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Climate Change Impacts on and Actions from the Construction Industry: Past, Present

and Future

Braylon Robinson

Professor Birdwell

COSC 441 930

Climate Change Impacts on and Actions from the Construction Industry: Past, Present

and Future


One of the greatest challenges that we have been faced with globally is climate change.

within the last decade climate change has dramatically impacted our environment and the

beings that occupy it. These dramatic results have been partially due to The Construction

industry’s impact on the environment. Although construction has primarily been

detrimental to the environment, the industry also has a great opportunity to be impactful

in mitigating the impacts of climate change. Through research one can better understand

this unique relationship and how construction can make a big difference in the upcoming


Our built environment has a critical role to play in mitigating the overall impacts

of climate change. Climate change refers to the long-term alteration of global weather

patterns that are caused by human activity, particularly the burning of fossil fuels that

releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This has become an extreme issue for our

planet in recent years, with rising temperatures, melting ice caps, and sea-level rise

posing significant challenges for the future life on earth.

The consensus on climate change is very apparent, it is happening, and it is

caused by human activity. The burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas,

releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Greenhouse

gases trap heat from the sun, causing a rise in global temperature. The effects of this

phenomenon are being noticed all over the world, with more frequent heatwaves,

droughts, and extreme disasters like wildfires and hurricanes. One of the most noticeable

impacts of environmental change is the softening of the polar ice covers. The Cold and

Antarctic are both encountering quick ice misfortune, which adds to the ocean level

ascent. This ascent in ocean level undermines waterfront urban areas and networks all

over the planet, with the possibility to uproot a great many individuals in the next few


Environmental change likewise altogether affects the regular world. Numerous species

are attempting to adjust to quickly evolving conditions, with some confronting

termination as their natural surroundings vanish. Sea fermentation, brought about by the

retention of carbon dioxide via seawater, undermines the wellbeing of coral reefs and the

numerous species that rely upon them. Changes in weather conditions additionally

influence agribusiness, prompting food deficiencies and financial shakiness. To address

the test of environmental change, a worldwide effort is required. Legislatures,

organizations, and people all play a part to play in diminishing ozone harming substance

discharges and adjusting to the evolving environment. This might remember measures

like decreasing dependence for petroleum derivatives, changing to environmentally

friendly power sources, advancing energy productivity, and putting resources into green

framework like public transportation and maintainable structures.

Individual activities can likewise have an effect intending to environmental change.

Straightforward advances like decreasing energy utilization, reusing, and eating a plant-

based diet can all add to diminishing ozone harming substance emanations. Our decisions

as people can essentially affect the climate and the fate of our planet.

Today’s construction industry has had an impact on the environment that is both

direct and indirect, including greenhouse gas emissions from construction activities,

materials production and transportation, and the use of energy in buildings. Greenhouse

gas emissions from construction make up about 40% of emissions globally, while

embodied carbons or construction materials make up about 11%. Embodied carbon

comes from the supply of construction materials and the process of construction itself

(Davidson 2014). According to data collected by the World Watch institute, the

construction of our buildings consumes about 40% of the stone, sand, and gravel, 16% of

the water, and 25% of the timber in the world (Tompa 2008). While greenhouse gases

primarily stem from the burning of fossil fuels, we use fossil fuels for things like heat,

power, and to fuel our vehicles and machinery. Though a primary contributor in

emissions, the construction industry also has the potential to provide solutions for

reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to the impacts of climate change.

The chart above produced by the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction gives a

better breakdown of energy consumption and CO2 emissions within our built

environment. In addition to energy consumption the construction business frequently

includes the annihilation of natural territories and the exhaustion of natural resources.

This can prompt deforestation, soil disintegration, and loss of biodiversity, all of which

can add to environmental change. Construction activities can likewise add to water

contamination and air contamination, further intensifying ecological issues. To

summarize the sources in which most greenhouse gases come from within construction

are the manufacture and transportation of materials, energy consumption of equipment,

disposal of waste, and energy consumption in processing (Yan 2010). In recent years, the

industry has begun to realize its severe impact on the environment and many companies
have invested millions into acting immediately. Sustainability is a huge wave that has

emerged, companies are finding their niche as it pertains to their line of work constantly

developing new methods to practice more efficient and environment friendly building

practices (GlobalABC). Sustainability is the idea of addressing the requirements of the

present without compromising the ability of future generations to address their own

issues. With regards to construction, sustainability includes planning, developing, and

operating structures and framework in a way that limits their effect on the climate and


Sustainable construction practices intend to diminish the environmental footprint of

structures, including their energy utilization, fossil fuel byproducts, and water use. This

can be accomplished using energy-efficient building materials, sustainable power

sources, for example, sunlight based or wind power, and plans that boost regular lighting

and ventilation. Sustainability in construction also involves the responsible use fo

resources such as using recycled or locally sourced materials, reducing waste, and

promoting circular economy principles. Sustainable construction practices can also

contribute to the preservation of natural habitats and ecosystems, as well as the

improvement of local communities through the creation of green spaces and the

promotions of sustainable transport options.

The primary goal across the entire industry is to achieve Net Zero Carbon

buildings, meaning that the buildings built can operate effectively and efficiently with

carbon free renewable energy (Davidson 2014).

In the past, the construction industry's focus was mainly on the cost-effectiveness and

efficiency of buildings (Blohmke 2020). However, the industry has begun to adopt

sustainable practices as people become more aware of the effects of climate change. For

example, buildings are now being designed to maximize energy efficiency, using

materials that are environmentally friendly, and implementing renewable energy systems.

Moving forward, the construction industry can continue to build on these foundations of

sustainability by exploring new endeavors and opportunities to address climate change.

One approach is to prioritize the use of low-carbon building materials and construction

processes. For example, utilizing locally sourced products can reduce the productions and

transportation carbon footprint. Another strategy is to focus on the development of high-

performance structures that are not only energy-efficient but also capable of producing

more energy than they consume (Davidson 2014).

Additionally, the construction industry can also contribute to climate action by supporting

the development of renewable energy systems. This can include installing solar panels

and wind turbines on buildings, as well as incorporating geothermal heating and cooling

systems. Moreover, the construction of green infrastructure, such as green roofs and

walls, can provide numerous benefits for the local environment and contribute to

mitigating the impacts of climate change.

In conclusion, the construction industry has the potential to play a significant role in

addressing the challenges posed by climate change. By building on the foundations of

sustainability and exploring new opportunities, the industry can help to reduce

greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. The industry must

continue to innovate and collaborate with other sectors to achieve these goals and secure

a sustainable future for all.


1. TEDx Talks, director. YouTube, YouTube, 26 Nov. 2014, Accessed 16 Feb. 2023.

2. “2021 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction.” Global ABC,


3. “Climate Change Explained: Read Our Easy Guide for Construction Specialists.”

One Click LCA® Software, 23 Feb. 2022,


4. “Putting the Construction Sector at the Core of the Climate Change Debate:

Deloitte Central Europe.” Deloitte, 1 July 2020,


5. Author links open overlay panelHui Yan a, et al. “Greenhouse Gas Emissions in

Building Construction: A Case Study of One Peking in Hong Kong.” Building

and Environment, Pergamon, 8 Oct. 2009,





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