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Partner Guide

Partner Enablement
& Training

Empower Your Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Training Discounts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Enablement & Training Phases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

I Business Sales Ready. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

I Technical Sales Ready. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

I Demo Ready. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

I PoC & Implementation Ready . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Training Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Denodo Platform Licenses for Partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

FAQs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Empower Your Team

The Denodo Partner Enablement & Training program is designed to prepare professionals like you to position,
showcase and deploy the Denodo Platform. The training phases utilize a model where individuals can choose
to focus on training for: business sales, technical sales, demos, proof-of-concept (PoC), or implementation. As
part of this training, you will complete role-based certification as Architects, Developers and Administrators
that will help you advance your career, add value to your organization, and foster your customers’ success.

Becoming a trained/certified Denodo partner provides these tangible benefits:

I You will be more successful in converting opportunities to wins

I You will earn higher partner fees

I You will have a higher ranking on the Denodo Partner Directory

I You are more likely to be recommended to customers for services projects

I Your employees can showcase official certification badges in social media bringing more opportunities to
the firm and their careers

This guide provides you with the springboard to navigate these training phases, empower the professionals in
your team, and drive client results.


The Denodo Partner Program is designed to enable partners to better serve,

market and differentiate themselves through training, certification, and sales
and marketing benefits. Within the program, Denodo has identified the following
certification milestones:

1. Denodo Platform 8.0 Certified Architect Associate

2. Denodo Platform 8.0 Certified Developer Associate

Reaching these milestones will help you achieve success with the Denodo Platform
and provide you with the above-mentioned tangible benefits.

© 2021 Denodo Technologies 3

Training Discounts

Free 50%
Free on-demand training: Discounts on live instructor-led training:
50% for Silver Partners and above.
▪ All courses and certifications for
Silver Partners and above.

▪ Data Virtualization Champion

and Data Virtualization Architect
(courses and certification) for
Foundation members. Discounts on live instructor-led training:
25% for Foundation members.


All training discounts are available on the Partner Portal. To redeem your discount, navigate to Training
Discounts or follow this Step-by-Step Guide for details on how to register using promotional codes.


Denodo will register partners for certification, once pre-requisite courses have been completed. If you believe
you've completed all relevant courses and ready to sit the exam, contact the Denodo Partner Program team
to proceed to certification.

© 2021 Denodo Technologies 4

Enablement & Training Phases



Leverage the sales playbooks,
solution-building strategies, and toolkits
(supported by real use cases) to pitch
to your prospect.



Conduct presentations that compare
and recommend data virtualization for
logical and physical data architectures,
and use patterns in analytics, digital
transformation, cloud modernization
and more.


Perform quick data virtualization
capability overviews, competitive
comparisons, and develop customized
solution demonstrations that are
correctly aligned with your prospects’



Understand the best practices
and methodologies to effectively
implement data virtualization and
deliver pilots, PoCs, or production
projects at scale.

Phases are incremental in technical complexity and we recommend completing in the sequence
outlined above.

© 2021 Denodo Technologies 5

01 Business Sales Ready
Upon completion of this phase, you should be able to:

࿪ Introduce data virtualization and use cases ࿪ Defend ROI

࿪ Identify and qualify data virtualization ࿪ Explain customer references

࿪ Gather requirements to engage technical
࿪ Discuss data virtualization differentiation sales engineer/architect

࿪ Provide budgetary pricing


Data Virtualization Champion


Discussion: Partner sales-enablement webinars (custom sessions on request)

Business Sales Toolkit

▪ Battlecards & corporate messaging
▪ Sales tutorials
▪ ROI tools
▪ Referenceable customer stories
▪ Anonymous customer stories

Time to Complete
▪ 6 hours for training course
▪ Additional time as needed to review enablement resources

© 2021 Denodo Technologies 6

02 Technical Sales Ready
Upon completion of this phase, you should be able to:

࿪ Conduct deep technical presentations on ࿪ Explain data virtualization use patterns

data virtualization (logical architectures such as logical data
warehouse, data services, data lakes, cloud
࿪ Explain reference architectures for logical modernization)
data fabric and data marketplace and
compare other approaches (replication, ࿪ Discuss sizing and deployment models
consolidation, etc) including hybrid/multi-cloud


Data Virtualization Architect


Technical Sales Toolkit

▪ Technical FAQs and checklists
▪ Solution architecture for use cases
▪ Technical handbooks & manuals
▪ Architectural diagrams


Denodo Platform 8.0 Certified Architect Associate


Time to Complete
▪ 8 hours for training course
▪ 1 hour for Certified Architect Associate Exam
▪ Additional time as needed to review enablement resources

© 2021 Denodo Technologies 7

03 Demo Ready
Upon completion of this phase, you should be able to:

࿪ Execute standard demos highlighting data ࿪ Complete an RFI

virtualization capabilities and differentiation
࿪ Handle technical Q&A
࿪ Develop bespoke demos for customer needs


Connecting and Combining Data with Denodo

Denodo Performance Best Practices

Denodo Project Management

Building API Services with Denodo

Advanced Configuration of Denodo Views

Denodo Platform Endpoints

Denodo Data Management


Demo workshop: Best practices to set-up/execute mock demo (get real time feedback
from Denodo pre-sales engineer)

Demo Toolkit
▪ Pre-recorded demo
▪ Virtual machine demo
▪ Checklists/videos to deliver an effective demo


Denodo Platform 8.0 Certified Developer Associate


Time to Complete
▪ 20 hours for on-demand training courses
▪ 1.5 hours for Certified Developer Associate Exam
▪ Additional time as needed to review enablement resources

Note: It is strongly recommended to complete Technical Sales Ready phase, followed by Demo Ready
phase, to become demo ready.

© 2021 Denodo Technologies 8

04 PoC & Implementation Ready
Upon completion of this phase, you should be able to perform the following:

࿪ Execute all pre-POC ࿪ Complete a data virtualization implementation

across the full project lifecycle
࿪ Conduct PoC and defend results against
success criteria ࿪ Optimize performance, service levels and
customer satisfaction
࿪ Configure the Denodo Platform in the
customer's environment


Demo Ready training courses, plus:

Denodo Platform Installation

Denodo Operations Management

Denodo Security Management

Denodo Task Scheduling

Denodo Performance Monitoring

Denodo Deployment Configuration


PoC & Implementation Toolkit

▪ PoC tools
▪ Sizing tools
▪ RFI tools
▪ Implementation best practices

Denodo Community for best practices. Includes knowledge base, manuals, videos,
tutorials, drivers, free trials and more!


Denodo Platform 8.0 Certified Administrator Associate

Time to Complete
▪ 14 hours for training courses
▪ 1.5 hours for Certified Administrator Associate Exam
▪ Additional time as needed for real-life field experience to plan/deliver a:
▪ Pilot or PoC with a Denodo sales engineer.
▪ SOW or project implementation with a Denodo customer success manager.

© 2021 Denodo Technologies 9

Training Recognition
Training recognition is granted upon successful completion of training or certification. These are directly
aligned with respective Architect, Developer and Administrator roles.



Denodo Certificate ✔ ✔ ✔

Denodo Badge ✔ ✔

Denodo Registry ✔ ✔ ✔



© 2021 Denodo Technologies 10

Denodo Platform Licenses for Partners

Denodo makes available a variety of licenses to the Denodo Platform, which can be leveraged by partners
depending on their status and needs. All of the licenses are based on the same award-winning Denodo
Platform but vary in feature and throughput restrictions, usage restrictions*, time validity, and cost. Below are
some of the licenses that a partner can request or are granted automatically.



 Usage Used for community Used for live, paid Used for training, demo, Used for demos and
projects, departmental training courses from testing, and solution proof-of-concepts
projects, or to prototype the official Denodo showcase to customers deployed on partner or
enterprise projects. curriculum. when deployed on customer systems.
partner systems.
Production or Individual, Non-production use
non-production use. non-production use. Non-production use on customer or partner
on partner systems. systems.
Cannot be deployed
on customer systems
for PoC.

 Features Restricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted

 Throughput Restricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted

 Time validity 1 year 30 days 1 year 30 days

 Requirement Denodo Community Paid training course Denodo Partner Denodo NDA
registration Agreement

 Cost No cost Included in the price of No cost No cost


 How to request Available through Automatically issued Request through your Request through your
registration in the to those taking a paid Partner Manager Partner Manager
Denodo Community training course

* Details specified in License Agreement and Terms of Use.

Denodo Platform and Denodo Standard - Free Trials & Paid Options

If partners want to avoid any of the above restrictions or conditions for a free
license grant, they can purchase a subscription license for the following:

Denodo Standard
Entry level version of the Denodo Platform, allowing up to 5 data sources. Ideal
for a variety of data virtualization use cases. You can get a 30-day free trial
subscription or continue its use on an hourly basis (pay-as-you-go). Prices and
configurations are as posted on AWS and Azure marketplaces.

Denodo Platform
Full version of the Denodo Platform on AWS, Azure or Google Cloud Platform
(GCP). You can get a 30-day free trial subscription or continue its use on an
hourly basis (pay-as-you-go). Prices and configurations as posted on AWS, Azure
and GCP marketplaces

© 2021 Denodo Technologies 11


Why get certified?

Becoming Denodo Certified earns you recognition for your skills and experience with the Denodo Platform.
This will open the door to increased services revenue opportunities, differentiate yourself as a data
virtualization professional, enhance your credibility with peers and customers, and enable you to optimize the
Denodo Platform so you can do your best work for customers.

Can I complete the training courses out-of-sequence?

We strongly recommend completing courses in the recommended sequence to help ensure you are
adequately prepared and gained relevant prerequisite knowledge. You may be blocked from taking out-of-
sequence courses.

Am I expected to complete all phases in the Partner Enablement & Training guide?

No. Individuals may complete one or more phases relevant to their role, but in sequence. However, a
partner company is expected to complete all phases in order to be successful across all stages of the
customer-engagement lifecycle within the first year of partner program membership.

Are Denodo Platform 8.0 certification exams challenging? What is the passing score?

Yes, Denodo Platform 8.0 certification is challenging. The passing score is 72 out of 100 for Denodo Certified
Associate. However, you will be successful if you are both attentive during the course and follow the
guidelines to prepare for and take the exam.

What if I don’t pass the certification exam?

If you do not pass on the first attempt, you must wait two weeks after the last failed attempt to take the exam
again. You may take the exam up to three times in one year from the date of your first attempt. Note that each
exam attempt uses one of the complimentary exams provisioned as part of your Partner Program membership.

I successfully completed Denodo Platform 6.0 training. How can I get certified on Denodo
Platform 8.0?

Denodo Platform 8.0 was a major release of the platform, and many new features and capabilities were added
to the product. As a result, you are required to complete Denodo Platform 8.0 training courses and then the
Denodo Platform 8.0 Certification.

© 2021 Denodo Technologies 12

I successfully completed Denodo Platform 7.0 training/exams. How can I get certified on Denodo
Platform 8.0?

If you are already accredited on Denodo Platform 7.0, you can complete the following to be recognized/
accredited on Denodo Platform 8.0:

▪ Denodo Platform 8.0 Highlights

▪ What’s New in Denodo Platform 8.0 - Developer or Administrator
▪ Denodo Platform 8.0 Associate Certification - Architect or Developer or Administrator

I registered for the training and I did not receive any email. What should I do next?

The procedure to assign on-demand courses when using partner discount codes typically takes 1-2 business
days. If you still have not received your email within this timeframe, please contact
outlining your query and requesting support.

There is a survey towards the end of the course. Is that mandatory?

Yes. The survey is mandatory to achieve course completion.

Upon successfully completing a course/exam, how long will it take to receive my certificate/

You will receive your certificate/badge within 30 days of successful course/exam completion.

© 2021 Denodo Technologies 13


The Denodo Partner Portal is a dynamic, secure platform that is available to Denodo-approved partners. It can
be used as a self-service learning platform to download content such as sales templates, presales materials,
sales slide decks, lead nurturing content, etc. Plus, you can leverage its dynamic functionality to take your
partnership to the next level and engage in online business plans, execute marketing campaigns, co-brand
collateral, and more.

Partner Enablement Webinars are hosted live each month and exclusive to Denodo partners. Each enablement
session falls into one of the following phases: (i) Business Sales (ii) Technical Sales (iii) Demo (iv) PoC &
Implementation. All sessions are recorded and made available for on-demand replay.

The Denodo Resource Center is an extensive library of data virtualization resources aimed at helping you
to understand how data virtualization can help your clients. Content and assets can be filtered by solution,
industry or role. Assets are available in a variety of formats such as brochures, case studies, demos, e-books,
podcasts, webinars, whitepapers and more.

Denodo Analyst Reports provide independent evaluation that recognize and position Denodo as a leader
in the market. These reports are published by technology and market research companies that provide
independent comparisons on data integration vendors. The Denodo Platform has consistently been positioned
as a leader by Gartner, Forrester and BARC.

The Data Virtualization Blog is a Denodo-sponsored blog platform that focuses on modern data management
practices and data management trends. It features posts on strategic uses of modern data management
techniques, trending markets, common myths about data management, disruptive technologies, how to
increase your ROI on data projects, and more. Blog posts are contributed from leading industry experts,
analysts and partners.

The Denodo Community is a technical support and learning hub. It provides you with the tools to learn about
the Denodo Platform, Denodo Express, and data virtualization. You have unlimited access to all the assets on
the Denodo Community including knowledge base, manuals, videos, tutorials, drivers, and Q&A.

Denodo Express is a complete, free, data virtualization tool that allows you to explore the power of the
Denodo Platform. Denodo Express comes with online community-based support, tutorials, and videos.
Denodo Express is available on a 1 year, free, renewable license, and can be downloaded from the Denodo

Denodo Cloud is a set of Denodo solutions to quickly deploy the Denodo Platform on leading public cloud
platforms including Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
From there, you can gain access to test drives and free trials on AWS, Azure and GCP. You can also use these
platforms to start a paid cloud subscription.

Denodo Datafest is our annual user conference that brings together data enthusiasts across the globe. The
conference highlights trends in machine learning, hybrid/multi cloud, data science, logical data fabric and
more. This in-person event is hosted in the Americas, EMEA, and APAC, and streamed live for on-demand

Fast Data Strategy Virtual Summit is a global online conference that attracts hundreds of data architects, data
scientists, and BI practitioners worldwide. It features industry analysts, customers and partners who share their
expertise on data-related management challenges and solutions.

Although we seek to make partners independently capable, you may seek and receive Denodo support as
needed through all Enablement & Training phases.

© 2021 Denodo Technologies 14


An official Denodo course available from the Denodo website under Denodo On-Demand Training. These
courses are specifically designed to help our customers and partners build leading-edge data solutions that
address data integration and information management needs.

Enablement encompasses supplementary platforms, learning activity and material (outside of Denodo training
courses) to learn about data virtualization and modern data management practices. These can be delivered in
any of the following mediums:

▪ On-demand (webinars, toolkits, partner portal resources, Denodo website, Data Virtualization blog).
▪ Virtual/physical events (public or partner-specific live webinars, bootcamps, workshops, Denodo Datafest,
Fast Data Strategy Virtual Summit)
▪ Partner support through email or support site
▪ Jointly working on customer projects

Certifications are official exams designed to evaluate your knowledge and expertise of the Denodo Platform.
Certifications measure product competency across the following roles: Architect, Developer, Administrator.
As a minimum requirement, individuals must successfully complete all pre-requisite training courses before
attempting a certification exam. Denodo also recommends practical experience (eg: demos, POCs, projects) to
complement your learning and prepare you for certification.

The Denodo Roles referenced in this guide are Architect, Developer and Administrator.

Enablement & Training Phases

The Partner Enablement & Training Phases referenced in this guide are: (i) business sales ready (ii) technical
sales ready (iii) demo ready (iv) PoC & implementation ready. These phases help you to understand the most
relevant training depending on the stage of customer engagement. Each phase includes a suggested mix of
training, enablement and certification.

Denodo Professional Certification Registry

The Denodo Professional Certification Registry is a public, online registry of individuals who have earned a
Denodo certification. It is used by partners and customers to verify, validate and showcase the training and
certification credentials of individuals.

© 2021 Denodo Technologies 15

Working together to
make you stronger.
Don't take our word for it. Click here to see what our
partners have to say.

Denodo Technologies is the leader in data virtualization providing agile, high performance data integration,
data abstraction, and real-time data services across the broadest range of enterprise, cloud, big data, and
unstructured data sources at half the cost of traditional approaches. Denodo’s customers across every major
industry have gained significant business agility and ROI.

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