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Cavded ; A P20 422,45499, "Qst y® ., was 3 Qe yy nats eh 08S —— 4, x O-001%2 _ 2-054¢m7% 2 Cadel si la pendieay fora dable, oe reer sats Xp, 3, A= oie * on x(o-o0 3)” ~ 2 qaee my Enheces Ags F : aces Or Reais 24129 2.054 - Ov e539 aie Escaneado con CamScanner - Destcmponemos la seaoa - * Seuien Hrwng ules: 4 34 0-495 2S 0 Spee swe za 2 (0.4895) fay = 2.1802, "angular * Ags 4, ASK OUEIT= 0695 mb x Pas biey = ox oueys 2 0-49 5m ® Seaion semicirwlar: Come la sence eski llega Assi ete sr lo.agey2= 14a 22m? Mite geloeaes? m onqas) = 3. 063m D A=4r+A2 Age 2°4132 mb Der Ht 4P3= 6-.2133m * R= 420.44 43m P La veloudod media see Ue y Ved pt 5-1 0M y 0.00075 "*- 1096 m/s Mi ~ 0.018 = El cavdal que Yeanspola a who Ilene seca": Q= Av = 2.4182x 4. 1026 = 3 UNG mde Escaneado con CamScanner tte Oude : Ore 88m = Trane Coler Q:7 ha 0-014 Sz 4k Y= 1.83 Colules : x As r(o9 xp ‘ ' > Ato semiarwl > 2,452? m Nols 2 fy > M2 por semeayonte => A= DisRo den 9,0554m* iia Pe A +Py Oss 4,864m x ?, BF Ane = 0+ 4580m * AZ= O.Mome % 2 > ans > o.4sz0m El coda Beat; Qa4 Ss “ mB St 0559)" (cau Oo y Taseays™ Co.cay?_ *roeag ont Escaneado con CamScanner 1, ss : Prde: 3=7 =0-0r O= 2.44m Yr 180m Q= 201m > Qz1¥ a” git > h he (2.u4)"y oSns > 3,04S2 m* a — G7 48122 —> P= Qa yg 6122-4, 4242 m Suslhyendo en Zz; is S= |] 3-013x 0. 013x wu2ye = 0.00027 = O.23¢ 3) 045 2 2B Escaneado con CamScanner Ese. k% 13 —+ Deloo +4 Sa pede N20.025 by v My=0.9Om 4 [o- Z=425m 43: “Szo.0eod b-—b —“ Qs 2,2605 "7/5 Escaneado con CamScanner Ae MM despegec "Ay "Pde Ie ecuodon de Mannteg 2 (Ba oa ae Paso ura seceton Irapeastdal, se cumple: Az (biy)y Pebt ayVara Az (bs La5(0.9\ (0-4) P= b+ 20.9) V4, nae! Az 0.4 + 40425 p= brace ar Susktoyendo en I 5 2b + {0428 3 lot 408) 4 5605 vo (b+ seem)? 0.0012 = 6.4165 > Por tanto, lonernoe: b=4.8839m 4 Glealames A Az 0-9 (4.8634) + 4.0126 Az 2.40 Com? © 00 81,6839 m 5> (cleslomes v Vz 2. 868m/5 v2 9)p v20.868 "Js Problema 44 > Dates Penoltente paredess 3 vertical 2 hort2unlal + Se grde @ ba 0.95m v= 009 m/s, n0.025 $20,003 3: <4 9-95 mA 132% A> De la ecvadidn de Manning porta la veloctlad 4 Ys Me Vv; ae Ss & (xa) @ I= Teramos ge ura secefe’ trapesotdal Donde Az (b 4 2y)y ps bt ay var ae As (v.95 + 3y)y PS 0-95 4 ay Ty (9)? Ds (0.954 a.cety)y P= 0-95 + 2.4034y Tenemos que RA AL, (0.984 o-6cciy)y ° 0-984 a.4037y Reemplazantle en (0.985 + o.6c64y)y 0-954 2.4034, = 0.08655 Por lonleo fenmos gue ys VR OTF Br Susltlemes poco hillac “AY A= (oss Sonny last Az 0.605 m* 4 Hallimos eb coocled @ Av Gs 0.5148 m |e Q= 574.8 Ips, Problema 15 Dales > & pide T3981 X al propunel*za¢ b= 0-500 zed N29.025 Qe 613 Ines 0.54a™"),, 1.28m i ot K os9en4 Canal frvekli 1e Céllesle de y Tz btddy 4-98 20.93 ai) Y=0.54m 2 Giles de S As (btay)y pebtoVqew 'y Ass + 4[0-54) |o.5% pa oes alo. (2) A= 069976 m2 P= 24244 Despafonde "S” deb de Menntng 7 coral Al propundléaac j-— 1.90m Qs 20.513 Gxo0.6166 5 3> Céleub de “6” Ta bt22ix 0.9 =b4 24) x b= 09-2 ... (X) H> De la eevacton de Memning tenemos: a (Sa) (a) p2 sv Dende tenemesy al templezas b Az (biayy ps b+ %4J Ie Az (09-24 + 0.54 +x)(0-844%) P=0.9~2x + 2V%(o.S¥4x) As (444 >e)( 0.64 +x) 22.4274 40,620% 5 Susleletmos en Th 5 (1-44 =: 5 3 foratlfanee (2.42744 0.9264)” Vo.007 = 0.4153 Toe tealeo, fenemey que: X=O. 332m oo Se puede popneltace el canal en 0. 332m Prolema 46- aDales Se pide v 4= De b evade de Moning, lenemas. AP (Qn \° eG) Im Pera el Kea y perimelio lenemes Az 4. 2 24, A eno) D =7e@D Az0.405 (9 -sen @) P= 0090 3 Reemelazands ew T 7 0.9" @? 0.0008” o44os*(@- Sene)* (: v 0.015 ) = 22,4403 Para expresat en grodee (c.0735¢ - seng)* [Sse 22.4403 0.0175" G (9.01756-seng)> = 0.00684 2 Por tanteo: 9-472, @5° 4- Sustttoyendo para belles el drea A=0.405(6 - sen 0) Ax 4.1958 m> S= Hellarnes "wv v= @/p V= 0.8363 "/5 Bowciod Dies. q “" O= 78m mele ve? Sostideyendo valores ee (o-4os (0~. Sie)? (6 -Souo)? ee S506 fo X0-00 - , “° ie 0+ 30787 = echo} a +e (a ewvacton de| famines © a gridas Jexag esimales Hanning. Sore. 8 Qe 7 o-017s*6* 4 ie pe toe _ —_ —_ 4 Ge @= 112-36" o a Sustityyonds on Le oronla del aveer Ae. Pe we =)! poorwes & one! fue) » De ladabla 17 def Hepoc Se ~ ene: yap “ 5 Calwlamos “V" Ae £(0-bno)o? = 13° (6 Sut) -0905(8 a) ve ae a A Vn — (2 $99 = £orrs) = O78 eeciuo 7 - ~ Seuverow —— Susftlyendo valores Yates a 578 b Ginalrecfungvlar Oe (era roo = 10-8465 be o 5* 12%. % o-c012 [ren in Sectors Teinwonma “ SE Vin A=? ay? = 0-0, e Deane Pes canal TPaangslar oy =2vey De la eweu, v = | 4: Ye-VES8 x cor" 3653 x 0-014 ae ea 3-007 Jo-BVESE 80-077 yas ( emesis voor? Eivacton de tanning ve 673- 877074 -1,f7245% --- sqorcitto 19 Soweiord Laas ~ Secctoa de Heiner efieterciey hideaw her ~ &= 46s (talus) “QE 235 mK Caudal) A O-org ~S=7%, © 0-007 ~ye? * Ree Se om canal ‘fopesciclel rey : P2Un -e) Pr 10s) b = 0.5583 4 = osseey ~~~ (1) eve ef reskin hidravico se cauple Wee + ----t2) Encoatvames el aa hidvevices A> (beep Az Co-ssagy tresy)y A= P 208yy?- --- (3) Ve lacuator de Kay Q *£lae.s*) Hy) » Keenplesande Valores en ba ewacios “Y” % 1 2. 22L (2-d05g,2y( Y)F(0-cor 3s ‘sani VAD) ) 235 x 00/74 2 ybyd = HOE Beet ee D B. 07974 ~> Vou? Y~ = O- 3967 ? Keemplseanes y en twos “3 lz 22083 (0 “8069)? vw :2 ve y2_2asnis TFime Seevelon Lawes = #506 > o45m% S£02%. ¥ 0.0002 (165-04) shes fs + Glolamey Ase SI fhe Coy ee a Beeeer Ar (les tite2)o2 Ar = © 24m2 fe bv arrer'y Juz 125 42 7472 "(02) fre C81S¢m - Glolames A, pe beh Betti ses 5 as 290? xh 2cres) fee som + Giltdames fg rn, toe or fa-(otyy pee eee [32 (TES-%)X 22 -* “Gucntames Ay P Hi 02m? + 24n® € LES-r)X Ae states nx ~----C1) ay 3/53 42-50 t2VE-X 4 3757 1 2-8289x -——C2) a Avcanci de [lenny oe * Ge) erarcresai, - (Sissy? C6308) om2Byx)= Temes $i _ 0+ 4073 OF 3157 #282095)" Frevchdade por kanteo CSmoolap) pre 21343 I Seityendo Vuloes en ef cieg. . 319 #C16S ~2: 74343) 2-74343 Ale 27324 m2 » Encontames V - B vee ' ys 0: P50% 2738 me V=0-358/7m/s

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