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Capiz State University

Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report

Name: Ryan Buday

Course, Year, Section: BSBA -4F
Webinar Topic: Guide to Basic to Leadership and Supervision
Speaker: Rizalina Caladiao
Date and Time: February 7, 2022


There has been a recent explosion of books about new concepts in leadership and
supervision, such as "New Millennium" leadership and "New Paradigm" leadership. In our
experience over the years, leaders and supervisors rarely struggle because they don't understand
such advanced concepts.


Rather, they struggle because they haven't mastered the fundamentals, those most critical,
basic structures and processes of leadership and supervision in their organizations. This guide
will help you to master those fundamentals. There is an adage that states that, in systems such as
organizations, "structures determine behaviors that determine events". Too often, we focus only
on the events and the behaviors.


We fail to see the larger structures, so our efforts to develop more effective leadership often
fail. Too many leadership development programs focus primarily on assessing leadership styles
and then cultivating personal development -- they forget that, for leadership to really be
effective, the organization has to have the structures in place to really support effective
leadership in the first place. This guide shows you how to implement those structures in your


The guide is one of the few that takes a solid, plan-based, systems-based view of leadership
and supervision. It helps organizations to ensure a smooth transition to a professionally managed

Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report

Name: Ryan Buday

Course, Year, Section: BSBA -4F
Webinar Topic: Loyalty Marketers have the keys to Navigating a Cookie-less future
Speaker: Lisa Collins
Date and Time: May 2022


The cookie less future is looming, and marketers are scrambling for ways to combat the drop
in performance that is already beginning to show. We look at how new loyalty marketing
strategies across the metaverse, NFT’s and block chain are driving engagement, and what this
means for how you should be planning to combat the deprecation of third party cookies. Lastly,
we’ll look a couple of case studies from Budweiser and Red Bull Racing to see the steps they’re
taking to drive engagement across the customer journey which lays a foundation for future
targeting and acquisition.


There’s no avoiding the fact that cookie deprecation will have a major impact on the way
brands implement and manage marketing campaigns. Third-party cookies were the gateway to
targeting consumers—observing the websites they visited, the products they bought, and even
their interests and affiliations.


They also enabled accurate campaign measurement and attribution. Brands could track
conversions to a particular ad and have deep visibility into ROAS. Cookie deprecation puts an
end to reliable multi-touch attribution models.


With the fall of reliable multi-touch attribution, marketers need a way to make sure they have
accurate, repeatable, and affordable ways to measure the incremental impact and return of ad
spend on each channel.

Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report
Name: Ryan Buday
Course, Year, Section: BSBA -4F
Webinar Topic: Plan your study for a better entrepreneurship career
Speaker: Radyum Ikono
Date and Time: May 11, 2022


If you are coming to the end of your university education, it is likely you have thought about
what you want to do when you graduate. Some students have a clear career path in mind when
they choose their degree, whereas others may discover their options after finding interest in
certain modules during their studies. For many students, the prospects of entrepreneurship are
very appealing. Though not always easy, becoming an entrepreneur can be a very rewarding
experience, as you work towards building your own business that you are passionate about.


As in all jobs, you will need to be an organised individual with good time management skills
to effectively run your own business. Whether you will be meeting new people or delivering
work to strict deadlines, your new business will depend on efficiency.


It is clear that setting up a business is often hard work, and it will help you to be someone
who is aspirational and doesn’t hold back from achieving their goals. Having strong self-belief
and the ability to motivate yourself is key when becoming an entrepreneur.


Businesses in all industries need to be agile and reactive, and continual financial planning
and forecasting is essential if you want to firmly establish your business. You will need to be
capable of forming a robust business strategy to help sustain your company’s performance.

Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report
Name: Ryan Buday
Course, Year, Section: BSBA -4F
Webinar Topic: Social Advertising Trends in APAC
Speaker: Shaina Teope
Date and Time: April 6, 2022

Brands in the Asia-Pacific region have required more agility in the past two years due to the
many disruptions made by the pandemic, including the ever-changing consumer behaviour.
Consumers have a lot of choices on how they want to consume content across the various social
media channels, and new formats are shifting user attention.


With more people turning to social media at every step of their consumer journey, digital
advertising has become critical in APAC, providing brands with an opportunity to connect with
their customers and build meaningful customer relationships.


In this webinar, we will uncover the key social advertising opportunities in the region and
identify the vital and proven strategies to recalibrate brands’ social advertising approaches to the
current trends.


Being a seasoned marketer that has been to both the client's and agency's side of the business,
David comes with extensive regional marketing experience. He has launched award-winning
marketing campaigns, built powerful marketing teams. He is currently the VP of Marketing at
HappyFresh, Asia's leading online grocery provider overseeing marketing disciplines such as
brand marketing and creative, performance marketing, organic marketing and campaign

Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report

Name: Ryan Buday

Course, Year, Section: BSBA -4F
Webinar Topic: Planning and Budgeting
Date and Time: May 2022

Planning and Budgeting is an analytical application that helps you set top-down targets and
generate a bottom-up budget, which is at the foundation of your organization's operations. It
helps management evaluate business alternatives and set financial targets, and it enables the
organization to work cooperatively and efficiently through the budgeting iterative process—
reevaluating expenses and revenue estimates; changing start and end dates; and modifying


Planning and Budgeting enables different departments to use compatible tools based on the
same assumptions. By delivering a shared business model with role-based access over the
internet, every participant can interact with his or her portion of the business plan or budget at
any time, from any global location. You can respond quickly and efficiently to the changing
business environment.


Through what-if analysis and modeling, you can simulate headcount changes, expense
control strategies, and capital investment plans before implementation. Marketing volatility and
other deviations from the original plan can be handled proactively, in real time, rather than once
a year.


It ensures that the things you need – personnel, investments, equipment, and so forth – are
available to get you to wherever you plan on going. It's easy to get caught up during the budget
process in ensuring that money is allocated for operations and smaller projects that don't feed
into the larger plan.
Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report
Name: Ryan Buday
Course, Year, Section: BSBA -4F
Webinar Topic: Top Digital Marketing Trennds for 2022
Speaker: Erik Harbison
Date and Time: May 7, 2022


These days, everyone seems to be somewhere in the process of digital transformation. When
the Corona crisis changed life for everyone, the need for digital transformation became even
more apparent as having more automated processes and work from home became even more
important. If you’re interested in digital transformation, then you might have heard a lot of buzz
about it. Some equate it to ‘going paperless.’ Others think of automation, while some think of it
as incorporating analytics.


My personal goal for digital transformation is to eliminate the need for a physical office,
remove the need for many full-time employees, and rely on fewer providers for services or
materials. In other words – my goal for digital transformation is to automate as much as possible,
delegate more to external people, and keep the most profitable process that can be done from
anywhere in the world.


What’s important to understand is that DT is more than changing processes. We can view it
as a twofold process. First, there’s the integration of digital technologies into the actual work
process. The other aspect is changing the actual culture of the workplace to something more
streamlined and dynamic.


Some benefits of digital transformation are and self-explanatory, while others require more
consideration. When things go digital, you have a lot more data to look at. This means you can
clearly see what works and what doesn’t with a strategy or idea. As such, digital transformation
gives you a chance to course-correct quickly and adjusts strategies as needed.

Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report
Name: Ryan Buday
Course, Year, Section: BSBA -4F
Webinar Topic: Career Paths with Data analytics Skills
Speaker: Lois Dankwa
Date and Time: May 8, 2022


The world runs on technology, but it also runs on data. Data analysis is the key to making the
right decisions in business and in life.You use it to prove that with the right amount of nutrition,
exercise, and commitment, you can reach your health goals. Amazon uses it to recommend
products you'll actually use. Google uses it to help you get to the office on time.


Since user information is all around us, it's an ideal time to become a Data Analyst. When we
pay attention to the data, we’re able to make sound decisions that solve problems and enhance
positive growth. Below, you can learn exactly what a Data Analyst does, and what the career
trajectory looks like so you can decide if it’s right for you.


The career path of a Data Analyst typically starts with an Analyst 1 position, and then
progresses to Analyst II, Senior Analyst, and then Data Scientist or even Chief Technology
Officer. So if you pursue a career in data analysis, you have a long future of steady job growth


Once you build up a client base and gain a few years of experience, companies may start
hiring you as a consultant. You'll work with a company for a set period of time and help them
improve their business operations and discover new efficiencies. Consultants enjoy maximum
work flexibility paired with hefty salaries.

Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report
Name: Ryan Buday
Course, Year, Section: BSBA -4F
Webinar Topic: Explore Digital Marketing Program at UVM
Speaker: Christopher Hill
Date and Time: May 9, 2022


While modern day digital marketing is an enormous system of channels to which marketers
simply must onboard their brands, advertising online is much more complex than the channels
alone. In order to achieve the true potential of digital marketing, marketers have to dig deep into
today’s vast and intricate cross-channel world to discover strategies that make an impact through
engagement marketing. Engagement marketing is the method of forming meaningful interactions
with potential and returning customers based on the data you collect over time. By engaging
customers in a digital landscape, you build brand awareness, set yourself as an industry thought
leader, and place your business at the forefront when the customer is ready to buy.


By implementing an omnichannel digital marketing strategy, marketers can collect valuable

insights into target audience behaviors while opening the door to new methods of customer
engagement. Additionally, companies can expect to see an increase in retention. According to a
report by Invesp, companies with strong omnichannel customer engagement strategies retain an
average of 89% of their customers compared to companies with weak omnichannel programs
that have a retention rate of just 33%.


As for the future of digital marketing, we can expect to see a continued increase in the variety
of wearable devices available to consumers. Forbes also forecasts that social media will become
increasingly conversational in the B2B space, video content will be refined for search engine
optimization (SEO) purposes, and email marketing will become even more personalized.


“Digital is at the core of everything in marketing today—it has gone from ‘one of the things
marketing does’ to ‘THE thing that marketing does.’”

Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report
Name: Ryan Buday
Course, Year, Section: BSBA -4F
Webinar Topic: Upskill Vermont Career Workshop
Speaker: Nicole L’Huillier-Fenton
Date and Time: May 5, 2022


Organizations have identified skills gaps long before the COVID-19 pandemic, but “The
Great Resignation” has only accelerated this need as more and more employees are making
career shifts. To better understand how organizations are tackling skill gaps, BizLibrary
administered a skills survey to more than 200 respondents in the HR and L&D spaces across
several organization and team sizes, as well as industries, from mid to late 2021. BizLibrary
found that two-thirds of respondents have a personalized skills development program but could
still benefit from improvements.


Making a career change or refining your skills can feel like a leap. The Upskill Vermont
Scholarship Program has career workshops to help you land on your feet — and hit the ground
running. During each info session (see below), representatives from the University of Vermont
presented information on programs and courses offered by the Center for Leadership and


The Upskill Vermont Scholarship Program has career workshops to help you land on your
feet — and hit the ground running. During each info session (see below), representatives from
the University of Vermont presented information on programs and courses offered by the Center
for Leadership and Innovation.


Making a career change or developing additional skills to move up in a role can sometimes
feel daunting. Having a career coach in your corner through new career workshops at UVM can
not only help you land on your feet but also give you the tools to take command of your next
career move. The Upskill Vermont Scholarship Program offers two free online career workshops
for Vermonters get the skills, confidence, and support needed to achieve their career goals.
Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report
Name: Ryan Buday
Course, Year, Section: BSBA -4F
Webinar Topic: GIS information data
Speaker: Bill Shander
Date and Time: May 1, 2022


A geographic information system (GIS) is a computer system for capturing, storing,

checking, and displaying data related to positions on Earth’s surface. By relating seemingly
unrelated data, GIS can help individuals and organizations better understand spatial patterns and


GIS technology is a crucial part of spatial data infrastructure, which the White House defines
as “the technology, policies, standards, human resources, and related activities necessary to
acquire, process, distribute, use, maintain, and preserve spatial data.” GIS can use any
information that includes location. The location can be expressed in many different ways, such as
latitude and longitude, address, or ZIP code.


Many different types of information can be compared and contrasted using GIS. The system
can include data about people, such as population, income, or education level. It can include
information about the landscape, such as the location of streams, different kinds of vegetation,
and different kinds of soil. It can include information about the sites of factories, farms, and
schools, or storm drains, roads, and electric power lines.


With GIS technology, people can compare the locations of different things in order to
discover how they relate to each other. For example, using GIS, a single map could include sites
that produce pollution, such as factories, and sites that are sensitive to pollution, such as wetlands
and rivers. Such a map would help people determine where water supplies are most at risk.

Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report

Name: Ryan Buday

Course, Year, Section: BSBA -4F
Webinar Topic: Digital Marketing Strategies in a Pandemic
Speaker: Erik Harbison
Date and Time: May 3, 2022


As COVID-19 spreads across the globe, people everywhere are learning to cope with a new
way of living. While brick-and-mortar retailers were already losing favor among shoppers, stay-
home orders have all but crippled the market.The companies that are best positioned to survive in
this environment are those that had already begun to pivot to a digital marketplace. But having a
functional website and ecommerce presence is only half the battle. Just as important is the ability
to get customers to those product pages.


As more businesses enter the online marketplace, the competition for traffic becomes even
greater. Against powerhouses like Amazon, Walmart, and Target, smaller brands face a
challenge in being found by online shoppers.


For this reason, digital marketing is critical in building brand recognition and increasing
traffic to business websites. A comprehensive digital marketing strategy starts with creating a
search-optimized website and includes an active social media presence.


While many small companies focus on organic marketing efforts like social media and
traditional outreach, paid media is becoming more important in the fight for customer attention
online. This includes social media ads and Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns and falls under the
term search engine marketing (SEM).

Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report
Name: Ryan Buday
Course, Year, Section: BSBA -4F
Webinar Topic: Creating Investment Strategy with New Spot
Speaker: Sucir Sekuritas
Date and Time: April 28, 2022


An investment strategy is a set of principles that guide investment decisions. There are
several different investing plans you can follow depending on your risk tolerance, investing
style, long-term financial goals, and access to capital,


Investing strategies are flexible. If you choose one and it doesn’t suit your risk tolerance or
schedule, you can certainly make changes. However, changing investment strategies come at a
cost. Each time you buy or sell securities—especially in the short-term in non-sheltered accounts
—may create taxable events. You may also realize your portfolio is riskier than you'd refer after
your investments have dropped in value.


Finally, learn the basics of investing. Learn how to read stock charts, and begin by picking
some of your favorite companies and analyzing their financial statements. Keep in touch with
recent news about industries you're interested in investing in. It's a good idea to have a basic
understanding of what you're getting into so you're not investing blindly.


Value investing is best for investors looking to hold their securities long-term. If you're
investing in value companies, it may take years (or longer) for their businesses to scale. Value
investing focuses on the big picture and often attempts to approach investing with a gradual
growth mindset.

Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report
Name: Ryan Buday
Course, Year, Section: BSBA -4F
Webinar Topic: Brewing for Success: Resiliency during Uncertainty
Speaker: Patrice Nicole Yu
Date and Time: April 28, 2022


The COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis has only magnified and accelerated the fact that
organizations are facing widespread uncertainty, ambiguity and transformation as we shift
toward a more global and digital world. At the same time, employees are expected to keep pace
with the evolving workplace (in many cases virtually), adopt new technology and processes,
actively fine-tune their skills and competencies, and stay engaged and productive. With the
employee experience at the center, the way organizations lead and manage in this new normal is
critical to business performance and their ability to remain competitive and relevant.


The more rational elements of change, like process, technology and governance, are typically
the main areas of focus and comfortable defaults for organizations and leaders. But what often
gets overlooked are the more emotional factors like loss of autonomy, behavior change and
culture change — which are critical to the employee experience. This is where resilience comes


Resilience is defined as an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change.

Bounce back. Get up again. It’s a concept organizations need to master to make it in this moment
of unprecedented and historic global turmoil. We may emerge from this change very different —
as workers, managers, leaders and human beings — but with resilience we can come out stronger
and better for it. So, what are organizations doing to build their resilience muscle? Probably not


As organizations pay much more attention to culture and purpose, leadership, inclusion and
diversity, and wellbeing as critical elements of the employee experience, it’s evident that
resilience needs to be part of the organizational DNA in order to be sustainable. According to our
Future Chief People Officer study, 99% of respondents believe the HR executive must have
agility and courage to evolve, and the steadiness to support the organization through future

Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report
Name: Ryan Buday
Course, Year, Section: BSBA -4F
Webinar Topic: Facebook Digital Marketing for Filipino
Date and Time: May, 2022


Filipinos are active social media users. In fact, they’re considered the most active in the
world. But what does this mean for Philippine businesses? How can they translate this into sales
opportunities? Read on to find out. Filipinos are known for their hospitality, camaraderie, and—
well— active use of the internet and social media. Even during the pandemic, the Philippines
remains at the top of the list in terms of time spent using social media.


They also suggest that as long as Filipinos remain active on social media, Filipino consumers
will remain open to marketing communication— targeted messages, advertisements, and
personalized content. This leaves the doors open for Philippine businesses to capture potential
customers in the online marketplace and drive sales revenue.


For Filipinos, brand actions in a time of crisis have a great influence on their trust. Actions
like not taking advantage of a crisis to maximize profits, taking care of customers, and
maintaining reasonable prices are important. Taking these actions is not enough. To build
customer trust among Filipinos, brands should actively communicate to customers that they’re
actually performing these actions during the crisis.


If there’s one thing that the pandemic did to Filipinos, it’s making them avoid physical
interaction. This increased the need to consume content and videos are at the top of the list.
According to a report by Cisco, video content will make up 82% of all online content by 2022.
This shows how important utilizing video content is on social media. Among the most preferred
types of videos is short video content— Instagram stories, Facebook stories, and TikTok.

Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report
Name: Ryan Buday
Course, Year, Section: BSBA -4F
Webinar Topic: Ensuring your long term success
Date and Time: May , 2022


If you are looking for a guide to success covering every contingency, put this article down
and switch over to science fiction. But, if you want concrete suggestions based on critical
success factors, keep reading. Managers succeed through their people. The most critical area for
success is people. You cannot do everything alone—you cannot even track all of the work done
by your direct reports. Then there are the collaborators, other teams, and stakeholders outside of
your control. To get the results you need on time, you have to manage these tasks and
relationships to achieve optimal outcomes.


By now, you are shaking your head and saying, "How am I supposed to do that and keep
everything else going?" The secret is that you cannot—by yourself. You have to depend on
others doing their best to achieve organizational goals. If you are looking for a guide to success
covering every contingency, put this article down and switch over to science fiction. But, if you
want concrete suggestions based on critical success factors, keep reading.


Managers succeed through their people. The most critical area for success is people. You
cannot do everything alone—you cannot even track all of the work done by your direct reports.
Then there are the collaborators, other teams, and stakeholders outside of your control. To get the
results you need on time, you have to manage these tasks and relationships to achieve optimal
outcomes. By now, you are shaking your head and saying, "How am I supposed to do that and
keep everything else going?" The secret is that you cannot—by yourself. You have to depend on
others doing their best to achieve organizational goals.


Failing to plan is unforgivable. People concerns take care of the "who" part of the puzzle. Next is
the "how" piece, which deals with planning. Your organization exists to satisfy a set of goals.
People issues are a higher priority than planning for a straightforward reason. Good people can
succeed with a terrible plan. Been there, done that, don't recommend it. You cannot execute the
best plan in the world if the people are not "up to it." In that case, success is just a word in the
dictionary. The best case scenario is good people and a good plan.

Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report
Name: Ryan Buday
Course, Year, Section: BSBA -4F
Webinar Topic: Digital Advertising with Dynamic Creative Technology
Speaker: Travis Teo
Date and Time: May 2022


Dynamic creative optimization (DCO) is a display ad technology that creates personalized

ads based on data about the viewer at the moment of ad serving. Because the creative is both
more relevant and also tested and optimized, dynamic ads typically outperform their static
counterparts—sometimes by a significant margin.


One of the most common uses for DCO is product retargeting ads. These ads show dynamic
content based a person’s website browsing, such as products viewed or added to a shopping cart.
Dynamic creative ads can also be used for prospecting and other similar campaign goals. These
ads often use the common dynamic creative targeting variables of location, behavior, device,
demographics, and context.


This above list is not exhaustive. Practically any data source can be connected to a dynamic
ad. Dynamic creative advertisers can also automatically optimize ad creatives based on split and
multivariate testing. Product retargeting with dynamic creative is often more than simply
showing the last product seen.


Often multiple products will be shown in a retargeting ad. One expert tactic is to retarget the
user with best-selling items in the same category they viewed.An entire logic engine can be
programmed on the back end to weight and score various products and use machine learning to
find exactly what products perform best.

Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report
Name: Ryan Buday
Course, Year, Section: BSBA -4F
Webinar Topic: Rising up to challenges and opportunities of post pandemic event industry
Date and Time: April 27, 2022, 8 a.m – 12 n.n.


Among the countless difficulties COVID-19 has brought upon business, hosting live events
is one of the biggest challenges. Because of the concern of spreading the virus, venues closed
and many large gatherings were canceled to keep people safe and healthy.However, with the
cancellation of in-person events, the demand for virtual events skyrocketed. Event companies, in
particular, have had to pivot their approach to industry events, finding new ways to meet with
stockholders, investors and new customers.


Like every business at the turn of spring, Miami-based audio-visual company Media Stage
was caught off guard but the swift and sudden changes the pandemic brought upon them.
Quickly they rethought their approach and shifted from live events to livestreaming and
webcasting to keep their company viable. With their focus on livestreaming and high definition
video, they help their clients host virtual events both in Florida and across the country.


One of the challenges that Media Stage faced was their clients withholding payments while they
assessed their own finances and what the economic impact of the pandemic would be on them.
Vice president and general manager, Larry Blocker had open and honest conversations with their
clients about restructuring their events. The company has also encouraged its employees to take
advantage of the extra time they may have at home by turning to software training, supplier
training and staying up to date on the state of the industry so that they are prepared for the return
of live events.


From the beginning of the pandemic, event management company MCI offered clients a specific
coronavirus resource webpage that provided advice on hosting webinars. These articles and
videos focus on what type of event you should host, how to generate sales and the operations
behind these events. They also offer insight on what to do if you need to reschedule or transform
your event into a virtual one, such as how to rebook travel and breaking down the coronavirus
relief package and new tax changes.

Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report
Name: Ryan Buday
Course, Year, Section: BSBA -4F
Webinar Topic: Strongprenuer: the positive outlook and bare necessities for sucess
Speaker: Ms. Rhea April Garcia
Date and Time: April 12, 2022, 10 a.m.


Everyone wants to attain success in their life and for that, they persistently make efforts &
incorporate various tactics which can bring out the bright side of their life. It is said that every
disappointing situation has a hidden opportunity to create desired results so one needs to have a
positive attitude towards every situation. Having an optimistic mindset can truly change your
way of living life as when a person has a positive approach towards life then it helps you grow in
different ways.


Main attribute that every successful person has is the power of positivity. By creating
positive energy around yourself, you can bring positive changes in your personal & professional
life. It also helps in dealing with tough situations of life. When one keeps his mind optimistic
then his sub-conscious mind also starts looking at the positive side of things which result in
creating an overly positive life.


It has been proved in many studies that a positive attitude helps in incurring positive ideas.
Having a mind filled with positive ideas is bliss as it can help you in attaining heights of success.
When good thoughts generate in mind then it also helps in boosting our confidence. Our thoughts
shape our path of success so we need to train our thoughts to attain success.


By having a positive outlook towards every situation of life, you can keep stress at bay. Negative
thoughts can automatically peek into everyone’s mind which can be avoided by keeping negative
thoughts away. By believing in the power of positivity, you can keep all your stress at bay.

Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report

Name: Ryan Buday

Course, Year, Section: BSBA -4F
Webinar Topic: Stress Management in the Time of Covid-19
Speaker: Carmie P. De Leon
Date and Time: April 22, 2022


As humans, we don’t like uncertainty and tend to thrive in routines, says Flanagan. Routines
are essential because they create a sense of normalcy and control in our lives. This sense of
control then allows us to manage the challenges that come our way. “When we don’t have a
routine, much of our time is spent trying to establish one,” says Flanagan. “Without a routine, we
often pay attention to the things that are most ‘flashy.’ When big news happens, we tend to focus
on it more.”


Stress management is essential for good physical health, and it’s especially important right
now as our world addresses the COVID-19 pandemic.“While short-term pressures and stress are
normal and can help us change in positive ways, chronic stress causes a huge deterioration in our
quality of life on a physical level,” says Flanagan. “When we are more pessimistic, depressed or
anxious, our immune system goes down and produces more stress hormones, reducing our
immunity and increasing inflammation.” Stress can also put a strain on your mental health,
relationships and productivity, he notes.


Create a morning routine. When you’re stuck at home, it can be tempting to let go of basic
routines, but Flanagan says a morning routine can help you feel more productive and positive.
Consider waking up at the same time each day, exercising, showering, meditating, journaling,
tidying your home or having a healthy breakfast as part of your morning ritual. Self-care can
include exercise, meditation, walking outside, reading, taking a bubble bath, painting, journaling,
and gardening, cooking a healthy meal or enjoying a favorite hobby. Pick one thing and do it at
the same time each day. It will help anchor your day and provide a welcome respite


“It’s important to remember that this will pass sooner or later,” says Flanagan. “The world has
gone through many different challenges, like disease outbreaks, war and uncertain times. For
better or worse, these times always pass. That doesn’t mean this time isn’t significantly
challenging, but if we focus on what we can control and do things that are good for our health
and the health of those around us, we will come out of this in perhaps a more whole state and
with a renewed perspective. It’s important to look toward the future and begin building for that
future. You can always have hope. Hope never leaves us.”
Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report
Name: Ryan Buday
Course, Year, Section: BSBA -4F
Webinar Topic: Salary and Benefits Bench Marking
Date and Time: March 25, 2022


The COVID-19 pandemic severely impacts the financial stability of businesses

worldwide, pushing them to realign their talent management strategies to keep their top
employees and avoid retrenching them. To help retain your top employees, Salary Benchmarking
is a talent management strategy you can use. It will help you provide the most competitive salary
packages in your industry, attracting more highly-skilled candidates to work for your company.


Additionally, Salary Benchmarking can be advantageous for your business as it decreases

attrition rates and increases employee satisfaction. Which, ultimately, will help you maximize
your company’s finances during the pandemic. Salary Benchmarking, also known as
compensation benchmarking, helps employers make attractive salary packages for a particular
job position by conducting salary surveys and comparing internal and external job descriptions.


Salary Benchmarking also helps you determine if you are paying below or above market
average. This will allow you to assess which part of the salary spectrum your offered
compensation should sit. Salary Benchmarking is an essential talent management strategy that
helps companies determine the most competitive and attractive salary package they can offer to
their employees through collated data. By providing such salary packages, your employees are at
lesser risks of being poached by your competitors.


Benchmarking can also help your company maximize its talent management costs as it
lessens employee turnovers, which in turn mitigates your company’s financial difficulties during
the COVID-19 pandemic. Also keeps stakeholders up-to-date with the latest salary trends in your
industry. Salary Benchmarking benefits both the employer and the employee. In the employer’s
case, it can help decrease your company’s attrition rates, keeping your high-skilled employees
away from being poached by your competitors. These employees likely remain satisfied because
of the salary packages offered to them, resulting in higher engagement and productivity rates.
Companies with high employee engagements are 21% more profitable, producing better quality
outputs than those with lower engagements.
Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report
Name: Ryan Buday
Course, Year, Section: BSBA -4F
Webinar Topic: Job Outsourcing and Hr Upskilling
Speaker: Barbie Atienza
Date and Time: May , 2022


Global business is more reliant on technology than ever before. As companies increasingly
go online for essential tasks like sales, customer support, and communication, HR teams look for
employees with the skills to thrive in a digital world. When companies have trouble finding the
right talent for their needs, they focus on upskilling, or retraining, their workforce. Upskilling
refers to a worker learning additional skills needed to advance in his or her current field. With
the competition for top talent more intense than ever, companies fill positions from within by
upskilling or reskilling current workers. While the terms upskilling and reskilling are similar,
they are not interchangeable.


Upskilling employees is executed through careful planning, in-depth training, and developing
employee resources This entails identifying areas where employee upskilling would be most
beneficial, executing effective training, and setting up a system where employees can access
learning resources and further training for continued growth. Companies without the time or
financial resources to devote to upskilling programs need a faster and less costly solution. These
companies broaden their talent pools by hiring in foreign markets.


While the pandemic has tightened the global labor market, it has also ushered in a new era of
remote work—and changed the international hiring landscape. HR teams worldwide are now
adept at managing employees virtually, meaning companies no longer need teams to work from
one centralized location. These companies source top talent from across the world rather than
being restricted only to their home market.


Hiring workers with the right skills for your company’s needs is no small feat. Velocity
Global has the expertise to help. With unparalleled experience helping companies quickly and
compliantly hire workers in over 185 markets, Velocity Global breaks down international
employment barriers. Reach out today to find out how our expertise can help your company
overcome the global skills shortage.
Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report
Name: Ryan Buday
Course, Year, Section: BSBA -4F
Webinar Topic: Social Media Marketing
Speaker: Jennifer Mulchandani
Date and Time: May, 2022


Social media marketing is a powerful way for businesses of all sizes to reach prospects and
customers. People discover, learn about, follow, and shop from brands on social media, so if
you’re not on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, you’re missing out! Great
marketing on social media can bring remarkable success to your business, creating devoted brand
advocates and even driving leads and sales. Social media marketing is a form of digital
marketing that leverages the power of popular social media networks to achieve your marketing
and branding goals. But it’s not just about creating business accounts and posting when you feel
like it.


A major strategy used in social media marketing is to develop messages and content that
individual users will share with their family, friends, and coworkers. This strategy relies on
word-of-mouth and provides several benefits. First, it increases the message’s reach to networks
and users that a social media manager may not have been able to access otherwise. Second,
shared content carries an implicit endorsement when sent by someone who the recipient knows
and trusts.


Social media strategy involves the creation of content that is sticky. This means that it gets a
user’s attention and increases the possibility that they will conduct a desired action, such as
buying a product or sharing the content with others in their own network. Marketers create viral
content that's designed to spread quickly between users.3 Social media marketing should also
encourage customers to create and share their own content, such as product reviews or
comments. This is referred to in the marketing industry as earned media.


Social media marketing campaigns have the advantage of appealing to a broad audience at
once. For example, a campaign may appeal to current and prospective customers, employees,
bloggers, the media, the general public, and other stakeholders, such as third-party reviewers or
trade groups. But these campaigns can also create obstacles that companies may not have had to
deal with otherwise. For example, a viral video claiming that a company’s product causes
consumers to become ill must be addressed by the company, regardless of whether the claim is
true or false. Even if a company can set the message straight, consumers may be less likely to
purchase from the company in the future.
Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report
Name: Ryan Buday
Course, Year, Section: BSBA -4F
Webinar Topic: The ABCs of Starting Business
Speaker: Cris Ley
Date and Time: May 2022


ABC analysis is a business management method used to visualize the situation in a company.
It is used to answer revenue-related questions and then to develop targeted actions for the future
based on these answers. Abstract and Figures. ABC method is a new system for accurate product
pricing, cost analysis of the causes of individual products and their optimization. The prices of
products are accurately taken into account according to all relevant overhead costs in their actual
context and relationships.


A is for attitude, and having a good one makes you a magnet for top talent in good times and
bad. So much of success in business comes down to a great concept and even better execution.
Inevitably there are bumps in the road, so keeping a positive outlook can really inspire others to
stay with you through the ups and downs of the journey. An entrepreneur never lets their dreams
or vision die. Be bold, take a stance and stick to it, whether the position is popular or not.
Oftentimes we see opportunities where others don't, so a little brashness may be required. The
best entrepreneurs I know are courteous, charming & candid, a great combination indeed.
They're also determined to turn their ideas into reality.


It is important for management to know which products, customers or purchased parts

contribute most to the company's success. ABC analysis provides a solid assessment for this
purpose and illustrates how important individual items are for the company. For example, this
method enables you to determine which customers contribute the most to your total revenue or
which purchased parts incur the highest production costs. This information can then serve as a
basis for further business planning.


Once you have the data and have assigned the resources into category A, B or C, you can
then deduce how to save money in the future. Since resources in category A account for the
largest share of procurement costs, they should be purchased sparingly and only in small
quantities. Depending on the specific resource in category A and how easy or difficult it is to
procure it, it may even make sense to only purchase it as needed.
Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report
Name: Ryan Buday
Course, Year, Section: BSBA -4F
Webinar Topic: Entrepreneurship
Speaker: Kelsey Whitman
Date and Time: May 7, 2022


An entrepreneur is an individual who creates a new business, bearing most of the risks and
enjoying most of the rewards. The process of setting up a business is known as entrepreneurship.
The entrepreneur is commonly seen as an innovator, a source of new ideas, goods, services, and
business/or procedures. Entrepreneurs play a key role in any economy, using the skills and
initiative necessary to anticipate needs and bringing good new ideas to market. Entrepreneurship
that proves to be successful in taking on the risks of creating a startup is rewarded with profits,
fame, and continued growth opportunities. Entrepreneurship that fails results in losses and less
prevalence in the markets for those involved.


Entrepreneurship is one of the resources economists categorize as integral to production, the

other three being land/natural resources, labor, and capital. An entrepreneur combines the first
three of these to manufacture goods or provide services. They typically create a business plan,
hire labor, acquire resources and financing, and provide leadership and management for the


An entrepreneur is someone who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or
enterprise. An entrepreneur is an agent of change. Entrepreneurship is the process of discovering
new ways of combining resources. When the market value generated by this new combination of
resources is greater than the market value these resources can generate elsewhere individually or
in some other combination, the entrepreneur makes a profit. An entrepreneur who takes the
resources necessary to produce a pair of jeans that can be sold for thirty dollars and instead turns
them into a denim backpack that sells for fifty dollars will earn a profit by increasing the value
those resources create. This comparison is possible because in competitive resource markets, an
entrepreneur’s costs of production are determined by the prices required to bid the necessary
resources away from alternative uses. Those prices will be equal to the value that the resources
could create in their next-best alternate uses. Because the price of purchasing resources measures
this opportunity cost— the value of the forgone alternatives—the profit entrepreneurs make
reflects the amount by which they have increased the value generated by the resources under
their control.


Entrepreneurs who make a loss, however, have reduced the value created by the resources
under their control; that is, those resources could have produced more value elsewhere. Losses
mean that an entrepreneur has essentially turned a fifty-dollar denim backpack into a thirty-dollar
pair of jeans.
Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report
Name: Ryan Buday
Course, Year, Section: BSBA -4F
Webinar Topic: “Epitychis: the world of digital marketing amidst pandemic
Speaker: Axle Adamos
Date and Time: May 7, 2022 8:00 A.M to 12:00 PM


Business owners are used to compromising and problem solving on the reg, but we can
probably all agree that COVID-19 has presented unprecedented challenges. Over the last 7-8
months, businesses all over the country and across nearly every industry have been affected by
the virus in many ways, from economic losses and disruptions in supply chains to the ongoing
challenge of conducting operations mostly – and for some businesses completely – online. Many
businesses have relied on traditional forms of marketing for years to broadcast their messages to
a wide audience. But with people avoiding close contact while sheltering in place, most
traditional marketing channels have a much smaller audience than they did pre-pandemic. Even
the most eye-catching billboards (Hell


The Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is affecting public safety and day-to-day life. With
governments placing stricter measures on travel and face-to-face interactions, it’s no surprise that
businesses are taking a hit. Let’s face the facts. Global economies will slow down and
maintaining cash flows will be difficult. It all seems pretty dire at the moment, but if you want
your business to come out of this in good shape, now’s the time to start playing the long game.


This post aims to be a repository of all the best information on the web for marketers about
Covid-19. Quarantines and social distancing becoming a new daily reality means brick and
mortar retailers are receiving little to no business. On the other end, online retailers struggle with
meeting demand due to limited logistics. Businesses that depend on in-person transactions or
onsite staffing cannot resume operations. These obstacles make it difficult for non-essential
businesses to continue running or generating revenue.


The COVID-19 Pandemic has blindsided many businesses and with very good reason. Amidst
the chaos and uncertainty, only the nimble and flexible have the greatest hope for survival. There
are three approaches that could help businesses respond or pivot in the current COVID-19
climate and social media marketing plays a key role in the successful implementation of all three.

In a conversation with Ace Gapuz, the chief executive officer at Blogapalooza, she shares her
career journey which began as a blogger and creator and then continued as a brand
representative. These roles have helped her shape her career into becoming the chief executive
officer she is today.
Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report

Name: Ryan Buday

Course, Year, Section: BSBA -4F
Webinar Topic: Expert Up Close
Speaker: Jun D. Lasco
Date and Time: May 1, 2022


Ace is a marketing veteran who boasts more than 20 years of experience in influencer
marketing. Of what motivated her to pursue influencer marketing, she shares, “I think I was
really able to get experience from handling various areas be it on the creator side, brand side, or
agency side.”


“Your female energy is always an advantage. Women need to feel powerful because they are
female,” Ace adds.


During the conversation with Ace, we asked about her journey as a brand ambassador and a
creator, and she shared that “It’s one thing to tell your story as a brand, but that story becomes
much richer when other people tell your story for you.” Meanwhile, Ace also shared that creators
and influencers have a strong role to play in terms of having an effect on how people think, what
people believe in, and how people will act or decide.


Listen to the full conversation with Ace Gapuz over on Spotify, where Gapuz shares further
on what made her decide to join the academe as well her insights about the role of females in the
marketing and advertising industry. You can also view the highlights of the conversation on our
Youtube channel.

Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report
Name: Ryan Buday
Course, Year, Section: BSBA -4F
Webinar Topic: Settin Up an eCommerce Business
Speaker: Erik Harbison
Date and Time: April 30, 2022


Ecommerce solutions and the internet have levelled the playing field and lowered the barrier
to entry so creative, entrepreneurial individuals can start and grow an ecommerce business with
ease (i.e., There’s no coding or a huge financial investment required.). The challenge, though,
lies in the over whelm that you may experience when you’re starting out. Entrepreneurs today
have so many choices, and there’s a ton of information out there, that it can be crippling to figure
out the best route for your online store.


If you’re in the same boat, then keep reading. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you
through all the important steps you should take to get your ecommerce business off the ground.
Let’s get started with the most important questions you need to ask yourself before you open
your first online store There are plenty of reasons why you would want to manufacture your own
products. While this comes with a couple of challenges (committing to an idea, high
manufacturing costs), it’s a great option for those who want to be in control of the final price of
the product, where to sell it, and how to go about selling it.


Not too keen on making your products? Your other option is to obtain them from other
creators or manufacturers. When you go this route, you can choose to stock up on merchandise
and hold products as inventory, or you could go the dropshipping route by arranging the items to
be shipped directly from the manufacturer.


But before diving into business with a manufacturer or committing to selling your own
creation, you not only need to ask yourself what exactly should you sell but, more importantly,
will people buy it? In other words, you need to research your target market and figure out which
products are ideal to sell online and if there is a demand for them.\

Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report
Name: Ryan Buday
Course, Year, Section: BSBA -4F
Webinar Topic: Post Covid – 19 the new business normal
Speaker: Dr. Ramon B. Segismundo
Date and Time: May 7, 2022


If there’s one thing that cannot be denied, it is that the world has changed because of the
Covid-19 pandemic. In economic, educational, technological and business matters, many things
that might have been relevant before the pandemic no longer seem important. Meanwhile, other
factors that were formerly considered optional have become indispensable. The challenge that
countless entrepreneurs have faced is how to sustain themselves and their businesses during
these difficult times. Teleworking has become just one key to maintaining operations and work


This transformation is still underway, and it is too early to determine the exact scope of the
pandemic’s impact worldwide. What is certain, though, is that our world will never return to
exactly the way it was. Accordingly, both new ventures and existing businesses must adjust to
new consumer habits to survive. Although it may seem impossible, there are opportunities to
start new ventures and explore new areas in existing businesses, even in the midst of Covid-19.
Fortunately, technology and digital processes have allowed us to stay closely connected to


Whether your business is a large company or a smaller enterprise, it will be necessary to

examine your processes and reinvent the ones that need updating after the return to “normalcy.”
In this context, remote work and the question of employment becomes important. Although
many companies expect to resume normal in-person operations, this won’t be immediately
possible for every business, or even for every team member within your business. The “home
office,” or perhaps a hybrid remote and in-person model, is an excellent option to maintain your
company’s output and safety during this transition. It can also reduce overhead costs, which is an
additional benefit.


In today’s world, change is inevitable: Consumer demands are evolving every day, and
business leaders must adjust accordingly. Although Covid-19 represents even greater upheaval
than we were expecting in 2020, it is possible that the pandemic has only accelerated changes
that would have gradually occurred in the business sphere.
Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report
Name: Ryan Buday
Course, Year, Section: BSBA -4F
Date and Time: March 30, 2022


The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a significant toll on economies and people of all
nations and of all ages, from all walks of life, across the globe. Social media and virtual
meetings, domestically and across the globe, have become the “new normal” as people strive to
keep normalcy in their lives amid pandemic restrictions. Here in the Philippines, Digital 2020
April Statshot report by Hootsuite and We Are Social revealed that 64% of Filipino internet
users are spending more time on social media, with 23% indicating an increased activity in their
online shopping activity.


With consumers resorting more to online shopping amid pandemic restrictions, entrepreneurs
have embraced the digital phenomenon for online shopping even more. E-commerce websites
such as Lazada and Shopee are at the forefront of these online shopping platforms with expected
surges in sales revenues in millions of pesos. Technology has already transformed online
business transactions into an infinite marketplace where conducting business has become more
convenient and efficient for both vendors and vendees. The COVID-19 pandemic has made this
marketplace a more obvious necessity.


With this surge in online sales and business activity, the government looks to remind online
sellers of their tax obligations, with the Bureau of Internal Revenue’s (BIR) issuance of Revenue
Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 60-2020 entitled “Obligations of Persons Conducting
Business Transactions Through any Forms of Electronic Media and Notice to Unregistered
Businesses.” The Circular basically mandates all business owners who are engaged in an online
business platform in any form, whether digital or electronic, to register their businesses with the
BIR and pay taxes on their sales.


Under this RMC, online business entities and constituents are encouraged to register their
businesses no later than July 31, 2020 to avoid penalties for late registration. In addition, they are
encouraged to voluntarily declare their past transactions, and pay the taxes due thereon, without
corresponding penalties if the declaration is done no later than July 31, 2020. The above Circular
is explicit that it covers not only partner sellers, but also other stakeholders, such as the payment
gateways, delivery channels, internet service providers, and other facilitators. Do note that if
online sellers are already registered with the BIR, but were not previously doing business online,
these online sellers should revise their certificates of registration (with the BIR), to include
“online selling”.
Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report
Name: Ryan Buday
Course, Year, Section: BSBA -4F
Webinar Topic: Build your business career preview
Speaker: Roen Jean Restua
Date and Time: May 14, 2022, 7:00 P.M


Business professionals conduct a wide variety of job activities to boost sales and revenues,
improve cash flows, and increase an organization's profitability. Given their valuable expertise,
these individuals are usually in high demand. They also enjoy lucrative salaries and many career
opportunities across sectors. The following guide outlines key information about how to pursue
careers with a business degree, including discipline-specific professional paths and practical
information on how to launch and build a career in business.


In the simplest terms, business development can be summarized as the ideas, initiatives, and
activities that help make a business better. This includes increasing revenues, growth in terms of
business expansion, and increasing profitability by building strategic partnerships, and making
strategic business decisions. “Business Development Executive,” “Manager of Business
Development,” and “VP, Business Development” are all impressive job titles often heard in
business organizations. Sales, strategic initiatives, business partnerships, market development,
business expansion, and marketing—all of these fields are involved in business development but
are often mixed up and mistakenly viewed as the sole function of business development.


Business development activities extend across different departments, including sales,

marketing, project management, product management, and vendor management. Networking,
negotiations, partnerships, and cost-savings efforts are also involved. All of these different
departments and activities are driven by and aligned with the business development goals.


Marketing involves promotion and advertising aimed towards the successful sale of products
to end customers. Marketing plays a complementary role in achieving sales targets. Business
development initiatives may allocate an estimated marketing budget. Higher budgets allow
aggressive marketing strategies like cold calling, personal visits, roadshows, and free sample
distribution. Lower budgets tend to result in passive marketing strategies, such as limited online
ads, print ads, social media ads, and billboards.
Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report
Name: Ryan Buday
Course, Year, Section: BSBA -4F
Webinar Topic: Agribusiness investment opportunities
Speaker: Erik Harbison
Date and Time: March 28, 2022


Agribusiness refers to agriculture-related activities that put farmers, processors, distributors,

and consumers within a system that produces, processes, transports, markets, and distributes
agricultural products. The transformation of agricultural farming into a thriving agribusiness-
driven sector entails acquiring farming technologies, training in more sophisticated farming
techniques, creating stable supply chains, establishing transport and agricultural infrastructure,
investing and research and development, and securing a reliable property rights regime.


These activities can contribute not only in diversifying and increasing the value of
agribusiness outputs, but also contribute to the inclusive growth and rural development agenda of
the Philippine government. Because of this, the agribusiness sector is positioned to largely
contribute to the industrial development of the Philippine economy.


IV. These activities can contribute not only in diversifying and increasing the value of
agribusiness outputs, but also contribute to the inclusive growth and rural
development agenda of the Philippine government. Because of this, the agribusiness
sector is positioned to largely contribute to the industrial development of the
Philippine economy.


The value added share of agriculture to GDP has been the lowest among the three major
sectors of the economy since 2008. At the sub-sector level, agriculture (crops, livestock and
poultry) has the largest average value added contribution, with an 80% average share from 2008
to 2013, whereas the fishery sector has the lowest contribution, with only a marginal average
share of 0.6% for the same period. The top contributors for the agriculture sub-sector are palay,
livestock and poultry, with more than 10% contribution to the total agricultural industry value
added share.


Name: Ryan Buday

Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report
Course & Section: BSBA-4F
Topic: Managing Personal Finances
Speaker: Coach Mahendran
Date & Time: March 04, 2022 (4pm-5:30pm)


When managing personal finances, having a clear objective and knowledge about one's
finances is an essential part of creating a workable plan that is right for you. Financial
management involves creating a budget, choosing a bank, paying taxes, managing debt,
investing, retirement planning, and estate planning.

This practice is timely especially now pandemic. it aims at the following:

1. Attendees learn practical techniques on how they can manage their expenses.

2. Find new ways how they can save money.

3. Learn new ways on how they can increase their income.


The past few months have been hard on everyone. Weve experienced the start of a global
health crisis. Going back to school this fall is going to be far from normal. Your friends are
constantly arguing about politics on Facebook. And now every time your allergies flare up,
anxiety sets in while you Google things like, is it allergies or COVID? The last one was meant to
make you laugh because were all dealing with a lot right now. Another major cause of stress for
you right now might be your finances. You may be one of the millions of people who have lost
their job or had their hours cut. And even if youre still employed full time, theres a lot of
uncertainty about what the future of work and the economy will be like.No matter where you are
on that spectrum, I want to explain what you can do to take care of your financial health and
manage your money. Occasionally checking in and analyzing your finances is important to do,
especially now. So much about our normal lives has changed, and it's affected how we spend and
save our money.

Spend some time going through all of your accounts and see what you've been able to save,
what debts have piled up, and how your spending has changed. One of my readers shared this the
other day, and I think it accurately sums up what's changed with most people's money.


While the longer-term outlook is looking a bit brighter, the near term remains unsettled. Consider
this: Half of Americans in a recent survey by Investopedia sister site The Balance said they have
less than $250 left over each month after expenses, and some 12% said they have nothing left
over. Debt is also weighing people down, with 29% saying their credit card debt had increased
during the pandemic. According to a Charles Schwab survey, 53% of Americans have been
financially impacted by the pandemic. The pandemic has reminded us of the importance of
having a budget, says James Boyd, education coach at TD Ameritrade. When you know where
your money is going, it can make it easier to isolate needs and wants and shift more toward
Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report
necessities. For some, that may be much easier said than done. The pandemic impacted people
very differently, says Brian OLeary, wealth advisor and senior analyst at Aline Wealth. The key
lesson is circumstances can change very rapidly.


First and foremost, saving money is important because it helps protect you in the event of a
financial emergency. Additionally, saving money can help you pay for large purchases, avoid
debt, reduce your financial stress, leave a financial legacy, and provide you with a greater sense
of financial freedom

Name:Ryan Buday
Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report
Course & Section: BSBA - 4F
Topic: Boost your Business Using Facebook
Speaker: Prof. Vinna Cruz
Date & Time: March 01, 2022 (4pm-5:pm)

I. Introduction

Most of us see facebook as a social media but we forgot to see its a business site now
and thousands of people earning their income just using Facebook to promote and make sales

II. Body

If your objectives include market research, customer feedback, or even increasing

conversions, Facebook lead ads are the right choice for you. Facebook lead ads can accomplish a
variety of marketing objectives, but theyre best at helping with one of marketings golden rules:
Know thy audience. Many marketers think they know their audience, but often confuse customer
data with customer analytics. In a mostly online ecosystem, its easy to forget that sometimes the
best way to learn about customers is to just ask questions. Thats exactly what Facebook lead ads
(sometimes called Facebook lead forms) do. If your objectives include market research, customer
feedback, or even increasing conversions, Facebook lead ads may be the right solution. This
guide will answer all of your questions about the ad format, including how to create a campaign
and how to optimize for success.

III. Learning Acquired

Facebook lead ads are essentially promoted forms. These forms allow marketers to
capture details from customers while offering opportunities to connect, such as newsletter
subscriptions, demo requests, or contest registration. When someone clicks on a lead ad, they
presented with a form thats pre-populated with information from their Facebook profile. The rest
can be completed in a few easy taps. Another advantage Facebook lead generation ads offer is
that generated leads can be synced directly with your companys customer-relationship
management system or downloaded as a .CSV file. This allows marketers to follow-up more
efficiently, which is vital for closing the deal. Having a Facebook store is a great way to grow
your business, allowing you to tap into new audiences and gain more customers. It makes
sharing your content really easy, so it's a great way to market your store and products, increase
sales, and boost your bottom line!

IV. Conclusion

As facebook can interact with consumers and customers, and know their behaviour , and
also can get quick feedbacks and responses. As well as allowing you to post text, Facebook lets
you upload pictures and videos from your business. This can be a powerful way to communicate
with customers and potential customers, allowing them to see your product or service without
having to visit your premises

Name: Ryan Buday

Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report
Course and Section: BSBA- 4F
Topic: Digital Marketing Converging International E-Commerce
Date & Time: February 13, 2022 (2pm-5pm)

I. Introduction

II. Bo When small businesses get started, their focus is often on how to get the first
customers through the door. They may rely on traditional forms of advertising, such as print ads,
coupon mailers or even outdoor advertising. Businesses may believe that since they offer a good
product or service, it’s just a matter of time until customers find their way to them.


In today’s digital age, customers expect to find a website and social media presence. They
may be looking for reviews so they can learn what other people are saying about your company
and whether it is a good place to do business.

III. Learning Acquired

During the webinar session I have learned to think of digital marketing as a way to make
yourself accessible to the people you’re trying to target. The reach of your business can reach
well beyond your locality and scalability becomes a reality. Through a web presence, your
business is open for business even when you’re not! You can create an environment where your
customers can contact you day or night.

This means that customers and prospects can send you emails with questions, make purchases
and browse your inventory in a few simple clicks. In addition, potential customers who have no
way of physically coming to you can still do business with you through an e-commerce function
or simply by using social media.

IV. Conclusion

As facebook can interact with consumers and customers, and know their behaviour , and
also can get quick feedbacks and responses. As well as allowing you to post text, Facebook lets
you upload pictures and videos from your business. This can be a powerful way to communicate
with customers and potential customers, allowing them to see your product or service without
having to visit your premises.

Name: Ryan Buday

Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report
Course, Year, Section: BSBA -4F
Webinar Topic: Business Growth in 2022 with Digital Transformation
Speaker: mos
Date and Time: May 12, 2022


This trajectory of digital transformation and adoption continued to take big leaps during
2021. Right from the rise of new content formats, growing popularity of short videos, and
cryptocurrencies sparking conversations about the future of finance, to the new identity of
Facebook embracing the metaverse and creators earning from Instagram. Everything took place
in a year where people continued to be mostly confined to their homes.


Brands humanised the way they interact with, and/or react to, their communities between
2020 and 2021. Experiential marketing climbed the incline, with a keen weightage on social
listening. Various social intelligence tools have remarked the importance of smart decision-
making, backed by changing customer needs. The social intelligence market seems to be
expanding and maturing with in-house processing of the routine analytical work, and partnered
efforts to uncover deeper strategic insights. Data-driven creative storytelling has initialised deep-
impact communication at scale.


We had to pay a huge price for the lesson, we as a generation have been rudely reminded that
this model of centralised growth limited to pockets of urban areas isn't sustainable. The reverse
migration is here to stay and the brain drain, which has happened within the country, has
redistributed talent across geographies, albeit at a much smaller scale than needed. This means
creation of a new ecosystem, much bigger and better market and a society that prefers
sustainable living to breakneck growth.


Brands humanised the way they interact with, and/or react to, their communities between
2020 and 2021. Experiential marketing climbed the incline, with a keen weightage on social
listening. Various social intelligence tools have remarked the importance of smart decision-
making, backed by changing customer needs. The social intelligence market seems to be
expanding and maturing with in-house processing of the routine analytical work, and partnered
efforts to uncover deeper strategic insights. Data-driven creative storytelling has initialised deep-
impact communication at scale.

Capiz State University
Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Management
Narrative Report
Name: Ryan Buday
Course & Section: BSBA - 4F
Topic: Requirements of coaching
Speaker: Prof. Vinna Cruz
Date & Time: March 01, 2022 (8am-10am)

I. Introduction

The most important person in an organization to lead changes and inspired employees for
higher productivity is the manager. Its the manager who can make or break an organizations

II. Body

The authoritative manager is one who has a grand vision for his team/organization. These
individuals are highly motivated and confident. Using the authoritative management style, a
manager can show his ultimate plan to his/her team and how they're going to accomplish that
plan, together. A motivation theory such as Herzberg and Maslow enhances employees'
motivation, morale, and satisfaction. Being able to motivate, empower, and influence staff
improves satisfaction and retention levels among the team. A manager's leadership style
influences motivation, morale, and retention in staff. An effective manager-as-coach asks
questions instead of providing answers, supports employees instead of judging them, and
facilitates their development instead of dictating what has to be done. Companies are moving
away from traditional command-and-control practices.

III. Learning Acquired

Being a manager is a more directive and transactional role than being a coach. Managers
oversee the work of their employees, come up with plans, and tell or direct the employees on
what to do. They determine direction and the immediate need, and fix the problems with a
specific outcome. The skill of coaching is in being able to ask questions that help people open
up, and bring into play a wider circle of ideas and expertise. Some people argue that it is
impossible for a Manager to act as a coach, given her position of authority over her team. Why
should managers devote time and effort to coaching their team? Research shows that coaching
leads to better engagement, higher productivity, and enhanced customer service. It also helps an
employee improve performance, overcome challenges, reach aspirational goals, and build self-

IV. Conclusion

An effective manager-as-coach asks questions instead of providing answers, supports employees

instead of judging them, and facilitates their development instead of dictating what has to be
done. Companies are moving away from traditional command-and-control practices.

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