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Test Bank for Business Statistics for Contemporary Decision Making, 2nd Canadian Edition

Test Bank for Business Statistics for Contemporary

Decision Making, 2nd Canadian Edition

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1. Solve for probabilities in a continuous uniform distribution. Probably the simplest of

these distributions is the uniform distribution, sometimes referred to as the rectangular
distribution. What are the key concepts behind the uniform distribution and its uses? The
uniform distribution is determined from a probability density function that contains equal values
along some interval between the points a and b. Basically, the height of the curve is the same
everywhere between these two points. Probabilities are determined by calculating the portion of
the rectangle between the two points a and b that is being considered.

2. Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the mean, the
standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information about
the area under the normal curve. The most widely used of all distributions is the normal
distribution. Many phenomena are normally distributed, including characteristics of most
machine-produced parts; many measurements of the biological and natural environment; and
many human characteristics such as height, mass, IQ, and achievement test scores. The
normal curve is continuous, symmetrical, unimodal, and asymptotic to the axis; actually, it is a
family of curves. The parameters necessary to describe a normal distribution are the mean and
the standard deviation. For convenience, data being analyzed by the normal curve should be
standardized by using the mean and the standard deviation to compute z scores. A z score is
the distance that an x value is from the mean, µ, in units of standard deviations. With the z score
of an x value, the probability of that value occurring by chance from a given normal distribution
can be determined by using a table of z scores and their associated probabilities.

3. Solve problems from the discrete binomial distribution using the continuous normal
distribution and correcting for continuity. The normal distribution can be used to work
certain types of binomial distribution problems. Doing so requires converting the n and p values
of the binomial distribution to µ and σ of the normal distribution. When worked by using the
normal distribution, the binomial distribution solution is only an approximation. If the values of µ
± 3σ are within a range from 0 to n, the approximation is reasonably accurate. Adjusting for the
fact that a discrete distribution problem is being worked using a continuous distribution requires
a correction for continuity. The correction for continuity involves adding 0.50 to or subtracting
0.50 from the x value being analyzed. This correction usually improves the normal curve

4. Solve for probabilities in an exponential distribution and contrast the exponential

distribution to the discrete Poisson distribution. Another continuous distribution is the
exponential distribution. It complements the discrete Poisson distribution. The exponential
distribution is used to compute the probabilities of times between random occurrences. The
exponential distribution is a family of distributions described by the single parameter λ. The
distribution is skewed to the right and always has its highest value at x = 0.

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Continuous Distributions 6-2


1. A uniform continuous distribution is also referred to as a rectangular distribution.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a continuous uniform distribution.
Section Reference: 6.1 Uniform Distribution

2. The height of the rectangle depicting a uniform distribution is the probability of each outcome
and it is the same for all of the possible outcomes.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a continuous uniform distribution.
Section Reference: 6.1 Uniform Distribution

3. The area of the rectangle depicting a uniform distribution is always equal to one.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a continuous uniform distribution.
Section Reference: 6.1 Uniform Distribution

4. Many human characteristics, such as height and weight, and many variable measurements,
such as household insurance and cost per square metre of rental space, are normally

Answer: True

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

5. Normal distribution is a skewed distribution with its tails extending to infinity on either side of
the mean.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Medium

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6- 3 Test Bank for Business Statistics, Second Canadian Edition

Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

6. Since a normal distribution curve extends from minus infinity to plus infinity, the area under
the curve is infinity.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

7. A z score is the number of standard deviations that a value of a random variable is above or
below the mean.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

8. A normal distribution with a mean of zero and a standard deviation of 1 is called a null

Answer: False

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

9. A standard normal distribution has a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

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Continuous Distributions 6-4

10. The standard normal distribution is also called a finite distribution because its mean is zero
and standard deviation one, always.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

11. In a standard normal distribution, if the area under curve to the right of a z value is 0.10,
then the area to the left of the same z value is –0.10.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

12. Binomial distributions in which the sample sizes are large may be approximated by a
Poisson distribution.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve problems from the discrete binomial distribution using the continuous
normal distribution and correcting for continuity.
Section Reference: 6.3 Using the Normal Curve to Approximate Binomial Distribution Problems

13. A correction for continuity must be made when approximating the binomial distribution
problems using a normal distribution.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve problems from the discrete binomial distribution using the continuous
normal distribution and correcting for continuity.
Section Reference: 6.3 Using the Normal Curve to Approximate Binomial Distribution Problems

14. If arrivals at a bank followed a Poisson distribution, then the time between arrivals would
follow a binomial distribution.

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6- 5 Test Bank for Business Statistics, Second Canadian Edition

Answer: False

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in an exponential distribution and contrast the
exponential distribution to the discrete Poisson distribution.
Section Reference: 6.4 Exponential Distribution

15. For an exponential distribution, the mean is always equal to its variance.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in an exponential distribution and contrast the
exponential distribution to the discrete Poisson distribution.
Section Reference: 6.4 Exponential Distribution

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Continuous Distributions 6-6


16. If x is uniformly distributed over the interval 8 to 12, inclusively (8  x  12), then the height
of this distribution, f(x), is ___.
a) 1/8
b) 1/4
c) 1/12
d) 1/20
e) 1/24

Answer: b

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a continuous uniform distribution.
Section Reference: 6.1 Uniform Distribution

17. If x is uniformly distributed over the interval 8 to 12, inclusively (8  x  12), then the mean of
this distribution is ___.
a) 10
b) 20
c) 5
d) 0
e) unknown

Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a continuous uniform distribution.
Section Reference: 6.1 Uniform Distribution

18. If x is uniformly distributed over the interval 8 to 12, inclusively (8  x  12), then the
standard deviation of this distribution is ___.
a) 4.00
b) 1.33
c) 1.15
d) 2.00
e) 1.00

Answer: c

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a continuous uniform distribution.
Section Reference: 6.1 Uniform Distribution

19. If x is uniformly distributed over the interval 8 to 12, inclusively (8  x  12), then the
probability, P(9  x  11), is ___.

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6- 7 Test Bank for Business Statistics, Second Canadian Edition

a) 0.250
b) 0.500
c) 0.333
d) 0.750
e) 1.000

Answer: b

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a continuous uniform distribution.
Section Reference: 6.1 Uniform Distribution

20. If x is uniformly distributed over the interval 8 to 12, inclusively (8  x  12), then the
probability, P(10.0  x  11.5), is ___.
a) 0.250
b) 0.333
c) 0.375
d) 0.500
e) 0.750

Answer: c

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a continuous uniform distribution.
Section Reference: 6.1 Uniform Distribution

21. If x is uniformly distributed over the interval 8 to 12, inclusively (8  x  12), then the
probability, P(13  x  15), is ___.
a) 0.250
b) 0.500
c) 0.375
d) 0.000
e) 1.000

Answer: d

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a continuous uniform distribution.
Section Reference: 6.1 Uniform Distribution

22. If x is uniformly distributed over the interval 8 to 12, inclusively (8  x  12), then P(x < 7) is
a) 0.500
b) 0.000
c) 0.375
d) 0.250
e) 1.000

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Continuous Distributions 6-8

Answer: b

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a continuous uniform distribution.
Section Reference: 6.1 Uniform Distribution

23. If x is uniformly distributed over the interval 8 to 12, inclusively (8  x  12), then P(x  11) is
a) 0.750
b) 0.000
c) 0.333
d) 0.500
e) 1.000

Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a continuous uniform distribution.
Section Reference: 6.1 Uniform Distribution

24. If x is uniformly distributed over the interval 8 to 12, inclusively (8  x  12), then P(x  10) is
a) 0.750
b) 0.000
c) 0.333
d) 0.500
e) 0.900

Answer: d

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a continuous uniform distribution.
Section Reference: 6.1 Uniform Distribution

25. If a continuous random variable x is uniformly distributed over the interval 8 to 12,
inclusively, then P(x = exactly 10) is ___.
a) 0.750
b) 0.000
c) 0.333
d) 0.500
e) 0.900

Answer: b

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a continuous uniform distribution.
Section Reference: 6.1 Uniform Distribution

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6- 9 Test Bank for Business Statistics, Second Canadian Edition

26. If x, the time (in minutes) to complete an oil change job at a certain auto service station, is
uniformly distributed over the interval 20 to 30, inclusively (20  x  30), then the height of this
distribution, f(x), is ___.
a) 1/10
b) 1/20
c) 1/30
d) 12/50
e) 1/60

Answer: a

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a continuous uniform distribution.
Section Reference: 6.1 Uniform Distribution

27. If x, the time (in minutes) to complete an oil change job at a certain auto service station, is
uniformly distributed over the interval 20 to 30, inclusively (20  x  30), then the mean of this
distribution is ___.
a) 50
b) 25
c) 10
d) 15
e) 5

Answer: b

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a continuous uniform distribution.
Section Reference: 6.1 Uniform Distribution

28. If x, the time (in minutes) to complete an oil change job at a certain auto service station, is
uniformly distributed over the interval 20 to 30, inclusively (20  x  30), then the standard
deviation of this distribution is ___.
a) unknown
b) 8.33
c) 0.833
d) 2.89
e) 1.89

Answer: d

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a continuous uniform distribution.
Section Reference: 6.1 Uniform Distribution

29. If x, the time (in minutes) to complete an oil change job at a certain auto service station, is

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Continuous Distributions 6 - 10

uniformly distributed over the interval 20 to 30, inclusively (20  x  30), then the probability that
an oil change job is completed in 25 to 28 minutes, inclusively, i.e., P(25  x  28) is ___.
a) 0.250
b) 0.500
c) 0.300
d) 0.750
e) 81.000

Answer: c

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a continuous uniform distribution.
Section Reference: 6.1 Uniform Distribution

30. If x, the time (in minutes) to complete an change job at a certain auto service station, is
uniformly distributed over the interval 20 to 30, inclusively (20  x  30), then the probability that
an oil change job is completed in 21.75 to 24.25 minutes, inclusively, i.e., P(21.75  x  24.25)
is ___.
a) 0.250
b) 0.333
c) 0.375
d) 0.000
e) 1.000

Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a continuous uniform distribution.
Section Reference: 6.1 Uniform Distribution

31. If x, the time (in minutes) to complete an oil change job at a certain auto service station, is
uniformly distributed over the interval 20 to 30, inclusively (20  x  30), then the probability that
an oil change job is completed in 33 to 35 minutes, inclusively, i.e., P(33  x  35) is ___.
a) 0.5080
b) 0.000
c) 0.375
d) 0.200
e) 1.000

Answer: b

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a continuous uniform distribution.
Section Reference: 6.1 Uniform Distribution

32. If x, the time (in minutes) to complete an oil change job at a certain auto service station, is
uniformly distributed over the interval 20 to 30, inclusively (20  x  30), then the probability that

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6- 11 Test Bank for Business Statistics, Second Canadian Edition

an oil change job is completed in less than 17 minutes, i.e., P(x < 17) is ___.
a) 0.500
b) 0.300
c) 0.000
d) 0.250
e) 1.000

Answer: c

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a continuous uniform distribution.
Section Reference: 6.1 Uniform Distribution

33. If x, the time (in minutes) to complete an oil change job at a certain auto station, is uniformly
distributed over the interval 20 to 30, inclusively (20  x  30), then the probability that an oil
change job is completed in less than or equal to 22 minutes, i.e., P(x  22) is ___.
a) 0.200
b) 0.300
c) 0.000
d) 0.250
e) 1.000

Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a continuous uniform distribution.
Section Reference: 6.1 Uniform Distribution

34. If x, the time (in minutes) to complete an oil change job at a certain auto service station, is
uniformly distributed over the interval 20 to 30, inclusively (20  x  30), then the probability that
an oil change job will be completed 24 minutes or more, i.e., P(x  24) is ___.
a) 0.100
b) 0.000
c) 0.333
d) 0.600
e) 1.000

Answer: d

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a continuous uniform distribution.
Section Reference: 6.1 Uniform Distribution

35. The normal distribution is an example of ___.

a) a discrete distribution
b) a continuous distribution
c) a bimodal distribution

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Continuous Distributions 6 - 12

d) an exponential distribution
e) a binomial distribution

Answer: b

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

36. The total area underneath any normal curve is equal to ___.
a) the mean
b) one
c) the variance
d) the coefficient of variation
e) the standard deviation

Answer: b

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

37. The area to the left of the mean in any normal distribution is equal to ___.
a) the mean
b) 1
c) the variance
d) 0.5
e) –0.5

Answer: d

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

38. A standard normal distribution has the following characteristics:

a) the mean and the variance are both equal to 1.
b) the mean and the variance are both equal to 0.
c) the mean is equal to the variance.
d) the mean is equal to 0 and the variance is equal to 1.
e) the mean is equal to the standard deviation.

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6- 13 Test Bank for Business Statistics, Second Canadian Edition

Answer: d

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

39. If x is a normal random variable with mean 80 and standard deviation 5, the z score for x =
88 is ___.
a) 1.8
b) –1.8
c) 1.6
d) –1.6
e) 8.0

Answer: c

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

40. Suppose x is a normal random variable with mean 60 and standard deviation 2. A z score
was calculated for a number, and the z score is 3.4. What is x?
a) 63.4
b) 56.6
c) 68.6
d) 53.2
e) 66.8

Answer: e

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

41. Suppose x is a normal random variable with mean 60 and standard deviation 2. A z score
was calculated for a number, and the z score is –1.3. What is x?
a) 58.7
b) 61.3
c) 62.6
d) 57.4
e) 54.7

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Continuous Distributions 6 - 14

Answer: d

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

42. Let z be a normal random variable with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. What is P(z <
a) 0.4032
b) 0.9032
c) 0.0968
d) 0.3485
e) 0. 5485

Answer: b

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

43. Let z be a normal random variable with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. What is P(1.3 < z
< 2.3)?
a) 0.4032
b) 0.9032
c) 0.4893
d) 0.0861
e) 0.0086

Answer: d

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

44. Let z be a normal random variable with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. What is P(z >
a) 0.4918
b) 0.9918
c) 0.0082
d) 0.4793
e) 0.0820

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6- 15 Test Bank for Business Statistics, Second Canadian Edition

Answer: c

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

45. Let z be a normal random variable with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. What is P(z < –
a) 0.4821
b) –0.4821
c) 0.9821
d) 0.0179
e) –0.0179

Answer: d

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

46. Let z be a normal random variable with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. What is P(z > –
a) 0.36432
b) 0.8643
c) 0.1357
d) –0.1357
e) –0.8643

Answer: b

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

47. Let z be a normal random variable with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. What is P(–2.25 <
z < –1.1)?
a) 0.3643
b) 0.8643
c) 0.1235
d) 0.4878
e) 0.5000

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Continuous Distributions 6 - 16

Answer: c

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

48. Let z be a normal random variable with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. The 50th
percentile of z is ___.
a) 0.6700
b) –1.254
c) 0.0000
d) 1.2800
e) 0.5000

Answer: c

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

49. Let z be a normal random variable with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. The 75th
percentile of z is ___.
a) 0.6700
b) –1.254
c) 0.0000
d) 1.2800
e) 0.5000

Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

50. Let z be a normal random variable with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. The 90th
percentile of z is ___.
a) 1.645
b) –1.254
c) 1.960
d) 1.280
e) 1.650

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6- 17 Test Bank for Business Statistics, Second Canadian Edition

Answer: d

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

51. A z score is the number of ___ that a value is from the mean.
a) variances
b) standard deviations
c) units
d) miles
e) minutes

Answer: b

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

52. Within a range of z scores from –1 to +1, you can expect to find ___ per cent of the values
in a normal distribution.
a) 95
b) 99
c) 68
d) 34
e) 100

Answer: c

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

53. Within a range of z scores from –2 to +2, you can expect to find ___ per cent of the values
in a normal distribution.
a) 95
b) 99
c) 68
d) 34
e) 100

Answer: a

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Continuous Distributions 6 - 18

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

54. The expected (mean) life of a particular type of light bulb is 1,000 hours with a standard
deviation of 50 hours. The life of this bulb is normally distributed. What is the probability that a
randomly selected bulb would last longer than 1150 hours?
a) 0.4987
b) 0.9987
c) 0.0013
d) 0.5013
e) 0.5513

Answer: c

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

55. The expected (mean) life of a particular type of light bulb is 1,000 hours with a standard
deviation of 50 hours. The life of this bulb is normally distributed. What is the probability that a
randomly selected bulb would last fewer than 1100 hours?
a) 0.4772
b) 0.9772
c) 0.0228
d) 0.5228
e) 0.5513

Answer: b

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

56. The expected (mean) life of a particular type of light bulb is 1,000 hours with a standard
deviation of 50 hours. The life of this bulb is normally distributed. What is the probability that a
randomly selected bulb would last fewer than 940 hours?
a) 0.3849
b) 0.8849
c) 0.1151
d) 0.6151

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6- 19 Test Bank for Business Statistics, Second Canadian Edition

e) 0.6563

Answer: c

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

57. Suppose you are working with a data set that is normally distributed with a mean of 400 and
a standard deviation of 20. Determine the value of x such that 60% of the values are greater
than x.
a) 404.5
b) 395.5
c) 405.0
d) 395.0
e) 415.0

Answer: d

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

58. Sure Stone Tire Company has established that the useful life of a particular brand of its
automobile tires is normally distributed with a mean of 40,000 kilometres and a standard
deviation of 5000 kilometres. What is the probability that a randomly selected tire of this brand
has a life of at most 30,000 kilometres?
a) 0.5000
b) 0.4772
c) 0.0228
d) 0.9772
e) 1.0000

Answer: c

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

59. Sure Stone Tire Company has established that the useful life of a particular brand of its
automobile tires is normally distributed with a mean of 40,000 kilometres and a standard
deviation of 5000 kilometres. What is the probability that a randomly selected tire of this brand

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Continuous Distributions 6 - 20

has a life of at least 50,000 kilometres?

a) 0.0228
b) 0.9772
c) 0.5000
d) 0.4772
e) 1.0000

Answer: a

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

60. Sure Stone Tire Company has established that the useful life of a particular brand of its
automobile tires is normally distributed with a mean of 40,000 kilometres and a standard
deviation of 5000 kilometres. What is the probability that a randomly selected tire of this brand
has a life between 30,000 and 50,000 kilometres?
a) 0.5000
b) 0.4772
c) 0.9544
d) 0.9772
e) 1.0000

Answer: c

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

61. The net profit from a certain investment is normally distributed with a mean of $10,000 and a
standard deviation of $5,000. The probability that the investor will not have a net loss is ___.
a) 0.4772
b) 0.0228
c) 0.9544
d) 0.9772
e) 1.0000

Answer: d

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

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6- 21 Test Bank for Business Statistics, Second Canadian Edition

62. The net profit of an investment is normally distributed with a mean of $10,000 and a
standard deviation of $5,000. The probability that the investor’s net gain will be at least $5,000
is ___.
a) 0.1859
b) 0.3413
c) 0.8413
d) 0.4967
e) 0.5000

Answer: c

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

63. Completion time (from start to finish) of a building remodelling project is normally distributed
with a mean of 200 work-days and a standard deviation of 10 work-days. The probability that
the project will be completed within 185 work-days is ___.
a) 0.0668
b) 0.4332
c) 0.5000
d) 0.9332
e) 0.9950

Answer: a

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the
mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

64. Completion time (from start to finish) of a building remodelling project is normally distributed
with a mean of 200 work-days and a standard deviation of 10 work-days. To be 99% sure that
we will not be late in completing the project, we should request a completion time of ___ work-
a) 211
b) 207
c) 223
d) 200
e) 250

Answer: c

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the

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Continuous Distributions 6 - 22

mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information
about the area under the normal curve.
Section Reference: 6.2 Normal Distribution

65. Let x be a binomial random variable with n=20 and p=.8. If we use the normal distribution to
approximate probabilities for this, we would use a mean of ___.
a) 20
b) 16
c) 3.2
d) 8
e) 5

Answer: b

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Solve problems from the discrete binomial distribution using the continuous
normal distribution and correcting for continuity.
Section Reference: 6.3 Using the Normal Curve to Approximate Binomial Distribution Problems

66. Let x be a binomial random variable with n=20 and p=.8. If we use the normal distribution to
approximate probabilities for this, a correction for continuity should be made. To find the
probability of more than 12 successes, we should find ___.
a) P(x>12.5)
b) P(x>12)
c) P(x>11.5)
d) P(x<11.5)
e) P(x < 12)

Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve problems from the discrete binomial distribution using the continuous
normal distribution and correcting for continuity.
Section Reference: 6.3 Using the Normal Curve to Approximate Binomial Distribution Problems

67. The exponential distribution is an example of ___.

a) a discrete distribution
b) a continuous distribution
c) a bimodal distribution
d) a normal distribution
e) a symmetrical distribution

Answer: b

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in an exponential distribution and contrast the
exponential distribution to the discrete Poisson distribution.
Section Reference: 6.4 Exponential Distribution

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6- 23 Test Bank for Business Statistics, Second Canadian Edition

68. For an exponential distribution with a lambda (λ) equal to 4, the standard deviation is equal
to ___.
a) 4
b) 0.5
c) 0.25
d) 1
e) 16

Answer: c

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in an exponential distribution and contrast the
exponential distribution to the discrete Poisson distribution.
Section Reference: 6.4 Exponential Distribution

69. The average time between phone calls arriving at a call centre is 30 seconds. Assuming that
the time between calls is exponentially distributed, find the probability that more than a minute
elapses between calls.
a) 0.135
b) 0.368
c) 0.865
d) 0.607
e) 0.709

Answer: a

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in an exponential distribution and contrast the
exponential distribution to the discrete Poisson distribution.
Section Reference: 6.4 Exponential Distribution

70. The average time between phone calls arriving at a call centre is 30 seconds. Assuming that
the time between calls is exponentially distributed, find the probability that less than two minutes
elapse between calls.
a) 0.018
b) 0.064
c) 0.936
d) 0.982
e) 1.000

Answer: d

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in an exponential distribution and contrast the
exponential distribution to the discrete Poisson distribution.
Section Reference: 6.4 Exponential Distribution

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Continuous Distributions 6 - 24

71. At a certain workstation in an assembly line, the time required to assemble a component is
exponentially distributed with a mean time of 10 minutes. Find the probability that a component
is assembled in 7 minutes or less.
a) 0.349
b) 0.591
c) 0.286
d) 0.714
e) 0.5034

Answer: e

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in an exponential distribution and contrast the
exponential distribution to the discrete Poisson distribution.
Section Reference: 6.4 Exponential Distribution

72. At a certain workstation in an assembly line, the time required to assemble a component is
exponentially distributed with a mean time of 10 minutes. Find the probability that a component
is assembled in 3 to 7 minutes.
a) 0.5034
b) 0.2592
c) 0.2442
d) 0.2942
e) 0.5084

Answer: c

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in an exponential distribution and contrast the
exponential distribution to the discrete Poisson distribution.
Section Reference: 6.4 Exponential Distribution

73. On Saturdays, cars arrive at Sam Schmitt's Scrub and Shine Car Wash at the rate of 6 cars
per fifteen minute interval. The probability that at least 2 minutes will elapse between car arrivals
is ___.
a) 0.0000
b) 0.4493
c) 0.1353
d) 1.0000
e) 1.0225

Answer: b

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in an exponential distribution and contrast the
exponential distribution to the discrete Poisson distribution.
Section Reference: 6.4 Exponential Distribution

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6- 25 Test Bank for Business Statistics, Second Canadian Edition

74. On Saturdays, cars arrive at Sam Schmitt's Scrub and Shine Car Wash at the rate of 6 cars
per fifteen minute interval. The probability that less than 10 minutes will elapse between car
arrivals is ___.
a) 0.8465
b) 0.9817
c) 0.0183
d) 0.1535
e) 0.2125

Answer: b

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: Solve for probabilities in an exponential distribution and contrast the
exponential distribution to the discrete Poisson distribution.
Section Reference: 6.4 Exponential Distribution

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Test Bank for Business Statistics for Contemporary Decision Making, 2nd Canadian Edition

Continuous Distributions 6 - 26


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