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ED 321 Self-Assessment Lesson 4 Rozga, Molly

Planning and Preparation (AEA: Conceptualization, DiagnosisWTS: 1,7DISP: Respect Responsibility) Explain and defend the decisions you made in choosing your objectives and the assessment tools/strategies for this lesson. Even if the lesson was given to you to teach, you must consider the effectiveness of the objectives and assessments.
The students are taking the WKCE next week. My CT wanted me to cover Standard F of the Wisconsin Model Academic Standards for Mathematics. I decided to blend the review of content with a review of test taking strategies. I put the lesson together in multiple choice form and planned on modeling my strategies through each question. I think this is an effective way to blend the two skills together.

Classroom Environment (AEA: Coordination, Integrative InteractionWTS: 2,3,5DISP: Respect,


What were the discipline issues that presented themselves during the teaching of this lesson? How did you anticipate these and handle them?
Usually during my lessons, the students are very active. Today they all seemed to still be asleep. Instead of having to redirect their attention back to the lesson, I felt a little like I was pulling teeth to get them to participate in the lesson. I joked with my CT that I would start my next lesson with a song, Im alive, awake, alert, enthusiastic!

Instruction (AEA: Communication, Coordination, Diagnosis, Integrative InteractionWTS: 2,3,4,5,6,7DISP: Respect Responsibility), Assessment (AEA: Diagnosis, Integrative InteractionWTS: 8,9DISP: Respect, Reflection), Professional Responsibilities (AEA: Communication, Integrative InteractionWTS: 10DISP:
Collaboration, Communication)

After teaching the lesson and analyzing student work, describe how your decisions impacted student learning. How do you know? How well did your assessment connect to the lesson objectives? Are there changes you would make or things you could have done differently?
The review that I worked on with the students came straight out of their homework that was assigned at the end of class. It will be interesting to see how they do with the homework, considering they have about 5-7 answers. My assessment of the students was to make notes of who was working through the questions and who was struggling. Rather than keeping a written record with me, I kept mental note of where I would be best utilized. The one thing that bothers me is that I would not be able to use mental notes in my grade book, so at some point, I may need to use a physical record (perhaps for participation).

Consider student learning as you reflect on your teaching of this lesson. Explain how the

evidence you obtained in your lesson (assessment) demonstrated the degree to which all students achieved your objectives.
This lesson was more about renewing the connections in the brain, bringing some of the math content to the forefront of their memories. The most important objective was not even on the lesson plan, and that was to make sure that they have test strategies for when the test begins. In being able to move around the room, I was able to keep track of who needed help, and who was making the connections (neurons).

Professional Responsibilities (AEA: Communication, Integrative InteractionWTS: 10DISP:

Collaboration, Communication)

Explain how you incorporated feedback from your cooperating teacher and supervisor, if applicable, to the planning/teaching of this lesson. What decisions did you make based on feedback received?
After my last lesson, the feedback that I received from my cooperating teacher was extremely helpful in creating the lesson for this week. I kept the material the same for the three groups, but chose to spend more time on each question going through strategies. The test wont be different for the students with special needs without IEP accommodations for modified tests. I thought they would benefit from working through the same questions, knowing that my approach would be slightly altered.

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