Focus3 2E Test Unit4 GroupB 2kol

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Test Unit 4

Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____
Total: ___/50
LISTENING 3 Complete the sentences with the
words in the box. There is one extra
1 TRACK 5 Listen to four speakers. word.
For sentences A–E choose Speaker
1–4. Put a [X] in the right place in the home-made maple boil
table. There is one extra sentence. alarming catering salty
unripe waste
A The speaker is encouraging people My grandmother makes home-made
to learn about cooking. soup with lots of vegetable in it.
B The speaker helped to cook a
meal. 1 The industrial ____________ coming
C The speaker has been on a out of local factories is polluting our
cookery course. rivers.
D The speaker is comparing cuisines 2 I’ve just read some __________ statistics about the
from different countries. number of overweight children in this country.
E The speaker explains how people
can save money while shopping. 3 The __________ industry is always looking for
experienced chefs who can run a busy restaurant.
4 The mangoes are still ____________.
You shouldn't eat them until next week.
5 I love natural ____________ syrup that
_____/4 comes straight from the trees.
4 Complete the sentences with the
2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two extra
missing words. The first letters have words.
been given.
if as soon as unless before
It’s much easier to make sandwiches with
sliced bread than having to cut the bread I can prepare something if you are
yourself. hungry.
1 If you eat f___________ foods like 1 We'll have to cancel the picnic
cakes and ice cream all the time you __________ the weather improves.
will certainly gain some weight.
2 Can you do the washing-up
2 This t___________ soup is convenient __________ you go out? I don’t want
to heat up, but it has far too much salt the dirty dishes sitting around all
in it. evening.
3 Do you buy g ___________ black
after as soon as until if
pepper or do you buy whole
3 I’m going to eat this chicken
4 This restaurant serves a delicious __________ nobody else wants it.
t___________ c___________ meal
including a starter, a main dish and a 4 I’m going to eat this chicken
dessert. __________ nobody else wants it.

5 The s___________ salad is small enough 5 Take the biscuits out of the oven
that you can eat it with your meal and __________ they look nice and golden.
not get too full. If you leave them longer they will burn.

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)
Test Unit 4
Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____
Total: ___/50
5 Complete the sentences with the someone else eating it. It looked
correct form of the verbs in brackets. disgusting. You would think a new
Use the Future Continuous or the restaurant would at least try to serve
Future Perfect.
good food, 5___? I can tell you that we
You can call me very early tomorrow. I won’t be going back there again, and
will be having (have) breakfast at 6 I’m sure they won’t last long unless
o'clock. they improve their cooking!

1 I've ordered a couple of cookery books A has opened B was opening

but they __________________ (not / C had opened
arrive) by Monday. 1 A texture B cuisine C consumption
2 What __________________ (you / do)
at 9 o'clock tonight? 2 A bill B recipe C order

3 I promise I __________________ 3 A ripe B fresh C rotten

(finish) by noon and then I'll go to the
market. 4 A until B after C unless

4 I'm afraid we __________________ 5 A didn’t you B don’t you

(not / wait) for you at the airport but
C wouldn’t you
Jane will be there.
5 __________________ (he / write) a _____/5
cookery book by the end of the year? 7 Choose the correct option.
X: What's your favourite fruit?
Y: I like mangoes, but my favourite are
A grapes B carrots C biscuits
6 Choose the correct option.
1 X: Is there anything else to remember
AT AN ITALIAN RESTAURANT about this recipe?
Y: Don't forget to add the extra cheese
Last Friday my girlfriend and I went to a
new Italian restaurant which C the week __ there are just 5 minutes left.
before. We both love Italian 1__ so we A before B when C after
were looking forward to visiting it.
2 X: ___
When we got there, the restaurant was Y: No, but I can ask the chef if you like.
almost empty, but we still got probably the
worst table in the place, right next to the A Can I get a vegetarian dish?
toilets. And I'm sure the waiter forgot all B Could you tell me if the chef is a
about us, because we waited almost 30
C Do you know if this dish is suitable for
minutes for him to take our 2__ . vegetarians?
Then things went from bad to worse. 3 X: Do you think I should eat special
My girlfriend chose a green salad and I foods in order to improve my health?
decided to try their pizza. When the Y: No, you just need to eat a ___ diet.
salad arrived, the spinach was so old it Right now you eat too much meat and
seemed to be 3__ , and my pizza was hardly any fruit or vegetables.
burnt. We were going to have some
A balanced B heavy C light
tiramisu for dessert 4__ we saw

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)
Test Unit 4
Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____
Total: ___/50
4 X: I have to talk to your teacher A Obesity rates are going up in all
tomorrow, Jill. European countries.
Y: He doesn't have any classes B There isn’t enough food labelling to
tomorrow morning. He __ our tests in tell people what they are eating.
the staff room until 11 o’clock, but he’ll C Our diet and lifestyles are causing
be free afterwards. more of us to become obese.
A will correct B will be correcting
2 In the text, the writer is
C will have corrected
A explaining why America has the
5 X: Do you like cauliflower?
Y: I don’t mind it when it’s __ , but it highest obesity rates.
smells disgusting after you cook it. B encouraging people to eat a more
balanced diet.
A sour B raw C ripe
C blaming fast food sellers for the
_____/5 rise of obesity.
These days, people have less time to
8 Read the texts. For questions 1–4
create meals from fresh ingredients. We
choose the correct option A–C. know that it would be better for us but
Text 1. THE GROWING PROBLEM OF we also know that pre-cooked or frozen
meals are quick and tasty. Unfortunately,
they are also full of calories and contain
Obesity levels in western countries are unhealthy levels of salt and sugar. That’s
rising fast. In the United States, obesity why Mini-Mise is such an important new
rates have more than doubled in the last 30 product. Unlike most diet pills, Mini-Mizs
years from about 14.5% to over 30%. don’t make you feel full and they don’t
Some people think that over half the provide you with vitamins or minerals that
population will be obese within a few you may be lacking. They don’t need to.
years. In Britain, around 20% are obese, They allow you to eat all the food that you
the largest percentage in Europe. This is want but they then destroy the salt, sugar
mainly because we eat more but also and fat in the blood. They have been
because we get less exercise. Although recommended by nutritionists and
food labeling shows us the number of doctors as a way to improve our health.
calories we are consuming, we don’t Mini-Mise means you can lose weight
seem to take any notice. However, we without worries – and all for the price of a
should because obesity reduces our life large burger and fries a day!
expectancy and causes many other health
problems. We need to alter our eating 3 The text has been written to
habits and eat more fresh products and A persuade people to buy a diet
less packaged food. We should cut down product.
on salt, sugar and fat and cut out certain B warn people that they should eat
things, such as fizzy drinks and crisps, less.
which have no nutritional value at all. C criticise unhealthy, ready-made
1 Which of these does the speaker say is
a problem?

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)
Test Unit 4
Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____
Total: ___/50
4 According to the text, A banning the consumption of food in
A you don’t need to reduce the public places.
number of calories you consume. B forcing food producers to cut down on
B other diet pills are not unhealthy ingredients in their products.
recommended by experts. C the possible effect of any government
action to control supermarkets.
C the tablets can give you all the
goodness and vitamins that you used to
get from food. WRITING

Text 3. Who is in charge? 9 Do the exam task.

We all know that obesity levels are rising W czasie wakacyjnego pobytu w
and that people are eating the wrong Wielkiej Brytanii zobaczyłeś/zobaczyłaś
ogłoszenie dotyczące nowego
things. We also know that, when
programu kulinarnego w lokalnej
governments want to act, they can. You telewizji. Napisz e-mail do producentów
only have to look at the laws to stop programu.
smoking in public places and the tax
increases which have made smoking 1 Napisz, gdzie zobaczyłeś/zobaczyłaś
ogłoszenie, i wyraź chęć wzięcia udziału
much less popular than it was. The w programie.
same results could be achieved by similar 2 Uzasadnij, dlaczego producenci powinni
taxes on fast food and fizzy drinks. wybrać właśnie ciebie.
Governments could also limit the 3 Opisz danie, które możesz przygotować.
numbers of fast food restaurants or bring 4 Zapytaj, czy producent programu zapewnia
in laws to reduce the amount of salt and wszystkie składniki i kiedy odbędą się
sugar used in packaged foods. However,
they don’t do any of these things. Why Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z
not? Could it be because the food czterech podpunktów. Długość e-maila
producers and supermarkets are too powinna wynosić od 80 do 130 słów.*
powerful? The biggest supermarkets sell
*Długość wypowiedzi obowiązująca na
most of our food and also control many of
nowym egzaminie maturalnym to 100-
the supplies from farms and other food 150 słów.
producers. If the government did threaten
to change the law, these huge companies Dear Mrs Halifax,
could bring the country to its knees very I am writing to you about the new
quickly. cookery programme.
5 The text is about _______________________________
A how taxation has changed the way we _______________________________
B why cigarettes are more harmful than
junk food. _______________________________
C why supermarkets can influence I hope to hear from you soon.
government policy. Yours sincerely,
6 The text does not mention ____ / 10

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

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