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Additional Assignment

A Answer the following questions in your own words.

1. If you could have one superpower, what could it be? Why?

2. What famous person do you think you look like?

3. What song title best describes your feelings about life?

4. If you could be any animal for a day, what would you be? Why?

5. If a move were made about your life, what would the title be?
A _______ / 50 points

B Complete the interview with the correct words from the box.

come get keep look put take

Q: Could you tell our readers what you do?

A: I’m a designer and the owner of a small fashion company.

Q: What do you like about your job?

A: I like the fact that it’s a very creative job, but also a very challenging one.

I have to ______________ up with new ideas all the time.


Q: Do you read a lot of fashion magazines?

A: Of course. I have to ______________ up with the latest fashions from


designers all around the world.

Q: Do you enjoy working in your office?

A: Yes! I like all my co-workers, and I ______________ along with everybody.


The only problem is that sometimes the office can get really noisy, but it’s not that

hard to ______________ up with.


Q: What is something you always ______________ forward to?


A: The traveling. I love going to the shows in Paris, Milan, and Tokyo. The only

problem is that I can never stay long at these places. I always think I need

to go home and ______________ care of my business.
B _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

C Complete the message with about, in, or on.

Hi, Scott,

Have you heard ______________ a band called Perspectives? I have an extra ticket to their

concert this Saturday. If you’re not planning ______________ doing anything then, I’d love

for you to come! I usually don’t believe ______________ inviting people at the last minute,

but Patty is sick and can’t go. My parents wanted me to ask my sister, but I told them

I couldn’t depend ______________ her. If I asked her, she’d probably say “yes” and then

forget ______________ it. When you say “yes,” I know I can rely ______________ you!
5 6

Let me know tonight, OK?


C _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

D Rewrite the statements and questions. Use reported speech.

1. She said, “I don’t worry about anything.”
She said .
2. He asked, “Did you dream about the movie?”
He asked me .
3. She said, “I’ll call you on Sunday morning.”
She told me .
4. I asked, “Are we participating in the organization?”
I asked .
5. He said, “They got away with speeding again.”
He said .
6. She asked, “Have you decided already?”
She asked me .
D _______ / 12 points (2 points each)

E Number the lines of the conversation in the correct order.

____ A: Hey! That reminds me. Do you know if there’s a movie festival next weekend?
____ A: What did you do last weekend?
____ A: That’s really cool! Oh, I just thought of something. Carla wants you to call her, OK?
____ B: A movie festival? I’m not sure. But as I was saying, after the show, we met one of
the lead singers!
____ B: Sure. I’ll give her a call tonight.
____ B: I went to a music festival. It was great! I saw some of my favorite bands, and after
the show –
E _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

F Read the emails. Then write the correct answer to complete each sentence.

1. Sandra is Grace’s _______.

2. Mandy is Grace’s _______ .
3. Grace is worried about Mandy’s _________.
4. Grace thinks Mandy _____________.
5. Kelly has __________.
6. Mandy is _________________.
F _______ / 20 points

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