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I. Napisz zdania w stronie biernej czasu ‘Present Simple’.

1. stamps / collect / Peter Stamps are ...................…................ by .......................

2. TV / watch / us ....................................................................................

3. pictures / paint / Mary ....................................................................................

4. bread / bake / a baker ....................................................................................

5. grass / eat / cows ....................................................................................

6. photos / take / me ....................................................................................

7. meals / cook / our mother ....................................................................................

8. the washing / do / you ....................................................................................

II. Przepisz zdania stosując stronę bierną.

1. I set the alarm-clock. ...............….............…...............

2. John wears glasses. ....................................................................................

3. We clean the rooms. ....................................................................................

4. Mr Turner cuts the grass. ....................................................................................

5. Tom loves Monica. ....................................................................................

6. You buy food. ....................................................................................

7. They teach karate. ....................................................................................

8. The woman sells flowers. ....................................................................................

III. Napisz zdania w stronie biernej czasu ‘Present Continuous’.

1. a letter / write / Eva .....................….....................................

2. the bike / repair / Mr Grey ....................................................................................

3. the bus / drive / you ....................................................................................

4. the newspaper / read / me ....................................................................................

5. the coffee / drink / Lisa ....................................................................................

6. the road / mend / the workers ....................................................................................

7. a cigarette / smoke / him ....................................................................................

8. music / play / Michael ....................................................................................

IV. Przepisz zdania stosując stronę bierną.

1. I am building a boat. ....................…........…...................

2. Vicky is doing shopping. ....................................................................................

3. My father is telling jokes. ....................................................................................

4. You are eating lunch. ....................................................................................

5. The men are using our map. ....................................................................................

6. The storm is destroying trees. ....................................................................................

7. He is carrying a parcel. ....................................................................................

8. They are learning English. ....................................................................................

I. Napisz zdania w stronie biernej czasu ‘Past Simple’.

1. the book / write / Mr Dean ...........................….......…................

2. the windows / break / them ....................................................................................

3. dinner / cook / our mother ....................................................................................

4. the fish / catch / me ....................................................................................

5. my bike / borrow / Adam ....................................................................................

6. the car / sell / us ....................................................................................

7. the plane / construct / him ....................................................................................

8. a mess / make / the pupils ....................................................................................

II. Napisz zdania w stronie biernej czasu ‘Past Continuous’.

1. apples / pick / the gardener ……………………................….....….....................

2. breakfast / eat / the family ....................................................................................

3. trees / cut down / the men ....................................................................................

4. loud music / play / them ....................................................................................

5. the kids / watch / their parents ....................................................................................

6. I / drive / a taxi driver ....................................................................................

7. a rucksack / carry / Mary ....................................................................................

8. the computer / use / me ....................................................................................

III. Napisz zdania w stronie biernej czasu ‘Present Perfect’.

1. the car / buy / Mr Eliot .............…........…................................…...............

2. the school / renovate / us ....................................................................................

3. the clock / set / Thomas ....................................................................................

4. the sweets / bring / aunt Sally ....................................................................................

5. the trees / destroy / a tornado ....................................................................................

6. the truth / reveal / the boys ....................................................................................

7. the printer / damage / you ....................................................................................

8. the gold medal / win / Peter ....................................................................................

IV. Przepisz zdania w stronie biernej.

1. We were typing letters. ....................................................................................

2. You made a snowman. ....................................................................................

3. David has seen a UFO. ....................................................................................

4. They drank milk. ....................................................................................

5. We have forgotten the keys. ....................................................................................

6. Alice was cleaning the house. ....................................................................................

7. My friends invited me. ....................................................................................

8. I lost the documents. ....................................................................................

Jaki to czas?

1. You will be punished.


2. Dinner is being served.


3. Rooms are vacuumed every day.


4. The window has been broken.

5. Your postcard was posted.


6. We were given a raise.


7. When I came, coffee was being served.


8. The bills will be paid.


9. They got married.


10. I have been misunderstood.


Przetłumacz poniższe zdania na język angielski.

1. Złodziej został zauważony przez sąsiadkę.


2. Dzieci nie mogą być tutaj wpuszczane.


3. Wyniki zostaną ogłoszone w przyszłym tygodniu.


4. Ta farma została sprzedana.


5. Ten stary dom został zburzony w zeszłym miesiącu.


6. Zostałam okradziona.


7. Mój samochód został skradziony.


8. Obiad jest właśnie podawany.

9. Pokazano nam nowe mieszkanie.


10. Mówi się, że on jest skąpy.


Przekształć poniższe zdania na stronę bierną.

1. Somebody will send my letter.


2. They clean this park every day.


3. People believe that he owns a boat.


4. Dust covered our furniture.


5. They have promoted him.


6. They do not teach French in this school.


7. Someone is serving drinks right now.


8. Students must write the answers in ink.


9. They are repairing the roads in our town.


10. They will cut down the trees in the park.


Odpowiedz na pytania używając strony biernej.

1. How often are your plants watered?

2. How often is your carpet vacuumed?


3. When is your room cleaned?


4. How often is the garbage thrown out?


5. What time are the shops opened in your town?


6. What time are the shops closed in your town?


7. What time are the pubs opened in your town?


8. How often are the streets repaired in your town?


9. How often is your car washed?


10. When is your letterbox emptied?


1. Przekształć poniższe zdania na stronę bierną .

1. I am building a new house.


2. He sets the alarm clock every day.


3. Monica played the violin when she was younger.


4. We will have lunch next week.


5. They were baking a cake yesterday at 8 p.m.

6. She has eaten my apple!


7. Last year Mike and Jenny prepared an amazing school show.


8. You are carrying a heavy parcel.


9. Amanda will paint a picture for her best friend.


10. The Browns have sold their old car.


11. Maria wears glasses.


12. Adam borrowed a bike from his brother.


2. Ułóż zdania w stronie biernej w odpowiedniej kolejności (we wszystkich

przykładach został użyty czasownik modalny).

1. be shouldn’t here cigarettes smoked


2. today must these written reports be


3. computer be soon sold this may


4. be the solved can’t problems


5. letter delivered last be week could the ?


3. Przetłumacz zdania stosując stronę bierną w odpowiednim czasie gramatycznym.

1. Mona Lisa została namalowana przez Leonardo da Vinci.

2. Obraz jest oglądany przez miliony turystów każdego roku.


3. Mona Lisa nigdy nie będzie sprzedana.


4. Przeczytaj poniższe dwa fragmenty z gazety na temat dziwnych wydarzeń i na podstawie

określników czasu wpisz właściwą formę strony biernej.

Last Friday late at night a UFO ................................ (see) in he sky above Barcelona. At least his is
what people say. One woman said hat her car .................................. (repair) by her husband when
hey suddenly saw a flying object near heir house. he incident .......................... (describe) by local
newspapers his week. he ciy auhoriies said „his mater ...............................(explain) next week.”

Yeserday at Mr Crowe’s shop he windows .............................. (break) and a few

products ............................. (seal). he issue ........................................... (invesigae) by he police now
but hey promise hat he hief ................................... (catch) as soon as possible. he unny hing is hat
money ................................... (take) only sweets!

5. Przekształć podane zdania na stronę bierną.

1. The streets must ................................. (clean) every night.

2. A lot of e-mails ...................................... (send) a few days ago.

3. A short film ..................................... (watch) now.

4. .............. dinner ...................... (cook) yet?

5. Our school ............................... (not give) a lot of money next year.

6. ..................... rice ..................... (grow) in Asia?

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