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Hearing Research 278 (2011) 43e51

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Unbiased counting of neurons in the cochlea of developing gerbils

C.-P. Richter a, b, c, *, G. Kumar a, E. Webster a, S.K. Banas a, D.S. Whitlon a, c, d
Department of Otolaryngology, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, 303 East Chicago Avenue, Searle 12-561, Chicago, IL 60611-3008, USA
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern University, 2145 Sheridan Road, Tech E310, Evanston, IL 60208, USA
The Hugh Knowles Center, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, USA
Interdepartmental Neurosciences Program, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL 60611, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Accurate counting of neurons in the cochlea has a significant impact on the interpretation of research and
Received 22 December 2010 clinically relevant data. However, reports of numbers of neurons in the spiral ganglion are widely
Received in revised form variable across studies, even within the same species. We suggest that the implementation of a more
28 January 2011
standardized, unbiased counting method will improve the consistency and accuracy of neuron counts
Accepted 9 February 2011
Available online 15 February 2011
and will impact scientific interpretations. To test this view, we compared, in different ways, the numbers
of neurons in the spiral ganglia of developing gerbils, previously reported to decrease by 22e27%
between birth and age 7 days. Cochleae from gerbils, aged newborn, 7 days, 20 days, 1.5 years and 2.5
years were embedded in Araldite and serially sectioned at 5 mm. A computer based stereological method
was used to unambiguously count every neuron in serial sections, either throughout the entire cochlea,
or in a 100-mm segment of the cochlea. No significant changes in neuron numbers during cochlear
maturation were found. We demonstrate that in methods using sampling of sections, the identity of the
starting section and the interval between sections impacts the variability of the estimate of neuron
numbers. In addition, we show that packing density differs between the newborn and seven-day old
animals. The data demonstrate that variability in counting methods and the comparison of non-uniform
samples can lead to neuron number estimates that show differences where none exist. We propose that
a standardized counting protocol be implemented across studies and suggest possible approaches to
different types of comparisons between neurons of spiral ganglia from different sources.
Ó 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V.

1. Introduction timesaving. When the samples are non-uniform e for example

between ages, or between genetic strains, or before and after
Neuron counting in the cochlea is a vital but time-consuming cochlear damage, the most accurate method to use is not as
undertaking that, more often than not, is abbreviated for simplicity straightforward, and a variety of physical and computational
and efficiency. Yet, accurate counting of the total number of procedures have been advanced to compensate for under- and
cochlear spiral ganglion cells impacts the interpretation of research over-estimates of neuron numbers (Coggeshall, 1992; Coggeshall
and clinically relevant data. Changes in neuron number are serious and Lekan, 1996; Hedreen, 1998; West, 1999; Benes and Lange,
consequences of genetics or cochlear damage, are indicative of 2001; King et al., 2002; West, 2002; Stark et al., 2005; Goto and
physiologically relevant developmental alterations, and are the Goto, 2006). Cell counting can be “biased” (they contain a statis-
target of interventions designed to maintain, repair or repopulate tical sampling or measurement error) or “unbiased” (they have no
cochlear neurons. In the nervous system, counting protocols are systematic error; the number counted represents the true value). In
generally abbreviated by estimating overall neuron numbers from 1996, the Journal of Comparative Neurology published a landmark
counts of small samples. When the samples are representative for statement underscoring the importance of unbiased counting
the entire population, such an approach can be powerful and methods in research (Saper, 1996).
In our perusal of the spiral ganglion literature, we were
surprised not only by the variation in methodology used across
* Corresponding author. Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, studies, but also by the wide range of reported neuron numbers,
Department of Otolaryngology e Head and Neck Surgery, 303 East Chicago Avenue, even within one species (see Table 1). We wondered whether
Searle 12-561, Chicago, IL 60611-3008, USA. Tel.: þ1 312 503 1603; fax: þ1 312 503
a more standardized, unbiased counting method would improve
E-mail address: (C.-P. Richter). the consistency and accuracy e and thus interpretations e of the

0378-5955/$ e see front matter Ó 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V.

44 C.-P. Richter et al. / Hearing Research 278 (2011) 43e51

Table 1
The table shows the variability in cell counts for different species obtained by different groups using various techniques for estimating the total cell counts.

Spiral ganglion cell counts for different species

Species Method Age Section Separation Count Correction method Reference

thickness (no of sections)
Hybrid MF1 Optical 5 days 0.5 1 16,100 (Jensen and Gundersen, (Camarero et al., 2001)
and 129/sv fractionator 1993; Tandrup et al., 1997)
Hybrid MF1 Optical 20 days 0.5 1 16,600 (Jensen and Gundersen, (Camarero et al., 2001)
and 129/sv fractionator 1993; Tandrup et al., 1997)
CBA/J Profile count Adult 4 10 12,577 None (Webster, 1985)
C57BL6/6NNia Profile count 18 months 8 4 3,132 Abercrombie (Park et al., 1990)
mouse (diet)
C57BL6/6NNia Profile count 18 months 8 4 2,399 Abercrombie (Park et al., 1990)
mouse (no diet)
C57/BL6 Profile count Newborn 10 6 8,082 None (Farinas et al., 1994)
WT (C57BL/6) Profile count 0 days 5 6 4,421 Corrected (Liebl et al., 1997)
Hybrid MF1 Optical 5 days 0.5 1 16,100 (Jensen and Gundersen, (Camarero et al., 2001)
and 129/sv fractionator 1993; Tandrup et al., 1997)
Hybrid MF1 Optical 20 days 0.5 1 16,600 (Jensen and Gundersen, (Camarero et al., 2001)
and 129/sv fractionator 1993; Tandrup et al., 1997)
129  C57/BL6 Profile count 8 5 7,800 Abercrombie (Postigo et al., 2002)
129  C57 Profiles counts Newborn 8 10 7,148 None (Luikart et al., 2003)
BDNFNT3/NT3 mice Profile count 0 days 14 3 6,500 Abercrombie (Agerman et al., 2003)
WT (C57Bl/6) Profile count 0 days 14 3 6,500 Abercrombie (Agerman et al., 2003)
BDNFNT3/NT3 mice Profile count 17 days 14 3 6,100 Abercrombie (Agerman et al., 2003)
WT (C57BL/6) Profile count 17 days 14 3 6,800 Abercrombie (Agerman et al., 2003)
CD-1 Stereological 0 days 5 1 8,240 No correction (Whitlon et al., 2006)
C57BL6/129Svj Stereological 10 wk 5 1 10,402 No correction Richter, (unpublished)

Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Profile count 1e2 months 10 15,800 Konigsmark (Keithley and Feldman, 1979)
Rat (wistar albino) Profile count 6 days 5 10 18,700 Abercrombie (Rueda et al., 2003)
Rat (wistar albino) Profile count 30 days 5 10 18,000 Abercrombie (Rueda et al., 2003)
Rat (wistar albino) Profile count 60 days 5 10 17,404 Abercrombie (Rueda et al., 2003)

Gerbil Profile count 0 days 4 10 22,000 Abercrombie (Echteler and Nofsinger, 2000)
Gerbil Profile count 5 days 4 10 w17,000 Abercrombie (Echteler and Nofsinger, 2000)
Gerbil Profile count 7 days 4 10 15,000 Abercrombie (Echteler and Nofsinger, 2000)
Gerbil Stereological 0 days 5 1 23,573 No correction present study
Gerbil Stereological 7 days 5 1 24,521 No correction present study

Cat Profile count Adult 44,298e57,494 (Howe, 1934)

Cat Profile count Adult 20 39,000 (Schuknecht, 1953) (Schuknecht, 1960)
Cat Profile count P1-8 years 20 10 45,000- (Schuknecht, 1953) (Mair, 1973)
Cat Profile count Adult 20 5 49,175e50,109 No correction (Chen et al., 2010)

Human Profile count 22 months 20 10 33,915 Factor of 0.9 (Hinojosa et al., 1985)
Human Profile count 22e60 years 20 10 33,702 Factor of 0.9 Pollak et al., (1987)
Human Stereological 22e60 years 20 10 33,600e45,700 No correction (Ishiyama et al., 2001)

counts of neuron numbers in the cochlea. Using the guidelines of 2.2. Embedding and sectioning the cochleae
Coggeshall and Lekan (1996), which indicate the necessity for cal-
ibrating neuronal counts, we set out to reevaluate neuron counting Animals were euthanized by a lethal injection of pentobarbital
in the gerbil cochlea. We took for comparison, the neuron counts in (>200 mg/kg bodyweight, intraperitoneal) and then decapitated.
developing gerbils, which have been reported to decrease by The bullae were removed from the skull and were transferred into
22e27% between postnatal days 3 and 7 (Echteler and Nofsinger, Hanks Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS). The cochleae were exposed
2000). and placed into 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH
7.4 (PB) for 4 h at room temperature (typically at 21  C). Cochleae of
the seven-day old and older animals were then decalcified for one
2. Methods week by placing them into an ethylene glycol tetraacetic acid
(EGTA, 10%) phosphate buffer (0.1 M), pH 7.4 at 4  C. After fixation
2.1. Animals and decalcification, the cochleae were washed in 0.1 M PB three
times for 15 min each, then dehydrated in a graded 6 step acetone
Gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) of either sex aged, newborn, series (25%, 50%, 75%, 90%, 100% and 100%). Cochleae were passed
postnatal day (P) 7, P20, 1.5 and 2.5 years were derived from our through acetone solutions of increasing concentrations of Aral-
breeding colony at Northwestern University Medical School. diteeEpoxy Resin (Acetone:Resin e 7:1, 1:1, 1:7). Cochleae were
Animal studies were approved by the Animal Care and Use washed three times in pure Resin, then embedded in Araldite and
Committee of Northwestern University. maintained for 12 h at 60  C to cure the resin.
C.-P. Richter et al. / Hearing Research 278 (2011) 43e51 45

Serial plastic sections were cut along the modiolar plane of the section 1 that were already counted. Another layer is inserted on
cochlea at 5 mm on an ultramicrotome (LKB 8800 Ultrotome III). the image, and the cells in section 2 that were not counted in
Number of sections counted in each cochlea: for newborn animals, section 1 are then counted and marked on the inserted layer. This
230, 192, and 171 sections; for adult animals: 281 and 238 sections. then identifies the already counted cells in section 2 and allows
The sections were placed on glass slides and were stained with 1% them to be omitted in the counts of section 3, and so on (Fig. 1D). In
toluidine blue (SigmaeAldrich) and 1% sodium tetraborate solution this way, every neuron in the cochlea can be counted without
(1:20). After staining, several pictures of the spiral ganglia on each systematic errors due to over- or under-counting.
section were captured and stored in a computer. To simplify the counting, we did not distinguish between type I
and type II spiral ganglion neurons.
2.3. Counting neurons e stereological method
2.4. Measuring of dimensions
Digital imaging and the computer program Adobe Photoshop
were used to unambiguously count neurons by reconstructing The cross-sectional area of Rosenthal’s canal was measured on
serial sections, as has been previously reported (Whitlon et al., digital images using ImageJ (Wayne Rasband, NIH, public domain
2006; Richter et al., 2008). The basic procedure is to locate software). The program’s scale was calibrated using the image of
profiles of the spiral ganglion cells in section 1, which is called the a standard slide, and the scale setting was changed from pixels to
lookup section. In section 2 (reference section) all spiral ganglion micrometers. Area measurements of Rosenthal’s canal were
cells are counted that are not present in section 1. After counting obtained by tracing the bony opening housing the spiral ganglion
the cells in section 2, that section then becomes the lookup section cells. In newborn animals, the bone has not been ossified and the
for section 3, and so on. To do this, every section is photographed. spiral ganglion cells are tightly packed. In those animals, often
The first section in which spiral ganglion cells are present is dis- the opening in the cartilage is similar to the shortest line encircling
played in Adobe Photoshop (Fig. 1A). An additional layer to the the spiral ganglion cells, which is Rosenthal’s canal. The total
image is inserted and a circle of the approximate size of the number of pixels within a circumscribed area was calculated and
neuronal cell nuclei is marked on the layer for each cell counted. converted into square micrometers or square millimeters.
Characteristic landmarks are also added (Fig. 1B). After the cells in For selected locations along the cochlea, the distance between
section 1 are counted, the corresponding image of section 2 is the nuclei of neighboring spiral ganglion cells was determined for
opened. The inserted layer from section 1 is then copied onto newborn and seven-day old animals. For the measurements, the
section 2 (Fig. 1C and D). The images are aligned so that the land- images were opened in MATLAB and each neural profile in the
marks superimpose (Fig. 1D). This clearly identifies the cells from cross-section was marked. The distance between a cell and any

Fig. 1. A: Shown is a 5 mm thick section along the mid-modiolar plane of a newborn gerbil cochlea. The section has been stained with Toluidine blue. This image has been displayed
with Adobe Photoshop. An additional, digital layer was inserted. B: Each cell counted is marked on the inserted layer with a black circle approximately the size of the nucleus.
Characteristic landmarks are also added to this layer. After counting the cells in the first (lookup) section, the corresponding image of the next section, which is named the reference
section, is opened. C: The marked up inserted layer of the lookup section is then copied onto the reference section and the sections are aligned so that the landmarks superimpose.
This allows clear identification of the cells from the lookup section that were already counted. D: After inserting a layer on the reference section, those cells that were not counted on
the previous section are counted and marked with a gray circle on the inserted layer. This layer will then serve as a lookup section for the next section.
46 C.-P. Richter et al. / Hearing Research 278 (2011) 43e51

Table 2
Spiral ganglion cell counts for a 100 mm segment along the mid-modiolar section of
the cochlea. Cells were counted on 20 consecutive sections using the stereological
method described in Methods. Cell counts were similar between newborn and adult.

Number of spiral ganglion cells along a 100 mm segment of the spiral ganglion

Age Location 0 days 7 days 20 days 1.5 years 2.5 years

Basal 458  7 330  116 493  89 446  23 369  99
Upper basal 275  9 240  28 339  106 292  34 255  10
Middle 308  9 308  35 283  55 274  59 254  70
Upper middle 532  135 422  99 582  176 646  281 535  9
Apical 734  41 895  211 647  142 685  249 705  90

other cell in the cross-section was calculated and displayed in

a histogram. The average distance provided a measure of the
packing density of the neurons. The larger the average distances
were, the smaller was the packing density.

2.5. Statistics

Averages and standard deviations were calculated for the

neuron counts and the distances between the cells. An analysis of
variance (ANOVA) was performed. If the ANOVA indicated differ-
ences among the means, a posteriori test was used for making
pairwise comparisons among the means. An honestly significant
difference (HSD) test by Tukey was used. The tests are part of
a statistical package provided by IGORÒ (Wavemetrics). Statistical
decisions were made for a probability p ¼ 0.05.

Fig. 2. A: Cross-sectional area measurements of Rosenthal’s canal at different locations

3. Results along the spiral ganglion for different ages of the animals. The cross-sectional area
increases with age. B: spiral ganglion cells were counted for 20, sequential mid-
Using a sampling approach that differed from those used in modiolar sections, each 5 mm thick. The stereotactic method, described in Methods,
previous studies, every neuron in 20 serial mid-modiolar cochlear was used. The average number of spiral ganglion cells along a 100 mm section of the
sections (a 100-mm segment along the spiral ganglion) was counted spiral ganglion was similar for 0 day, 7 day, 20 day, 1.5-year and 2.5-year old animals.
Differences in spiral ganglion cell counts were not statistically significant.
using the method described. The number of spiral ganglion neurons
in newborn gerbils was compared to the number in 2.5-year old
gerbils. We expected to see a 22e27% decrease in neuron numbers numbers; or newborn and 2.5-year numbers were essentially the
reflecting that seen previously between newborn and seven-day same) and prior results (neuron numbers decrease by 22e27% or
old animals (Rueda et al., 1987; Echteler and Nofsinger, 2000). more by P7), the spiral ganglion neuron counts in each section were
However, very little difference was found in neuron numbers recorded separately (Fig. 4). We then determined what the final
between newborn and adult gerbils (Table 2, Fig. 2). neuron number estimate would have been under conditions where
To verify the similarity in neuron numbers that were found the following parameters were varied: (a) the starting section; (b)
using the stereological method on only 20 consecutive sections, the length of the sequence; (c) the interval between sampled
every neuron in each of three newborn and two P7 gerbil cochleae sections. Fig. 5 and Table 4 demonstrate that increasing the interval
was counted unambiguously. The cell counts were 23873  3605 between sections used to estimate the total number of cells, every
(N ¼ 3) for newborn and 24814  95 (N ¼ 2) for seven-day old 2nd, 3rd, 4th, ., nth section, increased the variability in outcomes.
animals (Fig. 3). We further assessed the possibility that different The packing density was quantified by measuring the area of
observers would return different neuron counts by re-counting one Rosenthal’s canal and the distances between the profiles in one
cochlea. The difference in neuron numbers between observers was cross-section. The measurements showed that the cross-sectional
1.6%, demonstrating that the counting method is very consistent area of Rosenthal’s canal is non-uniform across the cochlea as well
and independent of which trained observer did the measurements as across ages. In newborn animals, the area, expressed in mm2 is
(Fig. 3). 0.01  0.004 at the basal turn, 0.005  0.001 at the upper basal turn,
To determine whether different sampling techniques could be 0.005  0.001 at the middle turn, 0.01  0.007 at the upper middle
responsible for differences between our results (newborn and P7 turn, and 0.019  0.008 at the apical turn (Table 3, Fig. 2A). The

Table 3
Averages and standard deviation for the cross-sectional area measurements of Rosenthal’s canal are provided. The cross-sectional area increases with age, in particular
between newborn and P7.

Cross-sectional area in square millimeter

Age Location 0 days 7 days 20 days 1.5 years 2.5 years

Basal 0.0102  0.0043 0.0107  0.0027 0.0243  0.0096 0.0233  0.0095 0.0379  0.0014
Upper basal 0.0049  0.0007 0.0067  0.0028 0.0172  0.0062 0.0145  0.0002 0.0203  0.0039
Middle 0.0046  0.0012 0.0092  0.0024 0.0156  0.0002 0.0155  0.0043 0.0243  0.0041
Upper middle 0.0108  0.0067 0.0202  0.0180 0.0251  0.0032 0.0315  0.0144 0.0520  0.0019
Apical 0.0188  0.0077 0.0303  0.0130 0.0282  0.0060 0.0301  0.0127 0.0569  0.0116
C.-P. Richter et al. / Hearing Research 278 (2011) 43e51 47

Fig. 3. The total count of spiral ganglion cells is graphed as a category plot. The
numbers were obtained from three newborn animals and from two seven-day old
animals. The stereological method described in Methods was used to count the cells.
The numbers in the bars are the results for each of the animals. The numbers in
parentheses are the recounts from a second independent observer. The numbers
indicate actual inter-animal variability.

cross-sectional areas were clearly larger in the 2.5-year old animals,

although the numbers of neurons counted were similar in newborn
adult gerbils e hence a difference in packing density. Correspond-
ing area measures in 2.5-year old animals in mm2 were
0.04  0.001 at the basal turn, 0.02  0.004 at the upper basal turn,
0.02  0.004 at the middle turn, 0.05  0.002 at the upper middle
turn and 0.06  0.012 at the apical turn. Since the number of
Fig. 5. The x-axis in booth panels shows the number of sections, which were skipped.
neurons changed little, we were interested in whether the packing
For the case that five sections are skipped, spiral ganglion cells were counted on the
density changed with the increase of Rosenthal’s canal. The packing 0th, 5th, 10th, ., nth section and provided one estimate for the total spiral ganglion
density of the neurons was estimated by the distance between cell count. The counting was repeated by using the 1st, 6th, 11th, ., (n þ 1)th section
selected neurons and their neighbors. The mode for the distances and a second estimate for the total number was obtained. The procedure was repeated
between neurons increased for the first turn locations between until counting started at the 5th section. From the five estimated total counts of the
spiral ganglion cells, the minimum and the maximum were selected and are shown in
newborn and seven-day old animals from about 30 mm to about
panel A. Panel B shows the same values obtained in A; the changes are normalized to
50 mm. For the upper turns the mode of the distances between the the estimate when all the neurons were counted. The figure shows that the estimation
cells changed little between the newborn and the seven-day old of the spiral ganglion cells depends on the length of the sequence and the selected
animals and was about 40 mm (Fig. 6). The decrease in packing starting point.
density caused the locations of the neurons in the P7 animals to be
less uniform than in the newborn animals. The changes indicate along the cochlea. Thin lines represent the newborn animals; the
that calibration (correction of profile counts to actual counts) is P7 animals are shown by the thick lines. The counts on each section
necessary for each age group and each location along the cochlea. differ largely indicating that the distribution of the cells is not
The estimates of neuron number should only be compared directly uniform in Rosenthal’s canal. It is also apparent that the starting
if similar conditions for the counting exist. point for a series of sections to estimate the total cell count as well
Having reconstructed and counted every slice in the gerbil as the number of sections between the sections selected can alter
cochleae, allows us to determine the effect of selecting the starting the outcome of the estimates. In the following we have varied the
point, increasing the thickness of the slice, and the effect of the number of sections skipped and the starting point of the sequence.
length of the sequence. Fig. 4 shows the cell counts for each section For each of the variations the total estimate was determined. For all
the results obtained from such variations, the maximum and
minimum estimated cell count is shown in Fig. 5. The x-axis in Fig. 5
shows the number of sections, which were skipped. The following
example will demonstrate the procedure that was used to arrive at
the corresponding y-values. For the case that 5 sections are skipped
(x-axis-value ¼ 5), spiral ganglion cells were counted on the 0th,
5th, 10th, ., nth section and provided one estimate for the total
count of neurons. Counting was repeated by using the 1st, 6th, 11th,
., (n þ 1)th section and a second estimate for the total number of
neurons was obtained. The procedure was repeated until counting
started at the 5th section. From the five estimated total counts of
the spiral ganglion cells, the minimum and the maximum value is
shown in Fig. 5. Fig. 5A provides the total numbers. Solid lines show
the maximum counts and broken lines the minimum count. The
Fig. 4. Traces show the number of neurons counted on each section. Thin lines are results show that it is possible to err by 50% if every tenth section is
obtained from the three newborn animals and the thick lines show the counts of the counted. The difference between the two values provides insight in
seven-day old animals. The traces show that the number of neurons counted on each the susceptibility to error of skipping sections in estimating the
section varies along the cochlea. Consequently, the selection of the interval between
sections used to estimate the total number of neurons will affect the estimated cell
total counts of spiral ganglion cells.
counts. The variability of the traces predicts that the total number of cells estimated If the same starting section is used but the thickness of the
from samples will also depend on the starting point of the sequence (see Fig. 5). section is increased and the number of skipped sections is varied,
Table 4
The table demonstrates the effect of changing the thickness of the section (increasing thickness along the x-axis) and the number of sections skipped for estimating the total number of neurons (y-axis). The numbers in the table
provide the deviation in % from the total counts obtained by counting each section for the entire cochlea. Each table represents a different animal. Results from two newborn and two P7 animals are shown. The deviation increases
for smaller sections and for longer intervals between sections counted.

Thickness of the section Thickness of the section

(mm) e newborn (mm) e newborn

C.-P. Richter et al. / Hearing Research 278 (2011) 43e51

Distance to start of next 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance to start of next 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
section counted (mm) 5 0 section counted (mm) 5 0
10 1.64 0 10 1.81 0
15 3.94 0.50 0 15 1.27 1.62 0
20 2.63 1.22 1.23 0 20 1.35 0.98 1.41 0
25 6.11 0.62 2.31 0.30 0 25 0.18 1.65 0.48 0.69 0
30 0.69 0.66 1.08 0.77 0.30 0 30 1.81 0.59 1.49 0.94 0.64 0
35 3.24 0.99 1.06 2.02 0.40 0.71 0 35 0.81 0.65 1.37 0.10 1.24 0.59 0
40 4.55 2.30 1.71 1.25 1.14 0.88 1.03 0 40 1.62 3.99 2.35 1.19 1.17 0.11 0.88 0
45 5.87 2.91 2.04 1.69 1.48 1.13 1.73 0 45 6.32 2.66 4.53 1.29 0.53 0.56 0.23 0.10 0
50 2.79 2.26 0.41 2.13 0.93 0.79 0.33 1.00 0.70 0 50 3.17 3.06 1.02 0.21 1.62 0.88 1.07 1.04 0.19 0
Thickness of the section Thickness of the section
(mm) e 7 days (mm) e 7 days
Distance to start of next 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance to start of next 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
section counted (mm) 5 0 section counted (mm) 5 0
10 3.56 0 10 2.05 0
15 0.05 1.14 0 15 1.72 0.23 0
20 4.60 0.25 0.67 0 20 1.83 0.96 0.11 0
25 3.65 1.99 1.86 2.04 0 25 0.77 1.28 1.13 0.02 0
30 5.08 2.50 2.08 0.26 1.09 0 30 4.92 4.38 2.13 1.32 0.55 0
35 7.22 1.45 3.98 2.73 3.02 1.46 0 35 5.05 2.98 2.04 0.44 0.51 0.60 0
40 1.68 5.04 3.43 3.39 0.76 1.09 0.18 0 40 3.24 3.38 0.56 2.74 2.11 1.34 1.23 0
45 7.02 4.72 2.15 0.73 0.39 0.28 0.55 0.87 0 45 8.59 2.48 3.06 1.94 0.60 0.71 0.32 1.26 0
50 16.37 3.02 3.17 4.71 2.69 0.73 1.68 1.26 0.53 0 50 4.22 0.06 0.89 1.81 1.54 2.24 0.35 0.22 0.03 0
C.-P. Richter et al. / Hearing Research 278 (2011) 43e51 49

4. Discussion

By counting, unambiguously, every neuron in the gerbil spiral

ganglion, we have observed that total neuron counts do not change
significantly between birth and P7. This observation differs from
those of Rueda et al. (1987) for rat and Echteler and Nofsinger
(2000) for gerbil, who calculated a decrease in neuron number
between P3 and P7. We have shown with an in depth analysis of
neuron numbers in each section throughout the cochlea, that the
causes of this discrepancy must lie with the method by which
neuronal population was estimated.
In the nervous system, total counts of neurons are usually
acquired by estimating from counts of small samples. Logically, use
of such an approach requires that the samples be representative for
the entire population. Methods to count cells include (1) profile
counts, (2) reconstruction of serial sections (as in the present
work); (3) the combination of (1) and (2), and (4) other stereo-
logical methods (Coggeshall and Lekan, 1996). Common pitfalls of
any given counting method are no less likely to occur in the cochlea
than in any other region of the nervous system. If these factors are
not identified and controlled for, they can result in counts that
generate differences that do not actually exist between samples.

4.1. Counting

Counting the profiles of entire cells, cell nuclei, or nucleoli in

sections taken at constant intervals, is the most common approach
to estimating cell numbers. The number of sections that are eval-
uated can vary, but typically, every 10th section is counted and the
resulting counts are then multiplied by 10. Estimating cell numbers
with this method is based on the assumption that each profile
counted represents one cell. However, one profile can be repre-
sented on more than one section. To account for the over-repre-
sentation of profiles during counting, corrections of the raw counts
that take into account the thickness of the sections and the size of
the profile have been established (e.g. Abercrombie, 1946;
Konigsmark et al., 1969) and used in some of the prior studies of
spiral ganglion neurons. Abercrombie’s equation, which is a modi-
fied correction from Linderstrøm-Lang et al. (1935), converts the
number of counted profiles, to an estimate of the true number of
objects. The following equation is commonly used to correct the
counts: Countcells ¼ Countprofiles  x/(x þ d), where x is the thick-
ness of the section, and d is the diameter of the profile. The
correction indicates that the thickness of the histological section
should be significantly larger than the size of the structure of
Fig. 6. The distance between each of the profiles (nucleoli of the neurons), which can interest, so that x/(x þ d) approximates 1 and Countcells comes as
be seen in a cross-section at the first turn, the second turn, and the apex of the gerbil close as possible to Countprofiles. For example, the nucleus of
cochlea were determined. Newborn animals and gerbils at postnatal day seven were
a neuron is typically about 7 mm in diameter. For 4 mm thick
compared. The distance of the profiles increased with increasing age in the first and
the second turn. Little changes can be observed for the apical turn. In the basal and the sections this structure can be counted, in theory, on three sections
middle turn the average distance between the profiles increased from 30 mm to 50 mm. giving an over-estimate of cell number. To reduce the error of the
The increase in distance indicates that the packing density decreases. total number of neurons, the structure to be counted should be
small relative to the thickness of the section. Based on our results,
deviations from the expected count are also evident (Table 4). A a minimum ratio of 1:10 should be acceptable. Due to the their
good example is presented with the lower left cochlea in Table 4: small size (1e2 mm), nucleoli are preferred to estimate the number
For 5 mm thick sections (x-axis, first column) and every 10th section of neurons. However, although most nuclei have one nucleolus,
considered (y-axis, tenth row), the estimated number of neuron is none, one, or even two and three nucleoli can be found in a nucleus.
16.4% lower than the actual number. As can be seen from the table, The number of nucleoli is not consistent for different conditions,
the estimation of the total number of cells can be improved if the e.g. during the development of the cochlea. Nonetheless, despite
sections are selected thicker (or moving along the x-axis to the those limitations, profile counts can be fairly reliable if a calibration
right), or by increasing the number of sections which are consid- is established (see below).
ered (or moving upwards along the y-axis). The four examples
shown in Table 4 show that increasing the thickness of the sections 4.2. Stereological methods
to 10e15 mm and decreasing the number of sections skipped to ten
or less (<50 mm) would allow a practical balance of accuracy and In 1984, Sterio introduced the dissector principle to allow for
efficiency. unbiased estimates of cell number that are independent of the size
50 C.-P. Richter et al. / Hearing Research 278 (2011) 43e51

and shape of the particles to be estimated. The physical dissector cells has been estimated for the developing gerbil and the rat. Both
method uses sequences of sections and counts only the last profile of studies used profile counts to estimate the total number of neurons
the object in each section. Instead of using series of sections for and reported that between newborn and postnatal day seven
which an object is tracked, the optical dissector uses two or more approximately 22e27% of the neurons disappear. In the present
different optical planes in a thick section. (Sterio, 1984; Gundersen, study, the number of neurons for 100 mm segments along the
1988; Gundersen et al., 1988b; Gundersen et al., 1988a; Coggeshall cochlea did not change significantly between newborn and 2.5-
and Lekan, 1996). With the development of novel imaging tech- year old animals.
niques (Lareida et al., 2009; Richter et al., 2009; Santi et al., 2010) Previous studies did not discuss the possible implications of
spiral ganglion cells can be visualized with tomographic approaches morphological changes that occur at the same time and might
and computer based stereological counting techniques will become affect the estimates of the total number of spiral ganglion cells.
available. With those techniques it will be feasible to count the entire During development, thyroid hormone stimulates the opening of
cell population within a reasonable time. For the spiral ganglion local Rosenthal’s canal. In the gerbil cochlea the cross-sectional area
variations of cell density and size of the spiral ganglion can be changes approximately by a factor of two between newborn and P7.
considered (Johnson et al., this issue). This is similar to what has been reported by Echteler and Nofsinger
(2000). Differences between the latter and our study exist for the
4.3. Calibration absolute values and also for developmental changes in the most
basal portion of the cochlea (12e15% from the basal and of the
For calibration, the actual counts of well identifiable and recon- cochlea). While we did not find changes at the very basal end of the
structable targets, in this case neurons, are compared with the raw cochlea, Echteler and Nofsinger (2000) reported an increase of
counts of the profiles (e.g. Coggeshall, 1992). To adjust the Rosenthal’s canal by a factor of w2. Discrepancies in values and in
raw counts to the actual counts, the ratio of the actual count to the developmental changes observed for the cross-sectional area of
raw count is multiplied by the raw profile counts. The calibration has Rosenthal’s canal may originate in the method of measuring the
to be repeated if changes in target size, or packing density occur. area. While Echteler and Nofsinger (2000) traced the smallest
Particularly prone to error are the cases where there are non- perimeter of modiolar tissue that surrounded all ganglion cells
uniformly distributed cell populations or if only local changes occur. within each cochlear turn, we traced the opening in the bone/
For elliptical objects, the orientation of the major axis is another cartilage. In the study by Echteler and Nofsinger (2000), the values
confounding factor. Calibration can account for such variability. for the cross-sectional area of Rosenthal’s canal are determined by
the packing density of the spiral ganglion cells and thus the changes
4.4. Packing density in cross-sectional area can be caused by the change in packing
density of the spiral ganglion cells.
When neurons are densely packed, they may develop a regular Coinciding with this developmental change, it has been repor-
distribution pattern (similar to that in a crystal) in which common ted that the total number of spiral ganglion cells decreases in the rat
distances exist between the neurons. In this case, the sampling (Rueda et al., 1987) and the gerbil (Echteler and Nofsinger, 2000)
frequency, which is the number of sections skipped for estimating but not in the mouse (Camarero et al., 2001; Agerman et al., 2003).
the total count, can make a difference in the accuracy of the count. In one study, neonatal hypothyroidism was introduced during the
For example, if the most common distance (mode) between neurons critical developmental phase and the spiral ganglion neuron counts
is 30 mm, estimates of the total number of neurons based on were reported to remain constant from P0 to P60, leading the
a sampling interval of 30 mm will differ from those obtained with authors to propose that the developmental decrease in spiral
a sampling interval of 50 mm. We have determined the most ganglion neurons is due to thyroid hormone (Rueda et al., 2003). An
common distance of the nucleoli in several sections and at several alternative interpretation now presents itself. In contrast to the
locations along the cochlea and for different ages. The distances are structural changes occurring during normal development, hypo-
not equally distributed; the mode of the distribution changes with thyroid rats do not exhibit large increases in the size of Rosenthal’s
age and location (Fig. 6). With decreasing packing density, the most (Uziel et al., 1983). This would make the P7 cochleae more struc-
common distance between neurons increases. This observation turally similar to those at birth. This would allow the direct
holds for profiles as well as the neurons themselves. For the present comparison between newborn and P7 hypothyroid rats that, due to
assessment, the distances were measured between each profile morphologic differences, was not accurate in the normal rats.
(nucleolus) and all its possible neighbors in Rosenthal’s canal shown
in one section. The distribution of the distances provides a single 4.6. Recommendations
mode. The distances increased from about 30 mm in newborn to
about 50 mm in P7 animals. Changes were observed in the first and For counting we suggest the follow approach:
second turns of the cochlea but not in the apical segment. In other
words, changes in packing density of the neurons were observed and  Select the section thickness about 10 times the thickness of the
were not uniform along the cochlea. Estimating total counts of spiral profile to be counted. For counting nucleoli in the cochlea the
ganglion neurons would therefore require a calibration for the two sections should be at least 10 mm thick.
age groups and for the different locations along the cochlea.  For each condition and location along the cochlea, calibrate the
counts. This is done by using no less than 10 serial sections to
4.5. Variability of total spiral ganglion cell numbers compare the actual number of neurons in each section with the
profile counts. Calculate a correction factor for the profile
As can be seen in Table 1, most estimates of the spiral ganglion counts, i.e. number of actual neurons/number of profiles.
neuron number have been acquired with profile counts. In many  Use profile counts for each condition and location along the
cases assumption based corrections or the Method by Abercrombie cochlea multiplying the resulting number with the correction
has been applied to correct the raw counts of the profiles, but no factor obtained from the calibration.
calibrations have been used. As expected, the numbers of spiral  To estimate the total number of neurons in a cochlea, use 10 mm
ganglion neurons, even for one species, vary widely among groups. sections sampled at intervals of 50 mm. Use the correction
For example, as mentioned above, the number of spiral ganglion factor (s) then multiply by 5.
C.-P. Richter et al. / Hearing Research 278 (2011) 43e51 51

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