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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III



 Physical Fitness


At the end of the learning task, the students should be able to:
 Discuss what is Physical Fitness
 Demonstrate understanding of benefits of physical well-being; and
 Perform appropriate physical activity safely in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
PAR-Q (copy and answer in ½ crosswise)

Being more active is very safe for most people, and for most should not pose any problem or
hazard. However, some people should check with their doctor before they start becoming much
more physically active. The following list of questions should be completed by anyone who is
looking to start exercise program, to increase their current physical activity level, or partake in
physical fitness testing assessment. The questionnaire helps determine how safe it is for you.
Common sense is your best guide in answering these questions. Read the questions carefully
and answer each one honestly by encircling YES or NO.

Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart

YES NO condition and that you should only do physical activity
recommended by a doctor?
YES NO Do you feel pain in your chest when you do physical
YES NO In the past month, have you had chest pain when you
were not doing physical activity?
YES NO Do you lose your balance because of dizziness or do
you ever lose consciousness?
YES NO Do you have bone or joint problem that could be made
worse by a change in your physical activity?
YES NO Is your doctor currently prescribing drugs for your blood
pressure or heart condition?
YES NO Do you know any other reason why you should not do
physical activity?

o If you answered “ YES ” to one or more questions, talk with your doctor or notify your
instructor before you start becoming much more active or before you have a fitness test.
Tell your doctor about PAR-Q and which questions you answered “yes”.
o If you answered “ NO ” honestly to all questions, you can be reasonably sure that you
can start becoming much more physically active or take part in a physical fitness
appraisal – begin slowly and build up gradually. This is the safest and easiest way to go.

Signature over Printed Name of Student
Physical Fitness is . . .
- the condition of being sound body, mind, or spirit especially freedom from physical
disease or pain.
- an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward healthy and fulfilling
- the supply of materials that organisms and cells require to live.
- movement of the body that uses energy.
- the performance of some activity in order to develop or maintain physical fitness and
over-all health.
- the ability of your body systems to work together efficiently to allow you to be healthy
and perform activities of daily living.
- it refers to the ability of your body system to work together efficiently to allow you to be
healthy and perform activities of daily living.

 Health Related Fitness ( HRF )

 Physical Fitness are divided into two: Health Related Fitness (HRF) and Skill Related
Fitness (SRF) and both have varied activities to test each component and abilities of
student. This learning module will focus on the thorough discussion of Health Related
Fitness and the different components and activities that you are going to take with. The
procedures and equipment are listed too.


At the end of the learning task, the students should be able to:
 identify the different physical fitness tests under the Health Related Fitness;
 perform variety of physical fitness test using correct techniques;
 demonstrate skills acquired in various physical fitness tests; and
 Demonstrate an understanding of concepts and skills acquired in various physical fitness

PRE – ASSESSMENT 1 (Answer only. Write your answer at the back of the PAR-Q.)

Name: ____________________________ Section: ______________ Score: ____

I. Multiple Choice. Read each statement carefully. Write the letter of your answer
on the space provided before each number.

______ 1. It is the ability of the heart, lungs, blood vessels, and blood to work efficiently and to
supply the body with oxygen.
a. Muscular Strength c. Cardiovascular Endurance
b. Flexibility d. Body Composition
______ 2. It is the ability of muscles to lift heavy weight or exert a lot of force one time.
a. Cardiovascular Endurance c. Muscular Endurance
b. Muscular Strength d. Body Composition
______ 3. It is the combination of all tissues that make up the body such as bones, muscles,
organ and body fat.
a. Cardiovascular Endurance c. Muscular Endurance
b. Muscular Strength d. Body Composition
______ 4. It is the ability to use muscle for a long time with tiring.
a. Muscular Strength c. Muscular Power
b. Muscular Endurance d. Muscular Resistance
______ 5. It is the ability to use your joints fully through a wide range of motion.
a. Body Composition c. Flexibility
b. Muscular Strength d. Muscular Endurance
______ 6. Which of the following components is not health related fitness?
a. Strength c. Flexibility
b. Power d. Body Composition
______ 7.To determine body composition, taking of _________ should be done.
a. Pulse Rate c. Body Mass Index
b. Blood Pressure d. Resting Heart Rate
______ 8. Which of the following fitness activities will help you measure flexibility?
a. Standing Long Jump
b. 3 minute Step Test
c. Basic Plank
d. Zipper Test
______ 9. A test for cardiovascular endurance is:
a. Sit and Reach c. 3 minute Step Test
b. Juggling d. Push Ups
______ 10. If a person BMI reads 29.9, he will be classified as:
a. Underweight c. Overweight
b. Normal d. Obese
______ 11. What are the two body measurements needed in taking your body mass index?
a. Weight and Pulse Rate c. Height and Weight
b. Height and Working Heart Rate d. Weight and Body Temperature
______ 11. It is a test of the upper arm and shoulder girdle flexibility intended to parallel the
strength/ endurance assessment of that region.
a. Basic Plank c. BMI
b. Sit and Reach d. Zipper Test
______ 12. A test of flexibility for the lower extremities particularly the hamstring muscles is
a. Push Up c. Sit and Reach
b. Zipper Test d. Basic Plank
______ 13. It refers to heaviness or lightness of a person.
a. Weight c. Both A and B
b. Height d. None of the above
______ 14. Which of the following equipment is not necessary in the conduct of BMI testing?
a. Tape measure c. Stop watch/ Timer
b. Weighing Scale d. L – square
______ 15. It is a good predicator of visceral fat which contributes more risk of cardiovascular
diseases and diabetes than fat located in other areas.
a. Head Circumference
b. Chest Circumference
c. Waist Circumference
d. Hip Circumference
Physical Fitness Test Goal
1. To determine the level of fitness.
2. To identify strengths and areas for development or improvement.
3. To identify bases for physical activities.
4. To gather and analyze data for norms and standard setting.
5. To motivate and guide students in choosing sports activities they would like to participate

Test Protocols
1. The following testing paraphernalia are necessary:
 First aid kit
 Drinking water
 Individual score/ record card ( will be provided )
2. Prior to actual day of testing, familiarity testing sessions should be held advising the
students to go through without exerting maximum efforts.
3. Explain the purpose and benefits that can be derived from physical fitness tests.
4. Make sure that the test score cards are filled with necessary details and scores before
submitting it to subject instructor.
5. Set up station or area ready for use ( clean and safe ) an hour before actual testing
6. Ask assistance from any household members to execute each activity with ease and
7. Students should wear appropriate attire: Official PE uniform or Plain White Shirt and any
colored jogging pants, and rubber shoes.
8. Conduct warm up stretching exercise before the start of the activity.
9. Conduct testing in a joyful, challenging, encouraging, and fun filled environment.

Health Related Fitness - This is primarily associated with disease prevention and functional
health. Participating in regular health related fitness helps you control your weight, prevents
diseases and illness, improves mood, boosts energy and promotes better sleep.

1. Body Composition – the combination of all tissues that make up the body such as bones,
muscles, organs, and body fat.
2. Cardiovascular Endurance – the ability of the heart, lungs, blood vessels, and blood to
work efficiently and to supply the body with oxygen.
3. Flexibility – the ability to use your joints fully through a wide range of motion.
4. Muscular Endurance – the ability to use muscles for a long period of time without tiring.
5. Muscular Strength – the ability of muscles to lift a heavy weight or exert a lot of force one

Body Composition
a. Body Mass Index ( BMI )
Formula for Computing Body Mass Index

Weight ( in Kilogram )

Height ( in meters )2

Below 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal
25.0 – 29.9 Overweight
30.0 – Above Obese

Equipment: Tape Measure, Weighing Scale, L - Square


For the Tester:

a. Wear light clothing before weighing
b. On bare feet, stand erect and still with weight evenly distributed on the center of the
c. Stand erect on bare feet with heels, buttocks and shoulders pressed against the wall
where tape measure is attached. Record the standing height to nearest 0.1cm ( to
concert height in (cm) to (m) just divide it in 100 ). Example: 168cm / 100 = 1.68m
For the Partner:
a. Before the start of weighing, check the functionality of the scale/ adjust it to 0.
b. Record the body mass in Kilogram (Kg), if in Lbs. convert it by diving the weight in
pounds to 2.2. Example: 105.8 lbs / 2.2 = 48.09kg


a. Zipper Test – is a test of upper arm and shoulder girdle flexibility intended to parallel the
strength/ endurance assessment of that region.

Purpose: To be able to touch the finger tips together behind the back by reaching over shoulder
and under the elbow.
Equipment: Ruler

For the Student:

a. Stand erect
b. To test the right shoulder, raise your
right arm, bend your elbow, and reach
down across your back as far as possible
c. At the same time, extend your left arm
down and behind your back, bend your
elbow up ad across your back, and try
to cross your fingers over those of
your right hand
0 Did not touch fingertips
1 Just touched fingertips
2 Fingertips overlapped by 1-2cm
3 Fingertips overlapped by 3-4cm
4 Fingertips overlapped by 5-7cm
5 Fingertips overlapped by 8cm and
d. Reach with the right hand over the right shoulder and down the back as if to pull a zipper
or scratch between the shoulder blades
e. To test the left shoulder, repeat procedure (a-d) with the left hand over the left shoulder
For the Tester:
a. Observe whether the fingers touched or overlapped each other
b. Measure the distance in which the fingers overlapped
c. Record the score in centimeter ( cm )

b. Sit and Reach – a test of flexibility of lower extremities particularly the hamstring

Purpose: To be able to reach as far as possible without bending the hamstring

Equipment: Tape Measure or meter stick, Box


For the Student:

a. Sit on the floor with back flat on the wall. Feet are approximately 12 inches apart
b. Without bending the back, knees and elbows, place one hand on top of the other and
position the hands on the floor
c. After the tester has positioned the zero point of tape measure, start the test by reaching
the farthest point possible without bending the knees
For the Tester:
a. As the student assume the (b) procedure, position the zero point of tape measure at the
tip of the finger farthest from the body
b. See to it that the knees are not bent as the student reaches the farthest that he could
c. Measure the distance of the farthest reached
d. Record the score in centimeter ( cm )

Cardiovascular Endurance

a. 3 minute Step Test

Purpose: To measure cardiovascular endurance.
Equipment: Step/Ladder ( 16.25 inch step ), Stop watch

For the Student:

a. Position in front of the step
b. At the signal “ GO ”, step up and down on a bench for 3 minute at a rate of 24 steps per
minute. One step consist of 4 beats – that is “ up with the left foot, up with right foot,
down with left foot, down with right foot ”
c. Immediately after the exercise, stand and relax. Do not talk
d. Right after the activity, locate your pulse. The first beat is Zero
e. Count the pulse for 1 full minute
For the Tester:
a. As the student assume the position in front of the step, signal “ Ready ”and “ Go ”, start
the stop watch for 3 minute step test
b. After the test, let the student count his pulse for 1 minute

a. 90 Degrees Push – UP

Purpose: To measure strength of upper extremities.

Equipment: Exercise mat or any clean mat

For the Student:

a. Lie down on mat; face down in standard push up position: palms on the mat under
shoulders, fingers pointing forward, and legs straight, parallel and slightly apart, with
toes supporting the feet
b. For BOYS: Straightens the arms keeping the back and
knees straight, then lowers the arms until there is a
90 – degree angle at the elbow
( upper arms are parallel to the floor )
For GIRLS: With the knees in contact with
the floor, straightens the arms, keeping the back
straight, then lowers the arms until there is a 90 –
degree angle at the elbows ( upper arms are
parallel to the floor )

c. Perform as many repetitions as possible, maintaining a cadence of 20 push-ups per

minute ( 2 seconds going down, 1 second going up )
For the Tester:
a. As the student assume the position of push-ups, start counting as the student lowers his
body on the ground until he reaches 90 – degree angle at the elbow
b. Make sure that the student performs the push-ups in correct position
c. The test is terminated when the subject can no longer perform the push-ups in the
correct form ( 3 corrections are allowed ), is in pain, voluntarily stops, or cadence is
d. Record the number of push-ups

b. Basic Plank

Equipment: Exercise mat or any clean mat, Stop watch


For the Student:

a. Lie down on mat, keep on plank position
b. Remain in the position for a maximum of
90 seconds.
For the Tester:
a. Using stop watch, record the length of time
a student can remain in the plank position
b. If a student changes in position, stop the time, and record it in second. The maximum
time is only 90 second.

Name: ____________________________ Course & Section: ______________ Score: ____

Compute your BMI. Write your height in meters and weight in kg. Classify your BMI whether it
is underweight, normal, overweight or obese.

Body Mass Index

Height ( meters ) Weight ( Kilograms ) BMI Classification

3 minute Step Test

Heart Rate per Minute

Before the Activity After the Activity

__________ beats per minute __________ beats per minute

Push Up and Basic Plank

Push Up Basic Plank

Number of Push Up Time

______ seconds

Zipper Test and Sit & Reach

Zipper Test Sit and Reach

Overlap/ Gap in centimeters (cm) Score
Right Left 1st Try 2nd Try 3rd Try

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