Taller en Grupos 1 Ingles

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Problem 1

Derive the following equations using the definitions of the main soil indices.



Problem 2
A 11.3-cm3 sample of soil weighs 21 g. After being dried in an oven, its weight is 18.3 g. If Gs = 2.65, find
a) Moist unit weight, γm
b) Dry unit weight, γd
c) Water content, wc
d) Void ratio, e
e) Porosity, n
f) Degree of saturation, S

Problem 3
The saturated and dry masses of a sample of clay were determined to be equal to 1472 and 1150 g,
respectively. Knowing that the dry unit weight of this clay is equal to 15 kN/m 3, calculate the wet unit
weight, the void ratio, and the specific gravity of the clay. What would be its wet unit weight if the degree
of saturation were equal to 80%?

Problem 4
For a given sandy soil, the maximum and minimum dry unit weights are 17 kN/m3 and 14.5 kN/m3,
respectively. The specific gravity of the soil is 2.65. Determine the moist unit weight of this soil when the
relative density is 50% and the moisture content is 13%.

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