kl ...!..
eil EI<
_ _ E'
MI< ßI< i=1 l=1

The estimating system then is

In (;::)
In ( -ß + wi,M
(I<) ~ (I<)
In M + ~ Wi,Pj In Pi
I< ]=1
+ L w}~ , I In Zl + Tl(I<)

where Tl;") = In Ei - In EI< and Tl;") = PTlt-l,i + Uti where -1 < P < 1
and Uti ~ iid N(O, a~I) As can be seen from (6.9) we assume a first-
order autoregressive process 3 and can estimate the W;,~j'S and di- w;,:'&'s
rectly from the price and expenditure data. 4 The estimation procedure
2In general, this system does not possess the Slutsky (1915) properties. To im pose
these properties requires the restrietion (7ij = (7.
3S ee chapter II for the extension to the second order process.
4Maximum likelihood estimators of coefficients and variance matrix Q(n j are obtained
by grid search over a family of autoregressive models of the random disturbances in (6.9),
a distinct estimate being obtained for each specification in that family. The behavioral
theory of random taste-changes underlying the specification of serial correlation hypothe-
ses is given in arecent article (Basmann, 1985). Only two of the ass um pt ions of that
theory (Basmann, 1985, pp. 199-202) were used in obtaining the estimates shown in
Tables 6.1-6.4 here. They imply that the random disturbances k1 , k = 1, ... , n - 1 '7i
follow a first-order autoregressive process. Consequently, the grid search for ML test
statistics and estimators is over the interval -1 < p < 1.

is Gauss-Aitken generalized least squares. Gauss-Aitken estimates of the

intercepts and elasticity terms are unbiased, minimum variance and min-
imum generalized variance. Also the F-ratios for testing null hypotheses
are distributed exactly as Snedecor's F-statistics with determinate de-
grees of freedom, (Basmann, 1985). If any of the wJ,~/s, w~~'s or wJ.~/s
are statistically different from zero then, as noted in chapter three, we
have detected a change in preferences, e.g. a secondary utility effect and
we interpret that as a "Veblen effect" (see Chapter 3).

6.3 Empirical Results

To test the model specified above, price and expenditure data are required.
The price series is a Laspeyres-type index. A weighted average of the
appropriate subgroups was used to aggregate to a five-commodity level.
The data include 5 general commodity groups outlined in chapter 3 and
data Appendix A.
The Canadian data are for the 1949-1983 period. The Mexican data
are for 1947-1978. The U.S. data covers the 1947-1981 period. While a
minor discrepancy exists, we feIt it better to analyze the full series for each
country than to lose degrees of freedom or to create spurious observations.
Estimation of (6.9) for each country will allow us to examine the sec-
ondary utility effects and test for conspicuous consumption in each coun-
try. Apriori we expect the effects to be largest in the more developed U.S.
and Canadian economies. These economies have higher average dispos-
able incomes and are thus more likely to exhibit Veblen effects, cf. Veblen
(1899, p. 126).
Testing for evidence of these secondary utility effects will be conducted
in a sequential manner. First we will examine each of the w~kp) , 1
for statisti-
cal significance. This will provide evidence as to secondary utility effects
from the prices of particular goods. Specifically, when the price of the jth
good changes, we can test for a significant change in the MRS between i
and k. Next we inspect the wJ'2t
for statistical significance. If found, this
provides additional information as to the causes of the secondary utility
effects. In this case, the cause would be a change in total expenditures.
Next, we determine the statistical impact of a change in foreign price, Ze,
on the preference structure. If W{k l is statistically different from zero, then
s, z t

we can conclude that changes in relative foreign prices cause changes in

the MRS and create secondary utility effects.
Here we define the foreign to domestic price ratio as the foreign CPI
divided by the domestic CPI. We are concerned only with the intercountry
impact of the three countries under investigation in this study. Thus, we
have only two foreign price ratio variables for each country. For Canada,
ZI is the ratio of U.S. to Canadian prices and Zz is the ratio of Mexican
to Canadian prices. For Mexico, ZI is the ratio of U.S. to Mexican prices
and Zz is the ratio of Canadian to Mexican prices. For the U.S., ZI and Zz
are the ratios of Mexican and Canadian to U.S. price ratios, respectively.
In each case the numerator of the ratio is defiated by the appropriate
exchange rate.
The next step in our testing procedure is to test for homogeneity with
respect to prices:
H(1): ~ w(k) = 0 (6.10)
L ',PJ
This is a more restrictive test for secondary utility effects. A rejection
of homogeneity indicates more strongly than an individually significant
Wi,Pk (Wi,M, Wi,Zl) that the preference structure has changed.
The final and strongest test for Veblen effects is a homogeneity test
with respect to total expenditure and prices:
H(2): ~ w(k) + w(k) = 0 (6.11)
~ ',Pj ', M
A rejection of H(2) collaborates the conclusion of changing preferences.
The sequential testing procedure allows us to test for Veblen effects in
an increasingly rigorous manner. One may not feel comfortable with the
conclusion that secondary utility effects have occurred on the basis of a
few statistically significant parameter estimates. H(1) is a more stringent
tests of changes in the preference structure. A rejection on H(1) implies
(6.1) is not invariant to changes in relative prices. The strongest test for
secondary utility effects is H(2). In this case, a rejection of H(2) implies
that (6.1) is not invariant to changes in real expenditures and prices.
The results of estimating (6.9) for Canada, Mexico and the U.S. are
reported in Tables 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3. There is evidence of Veblen effects for

nearly all goods in the U.S. and Canada. These secondary utility effects
are twice as numerous for the U.S. (at the .05 significance level).
One might wonder however, if these Veblen effects have changed over
time. For example, do we find a large number of Veblen effects in the early
years of the U.S. data when real income was growing at a faster rate?
Alternatively do the goods which exhibit Veblen effects vary depending
on growth rates in real income? To test these hypotheses we divided
each sampie at the chronologie al midpoint. Chow tests were calculated to
determine if the subsampies were from the same population. 5
In several cases for Canada and the U.S. we find the null rejected at
the .05 significance level, indicating a shift in the Veblen effects.
The discussion of the results will follow the sequential testing pattern
outlined above. We first examine the parameter estimates for each coun-
try. We begin by discussing the results for the time period spanned by the
data as well as the results of dividing the data. The parameter estimates
are compared ac ross countries. Finally the results of the homogeneity
tests are compared for each country.

5The sampies are

• Mexico: 1947 - 1962 and 1963 - 1978.

• Canada: 1949 - 1966 and 1967 - 1983.
• U.S.: 1947 - 1964 and 1965 - 1981.

Table 6.1
The MRS-Elasticities for Canada

For Nurneraire= 1
INT (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
WiO W. i Wi1 Wi3 CU... Wi~ W iz 1 W"Z(l

CLOTHING ·5.880 0.430 -0.322 1.159 -0.536 -0.500 -0.003 0.067 -0.044
(.0034) (.0288) (.1000) (.0001) (.2012) (.0814) (.9921) (.6211) (.4597)
HOUSING 3.490 -0.540 -0.571 -0.373 1.061 -0.284 1.045 0.154 0.030
(.0136) (.0004) (.0003) (.0381) (.0013) (.1671) (.0001) (.1212) (.9763)
DURABLE l.485 -0.557 l.151 -1.707 -2.046 2.186 0.527 -0.735 -0.152
(.8430) (.4657) (.1452) (.0880) (.2293) (.0616) (.6634) (.1851) (.5276)
MEDICAL -6.797 0.557 -0.204 -0.024 -0.339 0.282 -0.559 0.121 0.027
(.0001) (.0001) (.1045) (.8733) (.2080) (.1235) (.0063) (.1700) (.4838)

For Nurneraire= 2
INT (,) (0) (') (') (') (0) (') (')
w iO wil wil wi3 wi4 wi~ cu .. .,. 1 Wi .,. 11
HOUSING 9.370 -0.969 -0.250 -1.532 1.597 0.216 1.0.(8 0.087 0.074
(.0023) (.0020) (.3920) (.0002) (.0160) (.6142) (.0269) (.6700) (.4138)
DURABLE 7.366 -0.987 1.472 -2.866 -1.511 2.686 0.530 -0.802 -0.109
(.4028) (.2726) (.1147) (.0172) (.4422) (.0512) (.7069) (.2185) (.6996)
MEDICAL -0.916 0.127 0.117 -1.183 0.197 0.782 -0.556 0.053 0.070
(.7069) (.6004) (.6421) (.0007) (.7143) (.0390) (.1586) (.7589) (.3606)

For Nurneraire= 3
INT (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3)
WiO W'l Wi2 Wi3 Wi4 WiS W""- o w .. ..- ,
DURABLE -2.004 -0.017 1.722 -l.334 -3.108 2.477 -0.518 -0.890 -0.183
(.7892) (.9842) (.0314) (.1729) (.0695) (.0343) (.6634) (.1085) (.4422)
MEDICAL -10.286 1.097 0.367 0.349 -1.400 0.566 -1.604 -0.033 -0.003
(.00011 (.0001) (.0580) (.1452) (.0017) (.0462) (.0001) (.8045) (.5535)

For Nurneraire= 4

«) «) I «) I «) I «) I «) I w ...«) I «)
INT wiO wil wil Wi3 Wi4 wi6 1 W .. ..- ,

MEDICAL -8.282 1.114 -1.355 1.683 1.708 -1.904 -1.086 0.856 0.179
(.2684) (.1452) (.0847) ~Ql. ~01B (.0969) (.3657) (.1212) (.04480)
Note: Actual derivation of the wl;) and w!;) and de.cription of their e.timation procedure i. given in
the text.

Table 6.2
The MRS-Elasticities for Mexico

For Numeraire= 1

INT "'(01 )
"'(31 )
"'(01 )

1) ",(1)
• .. 1

CLOTHING -1.685 0.091 -0.905 -0.418 0.646 -0.331 1.139 -0.424 0.389 I
(.0156) (.3505) (.0281) (.0358) (.0103) (.6211) (.0471) (.1642) (.1328)
HOUSING -0.087 0.106 -2.015 0.739 -0.628 1.526 0.123 0.166 -0.367
(.9526) (.6142) (.0246) (.0830) (.2256) (.2985) (.9211) (.7968) (.5023)
DURABLE -3.1H 0.102 -1.012 -0.999 1.0-40 1.057 0.121 -0.290 0.404
(.0281) (.6073) (.2220) (.0168) (.0407) (.4480) (.9054) (.6421) (.4422)
MEDICAL -1.878 -0.066 -0.460 -0.616 0.633 0.427 0.323 0.106 -0.124
(0616) (.6421) (.4307) (.0358) (.0783l 1..66342. (.6923) (.8121) (.7365)

For Numeraire= 2

INT "'(Ol) "'(ll ) "'(~) "'(3l ) "'(ol) "'(5l ) ",(l) ",(2)

I • ,.. • I I IS 1 'I 1
HOUSING 1.598 0.016 -1.110 1.157 -1.274 1.857 -1.016 0.590 -0.756
(.2810) (.94047) (.2149) (.0108) (.0215) (.2185) (.4138) (.3813) (.1882)
DURABLE -1.459 0.012 0.107 -0.581 0.393 1.388 -1.018 0.13" 0.015
(.2330) (.9447) (.8819) (.1045) (.3657) (.2602) (.3168) (.8045) (.9763)
MEDICAL -0.193 -0.157 0.445 -0.197 -0.013 0.758 -0.816 0.530 -0.513
(.8352) (.2602) (.4307) (.4657) (.9684) (.0001) (.3030) (.2185) (.1614)

For Numeraire= 3
INT (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3)
W. O tu,l wi2 Wi3 w..... wi5 w .. Z(U Wi~(l)
DURABLE -3.057 -0.0a. 1.003 -1.738 1.668 -0.469 -0.001 -0.456 0.771
(.19<&6) (.9921) (.4717) (.0146) (.0534) (.8430) (.9999) (.6634) (.3920)
MEDICAL -1.791 -0.172 1.555 -1.355 1.261 -1.099 0.200 -0.600 0.243
(.3974) (.5801) (.2256) (.0343) (.1045) (.6073) (.9132) (.9526) (.7665)

For Numeraire= 4

I INT I ",(0) I ",(0) I ",(0) I ",(0) I ",(0) I ",(0) ",(0) I ",(0)

I (.4028)
0.552 I 0.383 I -0.407 1 -0.630 1 0.201
.0 ,1 12 ,3 ,4. 15 .. 1 U' 1
MEDICAL 1 1. 266 1 -0.168 0. 396 1 -0.528
_ (.2522) (.2985) (.2330) (.3030) (.5734) (.8275} (.4250) (.2149)
Note: Actual derivation of the ",j;) and w.(;) and description of their estimation procedure is given in
the text.

Table 6.3
The MRS-Elasticities for The United States

For Numeraire= 1
(I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I)
INT WiO wal Wil w .. -4 WiS W·U,
"" .. 3 W i • tl }
CLOTHING -1.268 0.489 -0.458 0.236 -0.099 -0.139 -0.176 -0.027 -0.017
(.0011) (.0017) (.0201) (.2941) (.7069) (.5148) (.3310) (.7291) (.6142)
HOUSING -1.802 0.113 -0.281 -1.190 0.133 0.363 1.038 0.156 -0.109
(.OOSO) (.6351) (.3761) (.0037) (.7665) (.3168) (.0019) (.2444) (.0580)
DURABLE -5.940 2.220 -1.354 -0.842 0.817 0.168 ·1.486 0.151 -0.055
(.0001) (.0001) (0004) (.0452) (.0969) (.6634) (.0001) (.2941) (.3606)
MEDICAL -2.336 0.288 -0.523 -0.318 -0.513 0.124 1.147 -0.171 -0.070
(.0001) (.0915) (.0230) (.2293) (.1065) (.6211) (.0001) (.0724) (.0768)

For Numeraire= 2
(1) (1) (1) (l) (1) (1) (1) (2)
INT WiO Wal ""i:l Wi3 W" 4 Wi6
Wi'(I} W i '('}
HOUSING -0.534 -0.376 0.177 -1.426 0.232 0.502 1.214 0.183 -0.92
(.3606) (.1147) (.5667) (.0005) (.5936) (.1558) (.0003) (.1642) (.0950)
I DURABLE -4.672 1.731 -0.896 -1.078 0.917 0.307 -1.310 0.178 -0.038
(.0001) (.0001) (.0121) (.0118) (.0642) (.4250) (.0004) (.2149) (.5212)
MEDICAL -1.068 -0.201 -0.065 -0.554 -0.414 0.263 1.323 -0.143 -0.054
(.0139) (.2293) (.7665) (.0407) (.1882) (.2897) (.0001) 1. 12581 1·1671)
For Numeraire= 3
(3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3)
INT ""ia Wil Wi2 w i3 Wi4 wi6 Was 1) W·
DURABLE -4.138 2.107 -1.073 0.348 0.684 -0.194 -2.524 -0.005 0.54
(.0001) (.0001) (.0068) (.4307) (.2012) (.6421) (.0001) (.9763) (A083)
MEDICAL -0.534 0.175 -0.242 0.872 -0.646 -0.239 0.109 -0.327 0.039
(.1914) (.2853) (.2643) (.0019) (.0407) (.3262) (.6004) (.0011) (.3076)

For Numeraire= 4
(0) ( 0)
INT ""jO
Wi • w.(0) (0)
"" .. oS UI
MEDICAL 3.604 -1.931 0.831 0.523 -1.331 -O.OH 2.633 -0.32 1 -0.016
(.0001) (.0001) (.0153) (.1820) (.0070) (.9OS4) (.0001) (.0240) 1·7816)
Note: Actual derivation of the w!~) and w,';;) and de.cription of their e.timation procedure i. given in
the text.

Table 6.4
Maximum Likelihood Tests of Restricted Models
For Numeraire-Food
Clothing Housing
Canada Mexico U.S.A. Canada Mexico U.S.A.
H(!)" 0.4891 2.3057 11.894 H(l) 17.7-439 1.87-47 0.0403
( .4905) (.1425) (.0019) (.0003) (.18-42) (.8424)
H(2)·· 3.7360 7.523-4 6.9593 H(2) 15.7371 0.727-4 3.4750
(.0642) (.0116) (.0139) (.0005) (.4025) (.0736)
Durable Medical
Canada Mexico U.S.A. Canada Mexico U.S.A.
H(l) 0.0088 1.3493 65.5665 H(l) 20.8973 5.84« 0.1516
(.9259) (.2573) (.0001) (.0001) (.0240) (.7002)
H(2) 0.8735 3.-4313 22.3145 H(2) 1-4.5089 4.1029 9.7901
( .3586) (.0768) (.0001) (.0008) (.0546) ( .00-43)
For Numeraire-Clothing
Canada Mexico U.S.A.
H(l) 6.0581 4.0392 5.326
(.0208) (.0563) (.0292)
H(2) 0.3768 4.2347 12.415
(.5447) (.0511) (.0016)
Durable Medical
Canada Mexico U.S.A. Canada Mexico U.S.A.
H(l) 0.0516 0.2341 38.480 H(l) 2.920-4 2.0830 6.624
(.8222) (.6331) (.0001) (.0994) (.1624) ( .0161)
H(2) 1.4472 0.35-47 10.699 H(2) 11.2402 0.0294 29.3089
(.2398) (.5573) (.0030) (.0025) (.8653) (.0001)
For Numeraire-Housing
Durable Medical
Canada Mexico U.S.A. Canada Mexico U.S.A.
H(l) 0.4403 2.3218 57.2089 H(l) 37.0570 4.1540 0.4835
( .5128) (.1412) (.0001) (.0001) (.0532) (.4930)
H(2) 2.7535 2.5991 34.8508 H(2) 29.2571 2.2766 0.2025
(.1091) (.1206) (.0001) (.0001) (.1450) (.6564)
For Numeraire=Durable
Canada Mexico U.S.A.
H(1) 0.6847 0.4914 67.0735
(.4155) (.4903) (.0001)
H(2) 0.11-42 0.2596 49.6746
(.7381) (.6152) (.0001)


• H(l) is the null hypothesis that prices are homogenous of degree zero, i.e., H(l) : 2:;=1 wi;) = 0,
i = 1,2, ... I 5, lc = 1,2, . .. I 5.

•• H(2) i8 the null hypothesis that prices and income are homogenou8 of degree zero, i.e., H(2)
W i;
+ WiM = 0, I. = 1,2, ... ,5, k = 1,2, ... ,5.

Both tests are distributed as the F -distribution. The number in parenthesis is the Prob F >
Fq,n_K/H(i) = 0; i = 1,2

Beginning with the Canadian results we note that while there are 13
parameter estimates which indicate Veblen effects, none of these are for
the durables group. However, evidence of these effects are equally predom-
inant for each of the other goods. Although the price of clothing and the
price of medical goods each accounted for over 20% of the secondary util-
ity effects, total expenditure changes most frequently cause shifts in the
MRS. We find no indication that foreign prices impact Canadian demand
for the commodities considered here.
We split the data at the chronological midpoint to examine if Veblen
effects were more or less visible during different time periods. A summary
of the results are discussed below. The number of significant parameters
for the later years is about half of that for the earlier years. A switch
in goods exhibiting Veblen effects seems to have occurred. Whereas food,
clothing, housing and medical groups exhibit these effects 1949-1966, hous-
ing dominates these effects in the post 1966 sampie. As food and medical
services are not highly visible consumption goods for many, then com-
modities like housing can be expected to show stronger Veblen effects, cf.
Veblen (1899).
As one might sus~ect, due to lack of discretionary income, there are
very few significant wj ,kp)'s
in the Mexico results. There is little evidence of
Veblen effects in the Mexican Economy. Each of the four cases that were
observed was in conjunction with food expenditures. The price of food and
the price of housing cause the most significant shifts in the MRS. Given
relatively low wealth levels, one would not expect to observe conspicuous
consumption except by a very few. Concurrently, if any Veblen effects
occur in Mexico in general, they would probably be in commodities that
people require anyway, like clothing and food. The results of the chow
test indicate that splitting the sampie is inappropriate, i.e., the null can
not be rejected. A shift in Veblen effects has not occurred for the Mexican
Turning to the U.S. results (see Table 6.3) we find a preponderance of
statistically significant parameter estimates for each commodity, including
the durables group.
We also find indication of Veblen effects in response to changes in Mexi-
can and Canadian prices. It is interesting to note that food prices, clothing
prices and medical prices are most often the causes of shifts in the MRS.
Changes in expenditures also caused changes in the MRS, particularly for

durable goods.
Again, the data is split to determine if any of these results are time
dependent. Similarly to the Canadian results, there is a dramatic decline
in the number of statistically significant coefficients between 1949-1966
and 1967-1981. Veblen effects are indicated for all goods during the period
1949-1966. In the later periods the strongest effects seem to be for medical
goods. Also, in the earlier period all commodity price changes (except P4)
indicate Veblen effects. In the more recent period medical prices and
total expenditures most frequently cause the shifts. Finally, we note that
in certain cases it is clear there hasn't been a shift in Veblen effects but
conslstent eVl'dence 0 f '
consplcuoUS .
consumptlOn, (5) (5) (5)
f.g. W3,P3' W3,P5' W2,P5 an
(1 )
W 2,M'
We conclude that for poorer economies, f.g. Mexico, the conspicuous
consumption effect, if any, will occur in a commodity like food which is
relatively less expensive and not particularly lumpy in consumption. 6 In
the more wealthy economies we find conspicuous consumption occurs for
more expensive goods, however the most lumpy of expenditure categories,
durables, still do not exhibit large secondary utility effects.
We find a similar pattern in terms of total expenditures. We find
no evidence of secondary utility effects for total expenditures in Mexico.
There is some evidence of these effects in Canada and even more so for the
U.S. Given the relative average wealth levels among the three economies,
our results are not surprising.
The dramatic shift in Veblen effects for the split sample is somewhat
surprising. The resuIts indicate that either real disposable income didn't
increase as rapidly in the later years or there was aredistribution of wealth
wh ich reduced the number of Veblen effects. Unfortunately our sample size
prevents any sensitivity analysis of the break year.
We continue our sequential testing by examining the results of the
homogeneity tests. These tests reported in Table 6.4 collaborate our re-
sults. H(l) is the null hypothesis that I: w!,~; for each commodity in each
country is equal to zero. H(2) is the null hY.1.0thesis of homogeneity with
respect to income and prices, i.e. I: w!;) w;;)
+ = O. The results of homo-
geneity tests, H(l) (and H(2)), are by definition symmetric. For example,

6By "lumpy consumption", we mean the notion of goods that are not purchased
continuously, like food, but rather are purchased in "lumps" like automobiles.

H(l) for numeraire = food, commodity = clothing is identical to H(l) for

numeraire = clothing, commodity = food. In only three cases (at the 5
percent significance level) does Mexico reject the hypothesis of homogene-
ity, either with respect to prices or with respect to prices and income. 7
On the other hand, Canada and U.S. repeatedly reject both homogeneity
hypotheses. Based on the number of times the hypothesis is rejected, the
U.S. appears to have more Veblen effects when all prices or real income
are changing. Since the homogeneity tests can be interpreted as being a
stronger test, one may tentatively conclude that U.S. citizens exhibit more
Veblen effects. Given that U.S. citizens have a higher level of disposable
income, this is a plausible result.

6.4 Chapter Summary

This chapter ex amines price dependent preferences for the three North
American countries. It was hypothesized that the more developed coun-
tries, Canada and the U.S., would exhibit stronger Veblen effects. Our
results support this hypothesis. Furthermore, we conclude that the goods
exhibiting Veblen effects differ, indicating differences in consumer tastes
and preference structures between the two countries. In addition, we find
evidence of time varying Veblen effects for Canada and the U.S.
We also examined the effect of foreign prices on preferences. We found
strong Veblen effects only for the U.S. Although our results do not indi-
cate the precise direction and magnitude of the changes in demand or con-
sumer welfare, one might speculate that at least some foreign goods have
conspicuous consumption qualities or Scitovsky quality-signalling charac-
teristics for U.S. consumers. To the extent that free trade policies result
in lower prices, utility from these goods may be changed. Of course, real
income will be increased and this will have a positive effect on welfare.
The net welfare effect is ambiguous with respect to the prices changes.

7In Table 6.4, there are six cases where the test is significant. Because of the symmetry
explained above, three are redundant.
Chapter 7

Testing for Habit Persistence

7.1 Introduction
Marshalliong aga noted the phenomenon of past consumption being highly
correlated with current consumption. If "habit" was indeed a major deter-
minant of current consumption behavior, then the neo-classical theory of
utility maximization should take it into account. A rigorous incorporation
of habit formation into consumer theory began with the work of Gorman
(1967). Pollak (1976, 1977) laid out the theoretical conditions that needed
to be satisfied in order for "habit persistence" to be consistent with the
utility maximizing model of consumer behavior.
Empirical work in this area was competently done initially by Houthakker
and Taylor (1970) with subsequent studies by Manser (1976), Phlips (1972),
Pollak and Wales (1969) and Blanciforti and Green (1984). These papers
have focused on examining the impact of measured past consumption on
current consumption. One approach (Pollak 1976) for examining past con-
sumption has been to incorporate "habit" into a subsistence parameter.
In this chapter we present a model which allows us to examine the im-
pact of past consumption behavior on the current structure of preferences.
Specifically, our model allows past ratios of expenditures on various com-
modity groups and lagged quantities of commodities to impact the elas-
ticity of the marginal rate at which consumers substitute one commodity
group for another. We present this model in section two. In section three
we present the empirical results of the chapter. The innovation he re is the
use of a direct utility function that allows us to trace how past consump-

tion or "habit persistence" affects the current preference structure. We

summarize the chapter in section four.

7.2 The Model

In the standard neoclassical approach, only quantities of commodities de-
termine the preference function. In order to test for habit persistence by
consumers we must first develop a model in which lagged commodities can
have some impact on current preferences.
In this chapter we adopt a methodology first proposed by Basmann
(1954). In his chapter, Basmann provided a theoretical foundation for our
model. Subsequently, Basmann, Molina and Slottje (1983) presented a
framework for empirically testing for preferences which depended on prices
and expenditures as weil as quantities. This methodology is extended here
to investigate the existence of habit persistence by consumers. We proceed
by summarizing the Basmann methodology and developing our extension.
Let U(Xj a) again be a direct utility function with continuous second
partial derivatives with respect to X, where a designates the vector of all
its parameters. Let R!n)(Xj a) i, ... , n - 1 designate the marginal rate of
substitution of X n for Xi at the point X. Let a,c' k = 1, ... , m be an
observable magnitude different from X and its components. Assurne that
the direct utility function and all its first and second partial derivatives, Ui
and Uij , are differentiable at least once at all points (X) of the budget do-
main with respect to each of the preference changing variables a1, ... , a m .
Then each of the marginal rates of substitution RJn), i = 1, ... , n - 1
is differentiable at every point (X) of the domain with respect to each
preference-changing variable ab k = 1,2, ... , m. Following Ichimura
(1951) and Tintner (1960), we define a/r; to be a preference-changing vari-
able for U(Xj a) at X, and
• i: 0 (7.1)
i 1,2, ... ,n-1
k 1,2, ... ,m

for at least one i at X. We can express the effect of a change of one

economic magnitude on another in terms of mathematical elasticities. Let
7.2. THE MODEL 129

the elasticity of the marginal rate of substitution (M.R.S.) of X n for Xi

with respect to a change in 0 be defined as


RJn) BO k
= 1,2, . .. ,n-1
k 1,2, ... ,m

Given Hicks (1946) exposition of the relation between the marginal rate
of substitution and marginal utilities:

R(n) _ Ui
I -- (7.3)
where Ui and Un are marginal utilities of Xi and X n respectively. Define
ah,"'k as the elasticity of the marginal utilities with respect to a preference-
changing variable 0k:

a"'k ---
Uh BO k
1,2, ... ,n-l
k 1,2, ... ,m

The elasticities of the M.R.S. (7.3), with respect to a change in a; are in


W(k) 0; BRl k )
I,ai (7.4)
R~k) Bo;

Oj aUi _ Oj aUk
Ui Baj Uk Bo;
aij - akj

To test for the existence of "habit persistence effects" we need to define

a direct utility function in which past consumption can have an explicit
impact on the parameters of the utility function. We specify a functional
form for U(X; 0) for which the preference changing variables are a function
of past period expenditures and quantities. One such form is the General-
ized Fechner-Thurstone (GFT) direct utility function. In this chapter we

use a special form of the GFT, specifically we utilize a constant elasticity

of marginal rate of substitution (CEMRS) form. Let
U(Xj (}) = II X:; (7.5)
L (}i = (}
be defined to be a GFT direct utility function. The parameter (}i can be a
function of any set of variables hypothesized to impact U(Xj (}). Since we
are interested in past consumption effects we can define (} to be a function
of the quantities consumed of the Xi in one lagged period, X; . Following
earlier work by Basmann et al. (1983) we will also include the vector of
prices, Pi, and total expenditures, M,

(}i = ßiM"ii (fI (fI

X;ii) e Ui (7.6)

where the error term Ui is assumed to be iid N(O, 0" 2 1). Here Xi represents
the lagged one period quantity of the jth good.
Maximization of U subject to a budget constraint yields

Xi = '
ß ·M"iO rr,:1=1 ~ii rr n k.AiqeUi
P1 A q=l q (7.7)
K(p, M, X, )p;
where n n n
K(e) = LßkM"iO II p?k II X;iqeUk
k=l i=l q=l
To estimate (7.7) we take the ratio of the expenditure shares, M;, in
loglinear form:
M· ß·
In -
= In --.:.
+ w·(kl InM + ~
w·· lnp· + ~
1 L
n (/tl
"I ..
A (/tl
InX·1 +".
/t /t i=l i=l
w;o O"jO - 0"1tQ
O"ji - O"ki (7.9)
I;i )..ji - )../ti
17; In Uj - In U/r;

While specifying habit formation in terms of Xi has been the most

popular form in the literature, sometimes lagged expenditures have been
used. We can define () aiternatively in such a way as to derive an estimating
equation wh ich can be tested as an AR(l). In this case ()i is defined as
n n
()i = ßi M (1;O II p;;j II O? e U;
;=1 ;=1

The estimating form for this specification is

Mi _
In - - In -ß
+ WiQ(k) In M + ~ (k) ~ (k) Mi + 7]i(k)
~ wi ; lnp; + ~ fii; In -A-
Mk k j=l ;=1 Mk

where fii~) = ~i; - ~kj· This specification allows us to examine habit persis-
tence modelled as the lagged period ratio of expenditures on the various
commodity groups. We assurne a second-order autoregressive process for
each specification for both (7.8) and (7.11), i.e., Tll;)
= PiTlt-l.i+P2T1t-2.i+ft.
The parameters can be estimated directly from the price and expendi-
ture data. The estimation procedure is Gauss-Aitken generalized least
squares. Gauss-Aitken estimates of the intercepts and elasticity terms are
unbiased, minimum variance and minimum generalized variance. Also the
F-ratios for testing null hypotheses are distributed exactly as Snedecor's
F-statistics with determinate degrees of freedom, (Basmann, 1985). If
any of the li/s or fii/s are statistically different from zero then we have
detected a change in the elasticity of the MRS due to lagged quantities
or ratios of expenditures lagged. We interpret these as habit persistence

7.3 Empirical Results

To test the model specified above, price and expenditure data are required.
The price series is a Laspeyres-type index. A weighted average of the
appropriate subgroups was used to aggregate to a five-<:ommodity level.
The data include 5 general commodity groups outlined in Appendix A and
mentioned in section 3.1. Testing for evidence of these habit persistence
effects will be conducted in the following manner. First we will examine
each of the li;'S for statistical significance. This will provide evidence as

to secondary utility effects from lagged quantities. Specifically, we can test

for a significant change in the MRS between i and k when past quantities
change. Next we inspect the c'j for statistical significance. If found, this
provides additional information as to the causes of the habit persistence
effects. In this case, the cause would be a change in previous expenditure
ratios on two particular commodity groups.
The model laid out in Section II above allows us to be able to esti-
mate habit persistence effects directly. Actual estimation of the model
specified in equations (7.5-7.8) was done as noted above, with a maximum
likelihood procedure that took into account first and second order auto-
correlation. Recalling our definition of ahabit persistence effect, we can
see that irregardless of whether we specified the lagged quantities of vari-
ous commodities or lagged ratios of expenditures on commodities we get
statistically significant effects. This can be seen from perusal of Tables
7.1 and 7.2. We report the results for the numeraire equal to medical care
because we only want to demonstrate the technique and by the symmetry
of (7.8) one can recover other estimates if so desired.
In Table 7.1 we present the results for the case where the habit per-
sistence is confined to lagged quantities of the various commodity groups
in question. In this case we find statistically significant coefficient esti-
mates in 40% of the cases. Consumption of four of the five commodities
in the previous period had a statistically significant impact on the rate at
which medical care is substituted for durables. Since durable goods are
frequently non-necessities, it isn't surprising to see people adjusting the
rate at which durables substitute for other goods (here medical care) given
their preponderance of habitual consumption. Also of interest is the fact
that clothing consumption in the previous period affected the marginal
rates of substitution of medical care for each of the other goods. Appar-
ently clothing is an activity associated with strong habitual behavior. We
also observe strong lagged effects for housing and durables. Medical care
and food consumption appear to be the least habitual.
In Table 7.2 we present the results for the case where medical care is
the numeraire good. That is, we examine the impact of changes in the
lagged ratios of expenditures of various commodities to medical care on the
rate at which the various commodities are substituted for medical care.
Intuitively, we are asking what happens to the rate at which aggregate
consumers will exchange (say) medical care for clothing when the rate at

which they purehase the two goods changes. From Table 7.2 we can see
that the rate at which medical care is substituted for food increases (a
positive coefficient), and strongly so (coefficient estimate is greater than
one) and is a statistically significant effect at the .0001 level when the ratio
of food to medical care expenditures increases. The rate at which medical
care is substituted for housing seems to be impacted the most by lagged
effects of changes in the ratios of expenditures of clothing, housing and
durables to medical care. One explanation for this is that when people
incorporate habits into their current consumption behavior, then they
have to adjust their behavior (reflected here in the rate at which one good
is substituted for another in the current period) to take account of habitual
Homogeneity tests were completed for each specification. Our results
indicate that we can reject the hypothesis at any reasonable significance
level. The likelihood ratio test statistic had a value of 24.7051 with a
probability level of .5766 x 10- 4 for the first specification. The specification
with lagged ratios of expenditures rejected the homogeneity test at the
.4131 x 10- 5 level. The test statistic was 30.3614.
A comparison of the likelihood values for each model indicates that
the lagged consumption model performs bett er in a statistical sense.

7.4 Chapter Summary

This chapter has presented a flexible form of direct utility function that al-
lows habit persistence to be incorporated into the behavioral specification.
We tested the model with aggregate U.S. data and found our hypothesis
to be in excellent agreement with the data. We found evidence of habit
persistence affecting preferences across all goods examined in this chapter.

Table 7.1
Coefficient Estimates of Habit Persistence Effects of Past
Period ~uantities on the Elasticity of the Marginal Rate
1 of ubstitution for Various Commodity Groups
EI •• ticity or Price Total
Marsioal Ra.te of W.R.T. Price Price Price Priee Medica.L Exp~ndi~
Sub.titution of INT Food Clotbios Hou.ioS' Durablu Care tures

MiI!'dical Gare- .7607 -.5263 -.6070 .2781 ·.3646 .7000 -.2570

lor Food (.0007) (.IU7) (.0007) (.0237) (.1352) (.0127) (.3580)

Medical Care .1077 -.OH7 -.7675 .205S -.8118 .0301 -.3202

lor Clothins (.5062) (.0.10) (.000') (.0007) (.0033) (.0021) (.2639)

Medical Care .0846 -."700 .2652 .3301 -.7003 .3037 -.,U77

for (.5616) (.0585) (.0580) (.0007) (.0006) (.1305) (.05<7)

Medica.l Care .1456 -1.2188 -.0785 .8606 -.3806 1.7533 -.7714

101' Durabin (.5680) (.0085) (.000') (.0001) (.22U) (.0001) (.0"')

EI •• ddty of Previoull Previou. Previoull Previou. Previou.

Mal'sina.1 Rate of Period of Period of Period of Period of Period of
Substitution of Quantity Quantit)' Quantity Quautity Quantit)'
of Food of Cloth inS' 01 01 Durable. Md. Care

MediclI.l Care .0713 _.7604: -.2075 - .• 814 .023~

tor Food (.503g) (.0082) (.1688) (.01.') (.g637)

Medical Care .5537 -.5256 -.31"1 -.2008 -.1431

tor Clothin~ (.0006) (.0678) (.0~12) (.2005) (.7013)

Medical Care -.1418 ."616 .0330 -.3861 .64:60

tor Houslng (.1613) (.0280) (.7652) (.0100) (.105')

Medic.l Care -.2801 -.0~01 ."750 -.0660 -2.2530

tor Durable. (.1101) (.0132) (.0213) (.0007) (.0020)

B· p. (n) ",n (n) ",n (n) (n)

Note:H:lnj!"=lnj';+'"'iO InM+L..Jj=l'"'ij InP+L..,q=lwi,XqlnXq+vj

Table 7.2
Coefficient Estimates of Habit Persistence Effects of Past
Period Ratios of Expenditures on the Elastici!a of the
Marginal Rate of Substitution for Various Commo ity Groups

El ... ticity of Priel'! Total

Marxinal Rate of W.R.T. Priee Priee Priel! Priel! Medical Expendi.
Substitution of INT Food Clothinc HOll.i0A' Durable. Care ture.

Medical Care .3060 .0800 -.3~gO .~'O~ - .... gO~ -.00S6 .353~
for Food (.00'6) (.1~~~) (.0333) (.0'80) (.0013) (.511~) (.0~52)

Medic.1 Care -.OSU, .~"'7S -.3006 .1308 _.6800 ,207S -.2325

for Clothius (.6605) (.256') (.0302) (.2583) (.0001) (.0''') (.1002)

Medica.1 Gare .13S1 .1202 .1644 -.1006 -.3050 -.0673 -.3172

for Hou.iug (.1810) (.50'0) (.10U) (.20H) (.0083) (.5606) (.01~1)

Medica.l Cue -.1306 .38U -.1610 .1816 -.61H, .5606 .0333

for Dura.bles (.5'30) (.3"5) (.OOn) (.lH1) (.0122) (.03") (.80'5)

Ra.tio Ratio Ratio Ra.tio

Expen- Expen- Expen- Expcn-
ditures in dituru in dituru in dituru in
EI.sticity of Previou. Previous Previou. Previoull
Marginal Rate of Period 01 Period of Period oE Pniod of
Substitution of Food I Clothin8: I Housing I Durabin /
Med. Med. Med. Ca.r~ Med. Care

Medica.1 Ca.Te .1508 -.123" .1376 1.2581

for Food (.2180) (.2333) (.1025) (.0001)

M~dic&1 Ca.r~ .7820 .0328 -.0215 .5071

for Clothing (.0001) (.1330) (.122') (.0203)

Medica.1 .1205 .6566 .2623 ."882

ror Housing (.2133) (.0001) (.000') (.03.0)

Medical Ca.r~ -.0468 -.03"5 .IU61 -.651~

for Durables (.8110) (.8'10) (.0001) (.1312)

Note: H: In !!i. == In b...

InM + "'~
w(~) InP
+ ",n w(n)
Wq=1 .,X,
+ v(n)

Chapter 8

Concluding Remarks

This book has demonstrated that a direct utility function that is specified
so as to include preferences that "are variable" has many diverse applica-
tions. While we have presented several of these applications here, we have
by no means exhausted the possibilities. We now suggest some additional
lines of research that we believe have sufficient merit to warrant future
One obvious area where the GFT form of utility function has inter-
esting implications is with respect to social welfare functions. The same
arguments discussed in the context of aggregate consumers tastes can be
applied to a social welfare mapping where (say) the provision of public
goods can be analyzed when (say) the relative price of one of the public
goods changes.
Basmann et al. (1984 a-b) have briefly discussed a theoretical linkup
between the GFT form of direct utility function and analysis of economic
inequality. It is weil known that a vital piece is missing, in the inequality
literature on how a given distribution of economic weil being is related to
the underlying preference structure of the individuals that comprise the
distribution. It will be shown in future research that by considering a
multidimensional distribution of economic wellbeing, the conditional ex-
pectations of several of the variates (such as income and expenditures)
depend on parameters of the GFT direct utility function. This research
will be explored by the authors over the next few years.
A natural analog to the GFT direct utility function as we have ex-
plicated it above, is the GFT production function. The same theoretical

construct that allowed as to discuss Veblen effects and quality signalling

on the consumer side can be interpreted as technological-change parame-
ters on the production side. The authors are currently beginning research
on this topic as weIl. Many other applications exist and we leave it to
the creative reader to develop new uses as he or she progresses with the
Finally, we conclude by pointing out that consumer theory is at a
crossroads. As Deaton and Muellbauer (1980b) note,

Consumer behavior is frequently presented in terms of pref-

erence, on the one hand, and possibilities on the other. The
emphasis in the discussion is commonly placed on preferences
.... The specification of which choices are actually available is
given a secondary place and, frequently, only very simple possi-
bilities are considered .... We begin, however, with the limits
to choice rather than with the choices themselves. (1980b, p.3)

What we have attempted to do in this book is recognize the importance

of constraints (choices) and how that changes in these constraints affect
While the assumption of fixed preferences may be convenient, economic
science must evolve to capture as broad a theory of consumer behavior as
possible in order to not become an archaie discipline. The GFT direct
utility function is one vehicle that allows us to drive in the right direction.

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Appendix A

The Five Commodity Groups

In her study, Blanciforti (1982) constructed eleven commodity group price

and expenditure indices, which are outlined in detail in Appendix B, from
data from the National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA) for the
Bureau of Economic Analysis. The eleven commodity groups included:
1. Food,

2. Alcohol and Tobacco,

3. Clothing,

4. Housing,

5. Utilities,

6. Transportation,

7. Medical Care,

8. Durable Goods,

9. Nondurable Goods,

10. Services, and

11. Miscellaneous Goods.

In this book, we have aggregated to five commodity groups by combining
the eleven groups as folIows:

1. Food Group includes (1) and (2) above.

2. Clothing Group includes (3), (9) and (11) above.

3. Housing Group includes (4) and (5) above.

4. Durables Group includes (6) and (8) above.

5. Medical Care Group includes (7) and (10) above.

Appendix B

The Eleven Commodity


Following is a Description of Expenditure Items Included in Each Aggre-

gate Group: Eleven Commodities as outlined in Appendix A

Mnemonic Explanation

(1) Food: Food purchased for off-premise con-

sumption excluding alcohol, purchased
meals and beverages.

(2) Alcohol and Tobacco: alcoholic beverages plus tobacco products.

(3) Clothing: Shoes and other footwear, shoe clean-

ing and repairing, clothing and ac-
cessories except footwear; cleaning,
laundering, dyeing, pressing, alter-
ation, storage, and repair of garments;
jewelry and watches, other.

(4) Housing: Owner occupied non-farm dwellings,

tenant occupied non- farm dwellings.

(5) Utilities: Electricity, gas, fuel oil and coal.

(6) Transportation: Tires, tubes, accessories and other

partsj repair, greasing, washing, park-
ing, storage, and rentalj gasoline and
oilj bridge, tunnel, ferry, and toll roadsj
insurance premiurns less claims made,
purchased local transportation, pur-
chased intercity transportation.

(7) Medical Care: Drug preparation and sundriesj physi-

cians, dentists and other professional
servicesj privately controlled hospi-
tals and sanitariumsj medical care,
hospital, income loss and workmen's
comp. insurance.

(8) Durable Goods: Furniture inc. mattresses and bed-

springsj kitchen and other household
appliancesj china, glass and table-
ware, utensils, and other durable house-
hold furnishingsj books and mapSj
wheel goods, durable toys, sports equip-
ment, boats and pleasure aircraftj ra-
dio and T. V. receiversj new autos,
net purchases of used autos, other
motor vehicles.

(9) Other Non-Durables: Toilet articles and preparationsj semi-

durable household furnishingsj clean-
ing and polishing preparations, misc.
household supplies and paper prod-
uctSj stationery and writing suppliesj
magazines, newspapers, and sheet mu-
sicj nondurable toys and sport sup-
plies; flowers, seeds, and potted plants.

(10) Other Services: Personal business expendituresj bar-

bers, beauty shops, and bathsj wa-
ter and other sanitary servicesj tele-
phone and telegraph; domestic ser-
vices; other household operations; ra-
dio and T. V. repair; admissions to
spectator amusementsj clubs and fra-
ternal organizations; parimutuel net
receipts; other recreationj commer-
cial participants amusements.

(11) Other Miscellaneous Private education and researchj reli-

gious and welfare activitiesj net for-
eign travelj food furnished employ-
eeSj food produced and consumed on
farmsj clothing furnished to military
personnei; rental value offarm dwellings;
other housingj ophthalmie products
and orthopedic appliances

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