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Required performance:
1 Ask for and give personal data

1.1 Grammar: revise Present Simple; pronouns T2

.1 conjugates verbs be, do, have in positive, negative Ch. 1, 2, 5, 14
and question form T2
.2 recognizes and uses Present Simple short forms orally App.3.1, 3.2
and in writing T2
.3 understands and uses pronouns I, me, my, mine etc Ch.56

1.2 Vocabulary: adjectives of nationality Flashcards/world

.1 pronounces and writes adjectives corresponding to map
country names

1.3 Phonology: question intonation

.1 recognizes intonation in questions

1.4 Communication Skills: listening, speaking, writing

.1 understands key questions in listening
.2 exchanges personal information orally
.3 notes personal information about partner
.4 fills out a 'particulars of cadet' form clearly and P2 and P3
accurately with personal information

Required performance:

2 T1
Describe crew roles and routines
2.1 Grammar: Present Simple (question and negative
form; third person singular); prepositions of time T2
.1 uses Present Simple question, third person and Ch. 6 & 7; App. 3.4;
negative forms correctly to describe routine activities Ch.40&41
on board
.2 selects appropriate prepositions for phrases relating to T2
time Ch.91

2.2 Vocabulary: basic verbs; numerical information;

alphabet T3
.1 uses common verbs to describe work routines. p. 18-19; p. 25
.2 refers to 24 hour clock orally and in writing T4
.3 memorizes and uses the international maritime p. 176 R1
alphabet for noting and giving vessel call signs T3 Pt. 1/2
2.3 Phonology: word stress p. 23-24
.1 understands the concept of word stress
.2 pronounces months of the year with correct stress

2.4 Communication Skills: listening, speaking, reading,

.1 notes ships' call signs correctly from speech T4 Company fleet
.2 identifies errors when comparing numbers and times p. 47-48 standing
in writing and speech instructions
.3 dictates messages using times and the international
maritime alphabet R2
.4 reads a text to check the key responsibilities of all
crew members P2 and P3
.5 describes key responsibilities of all crew members


Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Textbooks Teaching


Required performance:
3 Name types of vessels; describe parts of a Ch.3
3.1 Grammar: th e r e is /a r e ; articles; prepositions of p. 160 vocabulary
place; possessives T2
.1 uses there is/are to describe places on board Ch.31
.2 uses singular and plural forms of regular and irregular T2 Pictures of
nouns orally and in writing Ch.60 different types of
.3 uses a, a n and th e correctly orally and in writing T2 vessel
.4 uses prepositions of place to describe various places Ch.63
on board T4 M1
.5 uses's to indicate possession p. 23; 53-55
3.2 Vocabulary: types of vessel; parts of vessels Ch.58
.1 identifies various types of ship from pictures Pictures of
.2 labels a diagram showing places on a vessel T4 different types of
p. 40-41 vessel
3.3 Phonology: word stress
.1 pronounces places on board using correct word stress
3.4 Communication Skills: listening, speaking, reading,
writing Adapt relevant
.1 describes a vessel in speech and writing sections from
.2 identifies types of vessels by reading descriptions M1
.3 exchanges information about vessels orally Samples of
.4 sketches the general arrangement plan of a vessel by general
listening to an oral description arrangement plans
Required performance: understanding and
4 Describe the location and purpose of safety T1
equipment Ch.4

4.1 Grammar: prepositions of place T2

.1 describes position of equipment on board using Ch.96
appropriate prepositions T4
p. 82-83
4.2 Vocabulary: safety equipment T4 T3
.1 identifies and names life-saving appliances p. 163-4 p. 161 Vocabulary
.2 gives examples of occasions when each item of life- p.167 (parts &
saving equipment is required equipment)

4.3 Phonology: word stress

.1 pronounces the names of life-saving equipment using
correct word stress patterns

4.4 Communication Skills: listening, speaking, writing P2 and P3

.1 uses a checklist to identify items of life-saving (ship's particulars)
.2 identifies items mentioned in oral commands
.3 describes the position of items on board orally and in


Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Textbooks Teaching


Required performance:

5 Discuss navigational routes and geographic T1

locations; understand helm orders Ch.5

5.1 Grammar: prepositional phrases of geographic

location and distance; it
.1 selects appropriate prepositional phrase to describe T2
location of countries and towns Ch. 33.2
.2 uses it as a subject pronoun

5.2 Vocabulary: compass points; longitude and latitude; T4

distances on land and at sea; helm orders p.180-181
.1 gives the longitude and latitude of international cities
using maps/charts T3
.2 describes the geographic relationship of one place to p.19-21;
.3 gives approximate distances between points on land
and at sea using maps and charts T4
.4 repeats helm orders clearly, accurately and fluently p. 106

5.3 Phonology: large numbers R1

.1 pronounces large numbers correctly Pt. IV-A/1
.2 notes large numbers from peer dictation Standard wheel
5.4 Communication Skills: listening, speaking, reading,
.1 follows a spoken description of a ship's route T3 Atlas or nautical
.2 writes a description of places in a country p. 25 Ex 1H chart
.3 describes ships' positions from information on a
nautical chart R1 Pilot's books
.4 identifies aids to navigation from nautical charts Pt. IV-A/1
.5 demonstrates understanding of helm orders by Standard wheel
explaining their meanings and indicating the correct orders

Required performance:

6 Name positions on board; ask for and give T1

directions on board and ashore Ch.6

6.1 Grammar: introduction to the imperative form;

question forms; prepositional phrases
.1 uses the imperative form for giving directions
.2 asks for directions using y e s /n o and w h question T2
forms Ch. 94, 95 & 97
.3 uses a variety of prepositional phrases for indicating

6.2 Vocabulary: positions on board; vessel directions; T3

common nouns p. 161 Vocabulary Diagrams showing
.1 identifies parts of a vessel from diagrams (onboard outline of a vessel
.2 names positions on board from diagrams terminology -
.3 describes vessel directions in relation to objects and general) Diagrams/charts
landmarks T4 showing ships'
.4 refers to features of towns p. 23; P 53-55 positions


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6.3 Phonology: introduction to rising and falling

.1 repeats rising intonation in model w h questions
.2 repeats fall in model y e s /n o questions and
confirmation replies

6.4 Communication Skills: listening, speaking, reading,

.1 identifies places on board by listening to descriptions
.2 asks for and gives clear directions
.3 follows and supplies directions by interpreting basic
.4 writes directions clearly and accurately

Required performance:

7 Express personal likes and dislikes; T1

discuss leisure time on board Ch.7

7.1 Grammar: gerunds; adverbs of degree; adverbs of T2

frequency Ch.47
.1 uses the structures lik e + n o u n and lik e + - in g and
understands the differences between them T2
.2 uses adverbs of degree to express personal opinions Ch. 88.1, 88.2
.3 uses adverbs of frequency to describe activities on

7.2 Vocabulary: leisure activities; adjectives of opinion

.1 describes preferences regarding films, sport and other
recreational activities

7.3 Phonology: introduction to sentence stress

.1 uses main sentence stress to emphasize degrees of

7.4 Communication Skills: reading, speaking, writing

.1 infers meaning from an incomplete written text
.2 asks and answers questions about frequency of
.3 writes a description of routine leisure activities on

Review 1 T1
Review 1
Required performance:

8 Describe routine operations on board; T1

understand standard engine orders

8.1 Grammar: Present Continuous; contrast between

Present Simple and Present Continuous
T2 Visual material
.1 uses the Present Continuous form to describe
Ch. 3 & 4 showing onboard
activities currently in progress
.2 uses the correct spelling with regular and irregular
continuous verb forms


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.3 understands the differences in form and meaning T2 Ch. 8

between the Present Continuous tense (for activities in
progress) and the Present Simple tense (for routine

8.2 Vocabulary: verbs describing routine operations on

board; standard engine orders
.1 revises common verbs to describe work routines from R1
Unit 2 Pt. IV-A/2
.2 describes activities taking place from pictures/video/
audio prompts
.3 repeats standard engine orders accurately, clearly and Standard engine
fluently orders

8.3 Phonology: revision of word and sentence stress;

revision of rising and falling intonation
.1 practises word and sentence stress learned in
Units 1-7 .
.2 practises rising and falling intonation introduced in
Units 1-7 .
.3 monitors own performance by listening to a recording
of own voice

8.4 Communication Skills: listening, speaking, writing

.1 notes which activities crew members are engaged in
by listening to/watching a description of events in
(volume down)
.2 exchanges information about current and routine
.3 writes a description of activities in action
.4 demonstrates understanding of standard engine
orders by explaining their meanings and indicating the
correct actions

Required performance:

9 Express personal preferences; discuss food T1

on board; order meals Ch.9

9.1 Grammar: s o m e /a n y ; w o u ld lik e

.1 uses s o m e and a n y to describe supplies
.2 uses s o m e and a n y to order food and drink
.3 uses w o u ld lik e to offer and order food and drink
9.2 Vocabulary: food and drink; adjectives indicating
preferences; galley terms
.1 knows the names of items of food and drink
.2 expresses personal taste using adjectives of opinion
.3 identifies, names and describes the purpose of basic Pictures of: food;
galley equipment galley equipment

9.3 Phonology: express attitude through intonation and V3

.1 uses rising intonation and high pitch with adjectives
expressing personal preference
.2 uses falling intonation and low pitch with adjectives
expressing personal dislike


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9.4 Communication Skills: listening, speaking, reading,

.1 understands informal conversations in a messroom
and cafe
.2 uses conversational phrases appropriate to meal Example of a cafe
times menu
.3 orders food from a menu

Required performance:

10 Understand commands in emergency T1

situations on board

10.1 Grammar: demonstrative adjectives; imperatives;

must R1
.1 understands the difference in meaning between th is , T2 Pt. III 1.3 Person
th a t, th e s e and th o s e Ch.68 overboard (for
.2 uses the imperative form correctly for giving urgent examples of
commands T2 imperative form)
.3 uses m u s t to express obligation and m u s t n o t to Ch.27.1 R1
express prohibition in appropriate circumstances Pt. 1111.10
Abandoning ship
10.2 Vocabulary: types of emergency; emergency T3 (phrases using
equipment; verbs describing emergency situations; p. 161 Vocabulary m usQ
introduction to SMCP message markers: (parts &
instructions, questions and answers; SMCP for equipment) R 1 Pt. III
distress messages T4 1.1 Fire explosion
.1 names different types of emergency situations on p.96-100 1.10 Abandoning
board o r s e le c t fr o m ship
.2 knows and correctly pronounces the names of T3 1.3 Person
emergency equipment p.96-100 overboard
.3 uses correct verbs and tenses to describe what or
happens in emergency situations R1
.4 uses SMCP message markers correctly to precede Pt. 1/3 Message
instructions, questions and answers in simulated markers
external communications R1
.5 demonstrates understanding of the meaning and use Pt. 1111.1.1fire,
of the vocabulary in SMCP for simulated external explosion
distress communications regarding fire/ 1.1 .10 abandoning
explosion/abandon ship ship

10.3 Phonology: sentence stress

.1 identifies key words in short commands
.2 puts stress on key words in short commands

10.4 Communication Skills: listening, speaking, reading, M2

.1 correctly identifies message types when listening to a V4
Pt. 1/3 Message
selection of instructions, questions and answers which
use SMCP V5
.2 understands short oral commands in simulated
emergency situations V6
Pt. 1111.1.1fire,
.3 reacts to simulated emergency situations with single Company fleet
spoken commands which are clear and accurate standing instructions
1.1 .10 abandoning
.4 uses SMCP for simulated external distress P4
communications regarding fire/explosion/abandon p. 86-88, p. 92
ship (emergency


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.5 reads and understands written instructions for

carrying out general emergency procedures
.6 describes the stages for a general emergency
procedure orally and in writing

Required performance:

11 Check supplies; provide quantities, weights

and prices; discuss cargo handling T1

11.1 Grammar: countable and uncountable nouns;

.1 categorizes countable and uncountable nouns
Ch.61 & 62
.2 enquires about quantities of goods using h o w m u c h
and h o w m a n y
.3 gives information about quantities of various goods
using the quantifiers to o m u c h /to o m a n y , ( n o Q e n o u g h
Ch. 85 & 86

11.2 Vocabulary: prices; types of cargo, container and

cargo handling gear; SMCP for cargo handling
.1 exchanges information about prices of various goods
and cargoes in major currencies
p. 77, p. 81 M3
.2 identifies types of cargo ship
.3 categorizes cargoes and lists appropriate containers
p. 87
.4 names types of cargo handling gear and matches with
relevant cargoes
.5 understands and uses tonnage measurements to
describe ships' volumes
.6 understands and uses the vocabulary of
p 89
measurements relating to loading capacities and
R1 Pt. IV-
quantities in SMCP

11.3 Phonology: linking sounds (consonant/vowel)

.1 demonstrates ability to link final consonant in word to
initial vowels in connected speech
.2 practises vowel-consonant linking in given phrases

11.4 Communication Skills: listening, speaking, reading,

.1 comprehends requests for numerical information
relating to quantities, capacities and measurements
.2 correctly writes down measurements and quantities
given by another person
.3 reads and dictates a variety of numerical information
.4 converses about price of goods in the contexts of
shopping for and ordering goods R1
.5 uses SMCP relating to loading capacities and Pt. IV-C1.1.1
quantities to exchange cargo details in simulated Loading capacities
onboard communication and quantities


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Required performance:
12 Compare vessel details; describe Ch.12

12.1 Grammar: comparative and superlative adjectives;

infinitive of purpose; fo r + - in g
.1 uses comparative and superlative adjectives to
compare vessels and cargoes
.2 uses the structures to + in fin itiv e and fo r + - in g to T2
explain the equipment used for specific tasks Ch. 81, 82 & 84

12.2 Vocabulary: nouns and adjectives relating to vessel

specifications; deck! bridge/engine room equipment;
verbs describing mechanical operations;
introduction to multi-word verbs Pictures of main
.1 gives ship's dimensions using appropriate nouns and T4
p.25 equipment used
adjectives on board
.2 names main equipment on deck/on the bridge/in P4
the engine room T3
p. 161-162 (Familiarization
.3 describes selected equipment in terms of shape and with bridge
dimensions Vocabulary (parts
& equipment; equipment
.4 uses appropriate verbs to explain mechanical checklist) p. 69
operations (including common multi-word verbs such engineering)
T4 Company fleet
as s w itc h o n , s ta r t u p , c lo s e d o w n etc) standing
12.3 Phonology: revise intonation and pitch; sentence
stress; linking sounds
.1 practises intonation and pitch from Units 1-11
.2 practises sentence stress from Units 1-11
.3 practises linking sounds from Units 1-11
.4 monitors own performance by listening to a recording
of own voice
R1 Pt. IV-N3.3
12.4 Communication Skills: listening, speaking, reading, Briefing on
writing navigational aids
.1 writes vessel specifications accurately in numerical and equipment
form from an oral exchange of information status
.2 identifies equipment from spoken descriptions R1 Pt. IV-N5.1
.3 asks about and explains function and operation of Propulsion
main equipment used by all levels on board system
P2 and P3
Required performance: particulars)

13 Describe visitors on board Ch.13

13.1 Grammar: two uses of lik e

.1 uses the structure w h a t d o e s ... lo o k lik e ? To ask for T2
physical descriptions Ch.43.2
.2 uses the structure w h a t is ... lik e ? To ask for subjective


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13.2 Vocabulary: adjectives describing physical

appearance and personality; articles of clothing
.1 uses a wide range of adjectives to describe various
people's physical appearances
.2 uses modifiers and adjectives to give opinions about
various people's personalities
.3 names various articles of clothing for work and casual

13.3 Phonology: contracted sounds ( is /h a s )

.1 correctly distinguishes between is and h a s in
connected speech by listening to sentence context
.2 uses the contracted form of is and h a s in connected

13.4 Communication Skills: listening, speaking, reading,

.1 identifies a visitor on board from oral and written
.2 gives a full spoken description of someone Pictures/
.3 writes a detailed description comparing two or more photographs of
people well-known people

Required performance:

14 Describe weather conditions; understand T1

forecasts Ch.14

14.1 Grammar: it; g o in g to

.1 uses it to describe to describe weather conditions T2
.2 uses the structure g o in g to + v e r b to describe future Ch.33.3
events that are planned or certain
.3 demonstrates an understanding of the difference in
meaning between g o in g to /w ill

14.2 Vocabulary: months and seasons; adjectives

describing weather conditions; compass references;
lights, shapes and fog signals; SMCP for briefing on
weather information; SMCP message markers
(information and warnings)
.1 knows and pronounces the names of months and
seasons correctly T4
.2 uses various adjectives to describe a wide range of p. 104
weather patterns
.3 uses abbreviations of compass points in written note COLREGS
.4 explains the meaning of various lights, shapes and fog R1 Satellite weather
signals and gives examples of occasions when they Pt. IV-N 3.5 map from
are used Briefing on newspaper
.5 uses SMCP to provide weather information in meteorological
onboard communications conditions
.6 uses SMCP message markers during simulated R1
external communications for giving information and Pt. III 3.1.1
warnings regarding meteorological information Winds, storms,
tropical storms,
state of the sea
Restricted visibility


Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Textbooks Teaching


14.4 Communication Skills: listening, speaking, reading,

.1 writes down temperatures and wind directions Samples of
correctly when listening to spoken weather forecasts English language
.2 exchanges information on current and anticipated weather forecasts
weather in different areas from radiofTV and
.3 correctly interprets and explains symbolic data from newspapers
satellite charts/weather maps
p.108-113 T3
.4 simulates external radio communication regarding
meteorological warnings using message markers from p. 124
SMCP Tide tables, tidal
streams & current
T1 atlases
Review 2
Review 2

Required performance:
15 Report events from past voyages Ch.15

15.1 Grammar: Past Simple tense (positive form); review

of regular and irregular verb forms
.1 manipulates Past Simple regular verb changes
correctly orally and in writing
.2 memorizes Past Simple forms of key irregular verbs
with attention to spelling changes
.3 uses Past Simple irregular verb forms correctly orally
and in writing
.4 uses the Past Simple tense in sustained oral and
written narrative when describing past events

15.2 Vocabulary: verbs relating to sea voyages;

vocabulary of safety, navigation and pilotage
.1 uses regular and irregular verbs connected with sea
travel and cargo operations to describe the ports of
call on a ship's passage
.2 uses verbs connected with general repairs and
maintenance to describe a breakdown
.3 uses vocabulary of safety, navigation and pilotage to T3
describe a ship's voyage (revises terminology p.161-163
connected with sea routes, directions, dates, weather Vocabulary
and sea conditions)

15.3 Phonology: past tense endings (-eel)

.1 recognizes the different pronunciation of three -e d
verb endings (It!, Id /, lid /)
.2 distinguishes between the pronunciation of o e d
endings when speaking

15.4 Communication Skills: listening, speaking, reading,

.1 describes stages of a sea passage orally, based on
samples of passage plans and sea charts
.2 explains events that occurred during a sea passage Examples of sea
orally, from prompts charts and log
.3 writes notes about key details of specific past events records
by listening to spoken accounts
.4 writes a report of events that occurred during a sea


Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Textbooks Teaching


Required performance:
16 Report details of incidents at sea; simulate Ch.16
VHF communications for distress and
urgency messages

16.1 Grammar: Past Simple (questions and negatives);

question words T2
.1 revises the Past Simple form of regular and irregular Ch.10
verbs in speech and writing
.2 manipulates the negative form of the Past Simple T2
correctly in speech and writing Ch.42
.3 manipulates the question form of the Past Simple
tense correctly in speech and writing
.4 uses a variety of w h questions with the Past Simple in

16.2 Vocabulary: types of incident; verbs describing

accidents; SMCP message markers (information,
warnings and requests); SMCP distress
communications for collision and grounding; SMCP
urgency communications for engine and cargo
.1 names and understands the nature of various types of
incident at sea
.2 uses a variety of key verbs for explaining the details of
different incidents at sea
.3 revises SMCP message markers for giving information
and warnings
R1 Pt. III
.4 uses SMCP message markers for issuing requests
1.1.3 (collision)
.5 demonstrates understanding of the meaning and use
1.1.4 (grounding)
of the vocabulary in SMCP for distress
2.1.1 (engines &
communications regarding collision and grounding
.6 demonstrates understanding of the meaning and use
2.1.2 (cargo)
of the vocabulary in SMCP for urgency
communications regarding engines and equipment
and cargo problems

16.3 Phonology: revision of linking sounds

.1 revises linking final consonant in word sounds with
initial vowel sounds
.2 practises linking in Past Simple w h questions

16.4 Communication Skills: listening, reading, speaking,

.1 asks for and provides information about the details of Samples of
an incident at sea completed
.2 reads and comprehends the details of a formal incident reports
report of an incident at sea
.3 writes notes about the details of incidents at sea by
listening to spoken accounts
.4 expands written notes into a formal report giving
details of an incident at sea
.5 identifies appropriate types of VHF communications,
based on descriptions of incidents at sea


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.6 uses SMCP and message markers during simulated R1

external distress communications for giving Pt. III
information and warnings regarding collision and 1.1.3 (collision)
grounding 1.1.4 (grounding)
.7 uses SMCP and message markers during simulated 2.1.1 (engines &
external urgency communications for issuing requests equipment)
regarding engines and equipment and cargo problems 2.1.2 (cargo)

Required performance:

17 Explain personal injuries at sea; request T1

medical assistance Ch.17

17.1 Grammar: conjunctions T2

.1 demonstrates understanding of the meaning of basic Ch.103
conjunctions by using them to combine sentences
.2 writes simple sentences using conjunctions to link

17.2 Vocabulary: articles of protective clothing; parts of

the body; verbs describing injury; items used in
basic First Aid; SMCP for urgency communication:
requesting medical assistance; International Code of
.1 names all types of protective clothing used at sea
.2 names parts of the body V7
.3 uses verbs describing injuries that affect particular Pictures of
Pt. 1111.4
parts of the body protective clothing
.4 names and states the purpose of items used in basic
p. 70 -71
First Aid treatment A First Aid box and
.5 uses SMCP for requesting medical assistance with contents
appropriate urgency message marker
.6 uses standard phrases from the International Code of
Signals to describe medical problems

17.3 Communication Skills: listening, speaking, reading,

.1 identifies type of injury from spoken description of
physical symptoms
.2 identifies the causes, prevention and treatment of V8
common injuries on board from written reports or
.3 writes basic reports of the causes of minor accidents T3 V9
on board p. 135
.4 uses SMCP, message markers and phrases from the V10
International Code of Signals during simulated
external urgency communications requesting medical

Required performance:

18 Check task completion in routine T1

operations; VHF communications regarding Ch.18


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18.1 Grammar: Present Perfect tense; regular and

irregular verb forms
.1 memorizes the past participle forms of known key T2
irregular verbs with attention to pronunciation and Ch.15
.2 manipulates the Present Perfect tense correctly in T2
speech and writing App. 1 & 2
.3 demonstrates understanding of the specific use of the
Present Perfect tense to describe recent actions by
using the tense in speech and writing
.4 uses the question form of the Present Perfect tense to
check completion of operational procedures
.5 uses the positive and negative forms of the Present
Perfect tense to give information about activities at
different stages of completion

18.2 Vocabulary: verbs relating to maintenance and safety

procedures; terms connected with bunkering; vessel V11 Diagrams of parts
parts; tools for metalwork of a vessel from
.1 revises verbs relating to operational procedures M5 ship's general
.2 uses an appropriate range of verbs to describe arrangement plans
maintenance duties in various departments T3
.3 uses nouns and verbs to describe the stages involved p.161-162
in bunkering procedures Vocabulary
.4 correctly identifies and labels diagrams of parts of a V12
vessel (deck and engine room)
.5 names hand and machine tools used in metalwork V13

18.3 Phonology: pronunciation of past participles

.1 repeats model pronunciation of past participles with
reasonable accuracy
.2 uses the correct pronunciation of past participles in

18.4 Communication Skills: listening, reading, speaking, V2

writing T3
.1 exchanges information about recent activities with p. 145 V14
.2 checks stages of completion of a variety of tasks from Company fleet
spoken information standing
.3 refers to a checklist to describe stages of completion instructions
in a routine procedure
.4 simulates VHF communication regarding bunkering
operations i

Required performance:

19 Produce external written and spoken T1

communications to request and give advice Ch.19

19.1 Grammar: sentence analysis; the definite article th e ;

modal verb s h o u ld
.1 distinguishes between content and structure words
.2 demonstrates understanding of the use of the definite T2
article by inserting it into an abbreviated text Ch.64
.3 uses the definite article, th e , correctly in speech and
writing T2
.4 uses s h o u ld ( n o t) to give advice and personal opinions Ch.28


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19.2 Vocabulary: telex abbreviations; SMCP message

markers (questions, advice) T4
.1 uses common telex abbreviations in place of full word p. 199
forms Samples of telexes
.2 revises SMCP message markers for questions R1
.3 uses SMCP message markers for asking for advice Pt. 1/3
Message markers

19.3 Phonology: sentence rhythm and stress

.1 identifies content words in spoken sentences
.2 stresses content words in single phrases
.3 shows awareness of rhythm patterns in English by
repeating model sentences correctly

19.4 Communication Skills: listening, speaking, reading, Samples of telexes

.1 shows familiarity with telex writing conventions by Samples of
identifying the location of key information within a telex business memos
.2 demonstrates comprehension of abbreviated telex and letters of
messages by transferring telexes into full written form reques
.3 demonstrates knowledge of abbreviations by
transferring full messages into telex form
.4 identifies the request in a written text and supplies
appropriate advice in writing
.5 simulates VHF communication using SMCP and T3
message markers to make requests and give advice p. 111

Required performance:

20 Understand instructions and give

explanations; practise VHF exchange
20.1 Grammar: Past Continuous tense; contrast between
Past Simple and Past Continuous tenses;
introduction to reported speech
.1 uses the Past Continuous tense correctly in speech
and writing to describe repeated or continuous actions
in the past
.2 uses the Past Continuous tense correctly in speech Ch. 12 & 13
and writing to describe ongoing activities in the past
which were interrupted by another event
.3 understands the differences in form and meaning
between the Past Simple and Past Continuous tenses
.4 uses s a y and te ll correctly in reported speech
20.2 Vocabulary: review of verbs describing onboard Ch.49
activities; the readability code for VHF
transmissions; phrases for stages of a VHF
exchange procedure
.1 describes routine onboard tasks orally and in writing
using verbs and nouns previously learned
.2 uses the Past Continuous tense with appropriate
verbs with reported speech to explain a problem that
occurred in the past


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.3 memorizes and uses the readability code for checking

and reporting radio reception T3
.4 revises phrases for each stage of a VHF exchange p.30-32
procedure: making contact; agreeing a working
channel and switching over; exchanging messages; T3
terminating the exchange p. 33-44

20.3 Phonology: revises rhythm and sentence stress

.1 practises using rhythm and sentence stress in
.2 monitors own performance by listening to a
recording of own voice

20.4 Communication Skills: listening, speaking, reading,

.1 explains the reasons for and consequences of a
miscommunication on board
.2 comprehends the topic of a VHF communication from
an initial listening Recorded
.3 accurately writes down the details of required action simulations of VHF
from a VHF communication communications
.4 accurately reports the message from a VHF with varying
communication in speech degrees of
.5 accurately reports the general content of a short distortion
conversation in writing T3
.6 simulates a VHF exchange procedure using the
p. 50-53
readability code and appropriate phrases for each

Required performance:

21 Discuss future events; negotiate future T1

plans Ch.21

21.1 Grammar: w ill; revision of contrast between w ill and

g o in g to
.1 uses w ill to predict future events T2
.2 uses w ill to discuss likely events in the future Ch.23
.3 recognizes and uses the short forms of w ill and w ill
n o t in speech and informal writing T2
.4 demonstrates understanding of the difference in Ch.22
meaning between w ill and g o in g to

21.2 Vocabulary: indicators of time

.1 uses adverbial phrases to refer to future points in time

21.3 Phonology: rhythm and sentence stress

.1 revises identifying main sentence stress by listening to
single statements
.2 practises main stress in given statements
.3 evaluates own performance of sentence stress by
listening to a recording of own voice

21.4 Communication Skills: listening, reading, speaking,

.1 describes personal plans for the future and predicts
likely events in speech


K n o w le d g e , u n d e rs ta n d in g a n d p ro fic ie n c y T e x tb o o k s T e a c h in g
a id

.2 negotiates a social arrangement that incorporates the Samples of

wishes of everyone in a group business planning
.3 plans a course of action based on reading information material (diaries/
from a variety of authentic business correspondence meeting agendas/
.4 writes a formal letter describing a proposed plan of schedules/
action timetables)
.5 debates the best course of action in a simulated
formal meeting Role play cards

R e v ie w 3 T1
Review 3

iThe terms 'simulate' and 'simulated' used in this syllabus relate to the English language teaching term
meaning 'role play' (see Instructor Manual in Part D), not necessarily to the use of simulator technology.


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