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OGL340 – 2022 Fall B Session

Module 4: Discussion Board 4.1 – H.E.A.R

Prompt #1: Describe your ability to utilize the H.E.A.R. Model (or the difficulty you had using it).

I had my partner (husband) read the H.E.A.R. Model pdf. As we discussed the event, we made sure to
reference the pdf, to confirm that we didn’t miss a step. Reviewing the model made it easy to use.

Prompt #2: Describe the difference between using H.E.A.R. and not using H.E.A.R.

When we did not use H.E.A.R, I forgot to ask my partner additional questions. I missed some valuable
information compared to when I used H.E.A.R, I asked additional questions and uncovered valuable

Prompt #3: Were you able to identify the EVENT? Were you able to identify the other person's
REACTION? Describe the EVENT and the REACTION.

The EVENT was the lack of schedule for the construction being done for our home. We sold our beautiful
home at the end of August and moved to a fixer upper. Since then, we have been in construction mode.
Unfortunately, life events and materials that take weeks to arrive have caused us to jump from room to
room never truly completing one room. My husband would like for us to create a Ghant Chart to capture
our schedules for each room to make sure we at least complete one room at a time.

My husband was surprised that I truly heard what he said and that I committed us to sit down and
create a Ghant Chart. We scheduled this Friday at 9:00 a.m. we will devote time to work together to
create out schedule.

Prompt #4: Describe how successfully or unsuccessfully your partner used the H.E.A.R. Model.

My partner was very successful in using the H.E.A.R. Model. I had him read the pdf before we got started
and he went back to review as I told him my event.

Prompt #5: Identify William Ury's 3 Most Important Reasons to Listen

1. Understand - Helps us understand the other side.

2. Connect - Helps us connect with the other person/side.
3. Get to Yes - The other person/side is more willing to listen to us.

Prompt #6: Connect a personal experience to each of those 3 Most Important Reasons to Listen. Your
experience may be a time when either you successfully or unsuccessfully made use of that reason.

There have been times when I had already assumed why the other side was behaving badly. When I
listened to their explanation and asked questions, I understood them and dropped my assumptions.
Because I understood, I was able to connect with a similar experience. As I explained my experience,
they listened to what I said.

Prompt #7: Identify at least one additional insight from Ury's Video that you find interesting or
pertinent or useful. Be sure to explain why you find it interesting, pertinent, or useful.
I found it interesting that when you are listening, the spotlight should be on the person with the event.
You as a listener are not the spotlight, instead you are responsible for getting to yes.

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