C R Robertson Fundamental Electrical and ElectroBookZZ - Org 17

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148 Fundamental Electrical and Electronic Principles

also, the csa of the field, A    d metre2

B d d
so e  and since  velocity v, then
t t

e  Bv volt (5.2)

The above equation is only true for the case when the conductor is
moving at right angles to the magnetic field. If the conductor moves
through the field at some angle less than 90°, then the ‘cutting’
action between the conductor and the flux is reduced. This results in
a consequent reduction in the induced emf. Thus, if the conductor
is moved horizontally through the field, the ‘cutting’ action is zero,
and so no emf is induced. To be more precise, we can say that only
the component of the velocity at 90° to the flux is responsible for the
induced emf. In general therefore, the induced emf is given by:

e  Bv sin  volt (5.3)

where v sin  is the component of velocity at 90° to the field, as

illustrated in Fig. 5.8.

v cosθ

v sinθ v

Fig. 5.8

This equation is simply confirmed by considering the previous two

extremes; i.e. when conductor moves parallel to the flux,   0°; sin
  0; so e  0. When it moves at right angles to the flux,   90°;
sin   1; so we are back to equation (5.2).
Note:  is known as the effective length of the conductor, since it is
that portion of the conductor that actually links with the flux. The total
length of the conductor may be considerably greater than this, but
those portions that may extend beyond the field at either end will not
have any emf induced.
Electromagnetism 149

Worked Example 5.4

Q A conductor is moved at a velocity of 5 m/s at an angle of 60° to a uniform magnetic field of 1.6 mWb.
The field is produced by a pair of pole pieces, the faces of which measure 10 cm by 4 cm. If the
conductor length is parallel to the longer side of the field, calculate the emf induced; see Fig. 5.9.

 10 cm

d 4 cm

5 m/s

Fig. 5.9

v  5 m/s; u  60°;   1.6  103 Wb; ℓ  0.1 m; d  0.04 m (see Fig. 5.9)

 1.6  103
B tesla   0.4 T
A 0.1  0.04
e  Bv sin  volt  0.4  0.1  5  sin 60
so e  0.173 V Ans

Worked Example 5.5

Q A conductor of effective length 15 cm, when moved at a velocity of 8 m/s at an angle of 55° to a
uniform magnetic field, generates an emf of 2.5 V. Determine the density of the field.

ℓ  0.15 m; v  8 m/s; u  55°; e  2.5 V

e  Bv sin  volt, so B  tesla
v sin 
hence, B 
0.15  8  sin 55
B  2.543 T Ans

Worked Example 5.6

Q The axle of a lorry is 2.2 m long, and the vertical component of the Earth’s magnetic field density,
through which the lorry is travelling, is 38 T. If the speed of the lorry is 80 km/h, then calculate the
emf induced in the axle.
150 Fundamental Electrical and Electronic Principles

80  103
ℓ  2.2 m; v  m/s ; B  38  106 T; sin u  1, since u  90°
60  60
e  Bv sin  volt
38  106  2.2  80  103

so, e  1.86 mV Ans

This section, covering the induction or generation of an emf in a

conductor moving through a magnetic field, forms the basis of the
generator principle. However, most electrical generators are rotating
machines, and we have so far considered only linear motion of the
Consider the conductor now formed into the shape of a rectangular
loop, mounted on to an axle. This arrangement is then rotated between
the poles of a permanent magnet. We now have the basis of a simple
generator as illustrated in Fig. 5.10.

(a) (b)

Fig. 5.10

The two sides of the loop that are parallel to the pole faces will each
have an effective length  metre. At any instant of time, these sides
are passing through the field in opposite directions. Applying the
righthand rule at the instant shown in Fig. 5.10, the directions of
the induced emfs will be as marked, i.e. of opposite polarities.
However, if we trace the path around the loop, it will be seen that
both emfs are causing current to flow in the same direction around
the loop. This is equivalent to two cells connected in series as
shown in Fig. 5.11.
The situation shown in Fig. 5.10 applies only to one instant in one
revolution of the loop (it is equivalent to a ‘snapshot’ at that instant).
Electromagnetism 151



Fig. 5.11

If we were to plot a graph of the total emf generated in the loop,

for one complete revolution, it would be found to be one cycle of a
sinewave, i.e. an alternating voltage. This result should not come as
any surprise though, since the equation for the emf generated in each
side of the loop is e  Blv sin volt. This very simple arrangement
therefore is the basis of a simple form of a.c. generator or alternator.
Exactly the same principles apply to a d.c. generator, but the way in
which the inherent a.c. voltage is converted into d.c. automatically by
the machine is dealt with in detail in Further Electrical and Electronic
Note: the ‘ends’ of the loop attached to the axle do not have emf
induced in them, since they do not ‘cut’ the flux. Additionally, current
can only flow around the loop provided that it forms part of a closed

5.5 Force on a Current-Carrying Conductor

Figure 5.12(a) shows the field patterns produced by two pole pieces, and
the current flowing through the conductor. Since the lines of flux obey
the rule that they will not intersect, then the flux pattern from the poles
will be distorted as illustrated in Fig. 5.12(b). Also, since the lines of flux
tend to act as if elastic, then they will try to straighten themselves. This
results in a force being exerted on the conductor, in the direction shown.

(a) (b)

Fig. 5.12

The direction of this force may be more simply obtained by applying

Fleming’s lefthand rule. This rule is similar to the righthand rule. The
major difference is of course that the fingers and thumb of the left hand
152 Fundamental Electrical and Electronic Principles

are now used. In this case, the First finger indicates the direction of the
main Flux (from the poles). The seCond finger indicates the direction
of Current flow. The thuMb shows the direction of the resulting force
and hence consequent Motion. This is shown in Fig. 5.13.



seCond finger

Fig. 5.13

Simple experiments can be used to confirm that the force exerted on the
conductor is directly proportional to the flux density produced by the pole
pieces, the value of current flowing through the conductor, and the length
of conductor lying inside the field. This yields the following equation:

Force, F  BI  newton (5.4)

The determination of the effective length  of the conductor is exactly

the same as that for the generator principle previously considered.
So any conductor extending beyond the main field does not contribute
to the force exerted.
Equation (5.4) also only applies to the condition when the conductor
is perpendicular to the main flux. If it lies at some angle less than 90°,
then the force exerted on it will be reduced. Thus, in general, the force
exerted is given by

F  BI  sin  newton (5.5)

Worked Example 5.7

Q A conductor of effective length 22 cm lies at right angles to a magnetic field of density 0.35 T. Calculate
the force exerted on the conductor when carrying a current of 3 A.

ℓ  0.22 m; B  0.35 T; I  3 A;   90°
F  B I sin  newton  0.35  3  0.22  1
so, F  0.231 N Ans
Electromagnetism 153

Worked Example 5.8

Q A pair of pole pieces 5 cm by 3 cm produce a flux of 2.5 mWb. A conductor is placed in this field
with its length parallel to the longer dimension of the poles. When a current is passed through
the conductor, a force of 1.25 N is exerted on it. Determine the value of the current.

If the conductor was placed at 45° to the field, what then would be the force exerted?

  2.5  103 Wb; ℓ  0.05 m; d  0.03 m; F  1.25 N

csa of the field, A  0.05  0.03  1.5  103 m2

 2.5  103
flux density, B  tesla   1.667 T
A 1.5  103
and since   90 , then sin   1
F  B I  sin  newton, so I  amp
therefore I   15 A Ans
1.667  0.05

F  B Isin  newton, where   45

so F  1.667  15  0.05  0.707
henc e, F  0.884 N Ans

The principle of a force exerted on a current carrying conductor

as described above forms the basis of operation of a linear motor.
However, since most electric motors are rotating machines, the above
system must be modified.

5.6 The Motor Principle

Once more, consider the conductor formed into the shape of a
rectangular loop, placed between two poles, and current passed through
it. A cross-sectional view of this arrangement, together with the flux
patterns produced is shown in Fig. 5.14.
The flux patterns for the two sides of the loop will be in opposite
directions because of the direction of current flow through it. The result
is that the main flux from the poles is twisted as shown in Fig. 5.15.
This produces forces on the two sides of the loop in opposite
directions. Thus there will be a turning moment exerted on the loop, in a
counterclockwise direction. The distance from the axle (the pivotal point)
is r metre, so the torque exerted on each side of the loop is given by

T  Fr newton metre
but F  BI sin  newton, and sin   1
154 Fundamental Electrical and Electronic Principles


Fig. 5.14 Fig. 5.15

so torque on each side  BIr. Since the torque on each side is exerting
a counterclockwise turning effect then the total torque exerted on the
loop will be

T  2 BI r newton metre (5.6)

Worked Example 5.9

Q A rectangular single-turn loop coil 1.5 cm by 0.6 cm is mounted between two poles, which produce a
flux density of 1.2 T, such that the longer sides of the coil are parallel to the pole faces. Determine the
torque exerted on the coil when a current of 10 mA is passed through it.

ℓ  0.015 m; B  1.2 T; I  102 A
radius of rotation, r  0.006/2  0.003 m
T  2B Ir newton metre
 2  1.2  102  0.015  0 .003
so T  1.08 m Nm Ans

From the above example it may be seen that a single-turn loop

produces a very small amount of torque. It is acknowledged that the
dimensions of the coil specified, and the current flowing through it, are
also small. However, even if the coil dimensions were increased by a
factor of ten times, and the current increased by a factor of a thousand
times (to 10 A), the torque would still be only a very modest 0.108 Nm.
The practical solution to this problem is to use a multi-turn coil, as
illustrated in Fig. 5.16. If the coil now has N turns, then each side has
Electromagnetism 155

Fig. 5.16

an effective length of N  . The resulting torque will be increased by

the same factor. So, for a multi-turn coil the torque is given by

T  2 NBI r newton metre

The term 2r in the above expression is equal to the area ‘enclosed’ by the
coil dimensions, so this is the effective csa A, of the field affecting the coil.
Thus, 2r  A metre2, and the above equation may be written

T  BANI newton metre (5.7)

The principle of using a multi-turn current-carrying coil in a magnetic

field is therefore used for rotary electric motors. However, the same
principles apply to the operation of analogue instruments known as
moving coil meters. The classic example of such an instrument is the
AVO meter, mentioned earlier, in Chapter 1.

Worked Example 5.10

Q The coil of a moving coil meter consists of 80 turns of wire wound on a former of length 2 cm and radius
1.2 cm. When a current of 45 A is passed through the coil the movement comes to rest when the springs
exert a restoring torque of 1.4 Nm. Calculate the flux density produced by the pole pieces.

N  80; ℓ  0.02 m; r  0.012 m; I  45  106; T  1.4  106 Nm

The meter movement comes to rest when the deflecting torque exerted on the
coil is balanced by the restoring torque of the springs.

T  BAN I newton metre

so, B  tesla
1.4  106

0.02  2  0.012  80  45  106
so, B  0.81 T Ans
156 Fundamental Electrical and Electronic Principles

5.7 Force between Parallel Conductors

When two parallel conductors are both carrying current their magnetic
fields will interact to produce a force of attraction or repulsion between
them. This is illustrated in Fig. 5.17.



Fig. 5.17

In order to determine the value of such a force, consider first a single

conductor carrying a current of I ampere. The magnetic field produced
at some distance d from its centre is shown in Fig. 5.18.

Fig. 5.18

In general, H  ampere turn/metre

but in this case, N  1 (one conductor) and   2d metre (the
circumference of the dotted circle), so

Electromagnetism 157

Now, flux density B  0r H tesla, and as the field exists in air, then
r  1. Thus, the flux density at distance d from the centre is given by
I o
B tesla ……………[1]
Consider now two conductors Y and Z carrying currents I1 and I2
respectively, at a distance of d metres between their centres as in
Fig. 5.19.

I1 I2

Fig. 5.19

Using equation [1] we can say that the flux density acting on Z due to
current I1 flowing in Y is:
I1 0
B1  tesla
and the force exerted on Z  B1I2  newton, or B1I2 newton per metre
length of Z.
Hence, force/metre length acting on Z
 0 I1I 2
4  107  I1I 2


so force/metre length acting on Z

2  107  I1I 2
 newton (5.8)

Now, the current I2 flowing in Z also produces a magnetic field which

will exert a force on Y. Using the same reasoning as above, it can be
shown that:

force/metre length acting on Y

2  107
 I1I 2 newton

so if I1  I2  1 A, and d  l m, then

force exerted on each conductor  2  107 newton

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