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Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Daniele Caramani, Ph.D.

Chair of Comparative Politics

Head of Department of Political Science, Co-Director of Institute of Political Science and
Vice-Dean, School of Economics and Political Science, University of St. Gallen

Office: c/o IPW, Rosenbergstrasse 51, 9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland.

Phone: 0041-71-224 3981 (secretary: 2600; fax: 7373).
Web: (with links to off-prints of journal articles, conference papers,
datasets, research projects, course outlines, book reviews).

Birth: Milan, 26 June 1968.

Nationalities: Italian, Swiss.
Status: Married, five children.

Languages: Italian, German, French, English.

Software familiarity: various statistical packages, GIS and web-design software.

Main fields: Comparative politics, historical political sociology, methodology, EU studies.


1994–97: Ph.D. in Social and Political Sciences, European University Institute, Florence.
1988–93: B.A. and M.A. in Political Science, University of Geneva.
1983–87: Baccalauréat, Lycée International de St. Germain-en-Laye, Paris.
1974–83: Compulsory schooling, Milan.


2006–present: Full Professor, University of St. Gallen.

2004–06: Reader then promoted Professor, University of Birmingham.
2002–04: Research Professor, University of Mannheim.
2000–02: Vincent Wright Fellow in Comparative Politics (“Jean Monnet Fellowship”),
Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence.
1998–02: Assistant Professor, University of Florence.
1996–98: Research Fellow, University of Mannheim.
1994–97: Ph.D. with three-year scholarship, European University Institute, Florence.
1991–94: Teaching Assistant, University of Geneva.


2004: Visiting Fellow, Stein Rokkan Centre, University of Bergen.

2002–04: Part-Time Professor, University of Berne.
2001: Jemolo Fellow, Nuffield College, University of Oxford.

1994: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods
and Data Analysis.
1992: University of Essex, Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection.


2012: Lijphart/Przeworski/Verba Dataset Award for the Constituency-Level Data Archive,

from the Comparative Politics section of the American Political Science Assiciation.
2006: Vincent Wright Memorial Prize for best article in West European Politics.
2006: Nominated for the PSA Bernard Crick Awards for Outstanding Teaching, University of
2004: Stein Rokkan Prize for Comparative Research in the Social Sciences.
1997: Ph.D. thesis awarded “Distinction” by the European University Institute.



2011: Local Organiser of the ECPR Joint Sessions, St. Gallen, 2011.
2011: Congress of French-Speaking Political Science Associations, Workshop on parliament-
tary studies (with Kris Deschower and Jean-Benoît Pilet), Brussels, April 2011.
2010: Council of Europe conference on “Democracy and Decentralisation”, Scientific
Coordinator of Workshop on “Referendums at Regional and Municipal Level”,
University of St. Gallen.
2009: Local Organiser: Annual Congress, Swiss Political Science Association, St. Gallen.
2009: Symposium in Honour of Peter Flora on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday,
“Comparing the Trajectories of European Societies”, WZB Berlin, co-organised with
Jens Alber and Stein Kuhnle.
2008: Common congress of German, Austrian and Swiss political science associations
(SVPW, DVPW, OGPW): workshop on “Europäisierung nationaler Parteiensysteme,
Europäisierung der Europawahlen?” (with Philip Manow and Guido Tiemann).
2008: Director of ECPR Joint Sessions workshop (Rennes) on “The Nationalisation of Central
and East European Party Systems” (with Ingrid van Biezen).
2003/04: Organiser of two workshops on “The Heart of Europe: The Alpine Political Culture
and its Relationship to European Integration”, European University Institute (with Yves
2003: Director of ECPR Joint Sessions workshop (Edinburgh) on “Political Culture(s) and
European Integration”.
2000: Italian Political Science Association: workshop on “Political Participation in the Italian
Transition to the Second Republic” (with Donatella Della Porta).
1999: Italian Political Science Association: workshop on “New Forms of Political
Participation in Italy” (with Roberto D’Alimonte).

Papers/talks (selected)

Guest Talk, Leuphana University, Lüneburg, November 2011.

Lecture at conference for 150th anniversary of Italian unification: L’unità italiana: uno
sguardo dall’Europa. Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, sotto l’alto patronato del

Presidente della Repubblica.
Research Seminar, Department of Political Science, St. Gallen, March 2011.
Departmental Seminar, Institut für Höhere Studien, Vienna, January 2011.
Departmental Seminar, Université Libre de Bruxelles, December 2010.
Guest Talk, University of Milan, May 2010.
Guest Talk, Bocconi University, Milan, April 2010.
Workshop on “The Origins of Institutions in Europe”, Stanford University, January 2010.
Guest Talk, Department of Political Science, Stanford University, January 2010.
NCCR Workshop on “The Future of Political Representation”, paper on “Discrepant
Electorates: The Inclusiveness of Electorates and Its Impact on Citizen–Representative
Congruence”, University of Berne, October 2010.
IPSA World Congress, panel on “Future Challenges to Comparative Politics”, paper “Of
Differences and Similarities: Is the Explanation of Variation a Limitation to (or of)
Comparative Analysis?”, Santiago de Chile, July 2009.
ESRC seminar series “Democracy After the Nation-State” on “Understanding Regional
Democracy”, paper on “An On-Line Constituency Level Data Archive (CLEA)”, EUI
Florence, June 2009.
Guest Talk, Institut für Höhere Studien, University of Vienna, November 2008.
Brown Bag Seminars, Dept. of Political Science, University of Leiden, November 2008.
British Academy Research Workshop, Cardiff University, “Whose Europe? The Politics of
Differentiated Integration”, paper on “Alpine Europe”, September 2008.
ECPR Joint Sessions, panel on “The Nationalisation Central and East European Party
Systems”, Rennes, paper on “The Nationalisation Central and East European Party
Systems: Trajectories, Conditions, Outcomes” (with Ingrid van Biezen), 2008.
Guest Talk, Department of Political Science, University of Konstanz, January 2008.
The Geary Institute, University College Dublin, “Workshop on Attitudes Towards
Immigration in EU Member States”, December 2007.
Guest Talk, Center for Political Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, November 2007.
ECPR Joint Sessions, panel on “Politicizing Socio-Cultural Structures”, Helsinki, paper on
“Cleavage Structuring in Western vs. Central and Eastern Europe”, May 2007.
IPSA, panel on “Party System Change”, Fukuoka, Japan, paper on “Toward a Multi-Level
Party System in the European Union?”, July 2006.
Guest Talk, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, Jean Monnet Centre for European Studies,
“European Research Seminar”, February 2006.
Guest Talk, LSE, Government Department, February 2006.
University of Edinburgh, conference “Party Strategies and Party Organisation in Federal or
Devolved Polities”, October 2005.
Social Science History Association, session on “GIS-Assisted Perspectives in Political
History: Elections, Regionalism, State-Making”, Portland, Oregon, paper on “From
Database to a GIS-Assisted Historical Electoral Atlas of Europe”, November 2005.
University of Michigan, European Union Center, conference on “Challenges to Political
Parties and Representation”, Ann Arbor, paper on “Electoral Challenge in a Multi-Level
Arena”, May 2005.
Guest Talk, University of Cambridge, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, “Research Seminar
on European Politics”, April 2005.
University of Konstanz, conference on “Nationalisierung im 20. Jahrhundert”, paper on “Die
Entstehung nationaler Parteiensysteme in Europa: eine historisch-vergleichende
Analyse”, January 2005.

Awarding lecture: “XIth Stein Rokkan Prize for Comparative Research in the Social
Sciences”, ISSC/Chinese Academy of Social Sciences General Assembly, Beijing,
“Nationalisation and Democracy”, November 2004.
Guest Talk, Stein Rokkan Centre, University of Bergen, “Europeisk Forum”, October 2004.
Guest Talk, University of Oslo, “ARENA Research Seminars”, October 2004.

(Older talks not listed)


2005–12: Comparative Politics (undergraduate course), University of St. Gallen, English.

2005–12: Since 2011 Methoden I: Quantitativ (undergraduate course). Peviously Research
Methods (graduate course and labs), University of St. Gallen, German.
2007–12: Democracy in Developing Countries (undergraduate course), University of St.
Gallen, English.
2008–12: Designing Democracy: Comparative Institutional Design (graduate course),
University of St. Gallen, English.
2010–12: Comparative Capitalist Systems (graduate course), University of St. Gallen,
2009–12: Nationalism and National Identity (graduate course), University of St. Gallen, co-
taught with Michael Schefczyk, English.
2007–12: Literature Seminar (doctoral course), University of St. Gallen, English.
2007–12: Essay Seminar (doctoral course), University of St. Gallen, English.
2007–12: Methods Seminar (doctoral course), University of St. Gallen, co-taught with James
Davis and Simon Evenett, English.
2004–05: Comparative European Government (undergraduate course and tutorials),
University of Birmingham, English.
2004–05: Case Studies in Comparative European Politics (undergraduate course and
tutorials), University of Birmingham, English.
2004–05: EU Institutions, Politics and Policies (undergraduate course and tutorials),
University of Birmingham, English.
2004–05: Methods I: Introduction to Empirical Research (undergraduate course and labs),
University of Birmingham, English.
2002–04: Comparative Method (graduate course), University of Mannheim, German.
2002–04: Comparative Politics (graduate seminar), University of Mannheim, German.
2002–04: Comparative Party Systems and Case Studies (undergraduate course and seminar),
University of Berne, German.
1998–2002: Dissertation Seminar (Ph.D. seminar), University of Florence, Italian.
1998–2002: Comparative Method (Ph.D. seminar), University of Florence, Italian.
1998–2002: Comparative Politics (undergraduate course and seminar), University of
Florence, Italian.
1998–2002: Introduction to Political Science (undergraduate course and seminar), University
of Florence, Italian.
1998–99: Electoral Systems (undergraduate seminar), University of Florence, Italian.
1998–99: Cleavage Theory (undergraduate seminar), University of Florence, Italian.
1991–94: Statistics and Computing in the Social Sciences (undergraduate labs), University of
Geneva, French.
1991–94: Political Sociology (undergraduate seminar), University of Geneva, French.

Extra-curricular teaching

2012: ECPR Summer School on Political Parties, Free University of Brussels, course in
“Natinoalization and Europeanization of Electoral Politics”.
2011: Institut für Höhere Studien, Vienna, five-day Ph.D. course in “Comparative Politics”.
2010: IPMZ, University of Zurich, Workshop on “Comparative Research Methods”, lecture
on “Small-N Comparisons: Qualitative Comparative Analysis, Fuzzy Sets and Boolean
2009: University College Dublin, School of Business, continuing education course in
Industrial Relations on “Advances in Comparative Methodology”. European Foundation
for the Improvement of Working and Living Conditions (Eurofund).
2008: University College Dublin, School of Business, continuing education course in
Industrial Relations on “Designing Comparative Employment Relations Research”.
European Foundation for the Improvement of Working and Living Conditions
2008: NCCR Democracy in the 21st Century, University of Zürich, Doctoral School, “The
Peer Review Process in Scientific Journals”.
2007: Department of Political Science, University of Geneva, Doctoral School: “Comparative
Method and Regression Analysis”.
2004: University of Tallinn (Estonia), Baltic Sea Network (“Graduate Seminar”).
2003: European Politics, ESRC Graduate Summer School, Belfast.
2002–04: Modern Democracies (undergraduate lectures and seminars), Gonzaga University in
Florence, English.



2009–12: Co-editor of Political Data Yearbook (European Journal of Political Research).

2007–10: Editor/Director of Swiss Political Science Review.

Editorial board

European Union Politics


Acta Politica, American Journal of Political Science, American Political Science Review,
British Journal of Political Science, Comparative European Politics, Electoral Studies,
European Political Science Review, European Journal of Political Research, European Union
Politics, International Studies Quarterly, Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of
Democracy, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties, Journal of Politics,
Parliamentary Affairs, Party Politics, Perspectives on Politics, Political Studies, Politics,
Politics and Gender, Politische Vierteljahresschrift, PS: Political Science & Politics, Rivista
Italiana di Scienza Politica, Science, Sociological Methods and Research, Swiss Political
Science Review, West European Politics.

Ashgate, Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Palgrave, Polity Press,
Routledge, University of Wales Press.

Research funding institutions

National Science Foundation (USA), NWO Conflict and Security Foundation (Netherlands),
Swiss National Science Foundation, Economic and Social Research Council, ESRC (UK).


American Political Science Association (APSA)

European Consortium of Political Research (ECPR)
International Political Science Association (IPSA)
Italian Political Science Association (SISP)
Social Science History Association (SSHA)
Swiss Political Science Association (ASSP):
Since 2006: Member of the Board of Directors.

Expert surveys

Chapel Hill Expert Survey (CHES)

Project on Democratic Accountability (Herbert Kitschelt).
Expert Survey Italy (Ken Benoit).
Since 2008: Member of the SELECTS group (Swiss Elections Study) organising the survey
taking place after each parliamentary election.


Member of search committees, universities of Birmingham, St. Gallen and Zurich.

External tenure evaluator for Harvard University, Bocconi University, and University of

Media (articles and interviews)

NZZ, Tages Anzeiger, Tagblatt, Rai International TV, Radio Top, DRS2, HSG Blatt, Prisma.


2000: Country Report “Italy”, The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), September.
1998: Misson for the OECD as “International Monitor” in Sarajevo for the legislative and
communal elections in Bosnia-Hercegovina.
1996: Mission for the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as “International Monitor” for the
elections to the city council of Mostar (Bosnia-Hercegovina) under the supervision of
the European Union Administration in Mostar.


Since 2011: Head of Department of Political Science, University of St. Gallen.

Since 2011: Vice-Dean School of Economics and Political Science, University of St. Gallen.
Since 2009: Coordinator of research are “Global Democratic Governance”, endowed with
three assistant professorships and annual budget of SFr. 200,000.
Since 2006: Co-Director, Institute of Political Science, University of St. Gallen.
Since 2008: Co-Director of the Constituency-Level Elections Archive (CLEA), University of
Michigan (
2004–05: Planning, management and implementation of new three-year methodology course,
University of Birmingham. “Methods I: Introduction to Empirical Research”; “Methods
II: Data Analysis”; “Methods III: Data Collection and Visualisation”.
2004–05: Co-convenor of “Departmental Seminar”, University of Birmingham.
1998–2001: Secretary of Italian Political Science Association (SISP). Activities included the
complete new organisation of the association with (1) webpage/mailing list, (2)
electronic membership/payments, (3) joint subscriptions with major Italian journals, (4)
organisation of annual congress in Trieste, Naples, Siena.
1998–2002: Deputy Director (as well as web-coordinator and administrator) of CIRES,
Research Centre on Southern Europe, University of Florence.
1998–2002: Official Representative of the ICPSR Archive (University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor) for the University of Florence.
1998–2002: Managing director of doctoral programme, University of Florence.


(Conference grants not listed)

2012: Under review project on “Parliamentary Representation in Direct Democracy”, to be
funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SFr. 180,000).
Since 2009: six-year annual funding of SFr. 200,000 for “Global Democratic Governance”
research programme.
2009–12: Project on “Democratisation and the Emergence of Responsive Party Systems in
Lating America” (with Simon Bornschier) funded by the Swiss National Science
Foundation (SFr. 180,000).
2007–14: two subsequent projects (third phase under review) sponsored by National Centre of
Competence in Research (NCCR: Challenges to Democracy in the 21st Century) of the
Swiss National Science Foundation (SFr. 200,000).
2007–10: Swiss Political Science Review subvention for editorship (SFr. 108,000).
2006–10: Permanent funding for four 35% research assistants from University of St. Gallen
(SFr. 105,000 annually).
2004–05: European University Institute: grant for organisation with Yves Mény of two
conferences on “Challenges to Consensual Democracy”, plus contribution to production
of edited volume (€ 10,000).
2003: Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung: contribution to camera-ready
preparation of figures for The Nationalization of Politics (€ 4,000).
2002: Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung: contribution to translation and
camera-ready preparation of figures, tables, and graphs of State Formation, Nation-
Building and Mass Democracy in Europe: The Theory of Stein Rokkan (€ 4,000).
2001: Grant for visiting period at Nuffield College, Oxford University (£ 2,000)
2000: MZES (University of Mannheim): funding for research team for Elections in Western
Europe since 1815 including travel grants, two research assistants for CD-ROM and
data input, camera-ready copy, and in-house copy-editing (€ 50,000).

1999–2002: Inter-University Consortium: budget for creation of “Centro di Ricerca sul Sud
Europa”, CIRES (€ 50,000 yearly).
1998–2002: University of Florence: budget for organisation of Italian Political Science
Association (€ 5,000 yearly).
1998: Swiss National Research Foundation: young research grant for two-year research period
at University of California, San Diego (SFr. 200,000).
1997: European University Institute: contribution to publication of thesis (€ 1,500).
1994: Italian Ministry of Exterior and European Commission: three-year Ph.D. scholarship as
researcher at European University Institute (€ 32,000).
1994: European University Institute: research grant for the project on Parties and Party
Systems in Europe since 1945 with Stefano Bartolini and Simon Hug (€ 4,000).
1994: University of Geneva: scholarship for ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative
Methods at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (SFr. 10,000).
1992: University of Geneva: scholarship for Essex Summer School in Social Science Data
Analysis and Collection at University of Essex (SFr. 8,000).

Current research projects

The Europeanisation of Politics

This project analyses the integration of European electorates and party systems, and the
formation of a supra-national cleavage constellation in the European Union. It is an empirical
research on the “Europeanisation” of electorates and party systems convergence: (1) the
ideological integration among parties of the same family in Europe, (2) the homogeneity of
voting behaviour and common changes (uniform swings), (3) the location of sources for
electoral behaviour (local, national or EU level), (4) the degree of distinctiveness of the EU
party system with respect to national party systems and their alignments. The research covers
30 countries since the first direct election to the EP in 1979. The project is based on three
types of data: (1) aggregate data, (2) survey data and (3) party manifestos.

CLEA: Constituency-Level Electoral Archive

The central aim of the CLEA project is to produce a repository of detailed results – including
votes received by each candidate/party, total votes cast, number of eligible voters, and seat
figures – at a constituency level for the lower house legislative elections that have been
conducted around the world. The goal is to preserve and consolidate these data in one
comprehensive and reliable reference resource that is ready for analysis and publicly available
at no cost. This public good is expected to be of use to a range of audiences for research,
education, policy-making and evaluation. The project is carried out in collaboration with Ken
Kollman and Allen Hicken (University of Michigan), and David Backer (William & Mary).

PartyRep: Participation and Representation

Project by the Inter University Attraction Pole (Universities of Brussels, Antwerp, Leuven
and Leiden) consists of a comparative national and regional MP survey in Europe. Four
themes are studied. First, the definition of constituencies and how MPs define them. Second,
how interests of (un)organised groups are defined in the representation process. Third, multi-
level environment, how members of regional and national parliaments interact and compete.
Fourth how electoral rules affect the role orientations that MPs choose from.

The Nationalisation of Central and East European Countries
An ECPR workshop organised in 2008 in Rennes with Ingrid van Biezen will analyse
processes of nationalisation since 1989 in Central and East European countries (including
Russia, Bulgaria and Romania) after the break-down of communism. Papers will include
country case studies with two introductory chapters: one analysing common trends in Central
and Eastern Europe and the other comparing these trends with Western Europe. The papers
will lead to an edited volume to be submitted to Cambridge University Press.

European Regions: 1870–2005

In collaboration with the MZES, University of Mannheim, a comparative reference handbook
and CD-ROM in the series “The Societies of Europe”: (1) presentation through text, tables,
synopses of the development of political-administrative regional structures in Western,
Central, and Eastern Europe; (2) a complete set of digitalised and machine-readable maps
since 1870 for all European countries documenting border changes and changes in the internal
organisation of administrative/political territorial units. The map files can be used by GIS
systems for thematic mapping and analysis.

Democratisation and the Emergence of a Responsive Party System in Latin America

Analysis of the emergence of responsive party systems in 12 countries. The project combines
comparative historical analysis and quantitative statistical methods to empirically analyse
processes of democratisation in Latin America. The hypothesis is that the way conflicts were
mobilised early on affects the long-term balance between clientelistic and programmatic
mobilisation strategies employed by parties.

A Historical and Computerised Electoral Atlas of Europe

The project aims to produce an electoral atlas of elections for 30 countries in Europe. Maps
include turnout and voting support for the main parties across Europe from all party families.
The maps are historical including elections that took place in the 19th century. Territorial
units are constituencies. The goal is to produce a printed atlas accompanied by CD-ROM or
webpage based on GIS cartography in order to produce dynamic configurations of territorial
patters of voting support over time to assess the impact of industrialisation, urbanisation,
migrations and boundary changes.


Authored books and CD-ROMs

In preparation. The Europeanisation of Politics: The Integration of Electorates and Party

Systems in the European Union. To be submitted to Cambridge University Press.

2009. Introduction to the Comparative Method With Boolean Algebra. Beverly Hills, Calif.:
Sage (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences), xiv–112 pp.

2004. The Nationalization of Politics: The Formation of National Electorates and Party
Systems in Western Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Cambridge Studies in
Comparative Politics), xviii–347 pp. [cloth and paperback]. Review by Hanspeter Kriesi in
Contemporary Sociology 34(5), 2005, by Eva Anduiza Perea in European Political Science

4(4), 2005 and by Elena Meleshkina in Politicheskaia nauka (Russia), 2008.

2000 (re-printed with new cover 2004). Elections in Western Europe since 1815: Electoral
Results by Constituencies [Supplemented with CD-ROM]. London-New York: Palgrave (The
Societies of Europe), xxiv–1,090 pp. Review by Gary W. Cox in Lijphart Elections Archive
Online Reviews and by Peter Mair in Party Politics 7(4), 2001.

1998. With Bartolini, S. and Hug, S. Parties and Party Systems: A Bibliographic Guide to the
Literature on Parties and Party Systems in Europe since 1945 on CD-ROM [Supplemented
with booklet]. London: Sage, 88 pp. Review by Richard S. Katz in Party Politics 5(3), 1999
and by Peter Mair in West European Politics 23(1), 2000.


2013(forthcoming). Comparative Politics, third edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2013 (forthcoming). With P. Flora, F. Kraus and J. Martí-Henneberg. European Regions: The
Territorial Structure of Europe, 1870–2005 [Supplemented with CD-ROM]. London-New
York: Palgrave (The Societies of Europe).

In preparation. With I. van Biezen. The Nationalisation of Central and East European Party
Systems. Proposal submitted to Cambridge University Press.

2011. With Degan-Krause, K. and R. Murray. European Journal of Political Research:

Political Data Yearbook 50: (7–8), pp. 867–1185.

2011. Comparative Politics, second edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press (with
companion website: xxxviii -640 pp.

2010. With T. Bale. European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Yearbook 2009.
49(7–8), pp. 855–1212.

2007–10. Swiss Political Science Review.

2008. Comparative Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press (with companion website:, xliv-786 pp.

2005. With Mény, Y. Challenges to Consensual Politics: Democracy, Identity, and Populist
Protest in the Alpine Region. Brussels: P.I.E.-Peter Lang (Federalism & Regionalism, no. 6),
257 pp. Review by Johannes Pollak in West European Politics 29(1), 2006.

Journal Articles/Papers

Under review. The Europeanization of Cabinet Politics? A Comparative Analysis, 1945–


2012. With Oliver Strijbis. Discrepant Electorates: The Inclusiveness of Electorates and Its
Impact on the Representation of Citizens. Parliamentary Affairs 65(1): 1–21 (DOI:

10.1093/pa/gsr069). Also available as IHS Working Paper, no. 124.

2011. With Degan-Krause, K. and R. Murray. Political Data in 2010. European Journal of
Political Research. 50: (7–8): 867–87.

2011. With Valeria Camia. Family Meetings: Ideological Convergence Within Party Families
Across Europe, 1945–2009. Comparative European Politics 10(1): 48–85 (DOI: 10.1057/

2011. Electoral Waves: An Analysis of Trends, Spread and Swings Across 20 West European
Countries 1970–2008. Representation 47(2): 137–60.

2011. The Europeanization of Electoral Politics: An Analysis of Converging Voting

Distributions in 30 European Party Systems, 1970–2008. Party Politics (DOI:
10.1177/1354068810389640; print version forthcoming).

2010. With Bale, T. Political Data in 2009. European Journal of Political Research. 49(7–8):

2010. Of Differences and Similarities: Is the Explanation of Variation a Limitation to (or of)
Comparative Analysis? European Political Science 9: 34–48.

2010. Debate on the Future of Comparative Politics: A Rejoinder. European Political Science
9: 78–82.

2008. With van Biezen, I. The Nationalisation Central and East European Party Systems:
Trajectories, Conditions, Outcomes. Presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshop,
Rennes 2008.

2007. With van Biezen, I. Cleavage Structuring in Western vs. Central and Eastern Europe:
State Formation, Nation-Building and Economic Modernisation. Presented at ECPR Joint
Sessions of Workshop, Helsinki 2007.

2006. Is There a European Electorate and What Does It Look Like? Evidence from Electoral
Volatility Measures, 1976–2004. West European Politics 29(1): 1–27.

2006. With van Biezen, I. (Non)Comparative Politics in Britain. Politics 26(1): 29–37.

2005. The Formation of National Party Systems in Europe: A Comparative-Historical

Analysis. Scandinavian Political Studies 28(4): 295–322.

2005. With Wagemann, C. A Transnational Political Culture? The Alpine Region and its
Relationship to European Integration. German Politics 14(1): 74–94.

2005. L’Évolution de la Territorialité des Clivages en Europe: Une Étude Comparative

Depuis la Moitié du XIXème Siècle. Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée 12(1): 47–
76 (Issue on “Les Clivages en Politique”).

2004. The Formation of a European Electorate: Evidence from Electoral Volatility Measures,
1970s–2000s. MZES Arbeitspapiere–Working papers (no. 83).

2003. The End of Silent Elections: The Birth of Electoral Competition, 1832–1915. Party
Politics 9(4): 411–43.

2002. The End of “Silent Elections”: The Birth of Electoral Competition, 1832–1915.
Florence: EUI Working Papers (RSC 2002/32).

2002. The Measurement of Territorial Homogeneity: A Test on Comparative Electoral Data

since 1832. Florence: EUI Working Papers (RSC 2002/26).

2002. L’Italie et l’Union Européenne. Pouvoirs 103: 129–42.

2000. Stato, Nazione e Democrazia di Stein Rokkan. Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica
30(3): 586–88.

2000. Elections in Western Europe since 1815. EUI Review Spring: 17–18.

1998. With Hug, S. The Literature on European Parties and Party Systems since 1945: A
Quantitative Analysis. European Journal of Political Research 33(4): 497–524.

1997. With Bartolini, S. and Hug, S. (1997), A Bibliography on Parties and Party Systems in
Europe since 1945, pp. 18–21. Eurodata Newsletters (EURODATA Research Archive of the
Mannheim Centre of European Social Research) 6(Autumn).

1996. The “Project on Comparative European Electoral History: 1830-1995:” A

Computerised Data Handbook. Swiss Political Science Review 2(1): 141–150.

1996. La Partecipazione Elettorale: Gli Effetti della Competizione Maggioritaria. Rivista

Italiana di Scienza Politica 26(3): 585–609.

1996. The Nationalisation of Electoral Politics: Conceptual Reconstruction and Review of the
Literature. West European Politics 19(2): 205–24.

1996. The “Project on Comparative European Electoral History: 1830-1995”. A

Computerised Data Handbook, pp. 15–18. Eurodata Newsletters (EURODATA Research
Archive of the Mannheim Centre of European Social Research) 4(Autumn).

1996. The Swiss Parliamentary Election of 1995. Electoral Studies 15(1): 128–38.

1994. La Nazionalizzazione del Voto. Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica 24(2): 237–85.

1994. With Mottier, V. and W. Ossipow. La Guerre du Golfe et la Presse Genevoise. Hermès
13–14: 155–64.

1994. Une Etude Comparative des Processus d’Homogénéisation Territoriale du Soutien

Electoral des Partis Politiques dans 15 Pays Européens. Geneva: Etudes et Recherches

(Departement de Science Politique, no. 28).


2012 (forthcoming). With Karen Celis and Bram Wauters. The Representation of Old and
New Cleavages in Europe. In Deschouwer, K. and S. Depauw (eds.). Political Representation
in the Twenty-First Century. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2013/2011/2008. Introduction to Comparative Politics, in: Caramani D. (ed.). Comparative

Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Second edition forthcoming 2010.

2013/2011/2008. Party Systems, in: Caramani, D. (ed.). Comparative Politics. Oxford:

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