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{Writing (Paper 2 Part 1: Essay) > COURSEBOOK pages 110-111, EXPERT WRITING pages 199-200 EXAM STRATEGY \simportant to plan an essay in advance so thatthe ‘aigument is organised in the most logical way. The ‘wording ofthe question helps you to do this. Discuss the points in the question and make sure you: + support your ideas with reasons or examples. + use linking words to show the connection between your ideas. Understand the task ‘Ye Read the writing task and answer the questions, +1 Who will ead the essay? 2. What style should you use? b Note down two advantages and two disadvantages of living at home. Advantages Disadvantages x Romenes in your English class, you have been talking about the advantages and disadvantages of young people living. ir patents vihen they are studying at ‘university or starting workin thet first jobs. Now your English teacher has asked you to wie an essay. Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons for ‘your point of view. Young people should five wit ther parents for as long as they want. Notes Write about: 1 advantages of ving with parents 2 dsadvantages of living with parents 3 your own idea) White your essay in 140-190 words Read a sample answer AA Read a student's essay and cross cut the option {A,B or C) which i not possible. Nowadays, t's common for young people to conteve tolive with their parents until their md-twenbes. (1)___, many people thnk that ths 1s a bad thag and that young people should be ercowraged to leave home earker, Important events FS ‘There are many reasons why young people continue tolve wih thee parents, They may eel comfortable at hone. (2) «they do not need to cook wash ther clothes or pay rent, Ths lst pont enportant because lle today has become very expense. 8) __s t's aibct to We well # you dost ean high salary. (4) ____., many young people say that they ony became mature once they leit home. Lang anay from thee patents when they went to colege or started work forced them to be independent. (5) they had to start to thr. for themsehes and sort cout problems on ther own. In my vew, young people should stay wth ther parents H they wart to. (6) _. they should understand that gang some dependence would be berehaal Traveling independently of ther parents n ther summer holidays coud be 2 gcod dea, (7)_ for those who conte tole at hore. 1 AHowever BFurthermore —C Nevertheless 2 ATherefore BForinstance —C For example 3 ADespite this BAs a result Consequently 4 -AHowever BOnthe other hand C Even so 5 ASmiarly Binotherwords CThatistosay 6 ANevertheless BAsaconsequence COn the other hand T Acthewise Blorinstance ——Ctherefore Read the essay again and complete the paragraph plan the student followed. Paragraph 1: Introduction: Paragraph 2: Advantages of ving at home Advantages Example(; Paragraph Disadvantagels): Examples) Paragraph 4 (my own idea: Example(): Features of an essay 3 Read the list of features of a good essay. Tick the Cones that the essay above has. Agood essay. 1s divided into three or four main paragraphs. 2 has an introduction that makes a general statement about the topic. 13 supports the main points with details. 4 uses linking words to connect the ideas. 5 states the writer’ view in the final paragraph. 6 uses.a neutral style consistent, 7 is between 140 and 190 words. 4. Write your own essay. Scanned with CamScanner [ Writing (Paper 2 Part 1: Essay) > COURSEBOOK pages 152-153, EXPERT WRITING pages 199-200 EXPERT STRATEGY Remember to use paragraphs to structure your essay {eg introduction, point 1 point 2, point 3, conclusion). ‘Understand the task AC Read the writing task and answer the questions 1 Are you being asked for bot sides of an argument ‘or your own opinion? 2. What syle should you use? 3. How many points do you need to make? Jn your English cass you have been talking about maney and happiness. Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay. | Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons for ‘your point of view | In order to be happy, you need to have lots of possessions and a well-paid job. Do youagree? Notes ‘Write about: } 1. relationships 2 beak , 3 (your own ide) Write your essay in 140-190 words inan | appropriate style. upigiaes Check and improve a sample answer © Match the comments (1-3) with three introductions to the essay (A-C) written by 4 different students. 1 Inappropriate —it does not focus onthe topic of the essay. 2 Inappropriate - the style is too informal 3 Appropriate - the styl is formal, the topic of the essay i stated and the writers opinion is lar. 5 we Ne eee A | In order to get a well-paid job, youneed | qualifications and many years of experience | in your career. 6 Mary people beieve that they can ony be successhd they exma tof money ad oxm ats of kaury goods. heat, th rot tve, oe snot money that’s going to mate you happy. Think about your fends and stuf lie tha. | 2 Read the rest ofthe essay written by Student B from Exercise 2. Find and undertine the topic sentences, Obwcrsly, we need some money to pay for tangs bee. ‘ext and food but other thngs are more raportant when & comes to hapeness () a strong network of frends and a good relabonshep with ow farly members « vital f you wart to be happy. a: beng it and healthy defeately much more mportart than berg surrounded by weath If youre I you cant eryoy your wealth anyway, 20 you won't betarey. Fly, you ae more bkely to feel happy # you choose ap or a course of sty you enpy. youshoud chose the hghest-pad careers but surely, the happiest people do something they lve rather tan someting thats wel pad @). + lots of posessions and a welkpad job ray make you Ife confortable but they do not make you happy. Find and correct four spelling mistakes in the essay in Bxercise 3 Paragraph | Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 ‘Complete the essay in Exercise 3 with the words/ phrases in the box. There is one extra word/phrase ‘which you do not need to use. ‘according to forexample furthermore inmyopinion some peopl argue that Waite your own essay. i Scanned with CamScanner TAY} ate) Ui) ts An opinion essay 1) MRR Work with a partner and read the statement. Do you agree with it? Why/Why not? say. What Is the writer's point of view? Is it similar to your opinion? ‘of lowering the minimum legal age to ‘obtain a driving cence to 16%, without doubt, 2 things that 16-yearclds can already ‘work part-time and leave home and even get martied with thie parents’ consent]I certainly believe thatthe legal age to get a driving licence should be lowered and willisciss the!reasons Why. Inthisessayt Firstly. to my mind, there fs no queson that acing licence is essential nowadays. Many teenagers, partcualy in ural arees, need to be able to dive because public transport sorvices ae lnitad. Not all families have the time to chovifeur their children to places they need to go for work, studies or leisure. ‘Withouta licence, many 16-yearolds cannot take advantage of opportuites available to them. ‘A second major reason to lower the legal diving ago ‘thatthe majoiy of teenagers are capable divers. Its ‘widely accepted that the ability to react quickly is key ‘when driving, and young peopl are known to have faster reactions than older people. ‘Whilst tis re that the number of accidents involving ‘young people is high, studies show that acidents ‘usually occur ina driver fst year, regardless of age It would be more sensible to address the issue of safety by esig tat young irra pny of veg experience. Moreover, srt testing procedures. graduated licensing rules would prevent the kinds of behaviour that lead to road accidents. In concusion, | am convinced that ts time to lowet the legal age to obtain acriving cence. Most 16-year ‘lds are mature enough to make sensible decisions and act appropriately. Allowing them to drive would ‘enable them to become more independent and develop responsibilty * Look at the writer's paragraph plan. Complete, it with the main points he/she makes in each paragraph. Paragraph 1; Introduetion, including your pinion £06. exomples Pacagraph 2: Main pinta) in support of your epinlon Parngragh 3: Additonal pind) in support of your apinian, Paragraple ipidon od your antec) Parageaph 5: Conclusion, cestatng and pesitly expanding your main point . © Ithas long been my feeling that ... ‘© Without doubt, Disagreeing = There can be no justification for ... © I believe there is no evidence to support ... © [cannot agree with Expressing opposing views and giving counterarguments . ® Despite the fact that = Although = Nevertheless/However, Giving general opinions ©. iS usually considered to be = Iis often said thet ... ‘Its ganerally beloved tht. ® Onthe whole, itis thought that. Scanned with CamScanner Put these expressions from the essay in 2in the ‘correct place In the Writing bank, 1 cleertiniybebeve ats 2.To my mind, there isn question tha 3 itiswidely accepted hat 4 Wiistt iste that? ‘5 Lameonvinced hate Read the article section. What reasons can you ‘think of forthe Initiative? sland has ineaced an intve get more people out of te cars nent thee bikes. "Aetve Travel is designed to encourage prope to think about alleative methods of travel for shone journey. In Sodan, hind of ear joumeys ar les than two miles and Read the web pages about cycing. Which two arguments In each da you Find most convincing? ‘What other arguments ean you add to the lists? BENEFITS OF BIKES . © FITNESS Cycling isa greatway to kewp swathout going 0 tho gyn © TINE ~ bicycle can be twice a fast 359 ear in cy wai ‘© ECONOMY -Bieycles aro cheap, Thee se no petrol ils, and they'e easy tommeintan, {© CONVENIENCE - You can por anyoere ‘© GOOD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT - Bicycles produce no pollution, and they’ que t0. (© SAFETY - Thousands of people ae iiled ot injured cor aze'dens, But not on Beles. © INDEPENDENCE ~ Yeung peopl ean get shout without having to rely on is om exhers IBJARRILER SON GY.GLING) «cysts evboerble= hres a danger of Shing hits cae «That aren enough bie pats hs means Tein on oadr ing anne ove «There are enoogh scr places to pth Bitssorctiensten + rent petal you have teary things 5 at Mopper i ning? * Younted ota a shorer when you aia + yang sconar ates acy. ot pon + Htdoert ook col Hou hare to wear helmet ' . (EES You are going to wite on opinion esty. tn this type of essay good organisation i ta, Pan whet you want to say belove you begin and argaise your pints into paragraphs, You can wee the paragraph plan in3 > EXAM SUCCESS page 149 7 PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT Look at this statement ‘and write an ex1ay giving your opinion. Use axpressions from the Writing bank and advice from Exam success. People shouldbe forced to travel by bieylo rather than by ear fr al shor journeys. Scanned with CamScanner SPEAKING: DISCUSSING PHOTOS (UNITS 2 AND 4) In this typ» of activity you have one or more photos to discuss and ansixé* a question or questions about the photo(s) or related to the same topic. Listen very carefully to the examiners instructions. Your marks will depend on completing the whole task, 0 if you only complete one part, you will lose marks. if you aren't sure that you have understood what the examiner says, ask them to repeat. # Ifyou have two er more photes, you shouldn't describe each photo in great detal. The important thing is to compare and contrast the two photos. 1 Dont jt describe the photo, male speculations about them 1 Tyy to speak for exactly the right amount oft you practise, the easier it will become. Give your own opinion if the examiner asks for it and give reasons to justify your opinions. There is not usually aright cor wrong answer. The examiner wants to hear you speak English. Try touse awide range of grammer and vocabulary to show the examiners what you know. . The more = Speak loudly and clearly so that the examiner can hear you. . Don't let mistakes stop you from speaking, Correct your ‘own mistakes if possible, or start the sentence again, but don’t stop completely. © Use Well, Hmm or Let me thinkto give you time to think of what you want to say next. “ imammo-ormmonessars | AGO S QiVe on sg Om 9 OD, In opiion essays you canjust dye your owns ies a a You do not have to present both sides of an Srgument, although you can state arguments against your opinion and then give counterarguments to defend your opinion. * Before you begin decide st opnion ad he pons ou want to make. Think about iow to organise tl yese points In ical way aleaical way. = In the conclusion, we do not usually opi 1s. We restate the major point(s) already made. = The style in opinion essays should be formal or neutral, © Remember that there are no right or wrong answers. The ‘examiner wants to see that you can write and express yourself clearly and effectively. = For more information on writing opinion essays, see page 155 of the Writing bank. resent now i READING: MULTIPLE CHOICE (UNITS 3 AND 7) In this type of activity you read a text, or several short texts, and answer questions about it/them by choosing the best answer from three or four different options. You must choose the correct option according to the information in the text, not ‘according to your own opinion or prior knowledge of the topic. Step 1: Read the text quickly to get a general understanding. pues? Step 4: Ifyou aren't 100% sure which answer is best, take away any answers which you know are not correct. Step 5: When you finish, check that you have an answer for teach question, Never leave answers blank in an exam. LISTENING: MULTIPLE MATCHING (UNITS 3 AND 8) In this type of activity you match different speakers with the information, ideas and/or attitudes that they express. f there ‘are two tasks in the same activity, you may hear the answer to the second task before the answer to the first one. Before you listen, @ think about the topic of what you are going to listen to, Think of words that could appear in the listening text. © read the questions and underline important information. This can help you to know what the people may say and helps you to concentrate more while you listen. While you listen, remember that the speakers may say the same things 2s inthe questions, but using different words or expression: Remember also that other speskers may use the actual words that come in the questions, but there is only one correct answer for each speaker. = sometimes you have to identify the speakers attitude. In this case you need to interpret not only what the person. saying but also why and how he/she is saying it. = don't wory if you don’t understand everything the first ti you listen, Usually you listen twice. Use the second ister to find the answers you didn't hear the first time and to check the answers you already have, you listen, ™ check that you heve an answer for each question. Nevor, leave answers blankin an exam, ‘SPEAKING: GIVING A PRESENTATION In this type of activity, you have to talk about a topic which could appear in the form of a question, title text or photo. Oiten the topicis a general one, butin some exams you net to tak about personal experiences. You usually have a fixed) amount of time to prepare the presentation and to give it. © Make notes with the information you want to give in yO, presentation and use them when you are giving it. But don't just read your notes aloud. |= Look at your audience. See if they understand you and interested. © Don't speak too fast if you speak too quickly, people v not be able to follow you. '& Tryto speak for exactly the right amount of time. The F you practise, the easier it will become. = Often you will be asked further questions after your presentation. This is not because there was a problem: your presentation. It is usually to check that you can sp spontaneously on the topic, too. Use intonation to show that you are interested and to; others interested. = Don't worry excessively about vocabulary. When you know a word, explain it or use a simpler word. ™ Don't let mistakes stop you from speaking. Correct yo sm mistabat Hinnesihla ae ctart the sentence acain. Scanned with CamScanner Units 2. and 8 OPINION ESSAYS pp26-27 (Unit 2) and 104-105 (Unit 8) [BINFLEGIESTIN Some people think that school and university should teach the knowledge and skills needed in the world of work, Others say that schools and universities should teach knowledge for its own sake, without worrying about future professional needs. What do you think should be the main function of schools and universities? a cc (Over the years, there has been much debate about the true aim of education, Should schools be preparing students forthe workplace, or should the objective be somethi ifferent? To my mind, the answer is clear. @m convinced that we should not be trening studentsin professional = Put opinions and sls, We should be preparing students fr life itself. ideas seauence |» rst and foremost. in my onion, the goal of education should be to help students to become independent thinkers, First and foremost, : fe and learners. The essential idea is to help young people. fortress Last but to think creatively so that they can respond to future ‘ot east challenges and problems in a positive and constructive way. Furthermore if students are trained in professional skills Give your opinion ae ees ae ae ry young age, we are limiting their future career ‘with expressions possi 7 Lao itis far more worthwhile to like Personally, To | re saentsgeneal tools and strategies at school and my mind, In my ‘university which they can apply to any job in any particular pinion, As faras tm field. afterall, ompanies can always train employees after concemed, I believe. school or university. —|__-» Some people claim that knowledge which isnot direcy Make contrasts and Express other people's relevant to the world of work serves no purpose. [believe give counterarguments opinions using there is no evidence to support this view. How can we using expressions like expressions like Some ‘now exactly which pieces of information any particular Whilst iti true that, people claim/argue/ student wil ned in the future? By giving abroad education | However, Nevertheless, maintain that wn, is including elements of ll types ofarts and sciences, weare | por " n 3 Ms spite, | believe often said that Ihelping students to develop as complete hurnan beings Renae ‘who can gradually start specialising in the subjects they are pate feo eVcenCe ‘most interested in or best at. Spratss To give a conclusion, use To sum up, In ‘To sum up, a$ far as | am concemed, schools and : Universities are na simpiy vocational colleges producing conclusion, Al in af ete eae Caper tas where young people should be trained in life-long skills and ‘strategies that help them to develop and bring something. positive to socety in general. Paragraph 1: Introduction, including your opinion, Poragraph 2: Main points) in support of your opinion. Paragraph 3: Additional point) in suppor of your opinion. Paragraph 4: Points) in support of a diferent opinion and your counterarguments) Paragraph $: Conclusion, restating and possibly expanding your main point. Scanned with CamScanner ma. Module 3 ie world around us Writing (Paper 2 Part 1: Essay) _---RS yt “Cocpanioaiagatecanenmebaeat est Lead-in 1 Discuss the questions and make notes. 1 Should governments spend money protecting historic sits? Why/Why not? 2 Is it more important to keep the past alive or invest in the future? Understand the task 2 _Read the task and answer the questions. 1 Who is going to read the essay and what is its purpose? 2. Will you just give your opinion or will you give both sides of the argument (for and against? 3 What information must you include? 4 What style will ou use? 5 What do you think makes a good essay? {In your English class, you have been talking about the subject of cultural heritage. Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay. White an essay using all the notes and give reasons for your point of view Isita good thing that countries spend a lot of money on their heritage? Notes Write about 1 preserving the past 1 investing inthe future 3____ {your own idea) Write your essay in 140-190 words in an appropriate style. 3a Look at your notes from Exercise 1. Can you use any of the points for Notes 1 and 2 in the task? b Do you have any ideas for Note 3? Which ofthese might make a good extra topic: tourism, the environment, private investment? Plan your essay Scanned with CamScanner ¢ Inallessays, you have to give your opinion. In this one, you could agree or disagree, giving reasons; or give arguments for and against, as well as your opinion. Look at this possible paragraph plan fora for and against’ essay. You need four or five paragraphs. Make notes of the points you will include in each paragraph, Include a maximum of two points per paragraph. EXPERT STRATEGY Begin by making a general statement. Then support itwith a reason andjor an example. fr the arg sine Language and content Ya Choose the best sentence for the essay from each pair below. A 10n balance, despite the trong arguments | agains, I think itis important to protect our heritage. = 2 Fine, yes you can argue against it, but ovral, no, not relly, B 1 agree with the question, 2° Most countries spend large sums of money protecting their national heritage. | 1 tilly not to spend money on things we need now. 2 The problem is that governments need more money for things lke housing and roads, D T- On the one hand, itis important to protect the |___ past for Future generations. 2 No way should we lt goof the past. Match the sentences you chose in Exercise 4a (A-D) with the paragraphs in Exercise 3c. ‘¢ Now decide which ofthe sentences can be used as the first sentence of each paragraph. Module 3 The world around us 4. Think of a second sentence for each ofthe first sentences. €¢ Match the sentence openings with the paragraphs in Exercise 3c. (Some may go with more than ‘one paragraph) Then complete one for each paragraph in your essay with your own ideas. i Write your essay > EXPERT STRATEGES pages 177-178 5 Now write your essay, using the ideas and some of the language above. Check your essay > EXPERT WAITING pages 199-200, 66) Which ofthe statements are true about your ) essay? e 1 Thave answered the question 2. The sentences and organisation are clear and logical. 3. Arguments are followed by reasons and examples. 4. Both sides ofthe argument are given equal treatment. 5 Itis clear what think by the end, 6 The styles consistent and neutral. 7 Ihave checked: ength, grammar, spelling punctuation and linking expressions. EXPERT LANGUAGE: Punctuation Rewrite the paragraph with appropriate capital letters and punctuation. when youre in england you must vst chester it dates back to roman times so there are lots of fascinating ruins which im sure will interest you and which english heritage a branch of the british government. ‘wants to preserve the roman amphitheatre is well worth a visit with its guides dressed up as roman soldiers there is also a cathedral and a church and there are red sandstone walls all around the town ittakes about an hour and a haf to walk round them but ts a lovely walk henry james the american writer wrote about how much he loved these walls Unfortunately many of chesters heritage sites were destroyed in the 20th century to make way for a ring road and more are under threat in this century al) Scanned with CamScanner Module 8 Important events Writing (Paper 2 Part 1: ssay) Lead-in 1 Discuss the questions. 11 Would you prefer to liv alone or with someone else? Why? 2 What ae the advantages and disadvantages of each? Make notes, Understand the task 2 Read the task below and answer the questions. 1 Will you just give your opinion or will ou compare the advantages anid dlsadvantages? 2 What style will ou use? In your English class you have recently had a discussion about relationships. Now your teacher has asked you to write an essay ‘Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons for your point of view. Isit better to lve alone or with someone else? Notes ‘Write about: independence 2money, 3__(yourown idea} Write your essay in 40-190 word in an appropriate style Plan your essay 3a Lookat your notes from Exercise 1 and discuss ideas for Note 3, 'b Lookat a possible paragraph plan for the essay. (Note: essays of this length are normally between four and five paragraphs but there is no fixed number) Which of your points would you include ineach paragraph? Paragraph t:Introduction: _generalstatementithetorical question. qualifying the argument Paragraphs 2/8: Advantages: _opering statement - advantage 1 ~ reason (-+ specific example) aavancage 2 reason (-epeciic example) Paragraphs 3/4: Disadvantages: opening statement disadvantage 1~ reason (+ specific example) eadvantage 2 reason ~ specic example) Paragraphs 4or5: Conclusion: —summingup/baancing the argunentloverallpoint of view Language and content 4a Choose the best statement forthe essay from each pair below. [AJ 4 on balance, despite the varaus advantages, it would be diffoutt ‘oh ale. 2 Fr, yes thee are good thngs abaut it but oval) vo, not realy 5 thek os better to he alo, A Nowadays mar pce ate decding to he by thane A tke beng usth my mates, don't you? 2 Most people would find it lonely and, miss the Friendship. A Thre & nebaly to tel us uhat to do, R We make the deceons, no one dsc. i Scanned with CamScanner } EXPERT LANGUAG! } expressions Choose the correct answers. 1 Flatmates often dont get on very ‘well at fist In addition / Infact, they can have lot of arguments. | 2 Flats in my city are very expensive for one person. In ‘addition /n other words, | ke | sharing. | 3. Most people share household | tasks. For instance / Thats say, | they take tin turns to wash up. 4 haven't got room fora flatmate. Moreover / For example tke living on my own. | 5 I think that house would be too expensive. Similarly / Besides, it's along way from the centre. 6 He'sanice guy to live with Nevertheless / What's more, he needs to help out more. 7 Theflat’son the fifth floor and | there's no lift. Because ofthis / Even so, we decided to rentit. 8 Itsnot very big. Even so/On the other hand, it's rightin the | centre. Module 8 [YN Important events 'b Match the statements you chose in Exercise 4a (AD) with the ‘paragraphs in Exercise 3b. € Write the headings in the box in the correct place in the table. ‘Then choose some sentence openings to complete for your essay. ‘Tham choose sqane sentence opening to complete fx YORU Aoeralinivoducion “ie fst pat of the argument Aother reason The second pat ofthe argument RErcsion () Te FiksT PART OF THE RaQuMed (6) HE cond PART OF THE ARGUMENT Write your essay > EXPERT STRATEGES pages 177-178 5. Nowwrite your essay, using the ideas and some of the language above. Check your essay > EXPERT WRITING pages 199-200 6 Which of the statements are true about your essay? 1 {have answered the question. 2. The sentences and organisation are clear and logical 3 Arguments ae followed by reasons and examples). 44 Both sides ofthe argument are given equal treatment. 5 Itisclear what | think by the end. 6 The syle is consistent and semi-formal 7 have checked: length, grammar, speling, punctuation and linking expressions. Scanned with CamScanner Module 11 Wel-being | Writing (Paper 2 Part 1: Essay) Leadin 1 Understand the task 2 Plan your essay 3a Which of these would be good topics for Note 3? Discuss the questions. 1 How can these things afect a person's happiness? a money b other people ¢ exercise 2 Do you agree or disagree that happiness something we are bom with? Read the task and decide if the statements are True (T) or False(F). 1 Lam being asked to give a balanced view of both sides ofan argument 2 | am being asked for my opinion. 3 Example ate not important. 4 | should ignoe all arguments except my own. 5 | must make three main points In your English lass you have been talking about happiness. Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay. Write an essay using al the note and give reasons for your point of view \Whether you are happy or not depends on the personality you ‘reborn with. Do you agree? Notes White about: ‘money 2health 3_____your own idea) Wiite your essay in 40-190 words in an appropriate style. 1 caring for others 7 holidays 2 apositive attitude 8 possessions 3 keeping mentaly active 9 one’job 4 family upbringing 10 religion 5 friends 11 hobbies 6 fame 12 home 'b Make a paragraph plan foran essay in which you: 1 state your opinion 2 explain the reasons which suppor your opinion or include one for contrast) 3 give your conclsion Scanned with CamScanner ‘Language and content EXPERT LANGUAGE: Spelling ) ‘a Arethere any words in English that you commonly misspell? b Correct the spelling mistakes in 1 imediately 2 seperate 3 unneccesary 4 tely 5 religous 6 therefor 7 niether 8 responsable 9 untill 10 definately 11 generaly 12 tecieve 13 apparantly € Correct the spelling mistakes inthe sentences. The number in brackets tells you how many mistakes there are in each sentence. 1 it’sextremely likley that there isa connection between health and hapiness. (2) 2 Now that you are over fourty, let ime give you a peice of advise (3) 3 For once, the goverment has definately no knowlege of what hapened. (4) 4 Unfortunatly, on that occassion the medecine had no affect whatsoever. (4) 5. The principal reason is that politicans are not sufficiently independant. (2) Write your essay > EXPERT STRATEGIES pages 177-172 Check your essay > EXPERT WRITING pages 199-200, Module 11 © Wherein your essay will you indicate another point of view for balance? «4 Write atopic sentence for each ofthe paragraphs in your plan. You can use these phrases or your own ideas. 1 Itistrue that 2 Take .. for example, 3 Then consider 4 The third thin | thinks importants. 5 Allofthese.. € Make notes which support each topic sentence. (Note: A. supporting sentence may not be necessary in a conclusion) 4a. Write the linking words and phrases inthe box in the correct place in the table, but however inaddtion infact justas ontheotherhand similarly whereas yet ‘Adding a point of view Making a contrast Join the ideas using the linking words and phrases in Exercise 4a. 11 Money doesnt automatically make us happy. Itrmakes some people very unhappy. 2 Itis very stressful 10 lose money. If we are careful with it it gives ussecurty, '3 We should relax and laugh whenever possible. Being with friends can gve pleasure. Spending time alone is important. 4 Getting too lite slep can cause unhappiness. Eating badly can affect our moods forthe worse. Going for long walks can have a beneficial effec. Complete the sentences with a pronoun or this, that, these. 11 How we lead our lives -__ isthe main reason that __are happy or unhappy. 2 Money makes some people very unhappy because __always want ‘more of __. think people are making a big mistake. 3. Then letlook at health. _ is one ofthe major causes of unhappiness. 4 Such individuals ae often interested in people other than _._ is why they tend to be happier than the rest of _ 4 Decide which phrase is the odd one out and why. Then choose @ phrase for your essay. 1 There isa common belief that. 2 According to 3 They argue that. 4 Myowin opinion is that 5 Agrowing number of people hold the view that 6 However, theres also an argument that. 5 Now write your essay using the ideas and some of the language above. 6 But your work using the checklist on page 198. 153 Scanned with CamScanner exper wing la Part 1: Essay (1) Task ‘In your English class you have been talking about the role of women inthe workplace. Now your English teacher has asked you to writ an essay. Wiite an essay using al the notes and give reason for your pont of view. [Not many women reach top positions inthe workplace. Do you think thsi fair? Notes Write about: | 1 what is important for women 2 childcare | 3___(yourownidea) Write your essay in 140-190 words in an appropriate style. \ ‘Model answer — | ison ‘state yourown | Start with a | In many countries more than half the workforce are women. pot ol ese = general statement ~| there are relatively fe top female comy sand poltcans, | \Cear- —_ inyour own Ts icles ott aE _.| | Atonetime, men er expected to getajb ad women tostyat_ | |Your eT home but times have changed, Women ako like to workand moststil_| Core one | ean, | att have arity, — Start the some people argue that women are too busy to committofull-time | chow awareness | paragraph with | | careers atthe opts tue that proving good chidcareis not 35/1 of anther point. | a strong topic ‘working hours are unreasonably long, butt should be the responsibilty | | of view, sentence. ‘of the company to accept flexible working arrangements. al oe ‘Another arguments that women are less aggressive and competitive | {ag a supporting Show awareness ‘than men and find it harder to get the best jobs, but, again thiss esters ‘of another point | unreasonable. Women are ambitous too, bt if thei nature i diferent" makinga of view. | | inother ways, companies should take thatinto account. The workplace | | upsetion) needs the female sl of being good communicators and not justin ee junior positions. To conclude, Give easons for | in my view, the current stuation is unacceptable and companies should | smmarise your your pointof || make itpossibltohavea male-female balance atthe highestleves. || argument. view | - TET Further practice Inyour English class you have been talking about environmental issues. [Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay Write an essay using al the notes and giv reasons for your point of view We are damaging the environment for our children. What can be done about it? Notes Write about: 1 pollution 2arimalsandplants 3 __(your own idea) Write your essay in 140-190 words in an appropriate syle. Scanned with CamScanner lee Expert wing | Part 1: Essay (2) Task In your English class you have been talking about vegetarianism, Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay. Write an essay using al the notes and give reasons for your point of view Do you think humans should eat meat? Notes Write about: 1 traditional food | heath 3____ (your own idea) ‘White your essay in 140-190 words in an appropriate style. Model answer ‘Most people think that since animals eat other animal, tis natural for humans to eat meat. However some religions disagree, and a growi number of people are choosing to become vegetarians for ni religious reasons. Fist like to put the arguments in favour of tiff meat. Humans have always hunted and eaten animals. Wifén people stop eatin they ae avoiding the main food that gives them energy Besides, _we use the animals fur and skin for clothes and shoes. Have Spa [[Or te other hand, ran vegetarians beevethatexing meat | only unnecessary, but itis also unhealthy. We can easily grow plants * Explain the topic, I | | ideas and when | | you are making an| extrapoint. | animals is cruel, s well as damaging tothe environment, as we are Aestroying rainforests to provide land for animals. In my view, there are strong heath reasons for not eating meat. However f we become vegetarians for moral reasons, think we should also not wea furor leather. cur diet and mest can cause serious | ping specie ‘Another strong argument against eating meat is that the way we "|| (Baroky 1 Have a imighewartto | Further practice ‘add some further eet In your English class you have been talking about profesional sport. ‘Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay. Write an essay using al the notes and give reasons for your point of view ‘Are sports stars paid too much money? Notes White about: 1 special talent and fitness levels 2 other professions 3___ (your own idea) Write your essay in 140-190 words in an appropriate styl. Scanned with CamScanner

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