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Increasing meaning of manufacture and technology for competitiveness of being dynamically further developed within
enterprises causes that engineers are still and still more confronted with IE, it uses knowledge management elements
complicated issues having great market, economical, social and ethical at the current time as well as globalization,
consequences. Industrial engineering grants the appropriate professionalism digitizing and artificial intelligence elements
to solve these issues of enterprise practice. and as a whole, it is now designated as a
“Smart Factory” [Dvořák 2010].
The ambition of industrial engineering is to to simplify, improve, accelerate and During the recent ten years, industrial
prepare specialists who are able to search and streamline enterprise activities. Tools and engineering has passed through a great
implement system solutions of manufacturing methods of industrial engineering like development and it had to react very quickly
and supply problems, to increase efficiency project management, quality management, to new needs of industry and new business
of enterprise processes, who are able to plan modelling and simulation, system engineering systems. Companies started to establish new
and project manufacturing processes and and tools of statistics are used not only by organization units which were primarily aimed
systems, to provide their high productivity and enterprises in many industrial branches but at the industrial engineering fields, which
reliability and to eliminate all sorts of losses also in institutions of financial services and in really proves the importance of this branch.
and costs which do not create value added. other fields of non-manufacturing spheres. In spite of this, every industrial engineer faces
The indivisible part of the professional profile a new challenge in new dimensions of the
of an industrial engineer is also his ability to Short view to the history business system – an industrial engineer’s
participate in creation and implementation The essential ideas of industrial engineering role in pre manufacturing and development
of related innovation activities which are (IE) were put in practice and in the educational phases of the product; an industrial engineer’s
necessary to increase competitiveness process by such personalities like F. W. Taylor, role in service and non manufacturing
permanently. W. Shewhart and H. Ford are and it was companies; minimization of the business
done already since from the first mid 19th system; narrow specialization and a bigger
Characteristics century. The important personality at the next demanding character at details; designing
Industrial engineering is a multidisciplinary formulation of IE contents and strategy was of working surroundings of people at still
branch combining knowledge of the Japanese Shiengeo Shinga who since the growing older population; importance of
engineering field and experience of forties formulated the “IE school” which has information technologies; continuous changes
enterprise management. This branch should been studied by the whole industrial world in the business system and its role of the
use all available sources inside the company up to now. leader and carrier of changes [Denár 2011].
as effectively as possible, which are e. g. The American Institute of Industrial
information itself, financial sources, human Engineers (AIIE) was established in 1948 Organization
work, knowledge and abilities of people and this started another IE phase. This of industrial engineering
etc. Therefore, its main task is to rationalize, phase is characterized especially by in the manufacturing process
optimize and improve manufacturing and completion of classical empiric methods by If any organization begins to deal with
non manufacturing processes. Industrial new theoretical approaches based especially building of the industrial engineering unit, at
engineering deals systematically with on mathematical methods, operational the beginning it must assess unambiguously
methodology aimed to project, plan, research, simulation modelling, etc. the optimization extent – manufacture
implement and to improve processes and Thanks to the development of computer versus administration versus service versus
implementation ability in the innovation field hardware and software, means originated development – moreover, connection of
with the target to provide their high efficiency during the second mid 20th century and industrial engineering with organization
and competitiveness. Changes are applied at these means were determined to analyse strategy, the level and importance of the
practice through projects which shall eliminate more extensive and more complicated production system building, competence of
all losses and to provide the highest possible manufacturing processes and systems. an industrial engineer and his classification
productivity. Industrial engineering can be At the same time, in this time period tools to the organization structure. Moreover, it
also understood as searching of methods (programs) begun to be created and these must assess the improvement system and its
how to perform and manage enterprise tools (programs) were based on usage strategy and to put the question whether any
processes in a simpler and quicker way with of human potential and its motivation at improvement system is available today or if
bigger quality and flexibility. solution of these tasks. This period gave the a new one has to be created. It is necessary
There is a great number of definitions birth of generally well known tools as CAD to take into account the level of enterprise
available to characterize industrial (Computer Aid Design), CAM (Computer culture and the level of resistance against
engineering and they more or less cover its Aid Manufacturing), CAQ (Computer Aid changes and to determine what is expected
true meaning; however, in their consequence Quality), PDM (Product Data Management), from industrial engineers.
they have the common base. The author´s CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) The organization of industrial engineering
definition is the following one: and many others are. is dependent on the particular enterprises
Industrial engineering is the comprehensive At the beginning of the 21st century all and companies as well as on their types of
social discipline, whose main function is to above mentioned tools were covered by the manufacture and services which they offer.
grant knowledge and abilities necessary term “Digital Factory”. The digital factory is The optimum work organization of this section

126 | MM Industrial Spectrum | Special Issue | 2015

Machinery and industrial engineering

is not uniquely determined and even it should engineering the the company. Among the department or the quality department. The
be not uniquely determined. The necessary main factors it is possible to mention: author [Dlabač 2011] met also the case when
condition which should be fulfilled is the fact • IE position within the organization structure; industrial engineering was subordinated
that this section must be an independent and • contents of its work, appropriate under the logistics section, under the financial
autonomous one and in the organization responsibilities and competence; management and the audit section or even
aspect, it should not be incorporated to • the system how to evaluate work of under the administration and maintenance
the manufacturing department or in other this section. of buildings. Which solution is the correct
departments. As e. g. [Denár 2011] mentions, Reality how the industrial engineering section one? Where industrial engineering should
the industrial engineering department should is incorporated can be very miscellaneous be incorporated? May be, there is no
unambiguous and generally valid answer
available to answer these questions. Its
Production system creation
incorporation should always result from
Change projects Change the organization strategy and from the fact
implementer Project manager
El. of wastage
what the organization expects from industrial
in processes of middle  Realization of optimalization projects engineering and what it wants to aim its
management across the various departments in
Member of the organization, defined by the
activity primarily at. And this is just often the
organization´s organization´s management stumbling block and one of the main carriers
top Project
 Realization of year´s savings within the
management manager
of later failure. In many cases, even the
Project organization
manager  Main focus on change project company’s management itself has no clear
of changes Project
management, implementation of idea about activities of this department or
the production system pillars in the

organization, conceptual work. about strategy of its next development. It is
manager Cost very often that comic situations can happen
Nr. 1 Lean and innovative enterprise
when industrial engineers can be found in the
engineer property management department or in the
Lean development
Lean administrative

Lean production

Lean logistics

Industrial engineer
center maintenance department. How can such a

situation occur? It is simple – the management
 Organization incorporation under the cost center does not know “where to put an industrial
 Implementation of annual savings within the center
 Main focus on eliminating waste, optimization of processes,
engineer” and so it subordinates him under
work standartization, visualization and visual management, the organization unit which is undersized at
production system strategy implementation.
Realization culture and target concentration the current time or under a manager who is
mostly inclined to it.
Fig. 2.1.1: Possible incorporation of industrial engineering to the enterprise structure [Denár 2011] Integration of industrial engineering in
the manufacturing department or in the
be incorporated directly under the general in Czech enterprises. In the most cases, this technology department – which is the most
director of the particular company and he unit is incorporated in the manufacturing common case at the current time – need
mentions the following reasons to do it: department, it is very often organized not be naturally bad. Indisputably, there are
• Industrial engineering methods must be under the technology department or the companies which agree with this position and
used in the whole enterprise, not only technological manufacture preparation in the case, that the carrying and primary
in the manufacture.
• Independent and unprejudiced view
of processes in organizations. Rationalisation,
• Creation of the production system as techniques Value Stream,
5S, Kanban,
of industrial enterprises
a continual tool for implementation Jidoka, SMED,
of the business organization strategy.
Teams, leadership,
Industrial engineering is not such an Informatics,
motivation, new
organizational forms,
unknown term in enterprises as it used software management design, TOC project
engineering operations research management,
to be sooner. Even in the Czech Republic VA, layout
there are many companies which have
incorporated industrial engineering in their Technology, Moderation,
Simulation, manufacturing
organization structure and due to this, they genetic and automation gainsharung
utilize efficiency brought by this section. In algorithms,
neural Robots, machines,
order to utilize its potential in the whole extent, networks, SW
transport systems
it is necessary to take into account a few of
factors which – in their final consequences –
Fig. 2.1.2: Integration of branches and methods in industrial engineering [Košturiak 2010]
influence considerably efficiency of industrial

2015 | Special Issue | MM Industrial Spectrum | 127


Finance Business Technologies Production Logistics Quality Industrial HR

and marketing engineering management

Cash CZ Development Primary Planning Safety and New projects HR

management production Health at Work agenda

Controlling Export Construction Painting Disposition Ecology Manufacturing Wages

purchase processes

Purchase Marketing Tool factory Assembly Expedition Manufacturing Non-manufact. Employees

quality processes development

Cooperation Customer

Fig. 2.1.3: Organization structure example [Dlabač 2011]

target of the department is only to improve New trends of industrial manufacturing and development stages,
procedures in manufacture or to solve mainly engineering and its aiming considering the character of the industrial
technical issues within the given product For long time, industrial engineering has engineer. This can be done thanks to
group, it can be very profitable to a certain not been only the domain of manufacturing his valuable knowledge from the view of
extent. Then, this incorporation is a rather companies. New trends in its branch can production system projecting. He is an
logical one. However, it cannot be expected be now aimed primarily at four essential excellent opponent of the designed solution
that the substance of an industrial engineer’s zones. The first one is represented by pre and a moderator able to solve potential
work will be fulfilled – i. e. optimization and manufacturing periods and development, problems correctly.
improvement of manufacturing and non- when companies try to involve the The second sphere is represented by
manufacturing processes [Dlabač 2011]. This industrial engineer more and more in pre administration and services. For example,
incorporation limits very considerably the
field of its activity with regard to competencies
throughout the company. Then, it is almost
impossible for an industrial engineer to deal Pre-manufac- Kanban, Pull, Simulation
turing periods synchronisation,
with optimization of administration processes organization balanced flow
and digital
e. g. in the commercial department, because Strategy Fractal Quality
it is sure that competencies of such a team enterprise processes
or such a IE section do not cover this field. If Change Team work Standartization
the potential should be used to the full extent of work

which is offered by industrial engineering ABC calculation Process

Target costing optimization
by its function, this department must be - rate reduction
Products and
wholly independent and autonomous and processes 5S and visual
management TPM
it must be incorporated directly under
Value flow Lean layout,
the general director in the organization BSC, Hoshin mapping production cells
structure. In such a case, the engineering
Process Operation
department chairman becomes a part management research TOC

of the top company management. Then, Strategy Jidoka,

development poka yoke, LeanSigma
he has a unique opportunity to influence management andon
efficiency throughout the whole organization Flexible
structure. However, the condition of such an
incorporation is conviction – or better to say
goodwill to optimize not only manufacturing
Fig. 2.1.4: Methods, tools and processes of industrial engineering [Košturiak 2010]

128 | MM Industrial Spectrum | Special Issue | 2015

Machinery and industrial engineering

Industrial engineering is based on the simple idea that if the input sources invested in business (money, human work, material, information, knowledge and abilities,...)
are used more effectively, this will support the profit creation, which is the business core. It means that the industrial engineering task is to improve processes within
the company, especially the essential processes – those ones which provide company’s “living”. The substance of process improvement is elimination of wastage,
What is the matter ? The term “wastage” can be understood as everything what the manufacturer invests in the product in various ways and what the manufacturer
spends money on, but the customer is not willing to pay for it. All negative phenomena which can be seen in industrial enterprises and in other organizations can
be named here: waiting for anything, searching of anything, prolonged or useless manufacturing operations, long transport, big stock, employees are not utilized
properly, bad care of machines and other equipment, incorrect spatial manufacturing layout, mess caused by bad rules, incorrect communication. [Ježek 2009]
Two groups of methods are used in practice to limit wastage, namely the essential one and the comprehensive one. The first group is aimed at the particular and
usually narrow group of problems in the production system and it represents the “best practice” at their solution. The benefit of these methods cannot be reach in
another way. The result of their utilization is the tangible process improvement. They are usually simple, they bring the first useful results in short time and they can
be usually assessed very well. They represent the improvement base. They shall be used as the first ones at implementation of industrial engineering.
The comprehensive (umbrella) methods behave in their part as benefit creators (they include unique approaches to the solution of the particular problem group).
Their most important feature is their ability to connect the essential methods to the units aimed usually at a greater field of issues in the industrial enterprise. Their
utilization in a “company beginner” brings many problems; on the contrary, the necessary condition is that employees of the particular company already have
some experience in the production system improvement.

Essential /
Method Main focus and contribution
The essential principle is “Do not continue in manufacture of a defective product”, because correction of defective
Jidoka production is great wastage. Manufacturing machinery and processes are adapted so that if a failure occurs in
(JD) E the product quality, they prevent this failure from its repeated occurrence in the production system. The problem
core is caught in the origination place, which enables to discover its true reasons and to perform quick correction.
Just in time The main idea is to deliver products “just in time”, which limits wastage in the form of useless stock. This comprehensive
(JIT) C method includes a great scope of production system changes which are enabled by “just in time” delivery.
Kanban This is a simple self regulating logistic method which can be used very widely for management of material
(K) E flows. It increases reliability of the production system and it limits useless stock.
Kaizen C One of the permanent process improvement systems based on the everyday improvement by small steps.
MOST E Method for standardization and improvement of work. It reduces labour-intensity and limits health hazard at work.
New assembly It implements the lean (wastage free) system of assemblies with middle and high complexity. It is related
(NM) C to assembly procedures, delivery of parts, spatial layout and work standards.
Five S This is the IE essential method to reach a permanently, well-arranged and clear working place
(5S) E as well as to have disciplined and qualified people.

Poka yoke This is the process improvement method which avoids manufacture of defective products, injury of people and damage
(PY) E of a machine. It is based on prevention of failures and errors and it uses simple technical means and team work.

Project management This is the main method for management and check of complex sets of activities – projects. It increases
(PŘ) E considerably chances to reach the project targets successfully at the right time and with appropriate costs.

Industrial moderation It accelerates improvement of processes, it encourages activity of teams,

(PM) E it enables rational management of workshops and efficient negotiation.

Quick change The method limits dramatically time wastage at manufacture changes at manufacturing machines
(SMED) E and on working places. It reduces work duration at planned maintenance, assembly and preparation of orders.

Six sigma The method uses summary of own tools aided at detection and elimination of errors in processes and products.
(6σ) C The aim is to reach the extreme process reliability for the adequate price.

Standardization The universal method based on the principle to find and spread the best practice. It was developed from one
(ST) E part of the Five S method and today it participates in creation of many process improvement tools.

Lean working place This is the method how to build the area saving working place with smooth material flows
– Lean layout C and productive manufacture.

Lean processes Summary of methods and partial tools for process improvement which are used independently
(LP) E or they are parts of higher units, e. g. permanent improvement methods.

The method is based on the principle of productivity increase in narrow system places. It provides simple tools
Limitation theory
C for process improvement and rational decision making. In its generalized form this is the extraordinarily high
(TOC) performance tool how to develop the production system within the company.

Totally productive This is the up to date maintenance system which includes activities of all employees in the company,
maintenance E which introduces the optimum conditions for machinery operation and increases the machinery utilization degree.

Permanent process This is the group of IE methods aimed at introduction and preservation
improvement C of the permanent process improvement system within the company.

Team This is the method how to create and develop various team types (manufacturing, process,
work C service and project teams, process improvement teams and simultaneous engineering teams)
(TP) and due to this, how to increase productivity of processes which the teams participate in.

This is the simple and straightforward method simplifying communication and information sharing
Visual management which contributes to simpler, more reliable, more economical and higher performance processes.
(VM) E It visualises information, desirable and undesirable states and in this way it improves processes
and simplifies management and check.


2015 | Special Issue | MM Industrial Spectrum | 129

new organization concepts originate in 5S method in practice properties into account (sensitivity to humidity,
banking, in insurance industry or in hospitals The server mentions the reference solar radiation, temperature, ...).
and industrial engineering gets here the main of one unnamed company which started to
word at solution of such problems like e. g. implement industrial engineering methods 3. Seiso (Cleaning)
standardization of work or work measuring in 2011. The first step was the 5S method The meaning of this word is clear – the matter
in administration. by means of which during rather short time is to keep the working place and its ambient
The third equally important sphere is the company succeeded in determination clean. It is useful to determine responsibility
creation of the working place and new of the essential rules regarding to the of the particular people for cleaning – be fair
requirements put on the working place which observation of standards and keeping of at work dividing. Also the places specified
is connected with the retiring age which is still order on the particular working places. At to store non conforming products or waste
increasing step by step. The current working the current time this company continues with must be located near to reduce time for
place must be designed so that sixty year the SMED method which shall contribute unproductive manipulation.
old people and even older people can work to the gradual reduction of idle time at
there. manufacture changes and to the complete 4. Seikutsu (Standardisation)
The fourth sphere is the specialization higher efficiency of manufacture. Standardization means permanent and
increase of industrial engineers related to 5S methodology has the target to improve repeated improvement of work organization,
the more and more sophisticated production working environment in an enterprise and of the working place layout and cleanness
system. Production machineries become due to this, to improve quality. The approach on the working place. This matter also deals
more multifunctional and the demanding is based on increased independence of with neatness of employees (suitable working
character is much higher, when this process employees, on team work and on leading of clothes, boots, ...) and their hygiene (e. g. on
is understood and followed. The more people. The designation 5S itself consists of those working places where medical aids are
demanding character of the production five Japanese words beginning with S: manufactured). The next target is to improve
system will force industrial engineers to be working environment in order to work quickly,
more specialized. It will not be possible more Seiri = order on the working place; with top quality and effectively. This is so
that the industrial engineer can have such a Seiton = classification, good arrangement; called visual management.
knowledge range as he has now, if he wants Seiso = cleanness, keeping of order;
really go to the process core. Seikutsu = standardization; 5. Shitsuke (Discipline)
Industrial engineers assert themselves Shitsuke = training. When 5S principles are observed, the
more and more in non manufacturing discipline is very important – especially the
organizations. In foreign countries a great The following text presents the generally managing people must serve as examples.
effort is devoted to the lean hospital concept valid translation of 5S methodology from All employees should become acquainted
which is aimed at elimination of losses the Japanese original (English equivalents with company rules and with 5S principles.
and improvement of processes in medical can be found in parentheses). Repeating is the mother of wisdom and it is
institutions. At the very beginning, the total surely useful to repeat training after some
process starts to solve the issue how to define 1. Seiri (Organisation) time. The target is to create suitable habits
the customer. Is the customer a patient or The target is to separate necessary of employees already at their entrance on
pharmaceutical companies, manufacturers and unnecessary things. Separate the the working place.
of medical technology, insurance offices etc.? unnecessary things and remove them from 5S methodology has been used in Japan
All of us surely agree that the customer is your working place. Think also about the for very long time. Most of Japanese
a patient. However, the paradox is that this fact how the fixtures, jigs and other material applying 5S understand this approach
patient as the customer can influence the which are not used at the current time were not only as improvement of the physical
fewest things. The lean hospital concept used sooner and whether these are still environment but also as a way how to
results in principle from the lean enterprise needed. Deal with documentation in the improve the process of thinking. This
concept. similar way. The ideal way is also to check method can help not only on the working
The main errors in the post and activities once every month whether this principle is place but also in private life.
of industrial engineers can be especially seen observed.
in their local acting within the company and Study of industrial engineering
subordination to local targets, weak support 2. Seiton (Neatness) The demand of enterprises for industrial
by the company management, insufficient The sense of this word is to locate the engineering graduates increases most of
communication with other people and necessary and used things in such a way all for the reasons that enterprises need
weak presentation of the obtained results, that they can be used simply and quickly, i. to increase productivity and efficiency of
orientation only to work analysis and its e. you should locate the things used more enterprise processes with the target to reach
measuring, justification “why something often on a nearer place. Mark clearly their increase of production competitiveness.
cannot be done” and of course, also their location so that everybody can know what The interest is especially in the ability of
work “from the table” without the necessary can be found where. Pay attention also to industrial engineers to use analysis for
contact with the actual process. safety of their placement and take special identification and solution of problems,

130 | MM Industrial Spectrum | Special Issue | 2015

Machinery and industrial engineering

to formulate the desirable solution within

economical, source and time limits, the ability • Technical systems • Management and leading of people
to perceive coherences related to the solution • Problem solving techniques • Projecting of systems
implementation and knowledge of work Technical systems Management a vedení lidí
with tools like software, model approaches, • Industrial engineering • Team work
simulation, etc. are. • Enterprise organization • Efficient communication
• Enterprise logistics • Leading of people and time management
The employee of the industrial engi- • Manufacturing systems • Moderation and presentation techniques
neering department must have knowledge • Information systems, planning and • Enterprise economy and investment
management of manufacture controlling
about technological ability of product • Quality management, TQM, Six Sigma, TPM • Improvement of enterprise processes
designs, about the manufacturing process • Industrial audits
(manufacturing technology, manufacturing
organization, qualification of people, Projecting of systems
Problem solving techniques
• Projecting of manufacturing systems
capacity demands, logistics, application of • Value analysis
• Ergonomy and projecting of working places
• Process management
lean manufacture principles, etc.) and about • Innovation and innovation process
• Work analysis and measuring
the manufacturing system (manufacturing • Simulation
• Project management
• Operation research
machinery and equipment, their productivity • Process teams
• Limitation theory
and efficiency). Great demands follow from • Marketing bases
• Applied statistics
• Enterprise and manufacturing strategy
the above mentioned which are put on his
previous comprehensive education in the
Structure of industrial engineering study [Košturiak 2010]
technology and management branch. And
how are universities prepared to fulfil these
requirements of employers? and economical operation of integrated Unlike the foreign countries, the Czech
Our nearest neighbour, Slovakia, has a manufacture and the service system Republic has a very limited offer of study
rather wide offer of industrial engineering with utilization of people, materials and programs or of industrial engineering study
branches. We can find them most of all at equipment. The field of activity will include branches. The comprehensive industrial
the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of not only the essential manufacturing engineering study branch is provided only
University in Žilina (levels Bc., Ing., Ph.D.), and high tech manufacturing processes by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of
at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering necessary for economy, but also service University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (levels
of Technical University in Košice (levels Bc., organization like banks, medical institutes, Bc., Ing., Ph.D.) and in a small scope also
Ing.) and at the Faculty of Environmental libraries and government offices are. by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of
and Manufacturing Technology of Dutch Delft University of Technology Technical University in Ostrava (level Bc.).
Technical University in Zvolen (level Ing.). offers the industrial engineering study All other Czech universities teach subjects
The offer of industrial engineering at the Faculty of Industrial Design coming under the IE branch independently
study has reached a great boom at most Engineering. Let us look at the study within various study branches and they
of technical colleges and universities description (see are not connected to each other. E. g.
in advanced countries in the whole “We will teach you how to design but for this the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of
world, where this study is provided by purpose, it is necessary to have essential Technical University in Liberec teaches the
independent institutions and departments. knowledge about designing and mechanical industrial engineering subject in the branch
As the most important ones it is possible engineering which you will have to learn “manufacturing systems” and the Faculty
to mention Stanford University (USA, – for example, a folding ladder must be of Mechanical Engineering of Technical
7th place in Global University Ranking, designed to be stable and safe. You must University in Brno teaches the subject
rating of all universities in the world); know when to use which material kind. You of mechanical engineering technology
University of California, Berkeley (USA, will study microelectronics and information and industrial management within the
18th place); University of Michigan (USA, science, you will learn shaping of products mechanical engineering branch.
25th place); ETH Zürich (Switzerland, 72nd and to assess critically their design. After Our oldest technical university, Czech
place); Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial all, the dishes used at a festival banquet Technical University in Prague, Faculty of
Engineering (Germany); Delft University differ very much from the plates and cups Mechanical Engineering offers study of some
of Technology (Netherlands). which you use when camping.“ subjects belonging to the industrial engineer
For example, let us mention University The program of industrial design profile (e. g. projecting of manufacturing
of California, Berkeley (USA) and its engineering has been at Delft University systems, modelling of manufacturing pro-
department of industrial engineering of Technology for almost forty years and cesses and systems, quality management), but
and operation research. The author had it is the oldest and greatest in its kind. there is no comprehensive program available
the opportunity to visit this university Almost 4 000 graduates have studied at the result of which will be represented by the
personally in October 2012. The industrial this university up to now and it has been industrial engineer.
engineering profession includes here established as one of the leading designer What is missing at the above mentioned
projecting, organization, implementation program in the world. home universities, this is narrow connection

2015 | Special Issue | MM Industrial Spectrum | 131

with industrial practice in the form of After half a year the author and Prof. Literature used to Section 2.1
managers’ involvement in teaching at Marek were contacted by the management [Debnár 2011] DEBNÁR, P. New Trend in
least in 40 % share. It is impossible that of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Industrial Engineering Branch. Magazine
the subjects coming under the industrial Mining Technical University and they were Success, 2011, vol. 1, p. 6-9. ISSN 1803-5183
engineering branch are taught by invited to active cooperation determined to (in Czech)
academic pedagogues who are with prepare the industrial engineering branch at [Dlabač 2011] DLABAČ, P., PAVELKA, M.
their knowledge very far away from the this university. The elaborated material has Industrial Engineering in the Enterprise
actual manufacturing practice. Of course, been modified in dependence on the school Organization Structure. Magazine Success,
there will be no interest in their product – and regional needs, the Industrial Council 2011, vol. 3, p. 6-9. ISSN 1803-5183 (in Czech)
in a competitive student – in the market was established at the Faculty of Mechanical [Dvořák 2010] DVOŘ ÁK, R. Industrial
environment. Engineering of Mining Technical University Engineering – Saviour of faculties of Mechan-
All of this was the reason why the author and its members contribute to make the ical Engineering? MM Industrial Spectrum,
together with the team of four people from final material form and now it is prepared 2010, vol. 11, p. 10-11. ISSN 1212-2572
the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering for accreditation (situation in June 2015). (in Czech)
of Czech Technical University in Prague [Janíček, Marek 2013] JANÍČEK, P., MAREK, J.,
and with consultation contribution by Prof. Conclusion et al. Expert Engineering in System Conception.
Jiří Marek (Toshulin, Technical University Industrial engineers project, implement, 1st ed. Praha: Grada, 2013. 592 p. ISBN 978-
in Brno) were working almost eighteen plan and manage comprehensive integrated 80-247-4127-7 (in Czech)
months very intensively to prepare manufacturing systems and systems specified [Ježek 2009] JEŽEK , O. PRODUKTIVITA.CZ.
teaching of the industrial engineering to provide services and they provide high
branch on the bachelor and master levels performance, reliability, fulfilment of terms inzenyrstvi-prehledne/What-Is-Industrial-
at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and management of costs in these systems. Engineering-and-what-It-Serves-for.html
of Czech Technical University in Prague. These systems integrate people, information, (published in April 2009) (in Czech)
These people and 35 representatives technological equipment and processes, [Marek 2013] MAREK, J. Designing, Enterprise
of manufacturing companies defined materials and energy in the whole life cycle and Innovations (Searching of Coherences).
knowledge of an industrial engineering of the particular product or service. 1st ed. Praha: Autodesk, 2013. 222 p. ISBN
graduate and based on this, they Industrial engineers should be integrators 978-80-260-3984-6. (in Czech)
prepared the study plan and drafts of the of science, commerce, and technology Working materials while designing the
particular subjects for both study levels. having the ability to solve a problem in industrial engineering branch at the Faculty of
More than one half of subjects should its technical, human, information and Mechanical Engineering of Czech Technical
be taught by professionals from practice financial aspects. Industrial engineers University in Prague (Prof. Zelenka, Prof. Freiberg,
and a great number of projects would be are required to have sufficient knowledge Prof. Marek, Ing. Dvořák, Ing. Beránek,
solved together with them. Unfortunately, about functions and operation of the Ing. Volf)
the university management represented particular elements within the industrial Working materials while preparing industrial
by Dean Prof. Hrdlička had no interest in enterprise and to be able to organize and engineering at Mining Technical University in
this branch. manage projects of enterprise changes. Ostrava (Ing. Dvořák, Prof. Marek)

132 | MM Industrial Spectrum | Special Issue | 2015

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