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Characters Miss You See Me Yan Traveller 1[Jack] Ika Traveller 2 [Dan] Raihan Traveller 3 [doctor] Sarah Boatman:

man: Awa Old lady: Awa Hotel receptionist *Awa Tourist guide 1 - *KK / Nisha Tourist guide 2 - *Ain Tourist guide 3 [Billfinger/Ferguson]- Sha

SCENE 1: Setting: Arriving in Marseilles. At the dock. Setting: Dan, jack and doctor walked to the dock. Want to cross to shore but couldnt. Met a boatman. Jack: Excusez-moi. Est-ce que nous pouvons marcher travers cette et tape Terre ? O vastu? Boatman: Je ne vous comprends pas Jack: Est-ce que nous pouvons marcher travers cette et tape Terre ? O vas-tu? Boatman: Je ne vous comprends pas Doctor: Est-ce que nous pouvons marcher travers cette et tape Terre ? O vas-tu? Boatman: Je ne vous comprends pas! Dan [Yell]: Oh, go to the pier, you old fool! Thats where we want to go! Doctor and Jack calmly reasoned with Dan. Jack: [Tone- Calm] It is useless to talk with him in English. He doesnt speak our language. Doctor: His right. Just let we handle this in France so that this stranger does not know that you are not highly educated.

Dan: [Kinda sulking] Well, go on. Go on. Dont mind me. It just that, if you keep telling him in YOUR KIND [Stressed] of French, he will never find out where we want to go. That is what I think. Jack: Youre not the one to talk! You dont even know French! [Tone: angry] Boatman: allez, Je vais la douane. Doctor: There now, Dan! He says he is going to allez to the douain. Means he is going to the hotel. Oh, certainly we dont know the French language. [despair] Move to the shore. Follow the boatman to the building. Dan: Hotel? This is just a customhouse!

SCENE 2 Setting: At the caf.

Direction: We stopped at the first caf we came to and entered. An old woman seated us at a table and waited for orders. Doctor: Avez-vous du vin! Old lady: Stared at doctor in shocked. Doctor: Avez-vous du vin [exaggerated French accent] Jack: Doctor, there is a flaw in your pronunciation somewhere. Let me try her. Madame, avez vous du vin? Its no use! Doctor, take the witness! Doctor: Madame, avez-vous du vin du fromage pain beef! hog and hominy- anything! Anything in the world that can treat our hunger! [Desperate] Old lady: Bless you, why didnt you speak English before? [Astonished] I dont understand your plagues French! [kinda angry]

Doctor and Jack were kind of ashamed. Dan trying hard to hide his giggle.

SCENE 3 Setting: Walked out from the hotel.

Direction: Dan, Jack and Doctor walked to the commissionaire. Dan: Could you call a tourist guide to guide us through our journey? Commisionaire: I usually had a dozen or two guides but I only had three now. [Called the guide] Travelers: stared at the guides. First one ignore. Guide #2: I shall show to you every sing zat is magnifique to look upon in ze beautiful parree. I speaky ze Angleesh pairfaitemaw. Travelers: look at the last guide. Interested in him. Ferguson: [Step forward] Doctor: We take the third guy! He seemed perfect! Jack: What is your name? Ferguson: A. Billfinger [handing businesscard] Dan: Billfinger! Oh, carry me home to die! [Dramatically] Jack: Oh, very classic reaction, Dan! [cynically] Billfinger out. Doctor: Well, the guide goes well with the incidents that we had encounter in French. I expected to have a guide with a cool France name like Henri de Montmorency or something that will sound grand to the villagers at home, but to think that a French man by the name of Billfinger! Oh, this is absurd! This will never do. We cant call him Billfinger! It is nauseating. Name him over again. What had we better call him? Alexis du Caulaincourt?

Jack: Alphonse Henri Gustave de Hauteville Dan: Call him Ferguson Jack and Doctor looked at Dan. Doctor: We go with that! Ferguson walked in. Jack: Ferguson, why dont you take us to a restaurant? We would like to have our breakfast. Ferguson nodded and start walking to a restaurant. Jack: You should join us together. Ferguson: No! I shouldnt! [begged and bow] It is not proper. I would sit in ze another table. Dan: Sit with us! Billfinger gave up and obey. Order lots of food and it surprised the travelers. Dan:[While walking] I was thinking about buying some silk dress patterns as presents. Ferguson: Look at Dan cunningly. Walk and stop at a building. Jack: Whats this? Ferguson: Zis is ze finest silk magazine in Paris. Ze most celebrate. Jack: What did you come here for? We told you to take us to the palace of Louvre. Ferguson: I suppose ze gentleman say he wish to buy some silk [pointing at Dan] Doctor: You are not require to suppose things for the party, Ferguson. We do not wish to tax your energies too much. We will bear some of the burden and heat of the day ourselves. We will endeavor to such supposing as is really necessary to be done. Go on. Walk again for awhile and then stop.

Doctor: Ah, the palace of the louvre! Beautiful, beautiful building! [Enchanted] Does the Emperor Napoleon live here now, Ferguson? Ferguson: Ah, Doctor! You do jest. This is not ze palace. We come there directly. But since we pass right by zis store, where is such beautiful silk Doctor: Ah, I see, I see. I meant to have told you that we did not wish to buy any silks today, but I forgot it. I also meant to tell you we wished to go directly to the Louvre, but I forgot that also. However, we will go there now. Pardon my carelessness, Ferguson. Moving on. Walk again and stop. Doctor: [Amazed] At last! How imposing the Louvre is, and yet how small! How exquisitely fashioned! How charmingly situated! Venerable, venerable pile Ferguson: Pairdon Doctor, zis is not ze Louvre it isDoctor: What is it? Ferguson: I have ze idea. It comes to me in a moment. Zat ze silk in zis magazine Doctor: ferguson, how heedless I am. I am fully intended to tell you that we did not wish to buy any silks today and I also intended to tell you that we yearned to go immediately to the palace of the Louvre, but enjoying the happiness of seeing you devour four breakfast this morning has so filled me with pleasurable emotions that I neglect the commonest interest of the time. However, we will head to the Louvre now, Ferguson. Ferguson: But, Doctor [excitedly] it will take not a minute! Not but one small minute! Ze gentleman need not to buy if he not wish tobut only look at ze silk look at the beautiful fabric. [pleading] Sair, just only one leetle moment! Dan: Confound the idiot! I dont want to see any silks today, and I wont look at them. Go on! Doctor: We dont need no silks now, Ferguson. Our hearts yearn for the Louvre. Let us journey on. Let us journey on.

Ferguson: But doctor! [desperate] It is only one moment. One leetle moment. And ze time will be save, entirely save! Because zere is nothing to see now. It is too late. It want ten minute to four and ze Louvre close at four. Only one leetle moment, Doctor! [begging] Jack: That cunning guide! After swallowing four breakfasts, he served us such a scurvy trick. We got no sight of the countless treasures of art in the Louvre galleries that day. Dan: Well, at least, he failed to sell any silk dress pattern! Laugh.

You see me: So, what do you think about these videos? Can you see the irony in the story? Overall, they had a very high expectation about France. The part with the old lady in caf showed their stereotype image that French people didnt knew English. But in the end, the old lady scolded them and called their French a plague. Fufufu~ thats one interesting old lady right? Sounded like my grandma. [Laugh]. The same goes when they wanted to choose the guides. Wonder what will happened if they chose the other guy besides Ferguson. Perhaps they had saved most of their money, now. Since they will save the expense from Fergusons food money. [Laugh] and they mightve seen the Louvre. Poor Doctor. Dont worry, Doctor! I bring you to see Louvre, next time.

Curtain fall. The end

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