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Week 9: Asynchronous Activity

Department of Early Childhood Studies, University of Guelph-Humber

AHSS*1240*02 (4080): Introduction to Indigenous Studies

Sunday March 21, 2021

Stolen Children (DVD) & the Five Faces of Oppression
Please watch this clip – it is 18 min. and find several examples of the following 5 forms of oppression

Faces Examples
1. Girls and boys were beaten up in the residential school. Boys got
more beaten and be called “Bench Party”. Children lived in fear
of getting hit anytime.
2. A kid spotted and reached out her sister Nora. The principal
grabbing her and stripped me using long webbed strap.

1. Indigenous children in the residential school were beaten up for

speaking their native language. Since their spoke their native
language, a girl’ tongue was pulled out.
2. Children in the residential School were forced to wear the same
clothes and haircut.
3. The residential school forced Indigenous children learn European
culture and discard all aspects of the Indigenous traditions,
cultural practices.
Children who left the residential school lack of their knowledge on
their culture and language. They have to return to the residential
1.Indigenous children were forcefully separated from their families

2.parents weren’t there when their children die because they were
never notified

1. Indigenous children in the residential school were force to work.

2. Madeleine’s brother was sexually harassed for their running-out


I feel sad about the experience of the survivors in the residential school. I think Canada’s

oppression stems from its colonial policy. In the process of implementing these policies, the

Canadian government has strong discrimination and prejudice against Indigenous Peoples. The

residential school lings about the harm caused by the colonial system to the Indigenous Peoples.

We can feel that even if the residential school was closed, the negative impact may continue for
generations. I think based on the implementation of the "Call to Action", the Canadian

government does not end with discrimination and prejudice against Indigenous Peoples. Many

actions have not made much progress. At the same time, the Canadian government's support for

Indigenous Peoples is far from enough. It needs to make greater changes to solve the education,

medical and employment difficulties of Indigenous Peoples. Besides, I think the Canadian

government needs to make its efforts to provide comprehensive social services to Indigenous

Peoples. For example, the Canadian government can set up more psychotherapy service centers

for Indigenous communities. Improvements in the overall health and well-being of Indigenous

Peoples will accelerate the reconciliation between the Canadian government and Indigenous


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