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Refutation (Counterargument) Exercise

When writing a persuasive paper, your argument will be much stronger if you identify an opposing
argument (counterargument) and explain why that argument is less effective. It is important to
reveal the flaws of the counterargument in order to strengthen your own claim (thesis). This is
called refuting an argument, or refutation.

Some common mistakes when refuting include:

∙ Stating an opposing argument without saying why it is less effective. This will only
weaken your claim!
∙ Being too general, like “…and that argument is less effective because it is wrong.” ∙
Refuting an argument other than the one you have stated in your paper.

Teenagers should be given more homework, so they are prepared for college
Increasing homework for teenagers does not improve their chances for success in college. In fact, the
added homework will actually prevent teenagers from getting sufficient sleep, something that is beneficial to
student success.
According to Stanford Medicine, sleep deprivation will increase the likelihood that teens will suffer myriad
negative consequences, including an inability to concentrate, poor grades, drowsy-driving incidents,
anxiety, and depression” – none of which promote success.

Your Turn: Practice refuting these reasons:

1. A school uniform should be implemented so there is less time wasted on enforcing a
dress code.


2. The school day should be shortened because more time in school does not increase the
quality of learning.


3. The school should abolish all organized sports and put all money into music because it
has been proven that students involved with music are more successful in school.


Answer the following questions: 1) What is the purpose of addressing the opposing
viewpoint (counterargument)? 2) How do you refute an argument?
Source: Adapted from

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