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Discipline – Agronomy
Topic’s Name –

1. study of mutual relationship between organism and their environment is known as

(1) Biodiversity (2) Ecology
(3) Biology (4) Entomology

2. who carries out research on scientific cultivation of Crop taking into account the
effects of factor like soil, climate?
(1) Agro meteorologist (2) soil scientist
(3) agronomist (4) geologist

3. which character/s of soil is/are modified during Tillage

(1) physical (2) Chemical
(3) Biological (4) All of the above

4. the plough mainly used for breaking heart fans and for deep loving with less
disturbance to top layer is
(1) Chisel plough (2) Ridge plough
(3) Rotary Plough (4) Sweep cultivator

5. Roughing in seed production is to

(1) Find out different cultures (2) Avoid contamination by keeping safe
(3) Avoid impurities that occure (4) Remove off type of plants before
mainly due to cross pollination Flowering

6. what happens if crops seed sown very deep in the soil

(1) Early germination (2) Uniform plant population
(3) The young seedlings may not be (4) Vigorous seedlings
able to push their shoot above thick
soil layer

7. in which cropping system the term component crop is used

(1) intercropping system (2) sole cropping system
(3) ratoon cropping system (4) monoculture cropping system

8. short duration between two main crops is term as

(1) companion Crop (2) Catch crop
(3) cash crop (4) Ephemeral

9. keeping in view the available Technology for the kharif and Rabi crops which one of
the following patterns would be more useful for crop planting?
(1) mono culture (2) location specific cropping
(3) mixed cropping (4) multiple cropping

10. which of the herbicide is used to control weed in Zero Tillage?

(1) pendimethalene (2) paraquat
(3) Alachlor (4) Trifluralin

11. name the pre emergence Herbicide which effectively controls the broad leaf weeds
and most grasses in maize crop
(1) oxyflurofen (2) Pendimethalin
(3) glyphosate (4) Atrazine

12. the percentage of infrared spectral band in main spectral band (sunlight) is
(1) 7% (2) 47.5%
(3) 11.0% (4) 29.5%

13. rise in atmospheric temperature is mainly due to increase to concentration of

(1) Carbon dioxide (2) Nitrogen
(3) Hydrogen (4) oxygen

14. rainfall is described in the forecast as isolated when ---------- of specified area is
expected to receive rains
(1) <25% (2) < two third
(3) two third (4) < one third

15. 35°C = ------- °K

(1) 235 (2) -258
(3) 135 (4) 308

16. plant required water mainly to meet the demand of evaporation transpiration and
metabolic needs all together it is known as
(1) Cumulative use (2) Consumptive use
(3) Progressive use (4) water requirment

17. how does the soil moisture move in an area

(1) High Tension to area of low (2) higher elevation to lower elevation
(3) no tension area to High Tension (4) lower elevation to higher elevation

18. which of the following agency has been interested by government of India with the
task of preparation of feasibility report of interlinking of rivers in India
(1) National water Development (2) irrigation Commission of India
Agency (NWDA)
(3) Central groundwater Board (4) National water board

19. water use efficiency of sorghum is.... Rice

(1) Higher than (2) Equal to
(3) Not comperable to (4) Less than

20. Transpiration is
(1) wilting coefficient (2) Evaporation
(3) water loss from plant (4) changing status of water

21. following are the species of turmeric out of that which is Ambe Halad
(1) Curcuma Amoda (2) curcuma aungstafolia
(3) Curcuma aromatic Salish (4) Curcuma longa

22. which of these not considered as small millet

(1) Finger millet (2) Pearl millet
(3) foxtail millet (4) Proso millet

23. identify the group of crops species with relatively more tolerance to Salinity
(1) carrot, onion, pulses (2) Barley, cotton ,onion
(3) cowpea, Cabbage, onion (4) Tomato, raddish Groundnut

24 The duration of adsali sugarcane is...... months

(1) 12 (2) 8
(3) 15 (4) 18

25. Fungus causing fusarium wilt in gram ----

(1) Fusarium Solani (2) Fusarium oxysporum
(3) Uromyces ciceris-arietini (4) Fusarium bengalensis

26. Summer groundnut is adventagenous because of

(1) less aflatoxine content (2) proper drying and storage
(3) low cost of production (4) Higher oil content and better oil

27. wooly aphid , an insect pest causes much damage mainly to.......
(1) Sugarcane (2) Onion
(3) Cotton (4) wheat

28. the indian metological department (IMD) is issuing a daily forcast every afternoon is
termed as
(1) Tentative crop outlook (2) Farmer weather Bulletin
(3) Medium Range forecast (4) Periodic Forecast

29. The term contengent cropping means

(1) crops grown for protecting weather (2) crops grown to maintains soil fertility
(3) crops grown to achieve nutritive (4) crops grown to increase production

30. Transpiration losses can be reduced by use of

(1) Stubble mulch (2) Polythene much
(3) Interculture (4) Kaoline spray

Sample Question Typed as below

1. Which Agro-climatic zone has highest Cropping Intensity ?

(1) Upper Gangetic Zone (2) Trans- Gangetic Zone
(3) Lower Gangetic Zone (4) Western Himalaya Zone

2. _________represents an appropriate combination of farm enterprises viz. cropping

system, livestock, poultry, fisheries, forestry and the means available to the farmer to
raise them for increasing profitability.
(1) Mixed Farming (2) Farming System
(3) Integrated Farm Management (4) Diversification

3. Followings are the Characteristics of Dryland Area?

a) 50 % of annual precipitation is received in 4-5 days
b) Late withdrawal of monsoon
c) High temperature, Low wind velocity,
d) Acidic soil
(1) A and B (2) A, B, C and D
(3) A and D (4) A, C and D

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