Steroids 1

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Oral steroids:
 Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin), or “Halo”
 Mesterolone (Proviron)
 Methandienone (Dianabol), or “Dbol”
 Methyltestosterone (Virilon)
 Mibolerone (Cheque)
 Oxandrolone (Anavar, Oxandrin), or “Var”
 Oxymetholone (Anadrol), or “Drol”
 Stanozolol (Winstrol), or “Winny”

Injectable steroids:
 Boldenone undecylenate (Equipoise), or “EQ”
 Methenolone enanthate (Primobolan), or “Primo”
 Nandrolone decanoate (Deca Durabolin), or “Deca”
 Nandrolone phenpropionate (Durabolin), or “NPP”
 Testosterone cypionate (Depotest)
 Testosterone enanthate (Andro-Estro)
 Testosterone propionate (Testex)
 Trenbolone acetate (Finajet), or “Tren”

Steroids cycles:
Anavar and Andriol Cycle
Testosterone is predominantly an injectable steroid, however Andriol (testosterone undecanoate) is the lesser
known oral version.

Test undecanoate is less popular than injectable testosterone among bodybuilders, because it is more expensive
and less powerful.

However, this stack may be of great interest to people who don’t want to take injectables, and want better
results than an an anavar-only cycle. There are more powerful and cheaper orals than test undecanoate, such as
dianabol or anadrol 50. However, testosterone undecanoate is considered to be a ‘safe oral androgen‘ (24),
following a 10 year study. Anadrol and dianabol orals are very hepatotoxic in comparison.

Research shows that liver enzymes do not rise on testosterone undecanoate (over a 10 year period); plus the
risk of gynecomastia and prostate enlargement is low (25).

In one of the study cited above, 80-200mg of testosterone undecanoate was taken for 72 months by 35 men. 9 of
them had never received such androgen treatment before. None of these men developed gynecomastia at any
stage during the study.
In the second study 33 men took testosterone undecanoate for 10 years, and only two men observed a mild
reduction in urine flow.

Thus in terms of side effects, andriol is very similar to anavar, being classed as a ‘safe’ drug (in medicine).
However, LDL levels are still likely to rise and testosterone levels will be suppressed temporarily post-cycle.

Note: If you implement this cycle, ensure andriol (testosterone undecanoate) is taken with food, as its bio-
availability is very low when taken on an empty stomach (26). To further increase absorption ensure the meal
contains at least 19 grams of fat or a minimum of 30% of the meal’s calories consisting of fat. Both of these
methodologies have been effective in research (27). Higher quantities of fat present in the meal, correlated with
higher serum testosterone levels in users taking andriol.

Anavar and Test Cycle

Testosterone is an injectable steroid that produces exceptional muscle and strength gains. Combining this
steroid with anavar enhances its anabolic effect, whilst increasing lipolysis (fat loss). Enanthate or cypionate are
common testosterone esters used for this stack.

Note: For beginners a testosterone-only cycle is a better choice, as stacking test and anavar will exacerbate
cholesterol issues and endogenous testosterone suppression.
Below is an intermediate testosterone and anavar cycle. This is more suitable for men who have already
completed one or two cycles of testosterone or anavar.

Anavar and testosterone is not a stack recommended for women, as the addition of testosterone greatly
increases the chance of virilization. Elite female bodybuilders may implement these two steroids together, but
with the expectation of masculinization occurring in moderate doses.

Anavar-only cycle
Anavar-only cycles aren’t common among hardcore bodybuilders because of the steroid’s mild nature. Thus,
stacking anavar with another compound such as testosterone will produce better results. However, with this
combination, users will also experience more side effects.

Anavar-only cycles are still effective and a more common protocol for beginners during their first steroid
cycle. This can be a wise choice, as it introduces the body to a much less toxic compound, at a time where the
body’s tolerance is less.
However, beginners who are coveting massive muscle gains may be disappointed with an anavar-only cycle.
Instead they may opt for a dianabol or testosterone only cycle.

For Men

This cycle is suitable for beginners. Once a man has built up tolerance to anavar, he may wish to start on
20mg/day in future cycles and extend the cycle up to 8 weeks.

For Women

This cycle is suitable for beginners. It begins with a small dose to gradually introduce the compound, reducing
the risk of side effects. A first-time female cycle can also last for 4 weeks.

Once a woman has built up some tolerance to anavar, she may choose to begin future cycles at 10mg per day
and extend the cycle duration to 6 weeks (for further results).

Deca Durabolin-Only Cycle

Deca durabolin is predominantly used for bulking purposes, however due to it only building moderate amounts
of lean muscle (by bodybuilding standards), it is often cycled with other, more potent AAS.

Generally stacking steroids together leads to an increase in side effects, such as further elevations in cholesterol.
However, in deca durabolin’s case, stacking may help to prevent some of its negative effects regarding sexual
Thus, deca durabolin-only cycles are seldom among bodybuilders, in a bid to keep androgen levels high,
mitigating the risk of erectile dysfunction on-cycle.

However, if a bodybuilder were to utilize a deca durabolin-only cycle, these are the typical dosages they would
use (below):

Dianabol-Only Cycle (For Beginners)

This cycle is perfect for first time steroid-users who are eager to experience rapid
muscle gains, but don’t want to inject (thus opting for dbol over testosterone).

These are very conservative dosages to minimize side effects, however as dbol is
a powerful steroid — beginners can still pack on plenty of size.

Dianabol-Only Cycle (For Intermediates)

This is the perfect follow up cycle to the beginner protocol i.e. ideal for
bodybuilders who’ve already taken dianabol before.

In this cycle slightly higher dosages are utilized. Consequently, muscle and
strength gains will be greater, whilst side effects will also be more pronounced.

After these two first cycles, if well tolerated, users may start with 30mg per day
to continue making gains.

Advanced users who’ve taken dianabol and other powerful steroids, may opt for
higher dosages (going up to 50mg/day), whilst increasing the cycle length to 8
weeks. Such cycles are performed by bodybuilders looking to pack on as much
mass as possible — no matter what the cost.

Dianabol & Deca Cycle (For Intermediates)

This cycle is structured for someone who has taken steroids before, including
dianabol — and tolerates it well. The inclusion of deca will not make side effects
dramatically worse; however a more aggressive PCT may be needed in order to
restore sexual function and testosterone levels.
Dianabol and Testosterone Cycle (For advanced)

Dianabol and testosterone are similar compounds, with Dr Ziegler being given the
task of developing a new, superior steroid to testosterone; so the American
Olympic team could defeat the USSR (who were known to be taking
testosterone). Dr Ziegler created dbol, a compound more anabolic than
testosterone — and less androgenic. Thus, prostate issues were less of a
concern, as well as hair loss and acne on dbol. Dianabol also proved more potent
for building muscle, due to its higher anabolic rating. However, testosterone
remains as a very powerful muscle-builder, adding almost equal amounts of lean
muscle and strength as dianabol. Thus, when these two steroids are stacked
together, users can expect to build incredible amounts of size. The addition of
testosterone will exacerbate low testosterone levels post-cycle, whilst
increasing the risk of gynecomastia and water retention. Thus, estrogen control
and an aggressive PCT is essential post cycle, to ensure an optimal hormonal
profile. Blood pressure is also likely to rise significantly on this cycle, due to a
large spike in LDL cholesterol levels. To combat this it is a good idea to limit
sodium in your diet, whilst performing regular cardio (for optimal blood flow). Also
fish oil supplementation is recommended (as usual).Any ester of testosterone can
be used, however the two most popular forms of test are: cypionate and
enanthate. This is because these two esters are relatively cheap and do not

require overly frequent injections.

Dianabol and Anadrol Cycle (For advanced)

Dianabol and anadrol are two of the most powerful steroids you can take for
gaining mass. Strength gains will be mind-blowing when taking this potent duo.
Anadrol is an oral like dianabol, thus no injections are needed. The side effects
are going to leave you feeling like death. Thus, we don’t recommend this cycle
from a health standpoint, due to liver values going out of whack and blood
pressure likely to reach record-breaking heights. Unless you are in perfect health,
stay away from this cycle.

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