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some mathematical properties of a system of quasi-linear partial differential equations. In the process, we will establish a classification of three types of partial differential equations all three of which are encountered in fluid dynamics. * Discuss the classification of quasi-linear partial differential equations Consider the system of quasi-linear equations given below. .(@) du, du, wa 5 thet G+ do =f (2 029g tbe Gy tg + a (2) where u and v are the dependent variables, functions of x and y, and the coefficients a1, a2, bi, bs, c2, ¢2, di, ds, fy and f; can be functions of x, y, u, and v. Furthermore, u and v are continuous functions of x and y3; we can imagine that u and v represent a continuous velocity field throughout the xy space. At any given point in the xy space, there is a unique value of u and a ‘Ox’ dy’ Ox’ ay are finite values at this given point. We could imagine going into this flow field if it were set up in the laboratory and measuring both the velocities and their derivatives at any given point. . eae : a a dv av unique value of v; moreover, the derivatives of u and v i.e. 28, 2% Consider any point in the xy plane, such as point P in Fig. 1. Let us seek the lines (or directions) through this point (if any exist) along with the derivatives of u and v are indeterminant and across which may be discontinuous. The special lines that we are seeking are called characteristic lines. To find such lines, we recall that u and v are continuous functions of x and y and write their total differentials as LF) x OOLIILOT IOS IISIIS. LLL COILCLOLALSL! Solution: On comparing given Eqs. with Eqs. written below ‘Solution: au’, au’, av’, ov OU a = 0...) ay tay tt Gx 1 ay au’. au’ av’, av’ ay t+, 5— = 0... (2) aa tbe a tea a + Se ay We have a, = 1—M3; by = 0; cy = 0; dy = a, = 0; b= 1; cg = dg = 0 Restating these values in terms of a, b, and c using Eqs. and c=b,dz — bad, We have a=-(1-M3) b=0 and Hence, from the quadratic formula 2a dx —2(1 — M2) dy _+V8ME-D_ 5 a 2B) * Jaga © , of equations given by Eqs. (1) and (2) can be written as ee a= ayy — 264; b = —(aydg — apd + bxC2 — baci) b+ Vb%—4ac _ dy _ 4V-4-G = MBICD Examining Eq. (3) for the case of supersonic flow, M.. > 1, there are two real characteristic directions through each point, one with the slope = (M2, — 1)~°5 and the other with slope = — (M3, — 1)~°5. Hence, for Mc > 1, the system of equations given are hyperbolic. On other hand, if M.. < ) 1, the characteristics are imaginary and the equations are elliptic. The system

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