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Reflection Paper

Women’s studies started since people recognized that there are oppressions within the

communities, within the societies. It studies the sexual violence against women, women’s

rights, etc. Yet, people, especially in Myanmar, do not know what the women’s issues

actually is. For instance, most people do not know what sexual harassments are. Even in the

academic community, some still think that is good for fun. Women themselves think that it is

normal. The comedians mostly use that kind of sexual harassments to make people laugh.

That kind of jokes spread throughout the whole country and it influence people’s thought.

Moreover, as the patriarchy culture is practiced in this country, men thinks they have the

authority to control over the family and especially to their wives. Beating and torturing to the

wives can be seen around us. There is a Burmese saying, . Women are losing their rights.

Thus, women’s issues are needed to study again to liberate them. There are various views

concern with women’s issues. There are biological views, psychological view, sociological

view, anthropological view, genetic views. However, it does not means everything is solved.

Women’s studies are done by women mostly. There are discrimination among men

themselves. There are misinterpretation of masculinity. People often said, “If you are a man

you must treat like a man. You must drink alcohol, you must have the ability to beat others.”

And our society accepted, “women must treat like a woman”. Most people blame upon Gays

and lesbians in our society. Some make body shaming. Thus gender studies and giving

awareness is needed in our country as it started in the west.

There are many theological disciplines that solve women’s issues. On my opinion,

this is one of the liberation theologies. When we read the bible, the context of the biblical

time was male dominance and women as subordinate context. Thus, it is important not to be a

male bias theology in doing a theology. Although, there are many stories that raise the role of

women in the bible, some theologians marginalize it. If we cannot change that kind of
theology, women will lose their rights in both physical and spiritual within the society.

Moreover, our theology must be a theology that liberate a person’s life. It must base on action

reflection. The things that we encounter in life is the reflection of our theology. This

approach comes from the struggle or suffering of a person’s life. Thus, if we want to oppress

and marginalize women’s role and their rights, that is not Godly way. That cannot reach to

the same value that God gives to us. We must revise western theology that influence upon us.

We must read the texts from our culture, our context, our hardships and theologize. God

speaks to human beings in human fashion. We can apply our theology by storytelling, Bible-

centered drama, dance, song, preaching and action in ways that are genuinely inclusive of the

experiences of women. Whatever the form of the proclamation, the goal is to keep alive the

freeing truth of the "Good news" of the full human dignity of all persons, especially women,

and of the intrinsic value of all of creation.

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