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XVII International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Hannover, Germany, August 22-26, 2011



Wernich de Villiers 1, Rainer Luxenburger 2

Omicron, Austria, 2 Omicron, Germany,

Abstract: Accurate parameters of a line are very important for protection settings
(distance protection relays and fault locators) and power system modelling. Power system
calculations and protection settings are often based on balanced line models. However,
most operational overhead transmission lines or HV cables are unbalanced. Different
models for unbalanced and balanced lines and the associated symbols are presented
since confusion of parameters has to be avoided. The conversions between the models
are stated. The paper proposes a practical method to determine the symmetrical
components of an unbalanced single-circuit by means of performing measurements. The
measurement procedure, equipment used and associated calculations to compute
symmetrical components are described. Different methods to calculate the line
impedances from the measurements are in detail discussed and analyzed. A case study
is presented and the results are assessed.

1 INTRODUCTION be considered. Accurately measured impedance

values are achieved by avoiding parameter
In order to accurately parameterize the individual confusion and by correctly evaluating the
distance protection equipment, particularly with measurement results.
regard to single-phase faults, the exact line
impedance values for both the positive sequence 2 MODELS OF BALANCED AND
system and the zero sequence system are UNBALANCED LINES
required [1]. The k-factor (determined by the
positive sequence impedance and the ground There are different models for unbalanced and
impedance matching factor) resulting from these balanced lines. It is necessary to introduce the
values is essential for accurate settings. used models and the used symbols. The models
are presented in this section. Shunt admittances
In the past, zero sequence impedances were
are neglected as it is normally done for short circuit
calculated based on geometrical assumptions. This
calculation and distance protection.
method never proved capable of providing settings
which allowed the protection to reliably detect
2.1 Physical Model of an Unbalanced Line
single-phase faults, resulting in an unacceptable
amount of incorrect tripping [2]. Moreover, the Figure 1 shows the equivalent circuit diagram of an
inaccurately displayed fault locations resulting from unbalanced line. The model in Figure 1 is
the over-reach or under-reach of the protection described by its equation
also made it difficult for network control personnel
to direct repair teams to the exact location where  U L  ZL I L respectively
the fault occurred.
  U L1   ZL11 ZL12 ZL13  I L1 
One important setting of a distance protection relay      (1)
is the k-factor. The impedance of a phase-to-   U L2    ZL21 ZL22 ZL23  I L2 
ground fault is different from a phase-to-phase  U   Z ZL33  
 L3   L31 ZL32  I L3 
fault. Because the impedance of the ground path,
or to be more precise, of the line-to-ground loop, is where IL is the vector of currents, UL is the vector
different, a factor within the relay gives the relation of longitudinal voltages and ZL is the impedance
between the line-to-line and the line-to-ground matrix of the single-circuit line.
impedances. This factor has many names [3], it is
called ground impedance matching factor, residual The impedance matrix ZL is symmetric
compensation factor, earthing factor or simply k-
factor, as it is often referred to.
ZLik  ZLki (2)
Accurately measured zero sequence impedances The model of an unbalanced line is determined by
allow reliable and correct operation of distance six parameters
protection and fault locators. Both different line
 three diagonal elements ZL11, ZL22 and ZL33
models with different parameters and different
protection equipment with different settings have to
XVII International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Hannover, Germany, August 22-26, 2011

 three non-diagonal elements ZL12, ZL13 and  the non-diagonal element ZL12.
2.4 Symmetrical Components of a Balanced
IL1 ZL12 ZL13 ZL11
IL2 ZL23 ZL22 The impedance matrix of the balanced single-
circuit line in symmetrical components is
IL3 ZL33 uncoupled

UL3 UL2 UL1  Zs11 0 0 

 
-UL3 -UL2 -UL1
Zs   0 Zs11 0  (8)
 0 Zs00 
 0
Figure 1: Equivalent circuit diagram of a single-
circuit line containing only series impedances Figure 2 shows the model of a balanced line in
symmetrical components.
2.2 Symmetrical Components of an The model of a balanced line in symmetrical
Unbalanced Line components is determined by two parameters
The impedance matrix ZL can be transferred in
 the positive sequence impedance Zs11
symmetrical components using the transformation (equal to the negative sequence
matrix T impedance Zs22) and

1 a 
a  the zero sequence impedance Zs00.

1 
T  1 a a
(3) Is1 Zs11
1 1 1  positive Us1-
  Us1
sequence Us1

The physical components are transformed in Is2 Zs11

symmetrical components with
negative Us2-
1 Us2
 Us : TUL , Zs : TZL T and Is : TIL (4) sequence Us2

The model can also be described by its equation Is0 Zs00

 Us  Zs Is zero Us0-
  Us1   Zs11 Zs12 Zs10  Is1  sequence
     (5)
  Us2    Zs21 Zs22 Zs20  Is2 
 U   Z Zs00   Figure 2: Equivalent circuit diagram of a balanced
 s0   s01 Zs02  Is0  line in symmetrical components
The model of an unbalanced line in symmetrical 2.5 Balanced Line Model with Earth Return
components is determined by six parameters Impedance
 three diagonal elements Zs11, Zs22 and Zs00 Figure 3 shows the model with earth return
and impedance of a balanced line. The balanced line
 three non-diagonal elements Zs12, Zs10 and model with earth return impedance is determined
Zs20. by two parameters

The diagonal elements Zs11 and Zs22 are equal  the element of phases Zp and

Zs11  Zs22 (6)
the element of earth ZE.
It should be mentioned that this model should only
2.3 Physical Model of a Balanced Line be applied for balanced line modelling. It is not
The entries of the impedance matrix of a balanced useful to assign the phase elements different
line meet the conditions values, like

ZL12  ZL13  ZL23 and ZL11  ZL22  ZL33 (7) Zp1  Zp2  Zp3 (9)

The model of a balanced line is determined by two in order to model unbalanced lines. The
parameters differences of the phase elements only influence
the diagonal elements of the physical model (see
 the diagonal element ZL11 and
XVII International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Hannover, Germany, August 22-26, 2011

equation (1)). Additionally, a model with four ZLii is the arithmetic mean value of the
parameters is created instead of the models in 
section 2.1 and 2.2, which both contain six diagonal elements of the unbalanced
parameters. physical model and

IL1 Zp
 ZLik is the arithmetic mean value of the
non-diagonal elements of the unbalanced
IL2 Zp UBa=UAa-Ua+UE physical model.
Equation (12) and (13) are important on a
IL3 Zp UBb=UAb-Ub+UE
measurement point of view. They point out that the
parameters of a balanced line model can be
UBc=UAc-Uc+UE determined by calculation of the arithmetic mean
value using the measurement values of an
IE ZE unbalanced line.


Figure 3: Equivalent circuit diagram of the line
model with earth return impedance It is necessary to measure the line parameters
because parameter calculations normally are not
3 CONVERSION OF MODEL PARAMETERS reliable as already pointed out.

The equations to convert the parameters of the 4.1 Measurement of Line Parameters
different models are specified in this section.
With a single-phase source seven measurements
The equation to transfer the unbalanced models is can be performed (see section 5.3). Every
already specified in equation (4). unbalanced model is described by six parameters;
every balanced model is described by two
3.1 Conversion Between Balanced Line parameters. This means there are measurements
Models left for a plausibility check.
The three balanced models presented in sections Table 1 shows the measured loops, the measuring
2.3, 2.4 and 2.5 are completely equivalent results and the determined parameters for an
according to the boundary condition unbalanced line. Equation (12) and (13) are used
to determine the parameters of a balanced line
IE  IL1  IL2  IL3 (9) model.
The three models are defined by two parameters. Table 1: Measured loops, measuring results and
These parameters can be converted with determined parameter

Zs11  ZL11  ZL12  Zp (10) measu measuring result determin

red loop ed
and parameter
Zs00  ZL11  2ZL12  Zp  3ZE (11) U m U L1
L1-E   ZL11 ZL11
Im IL1
3.2 Conversion from Unbalanced to Balanced
Model U m U L2
L2-E   ZL22 ZL22
Overhead lines and cables are normally Im IL2
unbalanced but short circuit calculation and U m U L3
distance protection are using the balanced models. L3-E   ZL33 ZL33
Therefore, a conversion from unbalanced to Im IL3
balanced models is needed. U m  U L1   U L2
L1-L2  ZL12
Using equation (4) it can be shown that Im I L1
Zs11  Zp  ZLii  ZLik (12)  ZL11  ZL22  2ZL12

and U m  U L1   U L3
L1-L3  ZL13
Zs00  Zp  3ZE  ZLii  2ZLik (13) Im I L1
 ZL11  ZL33  2ZL13
XVII International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Hannover, Germany, August 22-26, 2011

U m  U L2   U L3 5 CASE STUDY
L2-L3  ZL23
Im I L2 5.1 Malfunction of Distance Protection Relay.
 ZL22  ZL33  2ZL23 A line fault occurred in close vicinity to Substation
B on the transmission line between Substation A
“U0- U m  Us0 1 and B (Figure 5). Both relays at Substation A and
  Zs00 Zs00
Substation C interpreted the fault as ZONE 1 and
3I0” Im 3Is0 3 consequently both relays tripped. The relay at
station C consequently overreached and
incorrectly tripped the line between Substation B
and Substation C.
4.2 Calculations and Modern Measurement
Equipment A B C
Compared to calculations, measurements of line
parameters including the k-factors are relatively Figure 5 Line diagram indicating the position of the
straightforward, when using modern measurement fault.
The affected utility experiences an unnecessary
Historically, the problem when measuring line false trip and decided to measure the sequence
parameters was to overcome disturbances and impedance to check the relay settings.
interferences from other live systems. Therefore,
either currents close to or above the nominal 5.2 Line Data
current had to be used. Alternatively, big diesel
generators were needed to allow the beat method The 115 kV overhead transmission line, between
to be applied. substation B and C, was 9.5 km long. The line is
not transposed and consists of a mixture of vertical
Today, electronic generators allow the use of and delta tower types, as depicted in (Figure 6).
signals with frequencies shifted away from the The phase allocations are also indicated in Figure
mains. By applying a frequency-selective 6.
measurement that measures only the part of the
incoming signal that matches the generated The k-factor setting of the relay was based on the
frequency accurate results are delivered - even in following simulated sequence impedance data:
an environment that experiences major
Z s 00 _ SIM
disturbances. With this method it is possible to k o _ SIM 
work with currents that are a fraction of the nominal Z L _ SIM
line current and consequently the weight of the
equipment becomes comparable with components  3.643  - 5.23
weighing less than 30 kg (Figure 4). where : (14)
Surge arrestors that are part of the measurement Z s11_ SIM  0.6213  3.9675i
system can safely discharge currents of up to 30
kA to ground. These provide optimum safety during Z s 00 _ SIM  3.5713  14.1882i
testing in case of an unexpected event on the
cable, such as a fault on an adjacent system. 5.3 Practical Measurements
In total, seven measurements per system were
performed, three for each combination of phase-to-
phase loops (Figure 7), three for each phase-to-
ground (Figure 8) and one for all three phases-to-
ground (Figure 9).

Figure 4 Equipment for line impedance

XVII International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Hannover, Germany, August 22-26, 2011




Ground wire

Figure 8 Measurement diagram of the phase-to-

ground impedance loop (line 1) together with the
other phase-to-ground measurement results.



Figure 6 Overhead transmission in case study
Ground wire


L3 Figure 9 Measurement diagram of line impedance

between all three phases in parallel to ground loop,
Ground wire together with the measurement result.



The first three measurements represent the phase-

to-phase loop impedances (Figure 7) and from
these measurements the phase impedance can be
Figure 7 Measurement diagram for the phase-to-
1 U LL 1
phase loop impedance (measurement loop Z L1   Z M 1  0.627  4.186i (15)
between line 1 and 2) together with all the phase- 2 I LL 2
to-phase measurement results.
The measured phase impedance ZL also equals
the positive sequence impedance according to
equation 12. A summary of all the positive
sequence impedance is given in Table 2.
XVII International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Hannover, Germany, August 22-26, 2011

Table 2 Positive sequence impedance and It is remarkable to note that the two calculations,
average calculated from the individual phase-to- which are based on different measurement loops,
phase loops. deliver nearly identical values for the zero
sequence impedance when comparing the result
R [Ω] X [Ω] Z [Ω] Phi (°) obtained from equation 17 with the average value
Zs11(L1) 0.627 4.186 4.233 81.479 in Table 3.

Zs11(L2) 0.628 3.567 3.622 80.011 Finally, the measured k-factors can be expressed
Zs11(L3) 0.696 4.163 4.221 80.514
Z s 00( M 7 )
Zs11 ko   2.455  - 5.13 (18)
(Average) 0.650 3.972 4.025 80.702 Z s11
This measured k-factor differs 48.4% (in
From this result, a close correlation can be noted magnitude) from the original k-factor which the
by comparing this measured result (Table 2) with utility obtained by using a simulation program.
original calculated line data as given in equation It was interesting to note that after some detailed
(14). investigations, the utility discovered that the
From the next three phase-to-ground loop change from steel ground wire to optical ground
wire (OPGW) was not incorporated in the
measurements (ZM4 to ZM6), the individual earth
simulation program. Due to potential errors that
impedances and consequently the average earth
can occur by using simulations and calculations,
impedance can be calculated. For phase 1 the
the utility decided to measure the line impedance
earth impedance can be calculated as follows:
of all major lines to ensure correct relay settings
U  and thereby avoiding unnecessary false trips.
Z E _ FROM _ M 4   LE  Z L   Z M 4  Z L1 
 I LE  (16)

 0.6  1.557i 7 CONCLUSION

By substituting the measured phase impedance Overhead lines and cables are normally
and earth impedance values to equation 13 the unbalanced but short circuit calculation and
zero sequence impedance can be calculated. The distance protection are using the balanced models.
results are shown in Table 3. Therefore, a conversion from unbalanced to
Table 3 Zero sequence impedance and average balanced models is needed. The different models
calculated from the individual phase to ground and conversion between models are described in
loops. this paper. A practical case study highlights the
importance to measure the sequence impedance
R [Ω] X [Ω] Z [Ω] Phi (°) since simulations are prone to errors. The case
study also shows how practical measurements of
Zs00(L1-E) 2.428 8.858 9.185 74.670 an unbalanced line can be used to get the right
Zs00 (L2-E) 2.376 10.497 10.763 77.246 parameters for distance protection relay settings.
The distance protection relay would have operated
Zs00 (L3-E) 2.438 9.374 9.686 75.422 correctly (not over-reaching) if the settings were
Zs00 based on the measured sequence impedance data
at the time of the fault.
Average 2.414 9.577 9.876 75.851

From this result a major discrepancy (45% for the 8 REFERENCES

real values and 48.24% for the imaginary values)
can be noted between the measured and the [1] [W. Doemeland, Handbuch Schutztechnik,
calculated results. Also from individual zero Huss-Medien GmbH, Berlin, Germany, 48-49
sequence impedance, a relatively big variation can [2] U. Klapper, 2005, "Reliability of Transmission
be noted between the different phases. This gives by Means of Line Impedance and k-Factor
a clear indication that this transmission line is Measurement", CIRED 2005, 18th International
unbalanced like most practical lines. Conference and Exhibition on Electricity
Measurement number 7 (Figure 9) is the most Distribution, 6-9 June 2005, Turin - Italy
direct and accurate way to measure the zero [3] S. Kaiser, 2004, "Different Representation of
sequence impedance of a line and can be the Earth Impedance Matching in Distance
calculated as follows: Protection Relays", Proceedings OMICRON
User Conference in Germany 2004, 11.1 - 11.5
Z s 00( M 7)  3Z M 7  2.463  9.571i (17)

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