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1/12/2017 Storage Location MRP | SAP Blogs

The Purpose of this document is to explain the significance of “Storage Location MRP”. This feature gives you
flexibility to:

1) Exclude storage location stock from MRP

2) Plan storage location stock separately

Material requirement planning generally runs at plant level. When you run it for a material, system sums­up total
stock from all storage locations and considers it as “available stock” to fullfill the demand elements.

The control of “storage location MRP” on Material Master is maintained in MRP 4 view:

Let’s consider a raw material RM0001 maintained in plant FP01. This material is extended to storage locations
SL01 and SL02. I have kept both the Sloc as non WM managed in order to simplify the example.

RM0001 has following stocks in 2 storage locations

SL01 – 20

SL02 – 50

FP01 = 70 (Plant Stock = 20 + 50)­location­mrp/#comment­314430 1/10
1/12/2017 Storage Location MRP | SAP Blogs

The stock requirement list shows:

Case 1: When the indicator is blank ” “

This is the default case where stock of material at storage location is considered for MRP run (Plant level). This is
the default case in which total stock (70) of all storage locations is used together in MRP at plant level.

Case 2: With indicator “1”­location­mrp/#comment­314430 2/10
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The storage location stock gets excluded from MRP

Example: let’s set this indicator “1” for sloc SL01 (with 20 quantity)

MRP 4:

Now if we check MD04 for same stock situation we will see 20 Qty is excluded from total plant stock:

The important point to note here is that total 70 is still “unrestricted quantity” and available for use but since we
have set indicator “1” in SL01, the sloc stock will get EXCLUDED in MRP run. This means that we can still
consume 20 qty via goods issue but system ignores it in Planning run (MRP).­location­mrp/#comment­314430 3/10
1/12/2017 Storage Location MRP | SAP Blogs

Now if there is demand for this material for 60 quantities

System will only consider 50 for MRP calculation and ignore 20 from SL01 (excluded)

After MRP:

There is a demand of 60 and out of which 50 is covered by stock in MRP calculation and system finds a deficit of
10 quantities. Even though there is an extra stock of 20 in SL01 but since we have excluded it from MRP run,
system generates a purchase requisition of 10 quantities.­location­mrp/#comment­314430 4/10
1/12/2017 Storage Location MRP | SAP Blogs

Case 3: with indicator “2”

Storage location stock is planned separately

Separate storage location MRP is carried out using consumption­based planning. In this case, one must define a
reorder level and a replenishment quantity (fixed lot size) at storage location level. In so doing, now if the stock
level falls below the reorder level in that perticular the storage location, its considered in MRP run.

MRP 4 settings­location­mrp/#comment­314430 5/10
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Consider current stock as below:

SL01 as 10 – to be planned separately

SL02 as 50

Sicne the current stock (10) level is below reorder point (15) and it should be considered in MRP run. As shown in
below expample, for requirement of ­25 system create a transfer requirement of 25 quantity from SL02 as stock is
already present in different storage location under same plant.

After MRP run

Once the transfer posting is made against the reservation, stock situation looks like this:

Stock from SL02 has moved to SL01­location­mrp/#comment­314430 6/10
1/12/2017 Storage Location MRP | SAP Blogs

Apart from transfer posting with movement 311, there are possibilities to use special procurement key for Sloc to
be planned separately. They can be maintained in MRP 4 at storage location details:

Scenario 1

Material RM0001 in plant FP01 in Sloc SL01 (Storage location to be planned separately with SPK 40 – Stock­location­mrp/#comment­314430 7/10
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Reorder point – 15

Replenishment Quantity – 25

Current Stock of RM0001 – 10 (below reorder point)

Demand plant – FP01

Supplying plant – FP02

MD04 in Demand Plant FP01

After MRP run:

System creates a planned order that can be converted in Purchase requisition then to Stock Transfer order

STO gets created with Suppling plant as FP02­location­mrp/#comment­314430 8/10
1/12/2017 Storage Location MRP | SAP Blogs

After Goods Receipt, the stock gets updated

Default Storage location MRP setting in SPRO

You can also set default setting of Storage location MRP customizing under below path:

Production > Basic Data > Material Requirement Planning > Planning > Define Storage Location MRP per
Plant (OMIR)

If you set this indicator in custominzing then system will propose same settings at the time of creating new material
master record.­location­mrp/#comment­314430 9/10
1/12/2017 Storage Location MRP | SAP Blogs

Incase materials are already extended to a perticular storage location and you set OMIR settings later, then
system will not set these settings automatically in MRP4 view. One has to set them manually in material master

Situations where such Indicator is useful:

1. When you want to have some quantity of material separate for specific purpose (only for manual goods issue)

2. When you DO NOTwant to have a particular material considered for net requirement planning.

3. When stores / warehouse is geographically too far from the production location that is planned with the storage location

4. When stock of a storage location is only available for service and not for production


There could be multiple other cases where Storage Location MRP functionality can be used instead of setting up complex

* Request all readers to please suggest other possible cases, if they have come across any, so that this documents can be
updated and improved with the course of 鶕�me.
Thank you for reading.­location­mrp/#comment­314430 10/10

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