2022 Ast Syllabus Biology

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AST (Aptitude Scholastic Test)

Examination Programme

I Background
The AST (Aptitude Scholastic Test) is a screening test designed and administered
by the Ambright Education Group and taken by high-performing senior middle school
graduates and other candidates of an equivalent educational level. It is a combination
of an Aptitude Test and a Proficiency Test and was developed originally to pre-select
candidates to be interviewed for admission to undergraduate courses at the University
of Cambridge. Although it continues to be used for this purpose, it is being adopted
increasingly by other world-leading universities to admit students directly to
undergraduate courses. The unique feature of the format and content of the AST is that
it combines the nature and characteristics of University matriculation examinations in
China (i.e. the Gaokao) with those of leading international examinations. Participating
universities continue to assess applicants holistically based on their standard admissions
criteria for international students but use the AST to inform and aid significantly their
decision-making admissions processes for undergraduate international students.

The AST tests encompass the nature and characteristics of both Chinese college
and international entrance examinations and are set at a considered and appropriate
level of difficulty to enable outstanding students to demonstrate their problem-solving
abilities and academic literacy, primarily in the STEM subjects. Overall, the AST test
papers are established as a reliable, discriminatory and a valuable tool in the selection
of talented students for entry to world-leading universities.

II Content and Requirements

The content and requirements of the AST Biology examination are determined
primarily on the academic quality requirements for admission to domestic Chinese and
international institutions of higher learning, informed by The National Biology
Curriculum of Senior High School (2017)1, and leading international curricula, such as

The National Biology Curriculum for Senior High School (2017), Beijing: People’s Education Press, 2018

A-level, Advanced Placements (AP), the International Baccalaureate (IB), Standard
Assessment Tests (SAT) and the American College Tests (ACT).

The knowledge requirements for the AST in Biology are categorized as A, B and
C, with specific definitions as follows:

A. Understand, identify and be able to apply in relatively simple situations.

B. Understand the broader relationships between these and other relevant concepts,
differentiate from other related knowledge and be able to apply in certain situations and
make reasonable judgments or draw appropriate scientific conclusions.

C. Use comprehensively in more complex situations for analysis, judgment,

reasoning and evaluation.

Specific examination content and knowledge requirements are listed in Tables 1

and 2.
Table 1 Content and grade requirements for examination
Content Grade

Section Ⅰ Molecular and cellular biology A B C

1. Molecular composition of cells

Structure and function of proteins √

Structure and function of nucleic acids √

Types and functions of sugars √

Types and functions of lipids √

Action of water and inorganic salts √

2. Cell structure

The process of establishing cell theory √

Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells (animal and plant

Structure and function of cell membranes √
Structure and function of organelles (chloroplast,

mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum,Golgi

apparatus, ribosome, vacuole, etc.)
Structure and function of the nucleus √

Biomembrane systems √

3. Cell metabolism

The internal and external metabolism of cells √

The role of enzymes in metabolism √

The role of ATP in energy metabolism √

Photosynthesis and related processes √

Environmental factors affecting photosynthesis √

Cellular respiration √

4. Cell proliferation

Periodicity of cell growth and proliferation √

Amitosis of cells √

Mitosis of cells √

5. Cell differentiation, senescence and apoptosis

Cell differentiation √

Totipotency of cells √
The relationship between “cell aging and

apoptosis” and human health
The main characteristics of cancer cells, the

prevention and treatment of malignant tumors
Section Ⅱ Genetics and evolution A B C

6. The cellular basis of heredity

Meiosis and gamete formation √

Fertilization √

7. The molecular basis of heredity

Exploration of genetic material √

The main characteristics of the DNA molecule √

Genes and genetic information √

Replication of DNA √

Transcription and translation of genetic information √

8. The law of heredity

The method of Mendel’s genetic experiment √

The law of gene segregation and independent √


The relationship between genes and traits √

Sex-linked inheritance √

9. Genetic variation

Gene recombination and its significance √

Characteristics and causes of gene mutation √

Variation of chromosome structure and number √

Application of biological variation in breeding √

10. Genetic diseases in human

Types of human genetic diseases √

Monitoring and prevention of human genetic

The human genome and its significance √

11. Biological evolution

Modern theory of biological evolution √

Biological evolution and the occurrence of

Section Ⅲ Steady state and regulation A B C
12. Internal environment and homeostasis of
human body
Material exchange between the internal and
external environment of the human body by

respiratory, digestive, circulatory and urinary
Physiological significance of homeostasis √
The function of neural and hormonal regulation

in maintaining homeostasis
Thermoregulation, balance of water and salt,

regulation of blood glucose
The role of the immune system in maintaining

body’s homeostasis
Prevention of HIV infection √
13. Physiological regulation in humans and
The structural basis of human nerve function √

Generation and conduction of nerve impulse √

Advanced functions of the human brain √

Regulation of animal hormones √

Application of animal hormones in agriculture √

14. Physiological regulation of plants

Structure and function of plant tissue √

Discovery of auxin √

Function and application of phytohormone

Section Ⅳ Organisms and their environment A B C

15. Population and community

Characteristics of populations √

Dynamics of populations √

Characteristics of community structure √

Community succession √

16. Ecosystem

The structure of ecosystems √

The principles of material circulation and energy

flow in ecosystems and their application
Information transmission in ecosystems √
The stability of ecosystems √
17. Protection of ecosystem

Impact of population growth on the environment √

Problems of global ecology √
Significance and methods of biodiversity

Principles and applications of ecological

Section Ⅴ A B C

18. Fermentation engineering

Preparation of culture medium and protection from

Isolation and culturing of microorganisms √

Determination of microorganism quantity √

Applications of microorganisms √

Production of traditional fermented foods √

19. Cell engineering

Tissue culture of plants √

Animal cell culture and somatic cell cloning √

Technology of cell fusion and monoclonal antibody

Development of animal embryos √
The theoretical basis of embryo engineering √

Transplantation of embryonic stem cells √

Applications of embryo engineering √

20. Genetic engineering

Principles and protocols of genetic engineering √

Applications of genetic engineering √
Protein engineering √

21. Safety and Ethics of Biotechnology

Safety of genetically modified organisms √

The threat of biological weapons to human beings √

Ethical issues in biotechnology √

Table 2 Experimental knowledge

Experiment area A B C
1. The oxidation of sugar, fat and protein in biological tissues √

2. Observation of various kinds of cells by optical microscopy √

3. Observation of the chloroplast and the flow of cytoplasm √

4. The study of permeability of biomembranes by simulation √

5. Observation of plasmolysis and restoration of plant cells √

6. The specificity and efficiency of enzyme catalysis and the

factors affecting enzyme activity
7. Extraction and separation of chloroplast pigments √

8. The effect of different environmental factors on photosynthesis √

9. Exploration of the breathing mode of yeast √

10. Observation of mitosis √

11. Investigating common genetic diseases in humans √

12. Exploration of the relationship between the emergence of

drug-resistant bacteria and the abuse of antibiotics
13. Comparison of the buffer capacity of water, buffer and

body fluid with pH variation
14. The effect of Ethephon on ripening fruits √
15. The effect of plant growth regulators on root development in

16. The richness of animal species in soil √

17. The dynamic change of yeast quantity in culture medium √

18. Design and construction of ecological bottles, observation
and comparison of the stability of ecosystems in different √
ecological bottles
19. Isolation and quantification of urea-degrading bacteria from

20. Isolation and culture of yeast √

21. Making yoghurt or pickle by lactic acid bacteria √

22. Making fruit wine and fruit vinegar by yeast and acetic acid

23. Extraction and identification of DNA √
24. DNA fragments amplified by polymerase chain reaction

(PCR) and identified by electrophoresis

III Test Format and Structure of the Test Paper

1. Test Format
Closed-book written examination
Time: 180 minutes
Total score: 300 marks
2. Structure of the Test Paper

Testing Type Number Scores Notes

Four marks for each correct

Multiple-Choice questions,
Section A 35 answer and 0 for each incorrect
single answer
answer. Total marks are 140.

Six marks for each question,
three marks for a partially
Multiple-Choice questions,
15 correct answer, and 0 for any
multiple answers
incorrect choice. Total marks
are 90.

Section B Free-response questions 4 Total marks are 70.

3. Proportion of Contents

Biological theory approx. 75%

Biological experiment approx. 25%

4. Ratio between the Levels of Difficulty of the Items

The test paper is composed of straightforward, medium and difficult questions and
problems in the ratio of approximately 3:5:2, respectively.

Ⅳ Sample Test Paper

Aptitude Scholastic Test


Section A Multiple Choice (Full marks 140 + 90 = 230)

Part I Single Answer (Full marks: 140; 4 marks each for questions 1-35)

Select one answer to each question from the choices available. You must write
your answers directly on the ANSWER SHEET. There is no extra time for you to
transfer these answers.

1. Which of the following descriptions of organic molecules in cells is correct?

A.The monomer of starch and glycogen is glucose.
B.Five different nucleotides are the monomers of an RNA molecules.
C.Proteins are composed solely of elements C, H, O and N.
D.The monomer of lipid is cholesterol.

2. Which of the following organelles in eukaryotic cells is not enveloped by a membrane?

A.Mitochondrion. B.Chloroplast. C. Ribosome. D. Lysosome.

3. A scientist cultures cells of carrot phloem to regenerate a carrot plant. The following figures
show the culture process. Which of the statements is incorrect?

A. The phloem cells in the root of the carrot plant in figure ① are totipotent.
B. Root cells cultured in nutrient medium in figure ② should become dedifferentiated.
C. The combinations of plant hormones in figures ③ and ② are different.
D. The plants in figures ④ and ① are genetically-identical.
4. Which of the following statements regarding cell life activities is correct?
A. There is no gene expression during the interphase of cell division.
B. A gene with the same function in two different species will have the same sequence.
C. Apoptosis is a controlled process that results from altered gene expression in cells.
D. The mutated genes that lead to cell carcinogenesis are normally highly expressed.

5. Which of the following substances has only one mode of transport into and out of cells?
A. Glucose B. Na+ C. H2O D. O2

6. Which of the following, when radiolabeled, is most suitable for detecting the duration of S
phase in the cell cycle?
A. Adenosine. B. Guanosine. C. Cytidine. D. Thymidine.

7. There are 4 pairs of chromosomes in fruit fly (Drosophila) somatic cells. How many kinds of
sperm cells with different chromosome combinations can be formed?
A. 8 B. 16 C. 32 D. 64

8. Which of the following physiological functions is not performed by human skin?

A. Excretion. B. Immune response. C. Thermoregulation. D. Gas exchange

9. Which of the following gas molecules does not bind to hemoglobin?

A. O2 B. N2 C. CO D.CO2

10. In which of the following groups do all substances contain the same elements?
A. Cellulose, Chlorophyll, Auxin. B. Protease, Lipase, Ribozyme.
C. Pyruvic Acid, Amino acid, Abscisic acid. D. Galactose, Glucose, Ribose.

11. Which statement about microbial isolation and purification is correct?

A. An autoclave breaks down cells using high pressure.
B. Bacterial colonies should be picked up as soon as possible after the inoculation ring is burned.
C. A small quantity of bacteria from a single colony should be picked-out when streaking for
D. The wetter the surface of the streaking plate, the more effective the technique.

12. Which of the following descriptions of features are characteristic of a typical plant mesophyll
A. Cell wall, chlorophyll, and flagella all present.
B. Cell wall, carotenoid, and vacuole all present.
C. Cell wall absent, but carotenoid and mitochondria present.
D. Cell wall absent, but chlorophyll and ribosomes present.

13.Which of the following is the correct reagent to identify the hydrolysate of the named substrate?
Choice Substrate of hydrolysis Reagent for identification of hydrolysates
A Starch Iodine solution
B Cellulose Fehling's solution
C Fat Sudan III stain
D Protein Biuret reagent

14. The diagram below shows the energy flow in an ecosystem (where W1 is solar energy fixed
by the producer). What following of the following descriptions are incorrect?

Primary consumers

A. The total fixed energy of the producer can be expressed as (A1 + B1 + C1 + A2 + B2 + C2).
B. The energy transfer efficiency from the first trophic level to the second one is (D1/ W1) ×
C. The energy flowing into primary consumers is (A2 + B2 + C2 + D2).
D. The diagram shows that the energy flow is characterized by unidirectional flow and gradual

15. Paper chromatography can be used to analyze the photosynthetic pigments in spinach. After
weighing spinach leaves, which sequence of experimental steps is correct?
1 Grind 2 Add CaCO3 3 Add quartz sand 4 Add ethanol 5 Filter
A. 1,3, 4, 5, 2. B. 3, 2,4, 1, 5.
C. 4, 1, 2, 5, 3. D. 2, 4, 1, 3, 5.

16. The photograph below shows the cross-section of a young stem of sunflower. The main transport
routes of some substances are listed in the table below. Which of these is correct?

Transport substance
K+ H 2O NO3- Amino acid Sucrose Auxin
A 1 1 1 1 2 2
B 2 2 1 1 2 1
C 1 1 2 2 1 1
D 2 2 2 1 1 1

17. The photosynthesis of a plant under conditions 1 and 2

is shown in the diagram. Which of the following is
A. Temperature 1 > 2; CO2 concentration 1 > 2.
B. Temperature 1 > 2; CO2 concentration 2 > 1.
C. Temperature 1 = 2; CO2 concentration 1 > 2.
D. Temperature 1 = 2; CO2 concentration 2 > 1.

18. Which of the following statements regarding homologous chromosomes is correct?

A. They are connected to the same centromere.
B. They have identical base sequences.
C. They separate at anaphase of mitosis.
D. They separate at the anaphase of the first meiotic division.

19. The formation of a peptide bond between methionine and another amino acid at the initiation of
translation is shown in the diagram. Which of
the following statements is correct?
A. The codon is located in the circular structure of tRNA.
B. Methionine is at position a in the figure.
C. This structure contains ribosomal RNA.
D. The sequence of amino acids in the peptide chain will be
changed by any alteration in the base sequence of the

20. Which of the following is the main genetic principle of cross-breeding?

A. Cell totipotency. B. Gene recombination.
C. Chromosome structural variation. D. Chromosome number.

21.Which is the key factor of S-type bacteria identified as the “transforming principle” in Avery's
experiment with pneumococci?
A.RNA B. DNA C. Protein D. Polysaccharide

22. Which of the following practices would not be considered to be a method of eugenics?
A. Genetic counseling. B. Prohibiting consanguineous marriage.
C. Advocating giving birth after the age of 40 D. Avoiding radiation during pregnancy.

23.a and b are two species of Drosophila (2n). The diagrams show the respective genomes
of the two species. Which of the following
statements is correct about the two species of Drosophila?
A. The meiosis of F1 produced by crossing a and b is normal.
B. a forms b by chromosomal chiasma.
a b
C. The sequence of genes on the chromosomes of a and b is the same.
D. Variation of chromosome structure can provide raw materials for biological evolution.

24. A research group used the root tip and pollen mother cells of a celery plant (2n = 22) as materials
and obtained the different images shown in the figures a and b. Which of the following statements
is correct?

a b
A. Figure a is an image of the metaphase the second meiotic division.
B. These images can be obtained without dissociation.
C. No chromosome number variation is found in figures a or b.
D. The chromosome synapsis is found in the figure a.

25. Gene mutation is the fundamental source of biological variation. Which of the following
statements regarding gene mutation is correct?
A. Gene mutation can produce new genes.
B. Gene mutations are all directed.
C. The frequency of gene mutation is very high in the natural state.
D. Gene mutation is beneficial to organisms themselves.

26.The genotype of an autotetraploid maize is Aaaa.
Some gametes formed by its abnormal association can Synapsis
also be fertilized to form offspring, as shown in the
diagram. Which of the following statements is correct?
A. The process shown in the diagram occurs at the
anaphase of the second meiosis.
B. Individuals with variable chromosome
numbers will be found in the selfing offspring.
C. The genotypes of grains on single ears of maize are the same.
D. After another culture doubling, the individual genotypes of the plant are homozygous.

27. Which of the following statements about cell engineering is correct?

A. PEG6000 is a cell fusion promoter, which can directly induce plant cell fusion.
B. Artificial seeds are prepared from protoplasts to promote germination.
C. Monoclonal antibodies can be obtained directly from myeloma cells by immunotherapy.
D. The mitochondrial DNA of cloned animals is from the donor mother.

28. In the carbon cycle of the biosphere, which is the main way for carbon to enter the biological
community from the inorganic environment?
A. The combustion of fossil fuels. B. The decomposition of decomposer.
C. The respiration of consumers. D. The photosynthesis of producers.

29. Which of the following substances is not polymerized from monomers?

A. Starch B. Glycerol C. Insulin D. tRNA

30. The shaded area in the diagram refers to the common characteristics of the four plants shown.
What are they?

A. Plants without seeds.

B. Plants without pericarps.
C. Plants with roots, stems and leaves.
D. Photosynthetic plants.

31. Which of the following animal activities is a learned behavior?
A. A cat catches mice. B. A parrot imitates the words of humans.
C. An ant carries food home. D. A rooster crows.

32. A plant fossil is identified as an angiosperm. Which of the following facts is the criterion for
its classification?
A. It has a vascular bundle. B. It has seeds.
C. It has pollen. D. It has an ovary wall.

33. A wheat coleoptile is exposed to unilateral light for several hours, as shown in the diagram.
Which of the following is the result?
A. It bends towards the light source.
B. It bends away from the light source.
C. It stops growing.
D. It grows vertically.

34. The diagrams below show the number and age of individuals in four different populations.
Which represents a declining population?

35.The diagram shows the subordination of ecosystem, community, population and individual.

Which of the following statements is correct?

A.a is the basic unit of biological evolution.

B.After reaching the environmental capacity, the quantity of b should not fluctuate.
C.c is composed of producers and consumers.
D.The diversity of d is affected by an inorganic environment.

Part II Multiple Answers (Full marks: 48; 6 marks each for questions 36-

Select ALL correct answers to each question from the choices available. You
must write your answers directly on the ANSWER SHEET. No extra time is allowed
for you to transfer these answers.

36. Which of the following cells do not contain Golgi apparatus?

A. Bacteria secreting extracellular enzymes. B. Ciliates that undergo phagocytosis.
C. Budding yeast. D. Mammalian red blood cell.

37. Which of the following are incorrect descriptions of protein structure and function?
A. All protein molecules contain 20 kinds of amino acids.
B. The amino acid composition of insulin is different in different species t.
C. The number of amino groups is always the same as that of carboxyl groups in a protein.
D. The covalent bonds connecting the amino acid residues in proteins are only peptide bonds.

38. Which structures in a living cell can be observed directly using a light microscope?
A. Mitochondria in oral epithelial cells. B. Nuclei in human red blood cells.
C. Chloroplast of rice leaves. D. Vacuoles of purple onion epidermal cells.

39. Which of the following hormones can increase the concentration of blood glucose?
A. Insulin. B. Adrenaline. C. Glucagon. D. Glucocorticoid.

40. Which of the following groups of substances require specific recognition and binding?
A. Enzymes and catalytic substrates. B. Hormones and receptors.
C. Antigen and antibody. D. Ribosomes and RNA.

41. The diagram represents a red-green colour-blindness family. The related genes are expressed by
XB and Xb. Human MN blood group gene is located on autosome and there are three genotypes:
LMLM (M type), LNLN (N type), LMLN (MN type). It is known that I-1 and I-3 are M type, and I-2 and
I-4 are N type. Which of the following statements is correct?

A. The genotype of II-3 may be LMLN XB XB.
B. The blood group of II-4 may be M or MN.
C. The probability of II-2 being a red-green color-blind gene carrier is 1/2.
D. The Xb carried by Ⅲ-1 may come from I-3.

42. In a randomly mating Drosophila population in the laboratory, 4% are black (determined by the
autosomal recessive gene b), and 96% are brown (determined by normal body color, B gene).
If the group reaches the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, which of the following statements is
A. The frequency of heterozygotes in the population is 0.32.
B. The frequency of B gene in the population is 0.04.
C. The frequency of genotype BB is 0.64.
D. If the black individuals are partially killed, the gene frequency of the population will still be

43. The diagram shows the construction process of a recombinant plasmid. The vector plasmid P0
tetracycline resistance (tetr) and ampicillin resistance (ampr) genes. The colonies containing
the target gene are screened on different antibiotic plates by photocopy transfer. Which of the
following statements is correct?

A. The P1 cut by EcoR V restriction enzyme has sticky ends.

B. P1 is treated with DNA ligase to obtain P2.
C. The terminal of the P2 vector contains base T.
D. The colony without tetracycline resistance may be the target colony.

44. Chloroplast DNA can guide the synthesis of partial proteins in the chloroplast itself. Which of
following statements are correct?
A. Chloroplast DNA can be transcribed.
B. Chloroplast DNA is a genetic material.
C. There are ribosomes in chloroplast.
D. Chloroplast function is not regulated by the nucleus.

45. Some students plan to set up an ecological bottle. Which of the following statements concerning
experimental steps are incorrect?
A. In the bottle, the organisms at different nutritional levels should be in right proportion.
B. The bottle does not need to be sealed after its set-up.
C. The bottle should be placed in direct sunlight.
D. Fresh air should be added to the bottle regularly.

46. The ring-necked pheasant was introduced to an island in the 1930s, its population increase
during 1937-1942 is shown in the table. Which of the statements are incorrect?
Year 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942
Population 25 46 208 440 770 1380
A. The environmental capacity (K value) for this population was 1380.
B. Intraspecific conflicts in the population increased with the population expansion.
C. During the period 1937-1942, the population increased in an "S" pattern.
D. One of the main reasons for the population expansion was the availability of sufficient food
and space.

47. Which experimental steps are correct in an experiment to "Explore the dynamic change of yeast
population in the culture medium"?
A. After the culture medium is treated with high temperature, the yeast should be added
B. After a coverslip is put on the counting room, yeast broth should be dripped to the edge of
the coverslip.
C. The sample solution of stationary phase should be diluted before counting.
D. When the yeast cells are on the boundaries of a small grid, only the cells on the upper and
lower boundaries should be counted.

48. Which of the following two species are mutualists?

A. Algae and fungi in lichens.
B. Dodder and morning glory attached by the dodder.
C. Ants and aphids in the ants’ care.
D. Legume and rhizobia in its roots.

49. Which of the following are correct statements about the application of plant hormones and
growth regulators?
A. NAA can be used to promote the rooting of cuttings.
B. Gibberellin (GA) can be used to promote rice growth.
C. Ethephon can be used to ripen tomatoes.

D. Abscisic acid (ABA) can be used to harvest cotton.

50. In order to efficiently express phytase encoded by filamentous fungi in yeast, the original
arginine codon CGG was changed to the yeast preferred codon AGA by genetic modification. Which
of the following statements are correct?
A. The amino acid sequence of phytase would be changed.
B. The phytase mRNA sequence would be changed.
C. The thermostability of DNA encoding phytase decreased.
D. The paired anticodon for yeast phytase is UCU.

Section B Free-response Questions (Full marks: 70;18 marks

each for questions 51 and 52; 20 marks for question 53; 14
marks for question 54)
Fill in the blanks or answer the questions according to the given diagrams. The
blanks are marked with a ▲, a ■, or a ★ respectively. A ▲ is worth 1 mark, a ■ is
worth 2 marks and a ★ 4 marks. You must write your answers directly on the blank
lines on the ANSWER SHEET. There is no extra time for you to transfer these

51. In the diagram, I and II are two organelles in plant cells, and a, b and c are three substances. Fill
in the blanks according to the diagram.

(1) Organelle I is a ▲ and II is a ▲ ; Gas a is ▲ and b is ▲ .

(2) In Organelle I, there are two types of pigments which absorb light energy, they are
▲ and ▲ .
(3) In Organelle I, Gas a is produced by decomposing ▲ , and Gas b is first immobilized
in the ▲ compound in the chloroplast.
(4) The photosynthetic product c is metabolised in the cytoplasm to form ■ which enters
Organelle II, and is completely oxidized by ■ pathway to produce a large amount of
(5) In Organelle II, ATP synthase is located in ■ .
(6) In structure and composition, Organelles I and II have two major characteristics in common.
They are ■ and ■ .

52. The following diagram shows the etiology of human sickle cell anemia. Fill in the
blanks according to the diagram.

(1) Compared with DNA, the specific base of mRNA is ▲ (write the abbreviation of
the base). In process A, the ▲ (enter "substitution" or "addition" or "deletion") of the
base pair results in gene mutation. In the diagram, the process of transcription is shown in
▲ (enter the letter "A" or "B" or "C" representing the steps in the diagram).
(2)It can be seen from the diagram that the codon determining valine is ■ . This case
shows that genes can directly control the traits of organisms by controlling the structure of
■ .
(3) Sickle cell anemia (SCD) is known as a single genetic disease. Almost all patients with the
genotype of HbSHbS die in childhood. The diagram shows (on the right) the red blood cells
of the HbS gene carrier (HbAHbS), which demonstrates that the HbS gene ▲ (enter "can"
or "can’t") be expressed in the heterozygote. There are at most ■ abnormal peptide
chains in one hemoglobin molecule in a heterozygote.
(4) In the middle of Africa, the distributions of theHbS gene and malaria are essentially consistent.
Compared with the individuals whose genotype is HbAHbA, HbAHbS individuals are more
resistant to Plasmodium falciparum, so the frequency of ■ genes in the malaria
endemic areas is higher than that in the areas without malaria. After artemisinin was used to
treat malaria patients in epidemic areas, the proportion of individuals with the genotype ■
(5) There is a normal phenotype couple. If the husband’s parents are both carriers, and the wife’s
sisters are all patients, the probability of this couple producing a sick boy will be ★ .

53. Cancer cells bind to PD-1 on the surface of T cells through high expressing PD-L1, which can
inhibit the activation of the T cell and escape from the attack of the T cell (as shown in Figure
1). Scientists have developed monoclonal antibodies against PD-1, which can effectively block
the PD-1/PD-L1 signal pathway between T cells and cancer cells and enable T cells to recognize
and attack cancer cells. A new method of immunotherapy was provided for cancer treatment (as
shown in Figure 2). Fill in the blanks in the following statements.

(1)The ribosomes that synthesize PD-1 protein in T cells shown in figure 1 are composed of
protein and rRNA, and are located in ▲ .
(2)T cells are formed by hematopoietic stem cells after ▲ and cell ▲ , and become
mature in the ▲ .
(3)Cytotoxic T cells can be activated after recognizing a tumor antigen, then proliferate and
differentiate into ▲ and ▲ under the action of cytokines secreted by ▲ .
(4) In Figure 2, the preparation of anti-PD-1 monoclonal antibody is shown. The mouse ①is
immunized by intraperitoneal injection with PD-1. After the anti-PD-1 antibody can be
detected in ▲ of mouse, the mouse spleen cells containing B cells are taken and fused
with ▲ .
(5)In Figure 2, the fused cells are cultured in HAT medium to obtain hybridoma cells that can
▲ and ■ .
(6)After the anti-PD-1 antibodies secreted by hybridoma cells are injected into the human body,
they can be transported by ■ and bind to ■ on the surface of T cells to
block the inhibitory effects of cancer cells on T cells.
(7)In order to effectively use the anti-PD-1 monoclonal antibody for human cancer treatment,
molecular engineering techniques are developed to generate anti-PD-1 antibodies in which
the murine sequences are partially or fully replaced by human protein sequences,because
★ .

54.To test water quality, water was sampled from industrial area A, residential area B and river
confluence C along the river (see the diagram).
(1) The analysis results of sample A and B are shown in the
Table. Answer following questions according to
the figure and the table.

Industrial area Residential district

Sample A Sample B

BOD5 (mgL-1) 20 100

Heavy metal (ppm) 30 0.01

Residual antibiotic(ugL-1) 0.1 50

1 What pollutants could cause a higher BOD in sample B than A? Please explain this


2 Residual antibiotics were detected in sample B. Where could the antibiotics arise from

and what would be the impact of residual antibioticson the ecosystem?

(2)In summer, samples were taken from different sites in area C, and the inorganic phosphorus
concentration, densities of phytoplankton and zooplankton were measured in the samples.
The data are shown in the figure. Answer the following questions according to the figure.
1 In the sampling sites P1 and P2, phytoplankton

species are very different although their cell
density is almost the same. From the perspective
of evolution, what is the reason for this
phenomenon? ■
2 The concentration of inorganic phosphorus in P2

is much higher than that in P1. However, the
density of zooplankton in P2 is lower
than that in P1, which of the following could
explain the lower density of zooplankton at site P2?

A. There are fewer species of phytoplankton that can be consumed by zooplankton at site P2.
B. The dissolved oxygen in water is higher at site P2.
C. There are more predators of zooplankton at site P2.
D. The concentration of toxic substances is higher at site P2.


acid n. 酸 adj. 酸的
amino n.(化学)氨基 adj. 氨基的
auxin n. [生化] 植物生长素;植物激素
anaphase n. (细胞分裂的)后期
abscisic 脱落的
adenine n. [生化] 腺嘌呤
apoptosis n. 细胞凋亡;细胞死亡
autoclaving n. [医] 高压灭菌法;高压蒸气养护
autotetraploid 自动增塑
angiosperm n. [植] 被子植物
adrenaline n. [生化] 肾上腺素
antigen n. [免疫] 抗原
arginine n. [生化] 精氨酸
antibody n. [免疫] 抗体
algae n. [植] 藻类;[植] 海藻
aphid n. [昆] 蚜虫
anticodon n. 反密码子
anemia n. 贫血;贫血症
artemisinin n. 青蒿素(抗疟药);青蒿提取物
biuret reagent 双缩脲试剂
biosphere n. 生物圈
bundle n. 束;捆
budding yeast 出芽酵母
carboxyl n. 羧基
covalent adj. 共价的;共有原子价的
chloroplast n. [植] 叶绿体
cytosine n. [生化] 胞嘧啶;胞核嘧啶
cellulose n. 纤维素;(植物的)细胞膜质
codon n. 密码子(遗传密码的单位)
chlorophyll n. [植][生化] 叶绿素
chromosome n. [遗][细胞][染料] 染色体
carcinogenesis n. [肿瘤] 致癌作用
carotenoid n. 类胡萝卜素
chromatography n. 色层分析;色谱分析法
centromere n. [遗] 着丝粒;[遗] 着丝点
consanguineous adj. 血缘的;血亲的;同族的
combustion n. 燃烧,氧化;骚动
chiasma n. 交叉;视神经交叉
coleoptile n. [植] 胚芽鞘
colorblindness n. 色盲
catalytic adj. 接触反应的;起催化作用的 n. 催化剂;刺激因素
cytoplasm n. [细胞] 细胞质

coverslip n. [光] 盖玻片
cytotoxic adj. [细胞] 细胞毒素的
cytokine n. [细胞] 细胞因子;细胞激素
drosophila n. 果蝇;果蝇属
dissociation n. 分解,分离;分裂
decompositionn. 分解,腐烂;变质
decomposer n. 分解体(分解已败死的原生质之有机体);分解器
diluted adj. 稀释的;无力的 v. 稀释(dilute 的过去分词);使减低(效果)
dodder n. 菟丝子
eukaryotic adj. 真核的,真核生物的
excretion n. 排泄,排泄物;分泌,分泌物
ethanol n. [有化] 乙醇,[有化] 酒精
extracellular adj. (位于或发生于)[生物] 细胞外的
enzyme n. [生化] 酶
epithelial adj. [生物] 上皮的;皮膜的
epidermal adj. [解剖][动] 表皮的;外皮的
ethephon n. [农药] 乙烯利;乙烯磷(一种植物生长调节剂)
etiology n. [病理] 病因学;[基医] 病原学;致病源
endemic n. 地方病
Fehling's solution 非林液;费林氏溶液
flagella n. 鞭毛;鞭节(flagellum 的复数)
filamentous adj. 纤维所成的;细丝状的;如丝的
fusion n. 融合;熔化;熔接;融合物;[物] 核聚变
fungi n. 真菌;菌类;蘑菇(fungus 的复数)
glycogen n. 糖原;动物淀粉
glucose n. 葡萄糖;葡糖(等于 dextrose)
gene n. [遗] 基因,遗传因子
guanine n. [生化] 鸟嘌呤(核酸的基本成分)
galactose n. [有化] 半乳糖
genome n. 基因组;染色体组
genotype n. 基因型;遗传型
grind vt. 磨碎;磨快
grid n. 网格;格子,栅格;输电网
gamete n. [生物] 配子,配偶子
germination n. 发芽;发生;伟晶作用
glucocorticoid n. [生化] 糖皮质激素
gibberellin n. [农药] 赤霉素
glutamate n. [生化] 谷氨酸盐;[生化] 谷氨酸酯
hormone n. [生理] 激素,荷尔蒙
homologous [生物] 同源的;类似的;一致的
hemoglobin n. [生化] 血红蛋白(等于 haemoglobin);血红素
hydrolysis n. 水解作用
hydrolysate n. 水解液;[生化] 水解产物

hybrid n. 杂种,混血儿;混合物 adj. 混合的;杂种的
hybridoma n. 杂种瘤;杂种细胞(细胞融合后形成的)
heterosynapsis n. 异型联会
homozygous adj. 纯合子的;同型结合的
heterozygote n. 杂合子;异形合子;[遗] 异质接合体
hematopoietic adj. 造血的;生血的
immunization n. 免疫
inoculation n. [医] 接种;接木;接插芽
immunotherapy n. 免疫疗法
immobilized adj. 固定化的
inorganic adj. [无化] 无机的;无生物的
insulin n. [生化][药] 胰岛素
intraspecific adj. [生物] 种内的
intraperitoneal adj. 腹膜内的
inhibitory adj. 禁止的,抑制的
lipid n. 脂质;油脂
lipase n. [生化] 脂肪酶;脂肪分解酵素
lysosome n. (细胞中的)[细胞] 溶酶体
lichen 青苔
legume n. 豆类;豆科植物;豆荚
membrane n. 膜;薄膜;羊皮纸
mutated 经受突变
mutation n. 突变;变化;元音变化
mitochondria n. 线粒体(mitochondrion 的复数)
mitochondrial adj. 线粒体的
mitochondrion n. [细胞] 线粒体 复数
mitochondria mesophyll n. [植] 叶肉
molecule n. [化学] 分子;微小颗粒,微粒
monomer n. 单体;单元结构
methionine n. 甲硫氨酸,蛋氨酸
microbial adj. 微生物的;由细菌引起的
monoclonal adj. 单克隆的;单细胞繁殖的
meiotic 减数分裂的
meiosis n. [细胞] 减数分裂;[遗][细胞] 成熟分裂
mutualist n. 相互关系,相关;亲密
mammalian adj. 哺乳类动物的 n. 哺乳类
malaria n. [内科] 疟疾;瘴气
molecular adj. 分子的;由分子组成的
nucleotide n. 核甘酸;核甘酸基
nucleic adj. 核的
nuclei n. 核心,核子;原子核(nucleus 的复数形式)
organelle n. 胞器;[细胞] 细胞器
ovary n. [植] 子房;[解剖] 卵巢
oxidize vt. 使氧化;使生锈 vi. 氧化

phloem n. 筛部,[植] 韧皮部
peptide n. 肽
protease n. [生化] 蛋白酶
pyruvic 丙酮酸的
purification n. 净化;提纯;涤罪
photosynthetic adj. [生化] 光合的;光合作用的
photosynthesis n. 光合作用
pigment n. [物][生化] 色素;颜料
pneumococci n. [微][基医] 肺炎双球菌
polysaccharide n. [有化] 多糖;多聚糖(等于 polysaccharid)
polymerized adj. 聚合的
pollen n. 花粉 vt. 传授花粉给……
promoter n. 催化剂
protoplast n. [细胞] 原生质体;原人;原物
pericarp n. 果皮
phagocytosis n. [细胞] 吞噬作用
pheasant n. 野鸡;雉科鸟
phytase n. 植酸酶;[生化] 肌醇六磷酸酶
polypeptide n. [生化] 多肽,缩多氨酸
plasmodium n. [无脊椎] 疟原虫;变形体;原形体;多核的原形质块 复数
plasmodia phytoplankton n. [植] 浮游植物(群落)
proliferate vi. 增殖;扩散;激增 vt. 使激增
phosphorus n. 磷 复数
phosphori 或 phosphoruses quartz n. 石英
regenerate vt. 使再生;革新 vi. 再生;革新
ribosome n. [细胞][生化] 核糖体;[生化] 核蛋白体
reagent n. [试剂] 试剂;反应物 复数
reagents radiolabeled adj. 放射性标记的 v. 用放射性同位素作标记(radiolabel 的
ribozyme n. 酶性核酸;核糖酶
ribose n. [有化] 核糖;核酸糖
ribosome n. [细胞][生化] 核糖体;[生化] 核蛋白体
ribosomal [生化]核糖体的, 核(糖核)蛋白体的
rhizobia n. [土壤] 根瘤菌
recombination n. 复合,再结合;[遗] 重组
ring-necked 环颈雉
residual adj. (数量)剩余的; (物质状态在成因消失后)剩余的,残留的; (实验
误差)舍去 的,残差的;(土壤)残余的
starch n. 淀粉;刻板,生硬 vt. 给…上浆
somatic adj. 躯体的;肉体的;体壁的
sperm n. 精子;精液;鲸蜡油
streaking n. 纹路,纹理;裸奔
sucrose n. [食品][有化] 蔗糖
synapsis n. 染色体结合,染色体联会;[解剖] 突触 复数

synapses stem n. 干;茎;船首;血统 sickle n. 镰刀
subordination n. 从属;附属;主从关系
synthesize vt. 合成;综合 vi. 合成;综合
spleen n. 脾脏
totipotent. adj. (细胞等)[生物] 全能的
thymine n. [生化] 胸腺嘧啶
trophic adj. 营养的;有关营养的
thermoregulation n. 温度调节
unidirectional adj. 单向的;单向性的
unilateral adj. 单边的;[植] 单侧的;单方面的;单边音;(父母)单系的
vacuole n. [细胞] 液泡;[地质] 空泡
vascular adj. [生物] 血管的
valine n. [生化] 缬氨酸
wetter n. 湿润剂;(印刷前纸张的)湿润工
totipotency n. [生物] 全能,[生物] 全能性(等于 totipotence)
tetracycline n. [药] 四环素(抗生素的一种)
thermostability n. [热] 热稳定性;耐热性
yeast n. 酵母;泡沫;酵母片;引起骚动因素
zooplankton n. 浮游动物


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