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The world of technology

Name ________________________________________ No. _______ Class _________ Date ________________


A. Read the text.

Has technology hijacked our quality of life?

The amount of time that we are spending on our devices has grown exponentially in recent years.
Our personal and professional routines have been transformed, often with very positive effects.
However, excesses of any kind are harmful to people’s health, and the use of technology is no
exception. Consequently, technological diseases are becoming more and more common. The
5 following are some of the identified diseases resulting from the excessive use of digital devices:

1. Eye strain: It can be caused by spending too much time looking at a screen. Symptoms
include red eyes, blurry vision and, in more extreme cases, even nausea.
2. Tendonitis: It is caused by habitually working with our arms and wrists in unnatural positions
while using a keyboard, mouse, mobile phone or game console controller. Depending on the
10 specific cause and area affected, sometimes it is referred to as “textinitis” or “Nintendonitis.”
3. Hearing loss: It may be suffered by people who habitually listen to music at high volume
levels on headphones or earbuds. Such prolonged exposure to high-decibel sounds can cause
gradual and irreversible damage to inner ear structures.
4. Phantom vibration syndrome: It happens when we have the feeling that our mobile phone is
15 vibrating in our pocket, even though it actually isn’t.
5. Nomophobia: (short for “no-mobile-phone phobia”): It is the fear some of us experience of
not having our mobile phone with us, or of not being able to use it because of running out of
battery or not having a good signal. In extreme cases, it can even cause an anxiety attack.
6. Insomnia: It can be caused by using mobile phones, tablets or computers late at night, which
20 is quite common; many people sleep with their mobile phones at their side. In fact, spending
the night hours on social media has its own name now: “vamping,” in reference to the most
famous creatures of the night.

While our scientific understanding of these diseases is still, in some cases, preliminary, the real
dangers they present make it a good idea to start taking measures to prevent them. (adapted; accessed in April 2019)

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B. Find an opposite for the following words in the first paragraph.
1. decreased _________________________
2. seldom ___________________________
3. beneficial _______________________________
4. unusual ____________________
5. moderate __________________________

C. Complete the following sentences according to the text using 3 to 5 words.

1. Red eyes and blurry vision are signs that we suffer ___________________________

2. Tendonitis is a disease that can affect ___________________________________

3. The use of headphones and earbuds can cause hearing loss due to ________________

4. If we have the phantom vibration syndrome, the feeling of the phone vibrating _______

D. Answer the questions about the text.

1. What are people who suffer from nomophobia afraid of?

2. Why is the word “vamping” used to refer to insomnia related to mobile phone use?

3. Which of the diseases mentioned in the text is the most serious sign of mobile phone
dependency for you? Explain.



Write a recount (around 150 words) imagining a situation in which you went to this amazing
concert or party with friends and one of them ended up ruining the night because of his/her

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A. Complete the text with the words in the box.

faster learn forever forget content systems

information beyond skills revolutionise

The next best things

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Artificial Intelligence that can 1._____________ and function independently from humans seems
like science fiction. Yet, this may become our new reality within the next 3-5 years. Robots will be
able to learn 2._____________, perform tasks and upload 3._____________ into the cloud to
help other AI 4._____________ learn quickly. They will understand ideas, replicate procedures
and develop innovations 5._____________ than humans ever could.
2. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are not new concepts but they will
6._____________ the world within five years. AR enhances reality while VR helps us
7._____________ it. Together, they open a world 8._____________ the internet or the
internet of things: a new industry, the internet of experiences is emerging. As VR and AR technologies
improve and more 9._____________ becomes available for users, the way people experience
technology will change 10._____________. (adapted; accessed in April 2019)

B. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box in the Future Continuous. There are two
extra verbs.

launch live develop advertise invent produce watch

1. This time next year my parents and I _____________ in our new eco-friendly house.

2. Next Saturday night I won’t go out. I _____________ the launch of the new probe to Mars
on TV.

3. This time next month Apple _____________ their new ultralight iPhone.

4. In a near future all industries _____________ their products online.

5. In 2030 all car manufacturers _____________ electric cars only.

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C. Complete the sentences with used to or be used to in the affirmative or in the negative form.

1. In the past, people _____________ write letters to relatives who lived far away and they
_____________ visit one another very often.

2. I _____________ sleep with my mobile phone next to me but now I _____________

turning it off at night.

3. A couple of years ago, older people _____________ like social networks but today they
_____________ getting in contact with old friends through their Facebook pages.

4. My grandfather _____________ have a keyboard mobile phone but now he

_____________ working with a touchscreen.

5. Until my parents _____________

recently shopping online because they
_____________ believe it was unsafe.

D. Choose the correct adjective to complete the sentences.

1. Some people believe the development of Artificial Intelligence is terrifying / terrified.

2. How can anyone not be puzzling / puzzled by the advances in robotics?

3. I never feel boring / bored when I’m online! I’m always very active.

4. The idea of having a smart house is really exciting / excited for me!

5. I have always been fascinating / fascinated by outer space.

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Answer key


B. A.
1. grown 1. learn
2. often 2. skills
3. harmful 3. information
4. common 4. systems
5. excessive 5. faster
6. revolutionise
C. 7. forget
1. from eye strain. 8. beyond
2. our arms and wrists. 9. content
3. exposure to high-decibel sounds/high-volume levels. 10. forever
4. is not real.
D. 1. will be living
1. They are afraid of not having the mobile phone with them, 2. will be watching
or of not being able to use it for lack of battery or signal. 3. will be launching
2. The word “vamping” is used to make a comparison to 4. will be advertising
vampires, because it refers to people who spend the night 5. will be producing
hours on social media.
3. Open answer C.
1. used to; didn’t use to
2. used to; am used to
II – WRITING 3. didn’t use to; are used to
Open answer 4. used to; is used to
5. weren’t used to; used to

1. terrifying
2. puzzled
3. bored
4. exciting
5. fascinated

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