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Disaster management

Unit 1
1. Define Disaster. What are the factors causing disaster?
2. What is the difference between Hazard and Disaster?
3. What are the types of natural Disasters?
4. What are man- made disasters?

Unit 2
5. What are the repercussions of disaster?
6. How does a disaster impact the Ecosystem?
7. What are the causes and effects of earthquakes?
8. What part of India is prone to Cyclone and how can it be mitigated?
9. What are the consequences of Drought and flood?
10. What are the causes and effects of Landslide?
11. How Oil spills effect Birds and Animals?
12. What type of traumas are experienced during Wars and Conflicts?
13. Explain any one nuclear reactor incident.
14. What are the effects of volcanic eruptions?

Unit 3
15. What are the different Seismic zones?
16. What are the areas prone to floods and Droughts?
17. What are the areas prone to Tsunami and how can it be prevented?
18. How can Landslides and Avalanches be prevented in areas prone to it?
19. Write a framework on preparedness measures for a disaster.
20. What are the elements of Disaster Preparedness?

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