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International Dental Journal 2020; 70: 79–84


doi: 10.1111/idj.12540

Adverse drug reactions in dentistry

Aviv Ouanounou1, Kester Ng2 and Peter Chaban2
Department of Clinical Sciences, Pharmacology & Preventive Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada;
Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.

An adverse drug reaction (ADR) is an undesirable effect of a drug. ADRs are possible with any medication that is pre-
scribed or administered in the dental office. While most pharmacological agents in use today have favourable drug pro-
files and are relatively safe, the prudent clinician must be aware of the potential ADRs that can occur and be prepared
to manage any complications. Here we review the most commonly used agents in dentistry, namely local anaesthetics,
sedatives, analgesics and antibiotics, and their ADRs and management.

Key words: Adverse reactions, drug interactions, dental pharmacology, analgesics, antibiotics

room. A referral should be made to the patient’s fam-

ily physician to investigate the allergy further.
An adverse drug reaction (ADR) can be defined as In modern dental practice only a few categories of
any undesirable effect of a drug1,2. It is important to pharmacological agents are ubiquitously used; these
distinguish between an ADR and an allergy: an allergy include local anaesthetics (LA), central nervous system
refers to an immune-mediated response to a medica- depressants (e.g. nitrous oxide, benzodiazepines and
tion, for example anaphylaxis, whereas an ADR can general anaesthetics), analgesics [e.g. non-steroidal
be any effect that is not therapeutically desired, for anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), acetaminophen
example sedation. In essence, an allergy can be an and opioids] and antibiotics (e.g. penicillin, clin-
ADR but not all ADRs are allergies3. damycin and metronidazole). It is critical that the
True drug allergies can be identified by the presen- dental healthcare team is well equipped to manage
tation of any definite immunological mechanism (T- any foreseeable and unforeseeable ADRs that occur in
cell or drug-specific antibody). Such reactions occur the dental office setting. In addition, it is the responsi-
immediately or after a delay, and may be life-threat- bility of the healthcare professional to thoroughly
ening to the patient. Immediate drug allergies com- understand the health status of their patients when-
monly present as urticaria, rhinitis, angioedema, ever prescribing new drugs or altering dosages to
bronchospasm, conjunctivitis, gastrointestinal (GI) avoid provoking avoidable ADRs in their patients.
upset or anaphylaxis (which has the potential to cause
cardiovascular collapse)4,5. Delayed drug allergies
commonly present on the skin with possible symp-
toms, including delayed urticaria, maculopapular
eruptions, vasculitis and blistering diseases6. If a prac- Local anaesthetics are the most commonly used
titioner is concerned about a patient having an allergic drugs in dental practice9. It is estimated that each
drug reaction, they should immediately stop adminis- Canadian dentist will administer close to 1,800 car-
tration of the suspected drug, treat the reaction, docu- tridges per year; in the USA alone, over 300 million
ment the drugs taken (dose, type, duration), and cartridges are administered per year10. LA are gener-
record any signs and symptoms7,8. In severe cases, ally considered to be safe10; however, the healthcare
emergency medical services should be summoned and practitioner must take responsibility to ensure that
the patient accompanied to the nearest emergency the dosage and concentration is tailored towards
© 2020 FDI World Dental Federation 79
Ouanounou et al.

each patient to avoid potential ADRs, both local and uncommon reaction most often associated with prilo-
systemic. caine, and topical benzocaine. Methemoglobinemia
Local complications associated with LA administra- results in cyanosis that does not respond to 100%
tion include tissue necrosis and direct neurotoxicity. oxygen, and can result in nausea, sedation, seizures,
Tissue necrosis occurs due to disruption of the vascu- and coma at high levels. For patients with congenital
lature-supplied tissue, and is related to the irritating methemoglobinemia, those mentioned anaesthetics
nature of the solution, large volumes being adminis- should be avoided10.
tered, or constriction of the vasculature by vasocon- Today, the most common vasoconstrictor in LA
strictors in the LA cartridge (e.g. epinephrine or formulations is epinephrine, and is available in
levonordefrin). Management of these conditions is lar- 1:50,000, 1:100,000 and 1:200,000 formulations. Epi-
gely symptomatic in nature and avoidance is most nephrine is a potent cardiovascular agent, and at high
prudent. Careful administration of LA, particularly in doses can result in increased heart rate, blood pres-
areas of tightly-bound tissue such as in the palate, will sure, and potential cardiovascular emergency. The
reduce the likelihood of ischaemia. clinician must be cautious with regards to how much
Direct neurotoxicity to nerve trunks resulting in is administered.
paresthesia has been reported in the literature to occur
at higher frequency with anaesthetic solutions of higher
concentration such as 4% articaine and prilocaine when
administered as blocks (see Haas and Lennon10 and All sedatives and general anaesthetic agents are cap-
Garisto et al.11). Others suggested that this may not be able of causing respiratory depression in a dose-de-
the case when using articaine12–14. The clinician must pendent manner, with the intensity of depression
carefully consider whether the benefits of a 4% solution increased more readily when multiple sedatives are
outweigh the potential for complications. Management administered. It is important to distinguish a physio-
of paresthesia entails monitoring and potential referral logical depression of respiration from an anatomical
to an oral surgeon with experience and background in one – i.e. one that is caused due to loss of muscle
the management of these conditions. Fortunately most tone. Loss of muscle tone in the glossopharyngeal
cases of paresthesia are transient and resolve within musculature reduces pharyngeal patency, as does mal-
8 weeks; however, in some cases neurological deficits positioning of the tongue. Such anatomical obstruc-
may be permanent10. Other complications associated tion can occur at any level of sedation, and can be
with LA are a combination of ADR and technique, such managed with airway techniques such as a head tilt,
as intramuscular injection resulting in trismus. chin lift or an oropharyngeal airway.
As LA is removed in the cardiovascular system Physiological depression relates to alterations to the
(CVS) and may be administered directly into the CVS mechanisms related to respiration. Respiration is
due to poor technique, systemic complications can dependent upon both a central hypercapnic drive and
occur. All LAs are central nervous system depressants, a peripheral hypoxemic drive with the sedative classes
and can result in drowsiness, seizures and even coma impacting these drives differently. As dosages increase,
at high enough blood levels in cerebral circulation10. the differences become increasingly minimal, and both
While unlikely to occur in an adult patient save for central and peripheral drives are affected. With
extreme administration of LA, this is much more of a regards to tidal volume and respiratory rate, in gen-
concern in paediatric patients who have much lower eral, the inhalation anaesthetics (e.g. sevoflurane)
body weight10. Clinicians should be aware of calcula- depress tidal volume while increasing the respiratory
tions of maximum dosages for LA (Table 1). Another rate, while intravenous agents and opioids depress
possible systemic ADR is methemoglobinemia, an both. Benzodiazepines tend to depress respiration the

Table 1 Canadian maximum recommended dosages (MRD)* of LA and sample calculation for determining maxi-
mum amount of LA that can be safely administered. Modified from Haas and Lennon10
Anaesthetic Maximum Sample calculation

Lidocaine (e.g. Xylocaine) 7 mg/kg up to 500 mg Patient weighs 20 kg (44 lb), dentist administers lidocaine 2%
Articaine (e.g. Astracaine) 7 mg/kg up to 500 mg Maximum = 7 mg/kg 9 20 kg = 140 mg
Bupivacaine (e.g. Vivacaine) 2 mg/kg up to 200 mg Lidocaine 2% = 20 mg/mL of drug
Mepivacaine (e.g. Scandonest) 6.6 mg/kg up to 400 mg Max amount = 140 mg/ 20 mg/mL = 7 mL
Prilocaine (e.g. Citanest) 8 mg/kg up to 500 mg Max cartridge = 7 mL/ 1.8 mL/ cartridge = 3.9 cartridges
Therefore, the dentist can administer up to 3.9 cartridges of lidocaine 2%.

*Values in Table 1 represent Canadian MRDs and therefore may vary significantly from country to country. It is recommended that each clini-
cian investigate the manufacturer’s recommendations.

80 © 2020 FDI World Dental Federation

Adverse drug reactions in dentistry

Table 2 Impacts of common sedatives and general to healthy individuals at conventional doses.10 The
anaesthetics on heart rate, arterial pressure and venti- most significant ADR associated with acetaminophen
lation. Modified from Butterworth et al.29 is hepatotoxicity. Hepatotoxicity occurs due to the
accumulation of N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine
Agent Heart rate Arterial pressure Ventilation
(NAPQI), a potentially toxic metabolite of acetamino-
Diazepam =+* phen15,16. This metabolite is formed from approxi-
Midazolam +*
Propofol =
mately 5% 15% of total acetaminophen intake, with
Ketamine ++ ++ = the remaining 85% 95% undergoing immediate renal
Fentanyl = elimination after sulphation or glucuronidation (Fig-
Nitrous oxide = = =
Desflurane =+
ure 1). For healthy individuals NAPQI is conjugated
Sevoflurane = by glutathione and is also eliminated. However, in the
presence of excessive acetaminophen dosages, or in
‘*’ Increase due to reflex response to decreased arterial pressure. ‘+’
indicates an increase. ‘ ’ indicates a decrease. ‘=’ indicates no individuals with compromised hepatofunction, hepa-
change. totoxicity becomes a grave concern.
The commonly accepted maximum dosage of aceta-
least. Outside of respiratory effects, sedatives and gen- minophen in a healthy individual is 4 g per day; how-
eral anaesthetics also have impacts on the CVS and ever, recent suggestions have been made to reduce this
may result in changes to heart rate and arterial blood dosage to 3 g per day17. Hepatotoxicity may occur if
pressure. Finally, the benzodiazepines and propofol a large bolus is taken at 7.5–10 g for adults (150 mg/
result in anterograde amnesia, which may be of con- kg in children), with fatalities potentially occurring at
cern where instructions need to be given to the patient 20 25 g. Because the dosage that induces hepatotoxi-
or where changes in treatment plan may occur during city is approximately double that of the daily maxi-
the procedure (Table 2). mum, the likelihood of adverse reactions is low
It is also worth reviewing the sedation continuum. assuming proper drug instructions are given. In an
At minimal sedation (‘anxiolysis’), patients respond emergency overdose situation, individuals should be
normally to verbal stimulation. At moderate sedation treated with high-dose acetylcysteine to restore glu-
(‘conscious sedation’), purposeful response is made to tathione enzyme reserves.
verbal or tactile stimulation. Deep sedation involves
purposeful response to repeated or painful stimulus.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
At general anaesthesia, a patient does not respond to
pain. A purposeful response is not to be considered While generally well tolerated, the most common
withdrawal from a painful stimulus. See Table 3 for a ADR associated with the NSAIDs relates to GI com-
more detailed examination and summary of the con- plications, with the most widely feared relating to GI
tinuum. bleeding and toxicity. GI toxicity is not considered
uncommon, with over 16,500 deaths in the USA
attributed to NSAIDs18. GI bleeding arises due to the
mechanism of action of NSAIDs, which inhibit prosta-
While numerous analgesics are available, here we glandin synthesis, thereby diminishing the protective
focus on the most commonly employed analgesics in effect prostaglandins have on mucosa. The prudent
practice: acetaminophen, the NSAIDs, and opioids. clinician should therefore avoid prescribing NSAIDs
to any patient with a history of gastric ulcers or
bleeding, and should consider acetaminophen as the
drug of choice.
Acetaminophen is one of the safest analgesics avail- More rare is the possibility of triggering an anaphy-
able with almost no adverse effects when administered lactoid reaction with NSAIDs. Bronchospasm and

Table 3 The sedation continuum

Minimal sedation Moderate sedation Deep sedation General anaesthesia

Responsiveness Either verbal Verbal and/or tactile To painful repeated stimulus No response even to pain
or tactile in combination
Airway Maintained Usually maintained Intervention may be needed Intervention usually needed
Ventilation Unaffected Adequate May require supplementation Frequently requires supplementation
Cardiovascular function Unaffected Usually maintained Usually maintained May be impaired
Protective reflexes Intact Intact Partial loss Absent

Modified from Ref. 30.

© 2020 FDI World Dental Federation 81

Ouanounou et al.

other signs and symptoms of allergy can occur in sus- treatment, most commonly methadone, in order to
ceptible patients due to the leukotriene pathway of maintain recovery. As prescribers of approximately
action19. For patients suffering from severe asthma, 12% of all opioids in North America, dentists must
the clinician should avoid administration of NSAIDs, make efforts to avoid opioid prescriptions unless
as well as acetylsalicylic acid. Other potential ADRs absolutely necessary21. See Table 4 for recommended
include impairment of renal function; however, these post-surgical pain management protocol. Opioid pre-
typically require long-term, chronic administration of scriptions should be written judiciously after an exten-
NSAIDs. sive review of the patient’s health history to minimise
the patient’s risk for developing physical dependence,
a devastating opioid adverse drug effect.
All opioids produce dose-dependent respiratory
depression, sedation and GI upset, including constipa-
tion, nausea and vomiting17. Mood alterations are Excluding anaphylactic reactions, the most commonly
also possible, and may appear as euphoria or dyspho- used antibiotics in dentistry today are tolerated well.
ria (if unpleasant). Unfortunately, opioid misuse and The most common ADR for all antibiotics involves
addiction is rising at a devastating rate throughout GI upset (e.g. diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting). Approxi-
Canada and the USA, to the point where it is now mately 2%–10% of all antibiotics used will result in
considered an ‘opioid crisis’20. Patients suffering from diarrhoea, reaching upwards of 25% in the case of
opioid use disorder often require long-term sustained Augmentinâ (amoxicillin and clavulanic acid)22. Of

Figure 1. Main pathway of acetaminophen metabolism.

Table 4 Post-operative pain management protocol in dentistry

Anticipated post-operative Initial 24 hours After 24 hours

Mild to moderate 400–600 mg ibuprofen q6h 400 mg ibuprofen q4–6h

Moderate to severe 400–600 mg ibuprofen 400 mg ibuprofen
+500 mg acetaminophen q6h +500 mg acetaminophen q6h
Severe 400–600 mg ibuprofen 400–600 mg ibuprofen
+650 mg acetaminophen +500 mg acetaminophen q6h
+10 mg hydrocodone q6h for 24–48 hours

‘q’ = every, ‘h’ = hours.

From Ref.31.

82 © 2020 FDI World Dental Federation

Adverse drug reactions in dentistry

Table 5 Protocol for the management of Clostridium and irregular heartbeat. Less common symptoms may
difficile infection include experiences of confusion, blurry vision, blind
spots and bodily oedema.
Stop all antibiotics
Keep the patient hydrated
Refer to a physician
Vancomycin 500 mg po qid for 2 days (if severe)
Vancomycin 125 mg po qid for 10–14 days By and large, the pharmacological armamentarium for
Metronidazole 500 mg po tid for 7–14 days the practicing dentist today is relatively safe. However,
the prudent clinician must be aware of potential ADRs
that can arise from drug administration and be comfor-
table with the management of such complications.
Table 6 Preventive protocol for Clostridium difficile
Only prescribe antibiotics when absolutely necessary
Wash hands with soap and warm water between each patient None.
Use disposable gloves and gowns when in the same room as
infected patients
Thorough disinfection of room/chair with chlorine bleach Conflict of interest
between patients

greater concern is the potential for development of Funding information

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