Physical Science Reviewer

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 Thomson concluded the beam was

Physical made of negative moving pieces.

 Plum Pudding Model
Eugen Goldstein 1850-1930

 Using a cathode ray tube he
discovered canal rays which are
beams of positively charged

Reviewer  He is credited with the discovery of

protons in an atom.
 Millikan’s Oil Drop Experiment
WEEK 1  Determined the charge on an
Democritus 460 BC electron
 Greek Philosopher  Used Thomson’s charge to mass
 Suggested world was made of ratio to calculate the mass of an
two things – empty space and electron
 Atomos – Greek word for Ernest Rutherford - 1913
uncuttable  discovered the nucleus of a gold
atom with his “gold foil” experiment
 2 Main ideas
 Using J.J Thomson’s Plum Pudding
 Atoms are the smallest possible atomic model, Rutherford predicted
particle of matter the alpha particles would pass
 There are different types of straight though the gold foil. That’s
atoms for each material not what happened.
 Gold Foil Experiment Results most
John Dalton’s Atomic Theory alpha particles go straight through
1804 the gold foil
1. All matter is made of atoms.  A few alpha particles are sharply
2. Atoms of one element are all the deflected
same. Rutherford’s Conclusion
 The atom is mostly empty space.
3. Atoms cannot be broken down
 There is a small, dense center with
into smaller parts a positive charge.
4. Compounds form by combining  Rutherford discovered the nucleus
atoms in atoms
Dalton’s Early Atomic Model Rutherford’s Contribution to the
► “Billiard Ball” model Atomic Theory
►he envisioned atoms as solid, hard  The atom is mostly empty space.
spheres, like billiard(pool) balls, so he  The nucleus is a small, dense core
used wooden balls to model them with a positive charge.
J.J. Thomson 1897
 Discovered the electron Structure of the Atom
 He was the first scientist to show  Atom – smallest particle of an
the atom was made of even smaller element that can exist alone
things ▪ Two regions of an atom
 Used the Cathode ray tube to ►Nucleus
discover electrons ▪ Center of an atom
 Passing an electric current makes a ▪ Protons and neutrons
beam appear to move from the ►Electron “cloud”
negative to the positive end ▪ Area surrounding nucleus containing
 Adding an electric field cause the electrons
beam to move toward the positive ►Proton – Positive charge (+), 1 atomic
plate. mass unit (amu); found in the nucleus
▪ amu -Approximate mass of a proton or  Big Bang nucleosynthesis
a neutron  Stellar (star) nucleosynthesis
 Supernova nucleosynthesis
►Neutron – Neutral charge (0), 1 amu; • Today, only stellar and supernova
found in the nucleus nucleosynthesis are occurring in our
►Electron – Negative charge (-), mass universe.
is VERY small • Element formation in our universe
Counting Atoms relies on nuclear fusion reactions.
(fusion = come together)
►Atomic Number
▪ Number of protons in nucleus
Nuclear Fusion
▪The number of protons determines
• In nuclear fusion, smaller nuclei collide
identity of the element!!
together to make larger nuclei, and
►Mass Number (Atomic Mass)
energy is released in the form of
▪ Number of protons + neutrons
electromagnetic radiation.
▪ Units are g/mol
• Requires extremely high temperatures
and pressures beyond those found on
▪ Atoms of the same element with
or within Earth. However, these
varying number of neutrons
temperatures and pressures are found
▪ Different isotopes have different mass
inside stars and did occur during the
numbers because the number of
initial formation of our universe (during
neutrons is different
the Big Bang event).
Atoms • Fusion involves only the nuclei of
►Protons have a positive (+) charge atoms. At the temperatures at which
and electrons have a negative (-) fusion can occur, matter exists as a
charge plasma. This is the state of matter
►In a neutral atom, the number of where the electrons have been stripped
protons equals the number of electrons, off of the atoms. Plasma is basically a
so the overall charge is zero (0) super high Energy, electrically charged
▪ Example/ Helium, with an atomic gas.
number of 2, has 2 protons and 2 • When nuclei collide, some of the mass
electrons when stable of the nuclei is converted to energy by
Ions Einstein’s famous equation, E=mc2
►In a neutral atom • Nuclear fusion releases a lot of energy
▪ Atomic number = # of protons = #of per gram of material; much more energy
electrons than is released by burning a
►Sometimes atoms will gain or lose comparable amount of wood, coal, oil,
electrons and form IONS or gasoline!
►Because an electron has a negative
charge: The Big Bang
▪ When an atom GAINS electrons it • The Big Bang Theory is the most
becomes NEGATIVE widely accepted scientific theory about
▪ When an atom LOSES electrons it the origin of the universe. It is supported
becomes POSITIVE by multiple lines of evidence.
Cation = a positive ion • The “Big Bang” was a phenomenally
Anion = a negative ion energetic explosion that initiated the
expansion of the universe.
• At the moment prior to the Big Bang
explosion, all matter and energy were
Formation of the Elements compressed at a single point (a
and Nuclear Reactions singularity – a point of infinite density).
Nucleosynthesis • We do not know what was before…..?
 Nucleosynthesis is the process of • The universe has been expanding
element (nuclei) formation. ever since, with galaxies moving farther
•Three types: and farther apart.
• Using the rates of expansion • The heaviest element that can be
measured in the universe and made in a star is iron. Elements heavier
astronomical distances, the age of the than iron have fusion reactions with
universe can be calculated back to the temperature and pressure requirements
time of the Big Bang. The age of the greater than those that can occur within
universe is calculated at about 13.7 the core of a giant star.
billion years old. By contrast, our Sun • Note: In the adjacent diagrams, the
and its surrounding planets (i.e. our term “burning” really means nuclear
Solar System) is 4.65 billion years old. fusion!

Big Bang Nucleosynthesis Three Types of Nucleosynthesis

• All Hydrogen and most Helium in the STELLAR NUCLEOSYNTHESIS
universe was produced during the Big Formation of Hydrogen to Helium
Bang Event, starting ~100 seconds after
the explosion. A small amount of  Proton-proton Chain or Hydrogen
Lithium was also produced. Burning-fusion of four hydrogen
• Big Bang nucleosynthesis ceased nuclei to form a helium nucleus.
within a few minutes after the Big Bang  Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen (CNO)
because the universe had expanded Cycle - conversion of hydrogen to
and cooled sufficiently by then such that helium among massive stars by
the temperatures and pressures were using carbon as catalyst.
too low to support additional nuclear  Triple-alpha Process - alpha
fusion reactions. particle is equivalent to Helium
atom. first reaction forms unstable
Stellar Nucleosynthesis Beryllium, Be atom
• A star is a very hot ball of gas  Alpha ladder process - additional
(plasma). Stars create elements by helium-burning reactions results to
combining lighter nuclei into heavier synthesis or formation of heavier
nuclei via nuclear fusion reactions in nuclei up to iron, Fe
their cores and releasing energy in the
process.They are natural nuclear Supernova Nucleosynthesis
reactors! • Elements heavier than Iron (Z = 26)
• Enormous temperatures (15,000,000 are made primarily when giant stars
K), pressures, and densities of matter explode in supernovae.
are needed to initiate the fusion • Even the largest stars do not have
(thermonuclear) reactions which core temperatures and pressures high
squeeze nuclei together and release enough to fuse iron into heavier
energy. elements. Therefore, when a star runs
• The basic nuclear reaction in the Sun out of nuclear fuel (lighter nuclei) and
converts hydrogen to helium and can no longer undergo fusion reactions,
releases energy in the form of gravity causes the star to collapse. The
electromagnetic radiation (see the basic gravitational collapse triggers a
fusion reaction below). This is why our phenomenally large explosion called a
Sun shines! supernova. The explosion of the star
• Our Sun is only large enough to fuse momentarily generates high enough
hydrogen into helium within its core. temperatures and pressures to cause
• Stars much larger than our Sun can nuclear fusion reactions that make
fuse heavier elements from lighter elements with atomic numbers 27-92
elements. (Cobalt to Uranium).
• These giant stars have an “onion • Since only the largest stars can
layer” structure. explode in supernovae events, elements
• As you proceed deeper into the star, with atomic numbers 27-92 are rarer
temperatures and pressures increase, than elements with atomic numbers 1-
and heavier and heavier nuclei are 26 (see abundance diagram to right)
fused together.
isotopes have the wrong ratio of
neutrons to protons (n/p). Generally, it is
too high. When n/p of an isotope falls
Nuclear Fission between 1 to 1.5, the nucleus is stable
• We have learned that elements form in (within the “Band of Stability” on a n0 vs.
the universe by nuclear fusion reactions p+ plot). Outside of that range, nuclei
which assemble larger nuclei by forcing tend to be unstable and break apart
smaller nuclei together under over time. This “breaking apart” of
tremendous temperatures and unstable nuclei over time and the
pressures. accompanying release of nuclear
• However, elements can also form particles and energy is called
when a large, unstable nucleus breaks radioactive decay.
apart in an attempt to achieve a more
stable, lower energy state. Types of Radioactive Decay – Alpha
• The splitting of a nucleus to form two Decay
or more smaller, more stable nuclei is  In alpha decay, an unstable nucleus
called nuclear fission. (fission = split) releases two neutrons and two
• Fission may occur spontaneously protons. This is called an alpha ( )
(without energy being added) or it may particle. It is equivalent to a
be prompted by firing a nuclear bullet nuclei. Energy is also released in
(like a proton or neutron) at an unstable the process.
nucleus, as seen in the example below.  As a result, the mass number of the
• Like fusion, fission also releases remaining nucleus decreases by 4
energy stored in the nucleus of an atom. and the atomic number decreases
However, not as much energy is by 2. A new element is formed in
released from fission as from fusion. the process!
Still, the energy released per gram of Types of Radioactive Decay – Beta
material by fission is considerably more Decay
than the energy released by burning a  In beta decay of an unstable
comparable amount of wood, oil, nucleus, a neutron suddenly
gasoline, etc. Fission of uranium-235 changes to a proton, releasing an
atoms is used in nuclear power plants to electron, a ghostly, low mass
produce energy. particle called a neutrino (not
• Fission also occurs naturally within the pictured), and energy!
layers of the earth as radioactive  As a result, the atomic number of
elements in rocks spontaneously decay the remaining nucleus increases by
to more stable elements, creating a 1 but the mass number does not
natural source of heat within the earth. change. A new element is formed!
You also contain a small proportion of  Note: The released electron did not
radioactive isotopes within your body. come from outside the nucleus. It
These isotopes decay naturally, came from inside the nucleus. It is
releasing radiation. Therefore, you are called a beta (β) particle.
slightly radioactive too! So is the banana Types of Radioactive Decay –
you ate for breakfast! Gamma Decay
 In gamma decay, an unstable
Radioactivity nucleus releases a high energy
• Radioactivity is the release of energy, form of electromagnetic radiation
in the form of energetic particles and (light) called a gamma ( ) particle
waves, from the nuclei of unstable or a gamma ray. This particle of
(radioactive) isotopes. Radioactive light is also known as a photon.
atoms undergo fission-type reactions in  The energy is released as the
order to try to become more stable protons and neutrons in the
nuclei with lower energies. Radioactive unstable nucleus reposition
atoms are called radioisotopes. themselves in an attempt to find a
• The nuclei of unstable, radioactive lower energy arrangement.
 Since no protons or neutrons are
released, the mass number and
atomic number of the nucleus
remain unchanged, and no new
element is formed. Gamma decay
usually accompanies alpha and
beta decay.

Nuclear Reactions can be

Represented by Nuclear Equations
• Fusion
Making a larger nucleus from two or
more smaller nuclei Transmutation
 Transmutation is a general term for
the changing of chemical element
or isotope to another by changing
the number of protons and/or
• Fission neutrons. Fusion and fission
Making two or more smaller nuclei from reactions both qualify as
a larger nucleus transmutations. The bombardment
of a nucleus by a nuclear bullet in
order to change it into another
element also counts as
Important Symbols Used in Nuclear
Synthetic Elements
• Elements with atomic numbers Z ≥ 93
• To write a nuclear reaction, you must
are synthetic (man-made)
remember how to read and use isotope
• These elements have been made in
symbol notation
particle accelerators, either by smashing
smaller nuclei together or else by
shooting nuclear bullets at large nuclei.
• These elements are all radioactive.
They decay over time to more stable
elements, releasing radiation (particles
• You must know the symbols used for and energy) from their nuclei. Some
various subatomic particles like protons, have very short half-lives and have only
neutrons, etc. existed for fractions of a second.
• Some synthetic elements have uses
for mankind. Americium (Am) is used in
smoke detectors. Others have no
current use but were made during basic
research to better understand atomic
nuclei and the forces that hold them
together. The heaviest synthetic
element has an atomic number of 118. It
has no uses at present
WEEK 3 – Gases are compressible fluids. Their
POLARITY AND molecules are widely separated.
– Liquids are relatively in-compressible
INTERMOLECULAR FORCES fluids. Their molecules are more tightly
 An element is a pure substance and
is made of only one type of atom.
– Solids are nearly in-compressible and
 Octet Rule- electron transfer or rigid. Their molecules or ions are in
electron sharing proceeds until an close contact and do not move.
atom has acquired an octet of
electrons Intermolecular forces are attractive
 Electronegativity- the ability of an forces between molecules.
atom to attract to itself an electron (Example: water molecule to water
pair shared with another atom in a molecule)
chemical bond Intramolecular forces hold atoms
together within in a molecule.
Electronegativity Difference and Type (Example: H to O bond within a water
of Bond molecule).
Intermolecular vs Intramolecular
• 41 kJ to vaporize 1 mole of water
(inter) • 930 kJ to break all O-H bonds in
1 mole of water (intra)
Example: NaCl  Generally, intermolecular forces are
Cl 3.0 eV much weaker than intramolecular
Na - 0.9 eV forces.
2.1 eV
Type of Bond: Ionic

Example: H2
H 2.1 eV
H - 2.1 eV
0 eV
Type of Bond: Nonpolar Covalent

Example: HCl
Cl 3.0 eV
H - 2.1 eV
0.9 eV
Type of Bond: Polar Covalent
Recalling the Past  Fritz London
1. All matter is made of tiny particles.  These are forces that arise as a
2. These particles are in constant result of temporary dipoles induced
motion. in the atoms or molecules
3. The speed of particles is proportional  All molecules have some degree of
to temperature. Increased temperature LD forces
means greater speed.  LD forces occur between neutral
4. Solids, liquids, and gases differ in non-polar molecules. (nobles gases
distances between particles, in the and nonpolar compounds)
freedom of motion of particles, and in  LD forces are weak The greater
the extent to which the particles interact. the number of electrons the greater
the LD force. (ie the greater the
STATES OF MATTER melting and boiling pt.)
Comparison of gases, liquids, and  LD force molecules have Low
solids. melting and boiling pts
 The larger the molecule the greater  The larger the charge the stronger
it’s Dispersion Forces are. the force
 Weakest force
 The boiling point of long molecules What type(s) of intermolecular forces
increase with the length of the are existing in the following:
carbon chain.  HBr
How molecular shape affects the - HBr is a polar molecule: dipole-dipole
strength of the Dispersion Forces forces. There are also dispersion forces
 The shapes of the molecules also between HBr molecules.
matter. Long thin molecules can  CH4
develop bigger temporary dipoles - CH4 is nonpolar: dispersion forces.
due to electron movement than  SO2
short fat ones containing the same - SO2 is a polar molecule: dipole-dipole
numbers of electrons. forces. There are also dispersion forces
between SO2 molecules.

 strongest intermolecular force
 Butane has a higher boiling point  A hydrogen bond is an
because the dispersion forces are intermolecular bond.
greater.  A hydrogen bond is formed
between polar molecules that
DIPOLE-DIPOLE FORCES contain hydrogen covalently
 These are forces of attraction that bonded to a small, highly
occur between polar molecules. electronegative atom: F, O, N.
(big difference in electron  It will be attracted to another F, O,
negativity) or N, on another molecule.
 These forces are effective only  A dipole-dipole bond will be formed
when polar molecules are very between the two molecules which is
close. As distance increase called a hydrogen bond.
strength of bond decreases.  Water in the liquid and solid states
 For molecules of approximately exists as groups in which the water
equal mass and size, the strength molecules are linked together by
of force of attraction increases as hydrogen bonds.
the polarity increases.
 Radius have an effect on strength WHY HYDROGEN BONDING IS
of dipole. EFFECTIVE???
 Molecules with larger dipole  F, O, & N are extremely small and
moments have higher melting and very electronegative atoms.
boiling points (hard to break) than  Hydrogen atoms have no inner
those with small dipole moments. core of electrons, therefore, the
 Dipole attractions are relatively positive side of the bond dipole has
weak and tend to be liquids or gas the concentrated charge of the
at room temperature. partially exposed, nearly bare
 Dipole Forces occur between proton of the nucleus
molecules containing a dipole  …in other words, the atoms have a
moment. large difference in electronegativity
 The positive end of the dipole and their nuclei can get really close.
moment on one mole is attracted to IMPORTANCE OF HYDROGEN
the negative end of the dipole BONDING
moment on a nearby molecule  Are important biologically, in
stabilizing proteins and keeping
 Attractive forces between an ion  Also explains why ice is less dense
and a polar molecule than water
• the most abundant biomolecules on
• made up of monosaccharide subunits
WEEK 4 •include individual sugar molecules
BIOMOLECULES (monosaccharides) as well as two or
more molecules chemically linked by
LIFE MOLECULES – YOU ARE WHAT glycosidic bonds
1. Carbohydrates FUNCTION
2. Proteins • Provide QUICK energy to the body!
3. Lipids • Structural support and storage
4. Comparing biomolecules of energy.
5. Constructing glucose molecules

Biomolecules or Biological
• nonpolar and hydrophobic in nature
• include fats and oils, waxes,
• Chemical molecules that play an
phospholipids, steroids, cholesterol
important role in a living system.
• stored form of energy and can include
• Have specific functions
• Arranged from smaller and simpler
• made up of fatty acids and glycerol
Characteristics of Biomolecules
• Most of them are organic
• Made mainly of carbon and hydrogen
(few oxygen)
• They have specific shapes and
• Fat best method of STORING
• forms cell membranes
• The functional group determines their
• Insulates nerve cells (myelin)
chemical properties.
• Insulates body (maintains
• Many of them are asymmetric.
• Macromolecules are large molecules
•storage of energy and building material
and are constructed from small building
for cell membranes
block molecules.

Distribution of Selected Elements in PROTEINS

the Human Body • small organic molecules that consist of
an alpha (central) carbon atom linked to
an amino group, a carboxyl group, a
hydrogen atom, and a variable
component called a side chain
•Contains C, H, O, N
•20 types
•Has both hydrophobic & hydrophylic
•Differ in R-group
•R-group can be acidic, basic or neutral
•Makes polypeptide then makes
4 Major Types of Biomolecules proteins
•NUCLEIC ACID •Formed by dehydration synthesis
•PROTEINS •Sequence determined by DNA
•3-D and folds to take up less space
• Structural support, movement, POLYPEPTIDE:DNA
defense, catalyst, and transport (DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID)
• Provides us with building blocks for • contains the genetic code
life! • stores & transmit heredity/genetic
• Also regulate most functions in a cell. information
• Glycoproteins (antigens) • found in the nucleus (mitochondria)
• Combines w/DNA to form • Double stranded (double helix)
• Turns genes on and off ACID)
• Antibodies (fights disease) • Carries info from DNA to cell
• Provides structure & strength (fibers) • Helps in protein synthesis
• Transports molecules in & out cells • found in ribosomes & nucleoli
•Hemoglobin (transports O2) • Single stranded
• Enzymes (speeds up rxns)-has –ase POLYPEPTIDE: ATP
suffix • Contains adenine, ribose sugar, 3
• Acts as hormones (insulin) -many phosphates
proteins have suffix of -in • Stores and releases energy

• consists of a sugar molecule (either
ribose in RNA or deoxyribosein DNA)
• attached to a phosphate group and a
nitrogen-containing base
• The bases used in DNA are adenine
• Contains C, H, O, N, P
• Nucleotides consist of 3 parts:
1. 5-Carbon Sugar
3. Nitrogenous Base MOST ENERGY!?
• 5 types • Count the number of C-H bonds in
• Cytosine your monosaccharide picture.
• Guanine • Count the number of C-H bonds in
• Adenine your saturated or unsaturated bond
• Thymine (in DNA only) picture
• Uracil (in RNA only) • Which biomolecule (carbs or fats) have
• Purines or pyrimidines more C-H bonds?
NUCLEOTIDES: 5-CARBON SUGAR •The more C-H bonds a biomolecule
AND PHOSPHATE GROUP has, the more energy it has!
• 2 types of sugars •Fats have the most energy because
–Ribose (in RNA only) they have the most C-H bonds
–Deoxyribose (in DNA only)
• Phosphate group
– Contains phosphorus &
• Polymer: polynucleotide

•storage and transfer of information

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