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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Choosing an Organization Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Identify an organization and situation you want to study over the remainder of the course.
2. Describe the organization and situation.

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Describe your organization.

Volkswagen (VW), established in 1937, is a prominent German automobile manufacturer

recognized for its wide range of vehicles, including passenger cars, trucks, and commercial
vehicles. The company encompasses well-known brands such as Volkswagen Passenger Cars,
Audi, SEAT, Škoda, Bentley, Porsche, and more. With a global footprint, Volkswagen operates
manufacturing facilities and sales networks across multiple continents, positioning itself as a
key player in the automotive industry. The company's legacy is rooted in engineering innovation
and a commitment to producing quality vehicles that cater to diverse consumer preferences,
reflecting its ongoing influence on the global automotive landscape.

2) Describe how Describe your role in the organization (it can be internal or external).

I'm an avid Volkswagen enthusiast and a true car aficionado at heart. With a deep-seated
passion for automobiles, particularly Volkswagen vehicles, my role within the context of the
Volkswagen emissions scandal takes on a distinct perspective. As someone who drives a
Volkswagen and possesses an extensive knowledge of cars, I bring a unique blend of personal
connection and expertise to the analysis of this situation. My keen interest in automotive
technology, performance, and design allows me to dissect the complexities of the emissions
scandal from both a technical and emotional standpoint, contributing a valuable layer of insight
to the broader understanding of the issue.

3) Describe the situation. (see the Canvas instructions for details, especially about how
your situation will be analyzed from five different perspectives over the next five

The Volkswagen emissions scandal, which unfolded in 2015, centered on Volkswagen's

deliberate manipulation of emissions tests using a "defeat device" in certain diesel vehicles.

This software could detect emissions testing conditions and modify engine performance to pass
tests while emitting excessive nitrogen oxides (NOx) during regular driving. The scandal raised
profound environmental, legal, ethical, and economic concerns, significantly impacting both the
automotive industry and public perception.

The Volkswagen emissions scandal presents a compelling case study due to its multi-
faceted implications. It highlights the collision of technology, corporate ethics, and
environmental impact in the automotive sector, showcasing how pursuit of profit can lead to
unethical practices with far-reaching consequences. The scandal spurred global discussions
about emissions regulations, leading to regulatory reforms and questioning the effectiveness of
testing procedures. Moreover, the scandal serves as a cautionary tale on the influence of public
trust on corporate reputation. It demonstrated the massive impact of unethical behavior on
consumer sentiment, resulting in substantial financial losses for Volkswagen and influencing
car-buying behavior industry-wide. With its complex blend of environmental, technological,
ethical, legal, and economic elements, the Volkswagen emissions scandal provides a
comprehensive case study offering vital insights into corporate behavior, regulatory
frameworks, and the intricate challenges of sustainability in a technologically advanced era.

Reference or References

Hotten, R. (2015, December 10). Volkswagen: The Scandal explained. BBC News.

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