PHILOSOPHY OF LAW - Reviewer (Cruz)

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TEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE with one another is the condition of PHYSICAL; “another timeless

life in society; enabling them to dimension of reality”.

I. LABELS distinguish between right or wrong,
the good or bad. Plato gave the name “ideas”; all
- The label “Philosophical objects and activities yielding to the
Jurisprudence”: used to identify the - Human relation is not the use of physical senses are only
thinking and method of this juristic power but the observance of representations of, or names after,
school (Teleological). honesty and good faith; as nature of certain “ideas” by their relationship
human being. to them. (Representational Reality)
- Major part of its discourse lies in the
realm of metaphysics. - Same with Bocobo Commission For Plato, humans are capable of
(codiGied Civil Laws of PH); Chapter discerning justice from injustice
- Teleological Jurisprudence: more 2 of Preliminary Title deals with even in their minds, alone. Rational
appropriate in designating the harmonious basis of human relations. Justice is sufGicient to enable humans
thinking and method of this to attain good faith and moral nature.
particular school of jurisprudence. - Art. 10; in the exercise of rights and For Plato, it is the central theme of
performance of obligations, person his concept of law.
- Label emphasizes the fundamental must act with justice, observe
point that the law is ordained for the honesty and good faith, and give In Rational Justice; a person
achievement of the precepts of everyone their due. attending to one’s proper individual
natural law. It is considered as the function, and there is justice when a
telos of the law. a. Absolute Justice (SOCRATES) person fulGills such function and not
take up roles of the other.
II. NATURAL LAW BASIS Two principal considerations of
Socrates: (1) no person is c. Particular Justice (ARISTOTLE)
- Teleological concept is based on the intentionally bad or evil because of
natural law of philosophy. his understanding of justice; (2) only The sound sense view of justice;
the temperate person knows good life is within reach of humans.
- Teleologists consider the natural law himself, thus able to bring his
as the most potent force in the emotions under control. The basis For Aristotle, Justice is nothing more
development of legal institutions and of know Thyself. pretentious than the virtue of
concept. epiekeia (being reasonable, equity).
Episteme – knowledge of Justice;
- Completeness of the legal order Doxa – mere opinion of Justice. Justice is sound and sensible when, in
can be achieved upon the precepts of light of circumstances, remains
natural law. A temperate person will do what is equal and fair. Consent cannot
virtuous and just (Gods), will also justify an unfair or unequal
- Good legal order can be deduced do what is ought and avoid what is treatment.
from natural law, hence universally ought not (for Obligations), will
valid for all people. also act properly and patiently It has become the concept of volunte
endure when necessary (Relation to non >it iniuria (to a willing person, it
III. THE GREEK CONCEPT Other Persons). is not wrong)
b. Rational Justice (PLATO)
- Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle (SPA), Hallmark of person’s moral: good
believed that good faith in dealing There is hierarchy of reality, faith and equality.
according to Plato. IDEAL and
Justice is a particular virtue and fairness and equality. He opposed good, which is preferable, because
NOT a universal ingredient in the prudence as a factor in determining common good of the whole is GOD
application of law. The rigidity of the justice or injustice of an act. It HIMSELF”
administration of justice should be may be prudent; but is it fair or not?
tempered with fair equality. Must satisfy the precepts of natural
b. Gaius law, when any rule departs from it,
Proportional Justice: entitled to then it is no longer valid but a
what they are entitled on the basis of Rules established by citizens to perversion of the law.
ability and achievement. govern themselves fall under jus
civile (civil law), while those common a. Justice
In Rodriguez v. Tan, where SC ruled to all based on natural law are
than Tan cannot be required to classiGied under jus naturale Justice as an ethical virtue; and
reimburse the salaries he had justice as a juristic norm.
received from plaintiff who was later Those that are in derogation of the
declared lawfully elected. This is natural law are not laws at all. Laws As ethical virtue: considered
particular justice, the salaries go to must be reexamined once in a inherent in every person.
the person who rendered the while.
service. As a juristic norm: it is the habit
V. AQUINIAN CONCEPT whereby man renders to each one his
d. Law as Product of Reason Related (Thomas Aquinas) rights by a constant and perpetual
to Justice and Equity will.”
Thomas Aquinas thought of the law
Righteousness, justice, fairness, and as an institution ordained by God. b. Law and Sovereignty
equality are potentialities of the law. The notion of nature as source of law
was substituted by power of God, The public welfare or the common
IV. ROMAN CONCEPT who is the legislator of the whole happiness is the `irst concern of the
justice and governor of all things. people since the direction of
a. Cicero (of being Fair and Just) anything to this end is the concern of
Aquinas believed in the rational those whom the purpose belongs.
Compulsion as an element of the law. capacity of human beings; what is
accessible to human reason is not The idea of self-determination, or
Cicero posited that the law cannot be divine law but only natural. sovereignty, is one of the gleaming
an effective means of social control on facts of Aquinian Tradition.
the basis of rationality alone, but Thomas held that human reason
must be able to compel obedience. inGluenced as it is by physiological Sovereignty is not subject to law, for
sensations is not suf`icient to bring it is the source of the law. It remains
For him, the law is a “natural force humans to a correct understanding of with the people by whom and for
that effectively controls society”. what is right and just. whom all government exists.
Its natural function is to summon the
people to obey it by means of Reason limited by sensation cannot c. Immutability of Law
commands and averts the discover the universal good;
wrongdoing thru prohibition. separates positive law from precepts According to Aquinas, changes may
of natural law. occur in the subsequent applications
Cicero deGined justice as the of law, and this may be by expansion
sentiment which maintains good Right reason is the governing rule of or contraction in accordance with
human relations by means of human conduct “for the common the civilization of time and place.
VI. MODERN TELEOLOGICAL ANALYSIS Interest of the state became a John Austin: the
cardinal standard, especially with relationship between
a. Juristic Approach regards to judicial interpretation and law and morality is
case review regarding the merely accidental and
In Greco-Roman-Aquinian, law is the government. not direct.
moral nature and good faith of man;
However, Kohler and Hook When they conform with the Keep a legal order apart
considered the knowledge of right interest of the state, they it is good from the perplexities of
and wrong, or good and evil relative and just.
to the changing conditions of time,
place, and people. Hume believed that an act or idea is
Legal order can exist
either approved or not based on the
public benefit from it.
without conscious
b. Ethical Relativity
regard for norms and
Kohler: natural law have no fixed In sum, justice is related to the morality.
meaning and may vary from time to interest of the state and makes of
time. “there is no ideal absolute or It no more than a social virtue. May b. Uncluttered by
absolute ideal”. No absolute formula not be endowed with fair equality. Metaphysical
in determining legal order in society. Speculations
Legal concepts, including law, have Empirical Sphere of
their own respective ideal I. SEED OF LEGAL POSITIVISM Reality rather than a
tendencies, not the same tendencies. transcendental sphere
Uses comparative analysis. By John of the ideas.
Hook: what is right depends on the
primary desires of the people. The Positivists has felt all
problem of what is right or wrong is along that it is better to
the equilibration of interest. Good Consciously created by the state.
As such, the law is positive, that is free the concept of law
and bad depends on our primary from metaphysical
desires. They change as these criteria to say posited by the authority of
the state. speculations.


Justice is induced by varying factors
and changing times.
Two important points that both
c. Interest of the State refer to recurrent question of According to Hobbes; there
separation of law from must be some coercive
The interest in the integrity and moral/natural law. power to compel men to
stability of the state has been the performance of an
considered the supreme morality or a. Law Not Necessarily a Moral agreement before the term
ultimate value of society. Concept just and unjust can take
Based on theory that if the state Law is not necessarily concern
cannot protect its own structure, or anxious for the norms of Hobbes posited that the
then it follows that no subordinate sovereign is not subject to
value can be protected. the laws for having the
power to make and repeal
laws. The sovereign may free V. PURE POSITIVE LAW RESPONSE b. Vienna Brand
himself from their subjection. (Pure Positive Law)
Positivist Jurisprudents insist that
All that is done by such power is nothing is immoral that is legal. Hans Kelsen removed
owned by the people. from the concept of law
However, moral view of the law any moral implications.
Austin: he opposed the idea of contends that for a law to be valid,
Blackstone that positive law is void it should be moral (like the RH Bill Very different from
simply because it does not conform being criticized because it goes Austin and Hobbes as
with the precepts of natural law. against common morality of family) Kelsen completely
(because again, positivist believe drops the moral
that even without norms or These debates gave birth to the connotations on the
morality, legal order can exist, Pure Positive Law. concept of law.
created by people)
a. Lausanne Brand Only considers
For him, conformity and validity (Pure Juridical Science) HUMAN norms and not
are two entirely different problems norms from other
with different solutions. Ernest Roguin felt strongly superhuman sources
that the answer to the problem (Gods, Nature, etc.)
IV. LEGAL POSITIVISM of validity of positive law lies
in pure juridical science Focuses on empirical
According to Austin. There is a consistent with the culture of law and not
clear-cut distinction between the people. transcendental norms.
morals and law, natural law and
simply just law. To wit: Consistent with the case of Thus, there is no reason
Codification of German Civil to misinterpret it now
Hart and Cairns both agreed with Code where Savigny and because he has excluded
Austin, but further pointed out that Gierke felt that application of it from the idea of
morals, norms, and natural law do Roman Laws in different natural laws and/or
have influence with positive law. German provinces is pure moral laws.
However, it is indeed absurd for insult to their volkgeist and
positive law to be null and void had been subjected to The law is simply not
when it is contrary to the same. unnecessary culture and pure when cluttered
traditions of another people. with axiological
Positivist Jurisprudence can be norms. The validity of
good or bad, sound or stupid/silly, Same thing happened in positive law no longer
as long as such badness or silliness codification of laws of the state depends on their
is general in scope, affecting all of New York, where James correspondence with
persons belonging to a class. Carter referenced Savigny ethical norms.
and Gierke.
Positive Law has its own Law is separate from
criterion/test own, namely the moral law and natural
three concepts it sits on: law.
Sovereign, Command, and
system of coordinated Thus, in the
i. Purification of norms of equal level, Normative Legal
Positive Law but a hierarchy of Order, the
norms of different authority of a
ONE, The nature of the levels. legal norm
law must be (law) is not only
presented For example, if a rule preserved but
empirically, it must lacks legal lineage, then also, its
stand on its own merit it cannot claim its place functions are
without make-up of in the hierarchy of clarified.
axiological ideas. norms.
Must be in
SECOND, It is the law A grandnorm hierarchy,
that is compromised (unchallengeable) is because it
and loses its power as a conceived by a commands
means of social control collective will, capacity people, it makes
in clash of diverse and competence of it different from
political values. people free from social norms
axiological ideas. It that are
On the first, law can doesn’t originate nor considered
be immanent (innate) depend on equal in
in nature only if the moral/natural law. standing.
nature is a lawgiver.
To set a norm is a Question of Legal norms
function of will, and Normativeness have both
human will is a psychic incentive and
phenomenon different The answer deals with sanctions
from human reason. the difference of an is- which
statement, and a distinguishes
Human reason can only should-statement. them from
adapt and know norms, social norms.
but it is human will that The is-statement
can create it. expresses a simple For Kelsen,;
reason/motive for juristic concept
On the second, It is action. While, the (depends on
ideal to preserve the should-statement pure facts of
theory of positive law expresses a different coercion), while
from influence of any kind of reason, it is a for Austin and
political tendencies. tense indicative of a Hobbes;
conscientious desire psychological
ii. Normative Legal to do an obligation. one (to comply
Order (without any thought of in fear and awe
getting away from with the
The nature of Law anything) state/sovereign
(Positive) is not just a )
iii. Empirical Justice

Kelsen was after justice

that is real and
possible, FACTUAL.

In relation to legal
ordering, justice is real
and possible when it is
appropriate to the evil
which the society has
right to avoid.

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