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Latin America – comprised of different regions such as the Caribbean Islands, Mexico, and Central and
South America

CONVERSATION (CALL AND RESPONSE)- A performance of voice interaction as an answer to the first

Improvisation- Nonscripted ways of singing which allow for sincere conversation

Voice as instrument- Manipulation of freely controlled piece where they can change the tone of voice,
tempo, moods, range and power

Instrument as voice- Instrument serves as “singer” along with the performer

Maracatu- A ceremony of the Coronation of the Black Kings in 1674 in Recife.

baque or toque- is considered as the rhythmic pattern used in maracatu.

Toada- is the singing part of maracatu.

Blues- Gave birth to rock and roll, and rhythm and blues.

Soul- Combines the basics of rhythm and blues, gospel music.

Spiritual- Kind of music that always has a Christian or religious theme.

Call and response- Sequence of 2 different phrases usually played by two or more musicians.

Cumbia- similar to salsa

Tango- It is a passionate kind of dance that shows expression and connection, and is performed in a
traditional or modern style.

Chacha- Ballroom dance with fast basic pattern of 3 steps with a shuffle

Bossa nova- Derived from samba, original Brazilian music

Paso doble- Spain’s traditional couple dance. Played in bull fighting.

Reggae- Jamaican from of music with strong accented and supplementary beats.

Rumba- Originated from Cuba. Has percussive rhythm and a combination of Cuba’s musical and dance

Foxrot- Ballroom dance of two quick-slow steps and two quick steps

Jazz music- A type of music of African American origin. Started in early 20th century with syncopated
beats, improvised sounds, and a regular and forceful rhythmic pattern.

RAGTIME JAZZ-A popular American music in 1890 – 1915. Has steady syncopation and melody with a
two-four time signature.

BIG BAND JAZZ- Uses ragged rhythm which is syncopated in beat and performed in a larger group.
BEBOP- Performed by smaller group. Focus for solo musician to show brilliance and harmonic
knowledge. Start of the transition from pop music to music is an art.

JAZZ ROCK- Sometimes called as jazz fusion. Funk and R&B combined.

Popular music- An ample and imprecise category of modern music not defined by artistic considerations
but by its potential audience or prospective market.

Ballad- light, simple narrative poem of folk origin, composed of short stanzas and adapted for singing

Rock and Roll- - Simple melodies with accented beats. Combination of white country music, rhythm and
blues and it is of 12-bar structure.

Alternative music- A do-it-yourself type of music. Expressed by distorting the guitar sound in different
and defiant attitude.

Disco- Derived from the word “discotheque” which refers to nightclubs people frequent in the 1960s-

Technology-based art- transformations in the realm of art

Nam June Paik- One of the first artists to devote time and work with new technologies.

Computer/digital art- -Art that make use of a computer

Mobile phone art- one of the most sought-after gadgets of the digital camera market

Computer generated images (CGI)- any image that is created with the use of a computer-based
processor or program

Digital photography- - point-and-shoot and digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) camera photography

Point-and-shoot cameras- also called as compacts

Video games- A kind of digital, visual, and interactive experience.

Basic sequence of a game design

1. Conceptualize the story of the game

2. Create a story board, rough sketches of all the characters, as well as the dialogue, action, and
3. Attend the details of the game, and everything else is about its “universe”
4. Organize these concepts into something like a program or script that contains everything about
your game.
Digital imaging- The art of creating images through the use of a digital camera

Digital painting- An emerging art from where new technologies and processes such as digital paint

Videos- A medium for a host of moving images.


Power walking- adding more power and increasing speed in walking

Half marathon walking- executing power walking to the extent that longer time is needed for more

Race walking- competitive form of walking and does not require greater speed

Treadmill walking- alternative way of walking exercise

RICE- Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevate



Asana yoga- It is a body position that literally means “posture” which is “seat”, usually related to the
practice of yoga where the purpose is to establish and promote well-being and develop flexibility.

Static stretching- Safest form of stretching

Ballistic stretching- Muscles are stretched suddenly in a forceful bouncing movement

Dynamic stretching- Movements of joints through the range of motion used in specific physical activities

Flexibility- ability of the joints, Muscles, and surrounding tendons to move freely as intended for a full
range of motion

Strength training (weight training)- A kind of strength training which helps develop the needed strength
and the size of skeletal muscles with the use of equipment.

Rep- one complete movement of exercise

Rest- The amount of time given between sets and/or workout days

Set- Involves a number of exercises or a group of repetitions without stopping

Exhaustion or Fatigue- Point of which you cannot perform another repetition in a correct form of
Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 (RA 10354)- guarantees universal access
to methods of contraception, fertility control, sexual education, and maternal care

Responsible parenthood- considered as natural outcome of marriage

Family planning- is a program that provides information and a means for couples and individuals to have
the desired number of children that they can responsibly raise

Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003 (RA 9211)- regulating smoking in public places, tobacco advertising,
promotion and sponsorship, and sales restrictions, among other requirements

Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 (RA 9165)- a policy imposed by the government to deal with the state’s

problem with illegal drugs, particularly how it affects the youth.

CONSUMER ACT (RA 7394)- national policy which is aimed to protect the interest of the consumers and
buyers of products and services

National Environment Awareness and Education Act of 2008 (RA 9512)- promotion of environmental
awareness through environmental education

Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act of 1997 (RA 8423)- aims to promote and provide affordable
and effective traditional and alternative medicinal methods to Filipinos

Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998 (RA 8504)- This law was created to promote public
awareness about the following issues related to HIV/aids

NATIONAL BLOOD SERVICES ACT OF 1994 (RA 7719)- an act promoting voluntary blood donation,
providing for an adequate supply of safe blood, regulating blood banks, and providing penalties for
violations thereof

SEAT BELTS USE ACT OF 1999 (RA 8750)- requires the mandatory compliance by motorists of private
and public vehicles to use seat belt devices and requires vehicle manufacturers to install seat belt
devices in all their manufactured vehicles

Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 (RA 10175)- a law which is aimed at addressing legal issues
concerning online interactions and the internet in the Philippines

Anti-child Pornography Act of 2009 (RA 9775)- an act defining the crime of child pornography,
prescribing penalties therefore and for other purposes

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