Lesson Evaluation Ballena Mod. 2

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H1: there is no statistical difference between the different martial status in terms of their

life satisfaction
H0: there is a statistical difference between the different martial status in terms of their life

Single In A Relationship Married with children Widowed

12 10 20 19
17 15 18 16
14 17 16 10
19 11 10 12
11 18 20 15
13 14 15 18
6 15 18 19
15 16 17 20
20 13 19 16
18 20 16 17

mean 15.625
median 16

Results 1.07 < 2.86, therefore we accept the null hypothesis

1. What is the research question of the study based on
the data analysis performed?
Is there a significant difference in the overall rating of different
martial staus in terms of their life satisfaction

2. What is the research design of the study

based on its objective?
The research design based on the objectives is
Descriptive Research

3. What type of data do you have?

Symmetric Data:

4. Based on the type of data you have, is ANOVA the

best statistical tool for such data, why?
Yes, because it is helpful for testing three or more variables
compared to t-test which can only handle two groups.
Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Single 10 145 14.5 18.0555556
In A Relationship 10 149 14.9 9.43333333
Married &w/ Children 10 169 16.9 8.76666667
Widowed 10 162 16.2 10.1777778

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 37.475 3 12.49167 1.07609476 0.371454 2.86626555
Within Groups 417.9 36 11.60833

Total 455.375 39

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